Tag Archive: spiritual awakening

Getting Ready for Psychic Development

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.  All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been getting readings from a gifted psychic for years. I recently tried to sign up for her psychic development course, but she told me that I wasn’t ready yet, which left me feeling rejected. When I asked her what made me not ready, she pointed out my dependence on prescription medication for a mental health problem, and some deep issues I have been struggling to get past in my own life for a number of years. She also mentioned that I often fail to take the advice given in readings, and said that this indicates a lack of readiness for new lessons. I’m really upset by all of this, and I’m wondering if she was offended or something because I didn’t follow her advice. I also regret telling her about the mental health issue. Does someone have to be “perfect” to be ready for psychic development? Would you ever refuse a student as not ready like this?
– G.

Dear G.:

My sense is that your teacher is wisely trying to guide you to the safest path for you, for psychic development without a strong spiritual foundation is always a foolish undertaking.

There is a definite relationship between spiritual awakening (which includes the natural development of psychic abilities) and “madness.” If we are reckless with this powerful process, we risk temporary insanity, by which I mean the ability to cope with life on a psychological level. (This is not to be confused with the very normal experience of awakening and wondering if we’re losing our minds. If we’re suddenly seeing things others can’t and having all kinds of far out experiences, wondering if we could be nuts is a very healthy sign.)

Interest in psychic phenomena often develops naturally in the early stages of spiritual awakening, for that is when folks usually have their first psychic experiences. However, awakening and immediately leaping into psychic development is sort of like being born on Earth and as an infant, being thrust out into the hustle and bustle of worldly affairs. We’re fragile and thin-skinned and we know nothing about this strange new realm. We need time to grow and get used to our new bodies and this new dimension of experience before we go exploring its strangest corners.

Many awakening people in the process of getting acclimated are overwhelmed by everyday life. This is because they are now “hypersensitive.” On a physical level, stimuli that others consider normal or tolerable may be literally painful to them. Psychologically and emotionally, they are deeply affected by everything around them, and may care so much it hurts. At the same time, they frequently experience surges of kundalini (life force energy) that they have no creative outlets for.

Modern Western culture has no real knowledge of this spiritual awakening process and no established course for navigating its unique challenges, so early awakening is often a time of profound struggle, and many people develop addictions as coping mechanisms. Alcohol is a very quick remedy for hypersensitivity, for it brings temporary relief by dulling the senses. Compulsive eating, drug use, sexual addiction – anything that may feel comforting or offer an outlet for overwhelming energy may become an addiction at this point.

Conversely, a person may cope by “shutting down” into depression and withdrawing from life in general. They may also seek help from “experts” who tell them what is “wrong” with them and give them a magic pill like Prozac to help them limp by. I am not saying any of these things are “wrong,” mind you – sometimes, they are the only way an individual can cope given the spiritual ignorance of the modern world. They are all crutches, however, and to be ready for big spiritual adventures, we must be able to stand on our own two feet. When one has a sprained ankle, the crutches are not the problem; they are a sign that there is a problem, and that undertaking a big journey now would probably prove dangerous or painful.

Just as a baby learns and grows and gets acclimated, all of this will eventually work itself out. Part of getting comfortable at this new vibration involves honestly facing and healing fears and wounds. When our shadows and self-deceptions have been burned off through the fire of spiritual growth, we will rise from our own ashes into new personal power and understanding. This doesn’t happen just once of course; it’s an endless spiraling process of personal evolution.

As the lower self/ego resists its demise, it will try to defend itself with all kinds of tactics designed to distract us from our spiritual path. These may be frightening experiences, addictions, cyclic problems and dramas, physical pain, romantic/ sexual addictions, unusual habits or obsessions, etc. The more these things hold our attention and energy, the more the lower self is in control.

Some of the things you mentioned, such as the dependence on psychiatric drugs and your failure to move past recurring personal problems, suggest that you’re having trouble rising above the lower self and coping with everyday life. Again, there is nothing “wrong” with this. I know few people who don’t have trouble coping now and then, myself included. However, if we can’t manage to get up in the morning and handle the tasks of the day, or we can’t deal with normal people and normal situations without medication, then we’ve got no business galloping off into strange new realms. This is not just my opinion; many teachers and healers report that certain psychoactive drugs, including commonly prescribed medications, can profoundly aggravate spiritual emergencies.

Folks in the fragile state of early awakening don’t need new spiritual challenges; they need help with getting comfortable in their new skin. Before we start seeking greater powers, we must learn how to handle the power we’ve already acquired.

As a student, I used to think warnings about being ready before exploring psi experiences were just plain paranoid, but as a teacher, I’ve learned how important it is for students to be strong, capable and grounded. Now before I’d teach someone struggling with “normal life” how to explore subtle realms of experience, I’d help them learn how to cope with their hypersensitivity, face their own inner shadows, heal buried wounds, and find their way to a place of new strength, well-being and discernment. I’d insist my students be healthy in body and mind and free from addictions and other “coping” mechanisms. While they might have “problems” or issues like anyone else, they could not be dependent on psychiatric drugs in order to cope with everyday life.

While I’m all for taking the path of least resistance, spiritual development does require discipline and character. The popular New Age attachment to doing only whatever most pleases us in the moment often traps those with strong egos in endless loops of temporal avoidance and gratification. There’s nothing wrong with wanting pleasure all the time, but NEEDING it is a sign that the lower self is steering the ship. To prepare to develop higher powers, we must master the drives of the lower self, such as our endless hunger for emotional comfort and pleasure.

Cultivating self-awareness and stretching yourself into ever greater competency with your normal life will naturally ready you for conscious spiritual development. When you feel grounded, comfortable, and capable of standing on your own two feet in everyday situations, you will be ready for extraordinary new spiritual adventures.

– Soul Arcanum

Lightning Strike Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

In June of 2008, I was at the lake for a surprise party for my 48th birthday. It was a day I will never forget. A sudden storm came up, and the tree I was under was hit by lightning. I caught some of what my physicians called “flash over current.” I wound up with singed hair and a major concussion. I struggled with memory issues and headaches for a few months, some of which continue today. A few months afterward, something happened that I can’t explain. I honestly thought I was losing my mind! I started having visions, seeing swirling colors when I closed my eyes to relax, seeing faces of people I hadn’t yet met (but met later) in clouds, and hearing voices. The most startling was discovering that stones and crystals seem to speak to me. I found this out quite accidentally at a jewelry store when I picked up a bracelet and it vibrated. At times, the sky “calls” me to come outside because it has something to tell me, and when I do, there are messages in the clouds. This has been both disconcerting and incredibly interesting, as I never know what will happen next. Could this lightning strike have awakened some ability that I was previously unaware of? What do I do with it now?


