Tag Archive: destiny

Why Do We Feel So Attracted to Some People?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Why do we fall in love with someone we hardly know? Why does this sort of thing happen? If we don’t really know them, how can we love them? I find myself in this situation and it’s just not right because it breaks all social rules and conventions. I feel a very strong, happy pull towards a particular gentleman. It’s like my heart recognizes him and is so happy to hear his name and see him, but my head is telling me to stop being silly. I think he has a soft spot for me as well. Is this just some fleeting fantasy, or is his energy pulling me toward him? Are there spiritual reasons for why we feel so drawn to some people from the moment we meet them?

Dear K.R.:

The first thing that struck me about your question is your assumption that if something breaks social rules and conventions, it’s just ‘not right.’ I believe the only way to know what is truly right is to listen to our hearts, for there are all sorts of social conventions that are pretty crazy.

There is always a reason why we feel a certain way, but that doesn’t mean we should act on all our feelings. For example, we may feel like punching someone who makes us angry or like eating a huge bag of candy, but that doesn’t mean we’re wise to act on those impulses.

Often we distract ourselves with momentary obsessions in order to avoid facing feelings or issues that are overwhelming. Many people in unhappy marriages try to distract themselves by projecting their unfulfilled desires on a third party. This allows them to focus on something that feels good while avoiding upsetting or disturbing thoughts and feelings.

Repressed desires can also spark inexplicable attractions. Many crushes are simply the result of boredom. We all crave excitement and romance, and if we are repressing our desires by not pursuing our dreams, the passion burning within us will seek release in some other way.

I’m not suggesting that all strange attractions are somehow misguided or unfounded – far from it – but in order to determine if there are good soulful reasons behind a strange attraction, it’s important to eliminate some of the more mundane possibilities. This is sort of like ghost hunting: before we attribute phenomena to something otherworldly, we’re wise to rule out common explanations.

There are many spiritual reasons we may feel strangely attracted to someone. Usually this strong pull is karmic in nature, and suggests a positive past life relationship. Since there are many reasons we may feel as we do, however, we’re wise to consider other possibilities. For example, we may fall in love with someone we didn’t know in a past life simply because they remind us of someone we once loved deeply. In these cases, we may have that familiar feeling of recognizing someone from a past life, and old feelings of love and passion may be stirred up even though the person before us is not the soul we are <q>remembering.</q>

This can also happen with people we’ve known in the past in this life. Often we are attracted to someone because they remind us of someone else. This doesn’t have to be romantic: if we meet someone who reminds us of a beloved grandfather, we may feel strongly drawn to him, especially if we haven’t fully grieved Grandpa yet. Our subconscious is forever guiding us to finish old business and resolve personal issues, so if we meet someone who stirs up something in us that needs more attention, it’s normal to feel a sense of attraction.

Our souls are also guiding us to what we need to experience in order to learn whatever we need to learn next. I often counsel women who are looking for true love, and as I peek into the future, I may see a man coming in who is not going to be a life long partner, but who will prove to be essential to her journey to fulfillment. Somehow, this relationship will help her to learn whatever she needs to learn or heal whatever she needs to heal in order to move to a higher level of experience.

The forces behind attraction are like the force of gravity: like naturally attracts like, and holes in our beings are naturally the first things to be filled as the river of time and experience washes over us. We all have deep issues that we’re not conscious of as well as desires and questions burning in our hearts, and we naturally draw into our lives the people and experiences that can help us move toward peace and fulfillment.

Further, we often mistake the soulful things we need for the people who represent them. A good example of this is the experience of transference, when someone who is seeking something profound like inner peace, happiness or healing falls in love with his therapist. The therapist represents feeling better, but in essence is just one channel through which what is needed can flow.

Something similar happens when a person symbolizes or embodies some trait or aspect we are being called to develop further ourselves. If we are drawn to someone deeply spiritual, our own inner being may be trying to get us to lean in a more spiritual direction. If we’re out of balance, we may feel strongly drawn to someone who represents the other end of the spectrum – hence the saying that opposites attract.

Attraction is energetic. When someone’s energy harmonizes well with our own, we feel like we “click.” If someone has a higher vibration than we do, it’s natural to feel drawn to them, and if someone has a lower vibration, it’s natural to feel repelled. So if being in this man’s energy field makes you feel uplifted, it’s natural for you to want to be near him.

Often we feel deeply drawn to someone because they are a soul mate � someone we’ve loved deeply in another place and time. In such cases, it’s important to remember that what we do with our loving feelings is up to us. If acting on romantic attractions would compromise our own values somehow, we can still love that person without going in a romantic direction.

Romance is a human experience: there is never a soul reason to have physical sex with someone, except for when we are destined to have a child together in order to bring a particular soul into the world. At the same time, however, there is never a soul reason NOT to have sex with someone. As long as we don’t go against our own truths and values, we are free to follow our hearts. Of course, depending on our circumstances, we are only as free as we are brave enough to break with convention.

Often this sort of situation arises as a spiritual test: Will we find the courage to honor the truth in our own hearts? Sometimes doing the right thing means one course of action, and at other times, it means something totally different. Here social rules and conventions prove to be great spiritual tools, for what we’re really doing is learning to trust our own judgment so much that we don’t need social convention to tell us what’s right anymore.

To figure out what this attraction means for you, you must first trust that there is a good reason for it. Then ask yourself what this person represents or symbolizes to you, and how he makes you feel. If this attraction was not about this individual, what might it be about for you on a deeper soul level?

