Tag Archive: intuition

Psychic Interference

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been working on psychic development for more than ten years and been doing some psychic reading work for the past three years or so. Most of the time, everything goes great; now and then, however, I feel psychically blocked. I’m wondering if you’ve ever experienced psychic interference like this and how I can work through it.


Dear Sandy:

I think all psychics experience this sometimes; I know I certainly do. If psychic work was painting, I think it would be more like creating a masterpiece than covering walls with a certain color. Like other artistic talents, psychic abilities can be unpredictable and temperamental. After many years of involvement in psychic realms, tuning in can begin to seem pretty mundane, but we must remember that we’re trying to achieve things most of the world would deem to be magical if not downright miraculous.

There is a difference between being temporarily blocked and going through a period during which you just can’t connect the way you used to. Occasional blocks are common and usually short-lived; they typically last for just a few hours or a single day. There are all sorts of reasons temporary blocks come up, and many easy ways to work through them.

For example, I know many psychics who report that they find it hard to connect when the weather is gray. Cloudy days tend to bring our mood down, which makes it harder to achieve a high vibration. Since gray days tend to bring down the mood and energy of everyone around us, psychically sensitive individuals can find it especially difficult to achieve a high vibration at these times. Of course, the more masterful we become at controlling our own vibration, the less outside factors will influence us and our abilities.

Similarly, being tired, physically unwell, or emotionally upset can really mess with our psychic abilities. Again, it takes a lot of focus and energy to achieve the high vibration of psychic clarity, so if we’re low on energy, we’re in for a struggle. Negative emotions also bring our vibration down, so unless we know how to put our own feelings aside, any personal upsets can prevent us from psychically tuning in.

Doubt and fear are formidable barriers to clear-seeing, especially fear of failure or being wrong in our psychic impressions. Even psychics who have many years of success behind them sometimes get anxious. If you are reading for someone and you are worried about impressing them or otherwise attached to the result, you will grow anxious, sink into ego, and find it impossible to connect. Similarly, if you’re reading on a subject that seems daunting, you can block yourself with anxiety. This is why general spiritual development is such an essential foundation for psychic ability: The more we embody peace and faith, the less likely we are to be mired down in doubts, fears, and other ego-driven feelings.

It is important to wait until we have a “green light” feeling before pushing forward with psychic work. While I trust that anyone who comes to me comes for a good reason, there are times when I feel I have to do a lot of work in advance in order to align a positive level of experience. There are all sorts of reasons this may happen. One common one is when people come to me with an agenda regarding what they want to hear and are not really open to hearing anything but that. Along the same lines, I often have clients refer their partners, family members and close friends to me. When they all start asking about each other, things get pretty tricky. The same is true when someone wants me to bring through information about a third party. Everyone who strives to fulfill higher spiritual values first and foremost will be prevented from accessing psychic information if doing so would not be for the good of all involved. In this case, being blocked is a good thing, for it keeps us from stumbling forward without thinking things through.

Most psychics will also go through longer periods when their psychic abilities just don’t seem to be working so well. Usually, they have simply fallen into some bad habits or fallen out of the good habits that led them to reliable psychic ability in the first place. For example, I’ve known psychics who engaged in all sorts of spiritual practices in order to awaken their abilities, but then over time, become a bit complacent. Maintaining a lifestyle conducive to regular psychic work can be difficult in the modern world. When our good spiritual habits fell away, our abilities may follow suit.

Since psychic work is a highly specialized art form, it’s not something that can be rushed or thrown together; it must be carefully prepared for and aligned. Just as athletes warm up, stretch, and do all sorts of other things to be able to perform well, psychics have to engage in certain processes in order to be able to do what they do. Fortunately, just like training the body, we have only to return to the spiritual practices that work for us to quickly get psychically “back in shape.”

While every psychic is different, when I feel my ability starting to slip, I know to pull back from worldly endeavors and engage in more yoga and meditation. It also helps to read spiritual books and study esoteric teachings. While yoga and meditation are time-honored traditions, it’s important for you to find what works for you.

I’ve known many a psychic who felt blocked from using their abilities and could not figure out why until they realized that they were ignoring their own intuition for some reason. In essence, they had turned the volume all the way down on their intuition because they didn’t want to hear what it was trying to tell them. If your intuition has been telling you that you need to get out of your marriage, quit your job, or make some other big change in your life that you are afraid to make, you may have blocked it from speaking to you without realizing it.

Finally, it often happens that longer periods of psychic interference precede new spiritual breakthroughs. We all get in ruts sometimes, and if we aren’t paying keen attention and responding to Spirit’s guidance, we can be blocked from what we’ve been doing in order to wake up and try something else so that we can start moving forward again. When what we used to do stops working for us, we become motivated to explore new options and possibilities. It thus often happens that psychic lulls are followed by periods of high activity in which we are able to use our psychic abilities in new or more powerful ways.

When we find ourselves blocked from doing something psychic in particular, it’s always wise to step back and reach for a connection with our spirit guides. Our guides are always there for us, so if we have trouble connecting with them, we should look for both the problem and its remedy within. The first thing I would do is engage in some yoga and deep meditation while reaching for a high vibration in order to reconnect to Spirit. Once our connection to our guides is back in place, we can simply ask Spirit to help us figure out what’s happening with our abilities and what we need to know in order to get past troublesome blocks.

Soul Arcanum

When Intuitive Answers Don’t Make Sense

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Have you ever experienced a manifestation of intuition that ran counter to other things you’d learned? If so, how did you work through that? I do healing work and I have a client who on the surface appears to need a specific homeopathic remedy. However, when I took her on a guided meditation, she brought up a different remedy. She described it perfectly, to the point of even saying that what she needed from it is in its roots. (This medicine does happen to be made from the roots of a specific plant!) I consulted with another provider, and that healer thinks I should give her the remedy that she appears to need and dismiss what she said in the meditation. Now I’m in a quandary, for I can’t tell if I’m just being stubborn and wanting to do this my way. Should I trust that what she found for herself during the meditation is what she needs right now? Have you had similar experiences in your psychic work?


Dear Val:

Though homeopathy is an alternative healing approach, it’s not so much an intuitive art as it is a traditional science. Like allopathic doctors, homeopaths dialogue with patients about the symptoms that have led them to seek help, and from this information they logically deduce which remedies are needed. It crosses from traditional medicine into the psychic realm in the notion that by taking a homeopathic remedy, one communicates with the body that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and trusts the body to then do whatever is needed to return to balance. If you’re going to trust the bodies of your patients to heal themselves, it would also be wise to trust your patients to know what they need in order to heal.

While patients seek help because they don’t know what else to do, you did something to empower your patient to get in touch with her own inner wisdom: you took her on a guided meditation. In combining the science of homeopathy with this intuitive approach, you moved into a gray area where you must now decide what you’re going to put greater faith in: the general knowledge you’ve been taught or the personal wisdom of the person you’re trying to help.

