Tag Archive: sensitive

Tired Sensitive is Overwhelmed by Voices and Visions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

When I go to bed at night and close my eyes, I see many people. For a long time I’d see a random stranger’s face while falling asleep. This went on for years, and then over the last year it has escalated. Now when I go to sleep, if it’s not faces, it’s voices. I hear people talking and having conversations. One night I heard two men having an in depth conversation about old cars. I don’t know these voices. I’ve moved out of town into a rural setting, and I live alone. Usually these conversations are boring and I feel like I’m wasting my energy with all of this. When this happens, I do something I learned in a meditation class: I ground myself and ask everyone to leave. This helps but it is getting harder and harder to do. Last night, I saw a man I’ve never seen before. He was looking at me and smiling at me. He was all in white, like a white robe with a white thing around his head. Why is this happening to me? How can I get it to stop? I’m not schizophrenic; I’m psychic but have never had time to develop my abilities. I work full-time and am exhausted. If you were to pick my letter to answer, it would be a blessing. Thank you.

Dear Rose:

You would be amazed at how many people have the same experiences as they’re falling asleep, for when we quiet our minds and go within, we close out the input of the physical realm and open up to awareness of All That Is. It may comfort you to know that all of this exists when you’re wide awake – your mind is just too focused on the physical to notice this subtle input. When people who are sensitive quiet their minds, they naturally begin to perceive all sorts of things that escape others’ awareness. Hearing voices is not unusual; it’s only when one can’t cope with hearing voices that mental health issues arise. Instead of passively watching and listening to all of this strange stuff, the key to greater peace of mind is for you to empower yourself to manifest the quality of experience you desire.

To rid yourself of this tiresome pattern, you’ll have to learn to focus your mind and gain greater control of your receiver, so to speak. You say you haven’t had time to develop your mental powers, and I believe you’re being pushed to put this higher on your list of priorities. (You’re uncomfortable now because you’ve been fighting this idea for a long time.) If you want things to improve, you can’t continue to put this off. Otherwise, you’re like a person who is physically out of shape who complains that she gets winded every time she climbs a flight of stairs but also makes no time for exercise. To gain more control over what happens in your mind, you’re going to have to make time for mental/ spiritual development.

There are endless theories about what it is you’re picking up on. Some say these visions and voices come from the spirits of people who have died, while others say they are people who exist in another dimension, space or time. Some believe them to be spirit guides and angels; devils and demons; fairies and elves or even aliens. Scientific types tend to view them as snippets from our own subconscious minds, while paranoid folks fear they are the work of government agencies or occultists bent on mind control. You may also be picking up on the private thoughts of other people in this or other dimensions, or remembering snippets from past lives – the possibilities are endless.

It’s important to discern if these voices seem to be talking to you and/or about you or if you are just overhearing them. It sounds like you’re mainly overhearing them, which suggests you are picking up on sounds from another place or dimension.

Imagine that your mind is like a radio. When we learn how to control the mind, we develop the power to focus on what we want to focus on, and via meditation, how to quiet the mind as well. To ease into this, you might begin by consciously focusing on something in particular as you fall asleep at night. If this is challenging, you can try a guided meditation or hypnotherapy recording. Some recordings will help you to fall into a deep, restful sleep, while others will simultaneously guide you in achieving some other desirable aim as you’re drifting off. Once you get the hang of this, you can skip the recording and run your own mental program.

For example, when I have trouble falling asleep, I often visualize what I want to manifest in my life. This is not the same thing as worrying about all I have to do the next day; I just imagine my life as I desire it to be. This has two great benefits. First, I’ve never found anything that puts me to sleep faster – the next thing I know, I’m waking up in the morning. Second, this is a very powerful time to work with the law of attraction. We’re in a relaxed, trancelike state, and since we’re doing this before we go to sleep, we’re programming our subconscious minds to help us manifest what we desire while we slumber. Then we may have an enlightening dream or wake up with a new idea and the fresh energy we need to make good progress the next day.

