Tag Archive: energy healing

A Brief History of Crystal Energy Healing

on crystal energy healing…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am intrigued by crystal healing, and am wondering about its history. Can you tell me where and how this practice originated? Many thanks!
– Glenn

Dear Glenn:

Crystals and gemstones have been used for spiritual and healing purposes since ancient times. In fact, it is only within the past couple of hundred years of “modern science” that their metaphysical properties have been largely disregarded.

Of course, whenever we reach back beyond recorded history, we have only myth to rely on, but it is widely believed that crystals were central to the civilization of Atlantis, and that Atlanteans used them for all sorts of purposes, including healing and spirit communication. Rumor even has it that Atlantis was ultimately destroyed because some of its inhabitants abused crystals’ power, much as we might fear the potential global catastrophe that could occur if we were to abuse nuclear power.

It is also believed that some people survived the destruction of Atlantis, and that these people dispersed throughout the ancient world and carried their knowledge of crystals and other spiritual matters into India, Egypt, the Far East, the Mediterranean and beyond. In the Americas, turquoise and other stones and crystals were highly treasured, and their use by native North and South Americans in jewelry, healing, and other spiritual arts dates back to prehistory.

Archeologists have found lots of evidence that Neolithic man treasured gems and crystals and used them for various purposes. Often crystals are found in ancient graves, and as a rule, they are found in abundance in the tombs of ancient rulers.

Our oldest written records of crystals being used in healing are probably from ancient Egypt, and there are also records from some 5,000 years ago of them being used in India and China. Even the Bible references gemstones and crystals. For example, in the Old Testament, each of the twelve tribes of Israel is associated with a particular stone. (Exodus 28:17-21)

While we can’t know which came first, or even if one use predated the other, the use of gemstones and crystals in jewelry is closely related to their use in healing, for jewelry was originally less about beauty and more about spiritual and worldly power. It’s easy to see how if a stone was chosen to be worn as jewelry because it was said to protect the wearer from evil spirits, then if someone was thought to be plagued by evil spirits, people would use that same gemstone or crystal to affect a “cure.”

Royal crowns have always been adorned with jewels, for gems and crystals were believed to enhance rulers’ personal power and wisdom and protect them from harm. Early Egyptians believed that crystals like amethyst and stones like turquoise possessed great powers, so they put them in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Throughout history, crystals and gemstones have been used for all sorts of spiritual purposes like divining the future, spirit communication, ritual initiations, psychic enhancement, altering one’s state of consciousness and maintaining the willpower to resist temptation.

They were used by warriors for protection from physical violence. For example, breastplates and swords were set with jewels to give warriors strength, power and protection, and to ensure victory in battle. Crystals and gems were also frequently used for protection against evil spirits.

In terms of healing, various crystals were believed to help cure everything from depression to fevers to mortal wounds. People used crystals to improve their eye sight, sharpen their minds, get a good night’s sleep, conceive a child, stop bleeding, remain sober, keep their hearts strong, protect against infection and diagnose myriad physical and metaphysical problems.

As for how they were used in physical healing work, most commonly they were worn against the skin as jewelry or placed in a pouch, which was then worn or carried on one’s person. They were also frequently powdered and mixed into potions and medicines, which were then either imbibed or applied to the skin. Ancient Celts would also carve small stones to resemble different parts of the body, and then someone who was sick would rub whatever ailed them with the appropriate stone.

Crystals and gemstones were also used as diagnostic tools in various ways. For example, it was believed at various times and in various places that if the color of a stone paled or faded, its wearer was becoming ill. Similarly, when the color was bright, the wearer was in good health. If jewelry was given by a husband to ensure his wife’s fidelity and the stone changed color or darkened, it was believed to be a sign that she had been unfaithful.

I think it’s fascinating to note that modern science has discovered all sorts of uses for crystals as well. Many minerals are now known for their therapeutic properties. For example, copper is known to reduce swelling and inflammation, zinc boosts the immune system, potassium is essential to the functioning of the nervous system, calcium strengthens our bones, magnesium lowers blood pressure and eases stress and depression, etc. If these minerals have therapeutic properties, odds are good that all crystals and gemstones have special properties of their own.

Beyond medicinal uses, crystals play a very important role in modern life. They are used in all sorts of medical equipment like ultrasound machines and laser surgery instruments, as well as other tools like clocks, radios, cell phones and other wireless technologies, etc. To me, the power they lend to modern computers is as mind boggling as anything else they’re purported to be able to do!

As for why crystals are so useful in healing work, one reason is because health equals balance, and crystals are the embodiment of perfect symmetry in nature. By tuning in to the perfect balance, form and symmetry of a crystal, we can align with perfect balance ourselves. When we consciously use crystals in healing work, the crystals help us to align all levels of our being in balance with each other and the universe around us.

Further, quartz can store and conduct energy, so if we program a crystal for healing, it will hold and carry healing energy. Quartz can also amplify energy, so if we use it while we focus on sending healing energy to someone, we can amplify the power of that healing energy.

Unlike some New Agey folks, I don’t think crystals have “magical” powers, and I don’t view them as conscious entities that “want” to serve us in some way, but I can see how their properties as holders, conductors and amplifiers of energy can help us in healing work, or for that matter with any aim. If regular energy healing is like shining light with a flashlight, using crystals is like focusing that light through a laser: it can be far more powerful and effective.

I also think it’s worth noting that throughout history and around the world, every culture known to man developed the belief that gems and crystals have special powers beyond their ascetic value. While we don’t need crystals to heal, I do believe they can enhance our lives in many ways, whether we’re using them in healing or spiritual work or simply appreciating their beauty.

– Soul Arcanum

Sending Distant Healing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My mother lives across the country from me, and she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I feel so bad that I can’t be there for her now. I have heard that you can send energy healing to people who are at a distance, and am wondering if this is something I might start doing. Do you think this is possible? Can anyone do it? If so, how would I go about it?


