Tag Archive: diet

Do You Need to Detox?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

On the Soul Arcanum Facebook page, you recently mentioned that you went through a diet detox. Could you talk more about it? What do you believe is the best way to detox through diet? What time of the year do you think is the best? For how long? Are there any books you would recommend that helped you to learn about the topic? I would really appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience in this area.


Dear Ellen:

I’m hesitant to write about this subject because I don’t want anyone to assume my choices must be somehow superior to what feels right and best to them. That being said, I will do my best to answer your questions.

I believe first and foremost in listening to your own body and intuition, for there is no one diet or answer that fits everyone. I also I believe that when we simply listen to our bodies and respond to whatever they are telling us, we naturally align with radiant health and well-being. Of course, it is also wise to pay attention to signs and messages from the Universe.

For general information on the idea of “detoxing” via diet, you’ll have to do some Googling, for I’m no expert on the subject, and my space here is very limited. The detox diet I mentioned on the Soul Arcanum Facebook page came about as a result of me listening to my own body, as I advise everyone to do. I believe that I was led to it as a result of asking (within) what I needed to do in order to feel better. For some time, I had felt like something was off in my body, and the idea pop kept popping into my mind that this was somehow related to candida overgrowth. For the record, I am NOT the sort of person who believes candida is the ultimate cause of every health problem under the sun.

My main symptom was my inner ears itching so badly it would wake me up at night. Whenever I “tuned in” to try to figure out what was going on, the idea of candida overgrowth popped up. Since I didn’t want to undergo the intense changes I believed would be necessary to remedy such a situation, for months, I just kept hoping for the problem to go away.

Around the time I began to get motivated to do something it, I received an email from a long-time friend who is a homeopathic healer. She was writing to tell me that she had felt a nudge to send me a homeopathic remedy. When I received it, it actually contained two remedies: before I could undertake what she believed I needed, she explained that I had to take something to address any candida issues. This got my attention because it was like the Universe was saying, “If you won’t listen to this message from the INSIDE, we’ll send it to you from the OUTSIDE!”

Now the Universe really had my attention, so I asked: What do I need to do in order to align with perfect health? Right after this, I saw a friend who looked amazing. She had lost a lot of weight, her hair was shiny, her eyes were bright, and her skin was glowing. I asked what she was doing, and she told me she was doing a detox diet – The Sadkhin Complex. It involved eating nothing but vegetables, fruits, whole milk and raw honey.

I felt this special nudge. It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you are receiving an answer to a question you posed to the Universe; it’s a sense of knowing that this is the answer and that this is what you are supposed to do. This is not a logical process, so though the diet sounded extreme, I decided to trust my intuition. Within three days of starting the diet, my ears stopped itching and I felt amazing. I ended up dropping 15 pounds in about three weeks, and I have kept it off.

I gained a lot through undergoing this rigorous detox process. It definitely helped me to develop greater self-discipline. I also believe that having strict rules to follow made it easier for me to stay on course. It taught me that we can function just fine without MOST of what we tend to eat on a daily basis: We don’t need all the cereals, pastas, breads, potatoes, etc., that form the foundation of most American diets. It was not easy to do, but it definitely helped me get back on track in terms of not eating processed foods again.

If we look to spiritual teachers and other outside “experts” for advice on what we should eat, we’re in for great confusion, for everyone seems to have a different opinion on the subject. I know a lot of spiritual people who are staunch vegetarians, and though I was strictly vegetarian myself for many years, I eventually figured out that this choice was based on abstract ideas – NOT how I actually felt when eating this way. I have learned that I do not do well long-term on a vegetarian diet because I need a lot of lean protein. I do try to only eat animal products from humanely treated animals, both for ethical reasons and because I believe that the ENERGY of the food we eat is paramount.

If you are psychically sensitive, you can actually feel the difference between a raw, natural food like an apple or a carrot, and the energy of something like bread or pasta. Foods that are in a raw, natural, unprocessed state feel “alive,” whereas foods that have been heavily processed and cooked feel “dead.”

Food from animals that have been mistreated or killed in an inhumane matter carry disturbing energy. I don’t eat beef mainly because it feels bad to me; it feels disturbing to my vibration. If you are psychically sensitive, you may notice that your energy drops after eating beef. In order to eat food from mistreated animals, we have to desensitize ourselves to the energy of their suffering, which spells psychic desensitization in general.