I believe we’re placed in situations where we feel drawn to people and experiences that are somehow forbidden because we’re supposed to learn how to listen to and trust our own hearts. Choosing love is always the answer, but since what that means is unique to each situation, we must ask within and trust our inner knowing to guide us.

– Soul Arcanum

Is It True That There Is No Such Thing as Accidents?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I finally bought the car I wanted most in the world a year and a half ago, and it got totaled in less than a year. Now I’ve had another accident with my beloved car. I feel like this must be some kind of message from the Universe, but I’m not sure what it means. What is the deal with these car accidents? Thanks so much, Soul Arcanum. Love to you!
– Kyle

Dear Kyle:

Once we learn about the law of attraction, it’s natural to wonder how and why we may have created certain experiences. There is a saying in metaphysical circles that there is no such thing as accidents, but I don’t believe that is entirely true.

I like that the subject we’re dealing with here is auto accidents, because I frequently use the metaphor of driving to illustrate how we navigate our way to what we desire in life. Most people get behind the wheel of their lives with no formal training. They just get in and copy what they’ve seen other people like their parents, siblings, teachers and friends do. They turn the key, grab the wheel, test the floor pedals and lurch off.

Since they don’t have a map or even a clear sense of their destination, they turn down this street and that one as guided by whims, unconscious habits and impulses, vague feelings and intuitions, unclear memories about where they’ve been before and where they guess each street might lead them.

As you might imagine, this approach leads to lots of people getting “lost,” and to no small number of “accidents.” No one WANTS accidents, of course, but since these folks get behind the wheel without any real skills or training, they tend to feel a bit out of control and nervous about the whole process. Further, they don’t know how to consciously align with a safe, productive, successful trip!

As I see it, accidents happen all the time when we are not carefully aligning what we want. It’s the same with health, financial prosperity, and every other aim or desire. If we give little or no thought to manifesting good health, it’s easy for us to haphazardly adopt habits and manifest experiences that aren’t very healthy. If we don’t give much thought to manifesting prosperity and we spend our resources carelessly, we’ll probably feel out of control in relationship to money.

Further, if we aren’t setting our own tone in life, we tend to get caught up in the dominant tone around us. For example, if our parents had issues with prosperity consciousness, and were always worried about money, unless we consciously choose to adopt a different approach, we will tend to approach money the same way that they did. So in a nutshell, many times we are simply creating our experiences by default, which leads to things we tend to label “accidents.” Often, these just mean we’ve been careless with our vibration.

It’s also important to note that the physical is a realm of profound contrast. In order to love something, we must risk losing it, which means big love is naturally accompanied by big fear. This is why we tend to worry so much about our children: as there is nothing we love more in life, there is nothing we worry about more. You wrote that this was the “car you wanted most in the world,” and then later, you described it as your “beloved” car. Even though you may not have been conscious of it, I’m betting that when you bought this car, you also picked up a lot of worry that something might happen to it.

Of course, once we manifest something unpleasant once, we naturally tend to manifest it again. For example, after your first accident, you were probably afraid of having another one, and you began to give lots of attention to accidents. It’s apparent from your question that you are now giving the subject of car accidents a very big place in your world, because you’re thinking that there is some deep spiritual meaning behind this pattern. Giving lots of attention to this matter will of course tend to manifest more accidents.

You are, however, on your way to a higher level of experience because you’ve taken the crucial step of becoming more CONSCIOUS of what is happening. You’re wise to examine your beliefs about accidents in general, and also to ask yourself if you generally feel safe in the world. Often we experience a recurring pattern in various areas of our lives due to a general underlying feeling that has become so normal or natural for us that we don’t even notice it.

For example, if deep down you feel rather vulnerable, like something bad could happen without warning at any moment, you would be a match for all sorts of different “accidents,” from car accidents to bumps and bruises, spills, slips, stains, messes, typos – you get the idea! The good news is that by cultivating the general feeling of safety and security, you can manifest the experience of well-being across the board instead.

To leave this pattern behind, however, I wouldn’t spend too much time analyzing it. It’s not essential to understand why this happened – the important thing is to recognize that you want something different than this, and then to consciously and deliberately give your thought energy/attention to what you desire. In other words, quit focusing on these accidents so you can focus on well-being instead.

Just think about the many, many days you drove without accident or incident. I bet if we added up all the minutes you’ve ever spent driving, the couple of minutes it took for you to get into these accidents would be a teeny, tiny fraction of your driving time. By appreciating your general experience of safety here, you can align with a higher vibration in relationship to driving.

In summary, sometimes there is no great lesson behind our experiences. Instead, they’re just flashing road signs that tell us we’re off course, and must pay more attention if we want to safely arrive at a desirable destination.

– Soul Arcanum


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I overheard someone mention the word “karma” today, and it got me thinking. What exactly is karma, anyway? Do you believe the concept of karma is legitimate, or do you think it’s an idea dreamed up by people who want an excuse to not take personal responsibility for their lives? I would much rather believe in free will and our ability to make better choices for ourselves as opposed to something like fate. Is karma real? Is it worth even talking about? If so, what can we do about it? Is karma “fair?” Who enforces karma – God? If I seem to be experiencing patterns of “bad luck” in my life, does that mean I have “bad” karma? I am a Christian who believes in reincarnation, but I am not sure that what I did in past lives can affect me now for better or for worse. What are you beliefs on this subject?
– Elena

Dear Elena:

In Sanskrit, the word karma means “action.” When we speak of karma, we are basically referring to the universal law of cause and effect, action and reaction. We might say an individual’s karma is the sum of his or her actions that are still awaiting reaction.