Dear Sandy:

This is definitely possible and something anyone can do. Since you have a great deal of love for your mother, you are a perfect person to send her healing in this way. While it’s true that some people have a gift for channeling healing energy, love is the strongest, purest source of healing in the Universe, so sending your love is a wonderful way to support and bless her at this difficult time.

There are three main things that make some healers particularly gifted: faith, spiritual development, and love. Studying these traits should help you become a more powerful healer yourself.

My grandmother had no training as an energy healer but she had tremendous religious faith; when she prayed for people, miracles happened. It may seem like you either have faith or you don’t, but it is actually something you can cultivate. One way to cultivate faith that what you are doing is real and powerful is to Google the scientific studies that have yielded significant results regarding the power of energy healing. You might also explore the work of Masaru Emoto, who has done some fascinating studies on the power of energies like thoughts and feelings to influence the formation of water crystals. I also recommend the book The Secret Life of Plants, for it includes fascinating experiments that demonstrate that our intentions profoundly impact the living beings around us as well as any living beings we focus upon from a distance.

The second trait I mentioned is spiritual development, by which I mean the ability to consciously work with energy. There are many ways to develop the ability to influence outer reality with our intentions, including but not limited to the practice of Qigong and other martial arts, yoga, meditation, magick, shamanic ritual, energy healing, and working with the law of attraction.

The third trait I mentioned is love. The best healers are deeply caring and compassionate; their “big hearts” make them capable of channeling a lot of divine love, which is the most potent source of healing in the Universe. You already have great love for your mother, but you can become a more powerful healer in general if you make a habit of looking for the divine beauty in others and blessing everyone you meet with kind thoughts and feelings.

Once you’re on your way to having all the traits of a great healer, sending healing energy will be simple. Some distant healers use physical objects such as photographs or even stuffed animals as focal points, but I think this is a matter of personal preference. I much prefer to simply hold the person I’m sending energy to in my heart and visualize them in my mind.

To begin, just close your eyes, take a few slow, deep breaths, and mentally reach up to connect with divine love. See a beautiful light glowing above you; feel how it tingles as it connects with your aura and begins to flow through you. Bask in the feelings of bliss that arise as this tingly shower of divine light bathes you with peace and well-being.

Next, link with your mother by thinking about her, how much you love her, and how you wish her well. Let your heart swell with love for her, then inwardly state a clear, high intention of being a source of comfort and healing for her. If you believe in angels and/or spirit guides, this is the time to pray to them to help you send healing. Whether you have a conscious personal relationship with your guides and angels or not, you can pray for divine helpers to go to your mother to comfort and support her, and visualize her surrounded by beings of divine light.

Next, visualize your mother in front of you. See yourself standing in a river with your mother ahead of you just downstream. See yourself placing your hands in the river, and as you do so, see the particles of light that are flowing into you flow out into the water and begin to stream toward her. Notice how, with your mind and heart, you can channel the flow of that divinely blessed water toward her. See her delighting in receiving this lovely water, and see her coming alive with new joy and well-being.

Visualize her in a state of perfection, glowing with health, happiness, peace and vitality. Visualize her smiling and feeling good about herself, her life, and the future. See her receiving this water in whatever way is right for her, spontaneously using it as she needs. Perhaps you’ll see it washing over her, cleansing her heart and mind of worries. Maybe you’ll see her cupping her hands and drinking of it to quench her spiritual thirst. See all worries being washed away as this water refreshes her spirit. Know that all you need to do is send her this loving, healing energy, and she will use it in whatever way she needs it at that time.

At some point, this process will feel complete. Say a final blessing to your mother in your mind, give thanks for the healing that has taken place, and then simply go on about your daily life.

Please note that when I do energy healing work on someone, I ask to be shown that person in a state of perfect health, happiness and well-being. I am then usually shown them when they were a small child. I simply appreciate the perfection of that child – the strong, healthy little body running joyfully around, the open-hearted wonder of childhood, the perfect peace of mind that comes from living in the moment – and I send the energy of that perfect vision to the person I’m healing so that they can remember how that state of perfect well-being feels. Where many energy healers will scan for problems to “fix,” I don’t believe that is truly helpful because focusing on problems just sends more energy to those problems. With this in mind, you would be wise to ignore any health struggles your mother is going through and simply send her positive, loving vibes while visualizing her feeling happy and healthy.

As I mentioned above, it’s also important to act from faith, which includes letting go of what happens as a result of your efforts. If you are attached to your mother feeling you sending her energy, to her getting better, or to any particular outcome at all, you will shift from a state of divine love into ego and thus disconnect from the infinite healing energy available. This can cause you to experience some undesirable side effects, such as taking on the problems of the people you’re sending healing to, feeling their symptoms, developing headaches from strain, or simply exhausting yourself because you’re pushing from the limited pool of your own energy instead of allowing it to flow from an unlimited divine source. The key is not what you picture but the quality of your own vibration and intention, so simply connect to the divine, connect to your mother, and let your love flow with faith that she will receive and use the energy you send her in whatever way is right for her at that time.

Soul Arcanum

Karmic Consequences of Energy Healing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:
I’ve heard that it’s possible for the healer to get sick instead of those she is working on getting better, which really confuses me. If our intention is to help others, then shouldn’t we be karmically blessed by doing so? In general, how do you think energy healing works?

Dear Brenda:

You are right that what we wish for others, we attract to ourselves, which means that in trying to heal others, we end up healing ourselves. On the surface, it may seem like we are contracting others’ problems, but in truth, we’re making new progress by uncovering something we personally need to learn, master, release or transform.

I often compare a conscious spiritual journey to putting our homes in order. Whenever we repress or deny some energy or issue, we figuratively sweep it under the rug. Once there it remains a problem or issue, but it’s no longer where we have to look at it every day. Then we must try to function without tripping or stumbling over it. Most of the time we achieve this by limiting our range of potential and experience: we avoid that area because we usually experience pain or problems when we go that way.

Consciously opening up to healing is like finding the will and courage to lift up that corner of the rug to see what’s under there, then pulling it out and releasing it or dealing with it in whatever way feels appropriate. After that, we can enjoy more of our potential because we don’t have to avoid that area anymore, and things generally go a bit more smoothly for us.

