Tag Archive: mediumship

Is Mediumship Born of “Wishful Thinking?”

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been taking psychic development classes and have had quite a few evidential experiences of Spirit. I am asking you what it takes to be a true medium. Is one born with the ability? Also, why does it take the death of a loved one to bring it out? Is it because the interest will not be there otherwise, or is there some wishful thinking going on?
– Debra

Dear Debra:

Thanks for these great questions. First I think we need to address the term “true medium.” What does this mean to you? Is it someone who brings through evidential information via spirit communication one time? Is it someone who sometimes receives spontaneous messages from spirits? Is it someone who at times can purposefully connect with certain entities? Or is it someone who can dial up individuals on the otherside at will and bring through names and other evidence whenever it is desired?

For the sake of clarity here, let’s call someone who has all the key potential traits a “natural medium,” someone who frequently exercises her ability to bring through evidential information a “gifted medium,” and someone who never outgrows her size 8 jeans a “true medium.” As you might imagine, a “true medium” is rare indeed. All joking aside, I’ve never heard of a medium who can at all times without fail bring through irrefutable evidence from any individual spirit desired.

Defining a “true medium” is thus a bit like trying to define a “true doctor” or a “true artist.” Every medium is unique. Some will be seen to have great gifts. Each one will have certain strengths, weaknesses, specialties, etc. Just as every work of art is unique, so is every communication with Spirit.

Further, mediums go through highs and lows just like anyone else. Sometimes I can bring through endless evidence from Spirit, and other times, this experience is elusive, and I don’t always know why. Sometimes my vibration is too low for some reason. Perhaps I’ve been thinking more negatively than usual, gotten caught up in worry, have not been taking care of myself in some way, or have become overwhelmed with commitments. (That last one often happens just after a period of great success with spirit communication, when my reading business takes off like a rocket with referrals!) Sometimes I think my vibration is actually too high: I’m not motivated to stretch for clear communication because I’m so at peace with death and everything else that I feel no need to strive for anything at all.

I find your questions about when and how mediumship develops to be the most interesting. In my view, mediumship is like any other talent or gift. A gifted athlete may be born with a lot of natural physical ability and perhaps the tenacious personality to strive for excellence. He will also probably have grown up in a family that encouraged and nurtured athleticism.

Similarly, a gifted medium may be born with a very high degree of sensitivity and a high spiritual vibration, which perhaps was attained in prior lives. She will probably also have a personality that is open, curious and compassionate. If she is raised in a family that supports and nurtures her psychic gifts, they will come to the surface at an early age.

Given the fact that most people in our culture either view spirit communication as evil or pure nonsense, very few natural mediums are raised in families that encourage this sort of endeavor. In fact, most young mediums quickly learn that their experiences with spirits freak even the bravest grown-ups out, which is very disconcerting indeed. They thus figure out a way to shut this aspect of themselves down. Given this hostile climate, if a natural medium is going to own her ability, it will generally not be until later in life.

Here is where your excellent question comes in. Why does it so often take the death of a loved one to discover one’s mediumship abilities?

There are a number of reasons that, when woven together, make a lot of sense. First, until we have to face death via the departure of a loved one, most people don’t give all that much thought to the afterlife, for it’s not something we really want to deal with. When someone we love dies, however, we naturally wonder where they are and if they are all right.

If this death is of someone very close, like a child, parent or spouse, then we may not be satisfied with the answers we receive about death and grieving from our cultures and religious traditions. We may need more: more information, more understanding, more help, more healing, more comfort and more reassurance. We may also seek more experiences with this person. We may refuse to let go. We don’t care if this freaks other people out anymore, and we don’t even care if we believe this is possible. Our emotional pain is so great that it can no longer be contained by the limits of our prescribed belief system.

We see this phenomenon all the time in emergency situations, as with a mother who is able to lift a car off of a child. She doesn’t stop and think about whether she can do it or not, she just knows that she HAS to. Once she’s done it once, the walls guarding her beliefs about what is possible will begin to crumble.

This combination of intense love, longing and grief is so powerful it creates seemingly “magical” experiences between those who are grieving and those who have passed on. This desire is so strong and pure that it breaks through all the barriers that prevent this sort of experience from being commonplace. Further, when we’re in a lot of pain, our loved ones in Spirit are also strongly motivated to make contact, so this intense desire for contact works from both sides.

Many a gifted medium’s first spirit communication experiences thus involve personal contact with a loved one who has died. It only takes one such experience to blow open the doors on what we believe is possible and launch us on this new journey called “mediumship.”

As I mentioned above, we also now have an ally on the other side – someone we were very close to and could probably communicate with very well. We have “contacts” in Spirit. Imagine that you’re up on a podium looking out at an immense crowd, but as a bright spotlight is shining on you, the audience is shrouded in darkness. If you wave or call out, you may or may not get any answer, as folks won’t know you’re talking to them. If, however, your departed mother is in that audience and you wave, she will probably jump up and wave back excitedly. If you call out, she will answer.

Once we believe spirit communication is possible, we still need a strong desire to make it happen again and again, just like an Olympic athlete needs a strong desire to maintain his abilities. While many mediums grow better and better with experience, some seem to fade in their ability. Most budding mediums are on fire to share what they’ve discovered with the whole world. With time, however, they are less and less amazed by their experiences with Spirit and more and more at peace with death, which causes their desire to bring through evidential information from Spirit to wane.

I struggle all the time to remember what it was like for me before I experienced all I’ve experienced with Spirit, and how devastating it felt to “lose” a loved one, so that I can remain passionate about helping others, and maintain a desire strong enough to fuel continued success.

Is it possible that spirit communication is sometimes wishful thinking? Absolutely. We’re always wise to test Spirit and to question all our experiences. Since we create our own realities based on our desires, however, everything ultimately happens due to wishful thinking. When your wish is strong enough, magic happens!

– Soul Arcanum

The Accidental Medium

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have sensed spirits and other energies around me for a long time now. I see spirits most often, and I try my best to be brave about it. This has been going on my whole life. I talk to as many people as I can about all of this, and rarely find anyone who has similar experiences. Sometimes I ask myself if I’m going insane, but more often I find myself wondering what it is I should do with this gift. I do feel a sense of emptiness like I’m not fulfilling something that I should be doing. I also have dreams that predict the future. My four-year-old son is having experiences of his own; he is talking about shadows and people around him that aren’t there, and telling me about them in great detail. I want to know why I have these abilities while people around me do not, and what I should be doing with this so I can better educate myself and help my son.



Dear Matt:

In order to answer you, I’m going to divide mediums into two different categories: those who are born with the ability to perceive spirits, and those who develop that ability through focused effort. For obvious reasons, those who are born with the ability tend to have a harder time with their psychic experiences than those who actively pursue psychic development.

