Tag Archive: prayer

Sending Distant Healing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My mother lives across the country from me, and she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I feel so bad that I can’t be there for her now. I have heard that you can send energy healing to people who are at a distance, and am wondering if this is something I might start doing. Do you think this is possible? Can anyone do it? If so, how would I go about it?


Dear Sandy:

This is definitely possible and something anyone can do. Since you have a great deal of love for your mother, you are a perfect person to send her healing in this way. While it’s true that some people have a gift for channeling healing energy, love is the strongest, purest source of healing in the Universe, so sending your love is a wonderful way to support and bless her at this difficult time.

There are three main things that make some healers particularly gifted: faith, spiritual development, and love. Studying these traits should help you become a more powerful healer yourself.

My grandmother had no training as an energy healer but she had tremendous religious faith; when she prayed for people, miracles happened. It may seem like you either have faith or you don’t, but it is actually something you can cultivate. One way to cultivate faith that what you are doing is real and powerful is to Google the scientific studies that have yielded significant results regarding the power of energy healing. You might also explore the work of Masaru Emoto, who has done some fascinating studies on the power of energies like thoughts and feelings to influence the formation of water crystals. I also recommend the book The Secret Life of Plants, for it includes fascinating experiments that demonstrate that our intentions profoundly impact the living beings around us as well as any living beings we focus upon from a distance.

The second trait I mentioned is spiritual development, by which I mean the ability to consciously work with energy. There are many ways to develop the ability to influence outer reality with our intentions, including but not limited to the practice of Qigong and other martial arts, yoga, meditation, magick, shamanic ritual, energy healing, and working with the law of attraction.

The third trait I mentioned is love. The best healers are deeply caring and compassionate; their “big hearts” make them capable of channeling a lot of divine love, which is the most potent source of healing in the Universe. You already have great love for your mother, but you can become a more powerful healer in general if you make a habit of looking for the divine beauty in others and blessing everyone you meet with kind thoughts and feelings.

Once you’re on your way to having all the traits of a great healer, sending healing energy will be simple. Some distant healers use physical objects such as photographs or even stuffed animals as focal points, but I think this is a matter of personal preference. I much prefer to simply hold the person I’m sending energy to in my heart and visualize them in my mind.

To begin, just close your eyes, take a few slow, deep breaths, and mentally reach up to connect with divine love. See a beautiful light glowing above you; feel how it tingles as it connects with your aura and begins to flow through you. Bask in the feelings of bliss that arise as this tingly shower of divine light bathes you with peace and well-being.

Next, link with your mother by thinking about her, how much you love her, and how you wish her well. Let your heart swell with love for her, then inwardly state a clear, high intention of being a source of comfort and healing for her. If you believe in angels and/or spirit guides, this is the time to pray to them to help you send healing. Whether you have a conscious personal relationship with your guides and angels or not, you can pray for divine helpers to go to your mother to comfort and support her, and visualize her surrounded by beings of divine light.

Next, visualize your mother in front of you. See yourself standing in a river with your mother ahead of you just downstream. See yourself placing your hands in the river, and as you do so, see the particles of light that are flowing into you flow out into the water and begin to stream toward her. Notice how, with your mind and heart, you can channel the flow of that divinely blessed water toward her. See her delighting in receiving this lovely water, and see her coming alive with new joy and well-being.

Visualize her in a state of perfection, glowing with health, happiness, peace and vitality. Visualize her smiling and feeling good about herself, her life, and the future. See her receiving this water in whatever way is right for her, spontaneously using it as she needs. Perhaps you’ll see it washing over her, cleansing her heart and mind of worries. Maybe you’ll see her cupping her hands and drinking of it to quench her spiritual thirst. See all worries being washed away as this water refreshes her spirit. Know that all you need to do is send her this loving, healing energy, and she will use it in whatever way she needs it at that time.

At some point, this process will feel complete. Say a final blessing to your mother in your mind, give thanks for the healing that has taken place, and then simply go on about your daily life.