Human beings have a tremendous capacity for avoidance, repression and denial, so when we discover some new mess under the rug, our first reaction is usually to feel like we’ve been struck with a new problem or stroke of bad luck. From a higher perspective, however, discovering this mess is progressive because now we can consciously face and clean up something that has been tripping us up or limiting our potential.

As for how healing works, trust and faith play enormous roles here. First we must trust in the healing process itself and let go of our need to intellectually understand every nuance of it. The so-called issues we uncover and work through are many-layered and deeply complex, so we may never completely understand on a conscious level why we manifested everything we did or had to go through a particular experience. We must simply trust that everything happens for a good reason and do our best to consciously work through the inner and outer experiences that come up.

Even when there is nothing in particular ready to be healed right now, if on some level we are afraid that in trying to help others they may drag us down, we’ll fear or expect problems, and thus tend to manifest them. By contrast, when we’re centered in faith and trust and are consciously on top of our own issues (when our houses are in order and there is nothing hiding under our rugs), we can just relax, flow good vibes and enjoy wonderful results.

However, we can’t be attached to those wonderful results. This is where faith comes in: The more we are concerned about someone or whether or not we will be able to help them, the more ego is involved. By contrast, the greater our faith that all is well and the more faith we have in healing in general, the easier it is to do our best and at the same time surrender the results to a higher power.

It’s also important to realize that we can’t heal anyone. We can love, help, teach and support others, but ultimately, all healing is self-healing, just like all learning is self-learning. (We can teach others, but that doesn’t mean they will absorb what we have to offer because we can’t learn it for them.)

We’ve been raised in a world that tends to view doctors and healers as the ones doing the work, and as a result, it can be very easy to slip into this sort of thinking. As soon as we do this, however, we disconnect from the higher source we’re trying to tap into. Then instead of allowing healing to flow through us, we begin to try to will others to heal with our own energy. This is draining and can bring both parties down instead of lifting the one who needs help up.

Perhaps the biggest mistake I see healers making is focusing on healing as opposed to health. There are many who teach healers to look for problems and visualize them getting better in some way. In fact, I was taught this approach myself by a number of wonderful healers, but Spirit set me straight: if we focus on healing, we’ll keep healing, while if we focus on being healthy, then that is what we’ll become.

It sounds backwards, but empathy and compassion can actually be downfalls here. Instead of feeling bad for those who need healing, we must simply love them as perfect and stay in a high vibration no matter what. This is like manifesting anything else: instead of viewing a problem to be solved or healed, you have to hold a vision of what is wanted instead.

When I engage in energy healing work, I always ask Spirit to show me a vision of the person I’m working with in a perfect, radiant state of health and happiness. I ask to be shown their divine beauty, and then I simply admire them with a sense of wonder and appreciation, and I ask Spirit to send through my heart whatever energy they may need in order to reconnect with that radiant feeling themselves.

This is an intuitive or channeled process. While I�m sending this healing energy, I feel like every cell in my body is glowing with divine light. I can feel divine light on my face, flowing through me, illuminating all of my being. I feel sort of in love with whoever I’m working on, for I see nothing but beauty and perfection in them.

While I believe anyone can learn how to flow healing energy, those who are especially gifted at it are able to get into a very high vibration and hold a purely loving intention without losing it. This requires more psychic energy than you might think, for you have to leave the endless thoughts and feelings of the ego completely behind. It feels a bit like balancing on a high wire on the inside, for it requires complete focus on all levels of your being, but at the same time, a relaxed sense of trust and confidence.

On the other end of things, receiving healing is basically being reminded of how it feels to be in a state of perfect peace and well-being. For those who have never felt that wonderful before, it can be a revelation to experience feeling more blessed out and peaceful than you ever imagined was possible.

Of course, how long you maintain that higher state if up to you. Most people can only hold that soaring vibration for a little while before something happens that returns them to their habitual level of thought, and they lose it.

This doesn’t mean that energy healing is a waste of time – far from it! The more we are guided into any state of being, the easier it is for us to find our own way there. Healing itself can be powerful, but training the mind to find and maintain a very high state is even more so. This is why I developed Deep Trance Healing Therapy, which utilizes daily meditations as training sessions for your inner being. By regularly shifting into the feeling state of health, joy, peace and abundance we desire in our imagination, that state becomes more and more familiar, and when our everyday vibration changes, our outer world is naturally transformed.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychically Clearing Secondhand Jewelry

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m wondering if it’s possible to completely clear secondhand jewelry of the prior owners’ energy. I want to purchase an old gold setting and place some new stones in it, but before I invest a lot of time and money in this project, I want to make sure this is possible. Thanks for your time! – Claudia

Dear Claudia:

You’re wise to consider this issue before beginning your project. I used to buy a lot of jewelry on Ebay, as I love the character of vintage pieces. I’ve learned that even when you’re highly intuitive, however, it’s hard to get a true feel for something until you are actually holding it in your hands. It’s sort of like internet dating: you can like the way a person looks in a photo and love everything they say via email, but still have things feel off when you meet in person. I have a number of pieces of jewelry that I’ve never worn because even after cleansing them, putting them on felt like trying to push the wrong ends of a magnet together!

Let’s back up for anyone who is unfamiliar with this subject matter. Whenever we interact with a physical object, our body’s magnetic field makes an imprint on it. The more time we spend with that object, the more it will pick up our vibration. Further, the stronger our emotions when interacting with the object, the stronger the imprint will be. The more enduring the object, the longer it will tend to hold a charge. So a house can hold a charge for centuries, while a banana peel will quickly lose its charge as it biodegrades.

This is why jewelry like watches and wedding bands are such great subjects for psychometry, which is the process of psychically reading the imprints on physical objects. Watches and wedding bands are not only durable, they are typically worn close to the skin and therefore charged every day. Wedding bands are also infused with abstract meaning, for they’re powerful symbolic representations of immortal love.

