Tag Archive: angels

How Can We Hear Spirit Guides Better?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Why is it that when I ask my spirit guides for help, they don’t respond? Or maybe I should ask: What can I do to hear them better?
– Sydney

Dear Sydney:

First I want you to know that as you ask, Spirit IS answering. It’s like you’re emailing Spirit, and Spirit is shooting back an answer instantly, but your SPAM filter is filtering out this guidance along with a lot of other stuff you really want, but aren’t programmed to receive. You’re waiting for the answer, and the whole time it’s there in another file.

So throw out any idea or feeling you may have developed that someone in Spirit is letting you down and doesn’t care about helping you, or that you are somehow unworthy of receiving answers. Every one of us has guides on duty all the time, and those guides very much want to help us. We have only to ask and then know how to listen.

There is one basic reason behind all struggles with conscious communication with Spirit: mismatched frequency. We are abiding at a lower vibration than that of spirit guides. If we are water, our guides are steam – so we have to “speed up” to almost boiling while they have to “slow down” and start to condense in order to meet in the middle. This is of course just a metaphor for what is happening energetically. We have to move vibrationally into love and light in order to consciously connect with beings of love and light.

People are usually motivated to first connect with Spirit when they’re feeling very lost and confused. While this may seem natural, it’s generally a recipe for disappointment and frustration, which can become disillusionment, which just makes things even harder. These emotional patterns of experience then become negative beliefs that build big, thick walls between our conscious minds and input from Spirit.

So I recommend that anyone seeking contact with spirit guides only do so when they are in a very peaceful, uplifted inner space. Set yourself up for success! Classes and workshops are often the locations for such breakthroughs because the teachers of those classes know how to lead everyone into an altered state of consciousness, and how to raise their vibrations via methods such as guided meditations that are uplifting, healing and inspiring in content.

Once people have success with this and learn how to raise their own vibration at will, then guidance can be sought on “problems.” They still have to raise their consciousness to connect, however. So what you really want to know how to do is raise your own vibration. One reason that meditation is so universally prescribed for all spiritual goals is because when we RELAX, our vibration naturally rises.

People schedule readings with me when they’re having problems. They’re stuck in negative emotion, so they can’t consciously connect with their own inner guidance. The most common reasons I see for people not being able to consciously connect include: negative thinking, attachment, fear, doubt/skepticism and laziness.

I see negative thinking in folks who are focused on solving problems instead of creating what they want in their lives. As we focus on the problems, our vibration sinks, and we can’t see a better way.

I see attachment in those people who want happiness, but insist it must come through a certain person or channel. When we’re attached to details like this, we’re basically asking Spirit questions that are impossible to answer. (“How can I find happiness with Billy Bob?” The answer may be: “You can’t! If you want happiness, let go of Billy Bob!”)

I see fear in folks who hope they can talk to spirit guides but who are afraid that this is evil or will expose them to evil influences. They are telling the Universe: “Tell me! Don’t tell me! Tell me! Don’t come too close, you’re freaking me out!”

I see doubt/skepticism in folks who need to have evidence in order to suspend active disbelief, or who are so caught up in understanding things intellectually that they can’t hear/feel what Spirit is whispering in their hearts.

I see laziness in people who want Spirit to speak to them pronto, and don’t want to have to do anything for this to happen. Imagine that you speak English, and you’re trying to create a close relationship with someone who speaks Spanish. If you only call this person up when you’re desperate, you’re not going to be able to understand what they are saying to you. If, however, you talk to this person every day, then when you really need something, you can call up and really communicate. Learning how to consciously communicate inter-dimensionally is a great deal like learning another language. It takes some time, effort and devotion.

Once these hurdles have been cleared away, then we must remember that spirit communication is a subtle art. We have to watch for and notice subtle cues, interpret them, and trust them enough to act on them.

How those subtle answers will come through for you will depend on your primary modes of perception. Let’s say you decide to try meditation for communicating with your spirit guides. If you are visual, you may have visions in your mind of your spirit guides, or may be “shown the answers” on your mental screen. If you are auditory, you may “hear” answers in your head.

If you are kinesthetic, you may feel like you’re missing something. Kinesthetic folks tend to have the hardest time with recognizing conscious communication from Spirit. While others are seeing and hearing things, you may not see or hear anything, but you could actually FEEL a guide “touching” your aura, or just KNOW in your gut what you should do. This is valid communication, and should be recognized and trusted.