Please note that when I do energy healing work on someone, I ask to be shown that person in a state of perfect health, happiness and well-being. I am then usually shown them when they were a small child. I simply appreciate the perfection of that child – the strong, healthy little body running joyfully around, the open-hearted wonder of childhood, the perfect peace of mind that comes from living in the moment – and I send the energy of that perfect vision to the person I’m healing so that they can remember how that state of perfect well-being feels. Where many energy healers will scan for problems to “fix,” I don’t believe that is truly helpful because focusing on problems just sends more energy to those problems. With this in mind, you would be wise to ignore any health struggles your mother is going through and simply send her positive, loving vibes while visualizing her feeling happy and healthy.

As I mentioned above, it’s also important to act from faith, which includes letting go of what happens as a result of your efforts. If you are attached to your mother feeling you sending her energy, to her getting better, or to any particular outcome at all, you will shift from a state of divine love into ego and thus disconnect from the infinite healing energy available. This can cause you to experience some undesirable side effects, such as taking on the problems of the people you’re sending healing to, feeling their symptoms, developing headaches from strain, or simply exhausting yourself because you’re pushing from the limited pool of your own energy instead of allowing it to flow from an unlimited divine source. The key is not what you picture but the quality of your own vibration and intention, so simply connect to the divine, connect to your mother, and let your love flow with faith that she will receive and use the energy you send her in whatever way is right for her at that time.

Soul Arcanum

Can Sending Energy Healing Make Things Worse?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was recently in a very good place energetically: I was centered in love and light, and I sent this energy out to a dear ex-girlfriend and my sister. They came into my consciousness at the time, and I wanted to share this light with them. I envisioned them safe within a protective sheath of white light. It felt like the right thing to do. Shortly afterwards, my ex pulled a muscle in her back and had to take two painful weeks off from work, and my sister fell off her horse and broke her collarbone and eight ribs, forcing her to take an extended leave from work. It should be noted that both are workaholics and spend a lot of time giving to others. Were these blessings in disguise, since they both needed the rest that they were not giving themselves, or was it “wrong” of me to send them light and well wishes? Is it possible for energy healing to make things worse?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

When approached with the right spirit, energy healing should never make things worse for anyone involved, and I feel that your approach here was perfect. We might call what you did simply “praying” for these women, or sending them love. Since you were centered in a very high vibration and were wise enough to simply visualize them in a state of well-being, I don’t see how you could have gone wrong.

You did not spend a lot of time worrying about them and whatever problems you believe they have, and you did not take on the role of fixer and try to mentally push them into taking actions you believe they should take, or becoming more as you believe they should be. These approaches tend to cause problems, where your approach should only have beneficial effects.

Here’s what I think happened in this situation:

You were in a very high vibration when you had the impulse to send these women loving energy. Your high vibration created heightened awareness, which allowed you to sense what was happening with them at a metaphysical level. As our experiences begin at a spiritual level and filter down into the physical dimension, the crises these women experienced shortly after you sent them energy were already brewing. Thus you didn’t cause these events to happen – you anticipated them.

This is a very common thing to experience when your vibration is soaring. It’s why psychics alter their state of consciousness in order to predict the future: from that “high” perspective, we become aware of so much that can’t be seen from the “ground level” of ordinary consciousness.

As with so many spiritual matters, we must be open to paradox, so instead of an either/or answer, more than one possibility may be true. Most likely, you both anticipated these problems, AND influenced the circumstances surrounding them via your energetic attention.

Being in a high vibration will empower us to achieve all sorts of spiritual aims, from predicting the future to helping others heal. So it’s possible that in addition to anticipating what was going to happen, you affected these women with your healing energy. Though on the surface these calamities may seem negative, it’s easy to see (especially in this particular situation) how these injuries may affect greater healing in the long run.

This is how the healing process works. When we get stuck in a pattern that isn’t really working for us and we fail to recognize that and change that pattern, we’ll eventually manifest experiences that shake up those unhealthy habits and routines. The more conscious we are of what is happening on all levels of our being, the gentler our healing journey tends to be. When we resist facing our issues and changing, however, it often takes some sort of crisis to wake us up.

Energy healing is one way to be proactive about this process, in that it gets blocks and stagnant energies moving. By sending these women healing energy, you could have awakened some dormant issues that were ripe for release. The important thing to note is that these issues would need to be balanced eventually, and in the mean time, without attention they would tend to get worse.

