Tag Archive: spiritual awakening

Is this the year we MUST wake up spiritually or else?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I value your opinions greatly! Everything you have written resonates with me completely. I work at a friend’s spiritual shop, and recently, I asked her about something I have been noticing. Some people around me are receiving wake-up calls now, and I’m not sure they’re listening. My sister may have cancer, and my ex-husband (the father of my son) was just told he has RSD (curling of the hand) for life. He’ll have to have surgery every seven years. A lost friend of mine was told she has a rare blood disorder that may cause organ failure, and another friend’s husband has a rare blood disorder that needs to be checked weekly. My question is why is this happening to these folks, and all around the same time? My friend said it seems these people are not awake, and that this is “the year” that will make or break ALL OF US. Those who are awake and facing their issues head-on will continue on in their spiritual evolution, while those who are not awake or not facing their personal issues will have things happen that force them to wake up. Have you heard about this year being “the” year? If so, what are your thoughts about this happening? How can I best teach and guide my son in light of all of this? He’s only five years old now; is this something I need to start soon? Thank you!
– Maggie

Dear Maggie:

Yes! I have heard that this is “the” year that we must either wake up and get it right spiritually or suffer various horrible consequences. Of course, I’ve heard this same thing EVERY year for as long as I can remember. Supposedly, the world is also going to end any minute now; we’re way overdue.

I’m kidding with you, of course. I’m actually really glad you asked about this, because if we don’t stop all those “spiritual people” spreading fear far and wide with their gloomy predictions of earth changes and other scary stuff soon, the planet is going to implode. Okay, I’m kidding again. I can’t seem to help myself!

All joking aside, when we first start to awaken into the upper range of spiritual awareness for this dimension, life on Earth begins to feel a bit uncomfortable. We used to be like most people – oblivious to how our choices and actions create not only our own realities, but also affect the Whole. Now, however, we not only “get it,” but must deal with the double-edged sword of compassion. As we become more sensitive to others’ feelings, we begin to feel their pain. It’s this compassion that motivates “spiritual people” to become helpers and healers, or to just try to make a difference.

I feel this is basically where you’re coming from. You’ve attained a new level of spiritual awareness, and are seeing a lot of contrast in everyone who hasn’t yet joined you. You’re sensitive to others’ suffering, and very much wish for them all the good things you now know come with being “awake.” In caring more than ever before, you’ve opened a whole new can of worms, and along with the blessings, there are some big fears in there.

As we have the power to consciously manifest what we want in our lives, all these health problems must stem at some level from a lack of conscious awareness – that is true. The more we try to avoid dealing with our own personal lessons and issues, the more pain we tend to experience. I’d like to suggest, however, that you’ve gotten into the habit of looking for potential disaster around every corner; if there is a health problem anywhere in the vicinity, you will be sure to hone in on it.

I recommend you examine your habit of focus. While the problems of those closest to us will naturally come into our awareness, if they touch off some deep fears of our own, we may start watching out for more of the same. This is when “lost friends” and the husbands of friends, and friends of friends of friends – anyone with any possible health issue – will leap up and grab our attention.

This is what I feel happened here. Fear gripped you when you got the news about your sister. It really socked you in the gut when your ex-husband then came down with this rare disorder. This made your own vibration plummet, which made you vulnerable to the fears of mass consciousness, the greatest of which is that the world is somehow going to end. This is how you went from concern about the people you’re close to, to fear of Armageddon.

As you ran around in a panic, trying to figure out if the sky really was falling this time, your mind scrambled to make sense of all of this by comparing these two individuals. At some level, you believed that if you could figure out what else these two have in common, you could determine what “causes” this sort of thing. Then at the very least, you could make sure you and your son would be okay. When you saw that neither of these two people are what you consider spiritually “awake,” you deduced this as the cause.

What I’m trying to do is illuminate how for all of us, allowing little fears to run wild can lead to general, pervasive anxiety. When something scares us, powerful primal instincts put us on alert for more signs of danger – and what we look for, we tend to find.

Since we’re all creating our own experiences of life based on our habit of focus, instead of looking for unawake people with health problems, I recommend you start looking for all the wellness in your world. If you just look for it, you will see wellness EVERYWHERE. For every one person you know who has an extraordinary health problem, you know hundreds who sail through every day without a second thought about their physical well-being, and most of those people are not what you would consider to be “awake.”

Also, when you encounter someone who basically says the sky is falling, beware. You don’t want to get caught up in the powerful fears of mass consciousness, nor do you want to contribute to them. Whenever you feel tempted, just remember that throughout recorded history, nothing like this has ever happened despite innumerable prophecies of doom and gloom.

This may sound radical coming from me, but I don’t think fear itself is a bad thing. The Universe would be a big blank nothing if not for the opposing forces of light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, faith and fear. We should no more strive to eradicate all fear than to change nighttime into day.

To be happy, instead of trying to avoid or conquer anything, we must try to make peace with all we encounter. We can, however, choose to sleep at night and live our lives in the sunshine, where it’s warm and easy to find our way around. We can choose faith over fear, and contribute to that which we personally find to be right and true at a spiritual level. This is both the best way to be a positive role model for your son, and to also manifest a life of peace, joy and well-being. As you continue to evolve, you’ll naturally grow more and more into a deep inner knowing that there is a natural divine order at work in the Universe, and that in the big scheme of things, all is well.

I expect that for the rest of my life, I will continue to hear that this is the year we will either “wake up” or suffer catastrophic consequences. I don’t believe it, because it isn’t supported by anything I’ve learned or experienced in life. Instead, I believe the more we’re centered in faith, the more we dwell in knowing that all is truly well.

