Tag Archive: psychic ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Whenever I speak with Mediums or read what they have to say about communicating with Spirit, they say you have to raise your vibration to Spirit’s level. How do you do this? After my father crossed over, I heard him say my name. This only happened once, and I really don’t know what I did differently at that time to receive this communication. Is there a way to practice raising your vibration? Thank you!

Dear Chris:

We all go through periods when we’re down and the whole world seems gloomy, and we all gone through periods when everything in the world seems beautiful, wonderful and full of unlimited potential. The difference is in our vibration. To feel “low” or “down” is to have a low vibration, and to feel “up” or “high” is to have a high vibration. When we’re feeling gloomy, we may have a hard time seeing any aspect of the divine, but when we’re soaring, the whole world glows with divine light. To consciously connect with Spirit, we have to be in this “higher” state.

Anything you do that induces “up” feelings such as reverence, appreciation, joy, hope, vitality, peace, love, etc., will raise your vibration. Conversely, anything you do that leads to “low” feelings like anger, sorrow, guilt, hatred, despair, fear, jealousy and frustration will lower your vibration. On a mental level, thoughts that are expansive, constructive, affirming and progressive will raise your vibration. Thoughts that are limiting, invalidating, destructive and regressive will lower your vibration. At a physical level, habits that increase the strength, health and balance of the body will raise your vibration, while habits that weaken, disrupt and imbalance the energy of the body will lower your vibration.

At a spiritual level, the more you embrace love, the more you raise your vibration. Fundamentally, this basic formula is also true at all the other levels, it’s just trickier to see how eating healthfully is loving the temple of your body, and how allowing yourself to stay in grief or sorrow is ultimately unloving of yourself. As we must be at a high vibration to connect with Spirit, most people experience spontaneous spirit communication not when they’re aching for it out of grief and sorrow, but when they’re remembering their loved one with profound affection and appreciation. This is the key you’re looking for. When we ache for communication, our vibration is generally too low to actually receive it.

Remember: what you do to raise your energy at one level will affect your energy overall, so there is always a way to shift gears and move higher, even when you’re stuck in some area of your life.

As for conscious spirit communication, most mediums’ lives are studies in maintaining a high vibration all the time. When it comes to spirit communication, they’ll have learned or developed their own personal techniques for shifting their consciousness and raising their energy even higher in order to “tune in” to this desired frequency. This usually involves some sort of prayer and/ or meditation, an example of which you’ll find below. First, however, I offer you a few of the endless simple ways you can build a high vibration into the foundation of your daily life:

  • Exercise! From running to yoga to rock climbing, exercise is will rev your energy up.
  • Cleaning, organizing, practicing feng shui, taking a shower or bath (don’t you always feel better after you bathe?)
  • Eating light, high vibration foods like fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Taking a nap/ sleeping (When we go to sleep, we shed the weight of resistance, and thus our vibration rises)
  • Praying, practicing creative visualization, using affirmations, reading uplifting books, practicing gratitude
  • Singing, especially with others, or listening to new age/ uplifting music
  • Breathwork/ yogic breathing
  • Going for a walk in nature or spending time near water
  • Surrounding ourselves with uplifting, positive people, or with a beautiful, peaceful or happy environment
  • Practicing forgiveness, giving and receiving healing, doing kind things for others
  • Practicing aromatherapy (great scents for prophecy include nutmeg, clove, clary sage, angelica root, verbena)
  • Practicing a guided meditation for raising our vibration, or surrounding ourselves with “white light” (there are some great ones in Soul Arcanum’s Spiritual Toolbox)
  • Endless others, such as watching a comedy, making love, holding a happy baby, spending time in the sun, asking Spirit to raise our vibration, accepting and blessing everything in our lives, giving gifts, being polite, playing with kids or friends or animals, etc.

As I mentioned above, the best way to open to communication from a specific loved one in Spirit is to simply remember them with love and joy. Wallow in happy memories of them, and with joy in your heart, invite them to visit you. The guided meditation below should get you into an ideal state of consciousness for either spirit communication with loved ones or accessing answers and information from guides. Shift into this higher gear, then turn on the love, and magic will happen!

Guided Meditation for Raising your Vibration:

First, relax. Make sure you’re comfortable, whether that means you’re sitting erect with your spine straight, or lying comfortably on your favorite sofa. Breathe deep into your belly, and take as long as you need to relax every muscle in your body. Don’t rush: you’ll get out of this what you put into it.

