Tag Archive: energy

When You’re the Source of Your Home’s Negative Energy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I recently read your response to the woman who was concerned about negative energy in a house she was buying. Your advice to her makes a lot of sense. I have an important question: What if I am the one responsible for the negative energy in my own home? I’ve had a lot of things pulled out from under me over the past few years and I’m in the process of rebuilding my life. I’ve focused on the losses too much and I’ve become negative. My boyfriend of six years has been very mean to me at times. He does not live here but we have had terrible fights in my home. He has kicked holes in walls and broken items that belong to me, etc. At one point, he participated in a program and things were better, but from time to time, he has bad spells and there is a lot of negativity. Because of him, I’ve allowed myself to gradually slip from a confident, energetic, positive person into someone quite different. I get depressed and have to work my way out of it. I stopped putting up with his bad behavior: When he can’t treat me well, I refuse to spend time with him. I’m not sure where our relationship will lead, but in the mean time, I’ve been trying to get back to the person I used to be. It is very difficult. I have sometimes wondered if all of those terrible, traumatic fights have hung themselves on these walls. Does that make sense? I don’t feel happy in my house. Even though my boyfriend’s behavior has been the cause of all the bad times, I feel responsible because I allowed it to happen in my home. I even feel guilty sometimes. This is why I believe I am the cause. I would love to hear from you.


Dear Gail:

It is true that the events that happen in a place contribute to the psychic atmosphere there. The more emotionally intense an incident, the stronger the impression it leaves. This is sort of like dealing with a physical mess: if someone comes in and tracks dust on the floor, it will make your house a bit dirty until it’s cleaned up, but if someone comes in and splashes red and black paint all over the walls, that mess is going to leave a much more ugly, long lasting stain.

While there are deeper issues at work here, it won’t hurt to psychically cleanse your home of negativity and fill it with positive energy. This is similar to taking a shower in order to clear away the grime of the past and refresh yourself. Many intuitive counselors and healers cleanse the psychic atmospheres of their homes and work spaces as often as they clean them on a physical level. Anger, depression and emotional upset attract lower astral entities much like letting garbage sit around attracts roaches; to get rid of pests and all the problems they can cause, we have to regularly take the garbage out both physically and spiritually.

That being said, you are wise to ponder your energy’s ongoing impact on your home’s atmosphere, for it is the people who spend the most time in a place that tend to determine its overall vibration. However, when someone’s energy is very strong, they will have a greater influence on the places and people around them than someone whose lifeforce is weaker. Thus one angry or depressed teenager with surging hormones can disrupt a whole household, and conversely, a gifted energy healer can draw others up into resonance with her own vibrant well-being.

During your boyfriend’s rages, he is channeling very intense energy. It’s obvious that over the past six years, he has had more influence over you than he deserves. I can see that you are in the process of taking your power back, and this is just what needs to happen if you are to have your desire for greater peace and happiness prevail despite his anger issues.

It’s also important to realize that the more one works on a conscious level to psychically influence other people or places, the more powerful the results tend to be. This is why having someone cleanse and bless a home can lead to instant transformation, and also why places where Satanic rituals have been practiced tend to feel very dark and creepy. This means that you can create a positive psychic atmosphere in your home by making your own energy more positive, especially if you set a conscious intention to create a peaceful, uplifting sanctuary. Whether you approach this on a conscious level or not, as YOU change, the atmosphere in your home will naturally change with you. The more you take constructive action to feel better about yourself and your life, the better your home’s atmosphere will feel.

The world around us is a reflection of the world inside of us. The more happy and peaceful you are on the inside, the more happy and peaceful your outer circumstances will tend to grow, and the more you will tend to attract people who mirror your loving, positive vibes. I therefore think you’d be wise to focus first and foremost on the source of your personal reality – your inner landscape. With this in mind, I encourage you to keep doing all you can to empower yourself, heal and release the past, and cultivate how you want to feel and who you want to be.

A very wise spiritual teacher I studied with for years frequently urged her students to “Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comforted.” There are lots of ways to interpret this sage advice, but I’ll put it this way: some people always blame others for their problems instead of taking an honest look at themselves, while others go to the other extreme and always blame themselves even for things that are not their fault. I feel you fall in this latter category!

The main underlying theme that jumps out at me from your question is the truth that you are on a journey to a better relationship to YOURSELF. This troubled situation you have with your boyfriend is just a channel through which you are working on learning to love and appreciate yourself more deeply. That you would blame yourself for his behavior is one clear sign that what you need most of all is to feel you deserve peace, love and happiness.

Though most of us have been raised to believe that we get what we deserve in life, the truth is that we get what we THINK we deserve. When you believe you deserve better down deep in your soul, everything in your life will grow brighter. You will either attract a better match or your boyfriend will become the man you need him to be; your home will begin to glow with the beautiful light of your own inner harmony and self-love; every corner of your world will become more pleasant and beautiful.

I encourage you to stop blaming yourself or anyone else for the way things have gone in the past and the way your world feels now. Instead, examine your journey for what it is trying to teach you. If you learn whatever you are supposed to be learning from this troubled relationship and you heal whatever issues are keeping it alive in your life, you will set yourself free to move on to new and hopefully more pleasant territory.

– Soul Arcanum 

Symptoms of Energy Cording

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I read your article on promiscuity and how it affects the aura and creates energetic links. I have read this before from a Hindu saint. My question is: How does this astral tie affect the individual? I mean, let’s say I have been with many partners – how would I notice these astral connections? Are there observable mental, emotional or physical symptoms? Besides thinking of the person, I don’t notice anything else.


Dear Ryan:

Since the influence of psychic cording is subtle/energetic, how much you notice would depend on how psychically sensitive you are. Of course, the stronger the bond, the more likely one is to notice these effects. For example, the strongest psychic bond is typically that between mother and child, so even mothers who aren’t especially psychic may have striking experiences of this connection. Similarly, someone who is highly psychic can pick up things about people they barely know. If you are highly psychic, you may have an acquaintance pop into your head only to have that person phone you just after this, or learn that this person was thinking of you at that time.

Please note that I’m talking about conscious effects: we are all influenced by the psychic cords we have with other people whether we know it or not. Further, the less conscious we are of these interactions, the more they tend to influence us.

The cords that are formed when we have sex with someone are never completely broken unless something is done to purposefully break them. They do tend to fade or diminish over time, however. The stronger they are at their foundation, the more they tend to endure. Thus a long, passionate, true love affair is like a castle: though we may leave it behind, it remains standing and will continue to exist even as it falls into ruins. Only if we purposefully disassemble it and re-appropriate its materials will it disappear from the landscape.

Along the same lines of this metaphor, when we sleep with someone in a casual way without forming a deep bond, it’s like throwing up a little hut in our psychic territory. If we sleep around a lot, soon we’ll have a little ghetto in our psychic back yard. These creations aren’t as strong and enduring as true love affairs, so they will fall apart faster. Since they aren’t enormous like castles, it’s much easier to ignore, dismiss or overlook them.

