Tag Archive: spirit guides

Can We Try TOO Hard to Communicate with Spirit Guides?

on communicating with Spirit and/or spirit guides
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

In your experience, do you think that in trying to consciously connect with Spirit or our Spirit Guides, one can try TOO hard and miss the mark totally? I ask this because I make what I feel are real attempts to open myself up to Spirit, and don’t feel that I ever really do. Thank you for your insights!

Dear Desma:

Absolutely! We (including YOU) are actually in communication with Spirit all the time, but few of us are consciously aware of it. When we act on “impulses,” where do those impulses come from? When we have a “bad feeling” or a “hunch” about something or someone, where does that come from? Sometimes it is from our own intuition and inner knowing, but often it is from a source beyond ourselves.

If we “try too hard,” not only do we block ourselves from receiving what we desire, but we lock ourselves into our conscious, logical minds, which deafens us to our intuitive faculties. Psychic perception is about receiving, not about attaining. A radio does not have to try hard to receive a signal; it just needs to be turned on and tuned in.

If you think about it, you’ll realize that every psychic exercise begins with the same step: relaxation. This is because in order to perceive anything psychically, we have to alter our state of consciousness so that we’re in a day-dreamy “alpha state.” While this may not be wise if we’re driving a car or chopping vegetables, it’s ideal if we’re seeking communication with non-physical entities.

Further, when we “try too hard,” it’s like we’re at war with our goal. Instead of trying to conquer this challenge, we are wise to make love to it, play with it, experiment! If you’re hard on yourself, you’ll only lower your vibration, which will effectively prevent you from reaching that higher state wherein spirit communication is possible. Try to embrace a sense of anticipation, joy and gratitude about all the magic in the universe, the amazing things humans are capable of, how wonderful beings like guides and angels are weaving in and out of our experience every day. Try to get out of your head and open your heart and soul to Spirit. You can not logically find your way to what you desire here; you must let your heart lead you. While your head plays a key role in interpreting what you receive and in discerning fact from fantasy, you have to be willing to take an initial leap of faith and BELIEVE in order to receive the kind of proof logic demands.

Connecting with Spirit is a psychic ability, and psychic perception is not a science: it’s an art form. Like any creative process, you have to be willing to “mess up” – to be experimental in your approach.

Be light about it. You might begin by manifesting signs from Spirit that you’re on the right track, or that you’re capable of doing what you desire. Decide what your sign will be, ask with all your heart for Spirit to send you validation, and then begin to look for that sign wherever you go. Let’s say you decide you want your sign to be a “thumbs up.” As you’re flipping through the television channels, your attention may be caught by a basketball player giving a “thumbs up” to someone in the stands, or while driving you may see a “thumbs up” on a billboard, or a coworker may walk by and just give you a “thumbs up” to communicate that you’re doing a good job. These are proof that you are already dialoguing with the Universe. When you determine the form of the sign/communication, it’s much easier to spot. The more you acknowledge such experiences as meaningful, the more Spirit will say, “Hey, we’ve got her attention, send more, send more!”

I believe that many “coincidences” are not necessarily meaningful in and of themselves; they’re simply little wake-up calls to pay attention. For example, the other night when I left karate class with my husband, this total stranger struck up a conversation with us, and ended up massaging my neck and shoulders right there on the sidewalk. (He was showing my husband some great techniques). We walked on and several blocks and turns later, my husband introduced me to an old friend who was standing outside her store. In the five minutes we spoke to her, she mentioned that she used to be a massage therapist, but that now, “there is a guy doing massage on every street corner.” Zing!

The next day I was again at karate, talking with a friend about the power blackout last summer, and I thought to myself, “I’d better stop talking about this, or else the power will go out again.” An hour later my husband stopped by as I was leaving class to let me know that our power was out. The rest of the city was fine, mind you; only our neighborhood was out. Now, I don’t think I “caused” the power to go out. I think that I was nudged to think about the power outage before it happened. I realized then that I had been running my usual hectic pace through life on auto-pilot, and that Spirit had been trying to get me to stop and pay attention.

In addition to seeking signs like this, you might try just “making stuff up.” If you COULD connect with a spirit guide, what might he/she be like? Draw a picture or write a description and conversation with this spirit guide. It’s all based on what he/she MIGHT be like “IF” you could communicate with him/her. Honor whatever comes to you as VALID FOR YOU, even if you think you’re making it all up. (Even if you ARE making it up, it’s coming from SOMEWHERE. Just like dreams, it’s all meaningful and valid for you personally.)

The more you communicate with these deeper/other parts of yourself, the more your awareness will expand.There is a whole lot of clutter in our subconscious, waiting for our conscious awareness. This is why meditation is so powerful. It’s something you begin to do like cleaning your house: when your mind is all cluttered and crammed with stuff, it’s time to clear it out so you can see everything in your inner environment clearly again.

Begin to honor your hunches, impulses and intuitions. If someone pops into your mind, give that person a call or look around for them. I will know I’m going to see someone in an unlikely place because as I’m going along, that person will just pop into my mind. You often hear people say, “Oh my gosh, I was just thinking about you!” Begin to pay attention to your state of mind when things like this happen. I’m sure you’ll notice that you aren’t “trying hard,” but rather, are just going along in your life, probably doing something that allows your mind to “wander.” This is the state of mind you need to recreate to purposefully connect.

When you do try to consciously connect with Spirit, set your intention with your heart, not your mind. You can’t force your mind to do it, but you can wish with all your heart and succeed. Feel the desire to communicate with spirit burning in your heart, and allow the calm certainty of your faith to keep it in balance. You can RELAX while wanting if you believe you’re going to get what you want. That is the perfect state of mind and heart for receiving Divine guidance.

