Tag Archive: spirituality

How to Overcome Depression and Reignite a Passionate Connection to Life and Spirit

on healing depression…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a 38-year-old single mom. I work in the mental health field, am studying the healing arts, and have a long history of being intuitive. I also come with a history of abuse and have worked hard for many years to live a stable and healthy life. This year I made some changes that included leaving my fiance and moving to another state. I know in my heart of hearts I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Many wonderful opportunities have come my way to make all of these changes possible. Here’s the part I am having a hard time understanding: Before I became more stable and healthy, I used to experience times when I felt very connected to Spirit and had feelings of hope. Now that I’m older and in a much better place in my life than ever before, life seems rather dull, and I often find it difficult to tap into the positive feelings of Spirit. Is this common depression due to all the recent changes in my life, or am I suffering from spiritual disconnection? What can I do differently to jumpstart some positive feelings toward Spirit? Many blessings and thank you!
– Lisa

Dear Lisa:

Most likely you’re just in a phase of integrating what you’ve learned in the past and enjoying some of the fruits of your labors before your next big adventure begins. It’s like when we start a new level of school: At first, it’s thrilling and unnerving, but after a few months, what once seemed exciting has become a dull routine.

For quite some time you had some really big, dramatic challenges to chew on. Now that you’ve managed to build a solid foundation for yourself and things are going more smoothly, you’re more content but life seems less exciting and meaningful.

Many people are unknowingly addicted to the emotional highs and lows of lots of drama. Constant angst makes them feel alive and gives them something important to do. They think they want life to get easier, but when it does, they sabotage themselves because life seems boring, or they wonder why, now that they have everything they thought they needed, they aren’t as happy as they expected to be. Of course, as we evolve, it’s natural to experience less drama, hardship and conflict since we’re gaining wisdom and our vibration is rising, which empowers us to create what we want in our lives.

People who struggle with depression for long periods of time suffer from a lack of strong desire. Life is actually too easy; what they need is a big challenge. When a crisis arises, people who couldn’t get out of bed to go to work can suddenly leap into action. It’s passionate desire that makes us feel alive – not the fulfillment of that desire.

There is a certain point in everyone’s spiritual development when what you’re describing is common. After we’ve conquered the basics of survival and pulled ourselves together emotionally and psychologically, we may have no idea where to go from there. At this point, we must redefine our sense of meaning and purpose in life because we’re ready to shift from focusing on keeping our heads above water to empowering other people.

Through our own suffering and struggles, we develop compassion. Once we’re out of pain and hardship ourselves, we can help people who are still in it. Some people have a natural desire to be of service to others, while others don’t really see the point. If you remember that when you leave this life, you’ll go through a life review, and how well you loved yourself and others will matter more than anything else, then you’ll see that there is a lot in it for you if you devote yourself to being of service.

Please also remember that depression can often signal the beginning of new spiritual growth and awareness. Depression turns our focus inward, away from the endless distractions of the outer world. Our desire to leave this emotional pain behind motivates us to ask new questions and find new answers. Eventually, we emerge from depression on a higher level of experience, with new personal potential. It’s natural for boredom and depression to arise during a period of relative abundance and stability because it’s at these times that we can work on making inner progress.

Our higher selves are constantly pulling us toward the realization that we are already whole and always connected to the Divine. It’s the ego that feels lost, dissatisfied and separate. When one pursuit after another fails to fulfill our longing for something greater, eventually we recognize that we’ve been chasing our own tails the whole while – that we’ve had what we are longing for all along.

The answer, then, is to know and remember this truth. By recognizing that we’re in ego when we’re unhappy, we can remember to shift our vibration higher and focus on the one thing that has been with us from the beginning – our own Divine nature.

Here are some more tips for cultivating the habit of feeling alive, passionate, inspired, and connected to Spirit:

  • First make sure your physical habits encourage well-being, happiness, personal power and high energy. Eat fresh, high vibration food, get regular exercise, get enough sleep, etc.
  • Meditate to uncover and connect with your true nature, which is always content and at peace. Recognize that you determine how excited you are about life, and you determine the quality of your connection to Spirit. The same feelings of magic and excitement you experienced in the past are always available to you.
  • Read spiritual books, especially books about near death experiences, the afterlife and the law of attraction. Watch movies like Joe Versus the Volcano, Shirley Valentine, Under the Tuscan Sun, Contact, Patch Adams, etc.
  • Live on the edge. Ask yourself what you would do if you could do anything, and then go for it. Reach for dreams so big that they thrill you a lot and scare you a little.
  • Find ways to help people who are struggling with challenges you’ve overcome. Begin to teach. Organize a support group or book club for spiritual seekers, or find some way to help people who are a step or two behind you.
  • Experiment with spiritual subjects that interest you. You could focus on manifesting amazing things, join a mediumship development circle, try some EVP research. Push the envelope in terms of what you believe is possible.
  • Actively dialogue with Spirit. Ask what you can do to move forward and manifest a sense of connection, wonder and excitement about life again, and then watch for signs to come to you.
  • Remember that if you’re bored or feeling lifeless, you’re not fully awake. The Universe is an incredible place! There is so much to learn about, so many places to see, people to meet, things to explore. The possibilities are endless. If you’re not seeing anything to be amazed at or excited about, you’re not really looking. There is always something new to learn or invent.
  • Volunteer at a children’s hospital, a hospice or a prison. Nothing will make you feel happy and grateful like being regularly reminded of how truly blessed you are.