I was surprised at your slant on karma and responsibility, because it seems to me that believing in karma is not a cop out in which we blame our “bad luck” on some force outside of ourselves. Instead, believing in karma is taking total responsibility for whatever we’ve created in our lives, whether we created it recently or in some distant time and place. Further, believing in karma means we know we will have to “answer for” our choices in the future.

Some people believe that “God” or some other deity will enforce the law of karma and dole out rewards or punishments based on our behavior, but most people seem to share my view that it is simply a natural universal law like gravity.

Karma simply acknowledges the universal truth that “like attracts like.” If we send love into the world, love returns to us. If we are selfish because we fear lack, we get more lack. Working with karma is therefore not so much a matter of being “good” as it is choosing to embody and focus upon what we desire to experience. If we desire love, we must be loving. If we desire happiness, we must spread happiness. If we desire success, we must focus our resources on creating that success. This takes the need for any sort of moral judgment by a deity out of the equation.

If we replace the word karma with a more familiar term like “momentum,” it’s easier to see how karma is just a natural law. Then the questions many people have about karma become obvious. Do you believe in momentum? Who enforces momentum – God? Is momentum “fair?” If momentum is carrying me in a certain direction, is it because I was “bad” in a past life? Further, when we view karma as momentum, it’s easy to see that to end up somewhere other than where we seem to be heading, we need to exercise free will and choose to move in a new direction.

It is helpful to think and talk about karma because when we become conscious of the effects of our actions, we can learn to choose more wisely. We all have habitual reactions to most circumstances, and so long as we continue to react the same way, we will continue to get the same results. When we recognize that we are creating our experiences and we choose to respond in a more conscious way, we move into a higher level of experience and essentially free ourselves from that karmic pattern.

To do this, we must be able to honestly observe ourselves. Given the powerful role of the ego, this can be very hard to do. The ego naturally wants us to blame other people for our problems instead of recognizing that we have brought them upon ourselves. Even when we do realize we are creating our own experiences, getting past the ego can be very challenging.

A conscious spiritual path is one in which we begin to pay careful attention to our choices and what may result from our actions. It is a constant quest to uncover what is truly right and important, and to stretch ourselves past the ego to take right action. This requires great courage, tolerance, patience, humility, etc.

For many of us, the most challenging karma we deal with involves our closest relationships. When we have strong feelings of love or hate for someone, it’s usually a sign that there is a lot of karma between us.

If we want to improve our karma, the most powerful thing we can do is rise above the most negative emotion we feel. If there is a relationship that is very troubling, we can work on healing it. If there is someone we hold hatred for in our hearts, we can find a way to forgive them and make peace with them.

It doesn’t matter if others work with us or not. We can’t change another’s karma, and we will only feel the effects of our own anyway. If, however, we have wronged or hurt someone in some way, we must at least try to make things right or help them feel better. When we reach the point where we can love our enemies as our spiritual brothers and sisters and appreciate all we’ve learned through our interactions with them, then we have transformed a former enemy into a future friend.

There are a couple of aspects of karma that frequently confuse people. One is the matter of intention. Our intentions are paramount. If we “kill a bad guy” in order to save a bunch of innocent people, we don’t carry the karma of a murderer but of a hero, for our intention was to save innocent people. If we break a law in order to help or protect someone, and we hurt no one else by doing so, then we carry the karma of helping or protecting someone.

Another point that many people overlook is the matter of duty. Some passive types seem to believe that it is best to try to do as little as possible in life in order to avoid incurring bad karma. It’s my understanding that this is rather backwards, for failing to take appropriate action is just as bad as doing the wrong thing.

It is thus foolish to stand back and watch someone suffer when we could help, to stand in the way of someone trying to do the right thing, to fail to speak up for what’s right because we’re afraid, to fail to apologize because we’re too proud, etc. Further, we all have duties to fulfill. If we bring a child into the world, we have a duty to lovingly care for that child. If we marry someone, we swear to do and be certain things for that person, and it is our duty to fulfill our vows.

Also, from a higher perspective, having a “hard” or challenging life is not a bad thing. We do not incarnate to do nothing but party – we live in order to learn and grow. Believing that having lots of challenges must mean we have bad karma is like assuming that students who choose a challenging course of study in college must have been bad students before they got there. Instead, it suggests that they are ambitious and want to learn a lot in a short amount of time.

Finally, when it comes to karma, most people focus too much on the past – on explaining what has already happened and blaming karma for it – instead of focusing on the future and aligning with what they desire. We are wise to remember that if past mistakes can create present problems, then present wisdom can create future blessings. The law of karma teaches us that our “fate” is not out of our hands; instead, it is of our own creation.

Talking about karma reminds us that we can never really avoid anything, and it’s foolish to give up, for we will naturally have to deal with the repercussions of our choices eventually. In fact, the more we acknowledge and consciously work with the law of karma, the faster we can manifest whatever we want in our lives, whether that is a higher level of experience here on Earth, or the ultimate spiritual goal of “enlightenment.”

– Soul Arcanum

Are You Hung up on the Past and What Might Have Been?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Is there some way to find out from Spirit if we made the right decisions in the past? For example, lately I’ve been feeling like if I’d made different decisions over the past seven years or so, I would be on a higher or better path now. Can I find out? I’m a Christian, and at church I often hear that if I don’t do the right thing or act according to divine timing, things will go wrong for me. I believe that we do have to make the best choices for us to manifest good things in our lives, and the problem is that I don’t know if I’ve been making the best choices for me for the past seven years or so, because so much in my life is really a mess. Would my life be better now if I had made better choices? I keep going back to a couple of key junctures along the way, and a couple of key choices I made over and over again, and now I wonder if I was digging myself into a hole. I’m 26 years old and I’m ready to turn my life around, but I don’t know where to start.
– Elena

Dear Elena:

Congratulations – you are on the verge of a major personal breakthrough!