Now as you breathe, feel yourself expanding with each inhalation like a lovely, big balloon. You’re growing lighter and lighter, to the point where you’re just barely touching whatever is beneath you. One more breath in and poof! You’re airborne. Each breath now takes you a little higher. You’re floating up and up towards the clouds above you. It’s exhilarating! As you look around, you can see many kindred spirits, all doing the same thing: raising their vibration in prayer or in thanksgiving, consciously connecting with Spirit.

Up and up you go above the tree tops, and now you’re heading straight for the clouds. How soft and misty they are as you pass through them, how pure and white. Now suddenly you’re above the clouds, and it is so amazingly bright! It’s a whole new world up here in the warm, golden sun. Delighted, you realize that you can look down and see anything and anyone you desire below as the clouds float by. You can see the big picture so clearly now. It’s easy to see the best way to get from one place to another on Earth from up here. It’s all so simple. You can see how this frightened mother is going to run right into her lost little girl as she turns that next corner, and how that man who is walking sadly away from a failed marriage is heading straight for a beautiful new lover, one with long red hair. From up here, you deeply know that all is truly well. You smile at angels and spirit guides as they hustle about, whispering insights and intuitions and nudging people this way and that way, and these guides wave to you with delight at your ability to perceive them.

You are thrilled, for you know that you can ask anything you desire and get an answer! You know you can call out to anyone in Spirit, and someone will respond. It may not always be the one you’re seeking, but you always get an answer, and you trust it’s the answer that is perfect for you at that moment. Your heart is swelling with the wonder of it all. You feel so light, so free, so full of hope and peace and excitement for all the possibilities that are open to you when you’re soaring high above it all.

You’re now wonderfully connected and ready to ask whatever you desire for yourself and for anyone who needs your help. Your heart and spirit are soaring and ready for magic! Go on and ask whatever you desire, and know that as you ask, you shall receive.

(I’m working on a series of recordings designed to guide you in achieving the right state of mind and being for spirit communication, as obviously, it’s not quite as simple as the article above may intimate. By the time you come to read this article, it may already be available at Soul Arcanum.)

– Soul Arcanum

Discerning Between Spirit Messages and One’s Own Ideas

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I studied to become a medium, became a medium, and went on to become a Reiki Master. I have been doing this for almost three years now. I love to heal for others, and am very comfortable with that work. What I am not quite sure about is how I receive information when doing a reading for someone. While I used to get lots of images, which I could translate easily enough, my reading work has now become more like a “mental conversation” I’m having – with myself. (?) I often wonder if receiving information has just become easier for me, or if I’m “flavoring” what I receive with my own conscious thoughts. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Dear Paul:

Thanks for a great question! I have met a number of mediums who were powerful channels in their early years, but who have so much spiritual counseling experience behind them that they often blur the line between channeling Spirit and offering their own advice without realizing it, so you’re wise to remain conscious of your process. I feel, however, that you’re naturally evolving into a more natural/subtle connection with Spirit.

As tuning in has become easier for you, the process has come to require less conscious effort on your part. It’s akin to learning to drive. When we’re very new drivers, we have to consciously think hard about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. As we become more and more adept at driving, we still go through the same processes, but they become unconscious. We no longer have to think hard about every step in order to successfully navigate where we desire to go. If the quality of your work remains unchanged and you’re able to access all the information you want and need to for your clients, then don’t worry about it.

I’m betting, however, that in addition to becoming less conscious of your process, you’ve begun to pull through deeper guidance. It is relatively easy to tap into dramatic psychic information such as warnings of danger; in fact, most people have such intuitive experiences. As we develop psychically, we learn how to glean information about the past, present and future as relates to worldly concerns about relationships, financial matters, health problems, etc. Further spiritual development will allow us to access even higher guidance regarding matters of personal and spiritual growth. This “higher” information does not come through symbolically like the “lower” information does; it must flow in a stream of consciousness way.

For example, if a client is in line to receive a desired job, we may tune in and be visually shown a green light. Symbols like this can’t capture deeper messages, such as, “You are already receiving many signs from Spirit in answer to your requests, but you are not trusting them. Every time you ask for and receive a sign, you light up, but then begin to feel unworthy of such ‘special treatment’ from Spirit, and disregard the experience as a fluke.” That sort of message must be received in the form of a “mental conversation” of sorts, just as you describe.

While this sort of guidance may be more complex, it’s also subtler. The symbolic information you used to receive had to be deciphered, so it didn’t feel like it was coming from within you. Similarly, loved ones in Spirit come through with distinct personalities and personal messages, and they may also offer verifiable memories and details about their lives on earth to prove their presence, which we certainly can’t fabricate. Profound spiritual guidance, however, comes through in a form very much like our own thoughts, and often without the distinctive mark of a personality, because it comes through our higher selves or spirit guides. As spirit guides have been “talking to us” from inside our heads all our lives, many of us confuse their guidance to our own intuition.