As a hypnotherapist, I’m inclined to trust the wisdom of the person I’m working with above all, for I believe we do know what we really need – we just may not be able to access that awareness consciously. I never presume to know more about someone than they do. In fact, one of the most fascinating aspects of my work as a hypnotherapist is watching my clients’ subconscious minds come up with insights and remedies far better for them than anything I might have conjured up.

This attitude may seem antithetical to the whole notion of psychic reading work, but even in that arena, I always tell my clients to listen to their own inner guidance above all and disregard anything that doesn’t ring true to them. I also tell them to watch for strong feelings that certain psychic insights are really “on” as signs that their own inner knowing is confirming what they already knew on a deep level but were not yet consciously aware of.

Here’s my point: whether we are healers of the body or soul, the people we are healing are always the ultimate authorities on themselves. The job of a healer is not to tell or give people what they need, but to help them shift toward greater conscious awareness of their true issues and reconnect with their own power to create what they want in their lives.

People generally seek alternative healing methods when they’ve tried mainstream approaches without success. For the most part, this means that whatever is going on is not something that can be deduced in ordinary ways. For example, many people turn to hypnotherapy when doctors tell them that they can find no physical cause for their pain or no real cure for their emotional issues aside from medication.

There is always a reason why people feel the way they do, but if a particular patient is anything but typical, a typical approach will tend to fail. When we bypass learned knowledge and ordinary cognition to access the deeper wisdom of the intuition and/or the subconscious mind, amazing insights come to light. The whole power in working psychically is to get more accurate information than can be obtained via traditional or learned methods.

One reason intuitive processes succeed where traditional methods fail is because they are perfectly suited to the individual. Instead of dealing with general knowledge to try to deduce what is going on, intuition connects us with what is actually happening for that person. This is like the difference between trying to interpret a dream for someone based on what you’ve learned about dream symbols versus working with that person’s own subconscious mind to determine what the dream means for them.

You asked if I’ve experienced the dilemma of having psychic impressions make no rational sense in my work. This happens all the time! In fact, most psychics will tell you that it’s the details that make no sense or seem totally random that often prove to be the most powerful in a reading. Our rational minds are constantly sorting, editing, censoring and reformulating the intuitive impressions we receive. When we don’t outright reject intuitive insights, they tend to end up diluted or distorted to some degree. This is what your rational mind is doing right now: it’s trying to weigh learned information against intuitive insights to determine how to proceed.

I have nothing against the rational mind; in fact, we need all the faculties we’ve been blessed with to function at our best. However, in my experience, it is wise to pay special attention to insights that seem to strike out of the blue. If this patient had little knowledge of homeopathic remedies and could not have come up with the information she relayed on her own, one has to wonder where that information came from.

As an intuitive counselor, one of my most important jobs is to teach people to trust themselves and their own inner guidance, for this is the only way to find what we personally need to feel balanced and fulfilled. In health matters especially, we’ve all been taught to trust doctors and other healers more than we trust our own bodies and inner guidance. If you disregard the answer this woman’s inner knowing provided when asked, I imagine it will have a detrimental effect on her relationship to herself and her power to heal her life.

I think it’s great that you took this patient into a deep trance, asked what was needed, and got a clear answer. By altering our state of consciousness via a guided meditation, deep trance or dream, we can communicate with the wisdom of the body, the subconscious mind and the higher self. In fact, I think this would be a smart thing for you to do in order to weigh your learned knowledge against what your intuition may tell you about the individuals you work with.

If you have trouble psychically accessing information in this way, there are methods you can employ to quickly get intuitive confirmation. For example, kinesiology testing would be a very fast and effective way for you to determine what to do in this and other situations. Have your patient hold the remedy you think she needs in one hand while you test the strength of the other arm, and then have her hold the remedy she came up with and see which one makes her stronger. By regularly testing the remedies that ‘seem’ to be needed in this way, you can infuse your healing work with the power of your patients’ own innate wisdom.

Soul Arcanum

Do I Have to be Psychic to Communicate with My Spirit Guides?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am wondering if it is possible for me to learn how to communicate with my spirit guide given the fact that I’m not psychic. Is it possible to do this if you don’t have any special psychic ability? I would love to see my guide and know his/her name, and perhaps even communicate with my guide regarding various questions I may have about my life. Thank you!


Dear Archie:

Communicating with a spirit guide is definitely a psychic activity, but just because you haven’t yet noticed any psychic gifts doesn’t mean you can’t develop this ability. In fact, I think you would be wise to begin your foray into psychic territory by working on building a strong, clear connection to your guides. It may also encourage you to know that your interest in meeting your guides suggests that you are being called in this direction.

Many people move into psychic exploration through neighborhoods that can be a bit tricky to navigate. They may be drawn down certain paths by their curiosity as well as the exciting neon lights advertising palm readers, crystals, ghostly encounters and the like. This can be lots of fun until they wander off the main drag and get roughed up by some astral bullies or ripped off by a so-called guru. By contrast, if you build a strong relationship with a guide before you go exploring, your guide will naturally tell you where you need to go in order to achieve your aims, and will direct you and protect you from undesirable experiences every step of the way.

Spirit guides are one of the greatest resources you can have both in terms of psychic work and life in general. When you have a strong, clear connection to a wise guide, you can simply ask whatever you need to ask and get an answer. In terms of general psychic development, this is invaluable because so much psychic input is vague or cryptic. When I am doing a reading for someone, I constantly check my interpretation of what I’m shown by asking my guides for validation and clarification.

Since having a good relationship with your spirit guides is so helpful, you may be wondering why everyone doesn’t seek a guide before delving into psychic practices. I think most people don’t realize how important and helpful having a guide can be. Beyond this, developing clear, strong communication with a high level guide requires an extraordinarily high vibration. Anyone can pick up a Ouiji board and call in a random spirit to get the planchette moving or learn how to read tarot cards or runes. Spirit communication requires far more finesse and development. As spirit guides are from a dimension far more rarefied than the physical or the astral, communication with a high level spirit guide requires the ability to get into a very high spiritual vibration, which can take a lot of personal growth and development.

Since like attracts like in the Universe, to connect with a wise spirit guide, we have to be in harmony with the guide’s energy. If we don’t master our vibration before we pursue this sort of experience, we’ll either end up frustrated by failure or attract lower spirits who may pretend to be someone they are not. As I have written a great deal on how to achieve and maintain a high vibration in other columns, I won’t go into that here. You might see Raise Your Vibration for Spirit CommunicationAsking Spirit to Guide you in Psychic and Spiritual Development and Aligning with a High Level Spirit during Spirit Communication for starters.

