Tag Archive: pendulum

Her Pendulum Isn’t “Working”

Copryight Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: I bought a pendulum from a website, and no matter how many questions I ask it, it doesn’t swing for me. How come? Is there any power infused in it at all? A fortune teller told me I will never win big in the lottery. Do you think this is true? How can I get winning numbers with a pendulum?
– S.

Dear S.:

I would be very surprised if you had written that you WERE able to get winning lottery numbers with your pendulum.

First, there is nothing “magical” in the pendulum itself. It’s just an inanimate object that can be used as a tool for accessing our own higher awareness. No “magic” is infused in the object; the magic must come from within. Hence, the quality of information that that we can access with a pendulum will depend on our own inner development. If we’re not very “enlightened,” then we certainly can’t expect to work miracles (such as winning the lottery) with a pendulum.

Everything in the universe has a vibration, and that vibration determines the quality of its energy/experience. Psychic ability is found at the upper range of vibration for the Earth plane. So-called “fortune tellers” generally vibrate below that level. They may at times stretch “up” into that range, but on the whole, they’re too focused on the material world to consistently be able to access meta-physical information. Psychics have a very high vibration, but there are some who are even higher, like mediums and spiritual healers. Then there are spiritual teachers, monks and ascetics who are so high up there it’s a wonder they’re physically still here at all.

By contrast, those who expect to win the lottery tend to have a much lower vibration than psychics. First, their focus on material wealth is a world away from higher spiritual awareness. While natural abundance is a divine blessing, attachment to physical wealth is born of fear. There’s nothing wrong with desiring abundance so long as our priorities remain straight.

Lottery seekers also tend to have weak wills. They may say they want very badly to win, but if you ask them what they are willing to do to attain that wealth on their own, you will get the real story – one full of excuses about how they can’t, they wouldn’t know where to start, etc.

As our will is central to forming our future experiences, folks who want millions just handed to them should bet on it NOT happening. If they owned their power as creators of their own experiences, instead of grasping at the unlikely “solution” of winning the lottery, they’d just focus on abundance and let it come through whatever doorway was most open. They tend to feel frustrated and cheated in life, which just lowers their vibration further. They are simply not in harmony with success and fulfillment, nor with psychic ability.

When our motivation is self-focused, our vibration plummets. When we are full of love, compassion and the desire to serve others, then our vibration soars into the psychic range. It’s really very simple if you think about it. Picture that psychic ability is available to anyone – at an altitude of a mile up. We can “float up” there via meditation, or use different practices to reach that vibratory level. The more we purify our hearts and minds, the lighter we become. This is sort of like filling ourselves with helium. Every time we allow doubt to enter in or we become self-focused, grasping, fearful, frustrated, etc., we get heavier and start sinking back down to the ground again. To be able to freely float up and stay aloft, we have to stay “light.”

The safe and reliable path to psychic development is to purify the heart and mind of negativity so that one naturally rises into that range. Someone who abides at the upper reaches of the physical dimension’s vibratory range has to actually work at staying grounded in “this reality” just as much as those who are “heavy” have to work at accessing higher realms.

The first thing anyone should do if they wish to develop psychic ability is engage in some serious self-analysis. Many lottery seekers will quit reading right here, because this just sounds like too much darn work. That’s perfectly fine – they’ll eventually tire of feeling like life is an unfair, uphill battle and become motivated to examine how they’re creating their own experiences.

For those who are still reading, please note that knowing and purifying oneself of selfish motivations and negativity is essential to spiritual growth and psychic development. You must ask yourself WHY you wish to develop (or for that matter why you think and do everything in life). If you want to be psychic because you want to win the lottery or know whether your spouse is cheating on you, you’re in for a long, frustrating journey. If you want to understand the nature of life, to know that there is indeed a benevolent purpose behind it all so that you can help humankind find the faith to carry on, then psychic experiences and powers will fall into your lap with very little conscious effort on your part.

This sense of higher purpose ignites spiritual growth. It shoots your vibration straight up into the realm of psychic ability. Once you’re at that level, lottery numbers are no longer important. You know that what you need will come to you, and you’re so inspired by the view and your potency as a creator and the richness of the NOW that you don’t think at all the way you did when winning the lottery seemed like the answer to your every prayer.

Now, if you did have an altruistic reason for wanting to win the lottery – to help a sick child or even just demonstrate what is possible to the world – it may be workable. Then, however, we have to consider who would be capable of this psychic feat. A fledgling psychic expecting to get winning lottery numbers with a pendulum is a bit like a piano student who has just learned how to plunk out “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” sitting down and trying to play “Flight of the Bumble Bee” like one pianist in 10 million. Nevertheless, with the perfect alignment of energy, it could be done.

The important thing to take from all of this is the knowledge that attachment to the pleasures of the physical world and psychic ability are not a good match. While we all have latent psychic abilities, as with any other sort of skill, we have to develop a strong foundation for their development. Those who are wise will simply focus on spiritual growth with trust that all that follows will divinely fulfill their highest needs.