Dear Mel:

I think you would be very interested in Dannion Brinkley’s books, especially Saved by the Light. In fact, I’m surprised you haven’t stumbled across them already, for much like you, Dannion was struck by lightning, had a near death experience, and then a profound psychic awakening. You can find the fascinating story of his first near death experience In fact, I’m surprised you haven’t stumbled across them already, for much like you, Dannion was struck by lightning, had a near death experience, and then a profound psychic awakening.

Though you don’t remember having a near death experience, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Further, whether or not you traveled through a tunnel toward a divine light where you met a being of unimaginable love and compassion and all the rest, you almost died, and almost dying is known to spark profound spiritual transformations.

In fact, trauma of any kind – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual – is known to be a powerful initiator of spiritual awakenings. For this reason, shamans and mystics will actually induce trauma through fasting, sleep deprivation, physical pain and other practices in order to disassociate from the physical body and align with the spirit world. Some say that this leads to a purification of the body or a shift into a higher vibration. Certainly there is a relationship between physical and emotional “suffering” and spiritual growth and awareness. It sounds like you have yet to consciously label what you’re going through as a spiritual awakening, but that is precisely what is causing these extraordinary experiences.

There are a couple of reasons why you may be especially confused and disoriented by all of this. Usually, psychic awakening is a result of years of spiritual practice and devotion, so those who experience it both welcome and understand the strange and wonderful things that begin to happen to them.

I imagine people who have a conscious near death experience would tend to have an easier time with all the changes that occur in the aftermath than those who have no idea what happened to them. When people of no great spiritual background die only to find themselves outside of their bodies and very much “alive,” they are naturally catapulted on a conscious quest for greater spiritual understanding. Most people who have a near death experience come back knowing that they will be forever changed. These changes often include new psychic abilities, which may be amazing but are also accepted as part and parcel of the profound transformation they are undergoing on every level.

When awakening occurs suddenly as a result of trauma, as it did for you, it can be very unsettling. Since you didn’t have a conscious near death experience, it makes sense to me that you didn’t notice these changes right away. You had no reason to question the “reality” you had lived in all the years of your life, and it doesn’t sound like this experience launched you on a big spiritual quest – at least not until strange psychic events began to occur.

A related term for the spiritual awakening you’re going through is “kundalini experience.” (You might find it very helpful to research that term.) As a surge in the life force energy known as kundalini can spark a sudden spiritual awakening, I imagine any surge in energy through the body could have a similar effect. I’m suggesting that you may have been hit double, first by the surge of energy from the lightning, and second from the subsequent surge in life force/kundalini energy that this trauma unleashed.

Spiritual awakenings and kundalini experiences are known to induce psychic abilities. Frequent headaches and/or strange feelings of pressure in the head are one of the most common kundalini symptoms. Kundalini surges have also been known to cause amnesia or memory loss. As you can see, all of these fit what you experienced after being struck by lightning.

Why trauma causes a surge in kundalini is debatable. As I see it, incarnating into a physical body involves “stepping down” our spiritual vibration in order to remain anchored to this plane. It is unusual to leave our physical bodies and then return to them again, especially in a conscious manner. To do so is to reconnect with the higher vibration of the soul and to shift our general vibration in that direction. This is why practicing astral projection, leaving the body in a near death experience, and mentally disassociating from the physical via prolonged meditation lead to profound spiritual transformation and greater psychic awareness: through these experiences, we are reconnected to the higher vibration of the spirit world.

I must admit that I have never heard of anyone being called by the sky or receiving “messages” in the clouds before. However, the idea that we can receive messages “from the heavens” is as old as time, and there are many people who see visions in clouds. While there could be all sorts of explanations for your special relationship with the sky, I’m betting your spirit guides have simply found this to be the easiest or most effective way to get your attention in order to communicate with you. If you further develop your psychic awareness and begin to dialogue with these messengers in the sky, you may discover the true source of these communications.

As for how you are to handle all of this, the answer is carefully. You’ll want to relax into this new awareness and at the same time remain well grounded. Balance is the key to a smooth, pleasant journey. When undergoing kundalini surges, life becomes something of an exciting roller coaster. Your whole being is rapidly changing and experiencing all sorts of peaks and valleys as it integrates this new level of energy, so it’s especially important to honor your true needs. Sometimes you will feel called to dig in to spiritual practice or use your gifts in new ways; other times you will feel like taking a break from all this spiritual stuff so you can just enjoy physical life. Your needs may change from one moment to the next as your energy waxes and wanes, so you’ll have to be extra mindful to honor your feelings and inner guidance for a while.

– Soul Arcanum

Divorce Sparks Intuitive Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I think that someone has cast a witchcraft spell on me and my children, and feel it may be my estranged husband or his lover. Yesterday I suddenly felt a cold unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Our home is warm and there was no reason for this extreme coldness. My husband came over about 20 minutes after this, and this feeling came over me. There was then tension and disruption from my son, who had been perfectly sweet for weeks until then. Tonight when my husband arrived, the same coldness came over me, and tension filled the air. He is a very angry, selfish person, and I wonder if he might have a dark entity or dark spirit attached to him. Before I found out about his affair, I had a vivid dream of tiny gremlins running up my bed onto my hand and trying to pull my wedding ring off. I wrestled with them in my dream, and it was so vivid that I awoke holding onto my hand, covering my rings and crying for help. About a year later, I felt a soft energy leave my ring one day, and it felt like the blessings that had been placed on the ring on our wedding day were evaporating. I actually felt the energy of our vows go from the ring. What do you make of all of this?
– Soul Arcanum

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I found what you wrote about your wedding ring to be really interesting, for it reminded me of an amazing experience I had years ago when my own marriage was unraveling. At the time of this event, I was sitting in a college class, thinking deeply about my marriage. Silently, I asked God if my marriage would or could make it, and at that moment, I felt drawn to look down at my rings. To my surprise, I saw that one of the main emeralds in my engagement ring was missing; the setting was empty in that spot.

I thought this was the sign I was looking for, but I wasn’t totally convinced. I couldn’t remember the last time I had really looked at my rings, so I told myself that this stone could have been missing for a while. When I got home that night, I gave the engagement ring to my husband to take to the jeweler, so I was only wearing my wedding band after this.

While in that same class the following week, I remembered what had happened, and I decided to ask the same question again in hopes of receiving another sign. I never expected it to come to me through my rings again, so I spent a number of minutes looking around and listening to people in the class for a sign before I noticed that my wedding band was split in two. It remained on my finger without a problem, but when I really looked at it, I saw that there was a crack completely through it on one side. I knew this was new because I had just carefully examined my rings when I discovered the emerald missing. This convinced me! As you have probably surmised, the marriage didn’t make it, but it’s now ten years later and I’m very happily remarried, so it all worked out.

