Tag Archive: psychic kids

Adolescent Medium is Suddenly Scared

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am concerned about my son, Travis. Ever since he was little, he has seen and talked to spirits. I have always told him this is a good thing, that this is a gift from God, and that he could help a lot of people with it. He is 12 years old, and until now, the spirits have never scared him. Then he had a spirit come to him and he said that this one scared him because he couldn’t see his face. Does Travis have reason to suddenly be afraid? Will he always have this gift and be able to help other people with it? Thanks!
– Tammy

Dear Tammy:

I want to commend you on the graceful, positive way you’ve supported Travis. It sounds like you yourself are not a medium, yet you have truly accepted his gift. With this sort of early encouragement, Travis’ abilities will probably evolve in wonderful ways throughout his life.

Your open approach is very rare in the Western world, where most people have either been socialized to view everything psychic as somehow evil, or are simply afraid of things that are strange or unfamiliar to them. People here tend to thoughtlessly react to subjects like spirit communication in a way that shuts others down. As a result, young natural mediums quickly learn to hide their spiritual experiences in order to prevent upset, rejection and embarassment, which means they must sort out their psychic experiences on their own.

What your son is going through is pretty common for natural mediums his age, for lots of big changes occur on all levels during adolescence. Physical changes are perhaps the most obvious, but we also go through lots of emotional, psychological and spiritual changes as well.

Most younger children naturally have a high spiritual vibration. They have wonderful qualities that adults tend to lose over time, and may try to regain through spiritual practices. For example, children tend to live in the now; they don’t worry about much of anything; they are very open to life and every experience that comes their way; they trust everyone they meet; they embrace everything new with a sense of wonder; they are hopeful and idealistic; they are free of addictions and other bad habits, etc. This creates a high vibration, which manifests otherworldly experiences of a positive nature.

During adolescence and all the angst that goes with it, however, our vibration begins to swing all over the map. (Our mood is a good indicator of our vibration, so mood swings suggest wild variations in our vibration.) This would naturally open us up to a broader range of experiences on all levels.

In addition, adolescence is a time of intense energy. With the surge in hormones and other physical changes comes a surge in life force energy and creative power. This happens on all levels of our being, but the most obvious example is our new ability to create life itself.

So while adolescents are bursting with creative (sexual) energy, at the same time they’re under tremendous cultural pressure designed to repress that very energy. We pressure them to abstain from sex, to sit still, to pay attention and listen to teachers instead of talking, to focus on their homework instead of following their bliss, etc. Given all of this, the aura of your typical adolescent is bursting with the dramatic sort of energy earthbound spirits crave. Further, they’re new to this whole crazy scene, so they don’t yet know how to control their vibration in order to manifest the quality of psychic experience they desire.

There are even more reasons why your son may suddenly be scared by his encounters with spirits. We are all being bombarded with mass media messages that spirits and related subjects are terrifying stuff; in fact, teens and adolescents are the main target audience for horror movies. Since most parents don’t let little kids watch such things until they’re around 13, adolescence is when most kids are first exposed to the idea that there are invisible evil forces around us all the time.

So an adolescent medium who has been talking to spirits for as long as he can remember may suddenly “realize” that what he is doing totally freaks a lot of people out, and could be very dangerous. If this stirs up fear in him, that fear itself could attract or make him vulnerable to spirits in the lower astral.

We must remember that earthbound entities are seeking more than just negative energy to feed on. An ideal victim will be vulnerable due to a low vibration but also sensitive enough to perceive spirits on some level, and inexperienced enough to not know what to do in a stressful situation.

If all of these reasons aren’t enough, there are more. I believe that young children have extra divine protection around them in the form of guides and angels, just like in the physical we have all sorts of nannies, babysitters, teachers, older siblings, and social agencies that look after our children’s well-being.

When we get older, however, we have to learn how to navigate through life for ourselves. This doesn’t mean we’ve been abandoned or are defenseless, but just as it’s good for us to grow up in practical ways, it’s good for us to grow up in psychic ways. Adolescence is a natural time for us to begin to figure more things out for ourselves, to question the things we’ve been taught, to study our own experiences and learn what feels right and works best for us personally.

For natural born mediums, this involves wandering outside their own psychic back yards, where they may encounter a gatekeeper. This is a frightening experience that prevents them from going too far or getting in over their heads. When they learn not to fear the gatekeeper, and how to work with their own vibration in order to rise above dark experiences, they gain the freedom and power to pass into a bigger psychic world.

I’ve written extensively on how to maintain a high vibration in other articles, and don’t have room here to go into more detail. Beyond cultivating a high vibration, I recommend you encourage your son to learn more about the spirit world by reading enlightening teachings on the subject, and help him find a good mentor. You might begin with your closest Spiritualist church, for there he’ll not only find someone who can guide him, but also lots of kindred spirits, and it will comfort him more than you might think to simply know that he’s not alone in the world with his gift.

– Soul Arcanum

Is It Safe for Teen to Explore Psychic Abilities?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My 15-year-old son is interested in exploring his psychic abilities. My father and I both had second sight, but only for the dark things, and we struggled to repress it. I want to know if I should let my son develop his abilities. He has shown some signs of having second sight, but only for dark things. Please let me know your opinion: is it safe for him to explore this? My father drank away the memories he had of his own psychic experiences, and I have buried mine deep within, though they still come through sometimes. My mother and her family are against me using my ability, because I read someone’s mind one time, and the reading was so dark it terrified me for weeks. I know that second sight is real – I just don’t know if my son should develop his or not. I had an unusual childhood because of my ability.
Thank you for your time.
– Tami

Dear Tami:

It doesn’t surprise me that this situation has been passed from one generation to another. In fact, I’ve seen this very issue in my own family. I was raised from the age of eight by my father, and had no contact with my mother until I was in my 20’s. My father’s family was not psychic or even spiritual in any way, and I didn’t know that on my mother’s side I was descended from a long psychic line until well after my own abilities had come to the surface.