– Soul Arcanum

A Spiritual Response to Global Crises

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I feel so unsettled these days because of the crisis in Japan. How do you feel about this? Are we going to get through this? 


Dear Ka:

Please note that I do not intend to make light of the situation in Japan or human suffering in general. My heart goes out to those who have lost their loved ones, homes and businesses in this tragedy, and to all who face an uncertain future – which includes you and me, my friend. However, in asking for my opinion, I assume that you are seeking a higher spiritual perspective on all of this. From this higher spiritual perspective, I can see that all is well and that there are valuable lessons and opportunities in this situation.

The reason you are feeling uneasy is because the whole world is feeling uneasy. Your unsettled feelings belie the fact that we are all connected; what happens to one happens to all on some level. This is perhaps the greatest lesson humanity is in the process of learning right now.

We live in exciting times. It wasn’t that long ago that an earthquake could have devastated Japan and only those present would have known about it. Now we are all connected on more than a spiritual level; we instantly receive news of what is happening across the globe in vivid, full-color images. Further, given nuclear technology, what happens in other parts of the world could have a devastating effect on us here.

I believe that what we see happening on a physical level mirrors what is happening on a spiritual level, and that the political and ecological problems we are facing arise from an inner spiritual crisis. When we began to question and reject organized religion, we lost more than just false beliefs and illusions: most of us also lost all sense of the sacred. This created a hole in the soul of the world and left many people spiritually adrift. It also encouraged the abuse of the planet and other people, for if nothing has meaning, then life becomes entirely materialistic. It’s then every person/country for itself in a race to gobble up as many resources as possible before someone else gets there.

To me it just makes sense that in order to address the crises we see in our outer experience, we must look to what is happening on an inner level. For one thing, it is from the inside that we make decisions: it is our values that determine how we treat the planet and each other.  Further, the seeds of physical existence are planted metaphysically; the state of the physical world reflects what is happening on a spiritual level, so to change what is happening in the outer world, we must change what is happening within.

Just as we can now fly around the world and connect with people on other continents via phone and internet, we are all growing more and more overtly connected. This is moving us toward the realization that we are not separate individuals, separate races and separate nations, but all part of one big family sharing the same planet and resources. Whether it is by divine design or not, tragedies like the one in Japan are awakening us all to the realization of Oneness.

I am sure that we are all going to get through this, but it may not happen here on Earth unless we wake up and develop a respectful attitude toward all life as sacred. Our ancestors had a healthy respect for nature; events like the earthquake and tsunami are reminders that we are completely dependent on the same nature we are so determined to conquer and exploit. The reason I believe we will all get through this is because I know we are more than our physical bodies. Since we are all multidimensional beings, when we die, we will all continue to exist in other dimensions. The earth plane is a place of limited physical resources and extreme contrast. We incarnated here to have an intense experience in hopes of achieving tremendous spiritual growth. We shouldn’t be surprised that Earth isn’t one big amusement park, for that’s not what we signed up for: We came to develop the wisdom to choose love over fear, and to do that, we have to have unsettling experiences.

You are understandably afraid. The news is full of frightening information about war, ecological destruction and every sort of tragedy imaginable. While it’s understandable to feel afraid, I’d like to submit that your fear is a call from your soul to find new faith and reach for light instead of succumbing to darkness.

You begin to do this by holding a vision that is beautiful and peaceful. You can send prayers to those in need and imagine everyone coming together to help each other. If there is something overt you can do to help those who move you with compassion, do it. Otherwise, vow not to be sucked into fear and despair but instead to keep your inner light burning bright so it can shine out to others and illuminate their way.

To manifest global positive change, we must join together to promote what we value. Scientific research has shown that group meditation can create a powerful positive influence on the collective consciousness of society. While there have always been natural events like earthquakes, if we unite in appreciation of the sacred nature of the planet, we may not have to deal with nuclear fallout on top of whatever Mother nature dishes out. Perhaps if humanity grows more peaceful, the planet will as well. For more information on transcendental meditation, visit istpp.org and tm.org.

By affecting collective consciousness, we begin to change what is happening on the spiritual level from which physical existence arises. The same unified field of consciousness that has made you feel uneasy can be used to generate new peace, love, harmony and well-being. You’ve been receiving impressions from the unified field of human consciousness; it’s time for us all to start purposefully sending positive vibes out.