Once you have achieved the ability to shift into a very high vibration at will, to telepathically communicate with your guide, shift into a high vibration and meditate for a few moments to quiet your mind. Affirm your intention of connecting with a wise, benevolent spirit guide. Then begin to ask questions telepathically. You can ask whatever you want to know. You might begin by asking Are you there? and listening for a response. You may mentally hear a voice answer you and assume you are imagining it or making it up. Don’t immediately dismiss it as an illusion; instead, suspend your disbelief during this “experiment” and see what happens.

Remember that you can always meet your guides in your dreams. You can probably even remember dreams in which this took place – you just didn’t realize that the invisible person you could sense beside you was your spirit guide, or the so-called stranger who gave you a cryptic message was your guide in disguise.

Begin to look for your spirit guides in your dreams, paying special attention to teachers, people who give you directions or answer questions, protectors, trusted companions and familiar “friends” you don’t know from waking life. Books, maps and written messages can hold messages from your guides. You can even program yourself to dream about your guides before you fall asleep. The beauty of this method is that you don’t have to figure out how to consciously achieve a high vibration, for we all meet with our guides in dreams; our vibration naturally skyrockets when we fall asleep, which is how we are able to travel through the dream world.

If you don’t get clear answers in your dreams or meditations, don’t give up. In my experience, the answers always come, but if we’re not in a high enough vibration to get them directly, they may come through the usual channels spirit guides use such as signs and synchronicities. If you’re paying attention, you will see the answer come to you via a random conversation, billboard, song on the radio, etc. You will know it by the way it grabs your attention and by the strange, special feeling that something is happening. The more you pay attention and notice such signs, the easier it will be for you to develop the ability to get them telepathically.

You might begin by asking for the best way for you personally to contact your guides. Meditate and listen for answers, and if you don’t get anything clear, start watching for signs and synchronicities. Someone may mention a class or you may feel drawn to reading a certain book. It’s important to trust your own inner knowing as well as your guides to lead you to the best way for you, especially in this primary matter of learning how to connect with them. Speaking of books, you’d be wise to read all you can about spiritual matters and especially books by and about spirit guides, such as those by Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Neale Donald Walsch and Sonya Choquette. Of course, reading about the law of attraction and consciously working with it can help you manifest a great relationship with your spirit guides along with anything else you may desire.

Finally, know that your guides want to connect with you. They have been with you throughout your life, guiding you via your impulses and intuitions. Their job is much easier if you pay attention and cooperate, so of course they want to help you get to know them. For most of us, a sincere, conscious desire to know our spirit guides naturally results in success because our guides will find a way to lead us to whatever we need in order to move toward this goal, as is true of all the other heartfelt goals we set for ourselves.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic is Plagued by Jealousy


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am highly psychic and can often tell what other people are feeling or going through. Most of the time this is a good thing, but lately, I fear it’s going to ruin the otherwise wonderful relationship I have with my fiance. The trouble is that I can tell when he is attracted to another woman, which happens frequently. When I tell him that I can tell when he is checking someone out even when he tries to hide it (and he’s really good at hiding it), he usually lies about it. I can then tell that he’s lying, and at that point, we usually get into a big fight. I’m starting to wonder if I should marry him or not, for he is attracted to other women and dishonest about it, and both of those things are driving me crazy. I would love to hear your spiritual advice on this one!


Dear Brooke:

I know just what you’re talking about, for I can sense when my husband is attracted to another woman as well as how it feels to have him lie to me about it. We’re pretty much at peace with this issue these days, so hopefully, my own journey will prove helpful to you.

First, you’re probably right in your intuitions that he is indeed attracted to other women, for our instincts are particularly sharp when it comes to protecting our “territory.” Further, if he wasn’t interested in beautiful women, he wouldn’t be in a relationship with you to begin with. People who love to garden don’t admire just one kind of flower; if they have an eye for beauty, they look for and see the beauty in all of nature. They may have a favorite kind of flower, of course, but just as we couldn’t expect a rose gardener to stop finding tulips and daisies delightful, we can’t expect a person to stop finding other people beautiful just because they’re in a committed relationship.

Speaking of that commitment, it would be easy to be faithful if we never found anyone but our partner attractive. What makes commitment so meaningful is the fact that we do find other people attractive but we choose to refrain from acting on those feelings in order to focus our time and attention on the person we’ve decided to put first in our lives. So making a commitment is not about losing attraction for everyone else; we just choose to resist those fleeting desires in order to safeguard something we deem to be more important.

If you want to be a happy psychic, you’re going to have to find a way to raise your vibration in order to see the divine beauty and perfection in everyone you meet, for you’re going to see all the “unacceptable” stuff we’ve been conditioned to hide from others’ view.

This brings me to my key point, which is that we can’t help how we feel. Your fiance lies to you when you confront him about checking out other women because he feels attacked, and also because he doesn’t want you to feel slighted. Since your fiance can’t help how he feels any more than you can stop feeling jealous, what can you do?

First, it’s important that you don’t repress your feelings, for then you will start to act in “crazy” ways and things will just get more confusing. We’ve all been down this road before, where we try to repress or deny our anger only to totally lose our temper over something insignificant. Repressing our feelings doesn’t get rid of them; it just lets them fester and slowly poison us from the inside out. Further, if you decide to try to hide how you are feeling, you will tend to pull back while you process, and may even try to love him less in order to protect your heart. This is not the answer if you want a vibrant, fulfilling relationship.

The key to a warm, intimate bond is for both of you to feel free to feel how you feel and let your feelings show. This will also naturally lead to personal growth and healing. To feel connected to each other, you must feel safe to gently express how you feel and he must feel the same. This doesn’t mean he has “made” you feel as you do; in fact, it’s important for you to tell him that you don’t expect him to make you feel better and that this is your own issue – you just need to express how you’re feeling in order to feel close to him. If you can lovingly tell him that you know you are feeling this way because he is so important to you, all the better.

When we stop trying to blame one person for being wrong, relationship dynamics get much lighter. We have gotten to the point in my marriage where I can indicate that I’m feeling jealous in a light and playful way because I know it’s my own issue. When I take this approach, my husband wisely chooses to see this as a sign that I really care and usually responds by reassuring me that he would never want to lose me either.

Instead of viewing jealousy as a sign of trouble in an otherwise wonderful relationship, we’re wise to stop when we feel insecure and look at our upset as a sign pointing toward some fear or issue we are being personally called to work on. When we feel jealous, it’s because we’re afraid of losing our position in someone’s heart; we’re afraid they will find someone they like better than us, and we will be alone or things will change for the worse.

Here’s the deal: everything changes, so resisting change is a recipe for suffering. Further, nothing lasts forever except for true love. Only when we make peace with this truth are we able to really love and build a deep connection on a soul level, for we can’t mandate that someone love us as we want to be loved, and when we try, we usually just destroy whatever love was there to begin with.