We’ve all known people who keep doing the same things over and over and expecting different results because they have not yet realized that they are causing their own misery. When they DO truly realize this – when they stop waiting for some outside force or person to save them, and they stop blaming other people for their problems – they will change.

Life brings many tests and challenges, and some are like entrance exams to the next level of our spiritual education. When the veil of denial begins to lift and we get an inkling that perhaps our old interpretation of life was somehow false or illusionary, what we do at that point is very important. If we push that thought away because we’re too “proud” to face the truth or because we’re just too lazy to do anything with it, we shift into denial and get caught up in limiting patterns.

If, however, we are ever consulting our hearts and souls and listening for the truth within, and we have the courage to face our faults and mistakes as soon as we catch a glimmer of them, then we’ll move on from false thinking before we dig ourselves into a rut.

There are basically three steps to healing and releasing the past so you can move on to new happiness: First you must face facts, then you must forgive yourself and others, then you’ll be free to focus on what you want for the future.

Step One: Facing Facts

When the past is haunting us, it’s a call for us to question some of the lies we’ve been telling ourselves. Negative emotion is the main symptom to watch out for, as whenever we’re caught up in sorrow, anger, fear, regret, etc., we are not seeing the whole truth. We should therefore question every thought that makes us feel bad.

We also need to let go of the need to judge everything – including the past. It was what it was, and we can safely assume that it was just what we needed it to be, and we did just what we needed to do, in order to learn just what we needed to learn.

To heal on a psychic/emotional level, however, we do have to face the truth about ourselves and our past actions and hold ourselves accountable for them. This doesn’t mean that we beat ourselves up about them forevermore. In fact, just facing the truth will launch us toward healing; the truth will indeed set us free.

When we have absorbed all the wisdom our experiences hold for us, we naturally graduate to a new level of life lessons, so when we’re hung up on the past, it’s generally because we’ve yet to learn something we need to learn. Until those lessons are integrated, the past will tug at us to go back and explore our experiences again. While I’m a firm believer in focusing on what we do want in life, in such situations, the only way to truly move on is to stop and review the past for whatever we seem to have missed.

It’s a bit like having a thread from your sweater snagged on something you’ve tried to walk away from – you have to go back to whatever you got hung up on, free yourself from it, and do whatever repair work is necessary if you want to move forward looking and feeling your best.

To accomplish this, you will have to examine your own choices and behavior and honestly ask yourself how you might have been more skillful. This will involve going back over any memories that hold a strong emotional charge for you. This charge may involve negative feelings about yourself such as shame, guilt or embarrassment, or they may involve negative feelings towards others such as anger, bitterness, jealousy or rage. These feelings indicate that there are psychic wounds that still need healing.

You might also want to explore the possibility that past life issues are at play in this situation. I don’t normally recommend looking for possible problems, but if you feel like the past is tugging at you or weighing you down, past life regression therapy may prove very helpful. (It would also be wise to stop and ask yourself what you may be avoiding in the now with all of this focus on the past.)

Step Two: Forgiveness

Once you have pinpointed those emotionally charged memories, it’s time to forgive yourself and others for anything you perceive to be a mistake or bad decision. While there are some transgressions that may seem unforgivable, it’s wise to understand that EVERYONE is always doing the best they can in any situation.

Granted, sometimes that best is really lame. In those situations, I recommend you do as I do: give thanks that you are not as lost and clueless as that person seems to be. It will help you find compassion for them, which will help you forgive whatever they did.

I’m reminded of when I was a kid and would try to tattle on my little brother, and my mother would wisely say, “You just worry about yourself.” We would all be wise to just worry about our own karma. Besides, when we forgive others, we don’t erase their karma for whatever they did – we set ourselves free from the pain and suffering of living with negative emotion and a heavy vibration.

Further, it doesn’t really make sense to second-guess our past decisions, because if we hadn’t lived what we lived, we wouldn’t know what we know now. So instead of regretting the past, it’s wise to give thanks above all for the bad experiences that led us to new wisdom and understanding.

If you really want to change your life for the better, I thus recommend you seek out everyone you believe you’ve ever wronged and apologize to them and try to make amends. Also, bring everyone who has ever wronged you into your heart and forgive them. This alone will TRANSFORM your life. It will free you from all sorts of negative patterns, send your vibration soaring, and open doorways to a rich assortment of new blessings.

Step 3: Focus on Fulfillment

Once you’ve faced facts and forgiven everyone you can think of, it’s time to start cultivating new blessings. At rudimentary levels of spiritual development, our main goal is to resist temptation and avoid making big mistakes. As we evolve, however, we soon realize that we have endless potential for cultivating wonderful karmic rewards.

Once you’ve healed the past, if you begin to actively strive to be good and kind, you will see miracles blossom all around you. By aiming to do the right thing, performing good deeds, and wishing yourself and others well, you can launch yourself onto a higher level of experience and reap the benefits of your wise habits forevermore.

