Tag Archive: phantom doorbell

The Phantom Doorbell Strikes Again

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My father died in 2001, and my little sister died on her birthday in 1995. She was very spiritual, like me. After my sister died, I felt a connection to her now and then, especially on her birthday. Here’s my question: almost every night between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m., I hear a doorbell that sounds like mine, and sometimes a knock. I get up but I see no one at the door. I am overweight and don’t know if I have sleep apnea, so I’m wondering if the noise I hear is to wake me because I’m not breathing. When I hear it and check, I feel it is real and someone is actually at my door.


Dear Katharina:

I first heard about this phenomenon some twenty years ago when my mother told me she would sometimes hear the doorbell ring in the middle of the night and no one would be there. For a number of reasons, she believed this was someone in Spirit visiting her.

In the ensuing twenty years, I experienced all sorts of signs and contact from spirits but I never experienced anything like this. I had actually forgotten all about it when it happened to me for the first time. It was about a month after my father died, and I had been trying hard to contact him directly without much success. I was troubled because I’d assumed it would be easy for me to establish contact with him since I’ve been able to do so with so many other spirits. My father was not a believer in things like spirit communication, however, which may explain why it was harder to connect with him.

One night about a month after he died, I was sleeping and was suddenly awakened by the sound of the doorbell ringing. I sensed my father’s presence in the room, and then I remembered what my mother had told me years ago about hearing the doorbell. As I woke up fully, the experience faded.

My father still visits me in the same way every now and then. Sometimes the doorbell awakens me from a dream visit with him, or I just awaken with thoughts of him in my mind. He has also been known to pull off some amazing phenomena like making the phone physically ring so that everyone can hear it. The phone doesn’t sound normal when he does this; it sounds more like a British ambulance. He’s done this twice now, once on my birthday and once right after my mother and I had been talking about him for hours. On both occasions, when the phone was answered there was no one on the line; there was just a lot of white noise.

My point is that people have strengths and preferences for various forms of communication when they’re living, so it makes sense that spirits would be the same. I believe my father has a hard time connecting with me telepathically, and this is why he has to resort to other methods.

If you pay careful attention, you should be able to discern the difference between your doorbell actually ringing and the sound you hear in the middle of the night that sounds like your doorbell. I call this the “phantom doorbell” because the sound is to physical hearing as a specter is to physical seeing: it’s not wholly material or immaterial but somewhere in between.

This phenomenon is quite common, and also happens with other sounds that are designed to get our attention. Like you, many people report hearing a phantom doorbell ring in the middle of the night. Others hear the phone ring, knocking sounds or phantom alarms. Many also experience secondary phenomena, such as a strange smell which they may or may not be able to associate with someone in Spirit, or seeing ghostly figures, lights, or other apparitions.

What I find most interesting about this phenomenon is how it seems to be more and less physical in different situations. For example, when I’ve heard the doorbell ringing at my house, other members of my family have not, which suggests the sound was heard clairvoyantly. Many people report similar experiences and explain that even their pets fail to respond to the noise as they would if the doorbell were actually ringing.

In other situations, however, entire families have heard these sounds, sometimes when everyone was awake. Further, these events can be accompanied by other puzzling phenomena, such as hearing the voices of living people who aren’t present but happen to be in some distress at the time. Some folks have even set up recording devices to run throughout the night, and recorded phantom doorbells and other sounds that never woke them up. This means we may all have this happening while we’re asleep more often than we realize.

For the most part, however, this tends to happen in the middle of the night. This makes sense, because when we fall asleep, our vibration naturally rises, which makes us able to perceive subtler energies. Since most of the time the sound isn’t physical in nature, we have to be in an altered state of consciousness in order to be able to hear it. When we’re in between awake and asleep, we’re able to perceive things that are between this world and other dimensions.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you do have sleep apnea, for if you are frequently waking up and falling back asleep, you would be in alpha a lot, which is the perfect state of consciousness for extrasensory perception. Many people who have sleep apnea or other conditions/situations that cause them to awake many times throughout the night report unusual paranormal experiences.

As for why this is happening, it could be a warning to wake up because you’re not breathing properly. (Please see your doctor about the possibility that you have sleep apnea.) These events are often warnings to people that something needs their attention. For example, people have been awakened by a phantom smoke detector or fire alarm and discovered the house was on fire or some other emergency was occurring. Also, many people experience these phantom sounds when they have overslept and need to get up for an important reason.

Most people attribute phantom doorbell and related phenomena to visits from spirits, for in most cases, it begins after the passing of a dear loved one and seems to cluster around dates or other situations specific to that loved one in Spirit. For example, the last time this happened to me, I had prayed for connect with my dad in a dream that night.

Now that you know that this may be someone in Spirit trying to get your attention, it should be easier to take the next step of determining who it is and what they are trying to tell you. If you jump out of bed to go see who is at the door, you’ll pull yourself directly out of that alpha state and be unable to receive more psychic impressions. Instead, try to stay in that half-awake state and reach out with your awareness. See if you sense anything or anyone in the room. Pay attention to what may have been happening in your dreams just before you were awakened, and also to anything you may sense or find yourself thinking about. Ask questions in your mind about who or what is causing this phenomenon and see what pops into your head. If, for example, you have thoughts of your sister or your father upon first awakening, you may assume that they are visiting you and trying to get your attention by making this noise.

– Soul Arcanum

Exploring New Psychic Territory

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve read many of your articles, and you seem to have seen and done it all when it comes to psychic matters. Do you think that’s true? Are you ever surprised by your experiences?
– Ron

Dear Ron:

Like everyone else on a conscious spiritual path, I go through periods when nothing really new is happening, and periods when all sorts of crazy stuff is going on. Recently I’ve had a number of experiences that rocked my spiritual belief system.

