Tag Archive: energy

The “Best” Approach to Energy Healing

Copright Soul Arcanum LLC All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a reflexologist, and am wondering what you feel is the best healing approach. Should I come up from Mother Earth at one’s feet? Or is it better to go through the crown chakra as pure spirit, love and light; send healing energy through the body; ask for all negativity, disease and toxins to be purged away; then ask to have the person grounded to Mother Earth? Does this sound like a good practice? Is it better to go from bottom to top or top to bottom, and why? (I use crystals in my healing work). Also, can I earn a living and support my children doing reflexology? God Bless!
– Healing Hands

Dear Healing Hands:

If others are supporting themselves doing reflexology (and they ARE) then you certainly can too. I recommend you find someone who is making a fantastic living in your chosen field, study that person’s approach, and then simply mirror it. If you don’t get the same results, then you’re missing something – look deeper. Study this successful person’s belief system and how they are working with natural spiritual law to manifest what they want in their lives.

As for which healing approach is best, regular readers of my column will not be surprised to learn that I don’t believe there is one path that is superior to all others. Energy healing is simply a matter of setting a very clear intention of flowing well-being, and then altering one’s state of consciousness and letting that healing energy flow. It is also an intuitive art, so gifted healers are adept at allowing their intuition to guide them as they go.

It ultimately doesn’t matter which words you choose to define what you’re doing, or if you use crystals or herbs or a cardboard magic wand doused in glitter. It doesn’t matter if you’re into reflexology, Reiki, prayer or dancing naked under the full moon. Regardless of how you do it, healing will happen when you go to the energetic source of discomfort and align what is wanted at that level via a pure, clear intention.

This doesn’t mean that we should avoid all the paths listed above. While none of these modalities is the only answer, there’s nothing wrong with them either. If you believe in one of these tools and it helps you to flow pure, positive energy, then work with it.

I don’t want to convey indifference, for I do have some strong opinions about healing. Below is my own approach. I hope it empowers you to tap greater healing power so you can help people who need a guide back to radiant well-being.

The process I describe here is what I use for “quick healings,” such as those at church. If I am doing a reading/ healing session and have more time, I will incorporate a great deal of verbal healing/reading work/hypnotherapy. I may do all that is described here, but I will also go deeper in terms of talking someone toward the state of well-being, fulfillment and joy that they desire.

For “quick healings,” however, I begin by asking the person if they will JOIN me in accepting healing. This produces an immediate shift in most people as they realize that they are not passive recipients, but must choose greater well-being themselves in order to allow that to flow in.

Then I “polish” their aura around the head and sometimes around the body. I simply move through the aura, visualizing it shining and radiant. I then run energy from the crown down each of the chakras in front, and then from the chakras in back up to the crown. There are many ways you can do this. I start with my right hand at the crown, and move my left through the front chakras, then switch with my left at the crown, and move my right hand up the spine. (I am left-handed, so if this doesn’t feel right to you, do whatever feels natural).

Then I ask Spirit for what this person most needs at this time, and I open up and ask for a verbal blessing for them. I send them the blessing energetically, then I give it to them verbally before they get up from my healing chair. The blessing may be something like: “May you walk through life with the ease, energy and flexibility you had when you were 22 years old” or “As you leave here today, may you know in every fiber of your being that you absolutely can have that which you want so much!” Every blessing is given by Spirit for that individual at that particular moment in time, and so every blessing is unique.

Please note that I do not diagnose, nor do I even begin to look for “problems.” What we focus upon expands, so if we look for and then focus on problems, we are not making things better. This effect is even stronger when we’re in the altered state of consciousness of energy healing work, so we must be very careful that we are focusing on health and well-being.

Also, it’s wise to remember that we healers are not doing the healing work. Instead, we are helping the person who desires greater well-being to energetically align with their own inner healer. As we align with a higher state of being and then link with the one being healed, it is much easier for them to find their way to the vibration of wellness.

It’s much like lifting someone’s spirits. If someone is down, we can “cheer them up” by radiating joy and optimism, and by speaking words of hope and comfort. We can’t make them feel a certain way, but we can walk a happy path and beckon them to follow if they will. We can remind them that they have the power to create what they want in their own lives, and indeed, that no one else can truly heal them: they must choose what they want for themselves.

The most important concept to remember as a healer is something I think a lot of healers haven’t realized. Our job is to see only perfection. This is how Jesus healed. As He focused on those in need, he didn’t see disease or suffering, he saw their divine perfection, and he was so connected to the stream of pure positive energy that his light and truth prevailed. As we connect with our own power as creators, we must similarly connect with our own inner light and then focus on the perfection that is wanted.

So when I am doing healing work, my “goal” is to view the person in my healing chair as already radiating perfect well-being. When I connect and let that energy flow, I shift into a state of profound bliss. I see only the highest and the best in that person. I am usually mentally shown the person as a child, or at a time when he or she was radiantly healthy and happy. Then I just appreciate how perfect they already are, and send divine love to every aspect of their being.

Basking in this feeling of unconditional love and perfection is so powerful! If we alter our state of consciousness and then spend just a few moments deeply visualizing, imagining, and FEELING as we wish to feel, we begin to send powerful creative energy to the manifestation of what is wanted. This is the energy that sparks apparent miracles.

So in summary, I encourage you to trust your intuition to guide you when doing healing work. Keep your process simple so you don’t forget what is happening at an energetic level. It’s not about crystals or secret symbols or any other hocus pocus: it’s just about altering your state of consciousness; setting a very clear, high intention; then flowing divine love.

One more thing: once you have done all the above, let go of the results! We are healing with the power of faith/belief, and in order to truly tap into this power, we have to trust that whatever happens will be for the highest and best. Offer your love and surrender the rest.

If you think about it, you’ll see that this is the highest approach any of us can choose at any moment.

– Soul Arcanum

How Our Sexual Partners Affect our Spiritual Vibration

By Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

For about a year now, I’ve been doing some powerful meditations to raise my vibration so I can better heal myself and others. I’ve been told that having sex with someone I don’t love would cause my vibration to drop to that person’s level. This worries me because while I do not believe in engaging in casual sex, I’ve often felt very strong emotions toward someone I’m dating. These emotions may or may not evolve into love, but when I begin to feel this way and crave an emotional exchange with that person in the form of sexual intercourse, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to mess up my vibration, but if I have strong feelings for someone and I know they care about me as well, I have trouble abstaining from sex with them until I know for sure, which may not happen until the relationship is over anyway. I would be very grateful for any thoughts you have on this.
– Angela

Dear Angela:

Let’s explore the notion that having sex with someone you’re not positive you love may deter spiritual development. Certainly we find the notion that sex and spirit are somehow at odds in many religious traditions, and casual sex is frowned upon in most cultures. The practical problems that can arise from being too casual in our approach to sex are obvious, but these social mores are also rooted in some metaphysical truths.