Above all, remember that if you don’t feel good about yourself, you’re going to lower your vibration right out of the psychic range. Frustration will only block you. The more gratitude and love you’re flowing, the higher your vibration, and the easier it will be to connect. Raise your vibration via meditation, prayer, a healthy diet, exercise, positive thinking, affirmations, etc., and it will be much easier for you to connect with Spirit.

– Soul Arcanum

How Can We Hear Spirit Guides Better?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Why is it that when I ask my spirit guides for help, they don’t respond? Or maybe I should ask: What can I do to hear them better?
– Sydney

Dear Sydney:

First I want you to know that as you ask, Spirit IS answering. It’s like you’re emailing Spirit, and Spirit is shooting back an answer instantly, but your SPAM filter is filtering out this guidance along with a lot of other stuff you really want, but aren’t programmed to receive. You’re waiting for the answer, and the whole time it’s there in another file.

So throw out any idea or feeling you may have developed that someone in Spirit is letting you down and doesn’t care about helping you, or that you are somehow unworthy of receiving answers. Every one of us has guides on duty all the time, and those guides very much want to help us. We have only to ask and then know how to listen.

There is one basic reason behind all struggles with conscious communication with Spirit: mismatched frequency. We are abiding at a lower vibration than that of spirit guides. If we are water, our guides are steam – so we have to “speed up” to almost boiling while they have to “slow down” and start to condense in order to meet in the middle. This is of course just a metaphor for what is happening energetically. We have to move vibrationally into love and light in order to consciously connect with beings of love and light.

People are usually motivated to first connect with Spirit when they’re feeling very lost and confused. While this may seem natural, it’s generally a recipe for disappointment and frustration, which can become disillusionment, which just makes things even harder. These emotional patterns of experience then become negative beliefs that build big, thick walls between our conscious minds and input from Spirit.

So I recommend that anyone seeking contact with spirit guides only do so when they are in a very peaceful, uplifted inner space. Set yourself up for success! Classes and workshops are often the locations for such breakthroughs because the teachers of those classes know how to lead everyone into an altered state of consciousness, and how to raise their vibrations via methods such as guided meditations that are uplifting, healing and inspiring in content.

Once people have success with this and learn how to raise their own vibration at will, then guidance can be sought on “problems.” They still have to raise their consciousness to connect, however. So what you really want to know how to do is raise your own vibration. One reason that meditation is so universally prescribed for all spiritual goals is because when we RELAX, our vibration naturally rises.

People schedule readings with me when they’re having problems. They’re stuck in negative emotion, so they can’t consciously connect with their own inner guidance. The most common reasons I see for people not being able to consciously connect include: negative thinking, attachment, fear, doubt/skepticism and laziness.

I see negative thinking in folks who are focused on solving problems instead of creating what they want in their lives. As we focus on the problems, our vibration sinks, and we can’t see a better way.

I see attachment in those people who want happiness, but insist it must come through a certain person or channel. When we’re attached to details like this, we’re basically asking Spirit questions that are impossible to answer. (“How can I find happiness with Billy Bob?” The answer may be: “You can’t! If you want happiness, let go of Billy Bob!”)

I see fear in folks who hope they can talk to spirit guides but who are afraid that this is evil or will expose them to evil influences. They are telling the Universe: “Tell me! Don’t tell me! Tell me! Don’t come too close, you’re freaking me out!”

I see doubt/skepticism in folks who need to have evidence in order to suspend active disbelief, or who are so caught up in understanding things intellectually that they can’t hear/feel what Spirit is whispering in their hearts.

I see laziness in people who want Spirit to speak to them pronto, and don’t want to have to do anything for this to happen. Imagine that you speak English, and you’re trying to create a close relationship with someone who speaks Spanish. If you only call this person up when you’re desperate, you’re not going to be able to understand what they are saying to you. If, however, you talk to this person every day, then when you really need something, you can call up and really communicate. Learning how to consciously communicate inter-dimensionally is a great deal like learning another language. It takes some time, effort and devotion.

Once these hurdles have been cleared away, then we must remember that spirit communication is a subtle art. We have to watch for and notice subtle cues, interpret them, and trust them enough to act on them.

How those subtle answers will come through for you will depend on your primary modes of perception. Let’s say you decide to try meditation for communicating with your spirit guides. If you are visual, you may have visions in your mind of your spirit guides, or may be “shown the answers” on your mental screen. If you are auditory, you may “hear” answers in your head.

If you are kinesthetic, you may feel like you’re missing something. Kinesthetic folks tend to have the hardest time with recognizing conscious communication from Spirit. While others are seeing and hearing things, you may not see or hear anything, but you could actually FEEL a guide “touching” your aura, or just KNOW in your gut what you should do. This is valid communication, and should be recognized and trusted.

So as you’re meditating, I recommend you tell your Spirit guides: “Please show yourself to me.” If you don’t get anything clear, then say, “Please tell me that you’re there.” If you don’t “hear” anything in your mind, then say, “Please touch me in some way.”

You have to trust what you get. It’s normal to think you’re making it all up at first. Our spirit guides have been with us since we were born, so we have been receiving their guidance our entire lives. Sometimes we call that guidance our “intuition.” Sometimes we just know something, and we don’t know how we know. Many of the “little voices” in our heads and our “gut feelings” have been our spirit guides talking to us all along – we just thought they were a part of us.

Additionally, Spirit can and will guide us through mundane sources, especially if we are open to taking inspired action. For example, if you pray for guidance about your marriage, you may have an impulse to go to a certain movie or pick up and read a certain book, and find the answers you’re seeking embedded in the content. You may be talking to someone and hear them speak the answers you’ve been praying for. They don’t have to be conscious that they are channeling Spirit for this to happen. There are infinite ways for Spirit to answer us.