I think this story illustrates not only how asking for a sign can yield amazing results, but also how objects like wedding rings can and do hold energy. We imbue them with that energy when we bless and consecrate them as symbols of something we hold sacred, and they can reflect what they represent in some amazing ways. So I don’t doubt that you did indeed feel the energy of your vows evaporating from your ring that day.

I also found your dream about the gremlins fascinating, and I see two possible interpretations here. First, the dream may have been a literal reflection of something happening in the astral. In other words, maybe there really were astral entities at work in this situation, perhaps stirring up lust in your husband (his weak spot), and thus damaging your marriage. However, it’s also possible that your own inner being was trying to warn you about what was going on, and because you didn’t want to face the truth, it gave you this gremlin metaphor to try to warn you that something was tearing your marriage apart.

As for the other things you’re sensing, I have to say that it’s normal for there to be psychic/emotional tension when people are divorcing, and it’s common for kids to act out in response to that tension and their own emotional turmoil. At the same time, however, it’s clear that you are highly psychically sensitive.

Because you are so sensitive, you will be affected by everyday emotional tension more than most people, but you’ll also pick up on subtle energies and intuitive warnings. Further, there doesn’t have to be an overt spell cast on you for you to experience the things you’ve described. Some of these sensations are your intuition trying to tell you things to help you, and one of those things may indeed be that someone is sending ill will your way. We may experience this as cold, pain or tingling, or we may find that person frequently pops into our minds for no apparent reason.

It’s also highly possible that your ex does have a negative entity attached to him, which can also feel like the coldest cold. Many people have negative entities attached to them and never realize it. Certainly anyone who is in emotional turmoil or lacks emotional control is a prime candidate, as is anyone who is really “angry and selfish.” Negative emotions like stress, rage, grief, and jealousy make us vulnerable to attachment and big targets for these entities, so people who are going through divorce, grieving, or suffering any other major life crisis often struggle with lower astral entities.

It’s wise to make peace with everyone in our lives for lots of reasons, and the potential for psychic attack is a big one. When we harbor anger or resentment for others, we damage our own happiness, drain our own energy, and waste our time wishing others ill when we could be out fulfilling our dreams. At the same time, when people harbor resentment toward US, if we are not consciously cultivating well-being, it can affect us. (It will affect them adversely even more in the long run, but often people who are really ticked off don’t care as long as they get revenge.)

Besides, most people have no idea that by brooding over something that someone said or did, they are sending that person negative energy and potentially harming that person as well as themselves. (Remember: we get what we give, and whatever we focus upon expands in our lives.) Heck, most people don’t seem to realize that they can have control over their own thoughts and feelings – they think they just happen to them.

In light of all of this, I recommend you let go of the idea that a spell has been cast on you, and cultivate well-being in the following ways:

1) Thank your intuition and learn to work with it and trust it. You are highly psychic, and are receiving lots of warnings, information and insights designed to help you.

2) Make peace with your ex-husband and his mistress. Assume that they deserve each other, and that you must deserve better. I’d look upon this as a blessing, for you’ve been set free from marriage to a mean, selfish man, and can now move on to new and higher love.

3) Wish everyone well. Love yourself and take good care of yourself and your children. Wish your ex, his new lover, and everyone you know all the blessings you desire for yourself. Cultivate love, peace, good will and happiness. Then even if others try to send cold shadows to disturb you, your bright inner light will keep those shadows at bay.

– Soul Arcanum

Divorce Sparks Intuitive Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I think that someone has cast a witchcraft spell on me and my children, and feel it may be my estranged husband or his lover. Yesterday I suddenly felt a cold unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Our home is warm and there was no reason for this extreme coldness. My husband came over about 20 minutes after this, and this feeling came over me. There was then tension and disruption from my son, who had been perfectly sweet for weeks until then. Tonight when my husband arrived, the same coldness came over me, and tension filled the air. He is a very angry, selfish person, and I wonder if he might have a dark entity or dark spirit attached to him. Before I found out about his affair, I had a vivid dream of tiny gremlins running up my bed onto my hand and trying to pull my wedding ring off. I wrestled with them in my dream, and it was so vivid that I awoke holding onto my hand, covering my rings and crying for help. About a year later, I felt a soft energy leave my ring one day, and it felt like the blessings that had been placed on the ring on our wedding day were evaporating. I actually felt the energy of our vows go from the ring. What do you make of all of this?
– Soul Arcanum

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I found what you wrote about your wedding ring to be really interesting, for it reminded me of an amazing experience I had years ago when my own marriage was unraveling. At the time of this event, I was sitting in a college class, thinking deeply about my marriage. Silently, I asked God if my marriage would or could make it, and at that moment, I felt drawn to look down at my rings. To my surprise, I saw that one of the main emeralds in my engagement ring was missing; the setting was empty in that spot.

I thought this was the sign I was looking for, but I wasn’t totally convinced. I couldn’t remember the last time I had really looked at my rings, so I told myself that this stone could have been missing for a while. When I got home that night, I gave the engagement ring to my husband to take to the jeweler, so I was only wearing my wedding band after this.

While in that same class the following week, I remembered what had happened, and I decided to ask the same question again in hopes of receiving another sign. I never expected it to come to me through my rings again, so I spent a number of minutes looking around and listening to people in the class for a sign before I noticed that my wedding band was split in two. It remained on my finger without a problem, but when I really looked at it, I saw that there was a crack completely through it on one side. I knew this was new because I had just carefully examined my rings when I discovered the emerald missing. This convinced me! As you have probably surmised, the marriage didn’t make it, but it’s now ten years later and I’m very happily remarried, so it all worked out.

I think this story illustrates not only how asking for a sign can yield amazing results, but also how objects like wedding rings can and do hold energy. We imbue them with that energy when we bless and consecrate them as symbols of something we hold sacred, and they can reflect what they represent in some amazing ways. So I don’t doubt that you did indeed feel the energy of your vows evaporating from your ring that day.

I also found your dream about the gremlins fascinating, and I see two possible interpretations here. First, the dream may have been a literal reflection of something happening in the astral. In other words, maybe there really were astral entities at work in this situation, perhaps stirring up lust in your husband (his weak spot), and thus damaging your marriage. However, it’s also possible that your own inner being was trying to warn you about what was going on, and because you didn’t want to face the truth, it gave you this gremlin metaphor to try to warn you that something was tearing your marriage apart.

As for the other things you’re sensing, I have to say that it’s normal for there to be psychic/emotional tension when people are divorcing, and it’s common for kids to act out in response to that tension and their own emotional turmoil. At the same time, however, it’s clear that you are highly psychically sensitive.

Because you are so sensitive, you will be affected by everyday emotional tension more than most people, but you’ll also pick up on subtle energies and intuitive warnings. Further, there doesn’t have to be an overt spell cast on you for you to experience the things you’ve described. Some of these sensations are your intuition trying to tell you things to help you, and one of those things may indeed be that someone is sending ill will your way. We may experience this as cold, pain or tingling, or we may find that person frequently pops into our minds for no apparent reason.