It’s interesting that I’m writing this column today, because just last night I had long, delightful dreams of a boy I loved decades ago. Our bond is a good example of the castle I describe above. Though we’ve only run into each other a handful of times since we broke up, we continue to have fond feelings for each other, and I continue to have him pop into my mind on a regular basis. I also tend to dream about him every now and again, which is a very clear indication that we continue to have a strong psychic bond.

Having frequent or striking dreams about someone is one sign that we have a psychic bond with them. Here are some others:

On a mental level, the most common sign is that these folks will tend to just pop into our heads for no apparent reason. Of course, it’s wise to ponder what may have caused them to come to mind. If there is a song playing on the radio that reminds us of them, it could be nothing more than a mental association. If we can think of no reason why that person may be popping into our heads, then odds are good that we’re psychically linked.

As for why they would come to mind at that time, all sorts of things are possible. If we are working on some particular issue in our current lives, and that issue is somehow tied to the experiences we had with that person, it’s natural for those energies to be reawakened. It’s also very common for our thoughts about someone to make them think about us. Therefore, when someone pops into our heads, it may be because they’ve been thinking about us for some reason. Having a psychic connection to someone is sort of like having an intercom system: when one party sends a signal through it, it starts something of a telepathic dialogue that can go on indefinitely. Of course, for most people, this is mainly happening at an unconscious level.

On a mental level we can also pick up thoughts and ideas from people we are psychically bonded to. For example, I often see images of desert mountains, and when I follow the line of these images, the face of an old lover comes up, so I assume I am seeing images from his life. This is very similar to the images I see when I purposefully connect with someone on a psychic level in order to do a reading for them. It’s also similar to how spirits show me images and memories from their lives. This is really helpful to know if you’re trying to develop your psychic abilities, for if you examine the random images and thoughts that pop into your head, you will have a sense of what it is like to pick up psychic impressions.

On an emotional level, we can be suddenly overtaken by moods and feelings that seem to come out of nowhere. While we tend to feel like our moods just come over us, our feelings aren’t random. When we choose to be in a certain mood, our feelings are coming from within us; when we don’t consciously set our own tone, our moods tend to entrain to the strongest signal around us. This is why being around someone who is depressed can really get us down, while being around someone who is in a great mood can lift our spirits.

Sometimes the strongest signal is the emotional wavelength of someone we have a psychic bond to. This is why we may sense that someone is in danger even though they are miles away, for being in danger sends a very strong signal. Since we are rarely conscious of this type of influence, it tends to be extra powerful. It’s relatively easy to notice the influence of someone who is depressed and make a conscious choice to set our own tone, but when the influence is psychic in nature, we may be baffled as to why we suddenly feel down.

On a physical level, we can pick up the aches, pains and problems of people we are strongly connected to. This is especially true when we empathize with someone and we are powerful creators. Through years of working with the law of attraction, I have gotten to the point where I can give something my attention and manifest it very quickly. When I’m not careful with my thoughts and vibration, this tends to yield undesirable results!

It’s tricky to keep my vibration high when someone I love is hurting. Recently my athletic daughter had a lower back injury, and my heart went out to her because she was so frustrated and disappointed at her inability to compete. Within two days, I had the exact same pain in the same spot in my lower back. Similarly, my husband has been struggling with a painful elbow, which we’ve learned is due to bone chips in the joint. Within about a month of him developing this problem in his left elbow (and me listening to him talk about it and watching him struggle with it every day), I had pain in my left elbow!

The key to resolving such matters is conscious awareness. Once I became conscious that I was empathizing with and thus entraining to these vibrations, I was able to quickly release those conditions. Given the endless ways that psychic bonds can influence us, we are wise to choose the people we bond to carefully, and to cultivate conscious awareness of the subtle energetic interactions constantly flowing through our lives.

Soul Arcanum

He’s Emotionally Shut Down

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Growing up, I always felt I had an unusual emotional connection to people. I was able to sense what they were feeling and interact with them in a caring, helpful way. Sometimes people around me made me feel like I was a bit crazy, and eventually, I’d had enough of this and stopped being in touch with people on that level. I put my emotions in check. This helped by toughening me up to outside influences, but it severely hindered my intuition. Now I’m seeking to find a bit of inner peace and understanding, and am realizing that my emotional life is basically non-existent. I rarely get excited about things, and when I need to accomplish a goal, I end up not caring whether I achieve it or not. It’s like I just don’t care. I never have intense feelings of desire, anger or any other emotion. How do I get in touch with my emotions again?


Dear Jason:

I think it’s important to realize that many people are dealing with emotional disconnection to some degree. Think about the wild range of emotions that little kids display versus how most adults behave. In fact, part of the process of “maturing” is gaining control of our emotions.

Further, spiritual wisdom leads us to live “in the world but not of it,” which means that even as the human side of us is experiencing something intense, there is a spiritual part of us that is just calmly observing. This means the more centered we grow in our higher selves, the more we tend to embody a calm equilibrium at all times.

When we grow to understand that life is just a game – a world of illusions that is just a tiny fraction of our existence – it kind of takes the sting out of situations that used to get us all riled up. While this calm higher perspective empowers us to create whatever we want, suddenly we don’t want anything anymore – we’re content with where we are and mildly curious about what life will send our way next.

So as we move into higher levels of spiritual awareness and wisdom, feeling mellow is perfectly normal. When we eventually shed all desire, we move beyond the vibrational range of the physical, after which we incarnate on other planes.

It sounds like you’re more blocked than enlightened here, however, and there are some healing processes that may help you.

Many highly sensitive people will try to shut down in order to protect themselves from overwhelming energies, or to avoid feeling humiliated or rejected for being different. When this becomes a habit, or when it happens as a result of some traumatic event, the emotional body can get squeezed to the side, which can lead to the emotionally dead feeling you describe.

We have seven spiritual bodies that correspond to the seven main chakras. Moving out from the physical we find the etheric, which is like a blueprint for the physical, and then the emotional body. If we feel overwhelmed or burned out due to high emotional sensitivity, the emotional body can get shut down or pushed aside. This is especially common in natural empaths – people who tend to feel others’ emotional energy as their own. These folks may unconsciously block certain chakras in order to try to prevent discomfort.

This dynamic is illuminated in common phrases such as when we say that a person is beside himself, out of it, shut down, closed down, out of his mind, turned off, etc. Some people even say that someone is close-hearted.

By contrast, being open means being receptive to the energies all around us, which can be very overwhelming, especially for sensitive people. We all filter energies to a certain degree, except when we’re feeling blissful and totally open, such as when we are in a very peaceful place where the energies flowing in are gentle and pleasant.