After I was an adult and professional psychic myself, I reconnected with my mother, and that’s when I learned about her family’s history. My great-grandmother was famous for her tea-leaf readings; people traveled from all around England’s countryside to consult with her. My grandmother devoted more than 50 years to managing her Episcopal church’s office. Though she may not have labeled herself “psychic,” when she prayed for people, miracles happened. My own mother struggled a great deal psychologically and emotionally. When I was small, she teetered on that fine line between genius and madness, often leaning toward the mad side, and relied on various psychological medications to cope with life.

She was thus amazed to learn how comfortable I had become with my own psychic ability, because like you, she had had many dark experiences, and she had prayed for her abilities to be “turned off.” It was probably a blessing that I wasn’t raised by her, because I probably would have absorbed her fear of psychic matters and pushed my own abilities down as well.

This is what has happened in your family. From one fearful generation to another, the belief/ expectation that psychic = dark has been passed down. So how did this fear get started in the first place?

First, it’s natural to fear the unknown. Children are afraid of the dark because humans have an innate, primal fear of what we can’t see, don’t know, aren’t familiar with, etc. It’s the same thing that makes children afraid of strangers. These fears are designed to protect us from harm.

We not only have a natural fear of that which is unknown, unseen and unfamiliar, but there are also “gatekeepers” designed to keep us from stumbling into realms and powers we’re not yet ready for. If these dark entities or frightening experiences send us screaming for the hills, it means we’re not ready to explore higher realities. Our fear protects us from getting in over our heads. Many people have had to face and “conquer” dark entities with light when their abilities were first developing, myself included.

It goes deeper than this, however. We have to remember that we are constantly creating our own realities. Where thoughts go, energy flows; what we focus upon and expect is what we manifest. Like attracts like, so if we are afraid, we will attract frightening experiences. This is why people who believe in psychic abilities tend to have psychic experiences. It’s also why people who are scared or who expect to have scary experiences will attract frightening entities and experiences. (This is perhaps why we are prevented from moving forward by gatekeepers: we must have the ability to consciously master our thoughts before we gain the ability to consciously manifest VIA our thoughts.)

Given all of this, it is clear that the only thing to fear is fear itself, for when you are no longer afraid, you will no longer have scary experiences. It should also ease your mind to know that what you experienced is normal and common, and that many gifted psychics were afraid when their abilities first opened. When I began opening psychically, I was generally feeling very vulnerable. I was young, pregnant, newly married, and living away from friends and family for the first time in my life. I had many frightening experiences as my abilities spontaneously came to the surface. As I learned more and feared less, my experiences shifted, and I’ve not had a frightening experience since.

There is a way to rise above this scary realm and thus enjoy only uplifting, empowering psychic experiences. The first step is to conquer fear, and to do that, we must make peace with it by remembering that it protects us, just as it protect children from strangers. At the same time, we have to view our fears with the wisdom of experience. Not all strangers are menacing – in fact, most are harmless, and some could prove to be great benefactors. The same is true with non-physical energies: some may seem evil, but most are harmless, and some are tremendously helpful.

Fear is also a sign that we’re stretching ourselves. A little fear is what I call excitement, while a lot of fear is a sign that we need to prepare more before we move forward. The fear itself is a helpful gauge for what we should do next. Though we may feel afraid, if we hide in the basement and avoid strangers for the rest of our lives, we’ll miss everything wonderful in life. Instead, we must learn about the world via experience, and develop discernment. This is what you and your family must do with your psychic abilities. Instead of hiding from them, you must learn about them and develop them consciously so you can be discerning.

To do this, developing psychics must raise their vibration, deepen their knowledge and understanding, and cultivate faith via general spiritual development. To move in this direction, please consider the following actions: study psychic and spiritual matters by reading the wealth of material available on this subject; make peace with your fear; purify your heart and soul by setting only high intentions, acting with integrity and compassion, conquering bad habits, healing anger and resentment, etc.; take a class with a reputable spiritual teacher; pray or meditate regularly; ask Spirit to guide you toward positive, empowering, enlightening experiences.

My own son is also 15 and very psychically gifted. Despite growing up with a psychic mom, he also had some initially disturbing experiences with non-physical entities. Fortunately, I was able to reassure him, clear his aura of dark entities, and teach him how to work with his own vibration to radiate light and thus attract higher experiences.

While you may not be able to help your son in this way due to your fear, there are others who can. Find a local Spiritualist church and contact a minister there for guidance. Allow your fears to be brought into the light, for the more light you shed upon these shadows – the more knowledge, faith and understanding you view them through – the more natural and positive your psychic abilities will seem.

In my view, this situation with your son is a wonderful opportunity to break a fearful chain of experience. Together, you two have the power to transform your family’s suffering into a wonderful legacy. If you conquer your fear and begin to embrace your abilities as divine gifts, they will begin to bring your family wonderful blessings for many generations to come.

– Soul Arcanum