Category: Energy/Vibration

Learning to Control the Quality of Astral Experiences

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been aware of the spiritual plane for as long as I can remember, going back to when I was a preschooler and could perceive a man in a top hat who used to watch me in my room every night. I have dreams where I meet people who have passed. In these dreams, I always travel by elevator, and the place I end up in is always a hotel of some sort, ranging from dreary (a woman who did not know she was dead) to the most beautiful room I have ever seen surrounded by walls of glass and this beautiful light that can’t be described. The light was so dense and so magnificent that nothing besides the light could be seen beyond the windows. The real reason I write is because I need help. Starting back in highschool, I occasionally had spirits try to frighten me. Many nights, my mirror would lift off my wall at approximately 2 a.m. and knock over everything on my nighttable. Sometimes my radio would turn on. (This was particularly effective near Halloween when scary commercials were on.) I continued with my prayers and made it through what was a scary time for me. Sometime later, I began to experience sleep paralysis. I became a master of focusing calmly on moving one body part and breaking the trance. I have left my body and heard the voice of my great-grandmother. One time I left my body and when I returned there was a very scary, evil-looking woman approaching my body; I began to pray to God and she snarled and vanished. Last night, I had several episodes that were weak and I was too tired to care, so I fought it off but wasn’t bothered by it. The last time, though, my entire body began to vibrate violently and I began to pray and the vibrations ceased and I was free. I know that I need to better protect myself and I know spirits are trying to contact me, but I am apprehensive. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time.


Dear Janelle:

As we naturally evolve spiritually, it’s normal to have spontaneous psychic experiences, to begin to consciously remember out-of body-experiences, and to eventually gain the ability to leave our bodies at will. It’s also normal to be anxious about this, for these are not everyday, ordinary experiences. Most of us have been taught what to do in order to remain physically safe. We’re told not to open the door to a stranger, and should we set ourselves on fire, to stop, drop and roll. No one tells us what to do when we feel paralyzed in bed and sense an evil presence nearby!

In addition to being psychically sensitive, I would bet you are also under some stress. The sorts of experiences you describe tend to happen when people are extremely sleep-deprived. They also tend to pick up during times of change and transition, such as the teen years, when babies are born, during final exams in college, during career changes, when going through a divorce or getting married, when moving into a new house, etc. Any event or change that causes stress can make us vulnerable to negative psychic experiences, for what we attract on a psychic level is a direct reflection of our inner state of being.

If you can control your inner state of being, you can control the quality of your experiences when you’re in an altered state of consciousness. If you’re anxious when you project or shift your awareness to the astral, you will tend to have frightening experiences, so anything you do that helps to lower your stress level would be helpful. If you are in a state of peace and wonder, you will have wonderful experiences. If you find yourself in an unnerving situation, try to stay calm and assume that all is and will be well. (That’s good advice whether you’re in the astral or the physical!)

Obviously, the more you know about the astral, the less fear you will have of the unknown. With this in mind, I recommend you engage in deep study of the astral, spirits, and out of body experiences. For starters, you might read Astral Dynamics, Mastering Astral Projection, and Practical Psychic Self-Defense by Robert Bruce. Also Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe and Out of Body Experiences: How to Have them and What to Expect by Robert Peterson. It will take a great investment of time and energy to master this material, but since you’re having these experiences anyway, you definitely need an education in this subject.

It would be profoundly empowering on many levels to learn how to control your vibration by studying energy healing and the law of attraction. Remember: if you can control your inner state of being, you can control the quality of your psychic experiences! This has been known by mystics for millennia. It’s even in the Bible!

For example, Proverbs 4:23 – 27, says: Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life….Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. In Proverbs 2:7 – 11, the Bible says, [God] is a shield to those who walk with integrity…He guards the paths of the just…Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.

So what does it mean to guard your heart and to mark out a straight path? If you are at war with anyone in your life, then you carry the vibration of discord. If you send evil thoughts to the person who cut you off in traffic, to the rude person in line at the grocery store, if you are full of bitterness at your ex-spouse or feel like a victim in some way, you will tend to have negative psychic experiences. If, instead, you are ever seeking peace and harmony, if you “forgive those who trespass against you,” if you are tolerant of others and look for the divine in them, if you can bless those who do things you don’t like and not take their behavior personally, then you will radiate peace and attract positive psychic experiences.

This is not easy, but there is no more important work in life than learning how to “guard”/purify our hearts and minds.