It’s also highly possible that your ex does have a negative entity attached to him, which can also feel like the coldest cold. Many people have negative entities attached to them and never realize it. Certainly anyone who is in emotional turmoil or lacks emotional control is a prime candidate, as is anyone who is really “angry and selfish.” Negative emotions like stress, rage, grief, and jealousy make us vulnerable to attachment and big targets for these entities, so people who are going through divorce, grieving, or suffering any other major life crisis often struggle with lower astral entities.

It’s wise to make peace with everyone in our lives for lots of reasons, and the potential for psychic attack is a big one. When we harbor anger or resentment for others, we damage our own happiness, drain our own energy, and waste our time wishing others ill when we could be out fulfilling our dreams. At the same time, when people harbor resentment toward US, if we are not consciously cultivating well-being, it can affect us. (It will affect them adversely even more in the long run, but often people who are really ticked off don’t care as long as they get revenge.)

Besides, most people have no idea that by brooding over something that someone said or did, they are sending that person negative energy and potentially harming that person as well as themselves. (Remember: we get what we give, and whatever we focus upon expands in our lives.) Heck, most people don’t seem to realize that they can have control over their own thoughts and feelings – they think they just happen to them.

In light of all of this, I recommend you let go of the idea that a spell has been cast on you, and cultivate well-being in the following ways:

  1. Thank your intuition and learn to work with it and trust it. You are highly psychic, and are receiving lots of warnings, information and insights designed to help you.
  2. Make peace with your ex-husband and his mistress. Assume that they deserve each other, and that you must deserve better. I’d look upon this as a blessing, for you’ve been set free from marriage to a mean, selfish man, and can now move on to new and higher love.
  3. Wish everyone well. Love yourself and take good care of yourself and your children. Wish your ex, his new lover, and everyone you know all the blessings you desire for yourself. Cultivate love, peace, good will and happiness. Then even if others try to send cold shadows to disturb you, your bright inner light will keep those shadows at bay.

– Soul Arcanum

Coping with Sudden Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

Two years ago I basically died. I stopped breathing, and while I was medically dead, I was pulled into a vortex where I saw obelisks with weird glyphs on them. Some were black and some white, and they were in a sandstorm. I was in a place I felt I had been before, and I heard a soft female voice speaking to me. She didn’t speak English, yet I knew what she was saying. She read something to me, and then she said, You must return. You’re needed. I was then sucked back and painfully reinserted into my body. I was in a state of shock for a week, and then I began to become aware of more things than any human could be. I’m now clairvoyant to the point where I scare myself. I have really frightening recurring dreams, and when I touch physical objects, I see things. It’s weird! I have always had a touch of psychic ability, but this is way more than that, and I don’t know what to do with it all. I have a friend who is clairvoyant, and she said that I have a psychic aura that is growing. She also said that my light is darkness. What does that mean? Can you help me sort this out? – Stephanie

Dear Stephanie:

In the West, psychic matters have largely either been dismissed as utter nonsense or are considered so frightening that the subject is taboo. By contrast, in many other cultures, psychic experiences are an accepted part of everyday life.

I think a lot of our struggles with spiritual awakening are culturally driven. Since the U.S. is such a melting pot of various peoples, we don’t have traditions or teachings with which to make sense of our psychic experiences. Further, the breakdown of organized religion has left most of us without any sort of spiritual community to lean upon during times of spiritual crisis.

Most people don’t give much thought to spiritual matters until something happens that totally rocks their world, and then they have no one they can go to for help and advice. When they get on the internet in search of answers, many end up at my virtual doorstep.

As I hear this sort of thing all the time, I can reassure you that what you’re going through is quite common. For most people, awakening is a gentle, gradual process. When it happens suddenly, as it did with you, it tends to create a lot of fear and stress.

Near death experiences are a very common cause of sudden spiritual awakening. Since sudden awakenings strike people who have not been consciously preparing for them, those people often feel really overwhelmed. Instead of trying to shut down or close themselves off because they’re afraid, what they need to do is stop focusing on the symptoms (the psychic phenomena), and instead focus on the cause of their discomfort (their need for greater spiritual development.)

It’s sort of like you read a book about being a pilot and then you were put in a fighter jet and told to fly. Instead of worrying about all the ups and downs, you must focus on getting the skills you need to have a safe, smooth journey.

Some key elements of preparing for spiritual awakening include healing old wounds to the psyche; purifying your being; and cultivating faith, compassion, spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

To heal old psychic wounds, you must cultivate self-awareness via tools like journaling, meditation, therapy, deep reflection, etc. You have to face and make peace with your own inner shadows. A big part of this involves learning to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. It also involves accepting the truth that everything happens for a good reason, for this empowers us to stop blaming things outside ourselves (including God) for our suffering. Only then can we make peace with the past and relax about the future.

Purifying your being involves clearing your body, heart, mind and spirit of blocks and lower energies. On a physical level, this may mean changing your diet and working with something like yoga. (I highly recommend yoga, for its very purpose is to facilitate spiritual awakening.)

To purify your heart and mind, you’ll have to let go of anything of a lower nature and consciously cultivate higher energies. For example, if you harbor resentment against someone, you’ll have to learn to forgive them. If you lust after fame and fortune, you’ll need to cultivate awareness of what’s truly of lasting value to your soul and teach yourself to focus on those things first and foremost.

Setting a clear, high intention will give you tremendous psychic protection. If you don’t have any conscious intention at all, you’ll encounter all sorts of crazy situations. It’s like wandering aimlessly around town – you could end up in some beautiful museum, but you could also end up in a ghetto.

Further, as you learn how to lift yourself out of fearful self-interest to act with love and compassion, you’ll gain control over the quality of your spiritual experiences. For example, through awareness that fear draws frightening entities while love and compassion summon angels and other beings of a higher spiritual nature, you can manifest the quality of experience you desire. It’s essential that you own your power to create your own reality. You’re doing this anyway, so you might as well seize the reins and create wonderful, positive spiritual experiences instead of negative or frightening ones.

You must also learn to trust that whatever comes up for you is designed to teach you something. When you encounter shadows in your outer experience, they always reflect shadows in your own nature, or else they couldn’t enter your experience. Any darkness that comes up is reaching for your attention, and when you shine the light of your awareness on it, it will naturally disappear.

I feel this is what your friend meant when she said that your light is darkness. You have divine light within you that is waiting for you to let it shine. Right now there is much darkness in your aura because you’re afraid, and because you have yet to become aware of all that is happening within you. As you become more aware, you’ll turn that light on.

You’re also being called to learn to love all aspects of your being, and to trust your own inner guidance by pursuing all that you feel drawn to explore and letting go of all that you are guided to release from your life. The more you trust and act on your intuition, the faster you’ll find new balance.