There are many great methods for communicating with your spirit guides. You can buy a guided meditation CD, take a class/seminar, try different divination tools, explore automatic writing, pray/meditate yourself, etc. I believe that ANY of these methods will work for you if you sincerely follow all of these basic steps:

*Tell Spirit you want clear answers/signs, and demonstrate that you REALLY want this by devoting yourself to the development of this communication on a regular basis.
*Raise your vibration by healing negative feelings and issues and centering yourself in faith, love, gratitude and joy.
*Pay attention to subtle signs and messages from all sources.
*Act on your impulses.

– Soul Arcanum

Can You Fire Your Spirit Guides for Poor Performance?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Can you ask for new and better spirit guides? I feel like my guides aren’t doing a very good job. I’m not getting anything I want in life and am going through all sorts of bad luck.


Dear Kevin:

I believe what you need is not new spirit guides but rather greater understanding of their role along with working knowledge of the law of attraction and how to step into your own divine power to create what you want in your life.

The first thing to understand is that your spirit guides are not responsible for what happens in your life. Let’s say that your life is a corporation. It sounds like you are viewing your guides as employees who are falling down on the job, when they are really more like consultants you can call upon to help you figure out how to build greater success and make things run more smoothly.

Though our spirit guides and angels are always available to us, they can’t and won’t step in without being asked to do so, for we always have free will. Further, whether we like it or not, we are all creating our own realities. Our guides’ role is not to take over or even make things happen for us, but to give us ideas on how we can do whatever must be done to fulfill our desires.

It’s my understanding that for the most part, we all have a guide that is with us from birth until death plus guides who come and go depending on what we are working on at any particular time. The bigger we live, the more guides we tend to have working with us. For example, someone who is settling for the same old job and relationship they entered into decades ago because they lack the faith and motivation to reach for something higher may not have any specialized guides working with them at all, while someone who is working as a healer of some kind could have a whole team of specialists guiding them through each day and working intensively with them at night in other dimensions of experience.

Our guides are always perfectly suited for us at any given time. While it’s true that we may sometimes get new guides, usually this is because we have changed or are about to embark on some special task, dream or goal. To use the business metaphor again, this is like having a traditional medical practice and deciding to switch to a holistic approach that emphasizes preventive medicine. When we open up to new experiences and endeavors, our needs may change, which can summon new help from Spirit. This means the more actively we pursue our own spiritual growth and go for our dreams, the more often we tend to experience a spiritual changing of the guards.

We can’t make this happen whenever we feel like it because we all come into life with certain goals and lessons we need to learn. In a way, we “earn” new guides and higher levels of experience by mastering whatever we’ve been working on. Once we grow and develop beyond what our current guides can do for us, we’ll be ready for new ones.

I have heard many stories from different spiritual seekers about new guides coming into their lives. I remember one woman who took up a disciplined practice of yoga and spiritual growth when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. One day not long after this, while meditating after an hour or so of yoga, she became mentally aware of an old Hindu wise man who was patiently waiting for her to notice him. When she acknowledged his presence, she was able to mentally dialogue with him, which is when she learned that he was a new guide sent to help her through a time of spiritual healing and exploration.

Sometimes, new guides move in just before transitions get into full swing. The more we are conscious of our guides in general, the more we’ll tend to be aware of such developments. Since I began working as a spiritual counselor decades ago, there have been a few times when I suddenly became aware of a new guide or group of guides during meditation, and each time, I got the sense that they had been there for a while, waiting for me to become ready to work with them in a more conscious way. Spirit is always aware of what we need before we become aware of it ourselves. Since our guides are always leading us forward, new guides tend to show up before we become aware of why they may be needed. Whether we are aware of them before moving into new spiritual territory or not largely depends on how psychically aware we are of what is happening on this level of experience.

If you’re not happy with the way your life is going, it could actually be because you are blaming your guides! You didn’t describe your relationship with your guides and whether you are consciously working with them at all, but if you are aware of guides and they seem to be leading you astray, you’re probably being influenced by metaphysical beings who are not guides at all. It is important to always test any spirits we interact with; we do this in part by evaluating how they make us feel and how sound and helpful their guidance proves to be. If you are listening to and acting on the suggestions of spirits and it is not going well for you, you can be sure you’re dealing with lower level entities and not divine helpers.

Further, whenever we blame anything outside of ourselves for how we feel and how things are going, we give away our power to create what we want in our lives. In blaming your guides for your bad luck, you are disempowering yourself and keeping yourself down. To turn things around, you’ll have to take responsibility for how you feel and begin to consciously work with the law of attraction. You’ll also have to pull yourself out of this emotional slump and cultivate a higher vibration so you can hear your true guides and work with them to create a higher level of experience. I’ve written a great deal on how to cultivate a high vibration. For starters, check out Raising Your Vibration for Spirit Communication.

If you want things to go smoothly and your dreams to come true, you’ll have to shift out of this passive approach in which you expect your guides to take care of things for you, and become willing to do “the work.” Engaging in regular spiritual practice like yoga and meditation will help you gain control of your vibration and become more open and receptive to Spirit’s guidance. You’ll also want to consciously ask for Spirit’s help: pray to your guides to send you signs and pay attention to your intuition. The more you meditate and ask questions within, the more guidance you’ll receive and the better things will tend to go. If there are any issues or wounds from the past that need healing, you will be led back to them again and again in the form of problems until you fully resolve them, so make sure you are doing all you can to cultivate peace, wisdom, and inner purity.