It’s important to remember that every interaction between people involves an exchange of energy, and sex involves the fullest exchange possible. In fact, we might consider S.E.X. an acronym for “soul energy x-change.”

When we go to buy a car, interview for a job, or even meet someone new in a social setting, we will tend to be somewhat guarded. In various social interactions, we only let so much of our true selves “out,” and we only let so much of that other person’s energy in.

When we have sex with someone, however, we “open up” to them. You might say we get naked with them on every level. This means the auric walls that normally help us maintain our separate sense of self come down, which leads to an exchange of energies. Because of this, the people we have sex with can have a much greater impact on us than other people. When we “invite” a lover to mingle his or her energy with ours, all sorts of things can happen.

At the positive end of the spectrum, we can actually heal others (or be healed by them) via sexual interaction. In your case, if you had sex with someone who had a lower vibration than yours, with the right approach you may raise that person to YOUR vibrational level.

Sex can be a very spiritual endeavor. It can stretch our capacity to be giving, sensitive and compassionate with our partner; it can challenge us to rise above ego and self-consciousness to be fully present in the moment; it can take us to the edge of our boundaries, trust issues and hang-ups, where we become nothing more than who we were when we came into this world – one being reaching for bliss with another.

For many people, the ecstasy of orgasm is the closest they get to divine bliss, and as such, it can open them up to a whole new dimension of experience. To me, orgasm is the clearest experience we have of the ultimately energetic nature of life. Sex can initiate the release of kundalini and encourage spiritual development. Sexual energy is powerful, and our deep desire for love leads us to many of our most important life lessons.

When it comes to matters of love and sex, I strongly believe that there are no hard and fast rules: we have to trust our intuition to lead us. For example, most of us are naturally attracted to people who are on our vibrational “wavelength.” It is unlikely we would date someone of a vastly different vibration for long, and thus unlikely we’d have sex with them in the first place.

We have a built in barometer that deters us from opening up to people whose vibration is so far from ours that it could be harmful to us. Having sex with someone this different tends to feel awkward or wrong. Some people, however, actually get a dangerous little thrill out of acting AGAINST their intuition and being “bad,” especially when it comes to sex. Women who always go for “bad boys” are a good example, and they usually suffer some nasty consequences as a result. Of course, drunken one-night stands tend to yield some interesting pairings as well!

When we do have sex with someone who is not a good match for us, we expose ourselves to all of their issues and energies. This may lead us to get caught up in all sorts of dramas. Then negative emotion lowers our vibration, and all the drama distracts us from our higher/spiritual goals.

One of the greatest hazards of casual sex is the potential for attachment by astral entities. While this can happen outside of sexual contact, when we completely open ourselves up during sex, it is easy for an entity attached to our lover to shift to us.

Also, I have heard from many women over the years who were making love to their husband or boyfriend when “someone else” moved in. Sometimes that other being was perceived to be “inside” their lover, and the women felt their lover “become someone else.” Sometimes they actually saw the other entity above or next to their lover, trying to “take over” the lovemaking session.

The lower astral is full of opportunistic entities that are earthbound due to some addiction. The spirits of sex addicts are drawn to lust, and try to live vicariously through people engaged in sex. If, however, you and your partner are making love at a high vibration, lower astral entities with neither be attracted to you nor able to affect you.

The more love you flow during sex, the more it will nourish your heart and spirit. If your partner is not spiritually “awake” and you are, he could weigh you down spiritually, but this would extend beyond the bedroom anyway. This doesn’t mean our partners must share our paths or even our passion for spiritual growth; there are lots of ways to be “spiritual.”

So how do we decide when to “do it” in a relationship? While we should trust our intuition, we might also remember that when we have sex with someone, we are essentially telling them that we trust them with our lives, our health, our hearts and our dreams for love. For some people, that sort of trust comes easy, and for others, it comes hard.

I also think that to learn anything in life, we have to be willing to explore and experiment, so if we feel strongly drawn to do something and there is no obvious reason it would be foolish, we should do it. This is how we’re guided to learn the things we need to learn and heal the issues we most need to heal.

Finally, I think you may be too caught up in defining what it means to “really love” someone. Even if you don’t know if you want to spend the rest of your life with your partner, you can still interact with them WITH love. If you look for the divine in the one you’re with, you will embody love. When you do anything from this high vibration, wonderful experiences are sure to follow.

– Soul Arcanum

Is Resisting Love Bad for Your Health?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a woman with a male friend whom I know loves me, but I have closed myself to those feelings. I don’t allow myself to think about him or enjoy the look in his eyes when we meet because I am afraid. Since we both have families, according to my religious beliefs, this love we feel is wrong. My question is, am I doing more harm than good to myself by blocking the energy of this love? On a metaphysical level, what am I doing by blocking the energy that’s coming my way and not letting my energy go out to him? I have started having some small twinges of pain and other sensations on the left side of my chest area around my heart. Have I blocked my heart chakra with this move? Thanks for your wisdom.


Dear K.:

We can and do create blocks in our chakras all the time. We do this when we resist something out of fear of what is happening or might happen in the future. When we try to deny or repress our emotions, we constrict our life force energy. When we make a habit of this, over time we can develop all sorts of problems and issues. So in not being “open” to this man and the feelings between you, you have indeed energetically closed yourself down.

Just last week I wrote about how frequent headaches are associated with psychic development because many people feel overwhelmed and try to shut down their psychic perception. Our chakras are directly linked to our physical health; everything begins in spirit and funnels down into physical manifestation, so when chakras are forced closed or remain blocked over time, we can experience physical pain and even serious health problems. I’m not telling you this to try to scare you, but rather to emphasize that you are wise to listen to your body, for it is definitely trying to tell you something.

Our bodies don’t lie, deny the truth, twist things or rationalize the way our minds do, so often the truth our bodies tell doesn’t match what society thinks is proper or even what we believe is right on a conscious level. When our bodies are saying one thing and our minds are saying another, we have to make a choice: do we choose what FEELS right in our hearts or what we’ve come to believe is right based on what outside influences (other people, religious teachings, etc.) have told us in the past?

My sense is that you live in a culture where breaking with tradition may be much harder and more frightening than it is for many of us these days. While I can appreciate that, it’s also clear to me that it is this outside pressure that is making this lesson so powerful for you. If your decision were easy, it wouldn’t require you to ponder it so deeply and question what you’ve been told in order to find your own truth.

I recently made the acquaintance of a minister who works with the dying. He is a true spiritual warrior who is on the front lines every day, doing his best to serve God and do what he believes is right. He is also in a situation very similar to your own in that he is married but is in love with another. So far, he too is shutting his heart down in order to do what he thinks is right, and he is totally miserable.