Another favorite of mine is to count my blessings: Instead of counting sheep, I begin to mentally list all the things I’m grateful for. This raises my vibration and helps me to focus my mental and creative energy on maintaining all the positives in my life.

Obviously, however, not all of what you’re perceiving is random. I feel the man in white who was smiling at you is a spirit guide. (Spirit guides tend to appear all in white like this, and of course they are naturally kind and friendly.) He may have shown up in answer to your prayers for help with these phenomena, which is perfect, since one of my main suggestions for gaining control of unwanted spirit communication is to develop a strong conscious relationship with your spirit guides. I don’t have room to go into working with your spirit guides here, but there is a lot of information about that available elsewhere.

In addition to working with your spirit guides, you can try to communicate with any other spirits who make contact with you in this way. One young woman heard voices like this for years: She’d hear snippets of conversations, music, noises, etc., none of which seemed to have anything to do with her. Then one night it occurred to her to ask (out loud) what the two people she could hear were talking about, and they actually answered her!

If these are spirits who intuit that you are sensitive and will be able to perceive them, it may greatly help you to speak to them and ask them if there is something you can do to help them. If they are troubling you late at night, then set aside time during the day for just this purpose. You might wake up 15 minutes early and tell any spirits that pop in that you’ll be happy to speak to them in the morning. I know this sounds nuts, but it has helped many budding mediums to get a good night’s sleep and take control of their experiences.

There is so much that you can do to transform this pattern. If nothing you try brings relief, you can always see a hypnotherapist. If there are conscious entities involved, they should make themselves known again when you’re in deep trance, and then the therapist can dialogue with them and work out a remedy. Whichever approach you choose, I feel if you set aside more time and energy for this during regular waking hours, you won’t be deluged with psychic input at the end of the day.

– Soul Arcanum

Empathy and the Highly Sensitive Person

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been having these weird experiences that my friend calls “Sonya’s feelings.” The first time was while crossing a busy street in my hometown. As I stepped out onto the crosswalk, a feeling of dread came over me, and I saw a “vision” of something that seemed inconsequential. As the “vision” passed, I grew cold, fearful, faint and nauseous. Since then, this has happened numerous times at that same crosswalk – in fact, I can’t go that way anymore. I also have had them at home, work and in other public places. They hit me with no warning, and can sometimes leave me physically drained, faint and sick for a short period.

It’s hard to recall the details of the “vision” aside from the general feeling I have. I feel fine mentally and physically aside from these episodes, so I’d rather not see a doctor about this yet, for I’m afraid they’d put me on anti-psychotic meds or something! Have you ever encountered anything like this? I’d really appreciate any light you could shed on what’s happening to me. Thank you!
– Sonya

Dear Sonya:

What you’re experiencing is a normal symptom of high sensitivity. You’re like a lovely little insect with long antennae; whenever a breeze stirs, your antennae go up. As they’re new and a bit rough around the edges, your impressions get lumped together in a general feeling of unease. It’s how your body tells you that “something is happening.”

I recommend you read The Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide, by Kyra Mesich, Psy.D. In it, she describes how one night, she suddenly had an intense wave of depression wash over her, and the same negative thoughts about herself run through her mind over and over again. She put on a certain CD, but found it so depressing that after a while, she had to turn it off. The next day, she saw a client who told her that he had been up all night the night before, feeling suicidal and repeatedly playing that same CD on his stereo!

I share this because it illuminates how empaths may be affected by outside energies and never realize where those feelings are coming from. Had Mesich not seen that client the next day, she may never have known why she felt as she did. When she began to pay attention to her feelings and what was happening with other people in her life, she realized that she was “picking up” others’ emotions.

Psychic empathy can happen whether you are physically close to the other person or not. It can even happen with someone you haven’t seen for years if you still have a strong psychic bond to them. This can make it hard to figure out that what you’re feeling is coming from someone else.