Finally, I recommend you reach for a more grateful, friendly attitude toward your guides. Instead of fantasizing about firing them for poor performance, recognize that they have been available to help you all along, and have done many wonderful things for you that you didn’t know were attributable to them. Though spirit guides are beyond getting angry or upset, it is nevertheless wise to remain thankful for all the help, guidance and support that is always available to us.

Soul Arcanum

Do I Have to be Psychic to Communicate with My Spirit Guides?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am wondering if it is possible for me to learn how to communicate with my spirit guide given the fact that I’m not psychic. Is it possible to do this if you don’t have any special psychic ability? I would love to see my guide and know his/her name, and perhaps even communicate with my guide regarding various questions I may have about my life. Thank you!


Dear Archie:

Communicating with a spirit guide is definitely a psychic activity, but just because you haven’t yet noticed any psychic gifts doesn’t mean you can’t develop this ability. In fact, I think you would be wise to begin your foray into psychic territory by working on building a strong, clear connection to your guides. It may also encourage you to know that your interest in meeting your guides suggests that you are being called in this direction.

Many people move into psychic exploration through neighborhoods that can be a bit tricky to navigate. They may be drawn down certain paths by their curiosity as well as the exciting neon lights advertising palm readers, crystals, ghostly encounters and the like. This can be lots of fun until they wander off the main drag and get roughed up by some astral bullies or ripped off by a so-called guru. By contrast, if you build a strong relationship with a guide before you go exploring, your guide will naturally tell you where you need to go in order to achieve your aims, and will direct you and protect you from undesirable experiences every step of the way.

Spirit guides are one of the greatest resources you can have both in terms of psychic work and life in general. When you have a strong, clear connection to a wise guide, you can simply ask whatever you need to ask and get an answer. In terms of general psychic development, this is invaluable because so much psychic input is vague or cryptic. When I am doing a reading for someone, I constantly check my interpretation of what I’m shown by asking my guides for validation and clarification.

Since having a good relationship with your spirit guides is so helpful, you may be wondering why everyone doesn’t seek a guide before delving into psychic practices. I think most people don’t realize how important and helpful having a guide can be. Beyond this, developing clear, strong communication with a high level guide requires an extraordinarily high vibration. Anyone can pick up a Ouiji board and call in a random spirit to get the planchette moving or learn how to read tarot cards or runes. Spirit communication requires far more finesse and development. As spirit guides are from a dimension far more rarefied than the physical or the astral, communication with a high level spirit guide requires the ability to get into a very high spiritual vibration, which can take a lot of personal growth and development.

Since like attracts like in the Universe, to connect with a wise spirit guide, we have to be in harmony with the guide’s energy. If we don’t master our vibration before we pursue this sort of experience, we’ll either end up frustrated by failure or attract lower spirits who may pretend to be someone they are not. As I have written a great deal on how to achieve and maintain a high vibration in other columns, I won’t go into that here. You might see Raise Your Vibration for Spirit CommunicationAsking Spirit to Guide you in Psychic and Spiritual Development and Aligning with a High Level Spirit during Spirit Communication for starters.

Once you have achieved the ability to shift into a very high vibration at will, to telepathically communicate with your guide, shift into a high vibration and meditate for a few moments to quiet your mind. Affirm your intention of connecting with a wise, benevolent spirit guide. Then begin to ask questions telepathically. You can ask whatever you want to know. You might begin by asking Are you there? and listening for a response. You may mentally hear a voice answer you and assume you are imagining it or making it up. Don’t immediately dismiss it as an illusion; instead, suspend your disbelief during this “experiment” and see what happens.

Remember that you can always meet your guides in your dreams. You can probably even remember dreams in which this took place – you just didn’t realize that the invisible person you could sense beside you was your spirit guide, or the so-called stranger who gave you a cryptic message was your guide in disguise.

Begin to look for your spirit guides in your dreams, paying special attention to teachers, people who give you directions or answer questions, protectors, trusted companions and familiar “friends” you don’t know from waking life. Books, maps and written messages can hold messages from your guides. You can even program yourself to dream about your guides before you fall asleep. The beauty of this method is that you don’t have to figure out how to consciously achieve a high vibration, for we all meet with our guides in dreams; our vibration naturally skyrockets when we fall asleep, which is how we are able to travel through the dream world.

If you don’t get clear answers in your dreams or meditations, don’t give up. In my experience, the answers always come, but if we’re not in a high enough vibration to get them directly, they may come through the usual channels spirit guides use such as signs and synchronicities. If you’re paying attention, you will see the answer come to you via a random conversation, billboard, song on the radio, etc. You will know it by the way it grabs your attention and by the strange, special feeling that something is happening. The more you pay attention and notice such signs, the easier it will be for you to develop the ability to get them telepathically.

You might begin by asking for the best way for you personally to contact your guides. Meditate and listen for answers, and if you don’t get anything clear, start watching for signs and synchronicities. Someone may mention a class or you may feel drawn to reading a certain book. It’s important to trust your own inner knowing as well as your guides to lead you to the best way for you, especially in this primary matter of learning how to connect with them. Speaking of books, you’d be wise to read all you can about spiritual matters and especially books by and about spirit guides, such as those by Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Neale Donald Walsch and Sonya Choquette. Of course, reading about the law of attraction and consciously working with it can help you manifest a great relationship with your spirit guides along with anything else you may desire.

Finally, know that your guides want to connect with you. They have been with you throughout your life, guiding you via your impulses and intuitions. Their job is much easier if you pay attention and cooperate, so of course they want to help you get to know them. For most of us, a sincere, conscious desire to know our spirit guides naturally results in success because our guides will find a way to lead us to whatever we need in order to move toward this goal, as is true of all the other heartfelt goals we set for ourselves.