The experiences of most natural mediums tend to follow certain patterns. Their ability to perceive spirits is usually present from birth, so when they learn to talk, they begin to speak of people that the rest of the family can’t see or hear. Sometimes this is frightening to the child and he will cry and tell his parents about a man or woman or monster who is frightening him. Sometimes, his experiences are wholly positive, and the parents will simply notice that he seems to have an imaginary friend with whom he chatters away. Usually, there is a mixed bag of both positive and negative experiences: they may start out positive, but if the child senses his parents are uncomfortable or frightened by the whole subject, he also gets uneasy or frightened, which opens him up to experiences of a more negative nature.

At that point, the child may start to reject interaction with spirits and seek a way to shut down his abilities. If this is accomplished, there will be a lull in psychic activity until adolescence, when it may flare up again. (Adolescence entails a surge of life force energy coupled with a tendency to deeply question and/or reject what we’ve been told, which naturally tends to produce spiritual experiences.) Unfortunately, because adolescence tends to be a time of great emotional turmoil, those psychic experiences tend to be frightening or negative in nature, which leads the medium to again try to shut them down. There are many, many natural mediums in the world who no longer perceive spirits because they found a way to shut down their abilities in the past. Psychic abilities that have been shut down can remain dormant indefinitely until something happens to trigger them again.

Of course, like you, there are some natural mediums who never tried or managed to psychically shut down, and they often feel just as you do: They wonder if they are crazy or losing their minds, and they have no idea why these things are happening or what they are supposed to do about them.

This course of experience is very different from that of a person who purposefully strives to develop their spirit communication abilities. These folks experience none of the inner conflict of the natural medium, for they very much want to be able to connect with spirits. They are almost always initially motivated by the personal loss of a loved one with whom they very much want to connect. Experiencing the pain and grief of losing a loved one also fills them with great compassion for the grieving and the desire to help others who are struggling with loss. Instead of spontaneously experiencing more spirit contact than they are comfortable with, these seekers must struggle and strive to experience any at all.

I imagine that natural mediums were all seekers like this in a past life; that they had a tremendous desire to connect with the spirit world and worked hard on developing that ability, and this is why they came into this life with that ability already in place. Frequently, natural mediums whose abilities have long been dormant become active spiritual seekers when something happens to trigger that desire; indeed, most gifted mediums have a good amount of natural ability that they have spent a lot of time and energy refining over the years.

It is also clear that genetics play a role, as you can see in the fact that both you and your son are natural mediums. Psychic ability seems to run in families, much like musical ability, athletic ability, and other talents. When this is the case, the question isn’t so much what you are supposed to do with your ability, but what do you want to do with it? There are many people in the world who have a lot of athletic ability who never had the drive or desire to become professional athletes, and that is perfectly okay. Just because we developed an ability in a past life or were born with the genes to excel in a certain endeavor doesn’t mean that we have to go in that direction now.

Desire and motivation are key here. To be a great medium, you have to have more than an ability to perceive and communicate with beings in other dimensions; you also need to have compassion for the grieving, a strong desire to help, and the willingness to live a life of service. So instead of asking yourself, “What am I supposed to be doing with this ability?” I encourage you to ask “What do I WANT to do with it?”

I think the key to all of this for you is your feeling of emptiness: that feeling that you are not fulfilling something that you “should” be doing. I am so glad you included that detail, for it is a huge clue that your inner guidance is trying to tell you something about all of this.

It could be that you are simply meant to learn more about how to control your abilities so you can help your son; perhaps he is the one who is going to apply his natural mediumship abilities to a life of helping others. Maybe, however, you are meant to move in this direction yourself and begin to put your natural psychic talents to good use by working with the grieving. If that feels right to you, then there are all sorts of ways to refine your abilities. The most time-honored methods and traditions can be found in the Spiritualist church, but as all paths are unique, it is really important to pray and ask to be guided to the best path for you.

I was once in your shoes: I was experiencing spontaneous spirit communication and didn’t know why or what to do about it. When I made clear, conscious decision to use my mediumship to help others, all I needed in order to do that began to show up in my life in wonderful ways. I recommend that you pray for guidance and dialogue with Spirit, and listen to that feeling/voice within you that has been pulling at you. This is your inner guidance system; it is how the divine will answer the questions burning in your mind and heart and lead you to whatever you personally need to know or do next.

Controlling Spirit Communication

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have spontaneously brought through amazing messages from someone else’s loved one in Spirit a few times. Since then, I have tried to do this for others, but it is rare that I can bring through a particular spirit on request. Sometimes, the spirit that comes through seems random; other times I feel like I have a spirit that is connected with the person but they don’t recognize the spirit based on what I bring through. This leads me to doubt my spirit communication abilities and to feel bad because I know I am disappointing someone who needs to hear from someone they have lost. Do you have any advice for me?


Dear Martha:

I wish I had easy answers for you, but what you describe is actually similar to my own experiences as a medium. My first spirit communication experiences were also spontaneous. I would be talking with someone when I would become aware of a presence around them that was trying to talk to me in my mind. When I got up the nerve to relay what I was being told, I was amazed at the profound healing that unfolded. From this I developed a strong desire to help the grieving in this way, and eventually, I was guided to The School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy in Lily Dale, New York, where I learned how to refine my spirit communication abilities.

While I received wonderful training there, I still can’t guarantee that I will be able to connect with a particular spirit, and I have never met any medium who can. Famous mediums on TV may look like they can, but it’s simply because we are only being shown their greatest successes. Of course, I could be wrong about this; if you are a medium who can connect with any spirit at any time, please email me and set me straight – I want to meet you!

There are all sorts of factors that affect spirit communication. I have noticed that my own abilities seem to wax and wane. While I haven’t been able to determine why this would be, one element is clearly the level of my own desire. When I’m focused on spirit communication and full of compassion for the grieving, amazing spirit communication tends to happen; when I am caught up in other interests and endeavors, it naturally tends to fall back.

I also feel that we can evolve beyond the vibration essential to spirit communication. There is a natural progression in psychic development from frightening experiences to spirit communication to awareness of higher beings like spirit guides and angels. If we become accustomed to reaching as high as we can vibrationally, we may have to step down our vibration a few notches to connect with human beings who have passed. This is like working with a highly sensitive radio tuner; it’s simpler to turn it all the way to the right than to find a specific frequency in the middle.

Because I can’t guarantee that I will be able to bring through the individual being sought, I will try for evidential information and if I don’t get it, encourage the person to try another medium or try again at a later date. (I never charge anything for tuning in to see if I can get someone on the line.)

Communication is a two-way street. Often when spirits first cross over, they don’t know any more about how to communicate with us here than the average person knows about how to communicate with the dearly departed. Someone who thought spirit communication was a bunch of hogwash when alive may not instantly change his mind upon crossing over. When my best friend from high school died, I found it impossible to contact her at first. When I asked Spirit about this, I was reminded that my friend didn’t believe in an afterlife, and made to understand that she was experiencing what she expected to experience when she died: a state of nothingness. In time, she would begin to wonder who was experiencing that nothingness and open up to new awareness. Some months after she died, I began to get dream visits from her.