Some people seem to seek and meet distinct guides like a Native American Indian Chief or some other character, but my guides have never personified themselves in this way. Perhaps if I wanted and needed them to, they would. As I believe that the non-physical is a place of direct energetic perception where names and faces are superfluous, I’m quite comfortable with my “anonymous” guides. I identify them by the way they feel, and my sense is that there is a group who is answering me at once.

So how do we know if we are having conversations with ourselves, with our higher selves or with “Spirit?” If the guidance we deliver is wiser and deeper than what we can offer when we’re not tuned in, then we’re obviously bringing through something higher than our own personal opinions. Regardless of where it comes from, however, the important thing is how helpful and useful our guidance proves to be.

To determine the best process for you, everything depends on your aim: Do you want to offer practical guidance on worldly concerns; do you want to bring through evidential messages from loved ones in Spirit; or do you want to help your clients work through the inner issues at the heart of their spiritual growth? If you’re like me, you want to be able to do it all, but if you’re not, that’s fine. Only you can determine the best use of your abilities.

It’s also natural and perfectly acceptable for your aim as a medium to change over time. As mediums evolve and come to know that death is not an end, and that the details we tend to stress about will not really matter in the ultimate scheme of things, they tend to lose touch with the emotional suffering that leads people to seek their help. They may then start to offer what they personally value, instead of what their clients may be after. While looking for the bigger, deeper picture is always wise, we still live here on this glorious earth, where we sometimes need answers to questions that can’t be ignored or denied. When my client is being hounded by bill collectors, her spouse has run off with her best friend, and her teenage son has started a secret gardening project in his closet ;), she needs more than assurance that there are great spiritual lessons in this experience for her; she needs to know what she can do to get from where she is in her “real life” to where she wants to be. I think it would be insensitive of me to offer nothing more than spiritual platitudes and assurance that somehow, everything will be okay.

Mediums must also appreciate the needs of the grieving. Unfortunately, the more experience we have with spirit communication, the less we tend to need and value verifiable messages from beyond. After the excitement wears off, many experienced mediums move on from evidential spirit communication because they forget that other people are still yearning for proof that their loved ones continue to exist and are doing just fine. This is of course perfectly fine, however, for the medium must also allow himself to evolve and grow and explore whatever is calling him as he moves forward on his path.

In summary, I suggest you evaluate your reading work for its practical value, healing power and accuracy. Ponder the range and limits of your abilities, and if they support your conscious aim. If you’re already delivering all the helpful, accurate information you desire to, then don’t worry about your source. If you’ve lost something over the years, however, and can no longer access the powerful details you were once privy to, then I encourage you to go back, retrieve the processes that worked for you before, and add them back into your repertoire. If that doesn’t feel right to you (and my sense is that it may not), then I encourage you to allow yourself to redefine the nature of your work and to flow in a new direction with it.

May your wonderful self-awareness lead you to greater power and success in all you do!

– Soul Arcanum

Is Clairvoyance Superior to Tarot?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I recently attended a Spiritualist service for the first time, and I loved everything about it, with one exception. I have been reading tarot for a few years now, and when I mentioned this to a minister there, she was clearly disapproving of my interest in the cards. This really surprised me. I thought that at last I’d found a church I could fit into, so I was pretty disappointed. I understand that you are a Spiritualist minister, so I’m asking you: is it somehow better to be a medium/ clairvoyant than to read tarot? Is there something wrong with reading tarot?


Dear Carol:

While Spiritualists generally pride themselves on being undogmatic, I too have encountered this attitude toward tarot amongst their ranks. Obviously, it’s unwise to generalize all Spiritualists as sharing the exact same perspective. Many Spiritualists do, however, assert that divination tools are simply unnecessary when we can directly communicate with Spirit, and may be limiting if they become crutches that impede our psychic development. Of course, the main goal in Spiritualism is not predicting the future, but rather proving the continuation of life beyond death, so in some ways we’re comparing apples and oranges here. Generally speaking, however, tarot readers are more limited in the information they can access than mediums/ clairvoyants.

My own psychic journey actually began mildly with “sensing” when something was going to happen, who was on the phone, etc. Then when I was pregnant with my first child, my psychic doors just blew open, and suddenly I was experiencing unprovoked and confirmed spirit communication right and left. At this point I had no control over the spirit communication. It was not something I sought or could initiate, so I began to study something that I COULD control and initiate: tarot. My early professional readings were therefore tarot readings with some spirit communication thrown in if we were “lucky.”