As houses are easily charged and hold that charge for a long time, every house has a unique psychic atmosphere. Typically in a residual haunting, something happened in the house that was so emotionally traumatic or intense that the energy of that event can be sensed by anyone who feels for it.

Your question reminds me of the haunted bed at my grandparents’ house. It was physically beautiful: an antique four-poster carved out of dark wood with a matching mirror. It had been shipped over from England many years before, so no one knew how old it was, or the details of its history. It was in the spare bedroom at their house, which was rarely used, so it retained lots of energy from long ago.

Being a very sensitive child, I knew I did NOT like that room. I was only about four years old when I started objecting to going in there for any reason, so I can’t remember all the details, but I do remember telling my mother that it was a bad room. I also remember seeing something in the mirror, but when I turned around, it wasn’t there.

My mother explained that it wasn’t the room that was the problem, but the BED. She told me that the bed was very old and she had never liked the way it felt either. Since we spend so much of our lives in our beds, they tend to have strong energetic imprints. I would psychically assess secondhand beds and mattresses very carefully before putting them in my house!

Now if you think about it, there is no such thing as a new stone. Everything is of the earth, including plastic – it’s just that the elements in plastic are no longer in a natural, organic state. When we say that something is natural, we mean that it’s in the same state it was in when it was taken from the earth.

Even natural objects like crystals have been mined and then cleaned, stored, shipped and placed on display for sale, so they have passed through many hands. Stones and metal hold a psychic charge very well, so they are excellent subjects for psychometry. This is why, magically speaking, it’s bad manners to touch other people’s jewelry. Also, I would never touch someone’s medicine pouch, amulet, talisman, magic wand or any other sacred object without permission.

New objects that have been created are infused with the energy of their creators. The more energy and attention we put into a creation, the more of our vibration it will carry, so works of art always have a strong vibration. This is one reason why some pieces really attract us. While we may be drawn to the way they look, they also have a certain overall feeling or vibration. When we feel drawn to them, it’s often the energy of the artist that we are resonating with. (This is also why some artists can be less skillful but much more popular than other artists – they have great energy!)

All the things we purchase, such as food, clothing, furniture, houses, etc., will have some energy residue from the people who created them and all the people who have handled them. It’s a little different when an object has been previously owned, however, for the longer we spend with objects, the more of our energy they will tend to absorb. That’s why many people believe it’s important to feel for the energy of secondhand objects before we buy them, and cleanse them before we try to make them our own.

Of course, over time, our possessions naturally take on more and more of our energy as they attune to our vibration. This is why a house starts to feel like home after a while, and how that jewelry got its prior owners’ energy in it to begin with. Knowing this, you can speed this process up. For something like a new piece of jewelry, you could wear it all the time. Keep it on when you go to bed, or place it next to the bed or under your pillow. You could also formally bless it or perform a ritual to infuse it with your energy.

You can wipe away psychic residue from objects by physically and energetically cleansing them. There are all sorts of methods for going about this, and I don’t have to room here to go into them. Some traditional methods include washing objects in salt or holy water, burying them in salt crystals or in the earth, passing them through fire, smudging them with the smoke of sage or incense, leaving them out under sunlight or moonlight for a period of time, or using the power of your will/spirit to clear and bless them. There is a ton of information on this available in books and on the internet; let your intuition guide you to the best way for you.

As to whether or not it’s possible to completely clear an object’s psychic record, I guess that would depend on a number of factors. In most cases, you should quickly be able to replace whatever vibrations are there with your new energy by simply setting this as your clear intention.

If, however, a piece was purposefully charged by someone with great spiritual power, the situation is more complicated. For example, if a pendant was charged with a spell for protection or created as an amulet, it may hold that charge much more stubbornly. I imagine it would take someone of equal spiritual skill and power to ground that energy back into the earth.

As such objects are rare and their vibrations are very strong, however, it’s safe to assume that you’ll be able to psychically cleanse most if not all of the items you want to make your own.

– Soul Arcanum

Energy Work Makes him Dizzy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I attended some energy healing lessons, during which I opened my crown chakra. A couple of months after these lessons, I began to feel dizzy all the time. My teacher had warned me that I might experience some changes in my body, but it was a terrible feeling, and I couldn’t wait to get back to normal. I still feel like something is spinning on top of my head, and sometimes my “head spins” as well. What is happening? What should I do?
– A.

Dear A.:

While I see a connection between your spiritual practices and these sensations, it would of course be wise for you to see a doctor and rule out potential physical problems.

That aside, it sounds to me like you need to get “grounded.” When we engage in spiritual practices like meditation, ritual work, spirit communication, energy healing, etc., we focus our energy and attention beyond the physical plane. This can cause us to sort of disconnect from the physical and our physical bodies. We then might say we are “out of it” or not totally “with it,” because on some level, we understand that we are not completely in our bodies.

Our minds are not located in our brains; they are non-physical, so they transcend space and time. Our minds go where we send them via our attention. If we develop a habit of focusing beyond this plane, our minds can begin to disconnect from the physical. You didn’t mention if you continued to work with this teaching or were engaged in other spiritual practices in the period following these lessons, but in any case, it sounds like this experience sparked a new surge of spiritual awakening.

I recommend you research the term kundalini and the various symptoms that can arise with kundalini awakening. Kundalini is just life force energy, of course, so despite the dire warnings you may read, it is in no way dangerous. It is powerful, however, so it demands a careful, respectful approach.

Kundalini is the force carrying us through the evolutionary journey we call life, and things like meditation and energy healing can clear the way for this evolution. Sometimes, this can be an uncomfortable or awkward process, and we may experience “growing pains” as we struggle for a foothold at a new vibration. It’s like our spirits are leading, but our hearts, minds, and/or bodies are lagging a bit behind.