– Soul Arcanum

Her Pendulum Isn’t “Working”

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I bought a pendulum from a website, and no matter how many questions I ask it, it doesn’t swing for me.  How come? Is there any power infused in it at all? A fortune teller told me I will never win big in the lottery. Do you think this is true? How can I get winning numbers with a pendulum?

– S.

Dear S.:

I would be very surprised if you had written that you WERE able to get winning lottery numbers with your pendulum.

First, there is nothing “magical” in the pendulum itself. It’s just an inanimate object that can be used as a tool for accessing our own higher awareness. No “magic” is infused in the object; the magic must come from within. Hence, the quality of information that that we can access with a pendulum will depend on our own inner development. If we’re not very “enlightened,” then we certainly can’t expect to work miracles (such as winning the lottery) with a pendulum.

Everything in the universe has a vibration, and that vibration determines the quality of its energy/experience. Psychic ability is found at the upper range of vibration for the Earth plane. So-called “fortune tellers” generally vibrate below that level. They may at times stretch “up” into that range, but on the whole, they’re too focused on the material world to consistently be able to access meta-physical information. Psychics have a very high vibration, but there are some who are even higher. Mediums and spiritual healers tend to dwell above psychics, and then there are spiritual teachers, monks and ascetics who are so high up there it’s a wonder they’re physically incarnate at all.

By contrast, those who expect to win the lottery tend to have a much lower vibration than psychics. First, their focus on material wealth is a world away from higher spiritual awareness. While natural abundance is a divine blessing, ATTACHMENT to physical wealth is born of fear. There’s nothing wrong with desiring abundance so long as our priorities remain straight.

Lottery seekers also tend to have weak wills. They may say they want very badly to win, but if you ask them what they are willing to do to attain that wealth on their own, you will get the real story – one full of excuses about how they can’t, they wouldn’t know where to start, etc.

As our will is central to forming our future experiences, folks who want millions just handed to them should bet on it NOT happening. If they owned their power as creators of their own experiences, instead of grasping at the unlikely “solution” of winning the lottery, they’d just focus on abundance and let it come through whatever doorway was most open. They tend to feel frustrated and cheated in life, which just lowers their vibration further. They are simply not in harmony with success and fulfillment, nor with psychic ability.

When our motivation is self-focused, our vibration plummets. When we are full of love, compassion and the desire to serve others, then our vibration soars into the psychic range. It’s really very simple if you think about it. Picture that psychic ability is available to anyone – at an altitude of a mile up. We can “float up” there via meditation, or use different practices to reach that vibratory level. The more we purify our hearts and minds, the lighter we become. This is sort of like filling ourselves with helium. Every time we allow doubt to enter in or we become self-focused, grasping, fearful, frustrated, etc., we get heavier and start sinking back down to the ground again. To be able to freely float up and stay aloft, we have to stay “light.”

The safe and reliable path to psychic development is to purify the heart and mind of negativity so that one naturally rises into that range. Someone who abides at the upper reaches of the physical dimension’s vibratory range has to actually work at staying grounded in “this reality” just as much as those who are “heavy” have to work at accessing higher realms.

The first thing anyone should do if they wish to develop psychic ability is engage in some serious self-analysis. Many lottery seekers will quit reading right here, because this just sounds like too much darn work. That’s perfectly fine – they’ll eventually tire of feeling like life is an unfair, uphill battle and become motivated to examine how they’re creating their own experiences.

For those who are still reading, please note that knowing and purifying oneself of selfish motivations and negativity is essential to spiritual growth and psychic development. You must ask yourself WHY you wish to develop (or for that matter why you think and do everything in life). If you want to be psychic because you want to win the lottery or know whether your spouse is cheating on you, you’re in for a long, frustrating journey. If you want to understand the nature of life, to know that there is indeed a benevolent purpose behind it all so that you can help humankind find the faith to carry on, then psychic experiences and powers will fall into your lap with very little conscious effort on your part.

This sense of higher purpose ignites spiritual growth. It shoots your vibration straight up into the realm of psychic ability. Once you’re at that level, lottery numbers are no longer important. You know that what you need will come to you, and you’re so inspired by the view and your potency as a creator and the richness of the NOW that you don’t think at all the way you did when winning the lottery seemed like the answer to your every prayer.

Now, if you did have an altruistic reason for wanting to win the lottery – to help a sick child or even just demonstrate what is possible to the world – it may be workable. Then, however, we have to consider who would be capable of this psychic feat. A fledgling psychic expecting to get winning lottery numbers with a pendulum is a bit like a piano student who has just learned how to plunk out “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” sitting down and trying to play “Flight of the Bumble Bee” like one pianist in 10 million. Nevertheless, with the perfect alignment of energy, it could be done.

You lottery mongers who are still reading are probably now thinking, “Oh! Well why didn’t you just say so? Hurry up and tell me who to go to so I can get those winning numbers.” If your heart is pure and your intentions are truly selfless, then give your favorite reader a whirl. As purity of intention and the lottery are an unlikely combination, however, then it’s silly to ask a psychic to do something they would have no desire to do and not be good at anyway. It’s a bit like asking a ballerina to build you a suspension bridge – to Hawaii.