I recommend you read up on psychic matters and undertake focused spiritual studies and training, for the more you learn, the more comfortable you will feel. This will help you leave fear behind and manifest a higher level of experience. Ask your inner being to guide you to the spiritual practices and information that are right for you.

Finally, I believe that everyone who is psychically active should develop a strong relationship with their spirit guides/ angels. These spiritual beings want to help, teach and guide us, especially as we evolve in spiritual consciousness. As they exist at a high vibration, you must shift into a high vibration to consciously connect with them. (I’ve written extensively on how to raise your vibration in other articles.)

Once you create a stronger spiritual foundation, it will be natural for you to have wonderful spiritual experiences, and easy for you to access Spirit’s help and guidance whenever you need it.

– Soul Arcanum

Pregnancy and Spiritual Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve read that when your first child was born, you were launched on a spiritual journey. I’m very curious about this. Would you mind sharing what it was about this child or about the birth process that led to awakening? I’m beginning training as a doula, and I’m excited to participate in the amazing changes that childbearing can bring. I would like to address this experience in my capacity as a childbirth educator. Many thanks!
– Kathe

Dear Kathe:

First I want to explain that everyone is in the process of spiritual awakening; most of us are just going about it so gradually that we don’t really notice it. To awaken spiritually is really just to expand in consciousness, which is a natural product of experience.

There are turning points, however, when we wake up to the truth that there is far more to life than what can be perceived with the five physical senses. This generally involves territory that we consider to be overtly “spiritual” in nature, such as having psychic experiences or being able to consciously manifest what we want in our lives. It is at this point that I think most people use the term spiritual awakening.

As this is such a profound transformational shift, it’s natural for it to affect a person on every level, and to change the very way they look at life or the nature of reality. This process can feel very messy, uncomfortable and out of control, but it can also feel fascinating and exciting.

We all go through natural growth cycles, and some even go so far as to say that these cycles last about seven years. (It’s interesting to note that this is also the amount of time that doctors say it takes for us to replace every cell in our bodies with new cells – so we literally become a new person every seven years.)

At the end of each cycle, we tend to grow restless and dissatisfied, which creates the desire to explore something new. We then go in search of whatever may be missing in our lives, choose what resonates with us, and devote ourselves to it. With time, we master it and may even teach it to others. Then it becomes so familiar that it no longer thrills us the way it used to, and before long, we’re restless again. At the beginning of each cycle of spiritual development, we awaken to new realizations, new possibilities, and new personal abilities.

This is the path of someone who gradually grows more interested in spiritual matters and begins to read books, take classes, and try things like meditation or yoga. These explorations then lead to other new interests or higher levels of practice and gradual spiritual growth. It’s a bit like awakening slowly on a weekend morning, remembering where you are, what happened yesterday, and what you are going to do today.

By contrast, a sudden awakening is like being startled by a thundering crash in the middle of the night, not knowing what’s happening, if you’re safe (and sane) or not, and what you should do next.

There are many things that can suddenly wake people up. Any sort of intense stress or loss can spark a spiritual awakening, including physical abuse or other trauma, childbirth, a near death experience, etc. The stress doesn’t have to be physical, however; often it’s a divorce, the death of a loved one, or a major career or business failure that launches an awakening.

Of course, not everyone who gives birth awakens, nor does everyone who goes through a divorce. It depends on how ready you are to wake up and how far beyond your comfort zone you are pushed. When our egos are stripped of their illusions of control and begin to crack under the strain of whatever is happening, that’s when divine light begins to pour in.

As for why pregnancy is so often a time of awakening for women, I have a few theories. First, pregnancy can be a very stressful, anxious time for many women, especially first-time mothers. Personally, I have never felt more vulnerable or out of control than when I was pregnant. Knowing that you have no choice but to surrender to pregnancy and childbirth could prove very unsettling for anyone with control issues.

Pregnant women are also literally channels to the spirit world, as they are bringing souls through to this world from the other side. This opens something of a portal to all sorts of intuitions and other spiritual phenomena, which can blow a woman’s mind open to all kinds of new possibilities.

Also, when a woman is carrying a highly spiritual child, it’s natural for the child to influence her own vibration. This is sort of like being in the presence of a guru non-stop for nine months. While I believe that most children have higher vibrations than their parents because we are all evolving, if a woman is carrying a very psychic or spiritual child, odds are good that at least during the pregnancy, her own vibration will rise, her psychic abilities will suddenly kick in, etc. This is largely what I attribute my own awakening to.

Pregnancy is also a time when many women cultivate a deeper sense of peace and love. They may take better care of themselves than ever before, and slow down to just “be” for the first time in their lives. They may begin to ponder life and where we all come from as they never have before. They may also feel very happy and grateful for the child they’ve conceived, and all of these will raise a woman’s vibration, which will naturally lead to higher spiritual experiences.

This brings me to the greatest reason I believe that pregnant women often experience spiritual awakening or the sudden development of new psychic powers. Pregnancy is one of the only times women have both a very high vibration and a very strong connection to a soul in the spirit world. Because their vibration is high, many pregnant women are able to consciously perceive signs and messages from the spirit of their unborn baby.

There are only a few times when spirits in the afterlife are super motivated to get through to us: when we’re in grave danger, when they’ve just crossed over, and just before they are to be born. When we’re in danger, much depends on how receptive we are. Often spirits are successful in warning us at such times simply because they try so very hard.

When they’ve just died, our vibration is usually very low with grief, so we can’t connect with them consciously even though they may be trying very hard to comfort us.

Just before a loved one in Spirit is to be born, however, our vibration is generally very high, which is ideal for spirit contact. Thus many women experience signs, messages, dreams, intuitions, etc., from the spirits of the babies they are carrying.

This is actually quite common, and much has been written about it. For more information, you might begin by exploring the work of Elisabeth Hallet at www.light-hearts.com. I also recommend Carol Bowman’s research.

May the love and care you give to new mothers and babies bring you many blessings!

– Soul Arcanum

Energy Work Makes him Dizzy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I attended some energy healing lessons, during which I opened my crown chakra. A couple of months after these lessons, I began to feel dizzy all the time. My teacher had warned me that I might experience some changes in my body, but it was a terrible feeling, and I couldn’t wait to get back to normal. I still feel like something is spinning on top of my head, and sometimes my “head spins” as well. What is happening? What should I do?
– A.

Dear A.:

While I see a connection between your spiritual practices and these sensations, it would of course be wise for you to see a doctor and rule out potential physical problems.

That aside, it sounds to me like you need to get “grounded.” When we engage in spiritual practices like meditation, ritual work, spirit communication, energy healing, etc., we focus our energy and attention beyond the physical plane. This can cause us to sort of disconnect from the physical and our physical bodies. We then might say we are “out of it” or not totally “with it,” because on some level, we understand that we are not completely in our bodies.