Further, it can come as quite a shock to people that the healing process itself can be painful, and that issues often seem to worsen before they get better. It’s sort of like cleaning out a very messy closet, and just as we tend to put off overwhelming chores, most of us will avoid facing and healing our messy inner issues until the situation is desperate.

Things can look okay on the surface, but every time we open that closet door, we may get hit with something falling off the shelf. Eventually, we have to drag everything out of that closet, which will make it look like an even bigger disaster than we had before. As we sort things out, get rid of what we don’t want, and put everything we do want in better order, things will begin to improve. Eventually, we’ll have a closet situation that feels good and works for us.

We can see this on a physical level with the symptoms people feel when they’re “detoxing.” As the body releases the toxins that have been quietly lurking in the background and perhaps creating a mild sense of malaise, suddenly all sorts of uncomfortable and even painful symptoms can arise. Once these have been processed and released, however, they feel better than before.

The most important thing to consider when sending energy healing is the quality of your own intentions and energy. So long as you are coming from love and faith (which means you are free of fear that something bad might happen, and fully expect positive results), then all should be fine. Your loving energy may or may not seem to have an effect on the recipient, but I can assure you that at least at some level, it will bless them and help them in some way. Further, by sending others love, you will bless yourself in more ways than you could ever know.

We do need to respect where other people are with their issues, of course, and trust that everyone is manifesting just what they need in order to learn whatever they need to learn. We should never presume that we know what is best for them or try to change their circumstances based on our own beliefs. Sending them love, however, is completely innocuous; it’s the safest, wisest, kindest thing you could do, and as spiritual practices go, nothing could be simpler.

There are all sorts of complicated methods and teachings about energy healing out there, and for the most part, they are making this endeavor far more complicated than it has to be. This is a simple, innate, intuitive act; there are no hard and fast rules about the “right way” to go about it. Just get into that groovy vibration, visualize perfection flowing throughout every corner of the universe, and hold the people you care about in your heart with loving kindness. Smile upon them with your spirit and wish them well. It’s that simple.

As for your own role here, I would add this experience to my mental file of evidence that all this far out spiritual stuff is actually REAL. Synchronicity is the calling card of Spirit. These women may not have known you were sending them energy or even been conscious of their issues and their need for healing. You, however, have been touched by what happened. The fact that you became aware of these “accidents” and recognized the synchronicity at play suggests that Spirit is trying to reassure you that your energy healing experiences are real.

Since both these women were workaholics, and they both wound up having to take time off work, I think your story is a wonderful example of how we can all trust the natural healing process to lead us back into balance one way or another.

– Soul Arcanum

The Power of Prayer

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve read your articles on how to use creative visualization, the law of attraction, etc. to manifest what you want in your life. Do you believe in the power of prayer? If so, then can’t we just pray for what we want? Also, to whom would you pray? My mother prays to different saints and angels for various different matters. Does it matter whom we pray to?
– Elena

Dear Elena:

“I believe that divine help is always available, and that it’s our right to have that help. We are powerful beings, with a natural magic of our own, but others stand ready. Angels will come to assist you if you need them, but usually come only if invited.” – Jonathan Dickau

I absolutely believe in the power of prayer. We have the power in and of ourselves to work magic in our lives WHEN we are connected to the stream of pure, positive energy. When we’re caught up in problems or confusion, it’s hard get into that powerful state of connection. We all need a little help from our friends sometimes, and prayer is calling upon our friends in Spirit, whether those friends are our personal angels, archangels, guides or God.

I turn to prayer to connect to a very high spiritual vibration when working with clients, and in order to shed anger or other negative thoughts or emotions. I will pray to be cleansed of all negativity and to be filled with light and peace. In the course of “praying” like this, I will also visualize myself as I want to be. I will summon the emotions I associate with the state of consciousness I desire, and I will call upon “Spirit” to help me. I personally don’t call upon specific entities such as angels, archangels, saints, etc., for I trust that if I set a clear, positive intention, help will come to me in whatever way and from whatever source is for the highest and the best.