If you’re trying to grow more spiritual or develop your psychic abilities, it therefore makes sense to eat a vegetarian diet or to be very careful about the energetic quality of any animal products you consume. If, however, you are psychically overwhelmed, you can get grounded by eating energetically heavier foods. To spark a psychic awakening, you may want to eat nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for a period of time, or perhaps even fast.

Since we are part of nature, I believe that the closer we eat to the earth, the better. I am not a raw foodie, but I do try to eat as little of processed foods as possible, which means I mainly eat lean protein (chicken), eggs, dairy, fruits and vegetables. All of this being said, I don’t believe that what we eat is as important as how and why we eat. This is all about energy: Whenever I start to feel less than my best, I ask my body and the Universe what I need, and then I watch for the answers to come to me.

To align with the right choices for us, we’re wise to focus on food as energy, to eat for the way we want to feel, and to cook for ourselves and others as an act of love. Sometimes, the most loving thing we can do is undergo a strict diet for a while; other times, the most loving thing we can do is let go of worrying about our health (and everything else) and celebrate life on earth by digging in to share a delicious meal. Since we are constantly changing, in order to determine what we need in each moment, we must be constantly tuning in to the wisdom of our bodies and the divine. This is a lot more mental work than blindly following the rules of a particular diet, but it’s the only way to know and respond to our true needs.

– Soul Arcanum

Spiritual Way to Heal Compulsive Eating

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been trying to lose more than 100 pounds for years and I am getting really frustrated and down on myself. I have lost the same 30 pounds or so over and over again; I always put the weight back on. I am a compulsive eater; I just can’t seem to stop eating. I am convinced that there is something essentially wrong with me that makes me different from other people; I feel crazy and totally out of control. I hate myself for being this way. I hate how I feel and look. If dieting were the answer, it would have worked for me by now; I’ve figured out that I have to go deeper than dieting and exercise, which is why I’m coming to you for spiritual advice.


Dear B.:

Since a lot of people who want to lose weight are going to be reading this column, the first thing I want to do is differentiate between being overweight due to bad habits and being overweight due to compulsive behavior. In my hypnotherapy practice, I see all sorts of reasons people become overweight. Perhaps the most common reason is very simple: with its convenient high calorie foods, huge portions and lack of physical exercise, modern life is a recipe for packing on the pounds. If we don’t consciously strive to remain fit and healthy these days, we’re bound to get out of shape.

Of course, many people do use food for emotional reasons; in fact, everyone does this sometimes, for when we eat for pleasure, we are eating to feel good. What you’re describing, however, is an actual addiction. Like someone who can’t get through life without drinking or using drugs, if you need food in order to emotionally cope with life and your habit is ruining your health and happiness, you’re addicted.

Before I go into a spiritual perspective on healing such an addiction, I have to encourage you to see a doctor to explore possible biological reasons for what you’re going through. I understand if you’re reluctant to do this, but what if there is something physical going on and you’re beating yourself up for nothing?

I believe compulsive eaters are hungry for something more profound than food. This is what underlies the seemingly crazy experience of eating a huge meal but still feeling dissatisfied. It’s sort of like drinking salt water to quench your thirst; the more you drink, the thirstier you get, so you drink more and things just seem to get worse.

I do have good news. First of all, I see a lot in your question that is indicative of what is “wrong” with you. To put it bluntly, you’ve been trying to hate yourself into changing, which never works, my friend. Instead, you must love and trust yourself. Since the very idea of trusting yourself may seem crazy given the situation you’ve gotten yourself into, let me explain.

You’ve been eating compulsively for a good reason. Though it may not have led you to the peace, health and happiness you desire, it has helped you to cope with emotions that you weren’t ready to deal with yet. I believe that we are all doing our bests at all times, which means that people who are caught up in destructive addictions are really doing the best they can to cope at that time. When people overcome addictions, it’s because they have grown stronger and more motivated (self-loving) than they were before, so they have become capable of coping in new and more empowered ways.

This is the juncture at which we meet: you are becoming ready to deal with the proverbial skeletons that have been hiding in your emotional closet for years. Where in the past, you may have cracked the door open to grab something you needed, caught a glimpse of a skeleton, slammed the door shut and run to the kitchen for a snack, you’re now gearing up to open the door wide and look through all the junk in the closet so you can process what you want to keep, what you want to let go of, and what you want to upcycle into something new so you can evolve into a new and <q>better</q> version of yourself. To help you with this process, I strongly recommend you find a hypnotherapist who has experience in dealing with compulsive eating, for the first step must involve bringing all of the stuff you’ve been trying to avoid out into the light so you can see it clearly and consciously decide what you want to do with it.

