Tag Archive: dreams

A Dream Rich with Spiritual Guidance

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Years ago I had a dream I will never forget. It would take forever to tell the whole thing, but you should know that at this time, I had been experimenting with a Ouiji board, and at the beginning of the dream, a voice told me to stop doing that. Then there were two angels, and each one was trying to get me to go with him. They felt like opposing forces, and it was very confusing. I chose to go with the one that was beautiful. (The other I could not see, I could only hear.) I followed the beautiful one into this light, but then there was chaos everywhere; it was a vision of hell. I think my guardian angel was with me, because I heard a voice in my ear say, “I can’t stay here with you because God has removed his spirit from this world.” Then these beings started chasing me and I ran. I saw the beautiful angel ahead, but as I got close to him, his face changed into something terrible, like a demon. He smiled and said, “Aren’t you glad you came into the light so that we could be together forever?” I was so scared I woke up with a start. Now I think that “going into the light” is a foolish thing to do when we die, for it’s how dark beings try to trick us to go with them. I also have no idea who can be trusted anymore, and as a result, I went through a very difficult experience with a psychic who tried to scam me for a lot of money by saying it was cursed and needed to be “cleansed.” What do you think of this dream and its unsettling effect on me?
– D.

Dear D.:

What an amazing gift! While I can see why this dream was unsettling, I think it’s a wonderful sign that you are being guided spiritually. This dream was trying to teach you a very important lesson so that you wouldn’t have to learn it the “hard way.”

This dream is all about trusting your own inner knowing – the voice of God that speaks to you from WITHIN you, as opposed to listening to supposed representatives of God in the outer world, such as religious teachings, priests, people who say they have the answers, spirits that speak to you through the Ouji board, so-called psychics who want to scam your money from you, etc.

It came to you just as you had begun to explore outside sources of spiritual information (in your case, via the Ouji board.) As you were just getting started, you didn’t really know what you were doing, and you were very vulnerable to being misled by mischievous or malevolent spirits. This dream thus came to warn you that such activity may seem attractive, and that the spirits you encounter may seem wonderful, but this path could lead you to darkness, confusion and suffering.

The beautiful (but evil) angel here represents all the spiritual teachers, paths and pursuits that may seem to promise all the answers, power and control we desire in life, but which ultimately fail to really deliver. The good but invisible angel represents your own inner connection to the divine.

God and our guides and angels speak to us from within. They may not appear to us in visions of blazing glory or deliver their guidance in beautifully bound books or via expensive week-long seminars, but we can always trust our own inner voice to know what is best for us personally. As we grow and evolve spiritually, eventually we all learn to put our own inner guidance above all outside influences.

This dream was also a warning, however, and it could have been about an actual entity that was trying to form an attachment to your aura, or had already done so. By using the Ouji board before you were spiritually prepared for it, you invited any and all spirits to “come on in.” Since you no doubt felt pretty “spooky” about the whole thing, you would have attracted creepy sorts of characters.

There are all kinds of earthbound spirits around us, and they are naturally attracted to people who share their vibration. Spiritual entities both “good” and “bad” only have as much power over us as we give them, but what many people don’t realize is that we can give our power away to other people and spirits on an unconscious level.

Most people are sleepwalking through life; they aren’t awake to what is happening on a subtle energetic level, and they have no idea why they do many of the things they do. When we’re oblivious to subtle energies but curious about psychic phenomena, it’s sort of like opening all the doors to our house, and then (by using a Ouji board or engaging in similar psychic practices) putting a big sign on the front lawn that says, “Open House” or “Come Join the Party!”

Further, even though we all have spirit guides and angels watching over us, one of the distinguishing characteristics of higher level spiritual beings is that they will not try to interfere with our free will. They are always with us and willing to help, but they won’t throw unwelcome guests out of our party of their own accord, or stop them from entering at the door unless we ask them to do that. After all, this is our house, and it’s not their place to decide who is welcome here.

Further, since troublemakers want to crash our party, they usually clean themselves up, try to look attractive, and turn on the charm, just like your “beautiful” angel did. We become susceptible to this sort of misleading influence in the form of both worldly activities and non-physical entities when we get caught up in egoistic desires. It’s all about vibration. If we are hungry for more power, money or pleasure, or (heaven forbid) something like revenge, then it’s easy to get suckered in by people (or spirits) that promise us “the world” if we only follow them.