– Soul Arcanum

The Opposite of Grief: Reuniting with Someone from a Past Life


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My husband of six years passed away two years ago after a long battle with cancer. I have been blessed with sensing his presence at times, and with truly believing he is free from suffering and I will see him again someday. Nevertheless, I can’t seem to move on. Maybe I’m just not sure where to go from here. I’m in my mid-thirties, we had no children together, and I have a satisfying career. Despite all the good things in my life, it feels like I’ve already had the best love had to offer me. I would appreciate any advice you could give me.
– Brenda

Dear Brenda:

I’d like to share a personal experience with you.

When I was a young woman, my first love died very suddenly. There are many amazing spiritual stories surrounding that event, but there is one in particular that is relevant here.

A few days after Todd died, I awoke in the middle of the night in a panic. I was burning up with heat and gasping for breath, and as I opened my eyes, I could see the room was filled with smoke. Assuming the house was on fire, and I catapulted out of bed and flew across the hall, where I pounded on my parents’ door yelling, “Fire! Fire!”

My father was at the door in a flash with a fire extinguisher in his hand, shouting, “Where? Where?” As I turned and looked back into my room, the smoke was gone. There was nothing there. Speechless, I mumbled something like, “It was there, I swear…”

For three nights in a row I was awakened the same way. The second night I actually repeated my frantic scramble for help. (My father did NOT make it to the door nearly as quickly that time). The third night I forced myself to sit still in bed, and as I did so, the smoke dissipated before my eyes.

Many years later, I am now married to the love of my life. I don’t have room here to go into all the incredible details of how we found each other, but it was definitely preordained. The important thing to note is that I have found even greater love than I lost long ago – and with a firefighter. It took me nearly 20 years to figure out those “fire” experiences in the night, but I now believe that Todd was trying to give me a sign that I would find true love again, and how it would come to me.

When our grief over someone’s passing has subsided but we still feel empty, I believe we are wise to focus on just what Todd was trying to shift my attention to: all the people we have yet to meet whom we already love so well. We must remember that just as death is inevitable, life is ever leading us back to people we have loved in other lives. The cure for your emptiness is deciding to reconnect with these kindred spirits.

Also, while I believe that grief is totally natural, I think we have developed some unhealthy ways of dealing with it. Some people, for example, assume that the devastation they feel when someone dies must indicate that death is indeed a horrible and final end.

As I see it, grief is a natural response to the end of anything we have loved well. It’s normal to be sad when we are leaving some person, place or era that has held a lot of happiness for us. Ironically, it’s my understanding that many souls feel some grief about leaving the spirit world to incarnate here on Earth, which makes our grief over doing the reverse seem a bit overblown. It’s focusing on the past that causes us pain; at some point, it only makes sense to shift our attention to all the possibilities on the horizon.

Every time someone we love departs our experience, it creates room in our lives for someone else who is just as special. Too often people feel that they are somehow betraying a departed loved one by loving someone else. I say that by holding themselves back from new love, they may betray someone they have loved just as deeply in another life, whom they have yet to meet again in this one. Just think: what if you had met someone else prior to meeting your husband, and when that person died, you closed yourself off from new love?

Romance aside, there are many people you have loved in other lives who are waiting to love you again, and I think you owe it to all of those loved ones to stay open to creating new happiness with them. For example, I have done readings for parents who had lost a child, and to whom that same soul had already returned in the form a new baby. It often takes such parents years to recognize the departed child in the younger sibling. Eventually when the child begins to talk, however, they will do things or say things evidential of their true identity. Some children will even refer to the “last time” they were here, before they died in some manner, when they were so and so, etc. Then those parents realize that they have spent years grieving for a child who was sitting right beside them!

I have similarly read for number of widows and widowers who say that they will never fall in love again, and been shown an even greater love for them in the future. This is always a love that already exists, and usually it is with someone they have loved even more deeply and truly than the person they say they will never get over. I think it’s exciting to know that for each one of us, there are many people out there whom we have been missing on an unconscious level and have yet to meet up with again in this lifetime.

While big reunions between souls are often destined to happen at certain junctures, there are some things you can do to reconnect with as many people you’ve loved in other lives as possible. Here are a few:

  • Act on your impulses to go certain places and speak to certain people.
  • Stay open to meeting new people and letting them get close to you.
  • Call or contact people who frequently come to mind, for often these are relationships you are being guided to pursue.
  • Accept invitations from strangers you feel drawn to.
  • Honor your hunches and feelings about seemingly unrelated matters, such as which job you will take and where you will live. Often we are led to meet important people through such decisions.

Here are a few signs that you’re in the presence of someone you have loved before:

  • You have a very strange feeling, or it seems like time stands still when you first meet them.
  • They seem vaguely familiar or you feel unusually drawn to them.
  • The way you meet is surrounded by lots of synchronicity, like you were guided or destined to find each other.
  • You can see certain turning points or incidents in the past that are strongly connected to this meeting or to this person. For example, my ex-husband said that for his entire life, he’d had a picture in his mind of his “ideal girl.” He thought this was just a fantasy until he met me and discovered that the girl with that face actually existed.
  • Other people in your life are strongly connected to someone you feel an instant sense of kinship with. For example, if you have a strong feeling of familiarity upon meeting your brother’s fiance, it could mean that you’re GOING to know her in the future, but it could also mean you’ve known and loved her in another life. Since we reincarnate in soul groups, it’s common for there to be strong connections between your loved ones.
  • This relationship seems to have a life of its own – it just happens.

As I see it, my friend, the future is rich with exciting opportunities to love again. Please do remember that the karmic bond you feel to people from past lives is no more special just because it began in another time and place. As a very wise song goes, if you can’t be with the one you love, then love the one you’re with. You could create the most magnificent relationship EVER with someone you meet for the first time today.