To find your own way to new peace, regular meditation should prove powerful, for it will lead to the development of equanimity. You will then be at peace regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. In addition to meditation, I recommend learning how to have out-of-body experiences, for aside from having a near-death experience, this is the most profound way I know to conquer fear of death and awaken to the truth that we are all multidimensional beings. For a comforting peek at what astral travel can do for you, check out this fascinating talk by Jurgen Ziewe.

When you realize that the Earth is just one dimension of many and that we will all leave it one day for other worlds, it’s easier to relax about what is happening around the globe. This doesn’t mean we stop caring. Rather, instead of running around telepathically yelling The sky is falling!, we are able to respond to whatever and whomever comes our way from a place of higher spiritual values.

I believe we are heading toward the realization of a global community and hopefully a period of greater peace and cooperation, for it is becoming ever more clear that what happens to one affects us all.

Soul Arcanum

Starting on a Spiritual Path

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I feel the need for greater balance in my life. At the moment, what I lack most is spiritual fulfillment. What would be a good way for me to start on this path? Where should I go to begin seeking spiritual guidance? There are so many paths out there; how do I know which is right for me? Since I am a Christian, numerous people have suggested that I go back to church, but the attraction is just not there. When I do go to church, the spiritual void I feel remains unfilled. Others have suggested that I try exploring other paths like Buddhism. Where do you suggest I start?


Dear Michelle:

You are already doing the most important thing: you are listening within and allowing yourself to be led to what you really need. You are also trusting your feelings to determine what does and does not feel right to you.

God/Spirit/the Universe whispers to us in our own hearts. The only way to determine the right path for us is to pay attention to how we feel and trust that what we long to do is what we are meant to do. Unfortunately, this is a far cry from what most of us have been taught. In my view, the “the Church” generally teaches people to distrust themselves. They are urged to follow a prefabricated set of rules instead of allowing their own heart and conscience to guide them to right action. Traditionally, the church has also asserted that one needs a priest to serve as intermediary between oneself and “God.” The Church not only discouraged a personal relationship with the divine, it suggested that for most people, this was an impossibility.

That being said, I believe traditional religion does have its place. People who are more rooted in their base instincts than a quest for spiritual growth are much like sheep who need shepherding. This is a natural stage in our spiritual evolution that we probably all passed through at some point. However, it is also natural to outgrow this stage: to start to question what we’ve been taught, think for ourselves, and hunger for direct personal experience in order to build a solid belief system. It sounds like you have recently reached that point in your own spiritual evolution.

The first step is to trust that your desire is trying to guide you. Allow yourself to go exploring with trust in your own interests, desires, instincts and intuitions. You might begin exploring by going to a local spiritual/metaphysical bookstore to peruse the possibilities. If you are in an open, relaxed frame of mind and trusting of your intuition, you will feel drawn to certain subjects and titles. Many people even have strange experiences where books fall off the shelves at their feet or strangers strike up a conversation during which they recommend titles.

While you’re there, check the bulletin board for a listing of classes, seminars, workshops, practitioners, groups and other offerings. There will probably also be a local spiritual magazine with articles by local teachers, a calendar of classes and events, and lots of ads for local spiritual practitioners of various sorts. You will discover options you’ve never even heard of before. Don’t become overwhelmed; if you listen within and trust your own interests and instincts, your intuition will guide you.

Sometimes we don’t feel called to a certain path simply because we haven’t yet stumbled upon the path that is right for us. If you are only considering whether to go back to church or explore Buddhism and neither of these paths is the one for you, then it’s no wonder you’re not getting a clear sense of direction. By exploring all the options available to you, you are more likely to hit upon something that really speaks to you.

Now that you’ve selected some books, start reading! One book and subject will naturally lead you to another and another. If you keep trusting your own curiosity to guide you, you will never run out of paths to explore. Similarly, if you have hit upon a class, group, or other local offering that seems intriguing, check it out.

A word of caution: no path is “perfect.” Just as you wouldn’t expect to like everything on the menu at your favorite restaurant, you probably won’t love every aspect and tenet of a particular path. Though I have had some wonderful spiritual teachers in my life, I haven’t agreed 100% with any of them.

Next, pick a spiritual practice you feel drawn to. This may be a certain form of meditation, an exercise like yoga or tai chi, chanting, prayer, or even community service. Whatever you choose, give it some time before you decide if it’s really for you or not. This will take some discipline and devotion. Getting spiritually in shape is a bit like getting physically in shape: if you judge a certain form of exercise based on how it feels the first couple of times you do it, you’re likely to give up before you begin to see its benefits.

Next, keep in mind that you are constantly creating your own experience of life. You can use the law of attraction to manifest spiritual abundance just as you would use it to manifest financial abundance. I count my understanding of the law of attraction as the most precious spiritual knowledge I’ve been blessed with this lifetime. No matter what you desire, working with the law of attraction is the way to get it. For this reason, I encourage you to study the law of attraction and start using what you learn to manifest the spiritual guidance and fulfillment you long for.