For example, if someone who is engaged in spiritual practice to raise kundalini has a block in their crown chakra, they might experience something like a headache as a result of working with this energy. By contrast, someone with a very open crown chakra who is trying hard to grow spiritually may channel more energy than he is drawing in. He may feel very dizzy during and after spiritual practice because too much energy is flowing out through the crown chakra. I used to get very dizzy when I would try to meditate after a strenuous workout. While this could have been a blood pressure issue, it felt like I was just too revved up (flowing too much energy) to meditate at that time.

During a period of big spiritual awakening, I would also begin to spontaneously leave my body every time I tried to meditate. When my teacher told me this meant I needed to get more grounded, and that I was “top heavy” in terms of chakra development, I gave up my traditional meditation practice and began to focus on getting physically strong, fit and healthy. In terms of spiritual practice, I began to study and work with earthy paths like Wicca and shamanism. This led to new spiritual growth, better balance, and greater well-being. I was more “grounded” in the physical.

It only makes sense that balance would be a key issue here, since when you are dizzy, you naturally lose your balance. It may prove helpful to ask yourself in what ways you are out of balance in various aspects of your life: your physical health, emotional world, relationships, career, spiritual journey, etc.

Also, when you’re engaged in raising kundalini or awakening spiritually, low blood sugar is a common problem. In fact, people who are going through a kundalini experience often crave things like sugar, dairy and refined carbs because their energy is erratic. When they experience a surge in kundalini, they burn through energy quickly, and their blood sugar drops.

So if you’ve been fasting or eating very lightly and you’re getting dizzy, it would be prudent to make sure you’re eating frequently and eating enough. If you are uncomfortable with the dizziness, you could counter the blood sugar issues with protein in the form of nuts, soy or animal products. If, however, you want to work with this shift, you might honor your cravings. In fact, despite our Western prejudice against these foods, dairy products and sweet carbs are said to promote a high spiritual vibration.

Similarly, if you want to work with this surge in energy, you could try moving with it. By practicing something like yoga, tai chi, or chi gong, you can channel and release the energy. If, however, you just want “your old self back,” you could focus on getting lots of sleep and physical rest.

To get back to “normal,” you might also try just doing normal things and hanging out with normal people. This will bring your vibration back down to a level you’re comfortable with. Spend time with people who are grounded in “ordinary reality,” who have good common sense, and are trustworthy and reliable. Do mundane things like cleaning, exercising, spending time outdoors, etc. Simply get physical: feel your body on your chair, focus on the physical world around you, and stay present to the here and now of your outer experience.

You mentioned a teacher who had told you that you might experience some physical changes. One of the greatest reasons to have a spiritual teacher is so you have someone you can consult when you don’t know what to do. Hopefully, if you contact your teacher about these sensations, he will be able to help you find your way to better balance.

There is a note of worry in your question, and I want to reassure you that your dizzy sensations do not mean that there is something “wrong.” It’s more like when you feel tired, and how that just means that you need to rest: feeling dizzy just means you need to get grounded and balanced. Fortunately, balance is natural: everything in nature eventually returns to balance, including our bodies and the rest of our beings.

– Soul Arcanum

Energy Work Makes him Dizzy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I attended some energy healing lessons, during which I opened my crown chakra. A couple of months after these lessons, I began to feel dizzy all the time. My teacher had warned me that I might experience some changes in my body, but it was a terrible feeling, and I couldn’t wait to get back to normal. I still feel like something is spinning on top of my head, and sometimes my “head spins” as well. What is happening? What should I do?
– A.

Dear A.:

While I see a connection between your spiritual practices and these sensations, it would of course be wise for you to see a doctor and rule out potential physical problems.

That aside, it sounds to me like you need to get “grounded.” When we engage in spiritual practices like meditation, ritual work, spirit communication, energy healing, etc., we focus our energy and attention beyond the physical plane. This can cause us to sort of disconnect from the physical and our physical bodies. We then might say we are “out of it” or not totally “with it,” because on some level, we understand that we are not completely in our bodies.

Our minds are not located in our brains; they are non-physical, so they transcend space and time. Our minds go where we send them via our attention. If we develop a habit of focusing beyond this plane, our minds can begin to disconnect from the physical. You didn’t mention if you continued to work with this teaching or were engaged in other spiritual practices in the period following these lessons, but in any case, it sounds like this experience sparked a new surge of spiritual awakening.

I recommend you research the term kundalini and the various symptoms that can arise with kundalini awakening. Kundalini is just life force energy, of course, so despite the dire warnings you may read, it is in no way dangerous. It is powerful, however, so it demands a careful, respectful approach.

Kundalini is the force carrying us through the evolutionary journey we call life, and things like meditation and energy healing can clear the way for this evolution. Sometimes, this can be an uncomfortable or awkward process, and we may experience “growing pains” as we struggle for a foothold at a new vibration. It’s like our spirits are leading, but our hearts, minds, and/or bodies are lagging a bit behind.

For example, if someone who is engaged in spiritual practice to raise kundalini has a block in their crown chakra, they might experience something like a headache as a result of working with this energy. By contrast, someone with a very open crown chakra who is trying hard to grow spiritually may channel more energy than he is drawing in. He may feel very dizzy during and after spiritual practice because too much energy is flowing out through the crown chakra. I used to get very dizzy when I would try to meditate after a strenuous workout. While this could have been a blood pressure issue, it felt like I was just too revved up (flowing too much energy) to meditate at that time.

During a period of big spiritual awakening, I would also begin to spontaneously leave my body every time I tried to meditate. When my teacher told me this meant I needed to get more grounded, and that I was “top heavy” in terms of chakra development, I gave up my traditional meditation practice and began to focus on getting physically strong, fit and healthy. In terms of spiritual practice, I began to study and work with earthy paths like Wicca and shamanism. This led to new spiritual growth, better balance, and greater well-being. I was more “grounded” in the physical.

It only makes sense that balance would be a key issue here, since when you are dizzy, you naturally lose your balance. It may prove helpful to ask yourself in what ways you are out of balance in various aspects of your life: your physical health, emotional world, relationships, career, spiritual journey, etc.