It is wise and empowering to trust that whatever happens, all is well. If we stay together for the rest of our lives, that is good; if we don’t stay together for the rest of our lives, that must also be good, for everything happens for a good reason. Getting past fear by finding faith in this truth empowers us to love from love instead of from fear, and then our relationships become blessed and harmonious.

So to truly love another person, we can’t come from fear and a sense of needing them. As nothing lasts forever, we’re wise to give thanks for the love and blessings in our lives today and make the most of them. This approach tends to keep relationships warm and growing. When we cling to someone out of fear, we become like a parasite, strangling the relationship. This is what happens when someone is constantly jealous and angry: instead of drawing others close, they drive them away because they aren’t coming from love but from fear and self-concern.

Instead of trying to ferret out and forbid your fiance’s attraction for everyone but you, I recommend you make peace with your jealousy as well as your fiance’s natural attraction to the beauty around him, whether that beauty is in a sunset, a flower or another woman’s figure. To expect him to be open to your beauty but closed to the beauty in every other female is unreasonable. When people demand this of their partners, they may get it, but at the expense of their partner’s attraction to them as well, for the partner closes down and stops looking for beauty in general because he has been conditioned to associate feelings of attraction with being punished.

When someone beautiful comes along, you can let your own beauty shine through by admiring them too. Look for the beauty in what your fiance finds attractive and try to appreciate it. Above all, remain thankful for the fact that even though your partner may find other people beautiful, he is choosing to just watch them pass by while he makes a life with you.

– Soul Arcanum

Sorting Fears from Intuitions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

There are times when people can feel like their ‘gut’ is telling them something about a situation. The stomach curls up and they may start to feel light-headed when having an intuition about some possible danger. When I was younger, my intuition was usually spot on. These days, most of my intuitions turn out to be nothing more than fearful ideas and worries about various subjects. How can we sort our fears from our intuitions?


Dear Marc:

I’ve noticed something about fear and intuition that seems a bit ironic: young people are often more psychic/intuitive than older and supposedly wiser folks! Even people who demonstrate remarkable psychic gifts when they are young can lose them over the years if they succumb to fear and become too careful about life in general. Young people tend to fear death and other disasters less than older people, so they take more risks and live on an edge where more things are possible. Their vibrations tend to be higher because they’re full of life and desire instead of fear and worry. So I’m not surprised to hear you say that you used to be more intuitive, and now find it hard to sort your fears from your intuitions.

Sorting fears from intuitions is really tricky because we talk about intuitions as ‘gut feelings,’ but intuitions aren’t emotions at all. Even when we get spontaneous warnings of danger, they aren’t delivered with fear; fearful feelings may follow the intuition, but they aren’t one and the same. Unlike fears and worries, clear, accurate intuitions generally don’t come with any emotional kick to them; the information feels more like watching a movie or hearing a story. While it may contain some emotional information, our own personal reactions are a step or two removed from the message.

Intuitions aren’t thoughts either; you can’t reason your way to intuitive insights. Where worrying is linear (if A and B happen, then C may follow), intuitions are like holographic capsules of sudden awareness. In fact, they often don’t make sense at first, and we have to ponder them in order to comprehend their meaning.

Over the years I have heard from hundreds of people who were somehow warned, helped or enlightened via their intuition. For the sake of this article, let’s focus on warnings of danger. Time and again, people who narrowly escaped some tragedy thanks to an intuition report how strangely calm they felt as they were receiving that warning. For example, someone may be driving down the highway when suddenly they have the intuition that they should change lanes. They act on this warning quickly, without questioning it, and the next thing they know, something occurs in the lane they were driving in that could have proven fatal. Following this event they may be shaken up and amazed by the whole experience, but while it was happening, they were strangely calm.

The gut intuitions you describe in your letter strike out of the blue like this; they come unbidden and at totally unexpected moments. We all have these spontaneous sorts of experiences when faced with danger. To be able to consciously and purposefully consult your intuition whenever you desire, you must develop your psychic abilities.

A major component of psychic development is cultivating the faith and objectivity to look past what we think is best in order to see truth. It can be hard to be objective when it comes to our own concerns. This is where the development of faith comes in: if you truly believe that everything happens for a good reason and everything works out in the end, you won’t worry to begin with, and will be open to hearing or perceiving the truth about any situation.

One thing is for sure: the more we tend to worry, the harder it is to hear our intuition clearly or access higher guidance. This is because our thoughts affect our vibration, and in order to tune in to truth and wisdom, we must have a high vibration. To be able to purposefully access our intuition about anything at any time, we must develop unwavering faith in the benevolence of life, for then all possibilities are acceptable to the conscious mind.

Since a calm, detached mind is essential to clear psychic perception, meditation is important. I highly recommend you take up regular meditation and work on cultivating your inner observer so you can emotionally detach from whatever is happening in your outer experience and calmly observe whatever comes up. This will empower you to view your whole life with calm detachment, which is like being able to back way up to see the big picture whenever you feel the need.

Also, devote yourself to psychic development. Working with a pendulum is a simple, easy way to begin. Do remember that you may not be able to access answers to every question you have at that time, so before beginning with the pendulum, ask:May I ask this question and receive an answer at this time? and Is this something that can be currently known or seen?

Of course, the information you can get from a pendulum is very limited, so you’ll want to move beyond it in order to get deeper insights and guidance. (My space here is limited, so for information on psychic development, please search our archives, consult the many excellent books and websites devoted to this subject, or sign up for a local class.)

When consulting your intuition, instead of asking if things will go the way you want them to, ask deeper questions such as: What is the higher purpose behind this situation? What am I supposed to be learning? What are my options, and which choice or approach is wisest? How can I cultivate the greatest love and harmony in this situation?

Again, remember that you may not always get an answer. Many of us want to be able to psychically read every possible scenario, and if we are looking for answers before those answers even exist, we may begin to make stuff up. We must be so detached that we’re even at peace with not getting as much information as we’d like to have right now.

It’s also important to establish strong relationships with your spirit guides, for then you can always ask them for more information or guidance on how to work with (and make peace with) the answers you receive.

Like any other skill, practice is essential. Keep a journal in which you note your intuitions and how they pan out. When they do and don’t prove accurate, take note of how you felt when they came to you. Soon you’ll be able to discern how it feels when you’re receiving accurate intuitive impressions.

Another important aspect to consider is the fact that you have the power to affect outcomes, so you can visualize what you desire instead of passively allowing your mind to wander into fearful thoughts. This is key because it is generally feelings of powerlessness that lead us to worry, and when we remember that we aren’t powerless – that can create what we want – it gives our minds something to do that is positive and constructive.

Knowing what will happen is nothing compared to being able to use our psychic senses to influence the course of our experience. The questions we ask of our intuition are therefore paramount. Asking simple, fear-based questions about what is going to happen can do us more harm than good, while asking wise and powerful questions such as what we should do and focus upon in order to fulfill our dreams can prove very helpful indeed.