Do keep in mind that if you keep telling the Universe, “I don’t know what to do. I feel lost and empty,” then you will get more of that same sort of experience. If you tell the Universe, “I want magic! I want a clear sense of spiritual direction and deep sense of spiritual fulfillment” and you imagine how it will feel when you get that, then you will naturally begin to attract what you desire.

Finally, start a dialog with Spirit. Instead of just asking questions in your mind and heart, listen for insights and answers. Ask for signs to come to you and honor the ones you receive by acting on them. It’s wise to ask for signs to come in threes so you’re sure that they are what they seem to be.

Many years ago, I was in a similar place. I was having all sorts of spontaneous spirit communication experiences but I was far from being able to control or initiate them. I felt called to try to help people with this gift but since I couldn’t control it, that path seemed closed to me. Then I prayed to Spirit. I basically said, “If this is what I’m meant to do, then show me how I can learn to use this gift in a purposeful way.” Within two weeks, three different people had mentioned Lily Dale, New York, to me. This got my attention and I just “knew” I should go there. When I visited, I saw the school I ended up attending advertised on a flier, and I just knew I was going to go to the school. It wasn’t even so much that I knew I wanted to go to the school – I knew I was going to do it. This school proved to be the answer to my prayers.

You ask where you should begin to seek spiritual guidance. I recommend you stop asking other people (including me), and start asking God/the Universe/Spirit – whatever label you personally put on the source of intuition and inspiration. This is a very exciting time for you, my friend. May this new journey bless you with faith, wonder, and the spiritual fulfillment you desire.

Soul Arcanum

Keeping Spiritual Views Private

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been on a spiritual journey for a number of years now, and for the most part I’ve kept this to myself. Now and then, however, I get questioned about my beliefs, and for some reason, I’m really uncomfortable talking about them. For example, the other day I gave a coworker a ride home, and she noticed a spiritual book on the seat of my car and started asking me about it. Do you think I should be more open about my beliefs? It sort of feels right to keep them to myself.

Dear Margie:

I can totally relate to your question. In fact, most acquaintances know only that I’m a writer and editor: they have no idea about my spiritual work and beliefs.

For one thing, I have no desire to engage in endless intellectual debates. My ego used to get a kick out of that sort of thing, but I now feel it’s just a waste of time that I could be using for far greater purposes. Years ago I asked the Universe to do me a little favor. I requested that if someone would benefit from hearing about my spiritual views, then they would find a way to ask me about them that made me want to open up and share. I also asked that if such a conversation would prove less than uplifting or beneficial for either party, then I would be spared the hassle. Ever since, I’ve not really had a problem with this issue. I also don’t discuss politics, nor do I debate parenting styles with other parents, for these sorts of conversations tend to breed conflict instead of love and harmony.

Nevertheless, there are times when I do feel called to explain my spiritual beliefs to others. Before I go into how I do that, I would like to remind you that you are never required to reveal anything about your spiritual beliefs to anyone else. There is nothing more personal than your relationship to God or the divine, so give yourself permission to hold this area of your life close to your heart and protect it as sacred. Also, always listen to and trust your intuition. If you feel called to stay mum, then you’re wise to do so.

My next observation has become something of a cliche in New Age circles, but that’s in part because it has a lot of truth in it: its the idea that many free thinkers alive today were religiously persecuted in past lives, or witnessed other people being ostracized, tortured and murdered for their religious beliefs. This has naturally made us wary about opening up about any uncommon or unusual views we may hold. From former pagans who were burned as witches to the many people alive now who were murdered during the Holocaust, there are many in New Age circles who have been through hell for their spiritual beliefs and learned that it’s just not worth it to rock the boat.

We enjoy far more religious freedom now than we have since the dawn of civilization. For many lifetimes we’ve had to either conform or keep our views quiet, so this is a long-established habit. Keeping these things in mind can help us understand our hesitation to put our beliefs on the chopping block.

There is a bright side to this dynamic, however, as it creates some ideal spiritual challenges for us. We are all learning to think for ourselves and trust the voice whispering in our own hearts more than our priests, teachers, parents, therapists, or any other outside influences. As this is a huge step forward spiritually, it naturally entails the need to overcome some fears and other ego issues. We’re all learning to rise above worrying about what other people will think of our spiritual beliefs so we can fully honor our personal truths and put our relationship with God first.

We’re also learning the fine balance required to honor our own truths while respecting others’ at the same time. Arenas like politics and religion offer us great opportunities to practice finding a wise approach. So if you think you’re a good diplomat and you want a new challenge, you might see how things go when you try engaging others in deep conversations about their spiritual beliefs.