We have a built in barometer that is designed to help us discern between what is truly good for us and what is not, and that barometer speaks to us through our own inner voice. We are thus wise to be in constant dialogue with our own intuition, and instead of blindly handing our allegiance, faith and personal power over to some religion, teacher, psychic or entity, we must take responsibility for our own lives and for finding our own truth through a direct relationship with the Divine.

Christ taught that we should “pray unceasingly.” By this, I believe Christ meant that we must constantly monitor our thoughts and feelings, question our experiences, and purposefully cultivate divine goodness through right action, compassion, love, forgiveness, etc. If we have impeccable integrity, no one physical OR metaphysical will be able to lead us astray.

Some mystics and paranormal researchers view angels and demons in a remarkable way. They suggest that instead of a battle, there is a harmonious balance in the Universe between good and evil. They see darkness as essential to understanding light, and suggest that life itself is the process of exploring and experiencing both goodness and evil in order to know and understand both, and (hopefully) freely choose goodness ourselves. This is the whole point of our existence: it would mean nothing if we were forced to choose goodness, and it means everything when we are tested and tempted by evil, and decide to choose right action of our own accord.

I feel this amazing dream was designed to remind you that you will encounter all sorts of temptations, diversions and false teachings along your spiritual journey, and that you would be wise to trust above all the invisible voice of divine guidance that whispers within your own heart.

– Soul Arcanum

When we Can’t Remember Dream Encounters with Spirits

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My grandmother died when I was 16, and due to family tensions, I wasn’t able to be with her much before her death. In fact, I didn’t get to attend her funeral. Years later while I was pregnant with my second child, I had a VERY vivid dream where I met my Grandma in some kind of station that looked like a church because of the pews we sat on. I could see her perfectly and I could even smell her perfume and Jergens hand lotion. What has plagued me for years is that I know we had a very long conversation, but I don’t remember for the life of me what it was about. I know this wasn’t ‘just a dream,’ because even thinking of it now brings tears to my eyes. In my ‘dream,’ I knew the conversation was coming to an end. I was very sad and crying and I moved into a kneeling position on the floor, resting my head in my grandmother’s lap. When I looked up, she was gone. I have tried my hardest to remember what was said during that conversation. I believe she had some very important information for me, but I just can’t remember it. Is there any way to recall it?

– Tanya

Dear Tanya:

Your experience is very common, and it’s not just because it can be so hard to clearly remember ordinary “dreams.” I’ve read countless tales of people who have had amazing spiritual experiences via astral projection, a dreamlike/visionary state, or near death experiences, who know that they were given very important information, but they just can’t remember what it was!

Even folks who are very adept at remembering regular dreams may have experiences like this where they had a very profound conversation but they can’t remember what was communicated.

This is basically caused by a big shift in one’s vibration. When we’re having this profound experience, our energetic vibration is soaring relative to where it is when we’re fully awake. Just as when we’re dreaming or out of the body, we have no awareness of physical reality, when we’re fully conscious, we lose awareness of these subtler realms of experience.

One aspect of a high vibration is self-awareness. The more self-aware we are, the more spiritually conscious we tend to be. When we’re in a very high vibration, we’re naturally open to and at peace with just about everything. We can then access information that would freak us out when we’re rooted in a more egoistic state.

When we’re in an ordinary state of consciousness and thus rooted in our “lower selves,” we will tend to suppress any insights or information we’re not ready to face or handle yet. Our conscious minds block that information from our awareness. Thus the more we work on rising above the ego, the more we’ll be able to consciously access this higher perspective.

Another tricky aspect of remembering “conversations” we have in subtle realms is the fact that this sort of communication is not really verbal. It’s a mental transference of ideas and energies; no words are truly spoken. Any words that we remember are words our own minds supplied to interpret the information given.

So remembering a conversation like this is sort of like trying to remember all the thoughts you had while staring out over the ocean. Hours later, can you recapture them all? Or are they sort of mixed up in a vague jumble? Think of a time yesterday when you were alone for at least a half an hour, when you didn’t talk to anyone. What all did you think about? It’s hard to recall such details when nothing is ever put into words.

