Tag Archive: hauntings

Haunted by Fatal Accident

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was involved in a car accident eight years ago. The drunk man who hit me was 32 years old; he died at the scene. I am actively seeing a therapist and have been diagnosed with PTSD, but have always felt this man as a lingering presence in my life. I have been left with anxiety and remorse that I can’t shake even though the accident wasn’t my fault. I feel this lost spirit has attached himself to me and is draining me of my energy and truth. I have even tried to not believe in this to make it go away, but I can’t deny my truth anymore. I am an intuitive person and feel this to be the root of my problems. My date of birth is 4/22/79.

Dear Kellie:

First and foremost, it is essential to your well-being and peace of mind to trust yourself. I know that the idea of spirit attachment is by no means mainstream, but that doesn’t mean it’s invalid. Further, whether one believes in spirit attachment or not, innumerable cases demonstrate that spirit releasement therapy can instantly resolve longstanding physical, emotional and mental problems. Usually, people have tried everything that modern medicine has to offer before they open up to the possibility of spirit attachment, so they are astounded when spirit releasement yields fast, dramatic results.

You describe a number of factors that support the idea that this man is indeed attached to you and influencing how you feel. Most important is your own feeling that this is what is going on. The best instrument for detecting this sort of phenomenon is one’s own intuition, and yours is very clearly trying to make you aware of the true nature of your problems. I urge you to listen to your own inner knowing and trust your ability to sense the truth.

In addition to your intuition, it’s helpful to realize that this sort of thing happens all the time. When a person dies a sudden, violent death, the odds of that person remaining earthbound on the other side rise dramatically. At first these spirits may not realize that they have died at all; one minute they are driving along, and the next, they’re walking through a very strange dreamworld. When someone who is inebriated dies a sudden violent death, the chances that they will end up disoriented on the other side are even greater.

When we add remorse to the mix, we even have a reason why a spirit who wasn’t necessarily disoriented may choose to hang around. Given your feelings of remorse and anxiety, odds are good that this spirit is aware of what happened and is so overcome with remorse that he is hanging around to try to find a way to make things up to you.

Knowing this should make it easier to forgive him if you haven’t yet, which will encourage him to move on. If you have forgiven him, then it’s important that he know and feel this. I doubt very much that he realizes that he’s harming you by endlessly trying to apologize or make things right. Once he knows he has been forgiven and that the best thing he can do for you is to let go, I imagine he’ll be amenable to moving on.

There is a book you may find interesting entitled A Change of Heart by Claire Slyvia. While the book is mainly about the attachment of a spirit via organ transplant, the author’s descriptions of how she became aware of the spirit’s presence and the ways this attachment made her feel like she wasn’t herself are similar to your own experiences.

For more on spirit releasement therapy, you might check out spiritrelease.org and spiritrelease.com. You may also be interested in this article, which links PTSD with spirit attachment: PTSD: An Alternate View.

For releasing the spirit, you have three basic options:

Personal/Ritualistic: You can try to release this spirit yourself. Since it seems this is a well-intentioned spirit, you shouldn’t encounter too much resistance from him. You might begin by simply communicating with him (out loud) that you are aware of his presence, and explain how he is negatively affecting you. Tell him that he died in the accident in case he doesn’t know, and communicate (with feeling) that you forgive him and want to move on. Communicate that it is best for him to move on as well – that both of you will benefit from this. Send him lots of love and understanding, and perhaps communicate that in losing his life in that accident, he more than paid for his poor judgment. Encourage him to forgive himself and look for the light or for angelic guides/helpers. Pray for help from the Spirit world and visualize him being guided in crossing over. There are also set rituals for this sort of thing that you may find in books or on the internet; trust your intuition to guide you to the best way for you.

Spiritual/Intuitive: You can visit a psychic/medium who is experienced with helping spirits cross over. I recommend finding a Spiritualist church and asking the minister there for advice. Many people who can perceive and communicate with spirits are able to talk them through the process of letting go and moving on. (This is what the main character on the TV show The Ghost Whisperer does.)

Secular/Interactive: In my opinion, this is the most reliable, powerful and thorough approach. You’ll want to find a hypnotherapist who has training and experience in spirit releasement therapy. The therapist will guide you into a deep trance state and dialogue with your subconscious mind/higher self regarding the true nature of your problems. If this spirit is attached to you, at this time it will be able to speak to the therapist through you, and the therapist can then guide the spirit in moving on. A good therapist will also help you begin to heal from all of this so that you can feel as good as new again.

After this spirit has been released, you may need further healing. It’s likely that this spirit attached to you at the scene of the accident, and your own healing from this traumatic experience may have been arrested or impeded by this attachment. Spiritual/energy healing can be very helpful here, as can prayer and meditation. Remember that your guides and angels are always standing by, ready to lend a hand. If you pray to them for the healing, answers and solutions you need, and you trust your intuition, you will be guided to whatever is right and best for you.

– Soul Arcanum

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My husband and I have found a house we would like to buy. It’s a foreclosure so it’s listed for a great price. The atmosphere, however, is really yucky. I know that new carpet and fresh paint would make it look much better, but I’m worried about its energy. It feels like the people who lived there were NOT very nice, and just walking in leaves me feeling sort of “dirty.” Do you have any advice for creating a positive psychic atmosphere?
– Beth

Dear Beth:

Buildings absorb the energy of the people who live in them and the events that happen there. I believe that everyone can sense energy in the atmosphere of a place. For example, we associate places that are dark, dirty, and decrepit with a creepy feeling, and these are the very conditions that negative astral entities find most attractive.