I also don’t see any real need to discuss these matters unless we feel called to do so. In my view, everyone is just where they’re supposed to be, and the law of attraction will deliver what everyone needs when they need it, so I feel no duty to pursue or avoid anything in particular in this domain. If someone asks me about my beliefs and it feels right and good to open up, I do so. If I feel at all anxious or uncertain, I just keep things light and general, and shift the focus back to them. (Fortunately, people love to talk about themselves, so this is never a hard thing to do.)

Besides, I already know my own theories and stories, and I am genuinely interested in others’ spiritual views and experiences, so I prefer to be the one asking the questions instead of doing all the talking. My goal above all is to remain open-minded and open-hearted, so really listening to others is essential.

In fact, when I encounter someone who is really intense about their beliefs, I always stop and ask myself how I’ve attracted this person and if I’m just as rooted in my own views as they are in theirs. I can get just as complacent as anyone else, and have to be reminded that there is much I haven’t learned yet. This sort of conversation is great for illuminating our own ego issues, whether they involve self-esteem/fear of rejection or the arrogant assumption that I’ve got things figured out better than the other person.

When talking to others about this sort of thing, I do find it really helpful to focus on my experiences more than my beliefs. I also find it wise to convey how I used to be much more mainstream (perhaps just like them) and was just as blown away by the things that happened to me as anyone else would be. This tends to diffuse any ego tension in such conversations because people will argue with general ideas but they can’t argue with what you say happened to you personally. Instead of getting defensive because they think I’m trying to convince them of something, when I just explain what happened to me, people tend to be more open.

Despite my careful approach, sometimes people do reject me for being strange or different from them. They don’t usually say that out right, but since I’m super sensitive, I know what they’re generally feeling. I’m the sort of person who wants everyone to like me, but I’ve learned that this desire is also rooted in ego, so I’ve learned to be at peace with rejection. (On the bright side, I figure being rejected saves me from continuing to try to connect with someone I wouldn’t want to spend any real time with anyway.)

If you find yourself feeling worried about what others think of you, you might view it as a red flag that you have an ego issue rearing its ugly head, and seize that opportunity to work on your relationship to yourself, which is far more important than any relationship you’ll have with another person. You’ll know that you’re free of ego issues when you can open up and share from the heart with respect for the other person’s feelings but no concern for how they may judge or perceive you.

– Soul Arcanum

Why Psychics are So Darn Weird

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve long had a secret interest in spiritual/psychic matters. I’ve kept it secret because of the general stereotype of “New Age” people. I’m sure you’re familiar with it: most “psychics” seem to be flakey, out of touch with reality and lacking in common sense. Further, they often seem to have trouble with some pretty basic stuff, like being on time and paying their bills. They also dress funny and freak people out with their strange views. For example, my brother’s wife is a very kind person, but she says some crazy stuff. At the wake following my father’s funeral, she announced to all within earshot that my dad was present and enjoying the party immensely. She made us get very quiet and then asked if we could feel him there too. While I believed it was entirely possible that my dad WAS present, I thought my poor mother would faint! Later when the family was talking about how freaky my sister-in-law is, I didn’t say a word, because I don’t want to viewed as a freak too. Why do so many “spiritual” people seem to be so darn weird?

Dear Deanna:

While stereotypes often cause all sorts of problems, that doesn’t mean they’re totally false. You’re right: a lot of “spiritual” people have many of the traits you describe. What you probably don’t know is that there are whole lot of similar spiritual folks who slip past your weirdo radar. I know because I’m one of them. You don’t even know that we’re “psychic” or “New Agey” because we’re undercover!

Like you, we keep a low profile because sadly in this world, being a kind-hearted, spiritually focused student of esoteric wisdom often leads to social rejection. Being unconventional in any way has always been socially damning. At other times and places, being psychic or into the “paranormal” would bring one status and respect. It’s currently out of vogue in the Western world, however. This is simply a matter of “fashion” – the masses will eventually catch up with the world’s leading scientists, who are awakening to the wisdom of ancient mystical teachings via discoveries in quantum physics.

Additionally, a few high profile con-artists (like those %&*#$!!! psychic 900 lines) have created a climate where anyone who vocalizes an interest in psychic matters is deemed to be just plain gullible. Highly popular religions have of course never let up with what they do best either: demonizing freethinkers of every breed. There are many other reasons psychic subjects are treated with scorn, fear and ridicule. Suffice it to say that I learned early on how freaked out some people are by even the word psychic, so I wasn’t about to openly share my strange personal experiences!

For years I thus remained quiet about my spirituality in my personal life, and to a large extent, I still do. If you met me at the gym or my kids’ school, you would never guess what I’m into spiritually. The point of all of this is that you are probably surrounded by people just like you: people who have psychic experiences or are at least interested in these subjects, but never let on.

I’m not proud of being undercover. In fact, I admire people like your sister-in-law, who don’t seem to give a darn what other people think of them. As I grow older, I’m learning how to be more and more like them. I like people who say what they think, wear what they want, and seem unconcerned about what other people think of them. Personally, I couldn’t bear the thought of my children being ostracized from the neighborhood play group because their mommy is a weirdo. I didn’t want them to suffer just because many people are incapable of getting past their social conditioning.