There is a way to bridge the chasm between these dimensions, and that’s to raise our waking vibration via conscious spiritual development. The higher our waking vibration, the more we’ll be able to remember what happens at higher states of consciousness. Further, the higher our vibration, the more we’ll be able to consciously control or induce certain spiritual experiences.

So the first thing I recommend is a concerted effort at spiritual development via endeavors such as meditation, spiritual study, right action, etc. (I’ve written extensively on this subject in the past.) The more you consciously develop as a spiritual being, the more empowered you will be to not only remember “ordinary” dreams, but to lucid dream, remember out of body experiences, consciously interact with spirit guides and remember their guidance, and even meet with your departed loved ones on other planes.

There are even people who can go visit “the other side” at will, and who can help the newly departed cross over by taking them there. While I’ve had dream encounters with spirits like the one you had, as a medium, I stand on this side of the veil and press my face to the window between the dimensions, where I can see and perceive the hand signals, crude drawings and little notes of spirit communication. By contrast, there are some people who can actually consciously travel to the other side. If they can do it, I’m sure you and I could too, if we applied ourselves. This is not necessary, however, in order to gain conscious access to guides and loved ones in Spirit.

I recommend you begin by meditating for about a half hour every morning. You might try a guided meditation designed to lead you into “conversation” with spirit guides or your grandmother. Next, affirm that you will visit with her again, and you WILL remember every detail of that visit.

Visualize what you want to have happen. Both during meditation and before you go to sleep, imagine meeting with her. Recall those smells that were so vivid for you in this striking experience you had before. Remember to pray for what you want: pray for spiritual experiences that lead you to greater clarity and awareness of what you need or want to know. You can even directly ask your spirit guides to facilitate this experience for you.

You might also try exercises that involve putting abstract spiritual guidance into words, like automatic writing or plain old journaling. Anything that involves the transference of subtle ideas or impressions into verbal form will strengthen your ability to translate those energies into clear messages. Also, write down whatever you’ve experienced as soon as you wake up or finish meditating, for such experiences tend to “slip away” very quickly as our vibration shifts back to that of physical reality.

A couple more things to remember: First, our loved ones in Spirit usually just come through to comfort us and express their love for us. You had a lot of unresolved feelings because you couldn’t attend your grandmother’s funeral, and I’m sure in part she was just trying to help you to heal those emotional wounds and make peace in your heart with all that happened. This is huge! It could be that this was the whole point of this experience – there may not be any deeper message than that.

Second, when we can’t remember some insight or idea that we sense is very important, or we are just unaware of it, there is usually a good reason. When the time is right, we will know whatever we need to know. I encourage you to trust in the wisdom of Spirit and your own higher self, and relax with faith that when the time is right, whatever you want to know will be revealed to you.

– Soul Arcanum

When Dream Visits from Spirits Suddenly Stop

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: For a while, I was having very vivid, involved dreams of my recently departed boyfriend every night. (He died about a month ago.) Now I haven’t had a dream about him for a week straight. What could cause dream meetings with loved ones in Spirit to stop? The signs of him that I had been receiving are also starting to fade, and this is really distressing me.

Dear B:

You’ve been very blessed to have so many signs and dreams as well as conscious memory of your continued dream experiences with him. While many people have contact with recently departed loved ones via their dreams, it is pretty unusual to have vivid dream visits from them every night.

I believe that these dream visits ended because it’s time for everyone to begin to move on. I know that you don’t want to and you don’t feel ready to, but if you continue to spend all of your dream time and most of your waking time trying to connect with your departed boyfriend, you won’t really be living, my friend.

Clinging to our loved ones in Spirit and begging them not to leave us isn’t good for them either. While I do understand how hard it is to let go, it’s important to realize that wanting to keep someone who has left this world with us is a selfish desire. It’s like a mother not wanting her children to grow up and leave home. While we can understand why she might feel that way, that doesn’t make it right. If she’s a truly loving mother, she knows this wouldn’t be the best thing for her child, so she rises above her own desires and encourages them to become independent and go off to explore new experiences.