As he is a devoted Christian, we had a long chat about how Jesus questioned the beliefs and mores of his culture, and listened above all to the truth speaking to him through his own heart. I think we are all wise to ponder how history’s great spiritual teachers developed the truths upon which today’s religious views are based. It wasn’t by listening to what other people told them was true or what had been established as right or wrong in the past; their celebrated truths arose from within them.

No one can tell you what is right for you. In order to make that decision yourself, you must pray to be guided to clarity and listen within for that guidance. As you do this, it may greatly help you to ask yourself and Spirit a few key questions, such as:

What is the path of fear, and what is the path of love?

When we make decisions based on fear of how others may react or what may happen in the future, we put outside influences before the truth in our own hearts; constrict the flow of our life force energy, personal potential, health and joy; and make our lives smaller. When we make decisions based on love, curiosity, passion, hope, desire and inspiration, we put the wisdom of our hearts first, which expands the flow of our life force energy, personal potential, health and joy. This naturally encourages our lives to grow bigger, more colorful and more fulfilling. Though it is always more rewarding, it is often far more difficult to choose the path of love, for it requires courage as well as faith in ourselves and the divine voice speaking to us from within.

Another great question to ask yourself is: what would I want those I love to do if they were in my shoes? For example, if your husband was in your shoes, would you want him to follow his heart or would you want him to deny his heart out of a sense of obligation to you? Sometimes, it’s most telling to ask ourselves what we would want our children to do in the same situation, for many of us love our children more than we love anyone else – including ourselves. So if your daughter was in your situation, what would you hope she would do?

Finally, it’s important to realize that you can heal your life and any metaphysical problems you’re experiencing without doing anything in particular in your relationships to other people. The first step is to acknowledge the message the pain in your heart is sending you. Instead of judging yourself harshly for feeling as you do, you must give yourself permission to feel as you do and allow that energy to flow freely. This does not mean you necessarily act on those feelings; it means you allow them to be what they are without judging, rejecting or ignoring them.

There is much you can do on the inside to feel better even if you don’t change a thing on the outside. None of this is really about your relationships with other people anyway; it’s all about your relationship to yourself and the Divine. I have a free Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation that will help you energetically cultivate inner peace and well-being regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. that will help you energetically cultivate inner peace and well-being regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. You can find it at Soul Arcanum.

Finally, I have an idea on how you can have your cake and eat it too: go ahead and act on your desires, but do so on a metaphysical level only. Many people in similar situations end up fulfilling their desires in their dreams, and some of these even go on to learn how to astral travel in order to live a “double life” on other planes. For more on this, Google “astral love” or “astral sex,” and check out D.Soul Arcanum Conway’s book Perfect Love: Finding Intimacy on the Astral Plane.

– Soul Arcanum



Do You Need to Detox?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

On the Soul Arcanum Facebook page, you recently mentioned that you went through a diet detox. Could you talk more about it? What do you believe is the best way to detox through diet? What time of the year do you think is the best? For how long? Are there any books you would recommend that helped you to learn about the topic? I would really appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience in this area.


Dear Ellen:

I’m hesitant to write about this subject because I don’t want anyone to assume my choices must be somehow superior to what feels right and best to them. That being said, I will do my best to answer your questions.

I believe first and foremost in listening to your own body and intuition, for there is no one diet or answer that fits everyone. I also I believe that when we simply listen to our bodies and respond to whatever they are telling us, we naturally align with radiant health and well-being. Of course, it is also wise to pay attention to signs and messages from the Universe.

For general information on the idea of “detoxing” via diet, you’ll have to do some Googling, for I’m no expert on the subject, and my space here is very limited. The detox diet I mentioned on the Soul Arcanum Facebook page came about as a result of me listening to my own body, as I advise everyone to do. I believe that I was led to it as a result of asking (within) what I needed to do in order to feel better. For some time, I had felt like something was off in my body, and the idea pop kept popping into my mind that this was somehow related to candida overgrowth. For the record, I am NOT the sort of person who believes candida is the ultimate cause of every health problem under the sun.

My main symptom was my inner ears itching so badly it would wake me up at night. Whenever I “tuned in” to try to figure out what was going on, the idea of candida overgrowth popped up. Since I didn’t want to undergo the intense changes I believed would be necessary to remedy such a situation, for months, I just kept hoping for the problem to go away.

Around the time I began to get motivated to do something it, I received an email from a long-time friend who is a homeopathic healer. She was writing to tell me that she had felt a nudge to send me a homeopathic remedy. When I received it, it actually contained two remedies: before I could undertake what she believed I needed, she explained that I had to take something to address any candida issues. This got my attention because it was like the Universe was saying, “If you won’t listen to this message from the INSIDE, we’ll send it to you from the OUTSIDE!”

Now the Universe really had my attention, so I asked: What do I need to do in order to align with perfect health? Right after this, I saw a friend who looked amazing. She had lost a lot of weight, her hair was shiny, her eyes were bright, and her skin was glowing. I asked what she was doing, and she told me she was doing a detox diet – The Sadkhin Complex. It involved eating nothing but vegetables, fruits, whole milk and raw honey.

I felt this special nudge. It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you are receiving an answer to a question you posed to the Universe; it’s a sense of knowing that this is the answer and that this is what you are supposed to do. This is not a logical process, so though the diet sounded extreme, I decided to trust my intuition. Within three days of starting the diet, my ears stopped itching and I felt amazing. I ended up dropping 15 pounds in about three weeks, and I have kept it off.

I gained a lot through undergoing this rigorous detox process. It definitely helped me to develop greater self-discipline. I also believe that having strict rules to follow made it easier for me to stay on course. It taught me that we can function just fine without MOST of what we tend to eat on a daily basis: We don’t need all the cereals, pastas, breads, potatoes, etc., that form the foundation of most American diets. It was not easy to do, but it definitely helped me get back on track in terms of not eating processed foods again.

If we look to spiritual teachers and other outside “experts” for advice on what we should eat, we’re in for great confusion, for everyone seems to have a different opinion on the subject. I know a lot of spiritual people who are staunch vegetarians, and though I was strictly vegetarian myself for many years, I eventually figured out that this choice was based on abstract ideas – NOT how I actually felt when eating this way. I have learned that I do not do well long-term on a vegetarian diet because I need a lot of lean protein. I do try to only eat animal products from humanely treated animals, both for ethical reasons and because I believe that the ENERGY of the food we eat is paramount.

If you are psychically sensitive, you can actually feel the difference between a raw, natural food like an apple or a carrot, and the energy of something like bread or pasta. Foods that are in a raw, natural, unprocessed state feel “alive,” whereas foods that have been heavily processed and cooked feel “dead.”