The important thing to take from all of this is the knowledge that attachment to the pleasures of the physical world and psychic ability are not a good match. While we all have latent psychic abilities, as with any other sort of skill, we have to develop a strong foundation for their development. Those who are wise will simply focus on spiritual growth with trust that all that follows will divinely fulfill their highest needs.

– Soul Arcanum

Using a Pendulum for Divination

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am interested in learning more about the pendulum as an effective tool for finding answers. I have used an antique ring as my pendulum, and seem to get very definite answers with this, but I would like to hear from you on this subject. Thank you so much for the positive way in which you share your knowledge!


Dear Alee:

Using a pendulum is one of the simplest ways to begin to develop your psychic ability. This is something that anyone can do. Also, pretty much anything that can be suspended on a string can be used as a pendulum. You can buy a fancy crystal one at most metaphysical/New Age stores, or you can use a pendant/necklace or a ring on a chain. You can even just tie a nut (as in nuts and bolts) to the end of a string. Pendulum’s are handy. Many double as key chains, so they’re with you wherever you go.

You can ask a pendulum virtually anything, and you can have an answer in an instant. We often “hear” the big warnings and messages that Spirit and our intuition send to us, but there is too much chaos and mental chatter in our worlds for us to pick up on all the subtle messages we’re constantly receiving. You can ask mundane questions (such as, “Which movie will I enjoy more? Movie A? Movie B?” or “Should I buy the pink one or the blue one?”) and also more important questions (such as, “Is he lying to me?” “Should I sign up for that class?” “Should I see a doctor about that pain?” “Is there a spiritual lesson in this experience for me?”)

As with all divination work, begin by establishing a positive link to Spirit. You can do this by simply calling upon forces of love and light to assist you. Make sure your energy is high and clear. I was taught that if my integrity and intentions were high and pure, then I had nothing to worry about in terms of negative energies, and this has proven true. If you’re feeling afraid or skeptical, try reading something uplifting and spiritual in nature before you begin. Reading about psychic development will affirm the work you’re about to do.

Once you’ve gotten “connected” this way, you must “prime” your pendulum by establishing the “language” it will use to communicate with you. You do this by simply telling it, “show me yes.” Tell it to show you yes, and then note what it does. It may go in a clockwise circle, or it may swing back and forth, toward you and away from you. These are the most common forms of “yes,” but whatever it does for you is fine, so long as you can distinguish it from “no.” Then, of course, ask the pendulum to show you “no.” It will likely either go counter-clockwise or side to side in front of you, like a head shaking “no.”

Practice with it a bit, until you feel confident and comfortable that you know how your pendulum will communicate answers to you. You can also add in other options, such as “show me that this can’t be answered,” (which is usually a dead stop, but it can also be a circle if your “yes” and “no” are linear).

Now it’s time to establish your intentions. You can state your intentions mentally, out loud, or write them down to make it really official. Again, ask for help from spirits of love and light, and state very clearly what you’re trying to accomplish or find out. Also, I was taught to “ask permission.” This would go something like, “Spirits of love and light, great and benevolent forces of the universe, may I ask if it would be wise and beneficial for me to accept this job offer?” If the answer is “no,” you can then ask follow-up questions to try to understand why you can’t know this now. You might ask, “Is the answer yet to be determined? Is it not in my best interest to know right now?” (etc.) If the pendulum stops dead, don’t push it. Trust that the Universe is watching out for you, think happy thoughts, and go on your way.

If you’re very attached to getting a certain answer to your question (if you can’t be objective), and you’re not accomplished at shifting your state of consciousness in order to rise above the desires of the ego, you may want to ask someone else to ask the pendulum for you. Otherwise, you’re likely to “make” the pendulum move as you wish it to, whether you’re aware that you’re doing it or not.

This brings us to a controversial matter. “Who” or “what” exactly is making the pendulum move? How does this all work? Some say that the user actually makes the pendulum swing through imperceptible muscle movements, that beneath our conscious awareness, our higher selves are directing the pendulum and thus answering our questions. The pendulum is thus just a visible form of intuition. Others suggest that outside forces are acting on the pendulum, and therefore that spirits, guides and angels can be lending a hand. Even others allow that outside entities may be helping, but we’re still moving it via our own muscle power. What matters the most, of course, is that the answers are reliable, truthful and helpful to us.

What many beginning pendulum users don’t realize is that you don’t have to limit yourself to “yes” and “no” questions. You can also write out possible answers and let the pendulum swing over them. There are some great ready-made charts such as the alphabet, various vitamins or foods, herbal remedies, different systems of the body, etc. for dowsing. With these, you may discover a food allergy or the source of a physical ailment. I recommend the charts of Dale Olson. His “Pendulum Charts” and a couple of his books on using the pendulum are available at amazon.com.

There is no limit to what you can do with a pendulum. Since it’s a form of dowsing, you can even use it to find your misplaced keys. Just follow the direction of its swing, and when it changes direction, you change too.

Allow yourself to be inSPIRed! Act on the ideas that pop into your head while using your pendulum, and you’ll never be “lost” for long again!

– Soul Arcanum