Also, when you’re engaged in raising kundalini or awakening spiritually, low blood sugar is a common problem. In fact, people who are going through a kundalini experience often crave things like sugar, dairy and refined carbs because their energy is erratic. When they experience a surge in kundalini, they burn through energy quickly, and their blood sugar drops.

So if you’ve been fasting or eating very lightly and you’re getting dizzy, it would be prudent to make sure you’re eating frequently and eating enough. If you are uncomfortable with the dizziness, you could counter the blood sugar issues with protein in the form of nuts, soy or animal products. If, however, you want to work with this shift, you might honor your cravings. In fact, despite our Western prejudice against these foods, dairy products and sweet carbs are said to promote a high spiritual vibration.

Similarly, if you want to work with this surge in energy, you could try moving with it. By practicing something like yoga, tai chi, or chi gong, you can channel and release the energy. If, however, you just want “your old self back,” you could focus on getting lots of sleep and physical rest.

To get back to “normal,” you might also try just doing normal things and hanging out with normal people. This will bring your vibration back down to a level you’re comfortable with. Spend time with people who are grounded in “ordinary reality,” who have good common sense, and are trustworthy and reliable. Do mundane things like cleaning, exercising, spending time outdoors, etc. Simply get physical: feel your body on your chair, focus on the physical world around you, and stay present to the here and now of your outer experience.

You mentioned a teacher who had told you that you might experience some physical changes. One of the greatest reasons to have a spiritual teacher is so you have someone you can consult when you don’t know what to do. Hopefully, if you contact your teacher about these sensations, he will be able to help you find your way to better balance.

There is a note of worry in your question, and I want to reassure you that your dizzy sensations do not mean that there is something “wrong.” It’s more like when you feel tired, and how that just means that you need to rest: feeling dizzy just means you need to get grounded and balanced. Fortunately, balance is natural: everything in nature eventually returns to balance, including our bodies and the rest of our beings.

– Soul Arcanum

Can Sending Energy Healing Make Things Worse?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was recently in a very good place energetically: I was centered in love and light, and I sent this energy out to a dear ex-girlfriend and my sister. They came into my consciousness at the time, and I wanted to share this light with them. I envisioned them safe within a protective sheath of white light. It felt like the right thing to do. Shortly afterwards, my ex pulled a muscle in her back and had to take two painful weeks off from work, and my sister fell off her horse and broke her collarbone and eight ribs, forcing her to take an extended leave from work. It should be noted that both are workaholics and spend a lot of time giving to others. Were these blessings in disguise, since they both needed the rest that they were not giving themselves, or was it “wrong” of me to send them light and well wishes? Is it possible for energy healing to make things worse?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

When approached with the right spirit, energy healing should never make things worse for anyone involved, and I feel that your approach here was perfect. We might call what you did simply “praying” for these women, or sending them love. Since you were centered in a very high vibration and were wise enough to simply visualize them in a state of well-being, I don’t see how you could have gone wrong.

You did not spend a lot of time worrying about them and whatever problems you believe they have, and you did not take on the role of fixer and try to mentally push them into taking actions you believe they should take, or becoming more as you believe they should be. These approaches tend to cause problems, where your approach should only have beneficial effects.

Here’s what I think happened in this situation:

You were in a very high vibration when you had the impulse to send these women loving energy. Your high vibration created heightened awareness, which allowed you to sense what was happening with them at a metaphysical level. As our experiences begin at a spiritual level and filter down into the physical dimension, the crises these women experienced shortly after you sent them energy were already brewing. Thus you didn’t cause these events to happen – you anticipated them.

This is a very common thing to experience when your vibration is soaring. It’s why psychics alter their state of consciousness in order to predict the future: from that “high” perspective, we become aware of so much that can’t be seen from the “ground level” of ordinary consciousness.

As with so many spiritual matters, we must be open to paradox, so instead of an either/or answer, more than one possibility may be true. Most likely, you both anticipated these problems, AND influenced the circumstances surrounding them via your energetic attention.

Being in a high vibration will empower us to achieve all sorts of spiritual aims, from predicting the future to helping others heal. So it’s possible that in addition to anticipating what was going to happen, you affected these women with your healing energy. Though on the surface these calamities may seem negative, it’s easy to see (especially in this particular situation) how these injuries may affect greater healing in the long run.

This is how the healing process works. When we get stuck in a pattern that isn’t really working for us and we fail to recognize that and change that pattern, we’ll eventually manifest experiences that shake up those unhealthy habits and routines. The more conscious we are of what is happening on all levels of our being, the gentler our healing journey tends to be. When we resist facing our issues and changing, however, it often takes some sort of crisis to wake us up.

Energy healing is one way to be proactive about this process, in that it gets blocks and stagnant energies moving. By sending these women healing energy, you could have awakened some dormant issues that were ripe for release. The important thing to note is that these issues would need to be balanced eventually, and in the mean time, without attention they would tend to get worse.

Further, it can come as quite a shock to people that the healing process itself can be painful, and that issues often seem to worsen before they get better. It’s sort of like cleaning out a very messy closet, and just as we tend to put off overwhelming chores, most of us will avoid facing and healing our messy inner issues until the situation is desperate.

Things can look okay on the surface, but every time we open that closet door, we may get hit with something falling off the shelf. Eventually, we have to drag everything out of that closet, which will make it look like an even bigger disaster than we had before. As we sort things out, get rid of what we don’t want, and put everything we do want in better order, things will begin to improve. Eventually, we’ll have a closet situation that feels good and works for us.

We can see this on a physical level with the symptoms people feel when they’re “detoxing.” As the body releases the toxins that have been quietly lurking in the background and perhaps creating a mild sense of malaise, suddenly all sorts of uncomfortable and even painful symptoms can arise. Once these have been processed and released, however, they feel better than before.

The most important thing to consider when sending energy healing is the quality of your own intentions and energy. So long as you are coming from love and faith (which means you are free of fear that something bad might happen, and fully expect positive results), then all should be fine. Your loving energy may or may not seem to have an effect on the recipient, but I can assure you that at least at some level, it will bless them and help them in some way. Further, by sending others love, you will bless yourself in more ways than you could ever know.