Food from animals that have been mistreated or killed in an inhumane matter carry disturbing energy. I don’t eat beef mainly because it feels bad to me; it feels disturbing to my vibration. If you are psychically sensitive, you may notice that your energy drops after eating beef. In order to eat food from mistreated animals, we have to desensitize ourselves to the energy of their suffering, which spells psychic desensitization in general.

If you’re trying to grow more spiritual or develop your psychic abilities, it therefore makes sense to eat a vegetarian diet or to be very careful about the energetic quality of any animal products you consume. If, however, you are psychically overwhelmed, you can get grounded by eating energetically heavier foods. To spark a psychic awakening, you may want to eat nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for a period of time, or perhaps even fast.

Since we are part of nature, I believe that the closer we eat to the earth, the better. I am not a raw foodie, but I do try to eat as little of processed foods as possible, which means I mainly eat lean protein (chicken), eggs, dairy, fruits and vegetables. All of this being said, I don’t believe that what we eat is as important as how and why we eat. This is all about energy: Whenever I start to feel less than my best, I ask my body and the Universe what I need, and then I watch for the answers to come to me.

To align with the right choices for us, we’re wise to focus on food as energy, to eat for the way we want to feel, and to cook for ourselves and others as an act of love. Sometimes, the most loving thing we can do is undergo a strict diet for a while; other times, the most loving thing we can do is let go of worrying about our health (and everything else) and celebrate life on earth by digging in to share a delicious meal. Since we are constantly changing, in order to determine what we need in each moment, we must be constantly tuning in to the wisdom of our bodies and the divine. This is a lot more mental work than blindly following the rules of a particular diet, but it’s the only way to know and respond to our true needs.

– Soul Arcanum

How to Create a Positive Psychic Atmosphere

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I work in a small building where people who start off nice appear to change and act different in a nasty way. I found this site looking for a way to cleanse the building. This makes work in a small environment very difficult. What can I do?


Dear Dolores:

We are all surrounded by unseen energies of various qualities. Though most of us aren’t conscious of it, our instincts are constantly tuning in to evaluate the energetic nature of other people and the psychic atmosphere. Many of us only take note of this when the psychic atmosphere is extreme in some way. For example, in a house that is “haunted,” the hair on the backs of our necks may stand up, or we may feel inexplicably terrified and compelled to flee. At the other end of the spectrum, we may enter a place of very positive psychic atmosphere such as a church or a temple and immediately feel peaceful and uplifted.

There is a direct link between the people who inhabit a space and the atmosphere there, for it is our thoughts and feelings that create that atmosphere. You seem to have assumed that it is the physical place that is causing people to grow negative, but it could be that one or more of the people you work with are the real source of this negativity. Just as it only takes one person creating a foul smell and stink up a space for everyone, it only takes one strongly negative individual to poison the psychic atmosphere. Of course, if the business you work for has created a stressful, antagonistic work environment, the simplest way to remedy this negativity is to take practical measures to reduce employee stress and frustration.

Here’s the good news and the bad news: emotional energy is contagious. (You’ve clearly noticed this already.) This means that negative energy can affect everyone present, but it also means that positive energy can spread too. To remedy negativity psychic energy, we have to generate positive psychic energy.

Since the atmosphere and the people who inhabit the space are intrinsically linked, I recommend you focus both on cleansing the location and infusing it with positive vibes, and on bringing out the best in your coworkers. Since there are number of individuals involved here, the more people you can persuade to join with you in these efforts, the more power you will all wield.

There are all sorts of different rituals you can employ for cleansing the location. The key elements will include cleansing the physical space and the objects in it, and also cleansing the atmosphere with something like smoke, as in smudging. As part of this process, you might try the old folk remedy of hanging up garlic all over the place overnight, and then burning the garlic the next day.

The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. For an example of how you might go about this, see Clearing a Space of Negative Energy.

Once you’ve done these things, bring in elements that promote positive energy. Playing music that feels uplifting and positive can have a dramatic impact. Make sure the space is with bright with light – preferably natural sunlight – and that the color scheme is pleasant and uplifting. You could bring in crystals to enhance your energetic efforts. Definitely make sure the space smells good. Incense is great for this, but if that is impractical for some reason, you could try aromatherapy with a scent like lemon. Keeping the atmosphere fresh is not something you do once – it’s something you regularly.

Next, in order to evoke positive energy from your coworkers, you will have to work with the law of attraction. While it’s true that we can’t create in another person’s experience, we can lift ourselves into a vibration where we naturally attract a higher level of experience, which will either cause people who are negative to stay away from us or draw those people up to our vibration when they are around us.

This reminds me of one of my first highly sucessful manifesting adventures. I was on a road trip with a friend who was also into the law of attraction. When we went through customs to enter into Canada, my friend was on her cell phone. The customs agent took tremendous offense to this and was shockingly nasty to us. At first we were upset about this, but then we decided to pivot and focus on manifesting friendly, happy people from there on out. What followed was an incredible stream of people so friendly all we could do was laugh in astonishment. One after another, everyone we met from there on out went to extraordinary lengths to help us, and everyone was so cheerful it was like being in the “twilight zone.”

My point is that by consciously working with the law of attraction, you can either attract the sort of people you want to interact with or bring out the best in the people around you. Even really nasty characters smile, laugh and are kind sometimes. You can draw this out of them, but you have to stop focusing on what you don’t want – negativity – and start focusing on what you do want – happy, friendly, helpful coworkers.

I suggest you create some “spiritual Febreze” and use it on yourself as well as your work environment. Get a clean, empty spray bottle, distilled water, rubbing alcohol and an essential oil like lemon. Add a little alcohol to the water, and then add as much of the essential oil as it takes to create a pleasant scent. Next, charge this mixture with positive energy by calling to mind all the positive things you want to manifest. While you hold this mixture in your hands, channel the essence of that positive energy into the mixture. (If you’re unfamiliar with how to do this, you may want to study magickal spellwork in general.)

Every morning after you get out of the shower, spray yourself with this magic perfume and set your conscious intention for the day. It may go a little like this:

Universe, just as I carry this wonderful smell with me on my body, I will carry joy with me wherever I go. I will shine my inner light on any shadows I encounter, and bring out the best in others. I will greet everyone I meet with warmth and good humor, and will receive all sorts of blessings in return. As one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not, I look forward magically creating a wonderful atmosphere wherever I go. Fill my world with friendly, helpful, happy people! (This is just and example. You can set any intention you desire – the point is to set a CONSCIOUS intention for the day instead of taking whatever comes your way.)

If you also spray this “spiritual Febreze” around your work place every morning, you will infuse the atmosphere with its pleasant scent and positive vibration while at the same time encouraging everyone around you to unconsciously entrain to your positive vibration.

