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Dear Soul Arcanum:

What do you think influences a psychic the most when doing a reading: what the client wants to hear, what will be good for the client, or the truth/reality? I recently took action that went against what a psychic had seen and the advice she’d given me. I have no doubt that what I’ve done is in my best interests at this time, yet I don’t necessarily think the psychic was wrong. Do my actions demonstrate how free will can change a previously foreseen course, or might my actions still be in line with what the psychic saw somehow? Might the purpose in all of this be for me to learn a particular lesson, and would the psychic know this to be the case but not share it?


Dear S.:

There are so many factors that come into play here that my best answer is “it depends.” If a psychic takes charge and maintains a strong, clear intention, then her intention will prevail. Not every psychic sets such an intention, however; some just try to answer the questions posed to them. In those cases, the client is really leading the reading and will have a greater influence on what is seen. Of course, some psychics are also more skilled and gifted than others. Since some only read their clients’ energy, when the client is emitting a strong signal, the psychic may pick up on that and mirror the client’s hopes and fears back to them.

To produce a truly healing, empowering reading, a psychic must be able to shift into a high vibration where things can be seen in an objective light. At this level, the attachments people form to specific outcomes fall away. Not all psychics are capable of this level of vibration. If the psychic has any fear, such as fear of displeasing the client or fear of being wrong, it will influence the quality of the reading and what is seen.

Naturally, psychics are people and everyone has good and bad days. The best psychics are so experienced at getting into the vibration necessary for excellent reading work that they can do it almost anytime and anywhere. This is like the difference between an Olympic athlete and a high school athlete. Just as an Olympic athlete knows how to consistently “bring it,” the best psychics have the skill, experience, training and development to know how to produce excellence 99% of the time.

To do this, the psychic has to remain in charge of the reading and ask the right questions on her end. I won’t even schedule a reading until I feel I can truly be of help to someone because the right questions are being asked from the right frame of mind. When someone poses a question that is rooted in fear or ego, I work with them to align with a higher level of experience before moving forward.

When what psychics see is in line with what their clients want to hear, readings are relatively easy and straightforward. When there is a clash between what the client thinks she wants and the way things are heading, there is always a way to communicate the truth, but this can require a great deal of wisdom, love and skill. It can be hard to love someone rooted in negativity into a higher perspective, but a sincere reader who is flowing divine love can work healing miracles.

I do relay all that Spirit gives me for a client, but that doesn’t mean the client will be able to hear it at that time. Often it is only in retrospect that clients understand the full wisdom and power of a reading. In fact, when dialoguing with clients after a reading, I’m often struck by what they focus on and what they filter out. I may hear from people months and even years after a reading who tell me that at the time, they couldn’t hear all of what the reading was saying, but they came to appreciate its wisdom and see the lessons they were in the process of learning.

Of course, clients and psychics do attract each other because they are on the same wavelength or because there is something to be learned or gained from the experience. For example, one of the first psychic readings I ever had was terrible and yet it blessed me nonetheless. I had seen a medium giving messages who stood out as really different. Where most mediums are gentle, loving and compassionate, this medium was comical and quite a show-woman. Though I felt a little intuitive hitch when I thought about pursuing a reading with her, I liked how different she was, so I went ahead.

At the time, I was interacting with spirits daily and having one mind blowing psychic experience after another, so I asked her about my own psychic potential. Her response was that I wasn’t really all that psychic and would never be a successful spiritual counselor. She then proceeded to talk about herself and her own dreams for the next half hour.

When I left, I was disappointed in myself for choosing such a terrible reader. How psychic could I be to have chosen her? Then I began to look for the good in the experience and a couple of insights came to light.

First, since I was overwhelmed by all the amazing psychic experiences I was having, maybe she was wrong. By using the psychic senses she had denied me even having, I figured out that she was ego-driven and threatened by anyone else being psychic. I then realized that it was time to stop giving my power away to other supposedly wiser people, and trust my own inner knowing. This proved to be a major turning point for me.

Second, this reading was such a vivid example of what NOT to do as a psychic that it motivated me to become the sort of reader I wished she had been. When I realized how much I had learned about how to give a good reading from watching her give a terrible one, I laughed out loud and decided my money had been well spent.

I share this story because it illuminates a couple of key points. First, we must always listen to our own inner knowing above all. Ironically, when a psychic’s advice or predictions strike us as off, it can make us much clearer about what we already know deep down inside, so both a really bad and a really good reading can help us find new clarity.

Second, if a psychic says something that doesn’t feel right or prove true, it can still be just what we needed to experience by mirroring our vibration, answering a bigger question, fulfilling a deeper need, shifting our course or changing us in some important way.

As everything comes back to the law of attraction, the quality of your reading experience must somehow be a match to your vibration. Many times people consciously think they’re ready to hear the whole truth but their egos are limiting and distorting things. When you’re aligned with receiving clear guidance from Spirit, it can and will come to you through all sorts of channels, a psychic reading being just one obvious option. Often people have only to articulate what they really want to know in a reading for the Universe to begin sending answers to the longings and questions in their hearts.

Finally, the best psychic readings are not those that accurately predict the future but those that empower you to shift course if need be in order to create what you want. If you make new choices in light of psychic advice and end up in a better place as a result, the reading has served you well.

Soul Arcanum

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