– Soul Arcanum

Disillusionment with Spiritual Teachers

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last night a guest on a radio program was talking about his incredible experiences while meditating. He was saying that one time while deep in meditation, he met Jesus, and he said that trying to look Jesus in the eye was nearly impossible because he was so intensely bright. Jesus asked him if he wanted to meet an angel and he said yes, and he started flying through our galaxy towards the center. He said that this was so blissful and ecstatic that it became too overwhelming and he wanted to stop it. He said there were nine spheres or levels of bliss, and each one was more intense than the previous. He got all the way to the boundary of the last one but felt that if he crossed into it, he couldn’t come back, so he stopped because he wanted to tell the world that this is real.

I’ve heard stories like this from people in the past, but over the past year, I’ve experienced huge disillusionment because I started following this man that I thought was a true master but I came to find out he is narrow-minded about a lot of things and hasn’t been open with the truth. I also found out Yogananda had some skeletons in his closet, so I’m a lot more cautious about spiritual teachers now. I just don’t know what or who to believe in anymore. Can you verify or debunk through your own experiences what this man on the radio was talking about last night? Part of me is inspired to start meditating again, but part of me is wary about getting suckered in.
– Ned

Dear Ned

Regarding the experiences this man described, I see no reason to doubt he was telling the truth. I’ve never had an experience like this myself, but many aspects of it are in harmony with mystical experiences recorded throughout the ages. While you could point to that fact alone to suggest that he was making it all up, one has to wonder why he’d bother.

Here are some of the aspects that mirror classic mystical experiences:

First, seeing a beautiful light is probably the most common element in reports of near death experiences. Some believe this light to be Jesus, while others interpret it to be some other divine being. Almost all say that they can’t look directly at it, yet it doesn’t hurt their eyes. Being bathed in this light is universally reported to be blissful beyond words.

Many people who have out of body and near death experiences report flying through space and exploring the nature of reality in ways similar to what this man described. The idea that there are nine spheres or dimensions is also common. In ancient Rome, it was believed that our physical world is one of nine spheres, and this was echoed in Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other esoteric teachings.

While you could argue that we’ve all been influenced both consciously and unconsciously by these traditions, these ideas must originate somewhere, so it would be just as foolish to reject them outright as it would be to accept them blindly. In the case of experiences that are reported time and time again from people throughout different cultures and belief systems, I’m inclined to assume there is at least a seed of truth in them.

My own journey has also taught me that far more is possible than most people realize. Certainly, if what you desire is mind-blowing mystical experiences, then you’re wise to go for it and expect to be guided to fulfillment.

Regarding your disillusionment with spiritual gurus, I do understand how you feel. There are two aspects of this issue we might examine closely: the sort of person who seeks to become a famous spiritual teacher and your reason for wanting to find a teacher you can wholly believe in.

I tend to view high profile spiritual teachers very much like I view politicians: the best people for the job are too wise to want it. It’s the ego that craves fame and fortune, not the higher self, so anyone who sets themselves up as somehow special is automatically suspect in my book.

If spiritual teachers set themselves apart or above others, keep moving. If they were coming from their higher selves, they would view you to be just as divine as they are, and would aim to empower you by helping you see that. This is not to say that you can’t trust anyone famous, just that we shouldn’t be surprised when famous spiritual teachers demonstrate ego-based behavior. Even many of those spiritual teachers who have fame thrust upon them eventually succumb to the seductive trappings of celebrity.

I also understand your desire to find someone you can truly believe in. Everyone longs for something special and magical, and when we don’t know where to look for it, we’re naturally eager to follow someone who says they can show us the way. However, when we place a mere mortal on a spiritual pedestal, we set ourselves up for disappointment.

The search for a great spiritual teacher is often rooted in a desire to find the perfect parent we never had as children. We want to believe that someone else – a spiritual teacher or a heavenly father – is all-loving and all-powerful, and if we just obey and worship them, they’ll take perfect care of us. This arises from fear and hence a desire to feel more secure, and a lack of faith in ourselves and our own divine nature.

It’s never wise to give our power away to another mere mortal or to worship another person in the place of God – whatever God may mean to us. God whispers to us within our own hearts and souls, so as we evolve spiritually, we stop looking for the Divine outside ourselves and start listening within. When we step into our own divine power, we lose the need for someone else to save us or show us the way.

So as I see it, becoming disillusioned with spiritual teachers you’ve had on a pedestal is a sign of spiritual maturity. Instead of viewing them as demigods, we might consider them fellow spiritual travelers who have already journeyed through territory we’d like to explore ourselves. Since all they can do is tell us about what they encountered and perhaps offer us advice or a map of the territory they’re familiar with, we’d be foolish to project superhuman qualities on them. We can take the best of what they have to offer us, but we should be prepared to leave the rest.

You’re not alone, my friend. All spiritual seekers go through the same pattern of experience: they find a teacher or path that inspires them and get really absorbed in it for a while. Then after they’ve soaked up all they need, they start to feel restless and are no longer intrigued or impressed. This is positive because it causes them to move on and explore new ideas. Staying with the same teacher forever would be like studying nothing but algebra; you might get really good at math, but you’d miss out on a wonderful variety of other subjects.

So your disillusionment is a sign that you’re ready to move on, not only from this particular teacher, but from your need to find someone who has all the answers figured out for you. You don’t need to find a teacher you can wholly believe in – you just need to trust your own inner being to guide you. Your inner being is trying to do that now by inspiring you to pursue your own amazing mystical experiences.

Finally, I sincerely believe that whatever you manifest is perfect for you at that time. In this situation, I see your disillusionment with others as having a wonderful higher purpose: it’s guiding you to develop greater faith in yourself.