Sometimes there are simply communication problems either because the spirit isn’t great at communicating in general or because the styles of communication between the medium and the spirit are too different. To compound the problem, you can try to connect with a particular spirit only to have another individual burst in. Last week when I was tuning in for a woman who had lost her partner, I was shown lots of images of cooking. I was then shown a man in full military uniform in an old photograph. I knew this was a male spirit and that I was being shown him as he looked when he was younger. I relayed all of this to my potential client, and none of it clicked with her. The NEXT day I received an email from a woman wanting to connect with her departed father, with a link to his obituary. He was a celebrated chef and had been in the military. The obituary featured a picture of him when he was a young man; his was the face in the photograph I had been shown the day before. So when I tuned in for the first woman, a spirit came through for someone I hadn’t had any contact with yet! This has happened a number of times over the years. This spirit was so eager to come through that he “cut in line” and popped through when a different spirit was being sought.

You wrote that sometimes you feel you have the right spirit on the line, but the person isn’t recognizing what you’re bringing through. This has happened to me a number of times. For example, I was reading for a woman who was devastated by the loss of her husband. He kept showing me a framed picture with birds in it in their living room. When I relayed this to her, she said there was no such picture in her home, and she had no idea what it meant. Based on other verifiable information, we proceeded with the reading. I read for her perhaps a dozen times over several years, and each time, he showed me this picture of birds. I eventually stopped including that information because it didn’t mean anything to her.

A few years after he had died, she wrote to me for another reading. She needed to know what to do with her departed husband’s beloved birds, which were in a cage in their living room. She had been caring for them ever since his death. She sometimes felt that he was trying to talk to her through the birds. On the whole, however, the noise they made drove her crazy, so she wanted to know from him what he wanted her to do with them: keep them or give them to someone else. I was dumbfounded! Somehow she did not connect the “picture of birds in the living room” with the ACTUAL birds in the living room! All that time, he had been trying to answer the question in her heart. My point is that sometimes, you DO have the right spirit on the line, but for some reason, the person receiving the message just can’t put it all together.

Not being able to connect with a spirit does not mean that they are lost or confused on the other side or that you are incapable of spirit communication in general, for there are many factors that influence our ability to connect with certain spirits. Further, we need to remember that spirit communication is more of a miracle than a given. While I would love to be able to connect with any spirit at any time, I have learned to be grateful for those experiences that do shine through with amazing evidential information.

– Soul Arcanum

Controlling Spirit Communication

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have spontaneously brought through amazing messages from someone else’s loved one in Spirit a few times. Since then, I have tried to do this for others, but it is rare that I can bring through a particular spirit on request. Sometimes, the spirit that comes through seems random; other times I feel like I have a spirit that is connected with the person but they don’t recognize the spirit based on what I bring through. This leads me to doubt my spirit communication abilities and to feel bad because I know I am disappointing someone who needs to hear from someone they have lost. Do you have any advice for me?


Dear Martha:

I wish I had easy answers for you, but what you describe is actually similar to my own experiences as a medium. My first spirit communication experiences were also spontaneous. I would be talking with someone when I would become aware of a presence around them that was trying to talk to me in my mind. When I got up the nerve to relay what I was being told, I was amazed at the profound healing that unfolded. From this I developed a strong desire to help the grieving in this way, and eventually, I was guided to The School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy in Lily Dale, New York, where I learned how to refine my spirit communication abilities.

While I received wonderful training there, I still can’t guarantee that I will be able to connect with a particular spirit, and I have never met any medium who can. Famous mediums on TV may look like they can, but it’s simply because we are only being shown their greatest successes. Of course, I could be wrong about this; if you are a medium who can connect with any spirit at any time, please email me and set me straight – I want to meet you!

There are all sorts of factors that affect spirit communication. I have noticed that my own abilities seem to wax and wane. While I haven’t been able to determine why this would be, one element is clearly the level of my own desire. When I’m focused on spirit communication and full of compassion for the grieving, amazing spirit communication tends to happen; when I am caught up in other interests and endeavors, it naturally tends to fall back.

I also feel that we can evolve beyond the vibration essential to spirit communication. There is a natural progression in psychic development from frightening experiences to spirit communication to awareness of higher beings like spirit guides and angels. If we become accustomed to reaching as high as we can vibrationally, we may have to step down our vibration a few notches to connect with human beings who have passed. This is like working with a highly sensitive radio tuner; it’s simpler to turn it all the way to the right than to find a specific frequency in the middle.

Because I can’t guarantee that I will be able to bring through the individual being sought, I will try for evidential information and if I don’t get it, encourage the person to try another medium or try again at a later date. (I never charge anything for tuning in to see if I can get someone on the line.)

Communication is a two-way street. Often when spirits first cross over, they don’t know any more about how to communicate with us here than the average person knows about how to communicate with the dearly departed. Someone who thought spirit communication was a bunch of hogwash when alive may not instantly change his mind upon crossing over. When my best friend from high school died, I found it impossible to contact her at first. When I asked Spirit about this, I was reminded that my friend didn’t believe in an afterlife, and made to understand that she was experiencing what she expected to experience when she died: a state of nothingness. In time, she would begin to wonder who was experiencing that nothingness and open up to new awareness. Some months after she died, I began to get dream visits from her.

Sometimes there are simply communication problems either because the spirit isn’t great at communicating in general or because the styles of communication between the medium and the spirit are too different. To compound the problem, you can try to connect with a particular spirit only to have another individual burst in. Last week when I was tuning in for a woman who had lost her partner, I was shown lots of images of cooking. I was then shown a man in full military uniform in an old photograph. I knew this was a male spirit and that I was being shown him as he looked when he was younger. I relayed all of this to my potential client, and none of it clicked with her. The NEXT day I received an email from a woman wanting to connect with her departed father, with a link to his obituary. He was a celebrated chef and had been in the military. The obituary featured a picture of him when he was a young man; his was the face in the photograph I had been shown the day before. So when I tuned in for the first woman, a spirit came through for someone I hadn’t had any contact with yet! This has happened a number of times over the years. This spirit was so eager to come through that he “cut in line” and popped through when a different spirit was being sought.

You wrote that sometimes you feel you have the right spirit on the line, but the person isn’t recognizing what you’re bringing through. This has happened to me a number of times. For example, I was reading for a woman who was devastated by the loss of her husband. He kept showing me a framed picture with birds in it in their living room. When I relayed this to her, she said there was no such picture in her home, and she had no idea what it meant. Based on other verifiable information, we proceeded with the reading. I read for her perhaps a dozen times over several years, and each time, he showed me this picture of birds. I eventually stopped including that information because it didn’t mean anything to her.