I recently had a wonderful little experience of the power of prayer. I was traveling to Florida with my parents, husband and children. I had my cell phone in it’s rugged holster, which was tightly clipped inside an outer pocket of my purse. While on the plane, I stowed my purse under the seat. When we got to Florida, we took a shuttle to the rental car agency. While waiting in the long line there, I suddenly had a “feeling,” and I began to look for my cell phone. It was gone. I knew it had been there when the plane took off, for I’d had to turn it off. This was a brand-new, expensive cell phone. I had spent hours learning how to use it and programming in all the phone numbers from my old phone. The clip on the holster is so tight that you have to pry it open to secure it onto something, so I couldn’t understand how it had come loose.

I tried to tune in to “feel” where it might be, but I was too upset to really connect. I wanted to race back to the terminal before the plane left again, but it took ages to rent the car. When we finally got back to the airport, there was a family in front of us with five children under the age of eight trying to check in. They had three car seats and a mountain of luggage like nothing I have ever seen before. My mood was growing darker by the minute.

When I finally spoke to the woman at the counter, our plane had left for Atlantic City. We knew that the plane would have been thoroughly searched, so she called the gate, and was told that no cell phones had been found. She took my contact information and said she’d call if anything turned up.

I left the airport in a foul mood. This was no way to start a vacation. My children opted to ride with my parents (can’t blame them there), so we took all the luggage, backpacks, etc. and moved them from their car into our backseat. My lucky husband had my grumpy presence all to himself for the forty minute drive to our destination. As I stared out the window, it suddenly hit me that sinking into depression over a phone was silly. It would only ruin the day for all of us, and more importantly, it would keep the phone from coming back to me. The more I wallowed in my LACK of my phone, the more lack of phone I would get.

Nevertheless, I couldn’t snap out of it, so I decided to pray. I silently said, “Okay, Spirit. I know I have a LOT of friends up there. I need your help. I really want my phone back, but I recognize that it is just stuff. I want to feel happy with all I am blessed with: a wonderful family on a wonderful day, beginning a wonderful vacation. Please purify my heart and mind and help me reconnect with joy. I choose joy regardless of whether or not I get the phone back, though it would be lovely if that could be arranged!” I then let it go. I trusted that all would work out for the best.

When we got to the hotel about fifteen minutes later, my little girl came to get her backpack out of our car while the grown-ups checked in. We then drove around to our entrance, and everyone piled out to load the luggage onto a dolly. In the two-minute drive from the office to the entrance, something had happened in their vehicle. My parents and kids emerged with strange smiles on their faces. My daughter came up to me grinning, and from behind her back produced – my cell phone in its holster! I was just astounded.

She said that she had found it clinging to the excess strap that dangled below her backpack. You would have had to have been there to fully comprehend how impossible this was. Even my usually skeptical father was stunned speechless. I then blurted out how I had been praying in the car, and this divine feeling washed over everyone. It was like supercharged goose pimples. (This is the mark of Spirit!) Suddenly, I was more joyful and grateful than I had been for months! No one could explain how my phone could have come unclipped from my purse and then clipped ON to her backpack, when I hadn’t even touched her backpack nor her my purse. Further, she had lugged the backpack all over the place, and my husband had tossed it from one car to another. If the phone been attached all along, it would have been flopping around near her knees as she walked through the airport, and either noticed or lost. While everyone tried to find a “rational” explanation, I knew that my prayer had been answered.

Whenever you’re feeling low, just pray. The more we “travel the pathway” from low to high vibration, the better our souls know the way there. Instead of viewing visualization and similar exercises as separate from prayer, incorporate those practices into your prayers. When we pray wisely, instead of “begging for help,” we work WITH Spirit to shift our own energy. This generates powerful magic!

Prayer is powerful. I have a friend who made more than a million dollars in her business last year. This was a goal she had set for herself, and at the time she set it, most people would have said she was “dreaming.” She says she did it almost entirely by going to work every morning, lighting a candle, writing down her prayers, putting them in an angel box to turn them over to her angels, and then just going home.

If you’re skeptical, I encourage you to try it for yourself. You’ve got nothing to lose, and your highest dreams to gain!

– Soul Arcanum