So as you’re meditating, I recommend you tell your Spirit guides: “Please show yourself to me.” If you don’t get anything clear, then say, “Please tell me that you’re there.” If you don’t “hear” anything in your mind, then say, “Please touch me in some way.”

You have to trust what you get. It’s normal to think you’re making it all up at first. Our spirit guides have been with us since we were born, so we have been receiving their guidance our entire lives. Sometimes we call that guidance our “intuition.” Sometimes we just know something, and we don’t know how we know. Many of the “little voices” in our heads and our “gut feelings” have been our spirit guides talking to us all along – we just thought they were a part of us.

Additionally, Spirit can and will guide us through mundane sources, especially if we are open to taking inspired action. For example, if you pray for guidance about your marriage, you may have an impulse to go to a certain movie or pick up and read a certain book, and find the answers you’re seeking embedded in the content. You may be talking to someone and hear them speak the answers you’ve been praying for. They don’t have to be conscious that they are channeling Spirit for this to happen. There are infinite ways for Spirit to answer us.

There are many great methods for communicating with your spirit guides. You can buy a guided meditation CD, take a class/seminar, try different divination tools, explore automatic writing, pray/meditate yourself, etc. I believe that ANY of these methods will work for you if you sincerely follow all of these basic steps:

*Tell Spirit you want clear answers/signs, and demonstrate that you REALLY want this by devoting yourself to the development of this communication on a regular basis.
*Raise your vibration by healing negative feelings and issues and centering yourself in faith, love, gratitude and joy.
*Pay attention to subtle signs and messages from all sources.
*Act on your impulses.

– Soul Arcanum

Summoning Angels to Help Spirits Cross Over

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been working with Angels to perform spirit clearances. I have done this three or four times so far with their help, and I am comforted by their presence. My automatic writing suggests that in some instances, I can simply talk the spirits over as I naturally know where the gates of light are. What are your thoughts? Should I always call the Angels to assist or is there another way? Since I’m new to this topic, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.


Dear E.:

First, I encourage everyone interested in spirit rescue work to watch out for assumptions. For example, just because we are able to perceive a spirit doesn’t mean that spirit is earthbound. Every living person is unique and in a unique situation, and the same is true of spirits. It is never wise to push our help upon others whether they are living here or in another dimension. I mention this because I’ve met people who get so excited about finding “ghosts” and helping them cross over that they assume every disembodied presence is in dire need of assistance. There are both human and non-human beings living happily in other dimensions, so just because we can perceive a metaphysical being doesn’t mean it is lost or in need of guidance. A beginner’s mind is perhaps the most important thing we can carry with us into such situations, for this will keep us asking questions instead of leaping to conclusions, which will enable us to feel our way to the best approach.

Many readers are no doubt wondering why angels and other spiritual helpers can’t handle such matters on their own. Apparently, the problem is that spirits lingering close to the earth plane can no more perceive these higher beings than most living people can. Their consciousness remains as it was when they were living, so earthbound spirits continue to perceive the living but are oblivious to spiritual beings. The goal is to help these spirits shift into a higher state of vibration and consciousness. To answer your question, I think calling upon angels for help is a very wise thing to do; it certainly can’t hurt, and in many cases will prove powerful and helpful for all involved.

There are all sorts of reasons a spirit may not cross over into the afterlife when leaving this world, so the first thing to do is try to determine what the hang-up may be. Since you are able to talk to these spirits, this should be relatively easy for you. Being capable of two-way communication is helpful both in terms of figuring out what to do and knowing if your efforts have been successful. It’s a bit like trying to help a foreign immigrant get settled in a new land; it helps if both parties are able to hear and understand each other.

Some souls get stuck close to earth simply because they don’t realize they are dead. This tends to happen when people die suddenly and without warning. I imagine this state is much like what we experience when we dream at night; most of us “wake up” in a dream without any thought about the fact that our dream body is not the same body that is lying in our bed, sleeping. Here, helping a lost spirit is like approaching them in a dream and saying, “I realize you probably don’t know this, but you are actually dreaming right now and it’s time to wake up! Go that way to get to where you’re supposed to be.” If we bring angels in, the living helper can simply say, “If you look behind you, you will find an angel who is here to help you.” Once the spirit turns and sees the angel, the angel can take it from there.