A few years after he had died, she wrote to me for another reading. She needed to know what to do with her departed husband’s beloved birds, which were in a cage in their living room. She had been caring for them ever since his death. She sometimes felt that he was trying to talk to her through the birds. On the whole, however, the noise they made drove her crazy, so she wanted to know from him what he wanted her to do with them: keep them or give them to someone else. I was dumbfounded! Somehow she did not connect the “picture of birds in the living room” with the ACTUAL birds in the living room! All that time, he had been trying to answer the question in her heart. My point is that sometimes, you DO have the right spirit on the line, but for some reason, the person receiving the message just can’t put it all together.

Not being able to connect with a spirit does not mean that they are lost or confused on the other side or that you are incapable of spirit communication in general, for there are many factors that influence our ability to connect with certain spirits. Further, we need to remember that spirit communication is more of a miracle than a given. While I would love to be able to connect with any spirit at any time, I have learned to be grateful for those experiences that do shine through with amazing evidential information.

– Soul Arcanum

Facilitating Communication with Departed Loved Ones

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

What can I do to encourage my recently departed son to be around me? Andy was born 10/03/85 and passed away on 2/13/11. He struggled for six weeks in the ICU with H1N1 and pneumonia. I seem to be the only family member who senses him or gets “snapshots” of him. I want to create an environment where he is successful at communicating with me. He has a vast network of friends and contacts who are all devastated by his passing, and I am trying to help them too. As much as I miss him, I know that he is very happy where he is. I think at the end, he was relying on me to release him, for he had always made me promise that I wouldn’t keep him alive on machines. Is he now looking for me to get messages to his friends and other family members? If so, I need to know how to increase our communication.


Dear Cheryl:

My heart goes out to you and I can certainly understand your desire to connect in a deep and meaningful way with your departed son. However, it does sound like you have a good connection to him already and would know if there was some message he was desperate to convey.

That being said, I’m happy to offer you tips on how to cultivate the best connection you can to him. There are many ways to connect with loved ones in Spirit. As the easiest way for you personally may not be the easiest way for him, it’s important to experiment. For example, where my uncle would very clearly pop into my mind with helpful messages and information, my father seems to be unable to do this. However, my dad has pulled off some amazing feats involving electronics, such as making a doorbell sound to wake me up to his presence and even calling me on the phone. (Interestingly, my father was always extraordinarily interested in the latest technology.)

The simplest (though perhaps not the easiest) way to communicate with departed loved ones is through direct mental communication. Following are the basic steps involved.

First you must learn how to purposefully raise your vibration. I assume you have a naturally high vibration given how you’ve already connected with your son. Your statement that you know he is happy where he is also suggests that you have a high vibration.

However, since the physical world vibrates at a much lower, slower rate than the non-physical, you will have to shift your vibration even higher to facilitate spirit communication. The higher our vibration, the easier it is to connect with departed spirits and achieve all sorts of other metaphysical goals. Here’s an However, since the physical world vibrates at a much lower, slower rate than the non-physical, you will have to shift your vibration even higher to facilitate spirit communication. The higher our vibration, the easier it is to connect with departed spirits and achieve all sorts of other metaphysical goals. Here’s an article on how to raise your vibration for spirit communication.

Once you are in a high vibration, you need to alter your state of consciousness. You can do this by meditating or simply allowing yourself to mentally disconnect with the physical. We all go into and out of trance states all day long. Spontaneous spirit contact tends to happen when we are in a day dreamy state, such as when we are driving in the car, taking a shower or in between being fully awake and asleep.

Once you are in this relaxed, altered state of consciousness, think intently about your son. In order to maintain the high vibration, it’s important that you think happy thoughts. Instead of thinking about how much you love or miss him, which could evoke some sorrow, simply call to mind a very joyful memory of him. The more you can immerse yourself in this memory, the better. In addition to remembering the events and interactions, try to mentally see the details of your surroundings, what you are wearing, what you smell, etc. Try to step into the shoes of your former self.

While reliving this memory, turn to your son and simply begin to talk to him. You can tell him things you want him to know and then begin to ask him questions. It doesn’t matter if it feels like you are making all of this up; the important thing is that you are vibrationally aligning with it actually happening. The key is to be able to let go of your doubt and relax into this as an exercise, for this will keep your vibration high and set your mind free to connect with him. The more you are able to go with this exercise, the more likely you are to experience something that you know you didn’t imagine.

I believe that with the right focus and effort, anyone can learn how to do this, but it will be easier for people who have a naturally high vibration, are adept at shifting their state of consciousness, have vivid imaginations and believe that what they are trying to do is possible.

People who lack these qualities can still connect with loved ones in spirit. For them I am developing a series of deep trance recordings to facilitate induced spirit communication. Unfortunately, this is taking me longer than I expected because it is very tricky to teach others how to achieve these subtle inner states. There are a few hypnotherapists in the world who know how to induce spirit communication; if you can find one, undergoing it just once should help you understand how to achieve that state again.

In addition to the direct mental communication outlined above, there are other ways to connect with departed loved ones in Spirit. Perhaps the most powerful is to learn how to astral travel to visit them in the dimension where they now reside. For more on this, I recommend exploring the writing of Bruce Moen, who has written a number of fascinating books on his astral adventures in the “afterlife.”

Working with your dreams is another very powerful way to regularly interact with loved ones now living in other dimensions. The best tip I have for living a rich dream life is to allow yourself to drift in and out of sleep in the morning instead of jumping out of bed with an alarm clock. As you linger in bed, send out a mental call to your son and then allow yourself to drift off to sleep again.

You could find a Spiritualist church and join a development circle in order to further cultivate your spirit communication abilities. You may also receive messages from your son through other mediums there. You might even enroll in a school for the development of mediumship like the one I attended, the School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy in Lily Dale, New York.

If you and your son are both very verbal, you may have good success with automatic writing. To employ this method, get into a high vibration and altered state of consciousness as described above, and then sit with pen and paper and begin a conversation with your son. As you do this, make easy loops on the paper to get your hand moving. The more you stay focused within and allow your hand to move as it will, the more likely you are to allow your son to either control your hand or influence your subconscious mind so it can channel messages from him.

Of course, whatever your aim, you are wise to work with the law of attraction to achieve it. I can recommend nothing more powerful and life-changing than diving into studies on how we create our own realities.

If all of this sounds highly involved, you’re right: what you’re trying to do is essentially a miracle. It takes a lot of devotion to master spirit communication, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Soul Arcanum

Clarifying Confusing Psychic Terms

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been learning about mediums and psychics and am trying to figure out how their abilities differ. I’ve noticed that many psychics call themselves clairvoyant and have learned that clairvoyance means they can perceive events and information without the use of their ordinary senses. Here the term “see” is used in place of just “know” or “understand.” Other ESP abilities I have learned about include telepathy and precognition. I understand this to mean that a clairvoyant reads the energy of a client by perceiving the client in their mind without the use of their ordinary senses. Why would a psychic only define herself as a clairvoyant and not mention her precognitive or telepathic skills? As for mediums, most mental mediums generally describe their abilities in terms of the “clairs” – clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, etc. I don’t understand the difference between having a “clair” type of ability and being a medium. I have had some readings with mediums in which it seemed the medium was reading the energy of a spirit like a psychic would read the energy of a person, and others where it seemed the medium was channeling direct messages from the spirit. Can you clear these matters up?