– Soul Arcanum

Discerning the Source and Quality of Psychic Perceptions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

How do you differentiate the voice in your head that sounds like you, and the voice of God? If you would be so kind as to help me figure this out, I would be very grateful. God Bless!

Dear Jason:

This is one of the trickiest and most important psychic processes to master, for the answers and insights we receive may come from a number of possible sources. At one end of the spectrum we have ideas we would not consider at all spiritual, such as the attachments, fears and delusions of the ego. At the other end, we have what you label the “voice of God,” which I would call spiritual guidance of the highest nature. In between, we have all sorts of impressions we might label “psychic,” which will vary in quality depending on their source.

These include but are not limited to our own intuition and instincts, information stored as energy in others’ auras, input from discarnate spirits of all sorts, the guidance of spirit guides and angels, and the wisdom of our own higher selves. I don’t think that I have ever heard the “voice of God” as you put it – my only clear personal experiences of God have been profound feelings of healing, peace and bliss – but this is probably a matter of semantics. I suppose I both believe that God (whatever God may be) does not converse with us about our temporal concerns, and at the same time, I believe in some way, every voice is the voice of God.

There are a number of ways to evaluate the psychic impressions you receive for their power and wisdom. The first thing to examine is the quality of your perceptions. Any ideas or impressions that are dark, fearful or discouraging are of a lower nature, and ideas, impressions or suggestions that are uplifting, encouraging, enlightening and healing are from a higher source. Guidance from a divine source just feels right. At the same time it often seems rather obvious, for at some level, we already know the truth – we just have a habit of slipping out of higher perspectives when we’re caught up in ego issues and mundane concerns.

Further, the results of processing and implementing the guidance received will clearly demonstrate its true nature, which will help you learn how to recognize higher wisdom in the future. When we are properly attuned and channeling healing energy or guidance of a higher nature, all involved will be uplifted and renewed. If anyone is drained, exhausted, depressed or discouraged, then something is amiss.

Also, if accurately interpreting and following the insights or advice given leads to anything but positive transformation, then the source of that advice is not of a higher nature. Divine wisdom will always direct us to act with love, integrity and respect for all involved.

If you approach the pursuit of spiritual guidance properly, you should have no problem aligning with a healing, enlightening source of wisdom. To put it simply, we will attune to information and guidance of a “higher” nature when we are in a high spiritual vibration, and we will attune to information of a lower spiritual nature when we are in a lower spiritual vibration. Often, this is referred to as either being centered in “spirit” or caught up in “ego.”

To align with top notch spiritual guidance, the first thing to do is determine your motivation for seeking it in the first place. When we are motivated by worldly or selfish concerns or the desire to impress others, we tend to be caught up in ego, and by now, hopefully you can predict what will happen as a result.

If our desire is to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding, to help others and ourselves to move closer to God, or to make the world a better place to live in, we will align with higher wisdom. Basically, the more spiritual our desires/questions, the more spiritual the answers will be.

When I do readings, I always consciously shift into a very high vibration before asking for Spirit’s guidance, for this lifts me beyond the range and input of the ego. I do this via a ritual that I have developed and practiced for many years. Every good reader I know has some process designed to put them in the high vibratory state of “reading mode.”

In my own ritual, I light incense, put on some wonderful spiritual music, sit in meditation for a few minutes, and then say a special prayer. This prayer is not about the words, however – it is about the feelings/energies it evokes. During that prayer, I give thanks and affirm that the guidance that I am about to receive will be filled with the love, truth, wisdom and understanding of the highest. As I am saying these words either out loud or to myself, I am holding the person I am reading for in my heart, and I am surrounding them with divine love and envisioning them uplifted, empowered, healed and fulfilled.

This shift into a higher vibration causes a total transformation throughout my being. My body relaxes, my breathing slows, and the whole world suddenly seems brighter. I perceive life as a wonderful place of endless possibilities – a place where everything happens for an ultimately beneficial reason. When I have completed this shift, which generally only takes me about five minutes, I am in a state of deep peace and bliss.

Once I am in this high vibration, everything just flows. I truly believe that anyone who can get into this state of consciousness can tap into enlightening spiritual guidance, for at this level of being and awareness, one has only to ask a question to receive an answer.

It is far easier and more natural for some people to shift into a high vibration like this than others, based simply on their everyday habits. If we make a habit of seeking spiritual growth on a daily basis, if we constantly cultivate a high vibration in everything we think, say and do, it is easy to make such a shift.

Further, by living a spiritual life in general, we lift ourselves above the tricks of the ego and the influence of lower spiritual entities, and align our hearts and minds with the divine. Some positive habits to adopt include eating a fresh, whole food diet and taking good care of our physical bodies, practicing kindness and compassion, studying spiritual teachings, and regularly engaging in spiritual practices like meditation. When we take a spiritual approach to all aspects of our everyday lives, we make it easy for the divine to communicate with us on a conscious level.

There is one more quality that is essential to aligning with divine guidance, and that is what we may call positive belief or faith. It is of course first essential to believe that it is POSSIBLE to access divine guidance – otherwise we are closed off from that experience. Beyond this basic belief, spiritual faith plays a powerful role.

Many psychics can get into the high vibration they need to read for other people, but they can’t read for themselves because their own wishful thinking clouds their view. In order to be objective about our own lives and concerns, we must have faith in a higher plan, for that will allow us to relax our attachment to any particular outcome. When we trust that everything will work out fine one way or another, it is naturally easier to hear the truth.

Before you do anything with the advice I offer above, I recommend you simply pray to always receive spiritual guidance of the highest nature. Meditate daily with this desire in your heart, and ask Spirit to help you fulfill it. This may sound too simple to really work, but in my experience, nothing has proven more powerful than a heartfelt request for spiritual guidance.

– Soul Arcanum

What’s the Difference Between Being Intuitive and Officially Psychic?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I often have feelings about things that prove true. For example, I will sense it when someone is lying to me, or the other day, I had a bad feeling as I started out on my usual route to work, and I ended up stuck in a traffic jam. Would you say that I’m psychic? If not, what’s the difference between being intuitive like me, and being officially “psychic?” Thanks!
– Sue

Dear Sue:

I would probably use the same label you do and call you “highly intuitive.” By this I mean that you have a lot of natural psychic ability, and are receiving a lot of psychic information. To be officially “psychic,” all you have to do is trust your intuitions enough to act on them. (Mind you, these are all abstract labels; there is no hard line where someone becomes officially “psychic” any more than there is a hard line where someone becomes officially “beautiful,” “intelligent” or “artistic.”)

Where you may have a vague feeling that road trouble lies ahead and then discover (the hard way) that your feeling was right, a psychic will put that feeling to good use and take another route!

Let’s work with your driving example, since this is something we can all relate to. I get a lot of intuitive guidance when driving myself. Just last week I got on the highway to head across town and run some errands, and soon I came to a point where I could take one of two routes. I usually take what I’ll call “route B,” but as I approached this split, I heard in my mind, “Take route A.”