– Soul Arcanum

Visual Phenomena and Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have begun to see things I never used to see. For example, I see various shadows and lights in empty space; they are so subtle that they are almost imperceptible. I have been to the eye doctor and even a neurologist and they can find no reason for this. The reason I am writing to you is because in the past week or so, I started to see light and color around people’s heads. At first I thought this was another issue with my vision, but then the word “aura” popped into my mind, and it hit me that maybe what I’m experiencing is more metaphysical than physical. (I have only seen these auras around two individuals; I don’t see them all the time.) I feel really spaced out these days; I can’t focus like I used to, which has made it hard to be productive in my job as a paralegal. Do you think what I’m experiencing is spiritual in nature? I hope so, because I’ve been afraid that I have a brain tumor!


Dear K.:

While I’m very glad that you’ve seen doctors about this, it breaks my heart that you went through all of that testing fearing that you had a brain tumor. In other times and places, these sorts of experiences were better understood. Can you imagine how different your experience would have been if you had been immediately directed to the neighborhood shaman, guru or spiritual healer, and promptly received a clear explanation and helpful advice? It seems like “modern science” is even eradicating spirit in cultures with the strongest foundations of spiritual knowledge, for I keep hearing from people in India who are experiencing classic psychic phenomena who are writing to me half a world a way for help. When I recommend they find a local guru to help them, they say they wouldn’t know where to find such an individual! In any case, it is helpful that you’ve ruled out physical causes, for now we can feel free to explore metaphysical explanations.

There are hundreds of “symptoms” associated with spiritual/psychic awakening. (I hesitate to use the word “symptoms” because this connotes pathology, so from here on out, we’ll call them “signs.”) In your question, you present two of the most common: seeing/sensing subtle energy and feeling spaced out or out of touch with mundane reality. These signs are especially common in early spiritual awakening. I experienced the exact same thing way back when I first began to explore spiritual practices. I had had a number of spontaneous psychic experiences prior to choosing to actively explore spiritual matters; it was these experiences that ignited my interest in metaphysics. When I began to spend a lot of time in altered states of consciousness via practices like meditation, all sorts of interesting things began to happen.

For me, seeing auras came first. It is normal to see auras around some people and not others, especially when this is happening spontaneously as opposed to it happening as a result of your own conscious effort. The first time I ever saw an aura, I was in a university lecture for an Eastern Religions class. I had been dabbling in meditation for a few weeks at this point. The lecture was held in a very large hall with the professor on a stage with a spotlight on him at the podium. As is common in long lectures, I kept drifting in and out of a trance state. As my mind wandered, my vision went into a soft focus so I was no longer really focused on anything or anyone in particular. That’s when I noticed something amazing: the professor had a huge yellow light all around him! At first I assumed this had something to do with the spotlight, but when he wandered away from it and into the shadows on the stage, the light remained the same. That’s when I realized that it was coming from him instead of from some outside source.

Like you, it took me a moment to realize that I was probably seeing his aura. Needless to say, I don’t think I heard much of the lecture after that, for all sorts of thoughts began to race through my mind. I found myself thinking about pictures of Jesus and the saints and how they were depicted with this same golden light around them. I wondered if the artists who painted them this way were clairvoyant or if these subjects were so spiritually bright that their auras shone forth for all the world to see. I thought it was fascinating that the aura I was seeing belonged to a professor of Eastern Religion. What sort of spiritual development might he have undertaken over his many years of studying various mystical paths? Certainly he would be more spiritually developed than the average person; was this why I was seeing his aura and no one else’s? I wondered how many of my fellow students might be seeing the same thing I was, so I started looking around the large auditorium, but everyone else seemed to be experiencing nothing more than an ordinary lecture. I tried to see their auras to no avail. I dove more deeply into meditation after this, however, and over the course of the semester, I did begin to see auras on most people when I tried to make that happen.

Some time after this, I began to practice astral projection, which involves spending a lot of time in a deep meditative state. That is when I began to notice what appeared to be shadowy lines and structures in otherwise empty space. It was like seeing a vague shadow of another world. I would see walls and beams and objects so faint that it wasn’t clear what they were, it was just clear that “something” was there. It sounds like you are seeing the same things I was.

These perceptions happen when we’re in a “spaced out” or trance state of mind. As we begin to awaken spiritually, we naturally get “spacey” like this, for our left brain and its psychic/intuitive abilities kick on more and more. It’s also normal to feel drawn into introspection and called to explore deep questions and issues instead of mundane reality. The more time you spend in trance/deep reflection, the more subtle energy you tend to perceive. This is true whether you are purposefully entering altered states of consciousness via practices like meditation, taking mind altering drugs, or simply lost in deep contemplation.

As you naturally evolve spiritually, your vibration rises to the point where you’re able to perceive a higher range of frequencies than you could before. You also become more and more sensitive, which makes you more perceptive and more consciously aware of what your psychic senses are picking up. When you then focus your attention beyond this world by entering a trance state, you begin to perceive things that exist beyond the physical. (This is why meditation naturally leads to psychic development.)

I encourage you to research the many other signs of spiritual awakening, for if you’re not experiencing them now, you may be soon, and I don’t want you to worry that something is wrong with you! This is a normal, natural process. Try to relax, go with the spiritual flow, and trust that whatever you need will come to you as you move forward.

– Soul Arcanum

Can a Relationship Make You Physically Ill?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I married a man I had dated for eight years. He swept me off my feet and I loved him with all my heart. After almost two years of marriage and the birth of our daughter, I was diagnosed with a blood disease that causes low blood platelets. It was an awful ordeal that involved a lot of drugs and surgery, none of which helped. This disease was active for over eight years but has been in remission for the past year. During the time I was ill, I gave birth to my son and divorced my husband, who was going to school in another town. I was supporting two households while I was sick and running the family business with no support. I was in survival mode. In the past few years, I have developed a wonderful support group. The problem is that we have two kids together, so we have to be in some kind of contact. Lately, on his visits to town, my ex has become more intimidating. Last time he came into my house and started looking through the kitchen cabinets and touching everything. While this was happening, I became physically ill and felt like I was going to throw up. After he left, I developed severe lower back pain. This subsided but now my TMJ has flared up. I know that TMJ is associated with repressed anger, which makes sense since whenever I expressed anger in the relationship, the sword was turned against me so I learned to just be quiet. I don’t know if this is some kind of karmic debt or psychic attack, but I do know that I am happier and healthier when my ex is absent from my life and my mind. Do you think that a relationship can make you physically ill? If so, what do I do to protect myself?

– Soul Arcanum

Dear J:

Since stress can make you physically ill, anyone who upsets you can affect your sense of well-being. It sounds like back when you developed this rare blood disease, you were under a great deal of stress. It’s interesting that since you made some big changes in your life and developed a strong support group, the disease has gone into remission. I believe this is not so much about your relationship with your ex as it is about how you take care of yourself.