Dear Carolyn:

I understand your confusion. While it may seem like clairvoyants use the term “see” as a synonym for “know” or “understand,” I believe they are saying HOW they tend to receive the psychic information they are in the process of understanding. Clairvoyance is my strongest psychic sense. When I say to a client, “I see you and your boyfriend traveling down a road, and in the future, this road splits and you take one path and he takes another,” I’m describing what I am literally being shown in my mind’s eye. I may then go on to explain what I “understand” from this by saying, “From this, I get that you and your boyfriend are going to eventually split up but it won’t be for a while yet.” Clairvoyance is thus not so much a psychic sense in and of itself as a style of psychic perception. If I were primarily clairaudient, I might instead say, “I’m hearing that you two are destined to split up, but I keep hearing January and the words turning point, so I feel this won’t be overtly set in motion until next January.”

If psychic ability were language itself (a way to communicate with other people, spirit guides, etc.), we might say that clairvoyance is a particular language like English. Other psychic languages like clairaudience, clairsentience, etc., are like French and Spanish. In order to clearly communicate with particular spirits, we have to be able to speak the same psychic language. Since spirit guides are far more adept at inter-dimensional communication, we might say for the sake of simplicity that they are fluent in all the languages. This means we just have to be fluent in one of the psychic languages to be able to consciously seek guidance from Spirit.

Keeping this in mind, you can perhaps now understand why a psychic would label herself clairvoyant and not go into her telepathic or precognitive skills. By saying that she is clairvoyant, she is saying that she speaks a certain psychic language. This means she can perform all sorts of psychic tasks in that language. If she is communicating telepathically or predicting the future, she will do so largely through mental pictures. A clairaudient can perform all the same psychic tasks but she will do so mainly through mental dialogue. Someone who is fluent can use their fluency to talk to other people and to write letters, emails and texts and perform all sorts of other communication tasks. Someone who speaks only French would do these same things in their own language. Further, you may speak a little bit of a foreign language, so if you are telepathically dialoguing with someone who speaks primarily that other language, you may able to piece what they are saying together much as you would if you were traveling in another country.

As for the difference between a psychic and a medium, the psychic speaks a particular language but lacks the equipment to use it to connect with other realms. This is like being fluent in English but not having a phone with which to call people far away. Usually, one progresses from psychic to medium, though sometimes mediums don’t realize they are psychic until spirit communication spontaneously occurs for some reason. (This reason is often the death of a loved one and a strong desire for a sign or message on either party’s part.) To follow through with our metaphor, this is like being able to speak a language like English or French being a prerequisite to being able to pick up a phone and use it to communicate with someone far away. (Hand gestures and body language won’t help you with this sort of communication; you must be able to communicate on a metaphysical level.)

You are right that mediums have different ways of relaying messages from spirits. When psychics are first learning spirit communication, they do tend to read the spirit much like they might read a person living in this dimension; since they have already developed that particular skill, it is what comes naturally. This enables them to visually describe the spirit if they are strongly clairvoyant, relay the spirit’s name or other information if they are primarily clairaudient, or describe the way the spirits feels if they are strongly clairsentient. (We see this in mediums who tune in to a spirit and say something like, “I feel pain in my chest; did this person die of a heart attack?”) Someone whose strongest psychic sense involves smell may relay that they smell cigar smoke or a certain perfume or other scent when tuning in to a particular spirit.

Of course, the more a psychic develops her various psychic senses (learns other languages), the more she will be able to access psychic information from a variety of angles and thus get a clearer sense of what she is perceiving. Being “multi-lingual” also means she will be able to connect with a wider number of spirits. If both the medium and the spirit are highly visual, communication will take place in a visual way. If one is visual and the other auditory, communication may be difficult. If the medium is able to see, hear and feel metaphysical information, she will be able to communicate with spirits who speak any of these telepathic languages. (Not speaking the same language is a key reason why a medium may not be able to clearly connect with a certain spirit.)

The more skilled a psychic becomes at spirit communication, the better she will get at linking with the spirit and allowing the spirit to channel messages through her instead of reaching for information and then trying to interpret what is perceived. This sort of channeling requires a profound shift in vibration and a deep, unbroken trance state; in order to maintain that state, the use of one’s psychic senses must be natural and easy. Most mediums who are able to do this are also particularly adept at clairaudience, which is why they are able to “hear” what the spirit wants to say and verbally relay that. These are some of the various reasons that not all mediums work in the same way or produce the same types of readings.

Since all of these processes are subtle and extraordinary, it is hard to describe them in words. I hope the above has cleared up some of your confusion!

Adolescent Medium is Suddenly Scared

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am concerned about my son, Travis. Ever since he was little, he has seen and talked to spirits. I have always told him this is a good thing, that this is a gift from God, and that he could help a lot of people with it. He is 12 years old, and until now, the spirits have never scared him. Then he had a spirit come to him and he said that this one scared him because he couldn’t see his face. Does Travis have reason to suddenly be afraid? Will he always have this gift and be able to help other people with it? Thanks!
– Tammy

Dear Tammy:

I want to commend you on the graceful, positive way you’ve supported Travis. It sounds like you yourself are not a medium, yet you have truly accepted his gift. With this sort of early encouragement, Travis’ abilities will probably evolve in wonderful ways throughout his life.

Your open approach is very rare in the Western world, where most people have either been socialized to view everything psychic as somehow evil, or are simply afraid of things that are strange or unfamiliar to them. People here tend to thoughtlessly react to subjects like spirit communication in a way that shuts others down. As a result, young natural mediums quickly learn to hide their spiritual experiences in order to prevent upset, rejection and embarassment, which means they must sort out their psychic experiences on their own.

What your son is going through is pretty common for natural mediums his age, for lots of big changes occur on all levels during adolescence. Physical changes are perhaps the most obvious, but we also go through lots of emotional, psychological and spiritual changes as well.

Most younger children naturally have a high spiritual vibration. They have wonderful qualities that adults tend to lose over time, and may try to regain through spiritual practices. For example, children tend to live in the now; they don’t worry about much of anything; they are very open to life and every experience that comes their way; they trust everyone they meet; they embrace everything new with a sense of wonder; they are hopeful and idealistic; they are free of addictions and other bad habits, etc. This creates a high vibration, which manifests otherworldly experiences of a positive nature.