The more we open up our chakras to process more energy, the more alive we feel, the healthier we are, and the more fully we can live life. In fact, when we close down or block our chakras, we may eventually experience depression and dis-ease.

When people feel emotionally shut down, the chakras affected are typically the second (sacral) chakra, which governs the emotional body; the solar plexus chakra through which we sense things in our guts; and the heart chakra, through which we love others. So in closing down emotionally, you would indeed close down your intuition or gut instincts.

While it’s natural to try to block ourselves from unpleasant experiences in the future, our ultimate goal is to learn that there is nothing to really fear. By shedding the fears behind our efforts to emotionally protect ourselves, we naturally rise above the extreme highs and lows we used to experience. However, when we’re centered in a higher perspective, we don’t feel depressed and indifferent but peaceful and content. (This is how you can determine whether what you’re experiencing is a result of spiritual growth or a symptom suggesting that emotional healing is needed.)

If you determine that you’re blocked, there are many things you can try to affect emotional healing. I recommend you begin with hypnotherapy. If I were working with you, I would regress you back to when you used to feel intense emotions and from there, ask your subconscious to take us to the events, impressions, beliefs or decisions that led you to disconnect emotionally. This would both reconnect you with your emotional body and guide you through the process of melting the frozen energies blocking your emotional flow now. Through hypnotherapy, you can also reprogram any fearful, limiting beliefs that led you to try to protect yourself in the first place.

If you are blocked, it’s because on some level, you don’t believe that the world is a safe place to be emotionally open. Often it is fear of rejection or humiliation that leads us to shut down, which sounds right given what you wrote about people acting like you were crazy. By healing those old emotional wounds and updating your belief system as well as embracing new spiritual growth, you can leave the pain of the past behind and shift into a much higher level of experience.

In addition to hypnotherapy, you might try yoga, which will help you melt energetic blocks so you relax and balance all aspects of your being. You can also see an energy healer for help with releasing blocks, or a shaman for something called soul retrieval. We all tend to distance ourselves from emotional pain by repressing or denying it, which causes parts of ourselves to “leave.” One classic symptom of soul loss is the sense of feeling emotionally shut down that you describe. In soul retrieval, a shaman engages with your soul on a higher level in order to retrieve and reintegrate aspects of your being that left when you experienced some trauma.

Finally, ask your own inner being what you need to do to feel better and then trust what you receive. One of the fastest ways to get past our fears of rejection and to reawaken our intuition is to do something “crazy.” You clearly have some old fear of being labeled crazy, and have disconnected from your intuition. If you relax and tune in and then act on whatever so-called crazy ideas come to you, you can quickly melt through those blocks and reconnect with your inner guidance system. Similarly, when people feel emotionally dead inside, there is nothing like a true crisis to wake them up. I’m not suggesting you put yourself in danger or wreck your life, but a big spiritual adventure – something way beyond the realm of what you would normally do – may prove just what you need to feel emotionally reborn.

– Soul Arcanum

Disconnecting from One Night Stand’s Energy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: For a while now, my husband and I have fantasized about having a threesome. Recently that wish came true, though it didn’t go so well. We met a lady from another town and we clicked immediately. I was excited to have a close girlfriend, so right away she came and stayed with us so we could all go on a boating trip together. I promise you that the threesome was entirely her idea. In fact, she was quite aggressive: She went topless on the boat all day and climbed into our bed naked that night. I wasn’t comfortable with this, but my husband was insistent so I went ahead with it. I felt exhausted and horrible afterward. How can I clear this energy and disconnect from her? We made plans to go shopping, but she isn’t returning my phone calls. I feel so disappointed. I don’t want her as a lover, just as a friend, but she has totally dropped us. (I have always wanted to have a really close girlfriend.) Is it possible to clear this energetic connection, or will I forever be tied to her and her lovers? I’m sorry if asking about this makes you uncomfortable; I don’t know who else to turn to.

Dear M.:

The desires that got you into this situation are perfectly normal. Most people want to keep the passion burning in marriage and will try all sorts of different ways to do that. Further, we all have feelings and desires that don’t fit into the neat boxes we’ve been socialized to squeeze into, so we’re constantly longing for something new, more or different.

While your yearning for a close girlfriend is natural, it also could have deep roots beyond the simple desire for a true companion. Perhaps you had a very close friend in a past life and haven’t enjoyed a relationship like that in this one, or you had a romantic relationship with a woman in a past life and part of you vaguely remembers and longs for the pleasure you felt then. (You may have been male or female in that relationship, though odds are you would have been male.)

As I read your question, I saw you in a past life in a very deep, close friendship with another woman. You were both Asian females. You lived in the same house and you were closer to her than you’ve ever been to anyone else. I don’t usually offer this sort of personal information in this forum, but I feel it will help you understand your profound yearning for a close friend.

While you’re wise to remain conscious of things like psychic cords, cutting any cords that were created in this situation is just the first step: to feel better, you’ll need to determine what you really want and go after it in a more effective way. First, however, let’s explore the nature of psychic cords for those who are unfamiliar.

We forge psychic cords to everyone we are close to or interact with on a deep or frequent basis. We thus have psychic cords to our spouses, children, parents and friends, and we have lesser cords to people we interact with on a more casual or infrequent basis. As profound experiences lead to strong cords, and the exchange of bodily fluids also creates potent connections, lovers and mothers/babies tend to have very strong psychic connections.

Psychic cords aren’t bad; in fact, they are the energetic foundation of relationships. In healthy romantic/sexual relationships, the energy flows both ways and is basically balanced. One key aspect of creating a healthy relationship between two adults is clear understanding of what the relationship will entail – a mutual agreement that has both spoken and unspoken rules. Making a commitment is also powerful, so when we get married, we forge a strong psychic bond that endures both because of our commitment and because the rules of the relationship have been so clearly spelled out.

When we jump into bed or into relationships with people we don’t know well, it’s easy to end up in unstable, unhealthy situations. The thing about casual sex is that people are casual about it: There is no commitment and there are no clear agreements made, so these connections tend to be very short-lived.

When we engage in casual sex, we interact in an intense, tangible way, which creates strong psychic cords, but then the whole thing very quickly falls apart. This leaves everyone with their cords hanging, so to speak. Even when there is no overt interaction anymore, if we don’t create closure at the end of a relationship, it’s like leaving a light on when we depart a building: some of our energy is still flowing but we’re not getting any good return for it. In order to have all our energy for other relationships and endeavors, we have to turn off undesired relationships by withdrawing our energy from them.

This will happen on its own in time, which is sort of like that light bulb eventually burning out. However, until you learn whatever you need to learn in order to create the healthy relationships you desire, you’ll tend to keep creating unhealthy cords with new people.

It’s important to get conscious about what you really want so you can find the fulfillment your heart is yearning for. It sounds like you actually had two goals here: to spice up your marriage and to make a deep, true girlfriend. As your approach didn’t work out as you expected, I think you’d be wise to separate these goals. To spice up your marriage, you need to find something that feels good to you on every level. To create a true and lasting bond with a girlfriend, you’d be wise to avoid having casual sex with prospective pals.