The rest of the good news is that you are at a very powerful juncture in your life. If instead of trying to get rid of your compulsion as fast as possible, you turn and befriend it, it can become a powerful catalyst for new personal and spiritual growth. Working with it in this way will empower you to not only heal the compulsive behavior and achieve your weight loss goals, it will empower you to change your life on every level and find greater peace and happiness than you’ve ever known before. If you don’t work at this deeper level, you may be able to force yourself to diet and lose weight, but you won’t truly be happy and at peace, which means you’ll eventually go back to compulsive behavior of some kind in order to cope with difficult feelings. (You’ve been down that road before.) Basically, if the skeletons are still in your emotional closet and you’re still afraid of them, they will continue to haunt you.

I also recommend you explore Geneen Roth’s books, especially Feeding the Hungry Heart, Breaking Free of Emotional Eating, and Women, Food, and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything, which offers a lot of valuable insights regarding the emotional and spiritual roots of food addiction regardless of one’s gender.

I see two main keys to healing your self-destructive habits. First you must become conscious of what is happening on a deep level. In addition to hypnotherapy, beginning a regular meditation practice would be wise and powerful for you. I recommend mindfulness meditation in which you simply seek to develop an inner observer so you can watch your thoughts, feelings and actions as from above without judging yourself. If you keep in mind that you are always doing your best to take good care of yourself and you begin to simply observe what is happening inside of you in a calm, detached manner, you will empower yourself to consciously choose new ways to meet the same needs you’ve been trying to meet through compulsive eating. This will enable you to directly process and deal with difficult emotions as they arise, or, when that is not possible, to choose coping methods that support your health and happiness instead of destroying it. For example, I have been addicted to exercise for years; while I’m sure it changes my bio-chemistry, it also helps me release emotional and psychological tension.

If you came into my office for help, the first thing I would do is simply love you as you are and draw your divine beauty and perfection to the surface so you could see it for yourself. The point would be for you to begin to trust, love and accept yourself more fully, for this healing process is ultimately a journey of learning to love yourself better. When you believe in your own power and goodness more than you believe in food as the answer, you will be free from the grips of this painful condition. Please be kind to yourself, trust yourself, and know that when you find the courage to face those skeletons, they will lose the power they’ve held over you. You will then know that you are free to become whoever and whatever you want to be.

Can We Determine How the Food We Eat Will Affect Us?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: I had been eating organic chicken that is supposedly free of antibiotics and hormones, is able to run around happily, etc. But now I’m wondering, even with all its “good upbringing,” if the chicken is killed inhumanely (as they often are, according to what we’ve read in the news), would we absorb its fear vibrations into our systems when we eat it? How can we make sure we don’t pick up/absorb the animal’s fear, or is that just impossible? I contacted the company that packages the chicken, but I assume they will deny that their chickens are brutally slaughtered. What are your thoughts on this?
– Melissa

Dear Melissa:

As always, the following are just my own personal views. People get passionate about their beliefs, and vegetarianism (and the ethical treatment of animals) is a most provocative subject.

In a nutshell, YES – we can determine how the food we eat will affect us. I think that simply observing the different results people get from various diets demonstrates this. Someone can eat everything that is bad for you, smoke, drink, etc., and live to a ripe old age, while someone else can be super health-conscious and drop dead of a heart attack while out jogging one day.

At a metaphysical level, the difference between the two lies in their beliefs about health and diet, and the energy/emotions that those beliefs generate. I have observed a number of health nuts who were driven by fear of getting cancer or some other health problem develop exactly what they were afraid of. I have seen other people do whatever they wanted to do without one worry about how it would affect their health live to a ripe old age (and have a whole lot of fun doing it, too). We will manifest what we focus upon. Instead of worrying about how our food will affect our health/vibration, we’d be wiser to worry about our worrying! 😉

One who is fully aligned with well-being can do amazing things without suffering ill consequences. This is how fire walkers can walk across hot coals without getting burned; they fully align their energy with faith/well-being.

