Tag Archive: psychic atmosphere

How to Create a Positive Psychic Atmosphere

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I work in a small building where people who start off nice appear to change and act different in a nasty way. I found this site looking for a way to cleanse the building. This makes work in a small environment very difficult. What can I do?


Dear Dolores:

We are all surrounded by unseen energies of various qualities. Though most of us aren’t conscious of it, our instincts are constantly tuning in to evaluate the energetic nature of other people and the psychic atmosphere. Many of us only take note of this when the psychic atmosphere is extreme in some way. For example, in a house that is “haunted,” the hair on the backs of our necks may stand up, or we may feel inexplicably terrified and compelled to flee. At the other end of the spectrum, we may enter a place of very positive psychic atmosphere such as a church or a temple and immediately feel peaceful and uplifted.

There is a direct link between the people who inhabit a space and the atmosphere there, for it is our thoughts and feelings that create that atmosphere. You seem to have assumed that it is the physical place that is causing people to grow negative, but it could be that one or more of the people you work with are the real source of this negativity. Just as it only takes one person creating a foul smell and stink up a space for everyone, it only takes one strongly negative individual to poison the psychic atmosphere. Of course, if the business you work for has created a stressful, antagonistic work environment, the simplest way to remedy this negativity is to take practical measures to reduce employee stress and frustration.

Here’s the good news and the bad news: emotional energy is contagious. (You’ve clearly noticed this already.) This means that negative energy can affect everyone present, but it also means that positive energy can spread too. To remedy negativity psychic energy, we have to generate positive psychic energy.

Since the atmosphere and the people who inhabit the space are intrinsically linked, I recommend you focus both on cleansing the location and infusing it with positive vibes, and on bringing out the best in your coworkers. Since there are number of individuals involved here, the more people you can persuade to join with you in these efforts, the more power you will all wield.

There are all sorts of different rituals you can employ for cleansing the location. The key elements will include cleansing the physical space and the objects in it, and also cleansing the atmosphere with something like smoke, as in smudging. As part of this process, you might try the old folk remedy of hanging up garlic all over the place overnight, and then burning the garlic the next day.

The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. For an example of how you might go about this, see Clearing a Space of Negative Energy.

Once you’ve done these things, bring in elements that promote positive energy. Playing music that feels uplifting and positive can have a dramatic impact. Make sure the space is with bright with light – preferably natural sunlight – and that the color scheme is pleasant and uplifting. You could bring in crystals to enhance your energetic efforts. Definitely make sure the space smells good. Incense is great for this, but if that is impractical for some reason, you could try aromatherapy with a scent like lemon. Keeping the atmosphere fresh is not something you do once – it’s something you regularly.

Next, in order to evoke positive energy from your coworkers, you will have to work with the law of attraction. While it’s true that we can’t create in another person’s experience, we can lift ourselves into a vibration where we naturally attract a higher level of experience, which will either cause people who are negative to stay away from us or draw those people up to our vibration when they are around us.

This reminds me of one of my first highly sucessful manifesting adventures. I was on a road trip with a friend who was also into the law of attraction. When we went through customs to enter into Canada, my friend was on her cell phone. The customs agent took tremendous offense to this and was shockingly nasty to us. At first we were upset about this, but then we decided to pivot and focus on manifesting friendly, happy people from there on out. What followed was an incredible stream of people so friendly all we could do was laugh in astonishment. One after another, everyone we met from there on out went to extraordinary lengths to help us, and everyone was so cheerful it was like being in the “twilight zone.”

My point is that by consciously working with the law of attraction, you can either attract the sort of people you want to interact with or bring out the best in the people around you. Even really nasty characters smile, laugh and are kind sometimes. You can draw this out of them, but you have to stop focusing on what you don’t want – negativity – and start focusing on what you do want – happy, friendly, helpful coworkers.

I suggest you create some “spiritual Febreze” and use it on yourself as well as your work environment. Get a clean, empty spray bottle, distilled water, rubbing alcohol and an essential oil like lemon. Add a little alcohol to the water, and then add as much of the essential oil as it takes to create a pleasant scent. Next, charge this mixture with positive energy by calling to mind all the positive things you want to manifest. While you hold this mixture in your hands, channel the essence of that positive energy into the mixture. (If you’re unfamiliar with how to do this, you may want to study magickal spellwork in general.)

Every morning after you get out of the shower, spray yourself with this magic perfume and set your conscious intention for the day. It may go a little like this:

Universe, just as I carry this wonderful smell with me on my body, I will carry joy with me wherever I go. I will shine my inner light on any shadows I encounter, and bring out the best in others. I will greet everyone I meet with warmth and good humor, and will receive all sorts of blessings in return. As one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not, I look forward magically creating a wonderful atmosphere wherever I go. Fill my world with friendly, helpful, happy people! (This is just and example. You can set any intention you desire – the point is to set a CONSCIOUS intention for the day instead of taking whatever comes your way.)

If you also spray this “spiritual Febreze” around your work place every morning, you will infuse the atmosphere with its pleasant scent and positive vibration while at the same time encouraging everyone around you to unconsciously entrain to your positive vibration.