During adolescence and all the angst that goes with it, however, our vibration begins to swing all over the map. (Our mood is a good indicator of our vibration, so mood swings suggest wild variations in our vibration.) This would naturally open us up to a broader range of experiences on all levels.

In addition, adolescence is a time of intense energy. With the surge in hormones and other physical changes comes a surge in life force energy and creative power. This happens on all levels of our being, but the most obvious example is our new ability to create life itself.

So while adolescents are bursting with creative (sexual) energy, at the same time they’re under tremendous cultural pressure designed to repress that very energy. We pressure them to abstain from sex, to sit still, to pay attention and listen to teachers instead of talking, to focus on their homework instead of following their bliss, etc. Given all of this, the aura of your typical adolescent is bursting with the dramatic sort of energy earthbound spirits crave. Further, they’re new to this whole crazy scene, so they don’t yet know how to control their vibration in order to manifest the quality of psychic experience they desire.

There are even more reasons why your son may suddenly be scared by his encounters with spirits. We are all being bombarded with mass media messages that spirits and related subjects are terrifying stuff; in fact, teens and adolescents are the main target audience for horror movies. Since most parents don’t let little kids watch such things until they’re around 13, adolescence is when most kids are first exposed to the idea that there are invisible evil forces around us all the time.

So an adolescent medium who has been talking to spirits for as long as he can remember may suddenly “realize” that what he is doing totally freaks a lot of people out, and could be very dangerous. If this stirs up fear in him, that fear itself could attract or make him vulnerable to spirits in the lower astral.

We must remember that earthbound entities are seeking more than just negative energy to feed on. An ideal victim will be vulnerable due to a low vibration but also sensitive enough to perceive spirits on some level, and inexperienced enough to not know what to do in a stressful situation.

If all of these reasons aren’t enough, there are more. I believe that young children have extra divine protection around them in the form of guides and angels, just like in the physical we have all sorts of nannies, babysitters, teachers, older siblings, and social agencies that look after our children’s well-being.

When we get older, however, we have to learn how to navigate through life for ourselves. This doesn’t mean we’ve been abandoned or are defenseless, but just as it’s good for us to grow up in practical ways, it’s good for us to grow up in psychic ways. Adolescence is a natural time for us to begin to figure more things out for ourselves, to question the things we’ve been taught, to study our own experiences and learn what feels right and works best for us personally.

For natural born mediums, this involves wandering outside their own psychic back yards, where they may encounter a gatekeeper. This is a frightening experience that prevents them from going too far or getting in over their heads. When they learn not to fear the gatekeeper, and how to work with their own vibration in order to rise above dark experiences, they gain the freedom and power to pass into a bigger psychic world.

I’ve written extensively on how to maintain a high vibration in other articles, and don’t have room here to go into more detail. Beyond cultivating a high vibration, I recommend you encourage your son to learn more about the spirit world by reading enlightening teachings on the subject, and help him find a good mentor. You might begin with your closest Spiritualist church, for there he’ll not only find someone who can guide him, but also lots of kindred spirits, and it will comfort him more than you might think to simply know that he’s not alone in the world with his gift.

– Soul Arcanum

Can All Spirits Contact Us from the Afterlife?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My dad died three weeks ago. He never believed in life after death, but I do. I often joked that I would prove him right one day – have I? How soon after death can spirits contact us, and is it easier for some than for others?
– B.

Dear B.:

In the words of Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” We each live in our own personal universe. In my reality and your reality, spirit communication is not only possible, it happens all the time. In the reality of someone who actively disbelieves in such things, it usually just doesn’t happen.

I would love to tell you that everyone who crosses over is instantly enlightened and sees the errors in all their limiting beliefs, but it’s my understanding that this is not the case. Death in and of itself doesn’t change our basic natures. While crossing over is certainly a “life changing” experience, some people are more changed by it than others. People who were staunch skeptics about spiritual matters while they were alive may remain disbelievers after death. It’s my understanding that some of them actually think that the life they’ve just left behind was nothing more than a dream or a hallucination – they don’t believe in what we call LIFE! They “wake up” on the other side saying, “Wow, what a dream I had!”

Now those are extreme cases, and no one remains like that forever. Just as our spiritual understanding is ever evolving here, it is also ever evolving in the afterlife. There are a lot of factors that may affect our ability to connect with certain loved ones in Spirit, not only from our end of things, but also from theirs. Certainly the belief that this is possible is a big one.

While there is no real “danger” in not believing in life after death, there is great POWER in believing. In order to gain the power to do something, we must believe it is possible.

We know that some people here on Earth are gifted at spirit communication while others have no interest in it, don’t believe it’s possible, or can’t seem to make it happen no matter how hard they try. Well, the same is true of spirits. Someone who thought spirit communication was a bunch of hogwash when alive may not instantly change his mind upon crossing over. While that does happen, it generally happens to open-minded folks who may have had opinions about such matters but were open to changing them in light of new evidence.

Further, just like people tend to only see and hear that which confirms their already set beliefs, the same is true of spirits. If we cross over with very strong expectations about what will happen, we will tend to have experiences that validate those beliefs. So if we firmly believe that Jesus will greet us, that is who we’ll meet. If, on the other hand, we believe we’ll float on a cloud to a heaven full of angels playing harps, that is probably what we will initially experience.

You can pretty much judge how well someone will settle into the afterlife by asking yourself how well they’d adapt to being plucked from their home and set down in a foreign culture. People who are open and adaptable will tend to adjust very quickly, while others may decide that instead of adapting to their new environment, they will adapt their environment to them.

As whatever we think about or desire in the astral instantly arises, if we’re attached to certain circumstances, we can simply fantasize them into being. This is the root of the widespread belief that we will have all our desires fulfilled when we get to “heaven,” for when we’re in the astral, we have only to think of something to have it take shape in our experience. What we call imagination is real in this dimension. All of this means that if we have a strong desire before we cross over to remain in contact with our loved ones here on Earth, and we believe that is possible, then we will find a way to make that happen.

As we retain our basic personalities, knowledge, passions and interests when we cross over, the best way to ensure we’ll have certain spiritual abilities on the other side is to develop them while we’re living. We can thus assume that the most gifted communicators in Spirit are generally those who were adept at this while alive on Earth.

There have been some amazing communications from spiritual researchers after they crossed over. Many of the pioneers of EVP (electronic voice phenomena), for example, have continued their work from the other side. Konstantine Raudive may be the best known researcher working just as hard on spirit communication from the other side as he did while he was living here on Earth.

If you have a relative who was an active disbeliever in spirit communication and the afterlife, they may not be easy to contact on the other side. That doesn’t mean it never happens, mind you – some people are delighted and amazed by all they learn about the afterlife when they cross over. Further, the power of love has been known to conquer all.

Please note that not being able to connect with someone in Spirit does not mean that they are lost or confused on the other side. As I’ve explained in a number of other columns, there are many factors that influence our ability to connect with certain spirits, both on our end and theirs. We have to have faith that if and when the time is right, this will happen.