– Soul Arcanum

Mental Voice Predicts Future Relationship

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few years ago I took a seminar, and I raised my hand to ask a question of the teacher. Right after I asked my question, I heard a voice in my head. It was perfectly clear, and it told me that I had just met my future husband. I was so taken aback that I actually looked around the room to see if anyone else had heard or noticed anything, but everything seemed normal. I live in the same town as this man, and I haven’t seen him since, but this experience still pops in my head now and then, especially since I’m still single. Do you think it’s possible that this man is indeed my future husband? Either way, what in the world was this voice? Thank you so much!
– M.

Dear M.:

I know this sounds crazy, but if my own experiences hold your answer, I’d say this man IS your future husband!

One of the most powerful psychic experiences we can have is the recognition of someone we’ve known well in a prior incarnation. Even people who aren’t into psychic matters are open to the idea that there are some people we meet with whom we have a special sense of connection.

Scientists may attribute this to sensory clues such as the way that person looks, smells, or uses body language. However, there is a magical quality to some meetings that transcends biology; it’s a special feeling that arises when we meet someone we already have a very strong psychic bond to – someone we have had important experiences with in another life.

Whether that other person is a potential romantic connection or not, usually these feelings are strongly attractive. For example, we may experience “love at first site” with someone of the opposite sex, but we may also experience a sense of kinship upon first meeting someone who will become a good friend, mentor, teacher, boss, etc.

Such feelings aren’t always positive, however. Sometimes we may feel instantly repelled, scared, uneasy or cautious. This happens when we meet someone who has caused us pain or suffering in the past. In my experience, the attractive feeling is far more common, but that may differ by person. If someone has a hard time with relationships, they may have more painful experiences, and when they meet up with people again in the future, it would be natural for them to have more negative reactions.

I can only think of two times I had strong negative feelings about someone right off the bat, and despite my desire to stay far away from those individuals, I ended up having very trying experiences with them. I believe that premonitions like this are reflective of both the past AND the future: we recognize that person as familiar from the past, and we sense the karma that lies ahead.

In the case of negative reactions, the pain we experienced in another life is brought to the surface, and our soul recognizes that we’re about to face some big lesson or deal with some heavy karma. In the case of positive reactions, the love and happiness we experienced in another life is reawakened, and our soul recognizes that we’ve found someone we’ve been missing for a long time � someone we perhaps didn’t even know existed.

I can’t think of a single important relationship in my life that didn’t “announce” itself with a weighty feeling the first time I met that person. Think through the key relationships in your own life: your best friends, favorite teachers, boyfriends, etc., and review what happened the first time you met them. If you don’t recall anything special, it may just be because the volume on your psychic abilities isn’t turned up far enough for you to hear anything but the “loudest” emanations. Meeting a soul mate/future husband would certainly bang a big psychic gong!

I believe that “true love” reunions carry the most intense psychic impact, because the strongest experiences I’ve had with that voice you describe occurred when I met my husbands. (It happened with both my first and my second/current husband).

At the time I met my first husband, I was in college and very independent and ambitious. As my mom had been married and divorced a number of times, I was not a big fan of marriage in general, and planned on never marrying myself. Then one night I went to visit a friend at his fraternity, and on my way in the door, I saw my ex for the first time as he was on his way out. A jolt went through me when I saw him, but at this point, my psychic abilities were dormant, so I didn’t know what this meant.

Later that night I attended a party at that fraternity, and he was there. There was a strange buzz in the air, though again, I wasn’t processing any of this consciously. It felt like I had been placed there and was going through motions I was supposed to go through – like this had all been planned in advance. While I felt attracted to him, it was far more intense than any attraction I’d ever felt before.

When I got back to my room that night, my roommate and some other girls who were hanging out asked how my night had gone, and without thinking, I blurted, “I just met the man I’m going to marry!” It was only as I said those words that I consciously realized that this was indeed what I’d been sensing. My roommate said, “I thought you were never going to get married,” and I replied, “So did I!”

Perhaps some readers are questioning the quality of this experience, since that marriage didn’t last until death did us part. I sincerely believe that we were meant to come together to bring our children into the world, but that we were not meant to stay together forever. I don’t have space to explain it all here, but a number of other spiritual experiences support this view.

As for my current husband, the first time I saw him, he was sitting with someone else in a restaurant, and the same thing happened: time seemed to stop and I was riveted. By this point, however, I had developed my psychic abilities, and I knew that he was going to prove to be a very important person in my life. “Coincidentally,” two weeks later I joined a new gym, and the first day I walked in, he was there. It wasn’t long before I knew we were destined to be together romantically. (He, however, didn’t wake up to this fact until a year later. Needless to say, that was a very long year for me!)

If one individual of a destined couple is highly psychic like you and the other is not, often the psychic person knows they are destined to be together, while the other one doesn’t realize it until the time is at hand. This can be really nerve wracking for the one who senses the truth, unless that person remembers that if something is indeed destined, it will happen. If it’s not destined, then there’s no point worrying about it. Knowing the future before it is due to happen can be really challenging unless we have the faith to relax and trust in a higher plan.

I believe the voice or feeling you describe is a psychic alarm that goes off when we meet really important people we’re destined to develop relationships with. I’ve heard many stories about first meetings with future spouses that are similar to those described here, and time and time again, despite all sorts of obstacles (like living on separate continents!), those prophetic feelings proved true.