Now, years ago when I was just developing psychically, I may not have been able to specify that I “heard this in my head.” I may have said I just “knew” that I should take the other way, and I probably wouldn’t have done it.

Many people have experiences like this all the time. They “just know” that they should take a different route, or they have a feeling that they should stop and get gas now instead of waiting until later, or they “sense” that something or other is going to happen, but the feeling is so vague or “improbable” that they choose to brush it off. Then later, something happens to confirm that they should have “listened to their intuition.” What they do at THIS point determines whether they will continue to remain highly intuitive or start to develop into someone we could officially label “psychic.”

Anyway, in my case, when I heard “Take A,” I woke up and dialogued with whatever was telling me this. I don’t know where this information came from. I did not perceive an angel sitting next to me in the car, or a spirit guide speaking through the radio, or the presence of any other being. It was just a voice in my own mind, so one could say that I was “talking this over with myself.”

I basically asked, “Did I hear that right? I should take Route A?” I then heard in reply, “Yes, take A!” I then mentally said, “Okay, I will take A, but I would really like evidence later down the road to verify this decision. I hate it when I listen to my intuition and then I never get to witness the wisdom of doing so!”

I quickly changed lanes and took the other route, and sure enough, just as I approached my exit, I saw signs stating that due to bridge construction, the very ramp I would have needed to take if I had gone my usual route was closed. Further, there was a big traffic backup due to this construction, which began just where I was getting off the highway, so I was not inconvenienced at all.

At this point, many people might start to question the whole experience. They might reason with themselves that this was perhaps just a coincidence, or they might smile, shrug, and say, “Wow, that was weird,” and then forget about it and come back to “reality.”

I, however, paused and gave THANKS to that voice – whatever it was and wherever it came from. I took a few moments to relish the feeling of being blessed and guided, and I affirmed once again that I am indeed psychic.

I also reviewed how this information came to me so that the next time it happens, I will recognize it for what it is. (Of course, I knew to listen to it this time because I had received similar guidance in the past, and done the same review at that time.)

Above I mentioned something that is worth exploring further. To progress from being intuitive to psychic, we must be willing to take some leaps of faith – to act on our intuition even when we have no logical reason to do so, and even if we never receive evidence that it was a prudent thing to do.

For example, if we have a feeling that we should stay home some night and we listen to it and nothing happens, we may never know what COULD have happened if we hadn’t listened to our intuition. This is the whole point! Our intuition is protecting us from something bad happening, so it’s a good thing if nothing happens.

Further, the more we listen to the “little nudges” that come to us, the more we will build trust in this source of guidance, and the better it will work for us. Our daily lives can then become much easier and smoother thanks to all the intuitive guidance we receive.

Please note that my own psychic radar ebbs and flows depending on lots of different factors, many of which I’m sure I’m not aware of. If I’m in denial or illusion about anything personally, for example, I will probably block my own inner guidance simply because I don’t want to see the truth. If I’m exhausted, caught up in negative emotion, stressed out, etc., it will wane. By contrast, when I’m relaxed, happy, on top of my life and issues, feeling fine, etc., it will blossom again. I’m sure that planetary/astrological energies affect our intuition too, as do the natural cycles our bodies go through.

Below are some of the intuitions that came to me on a day I was really psychically on. There were far more than I could list here, and there were probably far more that I experienced that I didn’t consciously note or remember. (You have many like that too!) Here are a few:

  • When I woke up, it came to me that “someone would come to the door” that morning, so I had better be dressed appropriately. Sure enough, a little while later, a tradesman unexpectedly knocked at the door at an unusual hour.
  • I had a feeling that I need not race to get the phone, as it would not be for me, and later when I checked the caller i.d., this was confirmed.
  • I had a feeling I was forgetting some appointment or obligation, so I went back through my “sent emails” file, and sure enough, I had failed to put a reading on my written schedule.
  • I had a feeling that a package would be delivered in the afternoon that would require a signature, and that I should thus make sure I was home at that time, and this happened.
  • Throughout the day, I often had people pop into my head, and when I then checked my email, I had just received emails from those people.
  • I have been looking for a local resource for a project I want to get going, and I had a feeling that I should look in a certain publication. I opened that publication, flipped through it, and went directly to a page where I found what I was looking for.
  • I had a feeling my son was not being completely honest about his homework situation, so I told him I would be checking with his teachers, at which point he decided to confess the rest of the story.
  • I had a feeling that I shouldn’t email my real estate agent about a certain concern yet, and sure enough, within an hour that concern was cleared up – by the guy who came to the door early in the morning!

I’m out of space here, but I could go on and on. Anyone can learn to turn their intuitions into useful psychic guidance like this, and I highly recommend it, for it can help us choose routes that lead where we want to go, and smooth out paths that may otherwise prove rocky and frustrating.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Ability Manifests Differently for Different People

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My mom is a gifted psychic and healer. She’s very devoted to her work and quite successful. I have inherited her psychic gifts, but they seem to manifest differently in me. For example, when we’re in a group of people, I often pick up on individuals who are trouble. They may be men who are lecherous or individuals who are sort of crazy or unbalanced. For example, my mom has a neighbor who is definitely interested in more than her mind and spirit. He’s the kind of guy most women would avoid, but my mom treats him like she does anyone else. In these situations, I feel like she’s very naive; she seems to trust everyone and will talk to just about anyone! Since she can talk to spirits, predict the future, and help people sort through their biggest problems, why can’t she pick up on something as obvious as “bad” people?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

Being “psychic” is like being smart, charming, or kind – it’s as individual as people are. There are lots of factors that may affect how a person will operate psychically.

How they view the world is one key factor: if they see life as a dangerous place of competition for resources, then their psychic instincts will tend to focus on warnings of danger and opportunities to get ahead. If they view life as nothing more than a biological accident, they’ll tend to not have psychic experiences, or to dismiss those they do have as coincidental or meaningless. If they believe life is a school for spiritual evolution, they’ll tend to view their psychic perceptions as designed to guide them to the experiences they most need to learn and grow, whether those experiences will lead them to what they think will make them happy or not.

People’s past experiences with psychic phenomena will also greatly impact how their abilities manifest. If they’ve been taught that everything psychic is evil, then they won’t trust their own instincts, which will shut those instincts down or distort them. If they’ve had lots of positive input and experiences with certain psychic phenomena, they may focus on and value those particular types of experiences above others. If they pursue psychic information with the help of divination tools, they’ll have a different quality of experience than if they seek guidance more directly. There are an infinite number of factors that can influence how psychic abilities may manifest.