I certainly don’t want you to worry about your father, for he would be no worse off “disbelieving” where he is now than he was when he was alive. I just want to be honest about my understanding of the power of belief, so that those of us who will cross over in the future know the value and wisdom of studying spiritual matters and developing strong faith.

If you have a loved one in Spirit that you are worried may be a bit lost, you can pray for them and reach out to them with your heart, for they may actually feel closer to you and the earth than they do to anyone in the afterlife. Tell them that they have died and should go toward the light or ask for spiritual help.

For example, to connect with your dad, work with the power of love and emotion. Just sit quietly with your eyes closed and vividly remember a happy time when you two were together. Go very deep into this memory. Recall all the sights and sounds and details of this experience. Sink into the feeling of being in his presence. The more clearly you can summon a memory of how it felt to be with him, the more you will draw him near.

You may feel like you are imagining his presence, but you have to suspend disbelief and just go with whatever comes to you, even if you feel like you’re “making it up” at first. Remember, what you imagine is real in the astral.

If you do locate your dad and he seems to be lost or not know he has died, you might want to call upon another loved one in Spirit who had faith in the afterlife and try to bring these two together. Tell him you’re going to summon someone who can help him.

If the particular spirit you’ve called upon doesn’t come, don’t worry – someone else will. Whoever is best suited for your dad will show up. Once you’ve mentally gotten them together, this helping spirit will take it from there.

While odds are good that our loved ones transition just fine into the afterlife, it can’t hurt to check in on them, and doing this will usually lead to the spirit communication we desire anyway.

If you try this and can’t seem to get the results you desire, remember that we all visit the astral in our dreams, so those spirits who may not be so good at reaching through to this dimension can almost always connect with us while we are dreaming and in their world.

– Soul Arcanum

How Can I Communicate with my Departed Son?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

You recently did a reading for me and brought through some specific details and communication from my departed son. Do you think I can communicate like this with him too? I know I feel his presence and have dream encounters with him, but this is nothing like the specific communication you are able to bring through. It would mean so much to me to be able to see things and hear things from him like you do. Is it difficult? How can I learn to communicate more clearly with him?
– Liz

Dear Liz:

I absolutely believe you can learn how to do this. It’s a bit like learning how to draw portraits: some people will have a natural artistic gift, while others will find those skills elusive. I don’t believe spirit communication is difficult, but then again, artists probably don’t believe what they do is difficult either. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to “perform” at a certain level right from the start, or in frustration, you’ll just hinder your own success.

Spirit communication basically requires five ingredients. They are: desire, openness, a high vibration, trust and skill. If you can cultivate these ingredients, you can make this happen.

Here’s what I recommend:

Desire: You have this part down pat. As I wrote in a recent column, many natural mediums only discover their ability after someone very dear passes on, because that is the first time they have a desire strong enough to bridge the chasm between this world and spiritual realms. Your strong desire to communicate with your son will carry you far in this endeavor. I believe this is the most important ingredient in successful communication.

Just “playing around” with spirit communication doesn’t usually produce powerful results. If one does not have someone dear on the other side that they long to reconnect with, a passionate curiosity about life’s mysteries may be enough.

Openness: You must believe that spirit communication is possible. This actually involves a number of related beliefs. You must at least be open to the idea that we continue on after death, and that it is possible to communicate with those who have passed on. Your personal encounters with your son since his death have of course underscored your belief in the afterlife. The reading we did further deepened your belief that it’s possible to achieve clear, evidential communication with spirits. If we believe something is impossible, it’s highly unlikely that we will experience it.

So anyone desiring spirit communication would be wise to examine their beliefs about this subject, and if they find they are skeptical but at the same time desire to experience something that proves to them that this is a valid phenomenon, I recommend they work on their belief system by reading books about the subject, visiting gifted mediums, spending time in Spiritualist churches or with people who are already believers, etc.

High Vibration: Everything in the Universe is energy, and the non-physical exists at a vibration higher than ours here on Earth. To connect with those in the non-physical, we thus have to raise our vibration.

By way of metaphor, imagine that the quality of everyone’s personal vibration can be seen as a color. Here on Earth our colors range from red to violet. Folks of a “lower vibration” here may look “red” and folks aligned with a high vibration may look “violet.” We might say that earthbound entities (those dark spirits who haunt our ghost stories and horror movies) are infrared, while spirits, guides and angels are ultraviolet and beyond.

Our vibration is not static; it is constantly moving through our own personal range. The more spiritually evolved we are, the higher our vibration will tend to be, and thus the closer it will tend to be to the “ultraviolet” band of the non-physical. To communicate with spiritual entities, we must step up our vibration and they must reach down to us via desire. Thus we meet in a middle ground somewhere between violet and ultraviolet. (Please remember this is just a metaphor.)

We can raise our vibration by being “high-minded” – thinking high vibration thoughts and feeling high vibration feelings. This is why those who are deeply grieving often can’t connect with the one they are grieving for; their vibration is just too low. It’s also why we often have encounters with loved ones in Spirit when we are thinking of them with love, for that love lifts our hearts and spirits up where we are able to perceive subtler energies.

There are many other ways to raise your vibration. Some of them are simply habits that many psychics and mediums practice on a regular basis in order to be able to do this sort of work whenever they need to. Some methods include: adopting a healthy diet and exercise regimen; meditating; doing yoga; practicing right action, kindness, integrity and positive thinking; cultivating an attitude of gratitude, walking a conscious spiritual path, etc.

I continually strive for all of the above in order to remain a clear channel. When I initiate spirit communication for a reading, I also clear my aura and fill myself with light, say a prayer, set a very high intention, and center my awareness in my heart chakra while sending love to the one I’m reading for and those in Spirit who are being sought. I basically “lift my heart” up to Spirit in order to connect clearly.

Trust: This is probably the hardest thing for most people. It involves trusting whatever you perceive and remaining mentally open to various manifestations of Spirit. While one medium may channel long verbal speeches from Spirit, there are many others ways for communication to come through, and they don’t all work for everyone.

At first, messages from Spirit may not even come to you mentally; they may come through signs in your outer experience, the words of others, your dreams, etc. You must trust those experiences in order to move into a deeper range of potential. The more you trust the communications and signs you receive, the more you will progress.

Skill: Rounding out our mediumship abilities takes a lot of practice. This is where skill comes in. At first you may only receive messages from Spirit in the way that is easiest for you and most natural for the spirit communicating, which leaves no way to “check” the meaning of the message or “round it out.” If you’re very visual and the spirit is very kinesthetic, for example, it may be very hard to ever achieve clear communication without the helpful intercession of a guide. At this point you have to begin to refine all of your skills, especially those that are hardest for you.