In my unique psychic view, everyone is “weird” beneath the surface. The more “normal” we seem to be, the more hung up we are by our social conditioning. Thus people who seem “weird” have just grown very good at being themselves. When we honor who we really are and live from our inner truth, we honor the Divine forces that created us.

Those of us who are uptight enough to keep our idiosyncrasies secret also tend to be good at things like being on time and paying our bills. We dress normally and adhere to other social conventions as well. We certainly don’t tell strangers what we see in their futures, admire their auras, or deliver every message from Spirit that comes our way. Because we care what others think, we rein our “weirdness” in.

It only makes sense that people who don’t care so much what other people of them wouldn’t worry if they are on time, if others think they dress funny, or even if their creditors are happy with them. They’re less likely to adhere to all sorts of conventions, including organized religious teachings. These are free thinkers and free spirits, God bless them every one! They are my favorite sort of people, for they demonstrate something I truly long for: the courage to honor all of who they really are.

Perhaps being highly psychic gives me a unique appreciation for people like this. You see, a psychic can feel the chasm between what a person says and does and who they really are. I’m sure everyone has had the experience of knowing that someone’s polite responses were not sincere. It’s an unsettling feeling, and someone who is highly psychic senses things like this constantly. It’s thus very refreshing to meet a free spirit and to have no jarring feelings of incongruity. What they say and do is who they really are!

Now, why are spiritual people so “out there” to begin with? Well, first of all, the more we walk a conscious spiritual path, the less centered we’ll be in mundane reality. Our heads are literally “in the clouds.” We ponder profound ideas and pay more attention to subtle energies than to little details such as what time it is. As I mentioned, we’re also more into honoring our true spirits than worrying about what others think of us. Thus we do what we like, dress as we like, and generally live as we like instead of conforming to social conventions. Further, free thinking, spiritual types tend to be more right-brained. This makes us less logical and practical, and more artistic and creative – more prone to act outside the box of convention.

Ideally, we will achieve a healthy balance between grounded competence in the physical world and wise awareness and understanding of all that transcends it. Those who achieve this balance often become spiritual leaders and teachers, for they are recognized by those in the mainstream as being both “sane” and wise. It sounds to me like you’re a great candidate for developing that sort of balance, but first, you’ll have to overcome your socially programmed bias against non-conformity.

To explore psychic matters and spiritual growth, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. It’s not like you’re going to catch some syndrome that leaves you sailing around outer space in gypsy skirts, spouting off every far out notion that pops into your head. You don’t have to give up common sense to explore higher worlds! There are lots of us who question everything we encounter in life. We research and test it, and only trust our own direct experiences. I don’t believe in anything I’ve not personally experienced – I’ve just learned that we can experience with far more than our five physical senses.

I encourage you to rethink your view of “spiritual” people, for you’ll not find a kinder bunch of people anywhere. If they push your buttons, it’s because you’ve got buttons ripe for pushing, my dear. While you’re busily judging them to be flakey, I’m sure they’re not labeling you uptight and critical; instead, they’re probably really paying attention to what you say, noticing who you are beneath the surface, and wishing you great health and happiness.

– Soul Arcanum

Spiritually Surviving Christmas

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

What do you think of Christmas? I feel so disconnected from it all. I know I’m supposed to be merry with the holiday spirit, but I just feel overwhelmed. I like watching my children get excited, but part of me feels detached at the same time, like it’s just a big game. Even when I get past all the materialism and focus on the beautiful spirit of Jesus, something just feels not right. Why do so many people get depressed at this time of year? Do you have any advice on how to get through it all?
– Jan

Dear Jan:

First, know you are not alone. A few weeks ago I was chatting with some of my closest women friends when one of them admitted that she hates Christmas. Another then piped up that she does too, and then I confessed that I wish I could skip the season altogether as well. A great sense of relief washed through the room as we realized that we are not alone in how we feel. These women are all very spiritual, positive thinkers, and yet three-fourths of them can’t stand the “most wonderful time of the year.” What is going on?

There are of course all the obvious issues. We’re strapped for time and money, exhausted, and overwhelmed with all we have to do. We force ourselves to spend time with family who stress us out or bring us down, to attend parties we don’t want to attend, and to host gatherings we don’t want to host. We let ourselves eat all kinds of junk we’d never eat any other time of year, and we often quit working out because we’re so busy. Further, Christmas falls at the time of year when the days are shortest, so many are depressed due to a lack of sunlight. All of this is enough to send anyone over the edge.

Since everyone is conspiring together in this great Christmas fantasy, the energy flying around is intense. The world is turned upside down for a month or so; life is totally twisted out of shape to accommodate the holiday season. People who are highly sensitive can be easily overwhelmed or otherwise affected by all that unusual energy. Further, they will subject themselves to holiday situations even though it doesn’t feel good because there are just some things we do during the holidays without question.