By learning how to work with energy, as in energy healing, you will learn how to shift your vibration from anxious to faithful, how to infuse situations with positive energy, how to deflect negative energy – the list goes on and on. How you learn energy healing should be organic, by which I mean that you are guided to it by Spirit. Put out a call/prayer and see where you are guided. I was trained in the Spiritualist tradition, and I’m partial to this method because it is simple and demystified. Many traditions make things far more complicated than is necessary, and surround their teachings with unfounded mystique.

Speaking of which, Robert Bruce has a new book on healing entitled Energy Work: The Secrets of Healing and Spiritual Growth. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but based on his other work, I’m sure it’s great. I’m also sure that it’s no accident that this expert on astral projection has written a book on energy healing, for in order to control your astral experiences, you must be able to consciously influence/control energy.

– Soul Arcanum

Do You Need to Detox?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

On the Soul Arcanum Facebook page, you recently mentioned that you went through a diet detox. Could you talk more about it? What do you believe is the best way to detox through diet? What time of the year do you think is the best? For how long? Are there any books you would recommend that helped you to learn about the topic? I would really appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience in this area.


Dear Ellen:

I’m hesitant to write about this subject because I don’t want anyone to assume my choices must be somehow superior to what feels right and best to them. That being said, I will do my best to answer your questions.

I believe first and foremost in listening to your own body and intuition, for there is no one diet or answer that fits everyone. I also I believe that when we simply listen to our bodies and respond to whatever they are telling us, we naturally align with radiant health and well-being. Of course, it is also wise to pay attention to signs and messages from the Universe.

For general information on the idea of “detoxing” via diet, you’ll have to do some Googling, for I’m no expert on the subject, and my space here is very limited. The detox diet I mentioned on the Soul Arcanum Facebook page came about as a result of me listening to my own body, as I advise everyone to do. I believe that I was led to it as a result of asking (within) what I needed to do in order to feel better. For some time, I had felt like something was off in my body, and the idea pop kept popping into my mind that this was somehow related to candida overgrowth. For the record, I am NOT the sort of person who believes candida is the ultimate cause of every health problem under the sun.

My main symptom was my inner ears itching so badly it would wake me up at night. Whenever I “tuned in” to try to figure out what was going on, the idea of candida overgrowth popped up. Since I didn’t want to undergo the intense changes I believed would be necessary to remedy such a situation, for months, I just kept hoping for the problem to go away.

Around the time I began to get motivated to do something it, I received an email from a long-time friend who is a homeopathic healer. She was writing to tell me that she had felt a nudge to send me a homeopathic remedy. When I received it, it actually contained two remedies: before I could undertake what she believed I needed, she explained that I had to take something to address any candida issues. This got my attention because it was like the Universe was saying, “If you won’t listen to this message from the INSIDE, we’ll send it to you from the OUTSIDE!”

Now the Universe really had my attention, so I asked: What do I need to do in order to align with perfect health? Right after this, I saw a friend who looked amazing. She had lost a lot of weight, her hair was shiny, her eyes were bright, and her skin was glowing. I asked what she was doing, and she told me she was doing a detox diet – The Sadkhin Complex. It involved eating nothing but vegetables, fruits, whole milk and raw honey.

I felt this special nudge. It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you are receiving an answer to a question you posed to the Universe; it’s a sense of knowing that this is the answer and that this is what you are supposed to do. This is not a logical process, so though the diet sounded extreme, I decided to trust my intuition. Within three days of starting the diet, my ears stopped itching and I felt amazing. I ended up dropping 15 pounds in about three weeks, and I have kept it off.

I gained a lot through undergoing this rigorous detox process. It definitely helped me to develop greater self-discipline. I also believe that having strict rules to follow made it easier for me to stay on course. It taught me that we can function just fine without MOST of what we tend to eat on a daily basis: We don’t need all the cereals, pastas, breads, potatoes, etc., that form the foundation of most American diets. It was not easy to do, but it definitely helped me get back on track in terms of not eating processed foods again.

If we look to spiritual teachers and other outside “experts” for advice on what we should eat, we’re in for great confusion, for everyone seems to have a different opinion on the subject. I know a lot of spiritual people who are staunch vegetarians, and though I was strictly vegetarian myself for many years, I eventually figured out that this choice was based on abstract ideas – NOT how I actually felt when eating this way. I have learned that I do not do well long-term on a vegetarian diet because I need a lot of lean protein. I do try to only eat animal products from humanely treated animals, both for ethical reasons and because I believe that the ENERGY of the food we eat is paramount.