Since this woman isn’t returning your interest, you can assume she wasn’t right for you. Now that you know that, you can move on and focus on finding someone who shares your desire for true friendship.

To get closure and directly move on to pursue what you really want, you might perform a ritual to cut cords with this woman. Set aside special time for this purpose, then get quiet, close your eyes, and visualize the cord between you like a string linking you together.

If it feels right, mentally explain to her why you are cutting the cord, or explain to the Universe what you are doing and why. Focus on the positive: on what you want and the good that you expect to come from this. The point is to communicate to yourself and the Universe that you are taking conscious control of creating what you want in your life now.

You may hear something from her or the Universe. These may be impressions, insights, ideas or solutions, so pay attention and allow whatever comes to you to lead you to new awareness and healing. When the time feels right, cut the cord by visualizing yourself with scissors or a knife cutting away whatever connects you. As you do so, say out loud: I cut this cord so that we may both be free to find greater love and happiness. The more you can embody the feeling of love and happiness you desire for yourself and everyone involved, the more powerful the ritual will be.

After you cut the cord, smudge yourself, your husband, your home, your boat and your bed with sage. (Wash all the bedding if you haven’t yet!) Also, get rid of anything this woman gave you and remove all traces of her from your world.

You’ve now created space for new blessings, so read up on the law of attraction and ask the Universe to guide you to the passion and true friendship you desire. Start focusing wholeheartedly on manifesting what you want, and before you know it, you’ll have chalked all of this up to a good learning experience and be absorbed in something new.

– Soul Arcanum

Karmic Consequences of Energy Healing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:
I’ve heard that it’s possible for the healer to get sick instead of those she is working on getting better, which really confuses me. If our intention is to help others, then shouldn’t we be karmically blessed by doing so? In general, how do you think energy healing works?

Dear Brenda:

You are right that what we wish for others, we attract to ourselves, which means that in trying to heal others, we end up healing ourselves. On the surface, it may seem like we are contracting others’ problems, but in truth, we’re making new progress by uncovering something we personally need to learn, master, release or transform.

I often compare a conscious spiritual journey to putting our homes in order. Whenever we repress or deny some energy or issue, we figuratively sweep it under the rug. Once there it remains a problem or issue, but it’s no longer where we have to look at it every day. Then we must try to function without tripping or stumbling over it. Most of the time we achieve this by limiting our range of potential and experience: we avoid that area because we usually experience pain or problems when we go that way.

Consciously opening up to healing is like finding the will and courage to lift up that corner of the rug to see what’s under there, then pulling it out and releasing it or dealing with it in whatever way feels appropriate. After that, we can enjoy more of our potential because we don’t have to avoid that area anymore, and things generally go a bit more smoothly for us.

Human beings have a tremendous capacity for avoidance, repression and denial, so when we discover some new mess under the rug, our first reaction is usually to feel like we’ve been struck with a new problem or stroke of bad luck. From a higher perspective, however, discovering this mess is progressive because now we can consciously face and clean up something that has been tripping us up or limiting our potential.

As for how healing works, trust and faith play enormous roles here. First we must trust in the healing process itself and let go of our need to intellectually understand every nuance of it. The so-called issues we uncover and work through are many-layered and deeply complex, so we may never completely understand on a conscious level why we manifested everything we did or had to go through a particular experience. We must simply trust that everything happens for a good reason and do our best to consciously work through the inner and outer experiences that come up.

Even when there is nothing in particular ready to be healed right now, if on some level we are afraid that in trying to help others they may drag us down, we’ll fear or expect problems, and thus tend to manifest them. By contrast, when we’re centered in faith and trust and are consciously on top of our own issues (when our houses are in order and there is nothing hiding under our rugs), we can just relax, flow good vibes and enjoy wonderful results.

However, we can’t be attached to those wonderful results. This is where faith comes in: The more we are concerned about someone or whether or not we will be able to help them, the more ego is involved. By contrast, the greater our faith that all is well and the more faith we have in healing in general, the easier it is to do our best and at the same time surrender the results to a higher power.

It’s also important to realize that we can’t heal anyone. We can love, help, teach and support others, but ultimately, all healing is self-healing, just like all learning is self-learning. (We can teach others, but that doesn’t mean they will absorb what we have to offer because we can’t learn it for them.)

We’ve been raised in a world that tends to view doctors and healers as the ones doing the work, and as a result, it can be very easy to slip into this sort of thinking. As soon as we do this, however, we disconnect from the higher source we’re trying to tap into. Then instead of allowing healing to flow through us, we begin to try to will others to heal with our own energy. This is draining and can bring both parties down instead of lifting the one who needs help up.

Perhaps the biggest mistake I see healers making is focusing on healing as opposed to health. There are many who teach healers to look for problems and visualize them getting better in some way. In fact, I was taught this approach myself by a number of wonderful healers, but Spirit set me straight: if we focus on healing, we’ll keep healing, while if we focus on being healthy, then that is what we’ll become.

It sounds backwards, but empathy and compassion can actually be downfalls here. Instead of feeling bad for those who need healing, we must simply love them as perfect and stay in a high vibration no matter what. This is like manifesting anything else: instead of viewing a problem to be solved or healed, you have to hold a vision of what is wanted instead.

When I engage in energy healing work, I always ask Spirit to show me a vision of the person I’m working with in a perfect, radiant state of health and happiness. I ask to be shown their divine beauty, and then I simply admire them with a sense of wonder and appreciation, and I ask Spirit to send through my heart whatever energy they may need in order to reconnect with that radiant feeling themselves.

This is an intuitive or channeled process. While I�m sending this healing energy, I feel like every cell in my body is glowing with divine light. I can feel divine light on my face, flowing through me, illuminating all of my being. I feel sort of in love with whoever I’m working on, for I see nothing but beauty and perfection in them.

While I believe anyone can learn how to flow healing energy, those who are especially gifted at it are able to get into a very high vibration and hold a purely loving intention without losing it. This requires more psychic energy than you might think, for you have to leave the endless thoughts and feelings of the ego completely behind. It feels a bit like balancing on a high wire on the inside, for it requires complete focus on all levels of your being, but at the same time, a relaxed sense of trust and confidence.

On the other end of things, receiving healing is basically being reminded of how it feels to be in a state of perfect peace and well-being. For those who have never felt that wonderful before, it can be a revelation to experience feeling more blessed out and peaceful than you ever imagined was possible.

Of course, how long you maintain that higher state if up to you. Most people can only hold that soaring vibration for a little while before something happens that returns them to their habitual level of thought, and they lose it.