Soon, however, I was led to a wonderful Spiritualist school for the development of my mediumship, where I learned how to initiate spirit communication and more or less control it. It was there that I first encountered some negative opinions about divination tools and in particular tarot. Interestingly enough, as I began to ask Spirit directly for answers, I often got those answers in the form of a mental image of a relevant tarot card. As tarot was the most developed symbolic language in my consciousness, Spirit used it to communicate with me. Despite the disapproval I encountered in school, I did not throw my cards away, for I had come to appreciate some benefits of working with tarot.

For example, when reading in person, I’ve learned that many people are far more comfortable if they have a visual aid they can focus upon. If they see the cards laid before them, even if they don’t know what they mean, they think they can see where I’m getting my information from. Even when I explain that everything is coming from Spirit (and that this is a good thing), many people are reassured by seeing those cards. Similarly, I’ve known some wonderful psychics who read palms, cards or use some other divination tool, who are all the while simply relaying what they get from Spirit anyway. They can’t or don’t want to explain how they’re doing what they’re doing, so they present a method that they know how to explain. I’m all for doing what works so long as the results are positive. If some people are more open to hearing Spirit when they have something tangible to focus upon, that’s fine with me.

Also, I’ve found that tarot spreads can provide the focus, direction and detail necessary to a full and satisfying reading. From Spirit’s perspective, so much of what we worry about is not ultimately that important. So if a client asks, “Should I be worried about losing my job?” Spirit’s answer might simply be, “No. You’re learning valuable lessons through this experience, and you will be provided for and guided every step of the way.” While that’s reassuring and all, that client still probably wants to know if she should be updating her resume or not! In my experience, the best readings offer both the wisdom of higher planes and the mundane details that are so essential to making wise, informed decisions in this world.

Despite all of the above, I no longer use tarot in my readings, for my aim is always to bring through the very highest sources of healing and empowering guidance. I also feel that Spiritualists have a point: in terms of accessing Spirit, tarot and other divination tools are a few times removed from the heart of the message, and the less dependent we are on symbols, the purer our messages will be. Reading tarot is like speaking to Spirit through several intermediaries instead of just going right to the source. First Spirit must orchestrate the selection of those cards that will convey the right messages. The reader then has to accurately interpret the symbols and meanings she personally associates with the cards in light of the situation at hand, and effectively communicate what she’s gleaned to the person asking for guidance. There is a whole lot of interpreting going on here, so there are many junctures where the true message/meaning may be lost or distorted.

Symbolic clairvoyance is a bit purer, for we aren’t dependent upon and restricted to the symbols in the cards, but even this has considerable room for error. If we associate snakes with deception, then to communicate deception, Spirit will show us a snake. Every time we are shown a snake, we may then translate it into “deception,” which would be a mistake, because we need to learn to distinguish between symbolic and literal information. Perhaps the snake is not a symbol at all, but a real live pet, or even a validating bit of information from a loved one whose nickname was “Snake.” Sorting symbolic and literal information is also an issue with clairaudience. For example, I recently did a reading in which I brought through several loved ones from Spirit. I offered two names of loved ones in Spirit (and these were verified by my client), and then I started hearing “Edward…Edward John…John Edward.” On a hunch I then asked Spirit to explain, and perceived that this was a reference to the now famous medium “John Edwards.” This clicked with the client, who said that she is a big fan of John Edwards and had been longing to get a reading with him, but wasn’t sure it would be worth the money and effort it would require.

So with tarot and even clairvoyance and clairaudience, readers often just have to offer whatever they pick up in hopes that the meaning will be clear to whoever they’re reading for. The reader herself may never know whether the information given is symbolic or literal. If, however, the reader has developed the ability to communicate with Spirit above and beyond symbolic language, he or she can simply ask Spirit and get a literal response.

Even if spirit communication is not your goal, if you just want to be able to predict the future and offer psychic guidance, it’s wise to be able to communicate directly with Spirit like a medium, for then there are no limits to the range and quality of information you can bring through. There is nothing “wrong” with reading tarot, so don’t throw your cards away. Just recognize that you can access a higher, clearer connection to Spirit without them, and keep stretching your abilities!

– Soul Arcanum

Using All Your Psychic Senses to Read Auras

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: I’ve been trying to see auras for a while now, and nothing is happening! After reading a book on the subject and trying all the exercises, I finally signed up for a one-day workshop on how to see auras, and though everyone around me seemed to be having a great time, I never saw a thing. Am I missing something about how this all works?