Aside from all of those obvious issues, however, I think many of us share your sense that somehow there is something that is just not right about Christmas. I believe that those who have a hard time swallowing the whole Christmas package are tuning in to a greater truth. It’s similar to how we feel when someone lies to us; something just does not feel right. Sensitive people can feel the dichotomy between what is going on around them and what is really true.

While I’m all for honoring the wisdom of Jesus’ teachings and celebrating the Light He brought into the world, Christmas did not begin as a celebration of the birth of Christ. In fact, Christmas celebrations pre-date Christianity. Long before Christ was born, Romans were celebrating Saturnalia on the winter solstice, which according to the ancient Soul Arcanumn calendar fell on or around December 25. It was a celebration of the rebirth of the Sun, for from that day forward, the days would begin to grow longer again. Saturnalia was a time of drunken debauchery; a week long party of dancing, drinking, sex and gift-giving.

Think about it: how do you translate the birth of Jesus into all we do today, such as decorating our homes with garlands and ornaments, kissing under the Mistletoe, giving each other gifts, etc.? All of those rituals were part of Saturnalia. Besides, we really have no idea when Jesus was born, but we can be pretty sure it wasn’t in December, or the shepherds wouldn’t have been in the fields tending their flocks.

Around the fourth century, Christianity grew popular enough for its leaders to begin challenging existing pagan traditions. In order to do that, they simply renamed some pagan customs, or blended Christian ideas with other holidays. In time, instead of worshipping the “Sun King,” people came to worship the “Son of God.” The holidays fall at the darkest time of year, when the descent into darker and darker days turns around, and the world grows lighter and lighter. Hanukah and Kwanzaa have also been traced back to pagan solstice celebrations, so regardless of the label we put on it, at its essence, the holiday season is basically a celebration of hope.

Given all of this, I feel that many of us dislike Christmas because it rings hollow. Though it’s supposedly a celebration of Jesus’ life, we can assume that Jesus Himself would not be a big Christmas fan. Those of us who cherish His true teachings would naturally have a hard time throwing ourselves into the holiday spirit. Further, we run ourselves ragged and drive ourselves crazy, and we don’t even know WHY we are doing it. We force ourselves to do things that are not in harmony with our inner truths, or we don’t do the things we need to do to remain balanced and centered in well-being. This ignoring of our inner truths in order to comply with outside expectations is exactly what causes depression.

The best remedy to holiday stress I’ve found is use a mantra to remain centered. The word I say to myself whenever I’m slipping into a funk is “light.” Jesus was the light of the world, and his teachings have enlightened us in so many ways. Saturnalia was a celebration of the world growing lighter. On a personal level, the best way to maintain a sense of well-being at this time is to “keep it light.”

Most people who dislike Christmas are really suffering from deep disappointment because the holidays generally fail to fulfill their hopeful expectations. People who are lonely or feeling a lack of familial love and warmth in their lives may do fine the rest of the year, but during the holidays may tend to weigh what they have against this perfect ideal of holiday magic and come up short. It is our expectation that the holidays should be overflowing with joy, laughter, peace and love that sets us up.

If we watch all the holiday movies and look around at our neighbors and believe that everyone else is having a perfectly jolly time, it’s natural for us to feel sad if we don’t seem to have it as good. If we weigh our adult holidays against the “perfect” holidays of our youth when our grandparents were alive, when our parents took care of everything and created “magic” for us, when we had no worries and blessed freedom from school for a few weeks, it’s no wonder we feel let down by the holiday experience of adulthood.

I now focus on “keeping it light.” I don’t expect the holidays to be a big joy trip. My goal is no longer to create the perfect experience for my family; instead, my number one goal is to just stay centered in well-being. Sometimes it helps to think of Jesus’ light. Sometimes it helps to just have fun, drink good wine and celebrate the coming spring like the Romans did. Sometimes it helps to shine my light on others and try to help them through this crazy time. Always, in some way, when I remember to “keep it light,” I find myself feeling more relaxed and peaceful.

I pray my mantra helps all of you to find the endless blessings and joys hidden beneath all the holiday hoopla.

– Soul Arcanum

Spiritual Keys to Health and Happiness

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

With the new year getting underway, many people are sorting out all that is meaningless from what really matters. I know this is probably a tall order, but if you had to sum up what you have learned from working with Spirit, what would it be? What do you believe is the key to health and happiness in life?
– Randy

Dear Randy:

This is indeed a tall order, but I’ll do my best.

At a fundamental level, feeling good is ultimately simply a matter of balance between desire and faith. Desire is what summons life force. If we were free from all desire, we wouldn’t be here. At the very least, we have a desire to survive. The more desire we have, the stronger our life force grows. A strong life force generates a sense of passion and vitality.