This doesn’t mean that energy healing is a waste of time – far from it! The more we are guided into any state of being, the easier it is for us to find our own way there. Healing itself can be powerful, but training the mind to find and maintain a very high state is even more so. This is why I developed Deep Trance Healing Therapy, which utilizes daily meditations as training sessions for your inner being. By regularly shifting into the feeling state of health, joy, peace and abundance we desire in our imagination, that state becomes more and more familiar, and when our everyday vibration changes, our outer world is naturally transformed.

– Soul Arcanum

Maintaining a Strong Psychic Connection with Your Mate

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:
I’ve been married for three years. In the first years we were together, I felt very close to my husband; I felt like I could sense what he was thinking and feeling, often finished his sentences, etc. I felt like we were on the same page, so to speak. Then about four months ago, he was promoted to a new position that requires him to travel every week. (He’s home on the weekends.) I’ve noticed a dramatic shift in our relationship since this change; I just don’t feel that same sense of connection. I’m afraid we’re drifting apart on a deep, energetic level. How can we recreate and maintain that strong psychic connection we had in the beginning? Thank you so much!

Dear Holly:

When people live together, they naturally grow closer. In fact, the more time we spend with someone, the closer we grow to them. This is more than a result of our overt interactions, for we actually entrain to each others’ vibrations. This is also why it’s so powerful to spend time with a guru. A guru’s energy would be more powerful than our own, so it would raise our vibration. Similarly, when we’re in a weakened or vulnerable state, and we’re around someone who is down or depressed, they may drag us down to their level too.

When we first fall in love with someone, we are constantly building deep psychic cords with them. When we’re in their presence, we send tons of energy to them and receive the same back. We stare into their eyes, listen very intently to all they say, and send them tons of love and admiration from our hearts. We spend as much time as possible with them, and when we’re not with them, we’re usually sending out cords to them by thinking of them and feeling full of love for them, and all of this forges deep psychic bonds. When we then move in together and begin to sleep in the same bed, we spend about 1/3 of our lives basking in each others’ auras, which naturally leads to a great deal of entrainment. (Of course, having sex with someone is one of the most potent ways to form a psychic bond with them.)

Soul mates are people we forged strong loving psychic cords to in other lives. It’s like there is a rubber band connected between our hearts, and the stronger the love, the stronger and thicker that elastic band. Wherever we go, whether in this life or the afterlife, if we are separating from someone we’re strongly corded to, tension is created on that band. In this way, we are naturally drawn back together again. The same thing happens with people who hate each other, by the way: any intense emotion will create a strong cord that draws those parties back together again.

Since all of the above things deepen psychic bonds, it only makes sense that when we do the reverse – when we spend less time with someone, don’t sleep with them every night, and are caught up in lots of individual new personal activities or endeavors – we tend to feel distanced from them because we’re not feeding that psychic cord like we used to.

How to Maintain a Strong Psychic Bond with Someone at a Distance:

First I encourage you to talk to your husband about how you’re feeling. Depending on how open he is to metaphysical subjects, you may have to phrase some of what I suggest here in more mainstream terms. (For example, instead of talking about your auras and psychic connection, you might talk about your feelings and your desire to feel closer to him.) Your goal with this talk is to make a joint conscious agreement that you will both pour a lot of psychic/ emotional/ mental energy into maintaining a strong sense of connection.

My husband and I often talk about how connected (or disconnected) we feel. We’ve been together for nearly a decade now, and because we established in the beginning that we wanted to maintain the passionate connection we had early on, it has become normal for us to feel strongly linked. When we don’t, we miss it right away. As high divorce rates reveal, sustaining passionate relationships long-term takes a LOT of focus and energy; it doesn’t just happen. Many people wake up too late to this truth – like when their partner is walking out the door in frustration. If you want this relationship to prosper, you’ll both have to devote yourselves to keeping it vibrantly alive.

Though you may not be able to be together physically during the week, you can still be together mentally, emotionally and spiritually. After all, it’s only the physical body that is restricted by the laws of space and time – this is why psychics are able to peek into the future or tap into others’ energies even when they’re a world apart.

To remain metaphysically connected, you should communicate often. You might text each other throughout the day or send daily emails to each other. If you don’t know what to say, agree on a couple of things you’ll both cover, such as what stands out to you as you look back on your day, or what you’re most missing or appreciating about your partner at that time. The more you open up emotionally when communicating, the more you’ll feed your psychic bond to each other.

It would also be wise to schedule a phone call once or twice a day, perhaps first thing in the morning and then again at night before you go to bed. The key with this is not to just chat like this is some daily chore but to truly connect via the phone.

When you hang up, you might agree that as you drift off to sleep, you’ll meditate upon each other and imagine connecting in love: hugging, kissing, whatever you want to do. This will send energy to each other and also facilitate you both connecting in your dreams/on the astral plane, which will really help you stay connected. You might ask for this to happen as you fall asleep at night by setting your intention or praying for help from your guides and angels in meeting up with your partner during the night.

Surround yourselves with each others’ essence. For example, while he’s away, you could sleep in a shirt he has worn. The more it smells like him, the better. My husband wears Brut deodorant, which I love, and his shirts always smell like this. When he used to spend nights working at the fire station, I would often sleep in his shirt and breathe in his smell to feel close to him. Obviously, you want your husband to have something of yours that smells of your own essence too. (If he doesn’t want to wear it, he can just snuggle up with it, of course!)

You could also buy each other necklaces to affirm your mutual commitment to staying close. Wedding bands serve a similar function, but it will be especially powerful if you devote these articles of jewelry to creating and maintaining an extraordinary level of connection. Charge them by holding them in your joined hands. (Place his in your hands, and yours in his, and then place your hands so they’re touching.) Talk together about how you are going to keep this relationship full of passion and intimacy, and vow to each other to devote yourselves to this purpose. Then put the necklaces on each other. Every time you look at the necklaces in the mirror, touch them or think about them, remember your vow and send some loving energy to your partner.

Finally, make plans for what you’ll do together when he gets home on the weekend, and look forward to that time with a wonderful sense of anticipation. Talk about it all week long, think about it and smile, and remember: absence can make the heart grow fonder. With the right frame of mind, I think his new schedule could lead to some really passionate weekends!

– Soul Arcanum

Anti-Depressants and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was diagnosed with PTSD and Major Depression as well as Anxiety. I have read that taking medications will block your intuition and cloud your psychic ability. Since I don’t want that to happen, I no longer take any medications. I have also read that anxiety and depression are common in psychics and clairvoyants. Am I truly dampening my abilities if I take medication to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety? I am blessed with special gifts that I want to further develop so I can continue to use them for the good of all, but sometimes I feel like if I don’t take medication to treat the symptoms of anxiety and depression, I’m not taking care of myself. If anxiety and depression are indeed common in psychics and clairvoyants, then what methods can I use to naturally treat them so as not to muddy my abilities? – Kim

Dear Kim:

I find it interesting that you’re focused on the relationship between medication and your psychic senses, and not the relationship between depression and your psychic abilities.