We do need to respect where other people are with their issues, of course, and trust that everyone is manifesting just what they need in order to learn whatever they need to learn. We should never presume that we know what is best for them or try to change their circumstances based on our own beliefs. Sending them love, however, is completely innocuous; it’s the safest, wisest, kindest thing you could do, and as spiritual practices go, nothing could be simpler.

There are all sorts of complicated methods and teachings about energy healing out there, and for the most part, they are making this endeavor far more complicated than it has to be. This is a simple, innate, intuitive act; there are no hard and fast rules about the “right way” to go about it. Just get into that groovy vibration, visualize perfection flowing throughout every corner of the universe, and hold the people you care about in your heart with loving kindness. Smile upon them with your spirit and wish them well. It’s that simple.

As for your own role here, I would add this experience to my mental file of evidence that all this far out spiritual stuff is actually REAL. Synchronicity is the calling card of Spirit. These women may not have known you were sending them energy or even been conscious of their issues and their need for healing. You, however, have been touched by what happened. The fact that you became aware of these “accidents” and recognized the synchronicity at play suggests that Spirit is trying to reassure you that your energy healing experiences are real.

Since both these women were workaholics, and they both wound up having to take time off work, I think your story is a wonderful example of how we can all trust the natural healing process to lead us back into balance one way or another.

– Soul Arcanum

Can You Use Energy Healing for Addictions?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Can energy healing help someone heal from an alcohol addiction? My boyfriend is in a 12-step program, but he keeps slipping – in fact, he seems to be getting worse.
– Michele

Dear Michele:

Addictions are a form of OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder. They are born of a desire to comfort ourselves when we feel emotionally overwhelmed. Some people drink, gamble, do drugs, overeat, etc. when they feel stressed out. Others can’t relax enough to have a “good time” unless they’re engaged in their addiction. All such behavior is learned via experience. Addicts simply try to feel better in the moment by relying on a method that worked in the past. After a habit has been established, of course, it takes on a life of its own. It can then be painful both physically and psychologically to break it.

Energy healing/intuitive counseling can not only help, but may prove one of the only ways to truly heal an addiction. This is because these methods will go to the root of what is causing the addiction instead of focusing on the behavior itself. If we try to change our habits without changing our beliefs, we’re in for a very difficult, uphill battle, with nothing but our willpower behind us. If we change our beliefs, then it is natural for our behavior to change accordingly, especially if we’re consciously evaluating our habits.

For example, if someone believes that they can’t handle social situations unless they’ve loosened up with drugs or alcohol, they will continue to be drawn toward substance abuse again and again until they change that belief. If they come to believe that it is truly NEVER worth it to drink in order to assuage anxiety because this produces more problems than it solves, then it will be far easier for them to change their habits to align with this personal truth.

Deep down, addicts believe they can’t deal with life without their addiction; once they start to believe they can both manage and be happy in life without whatever they’re addicted to, they can change. Positive change doesn’t usually happen without some effort, of course – we have to consciously choose what we want in our lives, and put our hearts and souls into manifesting that.

While conventional therapy may recognize that an unhealthy subconscious pattern is at work, it’s up to the addict to figure out why and what to do about it. If the addict was able to figure any of that out, they wouldn’t need help in the first place. Instead of just asking the right questions, as a therapist may do, an intuitive healer can deliver the right answers.

A good psychic can access memories and issues that have been pushed below conscious awareness. These may be from one’s past in this life, or from past lives. A medium can also discern if there is an astral entity attached to the individual that is driving the addictive behavior. Even if such an entity didn’t initiate the addiction, by simply engaging in addictive behavior, we become magnets for such entities, which try to “live through us” in order to feed their own addictive desires. These entities will try to thwart any attempts we make to heal from addiction, which of course makes it harder to quit.

A medium/energy healer can not only discern what is happening at this astral level, but can clear away such entities, and thus greatly facilitate positive change. Further, a healer can reconnect us with our best selves, and by raising our vibration, empower us to create whatever we want in our lives.

It’s also essential to view whatever we want to create in our lives with the law of attraction in mind. Whatever we focus upon expands, so if we focus on “healing from addiction,” we actually send a lot of energy to the idea that we are addicted and need healing. This may be why your boyfriend seems to be getting worse. Going to regular meetings and saying, “Hi, my name is Bob, and I’m an alcoholic” is not a good idea. Further, listening to everyone at these meetings endlessly talk about drinking and alcoholism sends a LOT of energy to the manifestation of more “alcoholism” in one’s experience.

It is often more effective to ignore an addiction and focus on creating what is wanted instead. That may mean we focus on becoming “health nuts” who only eat this and that, drink this and that, and work out so many days a week, etc. Instead of trying to NOT do something, we then have something positive to do. This has the added benefit of making us stronger and saner. One reason substance abuse is so challenging to overcome is because we’re not really in our “right minds” when we’re using. This makes it hard to think straight and make wise decisions.

Following are some of the metaphysical roots of various addictions. When these are driving compulsive behavior, it’s unlikely that traditional methods will prove successful for the long haul. Please note that attached entities can be behind any of these forms of addiction, and self-deception (the desire to avoid the truth about one’s self) is an element in ALL addictions.

Alcoholism: This common problem often stems from past lives that involved a lot of drinking. For example, in centuries past, when the water supply was unsafe, people often lived on beer and wine. They drank it “like water,” so it became normal to them. This can create a preference for such beverages. “Dying of thirst” in a past life can also cause “drinking problems.”

Compulsive Overeating: This may stem from a past life in which we starved to death, or were often very hungry. If you think about world history, this had to happen a lot. It also stems from dieting to be too thin in order to meet social ideals, and from the poor nutritional quality of much of the food we eat these days. (Our bodies will drive us to keep eating until we get the nutrients we need.)

Drug Addictions: This is often rooted in a deep feeling of not being at home here on Earth. When we feel out of sync with life, when the world just seems “wrong” because we vaguely remember other spiritual planes and long to “go home,” we may try to escape from reality via psychoactive drugs.