Our minds are not located in our brains; they are non-physical, so they transcend space and time. Our minds go where we send them via our attention. If we develop a habit of focusing beyond this plane, our minds can begin to disconnect from the physical. You didn’t mention if you continued to work with this teaching or were engaged in other spiritual practices in the period following these lessons, but in any case, it sounds like this experience sparked a new surge of spiritual awakening.

I recommend you research the term kundalini and the various symptoms that can arise with kundalini awakening. Kundalini is just life force energy, of course, so despite the dire warnings you may read, it is in no way dangerous. It is powerful, however, so it demands a careful, respectful approach.

Kundalini is the force carrying us through the evolutionary journey we call life, and things like meditation and energy healing can clear the way for this evolution. Sometimes, this can be an uncomfortable or awkward process, and we may experience “growing pains” as we struggle for a foothold at a new vibration. It’s like our spirits are leading, but our hearts, minds, and/or bodies are lagging a bit behind.

For example, if someone who is engaged in spiritual practice to raise kundalini has a block in their crown chakra, they might experience something like a headache as a result of working with this energy. By contrast, someone with a very open crown chakra who is trying hard to grow spiritually may channel more energy than he is drawing in. He may feel very dizzy during and after spiritual practice because too much energy is flowing out through the crown chakra. I used to get very dizzy when I would try to meditate after a strenuous workout. While this could have been a blood pressure issue, it felt like I was just too revved up (flowing too much energy) to meditate at that time.

During a period of big spiritual awakening, I would also begin to spontaneously leave my body every time I tried to meditate. When my teacher told me this meant I needed to get more grounded, and that I was “top heavy” in terms of chakra development, I gave up my traditional meditation practice and began to focus on getting physically strong, fit and healthy. In terms of spiritual practice, I began to study and work with earthy paths like Wicca and shamanism. This led to new spiritual growth, better balance, and greater well-being. I was more “grounded” in the physical.

It only makes sense that balance would be a key issue here, since when you are dizzy, you naturally lose your balance. It may prove helpful to ask yourself in what ways you are out of balance in various aspects of your life: your physical health, emotional world, relationships, career, spiritual journey, etc.

Also, when you’re engaged in raising kundalini or awakening spiritually, low blood sugar is a common problem. In fact, people who are going through a kundalini experience often crave things like sugar, dairy and refined carbs because their energy is erratic. When they experience a surge in kundalini, they burn through energy quickly, and their blood sugar drops.

So if you’ve been fasting or eating very lightly and you’re getting dizzy, it would be prudent to make sure you’re eating frequently and eating enough. If you are uncomfortable with the dizziness, you could counter the blood sugar issues with protein in the form of nuts, soy or animal products. If, however, you want to work with this shift, you might honor your cravings. In fact, despite our Western prejudice against these foods, dairy products and sweet carbs are said to promote a high spiritual vibration.

Similarly, if you want to work with this surge in energy, you could try moving with it. By practicing something like yoga, tai chi, or chi gong, you can channel and release the energy. If, however, you just want “your old self back,” you could focus on getting lots of sleep and physical rest.

To get back to “normal,” you might also try just doing normal things and hanging out with normal people. This will bring your vibration back down to a level you’re comfortable with. Spend time with people who are grounded in “ordinary reality,” who have good common sense, and are trustworthy and reliable. Do mundane things like cleaning, exercising, spending time outdoors, etc. Simply get physical: feel your body on your chair, focus on the physical world around you, and stay present to the here and now of your outer experience.

You mentioned a teacher who had told you that you might experience some physical changes. One of the greatest reasons to have a spiritual teacher is so you have someone you can consult when you don’t know what to do. Hopefully, if you contact your teacher about these sensations, he will be able to help you find your way to better balance.

There is a note of worry in your question, and I want to reassure you that your dizzy sensations do not mean that there is something “wrong.” It’s more like when you feel tired, and how that just means that you need to rest: feeling dizzy just means you need to get grounded and balanced. Fortunately, balance is natural: everything in nature eventually returns to balance, including our bodies and the rest of our beings.

– Soul Arcanum

Energy Work Makes him Dizzy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I attended some energy healing lessons, during which I opened my crown chakra. A couple of months after these lessons, I began to feel dizzy all the time. My teacher had warned me that I might experience some changes in my body, but it was a terrible feeling, and I couldn’t wait to get back to normal. I still feel like something is spinning on top of my head, and sometimes my “head spins” as well. What is happening? What should I do?
– A.

Dear A.:

While I see a connection between your spiritual practices and these sensations, it would of course be wise for you to see a doctor and rule out potential physical problems.

That aside, it sounds to me like you need to get “grounded.” When we engage in spiritual practices like meditation, ritual work, spirit communication, energy healing, etc., we focus our energy and attention beyond the physical plane. This can cause us to sort of disconnect from the physical and our physical bodies. We then might say we are “out of it” or not totally “with it,” because on some level, we understand that we are not completely in our bodies.

Our minds are not located in our brains; they are non-physical, so they transcend space and time. Our minds go where we send them via our attention. If we develop a habit of focusing beyond this plane, our minds can begin to disconnect from the physical. You didn’t mention if you continued to work with this teaching or were engaged in other spiritual practices in the period following these lessons, but in any case, it sounds like this experience sparked a new surge of spiritual awakening.

I recommend you research the term kundalini and the various symptoms that can arise with kundalini awakening. Kundalini is just life force energy, of course, so despite the dire warnings you may read, it is in no way dangerous. It is powerful, however, so it demands a careful, respectful approach.

Kundalini is the force carrying us through the evolutionary journey we call life, and things like meditation and energy healing can clear the way for this evolution. Sometimes, this can be an uncomfortable or awkward process, and we may experience “growing pains” as we struggle for a foothold at a new vibration. It’s like our spirits are leading, but our hearts, minds, and/or bodies are lagging a bit behind.

For example, if someone who is engaged in spiritual practice to raise kundalini has a block in their crown chakra, they might experience something like a headache as a result of working with this energy. By contrast, someone with a very open crown chakra who is trying hard to grow spiritually may channel more energy than he is drawing in. He may feel very dizzy during and after spiritual practice because too much energy is flowing out through the crown chakra. I used to get very dizzy when I would try to meditate after a strenuous workout. While this could have been a blood pressure issue, it felt like I was just too revved up (flowing too much energy) to meditate at that time.

During a period of big spiritual awakening, I would also begin to spontaneously leave my body every time I tried to meditate. When my teacher told me this meant I needed to get more grounded, and that I was “top heavy” in terms of chakra development, I gave up my traditional meditation practice and began to focus on getting physically strong, fit and healthy. In terms of spiritual practice, I began to study and work with earthy paths like Wicca and shamanism. This led to new spiritual growth, better balance, and greater well-being. I was more “grounded” in the physical.