– Soul Arcanum

Living Where Someone Suffered and Died


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Though I’m not totally convinced about the law of attraction, I do try to remain positive, grateful and optimistic. However, beginning in October 2008, a tornado has hit my existence; it’s taken everything up high in the air and let it all fall back in a jumble. My mom died a long, degrading death. I’m divorcing and leaving my beautiful house in the countryside for an apartment in the city. Money is tight. I’m in the process of moving to a small studio apartment over my father’s house. It’s where we brought my mom from the hospital to die; it was converted into a hospital room for two weeks so she would feel surrounded by our love and care. It offers a beautiful view of the city lights. I’m about to go live there, and even as a temporary solution, the idea of sleeping where my mom’s soul left her body makes me worry about bad vibes. Are they blessed vibrations, carrying her wishes, or are they echoes of suffering and her difficult end? Please reply: I desperately need healthy energy at this stage in my life. Be well always!


Dear Dorothea:

I see two main reasons a person may be concerned about moving into a space where someone recently died. The first is the possibility that the dead may not have crossed over and may therefore be a “ghost” haunting that locale. One big reason we tend to fear ghosts is because people of a highly developed spiritual nature don’t generally become them; instead, they enjoy a quick, smooth transition when they leave this world. Since it is dark and troubled souls who tend to get lost on their way to “heaven,” most ghosts are not the sort of spirits we would want to befriend.

When people of a kind, loving nature do linger in the place where they died, it’s almost always because they died so suddenly that they don’t realize they are no longer living. I very much doubt you have to worry about your mother’s spirit becoming a ghost, for in dying a slow death, she had a lot of time to make peace with the idea that she would soon be leaving this world. If your mother does remain nearby for some reason, you may be blessed to have more interaction with her by moving into this space, for you’ll spend a lot of time in a hypnagogic state as you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. This could be a very positive experience for you. As long as you don’t begin to have health problems or feel drained or depressed, I wouldn’t worry about her spirit having a negative effect on you.

Of course, most of the time when people are concerned about inhabiting a space where someone died, it’s because of the energy that may be lingering in the psychic atmosphere. It is true that the events that take place in a space leave psychic impressions. This is why temples tend to feel peaceful and sacred, while places where bad things happened may feel frightening or creepy. Subtle energy is a lot of like germs: just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there and can’t affect you. Fortunately, this also means if you clean the space on a psychic level, you won’t have to worry about contamination by harmful energies. All cultures have practiced some form of ritual designed to protect and bless a dwelling and its inhabitants, for on a deep, intuitive level, we know that creating a healthy, positive psychic atmosphere will promote mental and emotional well-being just like creating a clean physical environment promotes physical health and well-being.

If your mother suffered a great deal when she was dying, then you are wise to pay attention to the vibes in your new apartment. Since it’s entirely possible that the main energy there is that of the love you surrounded her with as she was dying, the first thing to do is intuitively read the apartment’s energy. The next time you go there, pause outside the door, clear your mind, turn your psychic senses on and ask Spirit to help you sense the energy in the apartment. As you walk in the door, pause again and send your psychic feelers out. What does the space feel like to you? What feelings, impressions, images or thoughts come to you as you absorb the energy in the atmosphere? While we’ve all been in places that felt unusually good or bad to us, the energy in this space will probably be far more subtle, so you’ll have to pay careful attention and trust the intuitive impressions that come to you.

Next, keep in mind that what you do on a physical level will impact the psychic atmosphere. One of the simplest and most effective things you can do is thoroughly clean the space. In addition to dusting, polishing, sweeping and washing the floors, you might also wash the walls. I would add lavender to the water as a gentle purifier, and also smudge with lavender to cleanse the psychic atmosphere. While cleaning the space on a physical level, open all the doors and windows and play some uplifting music. This will get stale energy moving and bring fresh energy in.

If you’re Catholic, you can do the same thing with holy water. Get some from your priest and sprinkle it as you go or better yet, have your priest over to bless the house. If you like working with aromatherapy, you might follow this up by using lemon oil to purify the space of unwanted vibrations, or lemon verbena to create a high vibration, enhance your intuition, and infuse your new home with love. Lemon verbena is great for dispelling heavy energy and lightening the psychic atmosphere; it can also help you wipe the psychic slate clean to make a new beginning.

Once you’ve cleansed the space, you’ll want to bless it and begin to bring your own essence in. Just as pain and suffering can linger in the atmosphere, so can love and joy. This may be how the whole tradition of having a house warming party got started: it was one way to bring loving, happy vibes into a new dwelling. You might throw a party and invite lots of good friends and positive people, or just gather the people you know who have the best spiritual energy to help you bless the space.

When everyone gets there, it would be powerful to join together in some sort of conscious ritual to bless your home. You can go through a Wiccan ritual of sealing the doors and windows to unwanted influences and walking through the space, singing or chanting to fill it with positive energy, or you can simply join the people present in prayer. The more personal this ritual is to you, the more powerful it will tend to be. Here’s an example of a blessing to get you started:

Mother/Father/God, please bless this house and all who live here. Fill this dwelling with the energies of peace, health, happiness, harmony and love. Let this space shine with divine light and beauty and provide a warm, comfortable haven from the world. I envision this home supporting my well-being on every level and in every way, and have faith that it will be so.

As you perform the blessing, vividly imagine what you’re saying: See your home shining with light and supporting you in every way.

I also encourage you to recognize that, though your life has been turned upside down in many ways, you are in a great position to start manifesting a brighter future. Instead of lamenting what used to be, embrace this as a powerful time to begin a new chapter of your life, and expect wonderful new blessings to come your way.