Gambling: Addictions to gambling are often caused by disempowerment. People who gamble compulsively don’t own their personal power to create what they want in their lives. Instead, they see their “good fortune” as coming randomly from outside of themselves. They are bored with life because they aren’t taking risks to pursue their true dreams, so they crave the excitement of gambling.

Sex: Sex addiction is often caused by a lack of creative outlets. When we have all this creative energy and we don’t know what to do with it, we may seek release through sex. It can also be caused by a lack of self-love, which we try to assuage through the affection of another. Since what we really need is self-love, however, no amount of affection from someone else will satisfy us. We might view this ultimately as a sign of spiritual longing – instead of consciously pursuing ecstatic experiences through spiritual practices, we chase after the fleeting substitute of orgasm.

All addictions are coping mechanisms; addicts are just trying to avoid experiences they fear will be “too painful.” While only they can truly create positive change in their lives, psychics and healers can help people who sincerely want to heal from addiction to gain deeper insights into their behavior, reclaim their personal power, release issues and entities driving compulsive habits, and reach for a new sense of self that is stronger, happier and healthier.

– Soul Arcanum

Introduction to Energy Healing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am curious about energy healing. I want to try it by getting a session with an energy healer, but I have no idea what to look for or what to expect. Can you offer some background on the whole energy healing topic?
– P.

Dear P.:

First, I encourage you to explore everything you feel drawn to, for that is your inner being guiding you. At the same time, don’t go looking for problems. If you are healthy and happy but still feel drawn to energy healing, it’s probably more because you’d make a good healer than because you need healing yourself.

For those who are unfamiliar, energy healing is the use of spiritual energy to affect the energy field surrounding and interpenetrating the body, from which all experiences (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) arise. This approach may be called energy healing, healing touch, therapeutic touch, Reiki, etc. They’re all basically the same thing.

While most Westerners are familiar with stories of Jesus’ miraculous healing powers, energy healing can be traced back thousands of years before the Bible. The basic concept of energy as the foundation of life can be found in most cultures around the world throughout history. In ancient India, life force energy was called prana; in ancient China, it was called Chi. Even modern science is recognizing that mental observation affects the object being observed, which validates the premise of mind/body medicine central to theories of energy healing.

If you’ve never experienced energy healing, I can see why you might be a bit uncertain, for it really is vastly different from a visit to a conventional doctor’s office. With energy healing, usually someone who is suffering some kind of issue (which could be a physical ailment, but could also be an emotional, psychological, or even spiritual problem) will go to see a healer, who may or may not dialogue with them about the problem. It doesn’t matter really, for the healer is not going to diagnose or even “cure” it; she will just connect with pure positive energy and then channel that “healing” energy to the one in need.

In most cases, patients will sit or lie down and relax while the healer passes her hands through the energy field surrounding their body. Some healers do a lot of tuning in to try to find hot spots and cold spots or figure out what is wrong. I do none of that, because I don’t believe in focusing on problems. Instead, I just connect with Divine energy, let it flow, and radiate faith that all is well.

Spirit always shows me an image of the person I’m “healing” at a time when they experienced perfect well-being on every level. For many people, this is when they were a child. In any case, I just bask in that feeling and image of perfect well-being, and I love the person before me in all their divine beauty. The goal here is to help them reconnect with a feeling of great well-being that they have known before; the best they have ever felt. I move through their aura as I do this, but that is usually mainly for their benefit. In truth, we could just sit together (or at a distance) and bask in that wonderful light and get the same results.

So what kind of results are we talking about? As you can imagine, energy healing has been studied in depth, and many very positive results confirmed. Those who receive healing touch have been shown to heal from wounds faster, recover from illnesses faster, and even experience “miracle cures.”

There is more research available on the Internet than you could possibly ever wade through. There are also many wonderful books on energy healing available. There are too many to even begin a list here, but one classic I always recommend is Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan, a pioneer in the field of energy healing who also happens to be a former NASA research scientist.

I have also personally heard from people who have enjoyed spontaneous remission of cancer as a result of energy healing work, and heard from healers who have witnessed similar miracles. One story in particular I’ll never forget.

Some friends of mine were new to healing work when they happened to meet a woman pacing a hospital corridor one evening. (They were there for an ailing elderly relative, and this woman was there because her husband was scheduled to have a large brain tumor removed the next morning).

They got to talking to her about all they had learned about healing, and she became very excited and hopeful, for her husband’s prognosis was dire. She asked them if they would talk to him, and of course they agreed. They explained to him about his power to heal himself with his own mind by simply visualizing perfect health. He also got very excited, as he was desperate for a cure, and thus far, his doctors hadn’t given him much hope.

The next morning they took him for a CAT scan and x-rays to finalize the details of the surgery, and to the great surprise of everyone in the room, found the tumor had entirely disappeared. The man explained that he had lain awake all night long, visualizing the tumor shrinking, and then visualizing his brain perfectly healthy. The doctors weren’t too open to his theory about what had happened, but they didn’t have a better explanation for how a tumor had literally disappeared overnight. He didn’t care what they thought of course – he was too busy jumping for joy.

While amazing miracles like this aren’t commonplace, they do happen EVERY DAY. It’s relatively easy to heal things like headaches and muscle tension, and easier yet to heal non-physical issues like emotional upsets. The less entrenched in the physical dimension an issue is, the easier it is to affect it with energy. I heal my kids and myself spontaneously all the time by simply aligning with perfect well-being and letting that energy flow.

Perhaps the best introduction to energy healing can be found at any Spiritualist church service. Not only will it be free, but it will be very straightforward and sincere. In my experience, one doesn’t need fancy secret symbols or crystals or any other elaborate mumbo jumbo to align with healing. As all healing is ultimately self-healing, all one really needs is someone who is sincere in her desire to connect with greater well-being. If you add a healer who can align with a very high vibration and just let that energy flow with faith, miracles can happen!

– Soul Arcanum