Of course, not all spirit rescues are this easy or straightforward. If the spirit is mired in anger, fear, grief or other heavy emotions, its vibration will be too low to perceive the higher beings there to help. Here the job of the living is to help the spirit gain a higher perspective on their situation so that their vibration will rise to where they can let go of the past and open up to whatever comes next.

In this category we have the growing number of spirits who have no idea what to expect when they die. (Of course, this is preferable to when many people died in fear that they were going straight to an eternal punishment in hell.) When people expect there to be “nothing” when they die, that is what they tend to experience. This can lead to a period of limbo and confusion. I imagine this is like waking up in a hospital bed, feeling woozy and out of it, not knowing where you are, how you got there, or what you’re supposed to do next. Many spirits who find themselves in this position will wait for someone to come along whom they can ask for guidance. Since they can perceive the living but not higher beings, but most of the living can’t perceive them, this can prove to be a long wait. They may ask the living for help and become more confused when the living don’t seem to be able to perceive them. Some of these spirits may know or begin to suspect they have died but still not know what to do or where to go. If they had little religious experience when alive, the idea of “praying” for help may not even occur to them.

These spirits tend to linger in familiar places or near familiar people, and become excited when they encounter someone who can perceive them. Here the best thing is to explain to them that there is an afterlife, that there is nothing to fear, and that they have only to start to look for a light or tunnel and go through it to escape from the limbo they’re in. You can also suggest that they pray for help from whatever higher power they are most open to, or that they call to mind a loved one who preceded them in death and look around for that individual. If they are mired in strong negative emotions, you may have to counsel them just as you would the living. By helping them find more positive thoughts and feelings, they will become more able to perceive higher beings, let go of the past, and move on.

Some earthbound spirits have unfinished business and are looking for someone who can help them complete it. Many are simply waiting to get an important message through to the living. Others refuse to leave a particular loved one, preferring to wait until that person dies so they can cross over with them. You may be able to convince some that they can move on and come back when it’s time for the one they’re waiting for to pass, but some will refuse to go. We have to respect the free will of these spirits like we do the free will of living people.

Many earthbound spirits are stuck due to physical addictions. Just as this is one of the hardest things to “treat” in the living, it’s one of the hardest things to work through with a spirit. Since each individual has to find the strength to overcome addictions on their own, usually the best you can do is help a living individual free themselves from such a spirit, knowing all the while that the spirit will probably just find someone else to try to feed its addiction through.

Finally, there are those spirits who are so dark and “evil” that they are blind to the light and too heavy in vibration to rise to higher realms. These dark souls have no more interest in going “into the light” than they had in doing good deeds when they were alive. We can pray for and protect ourselves from these spirits, but like the worst criminals amongst the living, most of them don’t share our desire for love, peace and harmony.

Soul Arcanum

A Dream Rich with Spiritual Guidance

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Years ago I had a dream I will never forget. It would take forever to tell the whole thing, but you should know that at this time, I had been experimenting with a Ouiji board, and at the beginning of the dream, a voice told me to stop doing that. Then there were two angels, and each one was trying to get me to go with him. They felt like opposing forces, and it was very confusing. I chose to go with the one that was beautiful. (The other I could not see, I could only hear.) I followed the beautiful one into this light, but then there was chaos everywhere; it was a vision of hell. I think my guardian angel was with me, because I heard a voice in my ear say, “I can’t stay here with you because God has removed his spirit from this world.” Then these beings started chasing me and I ran. I saw the beautiful angel ahead, but as I got close to him, his face changed into something terrible, like a demon. He smiled and said, “Aren’t you glad you came into the light so that we could be together forever?” I was so scared I woke up with a start. Now I think that “going into the light” is a foolish thing to do when we die, for it’s how dark beings try to trick us to go with them. I also have no idea who can be trusted anymore, and as a result, I went through a very difficult experience with a psychic who tried to scam me for a lot of money by saying it was cursed and needed to be “cleansed.” What do you think of this dream and its unsettling effect on me?
– D.

Dear D.:

What an amazing gift! While I can see why this dream was unsettling, I think it’s a wonderful sign that you are being guided spiritually. This dream was trying to teach you a very important lesson so that you wouldn’t have to learn it the “hard way.”