It seems this new phase began when my father passed away about nine months ago. I had some profound spiritual experiences at that time, but they were nothing all that unusual for me, given my work as a medium. Following his death, however, things got more interesting.

I should first explain that I expected far more from his spirit than I got. My father and I were close, and he loved his family with gusto. Though we didn’t share the same spiritual beliefs, I still expected that if anyone would make a grand effort to reach out to me from Spirit, it would be him.

I was therefore surprised and disappointed when he didn’t appear to me in a blaze of divine glory with elaborate tales of the afterlife. While I did receive some subtle impressions from him, I was afraid this was wishful thinking on my part, and when I did go looking for him in Spirit, I couldn’t find him! It may be important to note that while my dad was a very intelligent, kind, successful man, he also had some serious food addiction issues. Since I know that addictions tend to cause spirits to become earthbound, I began to worry.

About three weeks after he died, I finally had a dream encounter with him that seemed to confirm my concerns. (Please note that a dream encounter is not a typical dream; it’s clearly an actual interaction with a spirit in the astral.)

In the dream encounter, my dad was glued to my brother’s side like a Siamese twin. (My brother also has serious food addiction issues, and this made me worry that Dad was trying to feed his addictions through my brother.) In this encounter my dad was barely conscious, but he was trying to tell me something. I had to lean very close to hear him, for his voice was just a raspy whisper. I had the impression that he didn’t know how to communicate telepathically – like this was the first time he had ever attempted this from Spirit.

I could only hear one sentence, but what he said was definitely something my dad would say. He said, “Thank you so much for trying so hard to reach out to me from the other side.” His main concern was to make me feel appreciated!

Following this experience, I began to be awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of the doorbell. This is a classic way spirits get our attention: we’re awakened by the phone or doorbell, but there is no one there. Sometimes we believe the phone or doorbell truly rang, and other times (as in my case), as soon as we awaken, we realize that we only “thought” we heard the doorbell ring. (At the same time, however, it is more “real” than imagining it.)

While I had heard about such phenomena, I never expected this to happen to me. I assumed I would be far beyond such crude attempts to get my attention – after all, I’m a professional medium – I should be able to just dial Dad up any time I want!

Each time I heard this doorbell sound in the middle of the night, I would half wake up and then become aware of my father’s presence. When I roused myself completely and opened my eyes to physically look for him, however, I saw nothing. I learned that if I stayed in that half asleep mode, I would be able to feel him there. Again, this was really surprising, since I’ve had much clearer connections with other loved ones in Spirit in the past, not to mention hundreds of communications from virtual strangers in Spirit. I figured that my dad didn’t really know how to reach through from the other side, but he was trying hard.

I had several dream encounters with him over the following months. Recently, I’ve begun to meet with him nearly every night, and we have had some surprising exchanges. For example, a few weeks ago I dreamed that I was walking in a crowded hallway when I noticed him. This place felt like a nursing home or a hospital, and there were lots of “patients” milling around. When I noticed my dad, I turned to whoever was with me and said, “Oh my gosh! That’s my dad! I have to go talk to him!”

I went to him and hugged him, and I noticed that he didn’t look well. This really surprised me, and I realized that I had assumed that when we depart this world, we leave behind all illness and become radiantly healthy. I began to cry and express how much I miss him, when he quieted me and said, “Oh now, you know that this is not how to do it!” I knew that he meant that grief and sorrow are not appropriate for prolonged periods after a loved one dies, for they continue on, and we will see them again.

Some may argue that these are anxiety dreams I’m having, but I know they are not. I know the difference between a typical dream and an astral encounter, and these are definitely astral encounters. They have a different visual quality, they feel real, and we have literal, meaningful conversations. They also pack a lot of punch: I wake up moved by these dreams. I know I have been with my father, and we have truly communicated.

When I ask Spirit why my dad doesn’t seem healthy again, I hear that life (including the afterlife) is a journey of learning, growing, healing and evolving. If our illnesses and disabilities are limited to the physical, we shed them when we move on, but if they exist on a metaphysical level – if they’re part of our hearts, minds, and/or spirits – then they come with us, and we must heal them eventually.

As for other recent phenomena, I sometimes have striking spontaneous out of body experiences, which are always fascinating. I also frequently experience incredible “coincidences.” Many of these arise through my internet-based work. A number of times I’ve experienced something really strange and then read a story contest submission for Soul Arcanum that matched my experience, or which referred to specific names or other details in my experience. These “coincidences” are not born of looking for angels in the architecture: they’re of a striking and sometimes even a mind blowing nature.

For example, a couple of days ago I read an article that had been submitted as a possible future feature. In it, author Janis Amatuzio, MD, describes the events surrounding her father’s passing, and how a few days after he died, he sent her a sign through a song on the radio. The song arrived at just the right time, and it really moved her. The song was “In My Daughter’s Eyes” by Martina McBride.

I was bawling as I finished reading this article, because I had the EXACT same experience with my own father. Though I never listen to country music, when my father died, I was driving and crying and I asked him to send me a sign through the radio. I pushed the radio on, and that is the song that had just begun to play. The last lines are: “When I’m gone I hope you see how happy she made me, for I’ll be there in my daughter’s eyes.”

How did that particular article find its way to me? Did my father orchestrate all of this? Is it possible that somehow, the song I was sent was chosen because I would later receive this article, which would further validate this sign? Though my life is full of mind blowing serendipitous events, they never cease to amaze me.

Thanks for your great question, Ron. I certainly hope I will continue to explore new psychic territory for the rest of my life, and pray that your own world is rich with fascinating spiritual discoveries.

– Soul Arcanum