It only makes sense that balance would be a key issue here, since when you are dizzy, you naturally lose your balance. It may prove helpful to ask yourself in what ways you are out of balance in various aspects of your life: your physical health, emotional world, relationships, career, spiritual journey, etc.

Also, when you’re engaged in raising kundalini or awakening spiritually, low blood sugar is a common problem. In fact, people who are going through a kundalini experience often crave things like sugar, dairy and refined carbs because their energy is erratic. When they experience a surge in kundalini, they burn through energy quickly, and their blood sugar drops.

So if you’ve been fasting or eating very lightly and you’re getting dizzy, it would be prudent to make sure you’re eating frequently and eating enough. If you are uncomfortable with the dizziness, you could counter the blood sugar issues with protein in the form of nuts, soy or animal products. If, however, you want to work with this shift, you might honor your cravings. In fact, despite our Western prejudice against these foods, dairy products and sweet carbs are said to promote a high spiritual vibration.

Similarly, if you want to work with this surge in energy, you could try moving with it. By practicing something like yoga, tai chi, or chi gong, you can channel and release the energy. If, however, you just want “your old self back,” you could focus on getting lots of sleep and physical rest.

To get back to “normal,” you might also try just doing normal things and hanging out with normal people. This will bring your vibration back down to a level you’re comfortable with. Spend time with people who are grounded in “ordinary reality,” who have good common sense, and are trustworthy and reliable. Do mundane things like cleaning, exercising, spending time outdoors, etc. Simply get physical: feel your body on your chair, focus on the physical world around you, and stay present to the here and now of your outer experience.

You mentioned a teacher who had told you that you might experience some physical changes. One of the greatest reasons to have a spiritual teacher is so you have someone you can consult when you don’t know what to do. Hopefully, if you contact your teacher about these sensations, he will be able to help you find your way to better balance.

There is a note of worry in your question, and I want to reassure you that your dizzy sensations do not mean that there is something “wrong.” It’s more like when you feel tired, and how that just means that you need to rest: feeling dizzy just means you need to get grounded and balanced. Fortunately, balance is natural: everything in nature eventually returns to balance, including our bodies and the rest of our beings.

– Soul Arcanum

Weak Knees, Energy Rushes and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My name is Daniel, and I am a 19-year-old college student from Tennessee. I am an adventurous person, and enjoy exploring old homes, forests, etc. Sometimes when I’m in an old setting, I have a very strange sensation: my knees get weak and I almost feel as if I am blacking out. At the same time, I feel a rush of emotions that seem so concentrated, I can’t separate them. Although at first I assumed that this experience was connected to the “paranormal” in a “haunted house” sense, I have recently come to believe that it’s some form of psychic ability. Are the experiences I described legitimate psychic ability? I know that everyone is psychic to an extent, but my experiences don’t seem to be very common. Any information on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
– Daniel

Dear Daniel:

I think it would be most helpful to ponder your experiences in light of “kundalini” or life force energy. This will lead us to the most basic foundation for such experiences, because ultimately, everything in the Universe is a matter of energy.

While we could label these “psychic experiences,” I believe what you’re experiencing at such moments are actually surges in kundalini. As we awaken spiritually, we naturally develop psychic abilities, so the relationship between what you’re experiencing and psychic phenomena is sort of like the relationship between exercise and fitness: as you awaken spiritually, you naturally develop psychically, just as when you exercise regularly, you naturally develop greater fitness. All growth spurts involve a surge in kundalini, so whether we are growing physically or spiritually, the basic energy that animates us and gives us consciousness will surge to fuel that growth spurt.

Some symptoms of spiritual awakening/ kundalini rising include: emotional outbursts and strong waves of emotion, which may be positive (bliss and ecstasy, for example) or negative (fear, anger or depression). In the extreme, manic depression often arises from the highs and lows of erratic kundalini flow. This would explain those intense waves of emotions you feel.

Kundalini rising can also cause physical symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, exhaustion, numbness or tingling in the body (especially in the lower extremities), mental confusion, disorientation, visual distortion and psychic experiences. I’ve only named a few of the symptoms one might experience with kundalini awakening to demonstrate that all of what you describe falls within this range.

As kundalini rises into the area of the third eye and crown chakra, tiredness or drowsiness may develop. Physical weakness and fatigue are also natural because a big shift in vibration can be taxing on a body that is not adequately prepared for it. Some even say that a surge in kundalini uses up so much blood sugar that our blood sugar level may plummet, and most of us know how that feels! If we don’t understand what is going on, it’s natural to become worried or anxious about such sensations, which would only hinder the process of kundalini rising further and cause more discomfort.

Dizziness and disorientation in particular often precede some sort of spiritual breakthrough, for these are crown chakra experiences. As kundalini rises from the root chakra up the spine, it eventually makes its way out the crown of the head, so once it’s made it to the crown chakra, we’re on the verge of a breakthrough. If we “black out” at this point, it may be because we simply aren’t yet consciously up to speed with this level of experience.

Since you have these experiences when you’re in what we might term a “spiritual” setting or situation of one sort or another, I’m even more inclined to presume that they stem from a sudden surge in kundalini. If your body was a clear and open channel for this energy, you would probably have either an ecstatic spiritual experience or conscious psychic awareness of what is happening energetically in that situation. With the old forests, for example, you may have some sort of blissful spiritual experience, while in an old house, you may perceive the presence of a non-physical entity or awareness of residual energy that is somehow uncomfortable for you.

Suddenly feeling weak, sick, dizzy, etc., is not always a sign of kundalini surging, so you must view your experiences within the context of the setting and your own feelings at that moment to determine what is really happening. If you’re in an uplifting spiritual situation and you feel blissful or ecstatic, I’d presume you’re experiencing a surge in kundalini. If, however, you’re in a house you think could be haunted and you suddenly feel dizzy or weak, it’s probably a sign that this is not a good place for you to be.

You see, as kundalini rises, it makes us more and more sensitive on the whole. (This is why psychics are also known as sensitives.) If kundalini rising has made someone super sensitive but they don’t pay conscious attention to issues of energy, they may suddenly feel dizzy, weak or nauseous when they walk into a heavy, negative environment like a bar, or interact with someone of a nature that is not good for them. Because they’re not conscious, they wouldn’t know that this is their inner guidance system trying to tell them to get away from there.

Please note that kundalini awakening does not have to be a difficult or uncomfortable process, though we may not have full conscious control over how things will unfold for us personally. The more we work WITH and trust in this process, however, the smoother things should go.