This dream is all about trusting your own inner knowing – the voice of God that speaks to you from WITHIN you, as opposed to listening to supposed representatives of God in the outer world, such as religious teachings, priests, people who say they have the answers, spirits that speak to you through the Ouji board, so-called psychics who want to scam your money from you, etc.

It came to you just as you had begun to explore outside sources of spiritual information (in your case, via the Ouji board.) As you were just getting started, you didn’t really know what you were doing, and you were very vulnerable to being misled by mischievous or malevolent spirits. This dream thus came to warn you that such activity may seem attractive, and that the spirits you encounter may seem wonderful, but this path could lead you to darkness, confusion and suffering.

The beautiful (but evil) angel here represents all the spiritual teachers, paths and pursuits that may seem to promise all the answers, power and control we desire in life, but which ultimately fail to really deliver. The good but invisible angel represents your own inner connection to the divine.

God and our guides and angels speak to us from within. They may not appear to us in visions of blazing glory or deliver their guidance in beautifully bound books or via expensive week-long seminars, but we can always trust our own inner voice to know what is best for us personally. As we grow and evolve spiritually, eventually we all learn to put our own inner guidance above all outside influences.

This dream was also a warning, however, and it could have been about an actual entity that was trying to form an attachment to your aura, or had already done so. By using the Ouji board before you were spiritually prepared for it, you invited any and all spirits to “come on in.” Since you no doubt felt pretty “spooky” about the whole thing, you would have attracted creepy sorts of characters.

There are all kinds of earthbound spirits around us, and they are naturally attracted to people who share their vibration. Spiritual entities both “good” and “bad” only have as much power over us as we give them, but what many people don’t realize is that we can give our power away to other people and spirits on an unconscious level.

Most people are sleepwalking through life; they aren’t awake to what is happening on a subtle energetic level, and they have no idea why they do many of the things they do. When we’re oblivious to subtle energies but curious about psychic phenomena, it’s sort of like opening all the doors to our house, and then (by using a Ouji board or engaging in similar psychic practices) putting a big sign on the front lawn that says, “Open House” or “Come Join the Party!”

Further, even though we all have spirit guides and angels watching over us, one of the distinguishing characteristics of higher level spiritual beings is that they will not try to interfere with our free will. They are always with us and willing to help, but they won’t throw unwelcome guests out of our party of their own accord, or stop them from entering at the door unless we ask them to do that. After all, this is our house, and it’s not their place to decide who is welcome here.

Further, since troublemakers want to crash our party, they usually clean themselves up, try to look attractive, and turn on the charm, just like your “beautiful” angel did. We become susceptible to this sort of misleading influence in the form of both worldly activities and non-physical entities when we get caught up in egoistic desires. It’s all about vibration. If we are hungry for more power, money or pleasure, or (heaven forbid) something like revenge, then it’s easy to get suckered in by people (or spirits) that promise us “the world” if we only follow them.

We have a built in barometer that is designed to help us discern between what is truly good for us and what is not, and that barometer speaks to us through our own inner voice. We are thus wise to be in constant dialogue with our own intuition, and instead of blindly handing our allegiance, faith and personal power over to some religion, teacher, psychic or entity, we must take responsibility for our own lives and for finding our own truth through a direct relationship with the Divine.

Christ taught that we should “pray unceasingly.” By this, I believe Christ meant that we must constantly monitor our thoughts and feelings, question our experiences, and purposefully cultivate divine goodness through right action, compassion, love, forgiveness, etc. If we have impeccable integrity, no one physical OR metaphysical will be able to lead us astray.

Some mystics and paranormal researchers view angels and demons in a remarkable way. They suggest that instead of a battle, there is a harmonious balance in the Universe between good and evil. They see darkness as essential to understanding light, and suggest that life itself is the process of exploring and experiencing both goodness and evil in order to know and understand both, and (hopefully) freely choose goodness ourselves. This is the whole point of our existence: it would mean nothing if we were forced to choose goodness, and it means everything when we are tested and tempted by evil, and decide to choose right action of our own accord.

I feel this amazing dream was designed to remind you that you will encounter all sorts of temptations, diversions and false teachings along your spiritual journey, and that you would be wise to trust above all the invisible voice of divine guidance that whispers within your own heart.

– Soul Arcanum