Overall, however, the biggest factor that determines our “level” of psychic ability is our personal vibration. What follows is a gross oversimplification. No two people will actually have the same exact psychic ability, just as no two people will have the same exact intellectual or athletic ability, or the same emotional experience of life. For the sake of clarity, however, let’s break down psychic ability into four different focus levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Someone at the beginning end of the conscious psychic spectrum will tend to be more physically focused in their psychic abilities, and zero in on issues of physical safety, like you do. This is why the most commonly reported psychic experiences involve some sort of danger; everyone has natural survival instincts.

At this level of focus, our psychic instincts tend to be very kinesthetic or physical. Having your hair stand up on the back of your neck is a manifestation of this level of psychic ability, as is sensing someone looking at you. Feeling a strong rush of sexual attraction or chemistry with someone is also a manifestation of this level of ability. (Hopefully, we’re ALL familiar with that feeling!)

At a step above this in terms of refinement, we become more emotionally aware. At this level of experience, we begin to sense when something is “different” about the people we’re close to: when there is tension in the air, when someone seems to be troubled, when someone is lying or hiding something, etc. We also tend to become very emotionally sensitive and empathetic. When hearing some sad or disturbing tale, we may personally become very upset. This level of psychic ability is commonly called “women’s intuition.” It’s conscious awareness of what is going on emotionally with other people.

A step above this focus in terms of refinement, we begin to consciously dialogue with metaphysical sources of information and guidance. We may begin to hear things in our heads about certain people or situations, or get visions of the future. We may sense who is calling before the phone rings, or just know things are going to happen a certain way because we have seen it in our heads. This is the level at which we commonly begin to label people “psychic.” They are able to tune in to the past, future, events at a distance, etc., and have learned to interpret those psychic perceptions for their meaning.

One step above this focus in terms of refinement, we begin to use our intuitive abilities for spiritual aims. Here we have gained a sense of higher purpose and the desire to serve others or use our gifts in a meaningful way. Instead of using our abilities to protect ourselves, improve our relationships, or predict the future for profit or personal gain, now we’re focused on helping others to heal and find peace and happiness. At this level, higher guidance from Spirit on how to manifest true fulfillment is available. This is the level it sounds like your mom is coming from.

Despite your mom’s great psychic abilities, she may not pick up on some of the things you do because she doesn’t need to. Her high vibration is a form of natural spiritual protection. You see, as we rise in vibration, we also rise in what we might call faith. At a lower vibration, we tend to be more fearful, which makes us more guarded and discerning. At a higher vibration, we come more from love, which tends to make us more open to life and other people.

In order to help others heal, we have to love them and see them as already divinely perfect. This is how Jesus healed, and it’s how any great healer operates. Where you see someone who is crazy, a healer like your mom sees a divine spirit who is struggling to cope with life in the physical; where you see someone who is lecherous, a healer sees a lonely, yearning heart; where you see someone who is “bad,” a healer sees a soul who is lost and suffering.

In order for your mom to do her healing work, she has to be open to people. This doesn’t mean she is reckless; it means she looks for the divine beauty in everyone she meets, and in doing so, she brings out the best in them. I bet despite your mom’s apparent naivete, she doesn’t have harmful experiences with any of these “bad” people, because her high vibration naturally protects her from lower vibration experiences.

Probably the worst thing that happens is people who are lost in darkness cling to her light. Since she has devoted her life to serving spiritually needy people, she’s not adverse to this. I’m sure she knows how to align her energy to deal with those situations – so you needn’t worry about her, Sweetie.

As each one of us gets just what we need via our psychic abilities, we must trust that whatever we perceive is perfectly suited for us at that moment.

Soul Arcanum

When Your Intuition Conflicts with the Advice of Psychics

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Most of the psychics I have consulted have told me to wait for this married man because they see us together someday. He has been married about 35 years, and although the marriage is not good, I have a hard time believing he will ever divorce because of family pressure. We had a brief relationship two years ago, when I fell in love with him. I have waited for him to divorce so that maybe we could have another chance at a relationship. A number of psychics have told me they see us together possibly next year, and that he will decide to divorce. Should I trust what I feel inside (that it’s not going to happen), or am I just being insecure and wanting more than he can give me right now, and thus clouding my intuition? Should I listen to those who have “gifts” I don’t possess, trust that they see something I don’t, and take their advice to wait for this man? I do love him and would like to have the faith that they tell me to have, but the waiting is hard and I also don’t want to be stupid. I am advised to wait more often than I am not, but frankly, I don’t hear from him much any more.
Thank you!
– Rosanne

Dear Rosanne:

Basically, your question is what you should do if your own gut/intuition disagrees with what a psychic tells you. The answer: always put your own inner truth first! When we go against our own instincts to do what our parents tell us to do, what our spouse thinks is right, or what a psychic advises, we grow away from our true path and feel more and more like something is missing in our lives. We also find it harder and harder to access our inner guidance, so we end up feeling more and more lost and frustrated.

You are the ultimate authority on your own life, not just because you are the closest to it, but also because what you believe will happen is what you will generally experience. We get what we expect in life because we do create our own realities. Thus a hundred psychics could tell you that you will marry this man, but if you don’t believe it’s possible or destined yourself, it won’t come together. A hundred psychics could tell you that you won’t find true love, but if you believe in your heart you will, then you WILL.

It is very important to view psychic readings as simply one perspective on your situation. Hopefully, that perspective will prove to be a source of comfort, inspiration, encouragement and enlightenment. It will help you to determine how you really feel, what you really want, what is really happening beneath the surface, where things are heading, and how you can align with true fulfillment. The guidance in a reading should resonate with you deep within. If it doesn’t, throw it out!

One of the first psychics I ever consulted (many years ago) told me that I had no psychic gifts and would never end up working in this field. As soon as she said those words, I knew how wrong they were. I learned a lot from that experience – like what NOT to do as a reader, as well as what I knew to be true myself.

I encourage every one of my clients to trust their own inner knowing above anything I might communicate in a reading. Here is an excerpt to the introduction I always use in my email readings:

“I pray that you will listen to your own inner guidance in interpreting this reading, and disregard anything that does not ring true to you. You already know the answers you are seeking, but perhaps have trouble believing those answers or consciously accessing that knowledge. When something in this reading makes you say to yourself, ‘Ah, yes, that is so true,’ that is you recognizing that which you already knew to be true in your heart.”

We all have an inner compass that gauges the truth for us. When someone says something that really “hits the nail on the head,” this little switch inside lights up. When someone tells us something that is untrue or off somehow, it feels like something in our guts actually pushes it away, rejecting it.

We become confused or unsure of our true paths when we’re blinded by attachments to things going a certain way, and can’t be objective. The reading process is designed to lift us above this confusion born of ego/fear/desire. This will only happen, however, if we infuse the reading with this power by taking a sacred approach.