It’s a bit like the growth process of the physical body: if we suddenly notice we’re growing because our clothes and shoes have gotten uncomfortably tight, and this freaks us out, we may resist growing more by doing something akin to foot binding. This will of course cause us far more discomfort. If, however, we trust in this as a natural process and we shed everything that has grown too small or tight for us (including limiting beliefs and perspectives), we can naturally flow into a bigger state of being.

Thus I believe the best thing you can do is to become a clearer, more conscious channel via spiritual practice. This is essentially why yoga developed in the first place; it opens up energy flow throughout the body and integrates us on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Meditation, spiritual study or other spiritual practices will also make you more conscious of what is happening to you on all levels. This will empower you to remain in a high vibration as you walk through such experiences and lend you more control over them.

I suggest you view these experiences as signs that you are ready to embrace a more conscious spiritual path in order to clear inner channels for new growth and development. The more conscious you get spiritually, the more you will both understand the true nature of such experiences and be able to facilitate a smooth spiritual journey.

– Soul Arcanum

Spiritual Awakening Chaos Syndrome

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been trying to adopt a spiritual lifestyle for several years, and also trying to develop my psychic abilities. Why is it that when people make an effort to live this way, life seems to get harder? A lot of spiritual people always seem to be scraping through life, while most of the people I know who have no interest in spiritual growth seem to just float along. As the saying goes, “ignorance is bliss.” Sometimes I feel like walking a spiritual path is not worth the effort.
– Lisa

Dear Lisa:

As it is well known in spiritual circles, the early stages of awakening often turn one’s life upside down. It certainly does seem unfair; if we get more honest with ourselves and others and practice more kindness and compassion, why should we suffer more?

Awakening is like opening the door to a closet stuffed with emotional baggage from the past – perhaps even from past lives. When we open that door and start to consciously face these issues, all kinds of stuff may fall out on our heads.

Just as in physical life, no one really likes cleaning closets, but at some point, we get tired of all that mess and feel inspired to dig in and tackle the job. We want to feel more organized and on top of things, and to make room for new “stuff” – new experiences, insights, abilities, peace and understanding.

Some people will have a gentler experience. They may crack that door open and start slipping one item out at a time, and deal with that before going back for more. Others will throw those doors open, get swept away in the tide of junk that tumbles around them, flail and flounder for a while, get their footing, and start to dig themselves out.

It may take quite some time before progress becomes apparent. In fact, at first it may seem like life went from nice and orderly to a big mess full of hassles and endless problems. If we hang in there, however, we WILL make progress. We’ll also gain all kinds of new skills and gifts as we go. We build new self-esteem, confidence, and wisdom when bit by bit we handle deep issues, heal old wounds, make peace with past experiences, work our way toward our goals, etc.

I’ve seen many a spiritual seeker’s life fall apart as you describe, and I know how overwhelming it can be. In fact, I’ve often joked that I was once the “poster child” for what we might call Spiritual Awakening Chaos Syndrome.

When this happened to me, I had been on a conscious spiritual path for a number of years, and had had a lot of spontaneous psychic and spirit communication experiences. It wasn’t until I decided that this was my life path – that I was going to develop my mediumship abilities and devote myself to this line of work – that chaos erupted. I was married to my first husband and had two small kids when I decided to begin an intense training program in the spiritual arts. At this point, I considered my life and my marriage to be just fine; it was peaceful, I got along with everyone, I basically had no problems.

No sooner did I make this decision, however, than everything began to fall apart. For example, I became chronically ill, and suddenly my seemingly sound marriage began to crack. I didn’t really want to face the truth about it, however, because I wanted to focus on my “spiritual growth.” (Hah!) The more I tried to resist facing the truth, the sicker I got.

Eventually, I had to face facts: my marriage was basically a middle class illusion of what family life is supposed to be like. We were just going through the motions of what we both believed we “should” do. For two years I waffled between honoring my truth by trying to improve my marriage (which never worked), and denying my truth by trying to just hang in there and focus on other things. I might still be waffling today if health problems hadn’t scared me into making new decisions.

While separation brought immediate and complete relief of my health problems, divorce also led to all kinds of tumult. I had many fears to conquer: of hurting my children and other loved ones by being true to myself, of not being able to financially support myself, of being “bad” or wrong and one day regretting my decisions, of being alone, etc.

It took great strength and effort to not just push all of this stuff back into the closet, wedge an armoire up against it, brush the dust off my hands and go back to an unconscious life. Eventually, however, all of this inner and outer effort began to pay off in the form of great new blessings: new confidence, new inner peace, new skills, new success, new fulfillment, wonderful new relationships, etc.

These blessings were accompanied by new challenges. I met my current husband in a divinely destined way and knew he was “the one.” With him, however, came a whole new set of emotional baggage. His closet was bursting with strife-ridden relationship issues, and of course, when you marry someone, you bring their “stuff” into your life. Instead of my former peaceful, smooth existence, I was now drowning in other people’s “problems.”

Like you, I asked Spirit what I’d done to “deserve” this, and was shown that I had simply grown capable of handling more. Whenever I struggled or suffered, it meant that I was being presented with an opportunity to learn a lesson I’d yet to master.

I’m not suggesting that this has to happen to everyone, for some people have a much smoother experience. As spiritual awakening is in essence the realignment with our truest selves, the further we have strayed from our truest selves prior to that awakening, the harder it will be.

I’m reminded of a documentary called “Hoffman’s Potion” about the power of LSD as a therapeutic tool. LSD researchers discovered that some people had blissful spiritual experiences, while others had terrifying ones. The people who had wonderful experiences were basically self-aware and at peace with themselves to begin with, while those who had disturbing experiences were in denial of some kind.

For example, alcoholics tended to be in denial about how their behavior affected their loved ones, and through LSD, they were led to face the truth about their actions. The more in denial they had been, the more disturbing it was for them cope with the truth. It’s the same with spiritual seekers; the farther we’ve strayed from Truth, the harder it will be to face it when the time comes.

I do have some good news for struggling spiritual seekers: the worse things are now, the better they can become. If your life has been turned upside down since you began walking a conscious path, it means that much of your old life was based on illusions. With all of that torn down, you can now build a solid foundation for true fulfillment.

Ultimately, spiritual efforts are totally worth it. We don’t really have a good alternative to facing our “stuff” anyway, for whatever we deny or avoid will just get bigger and more painful until we deal with it.

As for all those folks who seem to be enjoying the “bliss” of ignorance, I encourage you to look beneath the surface. Some are living lives of quiet desperation. Some are in denial, and will eventually find themselves on a painful path that will force them to wake up. Some are indeed feeling just fine for now; we all go through periods when we can coast for a while, enjoy the fruits of our prior metaphysical labor and recharge for new progress.

Eventually, however, everything that is shoved into an inner closet must be cleaned out. The sooner we drag it out into the light and deal with it, the sooner we can move on to new peace, power and wisdom.

– Soul Arcanum