There is definitely a connection between depression and new spiritual growth or awakening. Major depression pushes us to ask some very deep questions about the meaning and purpose of life. Ultimately, emotional suffering forces us to reach for new spiritual understanding, which leads us to break down the ego in search of our true nature so we can connect with our spiritual source. The more we fear or resist this process, the harder this journey of personal transformation will seem.

Of course, simply asking these sorts of questions can unleash all sorts of repressed issues and energies on a soul level. Repressed anger, guilt and fear from this life and other lives may then cause depression until those energies are made conscious and healed.

Psychic development alone can cause depression for a number of reasons. For one thing, psychics are highly sensitive and can pick up other people’s feelings or tap into global psychic currents without realizing it. They may feel depressed when in fact they are just tuning in to someone else’s misery. Since they are psychically open, they may also be drained of energy by other people or astral entities.

Like depression, anxiety can also be picked up from other people or the atmosphere. Just being too psychically open can make us feel anxious, for our inner being will try to tell us that we are vulnerable to psychic influence by outside forces.

Given all of the above, further spiritual development is often the cure for depression. With wisdom and experience, psychics naturally gain more awareness of all that is affecting them on a subtle level. They also learn how to channel spiritual guidance and healing, how to control their own psychic boundaries, and how to set their own vibrational tone. When they learn about the law of attraction, they realize that they create their own realities, which frees them of the hopelessness and despair that drive depression. By accepting that we have created our own dis-comfort and dis-ease, we reclaim our personal power to create new well-being instead.

As I see it, there are two equally valid sides of this medication issue: on one hand, it would be great if you could trust that everything you experience has an ultimately positive aim so you can seek the deeper messages behind your depression and heal it on a causal level. If you can look at this as a process of spiritual rebirth and trust that though it may be uncomfortable, it is taking you somewhere positive, you won’t abort your spiritual journey or miss out on its blessings. (If medication makes you feel good, and that erases your motivation to reach for new understanding, you could cut short your own spiritual growth.)

On the other hand, anything you can do to raise your vibration (including taking medication) will empower you to create further positive change, and will facilitate psychic awareness of a higher order. If you tune in psychically from a position of depression, what you experience will tend to be very dark and heavy. If you can raise your vibration, you can connect with a higher level of spiritual experience, wisdom and healing.

Depression doesn’t always have deep spiritual meaning. Our modern lifestyle alone can cause anxiety and malaise; in fact, I believe that most depression could be cured by simply eating a high vibration diet of fresh natural foods and getting daily exercise, so this is definitely where I would start. Since it takes a lot of energy and willpower to break long-term patterns and create positive change, medication can help people through the challenging period when they’re in the process of developing healthy new habits.

The important thing is for YOU to decide what you really want and need. Given the severity of your suffering, I think healing the depression is more important than your psychic abilities right now. Besides, once you find a way to feel strong and empowered in yourself, you will be better able to successfully work with your psychic senses.

As for natural methods for healing depression, the possibilities are endless. Here are some things you might explore to raise your vibration, encourage psychic development and facilitate healing on every level of your being at the same time: regular meditation (both mindfulness and guided imagery); eating a light, healthy vegetarian diet; getting daily exercise; yoga (especially kundalini yoga, which opens the third eye); hypnotherapy and past life therapy; prayer; reading, studying and practicing psychic skills like strengthening your aura, raising energy, and mastering the control of your psychic boundaries; spending time in nature; clearing your world of physical clutter; cleansing your aura of astral influences, etc.

There are also online communities that can support you, and lots of information for you in books and on the internet. I recommend a book entitled The Stormy Search for Self by Christina and Stanislav Grof, M.D. In terms of websites, you might begin with the Spiritual Emergence Network.

As for your desire to help others with your psychic abilities, it’s important for you to realize that one of three things may happen whenever you psychically tune in to someone who is in a heavy emotional space: you may go into that heaviness with them; you may try to keep your distance by closing off your heart from them; or you may set a powerful healing tone and lift them up into that higher vibration with you.

In order to become a psychic healer (as opposed to a fortune teller), I had to develop faith that everyone is just where they need to be in order to learn whatever they need to learn. This allows me to truly love and care for people while not getting personally upset or anxious about their problems. For the sake of everyone involved, before you choose to use your psychic abilities to try to help others, I recommend that you similarly cultivate a deep faith that everything ultimately happens for the highest and best.

Please know that you are constantly healing and that everything you experience is designed to lead you to a higher level of experience. If you pray for Spirit to guide you to new peace, well-being, and personal fulfillment, I have faith that you will be led to heal in the perfect way for you.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Vampire Wants a Healthier Way to Get Energy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

A psychic told me that my aura is black. I thought this meant I was evil and bad. I am constantly attempting to connect with the world around me, for I feel disconnected and far away. I am ever trying to connect spiritually and emotionally with others through physical contact, especially lovemaking. I feel a strong need for the connection between mother and child, and I want to take care of something helpless so that it will need me. I grew up in an alcoholic home with no one to help me or reach out and hold me. I am depressed and very negative and pessimistic. This is my shield; I have to be this way in my current situation. I want to be a spiritual person, but I don’t feel like I fit in. I feel all alone. Others often mirror my moods and emotions, and I try to get near happy, peaceful people so that I can be more like them. Is this psychic vampirism? I went through a phase of cutting and vampirism in my adolescent years, and used the exchange of blood as a sexual way of getting close to people. It made me feel energized. I want to feel connected. I often feel threatened by negative energies in my home, and I think they are created by my negative moods. Can you give me advice? – Shirley

Dear Shirley:

As you are extraordinarily self-aware, I predict you’re on the verge of a major spiritual breakthrough. Before I go into your question on psychic vampirism, I urge you to examine your belief that you have to be depressed and pessimistic in order to protect yourself. Since like attracts like, true psychic protection involves turning up our inner light and focusing with faith and joy on what we desire – but that is another column.

For those who don’t know, psychic vampires are people who lack a clear, strong connection to Source, and in order to get their basic energy needs met, they try to feed on the life force energy of others. There are some fascinating scientific studies of the human energy field that demonstrate via aura photography that our auras are indeed influenced by the auras of other people. These studies have shown that in relationships where people feel good when they’re together, each individual’s aura becomes bigger and brighter while in the presence of the other person. By contrast, in negative interactions or relationships, auras constrict and grow dimmer. This corresponds with feelings of fatigue and negative emotions in the participants.

Other studies have even demonstrated that some individuals are very skilled at purposefully tapping into and feeding off of other people’s auras. Researchers can actually watch as the psychic vampire’s aura grows stronger and brighter while the victim’s aura grows dimmer.

