Tag Archive: 11:11

Seeing 11:11 Everywhere: What Does It Mean?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have seen the number sequence 11:11 over and over many times on clocks, and then a couple of years ago, I started seeing it other places, and it really struck me. I searched the internet and found that many other people have had this same experience of seeing 11:11 all the time. That day opened up a new world for me, and I started to question many things. Before this, I lived my life without thinking much about anything beyond the mundane. Then I found a website that explained that seeing 11:11 was a prompt from angels, and a sign they are trying to communicate with us. I’m still struggling to understand this. Then another door opened: a lightworker gave me a healing, and told me I had an aura unlike any she’d seen before, and then a psychic told me that I am an incarnated angel. I’m very analytical, and I’m finding all of this hard to swallow. I have no special gifts, but I’m starting to wonder. I feel this need to do something, but I don’t know what it is, and I’m getting impatient. What do you make of all this?
– Angela

Dear Angela:

It was with a smile that I noted your name is Angela!

First, I think it’s important to remember that our interpretation of any situation or experience will be colored by our belief system. Since you didn’t have any relevant spiritual beliefs about this 11:11 experience when it began, you didn’t know what to make of it.

The psychic who told you that you are an angel incarnate was putting her own labels and understanding on what this might mean. A different person might have told you something totally different. For example, a “lightworker” might have told you that this is a sign that you are here on a certain spiritual mission. As there are a lot of different ways to interpret and express the same underlying truth, I think we should back up and explore the general meaning of this experience. The specific path you choose to follow in light of that general meaning will be up to you, and it will prove as individual as you are.

I do want to commend you for questioning all of this. I’m sure a lot of people would like to think they’re angels incarnate. (For the record, I’m quite sure I’m NOT, and my husband will back me up on that.) For those readers who are now wondering, “Hmmm…I wonder if I’m an angel incarnate too?” I’d like to offer this perspective: despite the sweetness and goodness we associate with angels, it might not be a good thing to be an angel incarnate, if that is even possible. According to spiritual lore, humans and angels are essentially different in that humans are made in God’s image and have free will, while angels do not. So in this sense, we might say that humans are more “God-like” than angels. In this hierarchy, God is like the parents, humans are like the children, and angels are like the nannies hired to follow the parents’ orders and watch over the kids. If this lore is true, then given a choice, I think I’d rather be human than an angel.

Now is it possible that you could be an angel incarnate? Some people say that angels never incarnate as humans; others say there are angels in disguise around us all the time; still others say that angels can take human form, but only temporarily – like a man who shows up and saves you when you’re in trouble, then disappears on the spot. I personally wouldn’t presume to don’t know which is true. When I meditate on this and ask about it all, all I get back is an enigmatic, All things are possible. Put angels aside: the real question is what this course of experience is trying to tell her.

That matter is far easier to address. As you no doubt know by now, you are definitely not alone in seeing 11:11 everywhere, or for that matter, a number of other repeating number sequences. A simple internet search will yield thousands of websites wherein this phenomenon is discussed. As far out as this all sounds, I experienced it myself years ago, so I know it really happens.

Most people begin by seeing 11:11 or other striking number sequences (such as 22:22, 12:34, etc.) on digital clocks. Every time they look at a clock, it just happens to have such a number on it. If they pay attention, they start to realize that they have an impulse to look at the clock when such a number is displayed, and that this impulse/experience has a certain feeling to it – it feels like someone is trying to tell them something.

If they don’t figure out what this means at this point, they usually experience an acceleration of this phenomenon. They start seeing number sequences everywhere: on receipts, license plates, VCR’s, microwaves, addresses, etc. They may begin to wake up at night and look at the clock at the exact moment it will display this sequence. Some have even had the power go out, and instead of the clocks in the house all blinking 12:00, they all blink 11:11, or whatever sequence has been following them around.

So what is this all about?