While there are many advantages of consulting psychics online or via the phone, the downside is that it’s too easy to be casual about it. When you go see a spiritual counselor in person, she can draw you into the sacred vibration of true communion with Spirit. When you’re consulting with a psychic from a distance, you have to take responsibility for that yourself. When a reading is approached carelessly, it’s not going to prove powerful and useful, for the energy you put into it will determine what you get out of it. If you pray sincerely for answers to come to you from Spirit, then THEY WILL COME. They will either come to you through the words in the reading or through your own inner knowing. As I described above, sometimes that inner knowing is a strong rejection of what the psychic says. If this happens in a reading, the psychic may not have come through for you, but Spirit sure did.

Which will you trust more: a psychic stranger, or the Divine whispering in your own heart?

As for your situation in particular, I see a man who is all tied up in knots, and while he may claim that others have tied him up, those knots are of his own making. If you think about it, he really is “free to go.” He is choosing to put other matters before his feelings for you. That’s entirely his prerogative – but it’s not what you really want in love.

You are being urged to rise above the question of whether this man is going to get a divorce to be with you and simply focus on what YOU want in love with faith that it will come you. Visualize a man who puts nothing before his love for you. Imagine yourself feeling like the center of someone’s universe: adored, cherished and appreciated. You deserve more and better than waiting for some guy you had a fling with two years ago to wake up, get a divorce, and devote his heart to you. The odds of him choosing to do this are slim, while your ability to manifest the kind of love you want in general is infinite – provided you work with the law of attraction to manifest this in your life. If you align with fulfillment then this man might step up to the plate, but if he doesn’t, then another will. Stay open to your good coming to you through whatever channel is most open. Your only job is to become the adored, cherished lover you wish to be in your own mind and heart.

Psychics are not infallible any more than stock brokers, therapists or doctors are infallible, and even the best psychic won’t prove powerful and helpful to a client who is blocked or blinded by her own fears and desires. I advise everyone to check what they are told against their own inner knowing. If you regularly consult psychics and often feel they’re “wrong” then quit consulting psychics – you don’t need them anymore! If you find a psychic who always resonates with your own inner knowing, who knows how to help you to get clear on what you want and should do, then stick with her. If she should ever feel “off,” however, keep her words in mind as you move forward, but go with your own gut.

We’ve all been given a divine inner compass to help us feel our way through life. The more we listen to our intuition, the stronger and clearer it will get. To be truly fulfilled, we have to do more than just listen, however; we have to honor our intuition by basing our choices on it above all else.

– Soul Arcanum

What’s Happening When Someone “Gives Us the Creeps?”

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m a 33-year-old married mother of two. I work as an administrative assistant in a corporate environment. About nine months ago, the company hired a new executive, and while I don’t work directly for him, I often see him around the office and sometimes have to interact with him for my boss. Here’s the thing: he totally gives me the creeps. I don’t know what it is about him. He usually looks away when we make eye contact, but I swear I can FEEL his eyes roving over me when my back is to him. He doesn’t seem dangerous or anything, just creepy. What’s happening here and what should I do?
– Andrea

Dear Andrea:

Thanks for a great question! First we must remember that everything in the universe is composed (ultimately) of energy. Living beings (people, plants, animals) are composed of dynamic energy, which is to say that they are constantly interacting with other energy systems. If you’ve ever had a fuzzy radio station suddenly come through clearer as you approached the receiver to fix the dial, you’ve experienced firsthand the interaction between your energy field/aura and the energy field of the radio.

At some level, we are all aware of these energetic interactions, though for most people this awareness is subconscious. We are drawn to some people and naturally avoid others. When we accurately sense someone looking at us, what we are sensing is their energy interacting with ours. Some clairvoyants can perceive not only the auras of individuals, but also interactions between people’s auras.

These interactions are happening constantly, not only when we literally interact with others, but also when we just think about them. Whenever we give someone our attention, we are giving them energy. For the sake of illumination, we might imagine that non-living objects (such as bowls, spoons, rugs, etc.) are composed of rock, while living beings are like sponges, and energy is like water. When we focus on the bowl, our energy-water just rolls over it. It will be “wet” for a while with our energy, but otherwise unaffected. When we focus on a person, however, she will soak up our energy, and in focusing back on us, she will squeeze some energy-water our way as well.

Praying for someone is a very powerful energy exchange in that it’s a very concentrated, focused flow of positive energy toward that person. Energy healing is similar though even more powerful because the recipient is generally aware and consciously accepting and absorbing that healing energy. Just as healers can use energy to positively affect those they are trying to heal, anyone can use energy to try to do whatever they want to others. If we’re “creeped out by” or afraid of someone, our intuition is alerting us to an undesirable energetic interaction. Further, if we succumb to fear or other negative emotion when this happens, we basically open up our auras to those outside influences.

If you think about this, it only makes sense. When we’re not afraid of someone or don’t give a darn what they think of us, they don’t have the power to affect us. When we worry about what others think or succumb to fear of them, then we are definitely letting them affect us, and this is true both psychologically and at an auric level. People who want things from us that we don’t really want to give naturally make us uncomfortable. This feeling is our intuition raising a self-protective alert.

The more time we spend with people, the more their energy will affect ours. With people who make us feel good, we will open up our energy field the minute we see them coming, because we expect to get a nice boost. With people who generally make us feel bad (whether that means we feel insecure, frustrated, angry, creeped out, jealous, etc.), even though we may “brace” ourselves, we will tend to open up our energy field (unintentionally) as soon as we see them coming by succumbing to negative emotion. That negative emotion lowers our vibration and thus our “psychic defenses” come down. The best “psychic defense” is thus to send out bright loving energy, for it instantly obliterates all darker energies.

When we get over our negative feelings about various people and situations, we do become immune to them, but this is easier said than done much of the time. It’s easier and more effective to radiate love and light than to ignore a source of discomfort, for while we may think we’re ignoring someone, in ignoring them actively, we’re actually thinking about them. It’s sort of like telling yourself not to think about the color yellow.

As for what is happening your case, your coworker is probably fantasizing about you, and you are “feeling” this at a semi-conscious level. Your intuition is alerting you via that “creepy” feeling that his energy is creeping up on you. Then when you “confront” this man with eye contact, he immediately withdraws his energy for he fears being “detected.”

The best thing you can do is drop your fear/uneasiness around him. Start by recognizing that he’s not really doing you any harm, and thank your intuition for “alerting you” to the situation. Then whenever he creeps you out, just counter his energy by turning up your own light. Don’t be antagonistic, just stand very tall in your aura and let the contrast of the feeling/experience remind you to consciously align with something more desirable. Affirm that you live in a reality that is divinely bright and beautiful, where everything happens for a good reason, and only good things come to you. Blind him with a bright smile/burst of light, and then shift your thoughts to something or someone you find divine. While he may still be attracted to your lovely energy, he won’t really be able to get near you, because your high vibration will put you out of his “range.”

For more information on auric interactions, I highly recommend the classic book Hands of Light and by Barbara Brennan.

– Soul Arcanum