If I were you, I’d ask Spirit for confirmational signs about this man. If you then you start hearing his name, bumping into him around town, or something similar, for heaven’s sake, smile and make eye contact! While destiny is powerful stuff, it never hurts to help things along. Perhaps instead of just predicting the future, that voice is trying to nudge you to step back into your lover’s arms.

– Soul Arcanum

What Made You a Believer in Spirit?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I read that you’re a Spiritualist minister, and also read your theory that to experience Spirit, we have to believe it is possible. How does that happen in the first place? Were you raised Spiritualist? If not, what made you a believer? Did something happen that convinced you? Have you always been psychic and able to communicate with spirits? Do you still have new and different experiences of Spirit that deepen your convictions?
– Robert

Dear Robert:

I was not raised Spiritualist, nor have I always had psychic experiences or been able to communicate with Spirits. While my family was officially Episcopalian, we did not attend church regularly. Like many people who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, religion was not a big part of my upbringing. In a way, that probably helped me, because I had no limiting beliefs about the supernatural being evil or dangerous. My mind was pretty open.

The first experience to blow my mind about what is possible came when I was 17 and first my first love died suddenly. I don’t have space to relay the whole story here, but basically, though his death was totally unexpected, somehow the last time we saw each other, we both knew that we wouldn’t see each other again. Many strange messages and events surrounded his death. Somehow at some level, we both knew he was going to die. He even arranged for messages to be delivered to me AFTER his death. While “losing” him to the other side was deeply traumatic, these amazing spiritual experiences rocked my entire worldview. It was then that I started to become interested in the deeper nature of life and death.

At that time I was very busy with finishing high school and going on to college, so I didn’t really start reading spiritual material until a few years later. When I was 20 I became pregnant with my son, and that is when my psychic doors blew open. Nick is what many would call a very old soul, and is extraordinarily psychic himself. As soon as he was able to talk, he began saying the most amazing things. He “remembered” God and what he was doing before he was born, for example. I believe that his spiritual vibration was far higher than mine, and that when I conceived him, his energy blasted my own vibration upwards. This led to a very powerful, intense, accelerated journey of spiritual awakening.

At that time I began to see, hear and otherwise perceive things that others could not. Some of these things seemed innocuous enough: I would know that the phone was about to ring and who would be calling, for example. I would have intuitions about situations that would prove true. At the same time, however, I began to see auras and “balls of energy,” and also to perceive frightening entities in my peripheral vision. As soon as I would turn to look at them, they would disappear. (This is very common when one’s third eye is beginning to open.) Many of these encounters were terrifying. I write that here so that those who are having similar experiences will know that this is “normal.”

These scary things happened because I was living in a constant state of fear. I wasn’t sharing these experiences with anyone because I feared that I was crazy, and if anyone found out, they would take my baby from me. As my vibration was full of fear, I naturally attracted frightening energies/entities. Fearing that I was schizophrenic, I began to research what I was experiencing from a psychological angle. This reading referenced spiritual explanations, and as I began to read more about mystical experiences through history and around the world, I was relieved to learn that many people had experienced what I was experiencing, and that it was part of an early spiritual awakening process.

As my fear dissolved, my vibration rose, and I began to have more positive experiences. I also learned how to deal with dark forces: by shining the light of love on them. At this time, I began to spontaneously experience communication from spirits.

If someone I was with began to talk about someone who had crossed over with love, that spirit might appear behind them as a big ball of misty energy. (Usually it was a deep purple color, but it was sometimes golden and sometimes colorless, like heat waves coming off of pavement.) The spirit would communicate with me mentally and ask me to relay messages to the person I was talking to. They would give me “evidence” such as their name, occupation, or other identifying details. When I would find the courage to tell the person what I was experiencing, time and time again, the message from Spirit was not only accepted and validated, but it would have a profound healing effect on its recipient. That is when I began to believe that what I was experiencing was not only very real, but also very valuable.

When I saw the healing power of these messages, I decided to devote my life to this work. At that time, Spirit sort of took over. I was guided in incredible ways to the teachers, books and opportunities I needed to master spirit communication. I have been supported by Spirit every step of the way since then, and have had countless experiences validate my beliefs. These have included (but have not been limited to) amazing astral experiences, incredible manifestations of whatever I needed, thousands of readings that were validated as accurate and evidential, personal guidance from Spirit that proved accurate and evidential, countless instances of synchronicity sparked by me honoring an impulse or intuition, etc.

After all of this, I DO still have experiences that move me and deepen my faith. For example, recently I had a very profound astral encounter. My grandparents passed over some 15 years ago, and since then, my grandmother has remained close. In fact, she was one of the first spirits to ever appear to me, and it is very easy for me to connect with her mentally. My grandfather, however, has only touched in now and then, and I can never seem to reach him of my own volition. This has somewhat saddened me, but I had come to accept it.

A couple of weeks ago, I met with my grandfather in the astral. First I believed myself to be dreaming, but then suddenly I looked up and saw him there, and I became so excited. I basically said, “It’s YOU!” I flew to him and embraced him, and he felt so REAL. I was struck by how seeing him, feeling him, and smelling him refreshed my memory of him. It was the difference between remembering someone in your mind, and then actually SEEING them for real. We had a wonderful conversation about where he has been since he “died,” and he assured me that he has been close despite the fact that I’d had trouble connecting with him.

My alarm clock then went off, and I couldn’t “get back” into my body at first. When I was finally able to speak, I croaked to my husband that I needed “help, because I can’t get back.” He touched me, which helped me to move back into my body fully. I spent the whole morning weeping, not because I was sad, but because I was so moved by this experience, and so grateful.