Some say that these are signs from our angels that they are with us, that we are on the right track, or that something is about to happen. Still others say that when we have this experience, our DNA is being activated on some level – whatever that means. It all comes down to the same thing: this experience is what it feels like it is – a call to pay attention to what may be happening beneath the surface of reality – on what we might call a “spiritual” level.

Generally speaking, this phenomenon is considered to be a spiritual “wake-up” call. It tends to occur when one is just where you describe yourself to be: not thinking much about spiritual matters, but very ready to embark on a conscious spiritual path. It’s a call to start thinking more deeply about life, and to become more aware of yourself as a spiritual being. (It appears to be quite effective!)

Some say these numbers are sort of a code that was programmed into our subconscious before we were born, and that it was set to “go off” at a certain time. When it does, the nagging feeling we have is our own memory or subconscious trying to tell us that there is a deeper meaning hidden in this experience. It is designed to lead us to question the nature of “reality,” and grow conscious of the higher goals we set for ourselves before we incarnated.

If we do wake up spiritually and begin a conscious spiritual journey, we will usually stop having this experience. This waking up may be a subtle change, but more often, it’s a major shift in one’s whole thinking and life direction. At this point, many people begin actively exploring spiritual matters for the first time, and with a passion. They may change careers, leave a stale marriage, totally overhaul their personal lives, or make other big changes. In the wake of such an awakening, they are transformed on every level. This is what happened to me: when I woke up and embraced a conscious spiritual journey with gusto, the “wake-up” calls stopped. I presume/hope this is because I was awake!

So when you see these number sequences, stop and wonder for a moment at the strangeness of this synchronicity, and what it must mean about the deeper, hidden nature of life. Whether you think angels, loved ones in Spirit or some other force is behind these experiences isn’t the point: the important thing is to note that something is trying to tell you something, and it wants you to stop and get quiet and receptive enough to really hear it, for then it can guide you wherever you personally need to go.

– Soul Arcanum

Could She be Getting Messages Through Soul Arcanum?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum::

I always enjoy reading your column. Do you think it’s possible that I’m getting spiritual messages through your website? I’ve noticed that when an issue arises in my life or I’m thinking about different spiritual matters or questions, the next issue of Soul Arcanum will have an article with the answers I need. For example, I signed a contract for my house at 11:11 p.m., and said to my girlfriend that there are so many experiences of 11:11 in my life, then the next Monday there was an article in Soul Arcanum about the spiritual meaning of 11:11. Another time my dog got sick and the next thing I saw in your magazine was an article on how to meditate with your dog. I could give you a lot more examples. Soul Arcanum definitely plays an important role in my life! What do you think – am I really getting messages this way? Thank you!

– Ellen

Dear Ellen:

You are not imagining things; everything in the Universe is interrelated, and the more conscious we become of that truth, the more we notice connections like those you describe.

The common term for what you’re experiencing is “synchronicity.” It was a favorite topic of Carl Jung’s, who noticed that many so-called coincidences are statistically inexplicable. For example, one of his most famous experiences of synchronicity occurred as he was listening to a patient describe a dream she’d had about a golden scarab beetle. As he listened to her, he heard a tapping noise at the window behind him, and when he turned around to investigate, he saw a beetle at the window. When he opened the window, the beetle flew in, and it looked just like the beetle his patient was describing in her dream. We might say that this experience “blew his mind,” and launched him on a journey of exploration into the nature of synchronicity.

We’ve all had experiences like this that strike us as highly improbable. They’re usually laced with a sense of meaning; something deep inside of us makes us sit up, take notice and wonder at what is happening. Since there is no obvious rational explanation, many people’s minds just shut down and they brush the experience off as a coincidence. Those who are more mystically inclined, however, are able to use their intuition to bridge the gap between common reality and the subtler realities beneath the surface. In this way, we find meaning in synchronistic experiences where others do not.