Those who are asleep will continue to lose themselves in both lovely and frightening illusions – in the great dramas of life – while those who are awake will learn to relax more and more with trust that everything is going to be just fine. I figure since there is no true end to our spiritual journeys, and thus no need to rush, we might as well quit worrying and try to enjoy the ride.

– Soul Arcanum

Kriyas: Spontaneous Vocalizations, Twitches, Energy Surges

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been looking for an explanation to some strange spiritual experiences. I took a Reiki class and have been working with what I learned. On the third day I started to experience strange sounds coming from me vocally. These continued to become more frequent, and started to happen during my morning prayers, yoga, and now when any spiritual thing happens to me, even when I’m just reading about chakras in a book. This happens spontaneously; I don’t know it’s going to happen. The energy is so powerful. Do you have an explanation? Thank you for your insights.
– Ellen

Dear Ellen:

As strange as it may sound, what you’re experiencing is a normal, classic symptom of spiritual awakening. In fact, there is a Hindu word for these experiences: they’re called “Kriyas.”

Kriyas are spontaneous, involuntary physical movements. They are frequently jerks and twitches, but can also be vocalizations like sudden laughter or weeping, or the blurting out of words or other sounds. These spontaneous eruptions are caused by a surge of kundalini (life force) energy, and they occur most often during meditation and other spiritual practices – so this perfectly fits the pattern of experience you describe.

When we begin to awaken spiritually, new kundalini energy is released from our root chakras and begins to travel throughout our beings. In order for this greater energy to flow through, our energetic channels have to expand to accommodate it. If we are carrying any blocks or impediments to this stronger flow, this is when they will become apparent.

Blocks can arise from old emotional traumas or psychological issues we’ve been carrying around in our auras. These can be issues from this life or another life. They are probably not things that we are normally conscious of, but they may come up for us in the form of thoughts, feelings or memories and be relived as they are released. While this may be disconcerting and even painful, it’s all part of a natural healing process.

Sometimes kundalini experiences happen because we simply haven’t yet developed the capacity for greater flow. Just like a runner who is training for a marathon has to push beyond her 10k capabilities, we have to stretch ourselves to develop new capacities, and this naturally feels challenging. This process is happening on all levels, not just the physical, which explains why some manifestations of kundalini seem so strange.

Here’s a common analogy: Picture a garden hose that is coiled up with a trickle of water flowing through it. Now crank the faucet to turn the water flow up. If there are any kinks or obstructions in the hose, the pressure will build, and then suddenly when that pressure is strong enough, the kink in the hose may pop out.

We say we are experiencing “kundalini rising” as the inner pressure is building or surging through our systems. This can cause tingling sensations, hyperactivity, insomnia, fatigue, rapid mood swings, psychic and mystical experiences, euphoria, a sense of panic, etc. (As I’ve written before, there are a lot of interesting similarities between this process and what modern medicine has labeled “bi-polar disorder.” There are also correspondences to “chronic fatigue syndrome” and “fibromyalgia.”)

When energy suddenly breaks free, we may experience any of the above, but also muscle twitches, rushes or surges of energy, spontaneous movement and vocalizations – the list is extensive. Some people even find their bodies involuntarily moving into yoga postures when they’ve never practiced yoga before. Others find themselves speaking in foreign languages, singing, dancing ancient sacred dances, chanting, etc.

I went through a number of manifestations like this years ago when I was experiencing a surge in spiritual growth. Even now, whenever I shift my vibration in order to do a psychic reading, my body will involuntarily twitch as I move from one state of consciousness to another. I often experience twitches like this when sending or receiving healing energy as well.

Kriyas can begin to happen on a physical level long before we even become conscious of our spiritual awakening process. As you might imagine, that usually really freaks people out! They may go to their doctor or a psychiatrist to try to determine what is “wrong” with them, and instead of getting comfort and new understanding of what is happening, be put through a battery of physical tests to no avail, or end up with a prescription for something to “calm their nerves.” Some are even labeled psychotic or schizophrenic. Instead of getting help and healing, they end up distrusting not only this healing process, but also their own mental competency � which is a spiritual crisis indeed.

Your spontaneous vocalizations are your body releasing blocked energy. Sometimes these kriyas take the form of long drawn out notes, like the toning done in ritual work to raise energy, or like the classic “Om” of meditation. If you’ve ever heard chanting and toning like this, you know how powerful it can be. Sound has healing power; your body is healing itself intuitively with these vocalizations as it adjusts to a new spiritual vibration.

While this may be easier said than done, the best way to cope with kriyas is to trust and surrender to them. The more you resist them in fear, the more uncomfortable and painful they tend to become. When people learn to trust them, they often shift from alarming and painful to blissful, ecstatic experiences. Try to view this as a powerful, positive healing process.

Of course, if you’re spontaneously breaking into an ancient song and dance routine at work, or yelling out during your child’s school play, it may be really hard to relax and surrender! Resistance will only make things worse; instead of trying to make kriyas stop, you can gain some control over them by accepting and honoring them. The best way to do that is to devote some time every day to this energetic balancing process.

It sounds like you have already adopted a number of spiritual practices like meditation and healing work. Ask your inner being what you most need each day, and allow your intuition to guide you to the process that is best for you at that time. (You might also explore yoga, which can greatly facilitate better energy flow.) Then when you’re in your chosen spiritual practice, just allow whatever comes up to come up. If you experience kriyas, try to relax and surrender from the detached perspective of your inner observer. The more you do this, the more kriyas will occur during those times instead of at less opportune moments.

Now that you know that what you’re experiencing is normal and ultimately healing, hopefully you can relax and trust this process. This will raise your vibration and make everything easier, and lead you from these alarming eruptions to some wonderful awakening experiences.

– Soul Arcanum