Here are some questions you might ask yourself if you want to know if you’re a psychic vampire:

Do you generally feel better when you’re with other people as opposed to alone? Do you crave attention and love to be in the spotlight? Do others often interrupt you or abruptly end conversations with you? Do you take a very long time to explain what you want to say? Do you often complain about physical ailments or mundane problems? Are you more of a talker than a listener? Do you lean on others for help with basic life necessities, or frequently ask for favors or advice? Are you constantly disappointed in other people or situations because they don’t fulfill all your needs and desires?

If you answered yes to many of the questions above, odds are good that you are trying to get some of your life force energy needs met by trying to grab and hold other people’s attention.

The fact that you grew up in an alcoholic household fits the picture as well. Most psychic vampires have at least one parent who was also a psychic vampire. Since children have much stronger needs for care and energy than adults, when they are leaned on heavily by a parent or grow up in dysfunctional households, they may never get a chance to develop a healthy energy system. It may also be that you simply learned to seek energy in other people from your parents – that they leaned on others for energy so you learned that this is normal.

It’s well known that the children of alcoholics often become codependent. Please research this and get some therapy to resolve these core issues. What you really need is not another person to need you, but rather to heal some deep abandonment wounds from the past, and learn how to love and respect yourself the way you long to be loved and respected by others. I highly recommend hypnotherapy to address the limiting subconscious beliefs you picked up in childhood (and perhaps in past lives), and to heal your depression and cultivate well-being from within.

Since you mentioned negative energies in your home, it’s important to note that sometimes people become psychic vampires to compensate for their own energy being drained by another person or an astral entity. Unresolved issues from the past (including past lives) can also be very draining, so I again recommend hypnotherapy or energy healing work to check out those possibilities.

In any case, you can break this cycle by developing the healthy connection to Source that you never got a chance to develop as a child. If you tap into the Divine, you’ll find an infinite supply of energy available to you; by contrast, trying to meet our energy needs through other people is exhausting in and of itself, and never truly satisfying.

First you must make a firm decision that you will no longer continue in this pattern. Instead, you’ll receive all the energy you need in healthy ways: from the earth, the air you breathe, the food you eat, and Divine Source. Affirm that your supply is infinite, and that all you have to do is open to the Divine to feel recharged and renewed.

In addition to taking good care of yourself by getting enough sleep, exercise, healthy food and restful sleep, I highly recommend you take up something like yoga or tai chi to get the energy flowing freely through your system, and also meditate to connect to Source energy.

To begin to draw all the energy you need through daily spiritual practice, I recommend you work with my Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation. At the end of that meditation, your root chakra will be open, charged and clear. Visualize red energy flowing up from the earth into your root chakra as well as into the soles of your feet. Feel the earth energy charging your whole being with power, health, strength, vitality and well-being. Feel this energy swirling throughout your whole being, and going wherever it needs to go and becoming whatever it needs to become to keep you feeling strong, healthy, and centered in your personal power.

Next focus on your crown chakra and visualize white light pouring into your crown from Source. See it flowing through all of your being, filling you with peace, well-being, energy and vitality. See it swirling throughout your being, going wherever you need it to go in order to feel calm, peaceful and centered. Notice how it is crystalline and opalescent: it shines with all the colors of the rainbow, so as it flows throughout your being, it can become whatever you need it to be.

If you practice this meditation every morning and whenever you feel drained, tired, or in need of more energy, and you also follow up on my other suggestions, I have faith that very soon, you’ll feel like a brand new person.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychically Clearing Secondhand Jewelry

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m wondering if it’s possible to completely clear secondhand jewelry of the prior owners’ energy. I want to purchase an old gold setting and place some new stones in it, but before I invest a lot of time and money in this project, I want to make sure this is possible. Thanks for your time! – Claudia

Dear Claudia:

You’re wise to consider this issue before beginning your project. I used to buy a lot of jewelry on Ebay, as I love the character of vintage pieces. I’ve learned that even when you’re highly intuitive, however, it’s hard to get a true feel for something until you are actually holding it in your hands. It’s sort of like internet dating: you can like the way a person looks in a photo and love everything they say via email, but still have things feel off when you meet in person. I have a number of pieces of jewelry that I’ve never worn because even after cleansing them, putting them on felt like trying to push the wrong ends of a magnet together!

Let’s back up for anyone who is unfamiliar with this subject matter. Whenever we interact with a physical object, our body’s magnetic field makes an imprint on it. The more time we spend with that object, the more it will pick up our vibration. Further, the stronger our emotions when interacting with the object, the stronger the imprint will be. The more enduring the object, the longer it will tend to hold a charge. So a house can hold a charge for centuries, while a banana peel will quickly lose its charge as it biodegrades.

This is why jewelry like watches and wedding bands are such great subjects for psychometry, which is the process of psychically reading the imprints on physical objects. Watches and wedding bands are not only durable, they are typically worn close to the skin and therefore charged every day. Wedding bands are also infused with abstract meaning, for they’re powerful symbolic representations of immortal love.

As houses are easily charged and hold that charge for a long time, every house has a unique psychic atmosphere. Typically in a residual haunting, something happened in the house that was so emotionally traumatic or intense that the energy of that event can be sensed by anyone who feels for it.

Your question reminds me of the haunted bed at my grandparents’ house. It was physically beautiful: an antique four-poster carved out of dark wood with a matching mirror. It had been shipped over from England many years before, so no one knew how old it was, or the details of its history. It was in the spare bedroom at their house, which was rarely used, so it retained lots of energy from long ago.

Being a very sensitive child, I knew I did NOT like that room. I was only about four years old when I started objecting to going in there for any reason, so I can’t remember all the details, but I do remember telling my mother that it was a bad room. I also remember seeing something in the mirror, but when I turned around, it wasn’t there.

My mother explained that it wasn’t the room that was the problem, but the BED. She told me that the bed was very old and she had never liked the way it felt either. Since we spend so much of our lives in our beds, they tend to have strong energetic imprints. I would psychically assess secondhand beds and mattresses very carefully before putting them in my house!

Now if you think about it, there is no such thing as a new stone. Everything is of the earth, including plastic – it’s just that the elements in plastic are no longer in a natural, organic state. When we say that something is natural, we mean that it’s in the same state it was in when it was taken from the earth.

Even natural objects like crystals have been mined and then cleaned, stored, shipped and placed on display for sale, so they have passed through many hands. Stones and metal hold a psychic charge very well, so they are excellent subjects for psychometry. This is why, magically speaking, it’s bad manners to touch other people’s jewelry. Also, I would never touch someone’s medicine pouch, amulet, talisman, magic wand or any other sacred object without permission.

New objects that have been created are infused with the energy of their creators. The more energy and attention we put into a creation, the more of our vibration it will carry, so works of art always have a strong vibration. This is one reason why some pieces really attract us. While we may be drawn to the way they look, they also have a certain overall feeling or vibration. When we feel drawn to them, it’s often the energy of the artist that we are resonating with. (This is also why some artists can be less skillful but much more popular than other artists – they have great energy!)