– Soul Arcanum

Mental Voice Predicts Future Relationship

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few years ago I took a seminar, and I raised my hand to ask a question of the teacher. Right after I asked my question, I heard a voice in my head. It was perfectly clear, and it told me that I had just met my future husband. I was so taken aback that I actually looked around the room to see if anyone else had heard or noticed anything, but everything seemed normal. I live in the same town as this man, and I haven’t seen him since, but this experience still pops in my head now and then, especially since I’m still single. Do you think it’s possible that this man is indeed my future husband? Either way, what in the world was this voice? Thank you so much!
– M.

Dear M.:

I know this sounds crazy, but if my own experiences hold your answer, I’d say this man IS your future husband!

One of the most powerful psychic experiences we can have is the recognition of someone we’ve known well in a prior incarnation. Even people who aren’t into psychic matters are open to the idea that there are some people we meet with whom we have a special sense of connection.

Scientists may attribute this to sensory clues such as the way that person looks, smells, or uses body language. However, there is a magical quality to some meetings that transcends biology; it’s a special feeling that arises when we meet someone we already have a very strong psychic bond to – someone we have had important experiences with in another life.

Whether that other person is a potential romantic connection or not, usually these feelings are strongly attractive. For example, we may experience “love at first site” with someone of the opposite sex, but we may also experience a sense of kinship upon first meeting someone who will become a good friend, mentor, teacher, boss, etc.

Such feelings aren’t always positive, however. Sometimes we may feel instantly repelled, scared, uneasy or cautious. This happens when we meet someone who has caused us pain or suffering in the past. In my experience, the attractive feeling is far more common, but that may differ by person. If someone has a hard time with relationships, they may have more painful experiences, and when they meet up with people again in the future, it would be natural for them to have more negative reactions.

I can only think of two times I had strong negative feelings about someone right off the bat, and despite my desire to stay far away from those individuals, I ended up having very trying experiences with them. I believe that premonitions like this are reflective of both the past AND the future: we recognize that person as familiar from the past, and we sense the karma that lies ahead.

In the case of negative reactions, the pain we experienced in another life is brought to the surface, and our soul recognizes that we’re about to face some big lesson or deal with some heavy karma. In the case of positive reactions, the love and happiness we experienced in another life is reawakened, and our soul recognizes that we’ve found someone we’ve been missing for a long time � someone we perhaps didn’t even know existed.

I can’t think of a single important relationship in my life that didn’t “announce” itself with a weighty feeling the first time I met that person. Think through the key relationships in your own life: your best friends, favorite teachers, boyfriends, etc., and review what happened the first time you met them. If you don’t recall anything special, it may just be because the volume on your psychic abilities isn’t turned up far enough for you to hear anything but the “loudest” emanations. Meeting a soul mate/future husband would certainly bang a big psychic gong!

I believe that “true love” reunions carry the most intense psychic impact, because the strongest experiences I’ve had with that voice you describe occurred when I met my husbands. (It happened with both my first and my second/current husband).

At the time I met my first husband, I was in college and very independent and ambitious. As my mom had been married and divorced a number of times, I was not a big fan of marriage in general, and planned on never marrying myself. Then one night I went to visit a friend at his fraternity, and on my way in the door, I saw my ex for the first time as he was on his way out. A jolt went through me when I saw him, but at this point, my psychic abilities were dormant, so I didn’t know what this meant.

Later that night I attended a party at that fraternity, and he was there. There was a strange buzz in the air, though again, I wasn’t processing any of this consciously. It felt like I had been placed there and was going through motions I was supposed to go through – like this had all been planned in advance. While I felt attracted to him, it was far more intense than any attraction I’d ever felt before.

When I got back to my room that night, my roommate and some other girls who were hanging out asked how my night had gone, and without thinking, I blurted, “I just met the man I’m going to marry!” It was only as I said those words that I consciously realized that this was indeed what I’d been sensing. My roommate said, “I thought you were never going to get married,” and I replied, “So did I!”

Perhaps some readers are questioning the quality of this experience, since that marriage didn’t last until death did us part. I sincerely believe that we were meant to come together to bring our children into the world, but that we were not meant to stay together forever. I don’t have space to explain it all here, but a number of other spiritual experiences support this view.

As for my current husband, the first time I saw him, he was sitting with someone else in a restaurant, and the same thing happened: time seemed to stop and I was riveted. By this point, however, I had developed my psychic abilities, and I knew that he was going to prove to be a very important person in my life. “Coincidentally,” two weeks later I joined a new gym, and the first day I walked in, he was there. It wasn’t long before I knew we were destined to be together romantically. (He, however, didn’t wake up to this fact until a year later. Needless to say, that was a very long year for me!)

If one individual of a destined couple is highly psychic like you and the other is not, often the psychic person knows they are destined to be together, while the other one doesn’t realize it until the time is at hand. This can be really nerve wracking for the one who senses the truth, unless that person remembers that if something is indeed destined, it will happen. If it’s not destined, then there’s no point worrying about it. Knowing the future before it is due to happen can be really challenging unless we have the faith to relax and trust in a higher plan.

I believe the voice or feeling you describe is a psychic alarm that goes off when we meet really important people we’re destined to develop relationships with. I’ve heard many stories about first meetings with future spouses that are similar to those described here, and time and time again, despite all sorts of obstacles (like living on separate continents!), those prophetic feelings proved true.

If I were you, I’d ask Spirit for confirmational signs about this man. If you then you start hearing his name, bumping into him around town, or something similar, for heaven’s sake, smile and make eye contact! While destiny is powerful stuff, it never hurts to help things along. Perhaps instead of just predicting the future, that voice is trying to nudge you to step back into your lover’s arms.