I’m glad that you shared that you learned to repress your anger. In doing this, you were not honoring your true feelings. Stifling our true feelings leads to churning energy, which can cause all sorts of physical problems from TMJ to the dis-ease you describe. If instead of “fighting” for what you believe in, you repress your feelings, that energy will fight within you. This can cause a war in your immune system that destroys your platelets and sense of well-being instead of the “outer war” that should be taking place in the troubled relationship. (I am not advocating war or fighting but rather dealing with what is really bothering you instead of repressing your feelings.)

Any emotional disharmony or discomfort will eventually filter down to a physical level if you allow it to grow severe or go on long enough. I learned this the hard way in my own first marriage. I was deeply unhappy but since I had two small children, I was very reluctant to end the marriage. The more I tried to ignore my feelings and do what I thought I “should” do, the sicker I got. For the last year of my marriage, I could literally not breathe because I had chronic sinus infections. I’m not just talking about headaches and stuffiness; I’m talking about filling Kleenex with gobs of green gunk every hour of every day and feeling like I was drowning in mucus. Nighttime was especially miserable because I could never breathe through my nose. As soon as I left the marriage, my sinuses cleared up and I’ve not had another problem since. Was I allergic to my ex? Was my constant inner turmoil causing psychic congestion? All I know for sure is that not honoring my true feelings made me very ill indeed.

I feel your journey was similar; when you began to honor your true feelings and fulfill your true needs, you healed yourself. I encourage you to view yourself not as being in remission but rather as cured. Remember: every cell in our bodies is replaced on a regular basis, so the body you have today is NOT the same body you had years ago when you experienced problems. You have recreated yourself and have every reason to expect your health and well-being to continue because you now know how to take good care of yourself.

I also feel that the extreme discomfort you experienced when your ex was in your house was largely a result of your own fear; you had already learned to associate him with not being good for you, so when he came in and started touching all of your things, you became anxious. This was also an instinctive reaction, of course: your body knows he is not good for you, but since you were trying to be nice and polite, your instincts had to shout to be heard. Imagine that you have a loyal Golden Retriever. What would she have done in that situation? No doubt she would have started barking like crazy and refused to let your ex in. This is an uninhibited instinctive reaction; instead, you stifled your bark, put on a smile, and wound up feeling ill.

You could go one of two ways with this: you could nicely refuse to allow your ex anywhere near you or your things, or you could stop giving him so much power over you. (Personally, I would opt for the latter!)

In the situation you describe, your ex had more power than you; his chi was stronger because fear/negative emotions made you weak and vulnerable. Whenever we succumb to negative emotions, we become vulnerable to negative experiences. No one can create in your experience unless you let them; people can only negatively affect you when you are not consciously creating what you want and your own vibration is not soaring. If you are aligned with peace, love, joy and well-being, people can knock themselves out trying to upset you or control you but they will have no emotional power over you whatsoever.

There are many things you can do to reclaim your power. First, cultivate a high, fearless vibration. Assume that all is and will be well. Send positive thoughts and feelings out. Develop greater chi through practices like meditation, martial arts, yoga and prayer. Consciously channel your energy toward what you desire through various rituals like surrounding yourself with protection and cleansing your environment.

For example, you could erect a force field around your space to keep your ex from wanting to come in or touch your stuff. Have fun with this; play at it. Wouldn’t it be amusing if, after you erected this psychic force field, he stopped at the threshold and kept his hands in his pockets? If you lighten up and exercise your own power, you’ll feel better whether you work obvious magic or not.

Finally, try to send your ex love. Whether he chooses to bless you back or not, you will brighten your own world. Begin by silently saying the divine in me greets the divine in thee whenever you see him or think about him. Remember that you are both more than your personalities this lifetime, and that your souls are part of a very old story. By reaching for this higher, more loving attitude, it won’t matter what he does; you will set yourself free from any icky old karmic patterns and align with the peace and well-being you desire.

Living Where Someone Suffered and Died


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Though I’m not totally convinced about the law of attraction, I do try to remain positive, grateful and optimistic. However, beginning in October 2008, a tornado has hit my existence; it’s taken everything up high in the air and let it all fall back in a jumble. My mom died a long, degrading death. I’m divorcing and leaving my beautiful house in the countryside for an apartment in the city. Money is tight. I’m in the process of moving to a small studio apartment over my father’s house. It’s where we brought my mom from the hospital to die; it was converted into a hospital room for two weeks so she would feel surrounded by our love and care. It offers a beautiful view of the city lights. I’m about to go live there, and even as a temporary solution, the idea of sleeping where my mom’s soul left her body makes me worry about bad vibes. Are they blessed vibrations, carrying her wishes, or are they echoes of suffering and her difficult end? Please reply: I desperately need healthy energy at this stage in my life. Be well always!


Dear Dorothea:

I see two main reasons a person may be concerned about moving into a space where someone recently died. The first is the possibility that the dead may not have crossed over and may therefore be a “ghost” haunting that locale. One big reason we tend to fear ghosts is because people of a highly developed spiritual nature don’t generally become them; instead, they enjoy a quick, smooth transition when they leave this world. Since it is dark and troubled souls who tend to get lost on their way to “heaven,” most ghosts are not the sort of spirits we would want to befriend.

When people of a kind, loving nature do linger in the place where they died, it’s almost always because they died so suddenly that they don’t realize they are no longer living. I very much doubt you have to worry about your mother’s spirit becoming a ghost, for in dying a slow death, she had a lot of time to make peace with the idea that she would soon be leaving this world. If your mother does remain nearby for some reason, you may be blessed to have more interaction with her by moving into this space, for you’ll spend a lot of time in a hypnagogic state as you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. This could be a very positive experience for you. As long as you don’t begin to have health problems or feel drained or depressed, I wouldn’t worry about her spirit having a negative effect on you.

Of course, most of the time when people are concerned about inhabiting a space where someone died, it’s because of the energy that may be lingering in the psychic atmosphere. It is true that the events that take place in a space leave psychic impressions. This is why temples tend to feel peaceful and sacred, while places where bad things happened may feel frightening or creepy. Subtle energy is a lot of like germs: just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there and can’t affect you. Fortunately, this also means if you clean the space on a psychic level, you won’t have to worry about contamination by harmful energies. All cultures have practiced some form of ritual designed to protect and bless a dwelling and its inhabitants, for on a deep, intuitive level, we know that creating a healthy, positive psychic atmosphere will promote mental and emotional well-being just like creating a clean physical environment promotes physical health and well-being.

If your mother suffered a great deal when she was dying, then you are wise to pay attention to the vibes in your new apartment. Since it’s entirely possible that the main energy there is that of the love you surrounded her with as she was dying, the first thing to do is intuitively read the apartment’s energy. The next time you go there, pause outside the door, clear your mind, turn your psychic senses on and ask Spirit to help you sense the energy in the apartment. As you walk in the door, pause again and send your psychic feelers out. What does the space feel like to you? What feelings, impressions, images or thoughts come to you as you absorb the energy in the atmosphere? While we’ve all been in places that felt unusually good or bad to us, the energy in this space will probably be far more subtle, so you’ll have to pay careful attention and trust the intuitive impressions that come to you.