So how does synchronicity work? Sometimes there are intelligent forces like spirits using such means to communicate with us, but more often, we are simply answering our own desires and questions via the unified field beyond the dimension of time and space. Our conscious minds are tuned into three-dimensional, physical reality, but there are other aspects of our minds that abide in what we might call more expansive dimensions. When we become more spiritually aware, we begin to link our conscious mind with these other aspects of ourselves, and they begin to work together more adeptly because they are more “in synch.”

At a quantum level, the universe appears to be a “magical” place. Things can move from one place to another without traveling the distance in between. Time collapses at this level of experience. This is basically what is behind the experience of synchronicity – when we are vibrationally in harmony with something (such as an answer or an idea) it will come to us or we will be led to it. For example, perhaps you needed the information in that article about 11:11 BEFORE you began noticing those numbers popping up in your experience, and that is WHY you began noticing them.

When we begin to look for signs, we open up a vast new realm of potential ways that we can receive them. If we set an intention of having certain dream experiences or accessing certain information in our dreams, our dream life will blossom. If we look for signs in the spoken conversations of others, or in random books, or any other way, those avenues begin to expand for us.

This leads me to why I am so in love with the internet. The internet is as close as we come in the physical dimension to that vast unified field wherein everything is connected. Nothing tangible actually “exists” on the internet, and it is not an actual “place,” yet we can all visit it and have very real experiences there. We can quickly access whatever we need to know or connect with whomever we desire, even if they are on the other side of the planet! Just as we can access information and understanding by mentally “dipping into” other realms, the same is true of the ‘net. As it is a half step above the level of space/time, the internet is a very powerful channel for synchronicity.

I’m suggesting that you had a certain need or desire that led you to Soul Arcanum in the first place, and that you subsequently defined Soul Arcanum as a great avenue for finding the answers you’re looking for. In this way, Soul Arcanum became a key channel through which you receive synchronous “answers” to your questions.

Now you’re probably wondering how your questions could be answered as opposed to the questions of all the other seekers out there. Here’s where things get very complex but also very interesting. Practically speaking, you probably read a lot at Soul Arcanum that doesn’t “grab you,” and you naturally latch on to those articles that have special meaning for you. Your eyes may glide ride past anything you don’t need and go right to what you’re most interested in.

At the same time, however, it’s natural for you to resonate with most of what you find here. From a higher perspective, those of us who read and appreciate Soul Arcanum are a virtual spiritual community based on our shared interests and experiences. Along what we might call “the spiritual path,” everyone passes through the same territory. It’s like driving from L.A. to Las Vegas: While a few people will get lost or wander off the beaten trail, most people will follow the same basic route, and along the way, there will be various landmarks that EVERYONE passes. (Some will notice some things more than others, of course.) Now imagine that Soul Arcanum is like a travel guide devoted to this journey from L.A. to Vegas, and you’ll see why when you’re reading it, you often think, “Hey! I just noticed that myself!”

Further, since we are in the same virtual “community,” we are in communication at a subconscious, energetic level. The articles I choose to run are thus being influenced by your needs and desires. In fact, long ago I set the intention of choosing articles and topics intuitively; I just go with whatever feels right. So if you’re sending a strong signal, I may just receive it. At the same time, YOU may be picking up on what I’m doing. I work about a week ahead, so it makes sense that articles would either appear shortly after you sent that signal, or you might develop a sudden interest in the topics I’m working on at that time.

It’s exciting to know that the more we look for synchronicities, the more we’ll find. When we clearly define what we want to know or experience and then watch for signs and synchronicities, we weave magic into our lives.

If you’d like to experience even more of this magic (and who wouldn’t?), begin to focus on it and ask for it. Try manifesting answers through other specific sources and see what happens, or try writing down some theme, question or subject you’d like to explore further. Tape it to the wall behind your desk or carry it in your wallet or pocket. Then just watch for something related to this subject to grab your attention, and instead of brushing this experience off as a coincidence, celebrate it as validation that through synchronicity, the Universe can work for us in wonderful, mysterious ways.

– Soul Arcanum