– Soul Arcanum

How Do Loved Ones Watch Over Us from Spirit?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve often heard it said that someone in Spirit is “watching over us.” How does that happen? I mean, what do they do to try to help us?
– Bob

Dear Bob:

Just like our living friends and family, loved ones who pass on will do all sorts of things to try to protect and help us. While spirit guides and angels have their own methods, here I’ll focus on the ways that our loved ones watch over us from Spirit.

The most striking ways spirits intervene on our behalf usually involve warnings of danger, for in matters of life or death, the desire to help us is so strong that it can produce seeming “miracles.” These interventions may manifest in ominous feelings or intuitions, such as a strong sense of foreboding that causes us to change our plans. I’ve often heard from people who had “feelings” that caused them to cancel a trip or reconsider their trust in a certain individual. While sometimes these feelings had an uncertain origin, other times folks had vivid dreams in which a loved one in Spirit was warning them, or they heard or otherwise perceived that spirit communicating a warning.

Occasionally, spirits even seem to be able to affect physical reality. For example, in the moments before a major car accident, a driver may sense the presence of a loved one in Spirit and then somehow emerge from the accident unscathed. Sometimes they may feel the steering wheel gripped by an invisible force, or they may brace themselves for a seemingly unavoidable impact that never comes.

I had such an experience myself long ago. I was driving late at night and I was very upset. I was crying and feeling reckless. I was driving through a deserted parking lot when in my despair I mentally reached out to my first love, who had died many years before. Instantly I felt his presence in the passenger seat. When I looked to see if he was actually there, my moving car shifted from drive into park!

The most amazing part of this experience was the fact that when I was 15 years old, he was the one who had taught me how to drive a car. At one point, I wanted to continue out onto a main road, and he told me not to. When it became apparent that I was going to do just what I wanted, he very calmly grabbed the center gear shift and put the car in park. So the night he put the car in park from Spirit, he was both preventing me from driving when I was upset, and confirming his presence in a very personal way.

Fortunately we’re not in danger often, but whenever something is very important to us, our desire will draw love and support from loved ones in Spirit just as it does from those who love us here on Earth. If we are longing for a health cure, a new job or a soul mate experience, our friends in Spirit will try to help us by guiding us to the answers, opportunities and people who can aid us in fulfilling our dreams.

They do this a number of ways, most of which involve planting ideas, impulses and suggestions in our minds. Sudden urges to go somewhere or do something are hallmarks of spiritual intercession. As this is similar to our own instincts and intuitions, we usually fail to recognize that these “nudges” came from an outside source.

Spirits can plant ideas in others’ minds as well. For example, if we’re desperately needing a new job, they may plant the idea of going through a certain employment service, and then when we’re in an interview, they may plant certain feelings and impulses in the interviewer. That person may inexplicably have a “good feeling” about us or an urge to give us the job. Similarly, when we suddenly find ourselves wanting to help someone or “seeing them in a new light,” it’s often because spirits are casting them in a different light so we will like them and want to help them.

Now, if you’re having a hard time in life, it doesn’t mean you lack friends “upstairs!” We determine the amount of help we can receive from Spirit. Nothing outside of ourselves can energetically align us with what we want – we have to do that. We also have to ask for help through prayer or at least clear longing. In my story above, I prayed with all my heart to connect with someone in Spirit, and “magic” happened.

Further, the more receptive we are to being guided, the easier it is to help us. If we’re blind to our faults and weaknesses or stubbornly insist on feeling sorry for ourselves or blaming outside influences for all our problems, then Spirit is not going to be able to break through our denial to help us. (We might call this “learning the hard way.”)

The people who may be able to help us must also be receptive. The more open and sensitive they are, the more impulses from spirits will be able to “get through.” Mediums often receive nudges from loved ones in Spirit to help the people they care about here on Earth. It only makes sense if you think about it, for we’re psychically sensitive and also already engaged in helping these folks with their biggest problems.

For this reason, mediums must remain especially conscious of strong impulses to “go the extra mile” or “save” clients. There is a difference between caring about people and the intense love of a personal connection. When I suddenly find myself wanting to “adopt” someone, I look to see if someone in Spirit is trying to care for them through me.

I recently did a reading for a woman whose teenage son died a few years ago. This young man is very devoted to his mother, and doing all he can to help her to heal from her grief and find fulfillment in other areas of her life. In the week prior to her reading, all sorts of “coincidences” started to crop up.

For example, she lives on an island, and suddenly, I was encountering references to this place right and left. It was mentioned in movies, books and conversations. I met people from this obscure place and had other people tell me stories about it from out of the blue. I also had a strong urge not only to go there, but to make this woman my new best friend, help her solve all her problems, and devote my life to facilitating communication between her and her son.

When these coincidences finally got my attention, I realized that her son was behind them. As soon as I became conscious that he was trying to get me to love her on his behalf, his influence over me ended.

People who are open and sensitive but unconscious or mentally weak are easy to influence both by the living and “the dead.” As all sorts of entities will try to influence us for both loving and selfish reasons, it’s very important that we are conscious enough to make our own choices. Since I have devoted myself to doing the work of Spirit in the world, my guides often send me on missions, and I have no problem with that. When loved ones in Spirit try to “slip under my radar” however, it’s important to make sure I’m acting of my own free will. If we are conscious of where impulses are coming from, then we’e free to choose to honor them or not.

This is one reason developing the ability to consciously communicate with Spirit is so wise and powerful. Then we can reject those ideas and impulses that won’t serve us well, empower our loved ones and guides to help us, and consciously choose to serve Spirit by honoring kind impulses from beyond. This intuitive way of life is rich with synchronicity, “magic” and endless blessings!