You can also pick up the energy of thought forms and the emotions of discarnate spirits. For example, at that particular corner in your hometown, I feel you’re walking through a cloud of energy from a traumatic experience that occurred there in the past.

As for how you can deal with all of this, you basically have two options. First, you can “close down” your sensitivity in some way. This is not what I would recommend, however, because it’s like chopping your psychic antennae off: it’s a step backward in terms of spiritual evolution. You’re sensitive for a reason, and there are lots of blessings in being just the way you are, so it’s best to learn how to work WITH your true nature. I thus recommend your other option, which is conscious psychic development. That way you can determine what these feelings mean.

When psychics get hit with a wave of feeling, we stop and ask what it is about. In response to that asking, we may have a person come to mind and then get a feeling about that person. For example, the other morning a wave of emotion came over me. (Note that term “came over me”: it reflects our instinctive understanding that this energy is moving in from somewhere outside of us.) I stopped and asked where it was coming from, and then I just knew that I was picking it up from my husband. He was at his last day of work, for he was retiring that afternoon after 26 years in the fire service. When I met up with him later, he told me that the reality of retiring had hit him that morning, and he’d gotten very emotional.

Once I knew where this feeling was coming from, I could consciously detach from it if I wanted to. Sometimes, however, I actually like being empathetic with my loved ones. I like knowing how my husband or my child really feels by experiencing what they are feeling WITH them. It creates a great sense of intimacy and understanding.

Of course, I don’t want to be at the mercy of everyone’s feelings all the time. Years ago, I often got swept up in others’ emotions and felt overwhelmed like you do. Then I learned how to consciously control my own psychic barriers.

To do this, first you have to stop and separate your awareness from what you’re feeling, then ask your inner knowing and/or Spirit where this is coming from. Sometimes, it may be from within you. For example, grieving is a long process, and we may think we’re just fine when something unconsciously triggers a memory of the loved one we have “lost,” and another wave of grief rises up to be healed and released.

Once we have determined that some feeling is NOT our own, it’s much easier to detach from it so we can study it objectively. Some psychics never learn how to do this; perhaps that is the only way they can work. These are the sort of psychics who actually feel in their own bodies what the spirits or people they are connecting with felt. They say things like, “I have a man coming through from Spirit, and I’m feeling a lot of pain in my chest…”

This is not the most comfortable way to move through the world! I much prefer to observe such things mentally as opposed to emotionally or physically. I think it also allows us to access higher guidance and more useful information, because it’s hard to maintain a very high, clear vibration if we’re caught up in emotions like fear, pain or sorrow.

Once you’ve separated from the feeling, ask Spirit what it’s about. Getting clear answers will require general psychic development, so you might take a psychic development course, read books on the subject, begin to meditate regularly, etc. I’m limited in space here, so you’ll have to explore your options for psychic development elsewhere.

You seem to be highly kinesthetic with a primary psychic modality of clairsentience. This means that you FEEL things with your body and all of your being. Your secondary modality seems to be clairvoyance. This is apparent from your question, where you talk about first having feelings, then visions. You also use the word “feel” throughout your description of your experiences.

Clairsentience is generally the hardest modality to master, because it can be so hard to put words to feelings. You can work with your gift for clairvoyance and translate those feelings into images, which can then be interpreted. I also recommend you work on developing clairaudience, because it will really help you put words and thus meaning to your impressions.

Your psychic training should also include the ability to turn your antennae off if you want to. I have an agreement with Spirit that unless I need to know something for some reason, I won’t go on alert with every little ripple in the psychic atmosphere.

For example, I never dream about airplane crashes or global catastrophes. I also don’t pick up on problems with people I’m close to unless I need to know for some reason. While I can always ask and receive answers, it would be hard to function if I was psychically “on” all the time.

May you refine your natural abilities into a great psychic gift!

– Soul Arcanum