At this point you simply experiment with various methods and work at them in order to improve. You might try working with a pendulum for starters, then feel drawn toward automatic writing or the use of another divination tool, and in this way naturally progress. Trust Spirit to guide you via your intuition. There are lots of books and classes on various spirit communication methods; explore whatever draws your interest.

To find the best way for you, devote yourself to working with your chosen methods, evaluate your results, and keep refining your approach as you go.

May you have many wonderful experiences of Spirit!

– Soul Arcanum

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Whenever I speak with Mediums or read what they have to say about communicating with Spirit, they say you have to raise your vibration to Spirit’s level. How do you do this? After my father crossed over, I heard him say my name. This only happened once, and I really don’t know what I did differently at that time to receive this communication. Is there a way to practice raising your vibration? Thank you!

Dear Chris:

We all go through periods when we’re down and the whole world seems gloomy, and we all gone through periods when everything in the world seems beautiful, wonderful and full of unlimited potential. The difference is in our vibration. To feel “low” or “down” is to have a low vibration, and to feel “up” or “high” is to have a high vibration. When we’re feeling gloomy, we may have a hard time seeing any aspect of the divine, but when we’re soaring, the whole world glows with divine light. To consciously connect with Spirit, we have to be in this “higher” state.

Anything you do that induces “up” feelings such as reverence, appreciation, joy, hope, vitality, peace, love, etc., will raise your vibration. Conversely, anything you do that leads to “low” feelings like anger, sorrow, guilt, hatred, despair, fear, jealousy and frustration will lower your vibration. On a mental level, thoughts that are expansive, constructive, affirming and progressive will raise your vibration. Thoughts that are limiting, invalidating, destructive and regressive will lower your vibration. At a physical level, habits that increase the strength, health and balance of the body will raise your vibration, while habits that weaken, disrupt and imbalance the energy of the body will lower your vibration.

At a spiritual level, the more you embrace love, the more you raise your vibration. Fundamentally, this basic formula is also true at all the other levels, it’s just trickier to see how eating healthfully is loving the temple of your body, and how allowing yourself to stay in grief or sorrow is ultimately unloving of yourself. As we must be at a high vibration to connect with Spirit, most people experience spontaneous spirit communication not when they’re aching for it out of grief and sorrow, but when they’re remembering their loved one with profound affection and appreciation. This is the key you’re looking for. When we ache for communication, our vibration is generally too low to actually receive it.

Remember: what you do to raise your energy at one level will affect your energy overall, so there is always a way to shift gears and move higher, even when you’re stuck in some area of your life.

As for conscious spirit communication, most mediums’ lives are studies in maintaining a high vibration all the time. When it comes to spirit communication, they’ll have learned or developed their own personal techniques for shifting their consciousness and raising their energy even higher in order to “tune in” to this desired frequency. This usually involves some sort of prayer and/ or meditation, an example of which you’ll find below. First, however, I offer you a few of the endless simple ways you can build a high vibration into the foundation of your daily life:

  • Exercise! From running to yoga to rock climbing, exercise is will rev your energy up.
  • Cleaning, organizing, practicing feng shui, taking a shower or bath (don’t you always feel better after you bathe?)
  • Eating light, high vibration foods like fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Taking a nap/ sleeping (When we go to sleep, we shed the weight of resistance, and thus our vibration rises)
  • Praying, practicing creative visualization, using affirmations, reading uplifting books, practicing gratitude
  • Singing, especially with others, or listening to new age/ uplifting music
  • Breathwork/ yogic breathing
  • Going for a walk in nature or spending time near water
  • Surrounding ourselves with uplifting, positive people, or with a beautiful, peaceful or happy environment
  • Practicing forgiveness, giving and receiving healing, doing kind things for others
  • Practicing aromatherapy (great scents for prophecy include nutmeg, clove, clary sage, angelica root, verbena)
  • Practicing a guided meditation for raising our vibration, or surrounding ourselves with “white light” (there are some great ones in Soul Arcanum’s Spiritual Toolbox)
  • Endless others, such as watching a comedy, making love, holding a happy baby, spending time in the sun, asking Spirit to raise our vibration, accepting and blessing everything in our lives, giving gifts, being polite, playing with kids or friends or animals, etc.

As I mentioned above, the best way to open to communication from a specific loved one in Spirit is to simply remember them with love and joy. Wallow in happy memories of them, and with joy in your heart, invite them to visit you. The guided meditation below should get you into an ideal state of consciousness for either spirit communication with loved ones or accessing answers and information from guides. Shift into this higher gear, then turn on the love, and magic will happen!

Guided Meditation for Raising your Vibration:

First, relax. Make sure you’re comfortable, whether that means you’re sitting erect with your spine straight, or lying comfortably on your favorite sofa. Breathe deep into your belly, and take as long as you need to relax every muscle in your body. Don’t rush: you’ll get out of this what you put into it.

Now as you breathe, feel yourself expanding with each inhalation like a lovely, big balloon. You’re growing lighter and lighter, to the point where you’re just barely touching whatever is beneath you. One more breath in and poof! You’re airborne. Each breath now takes you a little higher. You’re floating up and up towards the clouds above you. It’s exhilarating! As you look around, you can see many kindred spirits, all doing the same thing: raising their vibration in prayer or in thanksgiving, consciously connecting with Spirit.

Up and up you go above the tree tops, and now you’re heading straight for the clouds. How soft and misty they are as you pass through them, how pure and white. Now suddenly you’re above the clouds, and it is so amazingly bright! It’s a whole new world up here in the warm, golden sun. Delighted, you realize that you can look down and see anything and anyone you desire below as the clouds float by. You can see the big picture so clearly now. It’s easy to see the best way to get from one place to another on Earth from up here. It’s all so simple. You can see how this frightened mother is going to run right into her lost little girl as she turns that next corner, and how that man who is walking sadly away from a failed marriage is heading straight for a beautiful new lover, one with long red hair. From up here, you deeply know that all is truly well. You smile at angels and spirit guides as they hustle about, whispering insights and intuitions and nudging people this way and that way, and these guides wave to you with delight at your ability to perceive them.

You are thrilled, for you know that you can ask anything you desire and get an answer! You know you can call out to anyone in Spirit, and someone will respond. It may not always be the one you’re seeking, but you always get an answer, and you trust it’s the answer that is perfect for you at that moment. Your heart is swelling with the wonder of it all. You feel so light, so free, so full of hope and peace and excitement for all the possibilities that are open to you when you’re soaring high above it all.

You’re now wonderfully connected and ready to ask whatever you desire for yourself and for anyone who needs your help. Your heart and spirit are soaring and ready for magic! Go on and ask whatever you desire, and know that as you ask, you shall receive.

(I’m working on a series of recordings designed to guide you in achieving the right state of mind and being for spirit communication, as obviously, it’s not quite as simple as the article above may intimate. By the time you come to read this article, it may already be available at Soul Arcanum.)

– Soul Arcanum