So the next time you get a strong impulse of some kind or you notice others suddenly wanting to help you, stop and put out your feelers for spiritual intervention. If you sense some force working on your behalf, ask for some sign or evidence to validate that intuition. The more you honor and give thanks for all the magic in your experience, the more you’ll empower your loved ones in Spirit to watch over you.

– Soul Arcanum

Do You Sometimes Feel Disconnected from Spirit?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: Do you feel that once you are connected with Spirit, you are always connected with Spirit? As a psychic, lately I have been feeling extremely disconnected from Spirit, almost as if my guides have stopped speaking to me, but it seems to always happen right before Mercury goes retrograde.
– B.

Dear B.:

Thanks for this great question. I think many people view a consciously developed connection to Spirit sort of like “enlightenment.” Once you attain it, you’re “enlightened” and will be so forevermore. In truth, there are many things that can cause us to feel disconnected.

Staying connected is sort of like “staying in shape.” Getting there in the first place is the hardest part, but we can’t then forget about it: we have to maintain it by practicing the habits that led us to success in the first place, and by paying attention to how we feel and what is needed on a regular basis.

Basically, to consciously communicate with guides and others in Spirit, we have to maintain a high frequency or vibration. I’ve written about how to go about this in depth in many other articles. If we stop doing things to keep our vibration high, or start doing things that will lower it, then it’s natural to get disconnected.

Since this is a recurring experience for you, I’m assuming that you’re not doing anything obvious to disconnect, like using your ability in ways you know you shouldn’t, or making life choices that you know are wrong. Once we’ve been “allowed past” a certain point spiritually, so to speak, we not only have greater power to work with spiritual laws, but we also suffer greater consequences when we fail to honor them. If most folks are walking through life, then consciously connecting with Spirit is like learning how to fly. We can see farther and go wherever we want to go much faster, but if we crash, we have a long ways to fall.

I don’t feel you’ve blundered, however. What you’re experiencing is much more common – what we might call natural “wear and tear” on your conscious connection to Spirit. We all struggle with this, because unless we constantly counteract it, life itself will tend to make us disconnect. Every time we react to an experience with negative emotion, our vibration lowers. Every time we get stressed out about anything, we pop out of connection mode. Life these days is harried and full of distractions and stress. Maintaining a clear, healthy, conscious spiritual connection is a lot like maintaining a strong, flexible, radiantly healthy body. Even with daily care and attention, everyone gets “sick” or weary sometimes.

So while we can aim to remain constantly, perfectly connected, we should be prepared for life to happen. It’s human nature to get distracted by dramas or to start to take things for granted after a while, and when we do that, they naturally start to slide. When we see them sliding, our appreciation of them is renewed, and then we put more focus and effort into them to restore them. We go through this up and down cycle in all areas of our lives all the time.

Since we’re both psychics, let’s look at readings as an example. When we first begin to read for others, it’s all fascinating and amazing. We love to tune in and work with people this way; we can’t get enough of it. Years later, however, it’s become routine. Now we’re more interested in our personal lives or our latest spiritual interest, and we may start to rush through meditation or readings so we can do what we “want” to do. This is when the disconnection starts. Spirit hasn’t changed: we’ve changed. As a church bulletin near my house reads, “If God [Spirit] feels far away, who moved?”

So the first thing to do when you feel disconnected is to examine how you may have changed. Look for the patterns involved. This is where Mercury Retrograde comes in. While I’m no astrologer, I do know that Mercury rules the mind and communication, and when a planet is retrograde, it means the issues it governs will be obscured or unavailable. Thus it makes perfect sense that Mercury Retrograde could throw a glitch into spirit communication.

Instead of feeling thwarted by this astrological influence, however, I recommend you decide that this is a helpful period of realignment. This is a time when life is forcing you to stop and get back on track in whatever ways you’ve gotten off. It’s a period when you’ll be pushed to move past your prior limits, reevaluate your approach, and repair or resolve issues that need your attention. It’s a time when it will be easier to see your life and your spiritual path in a new light. Feeling disconnected will motivate you to remember how important your connection to Spirit is, and to restore and recharge it if need be.

So whenever this happens, stop and ask yourself how you have changed from times when you felt strongly connected. Have you dropped some of the habits that got you connected in the first place? If not, do you need to let go of them and try something new? Has your desire for and appreciation of your connection grown dim with time? Have you gotten lazy with your meditation or other disciplines? Has your faith become tarnished by your interpretation of your life experiences? Are you being hard on yourself, and thus lowering your vibration? Has your personal life become dramatic and distracting? Has your enthusiasm waned?

I go through periods of feeling disconnected too, and it is usually the result of an emotional upset that threw me “off center,” distracted me from my higher purpose and lowered my vibration. To remain consciously connected, we have to constantly work through the hurt, fear and anger that arise in response to our life experiences. If we don’t deal with our own “stuff,” we won’t be able to help others deal with theirs. When I don’t know how to realign with my best self and my peak abilities, I just start doing the things that have worked for me before: meditating, eating really well, exercising, reading positive books, eliminating negative or distracting influences, energy healing work, practicing kindness and compassion, cultivating gratitude for all I’ve been blessed with, and remembering my many amazing spiritual experiences.

Don’t be dismayed or think you’re doing something wrong if you feel disconnected sometimes. Throughout history, shamanic cultures around the world have undertaken vision quests to consciously reconnect with Spirit. Even Jesus went off for 40 days in the wilderness, and the Buddha fasted and meditated for 40 days under the Bodhi tree. Now and then, we all need to work at transcending mundane reality and elevating our awareness of Spirit. If the simple suggestions above don’t work, you might explore the idea of going on your own vision quest. It doesn’t have to be a week of fasting in the wilderness; it can be any day that you set ordinary life aside for the express purpose of reconnecting with Spirit.

– Soul Arcanum