So to answer the question behind all your questions, you don’t have to believe to begin to experience such things, but you do have to be open to believing. If you want to start experiencing things that will help you to believe, I recommend you begin meditating regularly and spending time with highly spiritual people. Pray for Spirit to give you “paranormal” experiences, act on your intuitions, and immerse yourself in spiritual study. Experience by experience, your belief will deepen, and as that happens, bigger and more amazing experiences will follow.

– Soul Arcanum

If We Create Our Own Realities, Why Get Psychic Readings?

how the law of attraction and psychic readings mesh…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.  All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been reading your column for years now, and there’s one thing I’m confused about. You obviously believe that we create our own realities, and yet at the same time, you’re a professional intuitive. So if we’re making up our lives as we go along, why try to predict the future through psychic readings?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

I do believe that we are ever creating our own realities and experiences in life, and yet at the same time, I believe that there are some things that are “destined” to happen. In my view, these are things that we set in motion before we even incarnated on the planet. They are the really big, important things like meeting up with soul mates, giving birth to certain souls/children, perhaps choosing a particular life’s work, etc.

The rest of the details we are free to make up as we go along. Whether we began to create something before we were born or after we got here, however (and how do we understand time if it’s not linear anyway?) we are still the ones manifesting our experiences. Of course, when more people are involved, then we are co-creating our experiences with those other people. While this is trickier (and also more powerful) than creating something on our own, we still manifest those relationships based on our own energy.

We do most of this unconsciously, simply by offering a vibration and a focus of intention as Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks) puts it. How we feel, what we believe, what we think about, what we expect, what we focus upon: all of these energies go into the melding pot of our “vibration,” which determines our experiences.

Psychics are super sensitive people who are able to perceive or “read” subtle energies – like people’s vibrations. They are also adept at altering their state of consciousness to transcend the laws of space and time. By disassociating with the here and now, they are able to tune into the there and then. Psychics can thus tell us where we’re heading vibrationally. This is very helpful, for the earlier we catch something in the process of manifesting, the more power we’ll have to change it before it actually shows up in our outer experience.

Psychics can’t tell us what is definitely going to happen; they can only offer us what is probable given our current trajectory. The things we create in our lives are like rocks and boulders that we’ve set rolling down a mountain. A psychic can rise up high and look down on our lives and describe where various aspects of it are heading. She can describe what is directly ahead, what we’ll encounter next, what barriers need to be transcended and the best way to go around them, etc. She can also tell us about things we haven’t yet set in motion that we long for. She might say that if we take new action – throw a new rock of this size and weight in this particular direction – then that aspect of our lives will most likely end up right where we want it to be.

For example, let’s say we consciously want happiness in love, but the path we’re on right now is really rocky, and there is a huge cliff ahead. Further, let’s say our vibration is full of beliefs and expectations that are negative or otherwise limiting. A psychic can tell us that we’re not heading where we really want to go, and that there is “danger” ahead and we’d better change our course. She can also gently lead us to consciously recognize the beliefs, fears, etc. that are out of sync with true fulfillment. With this awareness we can then begin to heal old wounds and choose more empowering beliefs. This changes our vibration, which changes the course of our experience. In this way, we can begin to consciously align with what we want in our lives.

Psychics are thus helpful when we can’t figure out how to get from where we are to where we want to be – especially if we’ve gotten stuck in a negative pattern of experience and can’t find our way out. We all do this sometimes: we unconsciously manifest something that is not what we want, and that brings us down, which disconnects us from our personal power and lowers our vibration. Then we get on a downward spiral where things just get worse and worse. A psychic can help us halt that downward spiral and turn things around.

During a good psychic reading, you’ll be lifted up above the temporal dramas you’re dealing with and shown a higher perspective on your experiences, which will help you to let go of all the fear and resistance you’re carrying that is preventing you from creating something better. This is often a difficult thing to do. Our friends and loved ones, even if they can attain that higher perspective, often can’t get past our ego issues. Spirit, however, always knows how to touch our hearts and souls in order to lift us up to that higher perspective where we are free of all the limitations of our own fears, attachments and blind spots. When we’re in this uplifted, self-aware state, we can then consciously work with the law of attraction to create something better in our lives.

So a really good psychic will not only be able to tell you where you’re going as well as how to get to where you WANT to go, she will also be adept at helping you to reconnect with a high vibrational state so you can consciously manifest what you want with ease. This is why readings are referred to as “verbal healing” – they help us to realign with our own personal power, our highest and best selves, and thus boost our potential to live our best lives. You should leave a reading experience feeling totally transformed: hopeful, positive, empowered and excited about the future.

With all of this in mind, it makes sense that if a psychic gives you good news, it will underscore your positive beliefs and expectations, and thus help you to get what you want. When a psychic confirms that you’re heading in the right direction, you’ll naturally relax and bask in your knowing that what you want will be yours.

If a psychic tells you that you are not currently heading where you really want to go, try to give thanks, for your money has been well spent! You now have information you need to become more conscious about creating what you really want. Sure, you may have to do some inner work to shift your vibration into harmony with fulfillment, but that’s better than continuing on a path to somewhere you don’t really want to go.

In summary, we do create our own experiences in life. While nothing is set in stone, everything we experience begins in the non-physical, and thus it’s very helpful to be able to tune in to what is happening at that level and predict where we are heading. If we didn’t create our own realities – if everything was out of our hands or predestined – THEN consulting a psychic would be pointless. Thus it is our ability to create our own realities that makes psychic information so valuable.

– Soul Arcanum