Now, some people have a lot of desire, but it’s not supported by enough faith: faith in their own ability to fulfill their desires, faith in the Universe as a benevolent place where desires can be fulfilled, faith in Spirit and humankind to be supportive. Their desire is big, but their beliefs are very limited. The limited beliefs choke off the life force, thus creating pressure, which is experienced as stress and frustration.

When desire and faith are in good balance, we experience various degrees of health and happiness. If you have very few desires and mediocre dreams, you don’t need so much life force to support them. So long as your desires and your ability to channel your own creative life force to support them are in balance, you’ll be relatively content and able to function. (Ho-hum). You may not feel vibrantly alive, but most people shuffle along through life at this “okay” level. They get up, they go to work, they come home, they order a pizza and turn on the TV, and then they get up and do it all over again the next day. They may sometimes wish for more, but not enough to actually get up and make it happen.

If you long for more than that, if you have big dreams burning in your heart, then you have to develop the big, positive beliefs and expectations to support those desires in order to enjoy health and happiness. (This is why big dreamers are always talking and writing about the power of positive thinking, the law of attraction, etc.) If you think about this, it only makes sense. If someone carries a very strong, burning desire to be president, but he doesn’t really believe he can succeed, he will live in disappointment and frustration. Those who HAVE become president had to want it tremendously and truly believe that they could make it happen.

When we’re ever pushing past where we’ve gone before, but not so far that we lose our balance, we feel alive, challenged and excited. In terms of our health, this may mean athletic conditioning and development. In terms of our work, this might mean seeking promotion or building a business. In terms of relationships, this might mean striving for greater communication and intimacy.

If we have big desires but we hold back from going as far as we might go out of fear of failure, then we start to feel dull, bored, unfulfilled and lifeless. At this point health issues such as depression, cancer and addictions arise. (It may seem ironic, but folks who get depressed generally have BIG desires, but they don’t allow themselves to pursue them, usually because they don’t feel entitled to for various reasons). Conversely, if we push too far before we’ve integrated the personal power and beliefs to support success at that level, we have to work too hard to make things happen, and we end up burned out, broken down, stressed out, resentful and in pain. At this end of the spectrum, health issues such as anxiety attacks, accidents/injuries and heart problems can develop.

Health and happiness is thus a matter of constantly aligning the energy we’re summoning with our desire to the energy we’re able to flow based on our level of personal spiritual development. One great way to step up our inner vibration (and thus increase our potential to manifest big desires) is by helping others to manifest what THEY want. If you’re looking for that summary of what I’ve learned from working with Spirit, here it is: to find fulfillment in life, help others to get what they want and need.

Most of us have learned that whatever we send out comes back to us, at least in simple ways. For example, we may know that criticizing others doesn’t make us really feel better than them – it just leaves us feeling angry and unlovable. When we look for and point out the good in others, however, we end up dwelling in positive energy and feeling better about ourselves. This ripples out to make us more attractive to others, who return our positive energy. This same dynamic happens in every area of our lives, in ways big and small, visible and invisible.

So if we help others to succeed or get what they want in life, we will be helped and supported in kind. When we offer kindness and compassion to someone who is down, even if someone isn’t directly kind and compassionate to US, we end up feeling better about ourselves and our own lives, and there is no way to put a value on the personal fulfillment, pride, love, joy and high spirits that liking and respecting ourselves will produce.

Here’s another analogy: Imagine that life is a great big basketball game. If we try to hog the ball because we think we can somehow get more than we give (and a whole lot of miserable people approach life this way), the Universe will quickly learn that we should receive the ball LESS, and we’ll end up feeling angry, lonely or frustrated. People who live this way feel underpaid, underloved and underappreciated. The more they try to “get,” the less they end up with.

If our beliefs are limited or fearful, if we lack the faith and courage to take a risk, then we may never raise our hands and tell the Universe to pass us the ball. We may want very much to win, but our beliefs don’t support us taking the risks required to really make exciting things happen. People who live like this stay in the same dull or unhappy jobs and relationships indefinitely. They may be “nice people,” but they’re often bored, sad, lifeless, depressed or hopeless.

If we set ourselves up for a good shot, if we believe we can do it and we shoot when it feels right – exhilaration! If we pass to our teammates when they’re open (look for opportunities to help others get what they want), the ball will get passed back to us, and we’ll all just keep scoring and winning. Even when we aren’t the ones doing the scoring, so to speak, in being of service to others, we’re still “on the winning team.” In helping others, we just can’t lose!

So to try to sum it up, the key to creating health and happiness in life is to help others achieve the same. We must also keep desire alive by exploring new dreams and experiences, and balance that desire by open-mindedly updating our beliefs about what we’re capable of and how the Universe works with us as we go. When we do these things, we stay in the exciting game of life, endlessly playing our way to new achievements, experiences, blessings, challenges and joys. This dynamic movement forward is what produces health and happiness.

To boost yourself into new success and well-being, I highly recommend you develop the habit of looking for ways to help others get what they want in life.

– Soul Arcanum