Physical objects also absorb the energy of the people who own them, wear them or use them. The more something is worn or used, the more energy it absorbs. Some materials are more “porous” than others, and some “hold a charge” better than others. For example, metal holds a charge very well. This is why psychics can hold a piece of jewelry and tell you about the person who owned it. Wedding bands, watches and other items that are worn daily are ideal for psychometry work.

Moving into a house that has absorbed the energy of people who were very different from you in vibration will naturally make you feel uneasy. Since the house is a foreclosure, the former residents were no doubt really stressed when they left. If they fought a lot or suffered a great deal (as with people who die in a space after a long illness), you may actually pick up the emotions they left behind and begin to feel like you’re “not yourself,” especially if you’re not conscious of what is happening.

Your awareness of how this house feels is a blessing. Feeling “dirty” is indeed a reflection that you’ve picked something up from the atmosphere. Just as driving down a dusty road will leave our cars covered with film, when we move through a space where lots of old energy has settled, we’ll stir it up, and if we’re not careful, it will get all over us.

The good news is that whether you do anything or not, if you buy this house and move in, it will immediately start to release its old charge and absorb your vibration. Just cleaning the house physically will go a long way. You mentioned painting and re-carpeting, which are great ideas. Getting rid of the old carpet would release stale energy, and painting would not only freshen things up, it would allow you to mark your territory with your personal color choices.

The more chi you get moving, the faster the house will shift in vibration. Again, comparing old energy to dust, imagine what would happen if you moved in, plopped your stuff down, and didn’t do another thing: you’d be living with all that old dust for a long time. If instead you come in and start cleaning, opening the windows, running fans and washing down walls, you’ll stir up that old energy and clear it out of there.

Because you don’t like the energy of the house now, I recommend you get rid of everything the previous owners left behind. If they left any furniture or other objects, sell, donate or recycle them. If you can afford new window treatments, get rid of those too. Replace anything cosmetic that you don’t like such as paint, wallpaper, etc. This will go a long way in shifting the atmosphere toward your own vibration.

Since the existing climate there is so uncomfortable for you, I recommend you start your clearing work on a psychic level. Physical intangibles such as sounds, smells, smoke, light, thoughts/prayers, etc., have a strong impact on the astral, so these will be your key tools in this endeavor.

First, open all the blinds to let as much light into the house as possible. You might also leave spiritual music playing in the house all the time, whether you’re there or not. Then smudge the house of negative energy with sage. (Light a sage bundle and blow out the flame, and then walk through the house, sweeping the fragrant sage smoke over every wall, door, window, nook and cranny. As you do this, imagine that any astral residue is being burned off, and in your wake, everything is clean and shiny.)

If you’re Catholic and this doesn’t feel right to you, you can do the same thing with holy water. Get some from your priest and sprinkle it as you go, or better yet, have your priest over to bless the house. I’ve also heard that burning orange peels is especially effective for clearing out the energy of former residents.

Plants are also great for creating fresh, positive energy. Just as plants transmute carbon dioxide into oxygen, they can transform negative energy into positive. Anything vital and beautiful will contribute to a positive atmosphere. Continuously running water is another great way to get chi flowing and keep it moving; this is why fountains create such a fresh, soothing vibe.

You can also use crystals to magnify your efforts. If you want to create a peaceful feeling, for example, you might put a big amethyst geode on a windowsill, or if you want to brighten the atmosphere, hang a crystal in the window to refract sunlight. Some people even bury quartz crystals in the corners of their property to create a “force field” designed to keep their good energy in, and anything not in harmony with their energy “out.”

A housewarming is another great idea, but make sure you only invite people who embody the mood you want in your house. Enlist a friend or minister to lead your guests in a prayer to fill your new home with great energy. Here’s a house blessing I wrote just for you. I recommend you print it out and hang it up wherever it feels appropriate – perhaps on the back of your front door. Please note that while the combined energy of your friends and loved ones is powerful, you should also call upon a higher power to bless your house, whether that higher power is Jesus or nature spirits or some other force of love and light.

The blessing:

Mother/Father/God, bless this house and all who live here. Fill this dwelling with an ambience of peace, prosperity, health, happiness, harmony and love. Let this space shine with divine light and beauty and provide a warm, comfortable haven from the world. May only beings that are kind-hearted and well-intentioned enter here. May nature’s spirits feel welcome and live with us as friends. May all who enter here receive what they need, and feel richly blessed with their heart’s desires.

From Christianity and Judaism to Native American traditions, all cultures have practiced some form of ritual designed to protect and bless a dwelling and its inhabitants. At a deep intuitive level, we know that creating a healthy, positive atmosphere will promote mental and emotional well-being, just as creating a clean physical environment will promote physical health and well-being.

So whether we’re moving into a new space or not, when we’ve been feeling irritable, tired, frustrated, etc., clearing the atmosphere can help us shift into a lighter, brighter personal vibration. With this in mind, I recommend that everyone cleanse the atmosphere of their home regularly, or at least whenever they feel the need for a spiritual boost.

– Soul Arcanum