Next, keep in mind that what you do on a physical level will impact the psychic atmosphere. One of the simplest and most effective things you can do is thoroughly clean the space. In addition to dusting, polishing, sweeping and washing the floors, you might also wash the walls. I would add lavender to the water as a gentle purifier, and also smudge with lavender to cleanse the psychic atmosphere. While cleaning the space on a physical level, open all the doors and windows and play some uplifting music. This will get stale energy moving and bring fresh energy in.

If you’re Catholic, you can do the same thing with holy water. Get some from your priest and sprinkle it as you go or better yet, have your priest over to bless the house. If you like working with aromatherapy, you might follow this up by using lemon oil to purify the space of unwanted vibrations, or lemon verbena to create a high vibration, enhance your intuition, and infuse your new home with love. Lemon verbena is great for dispelling heavy energy and lightening the psychic atmosphere; it can also help you wipe the psychic slate clean to make a new beginning.

Once you’ve cleansed the space, you’ll want to bless it and begin to bring your own essence in. Just as pain and suffering can linger in the atmosphere, so can love and joy. This may be how the whole tradition of having a house warming party got started: it was one way to bring loving, happy vibes into a new dwelling. You might throw a party and invite lots of good friends and positive people, or just gather the people you know who have the best spiritual energy to help you bless the space.

When everyone gets there, it would be powerful to join together in some sort of conscious ritual to bless your home. You can go through a Wiccan ritual of sealing the doors and windows to unwanted influences and walking through the space, singing or chanting to fill it with positive energy, or you can simply join the people present in prayer. The more personal this ritual is to you, the more powerful it will tend to be. Here’s an example of a blessing to get you started:

Mother/Father/God, please bless this house and all who live here. Fill this dwelling with the energies of peace, health, happiness, harmony and love. Let this space shine with divine light and beauty and provide a warm, comfortable haven from the world. I envision this home supporting my well-being on every level and in every way, and have faith that it will be so.

As you perform the blessing, vividly imagine what you’re saying: See your home shining with light and supporting you in every way.

I also encourage you to recognize that, though your life has been turned upside down in many ways, you are in a great position to start manifesting a brighter future. Instead of lamenting what used to be, embrace this as a powerful time to begin a new chapter of your life, and expect wonderful new blessings to come your way.

Clearing Dead, Depressed Energy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Lately a pall seems to have come over my life both at home and at work. It started with me feeling uninspired and unmotivated. I’ve stopped working out, my house has become a mess, we’re eating frozen dinners every night, and it’s all I can do to drag myself to work and then home again at the end of the day. My home doesn’t feel as light and joyful as it used to either. Now I’m noticing the same sort of energy showing up at work, where I’m meeting all sorts of people who are down and lifeless. I have an appointment to talk to my doctor about the possibility that I’m depressed. I’m hoping you can give me some suggestions on spiritual ways I can get this dead energy moving up and out of my life!


Dear Dee:

I’m glad to hear that you’re going to talk to your doctor, for it does sound like you’re struggling with depression. I noted with interest that you sent this question to me in the middle of January. I don’t know where you live, but if it’s in a Northern climate, you may be struggling with seasonal affective disorder. The good news is that if that is the case, in a few months you should feel like your life force is returning just as the trees, flowers and animals awaken from hibernation. It’s interesting that an ancient spiritual cure for depression is to spend a lot of time in the sun, for it’s believed that this will raise your spirits, clear your mind, and help release more life force energy/kundalini. If it’s feasible, a trip to some place warm and sunny may be all you need to break this pattern and turn your mood and energy around. If that’s not practical, spending some time outside every day may help invigorate you.

It’s not clear how this whole downward spiral started. You may just be struggling with the biological changes that winter tends to involve, but it’s also possible that your depressed feelings are trying to draw your attention to some deep issue that needs to be resolved. If you sense that there may be something troubling you deep down, hypnotherapy or psychological counseling may be the answer.

Deep issues aside, your life force energy is clearly low; to turn this around, you need to get your energy flowing again. It may seem silly to suggest exercise since you probably don’t feel like you have the energy for it, but if you can get your body moving, you’ll summon more life force energy to meet the demands of what you’re doing. Scientific studies have shown that exercise is as effective as antidepressants for people struggling with major depression. I know when I don’t exercise, I quickly grow sluggish and depressed.

This makes perfect sense on a metaphysical level. The more we draw upon our inner resources to improve our lives and take good care of ourselves, the more we align with a higher level of experience. This also summons more of our energetic resources; it opens up a greater flow of life force energy. When our life force energy is pinched off or under-utilized, we feel listless, lifeless and unmotivated. When our life force energy is flowing fully and freely, we feel enlivened, energized, and empowered. Depression involves a bit of a Catch-22, for when people get depressed, they feel like they don’t have the energy to take good care of themselves, but they won’t get the energy to take good care of themselves until they summon it by taking action on their own behalf.

You mentioned that you’ve quit working out. Most of us have had the experience of not wanting to exercise because we just weren’t motivated or didn’t feel like we had the energy. After a good workout, however, we always feel better and are glad we forced ourselves to do it. This is an example of what I’m trying to explain: by taking action on our own behalf, we summon more life force energy and end up feeling much better. While vigorous exercise tends to lead to the greatest mood boost, I think yoga is also a wonderful way to open up a greater flow and reclaim a sense of peace and balance in body, mind and spirit.

There are other ways to open up a greater flow of life force energy, however. You could go to an energy healer or acupuncturist. Massage therapy may also help. Eating a lot of fresh, vibrant food will raise your vibration and encourage high energy.

You mentioned that your house is a mess. Again, it may seem like you don’t have the energy or motivation to deal with it, but if you can summon the energy to <q>feng shui</q> it, you’ll have the same sort of experience I described with exercise: you’ll feel so much better afterward that you’ll wonder why you let it go for so long. Clutter is stale, stagnant energy: by moving it up and out, you can energize the psychic atmosphere.

The psychic atmosphere of a place is also determined by the energy of the people who inhabit that space. Whenever there is a great deal of anger, depression, or other negative emotion in a space, it’s important to cleanse the psychic atmosphere just as you would clean the surfaces and clear away clutter. This can greatly facilitate any shifts you’re trying to make on an inner level. If you’re not familiar with the idea of “smudging,” please research the term. Basically, you’ll want to cleanse your own aura and the aura of the space you regularly spend time in. This is usually done with sage or incense, but it can also be done on an energetic level much as one performs energy healing.