All the things we purchase, such as food, clothing, furniture, houses, etc., will have some energy residue from the people who created them and all the people who have handled them. It’s a little different when an object has been previously owned, however, for the longer we spend with objects, the more of our energy they will tend to absorb. That’s why many people believe it’s important to feel for the energy of secondhand objects before we buy them, and cleanse them before we try to make them our own.

Of course, over time, our possessions naturally take on more and more of our energy as they attune to our vibration. This is why a house starts to feel like home after a while, and how that jewelry got its prior owners’ energy in it to begin with. Knowing this, you can speed this process up. For something like a new piece of jewelry, you could wear it all the time. Keep it on when you go to bed, or place it next to the bed or under your pillow. You could also formally bless it or perform a ritual to infuse it with your energy.

You can wipe away psychic residue from objects by physically and energetically cleansing them. There are all sorts of methods for going about this, and I don’t have to room here to go into them. Some traditional methods include washing objects in salt or holy water, burying them in salt crystals or in the earth, passing them through fire, smudging them with the smoke of sage or incense, leaving them out under sunlight or moonlight for a period of time, or using the power of your will/spirit to clear and bless them. There is a ton of information on this available in books and on the internet; let your intuition guide you to the best way for you.

As to whether or not it’s possible to completely clear an object’s psychic record, I guess that would depend on a number of factors. In most cases, you should quickly be able to replace whatever vibrations are there with your new energy by simply setting this as your clear intention.

If, however, a piece was purposefully charged by someone with great spiritual power, the situation is more complicated. For example, if a pendant was charged with a spell for protection or created as an amulet, it may hold that charge much more stubbornly. I imagine it would take someone of equal spiritual skill and power to ground that energy back into the earth.

As such objects are rare and their vibrations are very strong, however, it’s safe to assume that you’ll be able to psychically cleanse most if not all of the items you want to make your own.

– Soul Arcanum

The Evil Eye and Auric Interactions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My family has all sorts of superstitions that I’ve always thought were crazy. At the same time, however, part of me has always wondered if maybe there is something to them. For example, my grandmother was forever blaming all sorts of problems on what she called the “evil eye.” (I could tell you lots of wild stories!) Anyway, do you think the evil eye is real? Is it possible to harm another person on some level just by looking at them?
– Effie

Dear Effie:

The evil eye is a common superstition in Arab and European countries, especially around the area of the Mediterranean. However, the understanding that ill will can be communicated via a look is universal. Let’s deal with the superstition first.

The basic idea behind the evil eye is that one person can curse another person by simply envying them. Most people believe that this harm is not intentional. It seems to arise from the idea that in drawing attention to someone’s blessing, God may realize He’s made a mistake or that things aren’t “fair” somehow, and take that blessing away.

From a metaphysical perspective, there is of course no need for us to hide our blessings for fear they will be taken away from us, and in fact, that sort of fear is counter-productive. Most of us can appreciate the psychological issues behind such superstitions, however, for we’ve all been the uncomfortable objects of envy. If someone who couldn’t have a child praised my beautiful baby, I would naturally feel sorry for her and empathize by imagining myself in her place. If we are in any way doubtful of our worthiness of such a blessing, it’s natural to think we’d better hide our good fortune lest someone take it away.

Perhaps this sort of thinking arises in childhood, when parents strive to be fair to siblings. If one sibling has something like a new toy or candy, he may be made to share it with his brothers and sisters. Also, children often find things they treasure but should not have, and when their parents find out, they take those things away. To protect their treasures, children often learn to hide them.

We must also remember that folklore arises to answer questions to which there are no other answers available. For example, babies and small children tend to get sick a lot. Back when there was no medical explanation for most illnesses, people looked to supernatural causes because they were desperate to be able to do something to save their children from harm.

There are all sorts of strange rituals, charms and so-called cures for the evil eye, which you can research elsewhere if you’re interested. I do think it’s interesting to note that these remedies reveal a basic awareness of the fact that our auras can be affected by others’ energy. When we believe we are protected, our vibration is high, and for this reason alone, using a charm or ritual could protect us. Further, charms for protection are often mirrored surfaces or look like eyes, as they are designed to reflect and return the energy in the sender’s gaze. This suggests basic understanding of karma, and how it is wiser to “turn the other cheek” than to go on the offensive. Other remedies for the evil eye involve auric cleansing techniques. For example, in some places children are smudged with smoke when they return from being in public.

As for whether or not there is any spiritual basis for these superstitions, we all know that looks can be unsettling and unnerving. While some looks obviously contain some sort of threat, most of us don’t like to be stared at, and some looks really give us the creeps. The common saying, “if looks could kill” suggests we are aware of the malevolent quality of some looks, and grateful that they can only affect us on a non-physical level.

Most women are familiar with the energetic feeling of being “checked out” or leered at by a man. One of the first auric interactions I ever witnessed clairvoyantly involved such a situation. I was picking up a friend who lived in a college co-op. She hadn’t eaten dinner yet, so I agreed to wait while she grabbed a quick meal with her housemates. I was sitting in the back of the dining room when I saw a young man enter. Her back was to him, and as I saw him look at her, I actually saw this red, murky energy flow out from his aura toward her. When it got close to her, all of a sudden she turned around and looked right at him with an angry look on her face.

This so surprised me that I lost my clairvoyant connection. Later I told her what I’d seen, and she was amazed by it. She then explained how that young man had been sexually harassing her for a while, and gave her the creeps!

This experience demonstrated how we sense when someone is looking at us: they actually send energy out to our auras. It also explained how we can sense things about people, like whether they are safe or dangerous, sincere or dishonest, and all sorts of other information. Regardless of what they may do or say, when we interact with other people, our auras are communicating on a deeper level.

We can send energy to someone by focusing on them mentally, but it’s more powerful to be able to focus on them visually as well. By focusing our gaze on someone with emotion, we can communicate all sorts of things from anger, threats or rejection to sincere interest, sexual attraction and love.

Further, when two or more people are together, natural spiritual law causes them to entrain to the vibration of the person with the strongest energy field. This person has the most “power” both in terms of life force and interpersonal dynamics. This does not mean that person is the most “enlightened.” If such a person has a very positive, warm vibration, others will find him attractive. If such a person has a negative or destructive vibration, people will naturally tend to fear him.

People with strong life force energy radiate that power in many ways, and one key way is through their eyes, which tend to be striking, penetrating or beautiful. It thus makes sense that when we are around someone of a lower vibration who has more powerful chi than we do, we will feel threatened by their energy, and try to avoid interacting with them in any way.

Please don’t let these ideas worry you, for we have been dealing with these auric interactions our whole lives with the help of our wonderful inner guidance systems. Our instincts make us aware of what is happening on an auric level, so all we need to do is listen to our intuition and act accordingly.

– Soul Arcanum