Tag Archive: animals

The Reincarnation of Plants and Animals

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve read articles that suggest that where we end up in the afterlife is based on our thoughts and feelings. This led me to wonder if plants and animals in heaven are simply self-created thought forms or if they have independent existences. Is there a separate afterlife for plants and animals? I’m also aware of the idea that through reincarnation, plants can evolve into animals, and animals into humans, and that this is a natural process of spiritual development. Do other life forms like plants and animals immediately reincarnate after death, or is there another realm they stay in before they incarnate again? How does all of this work?


Dear S.:

No one can answer these sorts of questions with any certainty. The best we can do is study what mystics have taught for ages and compare it to the information gathered by channelers and researchers who work with near-death experiencers and converse with souls via life between life regression. Of course, it also makes sense to study nature and ponder what resonates with us as true on a deep, soulful level.

First let’s address your question about the possibility that all the plants and animals perceived in other realms could be “self-created.” By this, I assume you are asking if it is possible that they only exist in our minds or if we create them in these realms via our imaginations. This is a strangely selective solipsism, for why would one believe that other people are real but all other creatures mere fantasies?

Since it’s impossible to prove that anyone or anything exists outside of ourselves, we have to rely on our gut feelings and intuition when deciding whether to believe that we are the creator of everything we experience or are part of an existence inhabited by other beings like ourselves. I have had some subjective experiences of being someone else that have led me to assume that other people exist, think and feel just like I do. For example, now and then I have dreams that I am someone else – someone who looks, lives, thinks and feels very differently than I do. I have also had very vivid dreams of an entirely different existence as a dolphin, which strengthen my view that we are living subjective lives in an objective world. Of course, according to quantum physicists, at some point it is impossible to distinguish between subjective and objective because the act of observation affects what is observed.

Besides these admittedly shaky reasons, it seems foolishly arrogant to assume that everything that exists was created by me and for me, and that none of the other individuals who appear to be doing the exact same thing are “real.” Nearly all esoteric teachings suggest that we are all part of something greater than ourselves and thus connected to All That Is – not that we are all there is. I would thus assume that the people, plants and animals encountered in the afterlife are not figments of one’s imagination.

Regarding what happens to plants and animals when they die, and if what happens is different from what happens to humans, I suppose the real question is if plants and animals have “souls” – some part of them that transcends their physical existence – and if they do, if those souls are fundamentally different somehow from human souls.

I believe both plants and animals have some aspect that transcends physical existence based on what I (and many others) have observed of their auras. Living plants and animals have auras like human beings do. When a plant is dying, its aura begins to fade, and when all the life force has drained from the plant, its aura disappears. The same is true of animals and human beings. While I don’t know of any research into the spirits of plants, it makes sense to me to assume that all living beings share the same cycles of life, death, and reincarnation.

There is a lot of evidence that animals have souls. If this wasn’t true, the spirits of animals would not be able to become earthbound like human spirits can. There have been stories about animal spirits and ghosts throughout the centuries and around the world. Most of these ghosts involve species that human beings tend to form personal relationships with such as cats, dogs, horses and birds. Just as a violent or sudden death can cause humans to become confused as to whether or not they are still incarnate in a particular body, the same can happen with animals. There is also a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that animals that form strong emotional bonds to human beings may remain close to people who are grieving for them for some time after they have died, just as the spirits of human beings sometimes do.

I’ve also heard many stories of pet owners who believe their departed pets returned to them reincarnated as a new pet. Some of these stories are very striking in terms of how these animals are similar to the former pet and how the owners were led to find them in their new forms.

There seems to be a continuum of consciousness with perhaps rocks and minerals at the bottom, followed by plants, then animals, then humans. Further, within the animal kingdom, one sees a great range of development, with dogs, cats, horses, primates and dolphins being some of the animals at the higher end of the spectrum. (My feeling is that dolphins may be even more evolved than humans, but more on dolphins below.)  It seems the more evolved an animal species is, the more natural it is for that species to develop an emotional relationship with human beings. This could easily be explained by vibration, for as a species moves closer to the human spectrum, it would naturally be drawn toward other creatures of a similar vibration.

Much past life, life between life, and near-death research suggests that as we evolve spiritually, we gain more and more free will. With more freedom comes a greater chance of getting lost, going astray, or refusing the guidance sent to us, which could affect how, when and where we reincarnate. This would explain why human beings and the more evolved animals can become ghosts, while other less evolved creatures may unconsciously flow with natural spiritual law.

There are some people who say that human beings are special and could never incarnate as a plant or animal, but I had a personal experience that leads me to believe otherwise. It began with a trip to Sea World in which I had some amazing telepathic experiences with dolphins, after which I began to have the most amazing, vivid “dreams” of being a dolphin myself. These were not normal dreams, for they felt entirely real: I had a dolphin body that I felt totally at home in, and personal relationships with other dolphins. It felt more joyful and free to be a dolphin than I’ve ever felt as a human being.

Given all of the above, my general concept of “how it all works” is thus: all life is constantly coming into being, dying, and being reborn again. Through these experiences, souls naturally evolve into higher states of consciousness and vibration. This occurs in an unconscious manner until a soul starts to develop self-awareness and free will, at which point it may begin to choose to veer in a consciously chosen direction or refuse to move forward for a time (as with earthbound spirits). Since all life begins in the spirit world and returns to the spirit world, all varieties of life found in the physical can be found on higher planes.