Dear Amy:

I understand your frustration. It reminds me of when I was in training to become a Spiritualist minister at the School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy in Lily Dale, New York. While my classmates and I learned all sorts of wonderful things, there were two main categories in the curriculum: energy healing and mediumship. Most of my classmates were more comfortable with energy healing than spirit communication; they were all healers and could feel energy with their hands.

By contrast, I had come to the school because I had been experiencing spontaneous spirit communication and I wanted to learn how to control it in order to help the grieving. This made me much more comfortable with mediumship than energy healing.

On the first intensive day of training in energy healing, we ran our hands over our classmates auras, and everyone was talking about feeling hot spots and cold spots, pockets of energy here and strange vibes there. I, however, wasn’t feeling a darn thing except really inadequate.

Eventually, I summoned the courage to tell the instructor that I had no idea what everyone was talking about. He asked me what I experienced internally while everyone else was feeling all that stuff, and I told him what I was seeing in my mind. I could see colors and patterns of energy and even see where some problems or issues may lie, for my attention would be drawn to that part of the body and symbols would pop up in my mind’s eye. He then laughed and reassured me that I wasn’t unfit for energy healing work – I was just very visual/clairvoyant.

The point of the story is that we must all trust and work with our own natural strengths and abilities. No two people are exactly alike, so no two healers or psychics will perceive subtle information the same way. Everyone has a primary modality. Some people are visual like me, so when they’re accessing psychic information, they tend to do so clairvoyantly. Some people are more auditory/clairaudient, and some people are more kinesthetic/clairsentient. (There are other modalities too, but these are the big three.)

It can be very frustrating for people who are primarily kinesthetic to try to get visual information, just like it was hard for me to try to get clairsentient information. Further, most people are only familiar with the clairvoyant approach to viewing auras. As there is an abundance of this information available in books and on the internet, I won’t go into it here. Following are some ideas for those who are more auditory or kinesthetic.

First, regardless of the specific techniques you use, you must get centered in a very high vibration to consciously access psychic information. There are lots of ways to get into a high vibration; I’ve written on this extensively in other articles.

Next, you have to shift your focus beyond the physical, or you’ll only use your physical senses. To begin to focus metaphysically, center your awareness on the space surrounding objects. If you’re visual, you would gaze at something living (a person, animal or plant), and then shift your attention from the object to the so-called empty space around it. You can do this if you’re not visual too by simply centering your attention on the space around the subject.

If you’re primarily auditory, begin by getting into a high vibration and then mentally focus your attention on the being/person you’re wanting to read. You don’t have to look at this person since you’re not going to be processing information visually. Just focus on them and imagine a telephone cord connecting the two of you. Now mentally ask that person (or your spirit guides) to please tell you about them. Allow thoughts and words to come into your awareness.

While you could ask for a description of this person’s aura, if you’re able to get that information clairaudiently, you might as well skip right past that and ask for deeper psychic information. After all, the important thing in reading auras is what your perceptions mean.

For example, as I write this article, I’m sitting in a cafe and there is an older gentlemen sitting at a table to the right of me. First I mentally ask his permission to read his aura, and I feel a welcoming sort of response. I ask my spirit guides to give me the experience of someone who is primarily auditory. I mentally shut out any vibes from other people, focus my attention on this one connection, open up and ask for information.

The first thing I hear is It’s a shame. I ask what is a shame, and I mentally hear a whole story about the man’s son, who has grown distant from the rest of the family. The son is off doing his thing now, and I understand that this man wishes they had a closer relationship.

Now let’s try the same exercise from a kinesthetic perspective. For this approach, I imagine myself in his body. (You can also do this through a connective cord, as above, if you’re worried about taking on others’ energy.) I imagine that I am in his body, and as I do so, I feel sort of wistful and sad. When I ask why I feel sad, I have the feeling of holding a baby in my arms. This is not physical, of course; it’s more like a feeling in my own aura. I have the auric feeling of cradling a baby and at the same time, I see a baby in his arms. (I can’t turn off the visual information. Our primary modalities are like that – they’re always processing whatever we’re experiencing, and all modalities are always working together to foster understanding.) I now know that he feels wistful about one of his children.

You can get all sorts of information to flesh things out by using your other modalities. If you’re wanting to read someone’s aura to learn about their personality, strengths, weaknesses, etc., you can do it the same way. Just get into a high vibration, and either let things come to you or ask questions and then allow insights to flow in whatever way works best for you.

Trust what you perceive and remember that you can always ask further questions to get more information and clarification/confirmation. Also, while you’re wise to work with your strengths, the more well-rounded you are in your development, the fuller your awareness will be, so it’s wise to practice getting information through all of your psychic senses.

– Soul Arcanum