For example, doctors frequently point out how French people eat cheese and cream and drink wine all the time, yet they don’t have the health problems one would expect from this sort of diet. To me the reason for this is obvious: they eat with reverence and pleasure. They don’t worry about what they’re eating all the time, so they are free of guilt and fear. They approach eating very consciously; they put everything else aside, take their time, and really savor their food. They enter into eating with a high conscious intention of enjoying themselves on all levels, and thus regardless of what they eat, they are nourished. Americans, on the other hand, keep hearing how what they eat is going to create all these problems, and they keeping eating what they “shouldn’t” but obsessively worrying about it or feeling guilty.

Now, you might be wondering how all these health problems began in the first place if people didn’t use to worry about them. Basically, there ARE things that encourage health and things that challenge the body, and most folks tend to sleepwalk through life unaware of how their choices are creating their experiences. These are the folks who stumble into the hot coals and start jumping around screaming in pain. They run to their doctors and show them their burned feet, and then doctors urge the “surgeon general” to put out a warning: “Don’t walk on hot coals; you’ll get burned.”

So it is impractical to try to eat lower vibration foods on a regular basis if one desires a very high level of well-being, simply because it would take more conscious focus and intention than anyone I know would be capable of to override the natural vibration of those foods. (Imagine that instead of summoning the power to walk across hot coals once, you have to do this every time you eat something. It’s exhausting just thinking about it).

I don’t believe there is one diet that is right for all people. I do believe, however, that there is one approach to eating that will prove positive for everyone. It involves making a habit of eating foods that are easy for the body to usefully assimilate. This is like choosing a nice, smooth path in life, instead of hot coals. It also involves making a habit of approaching eating (and for that matter, everything in life) with an attitude of pleasure, reverence and gratitude. In this way, regardless of what one specifically chooses to eat, one’s vibration is aligned with well-being, and thus that is what one will experience. I can’t think of a single culture that historically has NOT had some prayer or ritual designed to consciously align with reverence and gratitude for the food about to be eaten. Sadly, in addition to surrounding us with highly processed, low vibration food, modern life has led us far from simple wisdom like this.

As for the controversial issue of vegetarianism, I feel that is also an individual decision. I honor your choice and I encourage everyone to listen to their bodies and their intuition in making their own choice as well. Personally I think Native Americans had the right balance. When they would kill an animal for food, they would offer a prayer of thanks to the animal’s spirit for giving its life so that they could live. The animal’s sacrifice was thus honored, and the act of eating was approached with reverence. By contrast, we have become totally disconnected from the source of our food. Instead of raising animals and slaughtering them ourselves, instead of watching the beauty and grace of a deer before we kill it for food, we go to the grocery store and buy plastic-wrapped packages of stuff that looks nothing like the animal it was a short time ago. It’s hard to feel reverence for an animal’s sacrifice when we’ve forgotten there was even an animal involved in our meal in the first place.

I recently heard a (vegetarian) Buddhist monk answer a question about eating meat, and he pointed out that for a vegetarian to refuse to eat meat based on principle is to dishonor the sacrifice the animal has made. The animal has died to become our food; if we refuse to eat it, then it has died for nothing. This seems even more poignant in the case of an animal that lived a miserable existence. He encouraged us all to choose with love and to remain flexible. After all, it is impossible to live without harming any living thing. We can’t even scratch an itch without obliterating microscopic organisms.

So in summary, there are food choices that are like smooth, easy paths for our bodies. The more whole, natural and fresh a food is, the more life force energy it contains, and the better it is for our health. I try to eat a lot of fresh raw fruits and vegetables and nuts. This is high vibration food, and thus it not only enhances physical health, but also spiritual growth. I limit or avoid sugar, white flour and other processed foods, beef, pork and alcohol. This does not mean I never eat them or that I never would. It does sadden me that animals are treated cruelly, and I am aware of the energy involved in eating those beings, so like you, I try to choose consciously.

Maintaining true health and well-being requires us to remain flexible and open and to constantly listen to our intuition, for when we become rigid and dogmatic in our beliefs, or when we worry and act from fear, we ultimately do more harm than we prevent.

Act with love. Eat with love. Give thanks for all that life sends your way. Listen to your body/intuition and honor your truth. Be humble and grateful. When you approach life this way, your vibration of well-being will override the energy of everything and everyone that enters your experience.

– Soul Arcanum