Soul Arcanum

Can Our Pets Reincarnate Or Greet Us in the Afterlife?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My question is about our beloved animal friends. I have had a number of cats who died and then came to me in wonderful dreams. I’m wondering if you believe our animals return to us as new pets with new bodies, perhaps even as other species. (Can a cat come back as a dog?) Are our pets okay in the afterlife? Do they return to us? Will we see them again?
– Becky

Dear Becky:

The controversy over whether or not animals “have souls” and continue to exist beyond physical life is a long and involved one. Naturally, I don’t know the answers to all the deepest questions in the Universe, but I can explain what I’ve gleaned via spirit communication, as well as what I’ve learned from spiritual teachers who share the views I’ve adopted via my own direct experiences.

On the question of whether or not animals have souls, one answer strikes me as patently obvious: of course they have souls! To me the natural world is shining with life force energy – with soul. It is most obvious in sentient beings such as humans and the world’s more intelligent creatures, but it’s also easy to see in all wild animals, from the intelligent ape and devoted dog down to the simple worm.

Plants are also aglow with lovely life force energy. So often human beings presume that everything exists solely for our benefit here on Earth. When we hear report after report of near death experiences in which people found themselves in heavenly gardens, we presume that this beauty was created for our benefit, but maybe it’s just the heaven plants go to when they die.

Though it’s harder to perceive, I believe that rocks and minerals have soul energy as well. It’s my understanding that the mineral kingdom is essentially “alive,” though its vibration is so low and slow that we can’t perceive anything happening in this domain. (The more evolved a being, the faster its vibration, and the more it will act of its own volition. This is why rocks seem to just sit there, plants grow very predictably in one spot, animals seem to react instinctively, and humans (hopefully) act with conscious awareness).

I’m not sure about the soul of manmade objects – perhaps any energy they do possess comes from the people who created them, though I am assured by wise spiritual teachers that every atom in the Universe is alive with energy.

Further, we are in constant communication with every living being in the Universe whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Many people report having a strong psychic bond to their pets and relay amazing stories evidential of their pets’ psychic awareness. Animals are known for being psychically sensitive to the presence of ghosts and spirits, for example, and for being able to sense when someone they love is in danger or emotional pain even when that person is physically at a distance. As animals’ ability to telepathically communicate with us transcends the laws of physical space and time, it should also transcend physical death.

Plants are also constantly “communicating” with us on both a physical and metaphysical level. Physically, we have a symbiotic relationship with them; we breathe in their oxygen while they “breathe in” our carbon dioxide. On a metaphysical level, countless experiments have shown that we can communicate with plants and have them respond to us. This is why people talk to their plants. My plants even alert me when they need watering.

In my work as a medium, I have often connected with the departed pets of my clients, so I know that animals exist in the afterlife. On top of this, I can’t begin to tell you how many stories I’ve heard and read in which people described amazing spiritual experiences they had with the spirits of their pets.

These stories reveal that just like the spirits of people, pets often come back to let their human friends know they are okay, or to comfort them when they are upset. They also tend to show up when we’re in the dreamy state between awake and asleep, which is a common time for us to be receptive to visits from spirits.

Many people with a beloved pet cat on the other side have felt the cat moving around their legs on their beds at night, just as they used to do when they were alive. Dog owners often feel the presence of their dogs by their sides. This can be so subtle and familiar that our conscious minds never even notice it until one day it hits us: we have been feeling the presence our pet as though the pet is still there, yet the pet died some time ago.

A number of people who have had near death experiences reported that they were greeted by beloved pets in Spirit when they reached the end of that tunnel of light. This makes perfect sense to me. So often our pets are delighted to welcome us home, so I can only imagine how thrilled they’d be to welcome us HOME.

It’s my understanding that all living creatures are caught up in the cycle of reincarnation because this is the natural process of evolution. Just as water evaporates, grows heavy in the clouds, and then it rains and the process starts all over again, living creatures are ever incarnating, dying, and being reborn again.

Life depends on the evolution and expansion of the Universe. We can see evidence of this in our own lives; just as we learn and grow and then move on to more sophisticated lessons, so it is with life forms. While we may have been a “lower” life form in a prior incarnation, we would not return to that existence once we had evolved beyond it. Before becoming individualized, the energy of each person passed through the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, and when we reach a certain point, we will evolve beyond incarnation in physical form.

Since humans are at the top of the evolutionary chain here on Earth, it makes sense that as animals evolve, they are drawn toward humans. These are the animals that become our pets. Many pets seem nearly human in nature because they ARE. By living within a human family, they learn a great deal about the human experience and evolve very quickly via lessons about love, devotion, patience, etc.

Wild animals don’t need to be patient – they just do what they want, when they want to do it. With pets that are “trained,” however, one sees a far more sophisticated approach to life. For example, a pet may demonstrate great patience and self-restraint when a small child pulls its tail.

Our evolved pets aside, most animals do not have a conscious existence in the afterlife. Your average wood chuck, for example, may simple die and after a brief period of unconscious rest in the astral, emerge again in physical form, perhaps as a baby woodchuck, or if he was very good in his last life, a beaver or a hedgehog. (Just kidding – everyone knows that wood chucks are far more enlightened than beavers.)

As animals evolve toward the human end of the spectrum, however, they spend more time having conscious experiences in the non-physical, including romps in what we may call “heaven,” where they may greet us when we cross over. Some animals that are very attached to their owners may also remain earthbound for a while after they cross over, just like some people do. These are the pets that can be felt, glimpsed or heard in spirit form after they have died.

When animals reincarnate, they often return to the same owners, for they are naturally drawn to them out of mutual desire. The force that makes this happen is the one energy that death can’t make a dent in: Love. Just as with people, mutual love draws us to beings on the other side and motivates us to incarnate into each other’s lives over and over again. So if you love some departed being very deeply, you can trust that you will one day be reunited.

– Soul Arcanum