Perhaps the most powerful thing you can do is study the law of attraction, for this will lead you to understand how and why we tend to continue along a certain path once we’ve begun to head in that direction. For example, if we are thinking happy thoughts and feeling happy feelings, we tend to attract people and experiences that are a match to our high vibration, which leads us to think more happy thoughts and enjoy more happy feelings. If, however, we focus on something negative or are feeling down, we tend to attract glum people and unhappy experiences, which leads us to feel even worse.

Just as we have to push ourselves to exercise when we don’t want to, to break free of a pattern of low energy and depression, we have to stretch for positive thoughts. This isn’t easy. The key is to “fake it until you make it.” By this, I mean you begin to imagine wonderful things and summon wonderful feelings. You may do this by vividly remembering a time when you felt happy and energized or imagining how you’d like to feel in the future. Pushing yourself to count your blessings is another great way to start to focus on the positive.

Finally, one of the most wonderful ways to feel better is to uplift other people. This is metaphysically very powerful both because we get what we give in life and because when we make others feel better, then what we are focusing on in our outer experience is joy and happiness. It doesn’t matter that it “belongs” to someone else; the important thing is that we are giving our attention to joy. This fills us with the positive feelings that naturally attract more positive experiences. Basically, the fastest, easiest way to live in a brighter world is to start spreading some sunshine around.

Soul Arcanum

The Spiritual Power of Yoga

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have a friend who is always raving about the benefits of yoga and has piqued my interest. Last week, I attended a yoga class at a local gym and I have to say that I was disappointed. I thought yoga was somehow going to be spiritual – that I would feel something special during the experience – but it was basically an exercise class full of very limber people. Do you think yoga has spiritual benefits? Do I just need to keep at it or was I perhaps just expecting too much from the experience?


Dear Joyce:

Please note that when I use the word yoga in this article, I am referring to yoga as most Westerners view it: as a form of exercise that involves movement through various poses. When most of us think of yoga, we probably think of hatha yoga, which involves a slow-paced, gentle series of different poses. There are a number of other yoga schools that are popular in the U.S., including vinyasa, ashtanga, Iyengar, bikram and kundalini yoga. There is an abundance of information on these and other styles available on the internet, so I encourage you research what each one emphasizes so you can find the right style for you.

Of course, even within a particular style, every yoga teacher is a unique individual and will teach in a unique way. If you think back to when you were in school, I bet there were teachers you loved who taught wonderful classes and teachers you really didn’t like who taught classes you dreaded. The same is true of yoga.

There are people who could turn a class on how to change a flat tire into a spiritual experience, and others who could spend an entire hour of Bible study talking about mundane, trivial matters. Similarly, there are students who can find the spiritual meaning in every life experience, and there are others who could receive a thunderbolt from heaven and think of nothing but the weather. My point is that with everything in life, what we take from an experience largely depends on what we bring to it.

That being said, I have encountered yoga teachers who seemed to be missing “the point.” In one of my own first classes, the yoga instructor was as unlike the stereotype of a serene, mantra-chanting yogi as one can imagine, for she was loud, abrupt, abrasive, impatient and critical. (Naturally, I never returned!) As you can see, finding the right teacher is essential.

It’s also important to remember that whenever we try something new, we tend to feel pretty uncomfortable since we are outside of our comfort zone. I therefore do encourage you to keep trying, for the more familiar you become with a certain practice, the more you can put your left brain aside to get fully present.

As for yoga’s spiritual side, it is definitely far more than a series of exercises designed to increase the strength and flexibility of the body: it is a practice designed to harmonize and unite the body with the heart, mind, spirit and cosmos. Through mindful yoga practice, you can move into greater harmony on all levels of your being and into greater sync with the Universe. This state of harmony can lead to improved physical health and fitness as well as profound well-being on an emotional, psychological and spiritual level. The key phrase here, of course, is “when practiced mindfully.”

Yoga developed as a way for spiritual seekers to achieve higher states of consciousness in meditation. A yoga teacher once explained that yoga was what one did before attempting to engage in deep meditation, the idea being that by getting all the tension out of the body, it would be far more comfortable to sit in a meditation pose for hours afterward. In my experience, it is indeed amazingly easy to go directly into a very profound state of consciousness when meditating directly after practicing yoga.

Getting centered in our bodies and gently stretching toward greater flexibility has concurrent effects on a metaphysical level. When we let go of physical tension, we naturally begin to let go of tension in our hearts and minds. As we move through each pose, we let go of stress and strain from everyday life and can quickly shift from a bad mood into feelings of profound peace and joy. In fact, yoga practice encourages such a high vibration that it can lead to instant healing not only of emotional issues but also physical ailments and imbalances. Further, the more we engage in the process of getting centered within, the more we carry this ability throughout our everyday lives. We can then move through all sorts of normally upsetting situations with calm grace because we are so practiced at moving in this way.

Yoga encourages a state of health on all levels, for balance is health, and yoga cultivates balance in the body and between the various aspects of our being. When we are in balance physically, our bodies feel good. When we are in balance emotionally, we feel centered and calm. When we balance all aspects of our being, we begin to embody graceful poise and radiant vitality.

Yoga also opens us up for a greater flow of life force energy, which leads to shining health and happiness. In some cases, yoga can ignite kundalini and spark a spiritual awakening and the development of psychic powers. When we are fully present to each moment and in a peaceful, high vibration, our intuition blossoms and we begin to receive all sorts of insights and creative ideas on how to solve problems and create what we want in our lives. Further, the more we synchronize our bodies with our hearts, minds and spirits like this, the better we get at this sort of communication. This allows us to hear different aspects of our beings telling us what we most need. This greater intuitive awareness helps us flow through everyday life much like we flow through different yoga poses: we spontaneously take just the right actions, say just the right words, and know just the right way to move forward so that what we desire to happen happens and our journey remains smooth.

On top of all of this guidance, yoga practice enhances our ability to consciously create what we want in our lives via the law of attraction. When we move into sync with the Universe, our desires merge with the desires of nature, which makes it far easier to focus on something and attract it into our experience. When we move into a state of flow with all aspects of our being and All That Is, we begin to dance with the Universe, drawing what we need our way, flowing away from what we don’t want, and naturally attracting whatever will fulfill our true needs and desires.

I think yoga is great for everyone, but I have found that it is especially beneficial for people who suffer from anxiety disorders because it helps them train themselves to relax into the moment instead of endlessly worrying about the future. It is also beneficial for spiritual seekers who are highly energetic and find it hard to sit still for meditation. It’s a wonderful form of physical and spiritual exercise for anyone who is tense in body, heart or mind, for it teaches us how to relax and go with the flow instead of endlessly pushing ourselves or fighting the current. Finally, yoga is a fantastic way to bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual, for it harmonizes all aspects of our being and opens us up to a higher level of spiritual awareness and experience.

Soul Arcanum