Spirits may make an appearance via signs or dreams for some days or perhaps even weeks after leaving this world. They may remain close for a while, watching over their surviving loved ones and making sure that everyone is going to be okay and get over their deaths. During this time period, all sorts of wonderful signs and events may occur, including electrical phenomena, apparitions, and vivid dream visits. All of these happen because our loved ones in spirit are making a great effort to let us know that they are okay so that we can go on to have happy lives.

These events are not meant to take the place of life experiences. They are not trying to create an ongoing inter-dimensional relationship to replace the one that has been temporarily lost. They are simply wanting to comfort and reassure us when we’re reeling with grief. Since the ultimate point is to help us to get over their deaths and move on, there comes a point when all these signs, events, dreams, etc., have to end, especially if we’re clinging to them and focusing a great deal of our time and energy on them.

This is different from the case of earthbound spirits or ghosts, who may continue to try to get our attention indefinitely because they are lost and need help crossing over. So if you think about it, it’s natural and normal for these events to stop at some point, and it’s a good sign: it means that the natural process of death and continuation into the afterlife is going along smoothly.

I’m not saying that you can’t continue to meet with him via your dreams, for he can come back and visit you. Instead, I’m suggesting that by letting go, you can reclaim that ability. Right now, it’s not in anyone’s best interests to continue to keep him at the center of your life when you’re awake or asleep. Once you have healed further and opened up to new love and new happiness, you will probably begin to dream of him again.

This will happen both because it won’t be detrimental to you and because your vibration will have risen. As time does heal all wounds, this will eventually happen naturally. However, there are some things you can do to facilitate connection with loved ones in other dimensions.

The name of the game is getting into a very high vibration, for this will lift you toward their vibration and also empower you to manifest whatever you want in your life, including successful spirit communication. Here’s an article that may help: Raising Your Vibration for Spirit Communication.

Anything you do that raises your vibration, expands your spiritual nature or enhances your intuitive abilities will help you to bridge the chasm between dimensions. The more you consciously develop as a spiritual being, the more empowered you will be to not only remember ordinary dreams, but to lucid dream, induce out of body experiences, consciously interact with spirit guides and remember their guidance, and meet with your departed loved ones on other planes. You’ll also gain greater control over everything you encounter or try to manifest in life. For these reasons, I recommend you embrace spiritual development via endeavors such as meditation, spiritual practices and studies, personal growth, etc.

Some people can visit metaphysical worlds at will, and do so whenever they desire. If they can do it, I’m sure that with the right approach and development, you can too. While you’re working on that, you can meditate for a half an hour each day with a focus on finding peace within, healing from this loss, and reaching out to your boyfriend with your heart and mind. Try to think happy thoughts about him, and try to find gratitude for the time that you had with him. The more you can make your heart soar when you think of him, the easier it will be for you to consciously connect and communicate with him.

Also, before you go to sleep at night, try to get into a very high vibration like this and then ask Spirit to bless you with dream visits from him. Affirm that this is what is going to happen to your subconscious mind, and also affirm that you will remember these dreams in detail upon waking.

Visualize what you want to have happen. Both during meditation and before you go to sleep, imagine meeting with him. Remember to pray for what you want: ask your spirit guides to facilitate this experience for you.

You might want to keep a dream journal too, for this will expand your dream life in wonderful ways. We work out a lot of issues in our dreams, so if there are things happening in our lives that are more important than playing with our loved ones in other dimensions, then working out those problems or issues may take precedence. This means that the more together, at peace and empowered you are in general, the greater your freedom will be to dream of whatever you desire.

Finally, it’s important to trust that there is a good reason for all our experiences, including blocks or the lack of some experience you desire. The more you can trust that there must be a good reason these dreams have stopped for now, the higher your vibration will float, which will ironically make it easier for you to create what you want instead of taking whatever you’re given.

If this advice seems a bit contradictory, it’s because there is a tricky spiritual juggling act between being faithful and proactive that is rather magical. When we both own our power to manifest what we desire and at the same time trust that whatever happens is for the best, we step into a harmonious flow with the Universe, and then all sorts of healing and blessings flow into our lives.

– Soul Arcanum