If you are psychically sensitive, you can actually feel the difference between a raw, natural food like an apple or a carrot, and the energy of something like bread or pasta. Foods that are in a raw, natural, unprocessed state feel “alive,” whereas foods that have been heavily processed and cooked feel “dead.”

Food from animals that have been mistreated or killed in an inhumane matter carry disturbing energy. I don’t eat beef mainly because it feels bad to me; it feels disturbing to my vibration. If you are psychically sensitive, you may notice that your energy drops after eating beef. In order to eat food from mistreated animals, we have to desensitize ourselves to the energy of their suffering, which spells psychic desensitization in general.

If you’re trying to grow more spiritual or develop your psychic abilities, it therefore makes sense to eat a vegetarian diet or to be very careful about the energetic quality of any animal products you consume. If, however, you are psychically overwhelmed, you can get grounded by eating energetically heavier foods. To spark a psychic awakening, you may want to eat nothing but raw fruits and vegetables for a period of time, or perhaps even fast.

Since we are part of nature, I believe that the closer we eat to the earth, the better. I am not a raw foodie, but I do try to eat as little of processed foods as possible, which means I mainly eat lean protein (chicken), eggs, dairy, fruits and vegetables. All of this being said, I don’t believe that what we eat is as important as how and why we eat. This is all about energy: Whenever I start to feel less than my best, I ask my body and the Universe what I need, and then I watch for the answers to come to me.

To align with the right choices for us, we’re wise to focus on food as energy, to eat for the way we want to feel, and to cook for ourselves and others as an act of love. Sometimes, the most loving thing we can do is undergo a strict diet for a while; other times, the most loving thing we can do is let go of worrying about our health (and everything else) and celebrate life on earth by digging in to share a delicious meal. Since we are constantly changing, in order to determine what we need in each moment, we must be constantly tuning in to the wisdom of our bodies and the divine. This is a lot more mental work than blindly following the rules of a particular diet, but it’s the only way to know and respond to our true needs.

– Soul Arcanum

How to Create a Positive Psychic Atmosphere

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I work in a small building where people who start off nice appear to change and act different in a nasty way. I found this site looking for a way to cleanse the building. This makes work in a small environment very difficult. What can I do?


Dear Dolores:

We are all surrounded by unseen energies of various qualities. Though most of us aren’t conscious of it, our instincts are constantly tuning in to evaluate the energetic nature of other people and the psychic atmosphere. Many of us only take note of this when the psychic atmosphere is extreme in some way. For example, in a house that is “haunted,” the hair on the backs of our necks may stand up, or we may feel inexplicably terrified and compelled to flee. At the other end of the spectrum, we may enter a place of very positive psychic atmosphere such as a church or a temple and immediately feel peaceful and uplifted.

There is a direct link between the people who inhabit a space and the atmosphere there, for it is our thoughts and feelings that create that atmosphere. You seem to have assumed that it is the physical place that is causing people to grow negative, but it could be that one or more of the people you work with are the real source of this negativity. Just as it only takes one person creating a foul smell and stink up a space for everyone, it only takes one strongly negative individual to poison the psychic atmosphere. Of course, if the business you work for has created a stressful, antagonistic work environment, the simplest way to remedy this negativity is to take practical measures to reduce employee stress and frustration.

Here’s the good news and the bad news: emotional energy is contagious. (You’ve clearly noticed this already.) This means that negative energy can affect everyone present, but it also means that positive energy can spread too. To remedy negativity psychic energy, we have to generate positive psychic energy.

Since the atmosphere and the people who inhabit the space are intrinsically linked, I recommend you focus both on cleansing the location and infusing it with positive vibes, and on bringing out the best in your coworkers. Since there are number of individuals involved here, the more people you can persuade to join with you in these efforts, the more power you will all wield.

There are all sorts of different rituals you can employ for cleansing the location. The key elements will include cleansing the physical space and the objects in it, and also cleansing the atmosphere with something like smoke, as in smudging. As part of this process, you might try the old folk remedy of hanging up garlic all over the place overnight, and then burning the garlic the next day.

The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. For an example of how you might go about this, see Clearing a Space of Negative Energy.

Once you’ve done these things, bring in elements that promote positive energy. Playing music that feels uplifting and positive can have a dramatic impact. Make sure the space is with bright with light – preferably natural sunlight – and that the color scheme is pleasant and uplifting. You could bring in crystals to enhance your energetic efforts. Definitely make sure the space smells good. Incense is great for this, but if that is impractical for some reason, you could try aromatherapy with a scent like lemon. Keeping the atmosphere fresh is not something you do once – it’s something you regularly.

Next, in order to evoke positive energy from your coworkers, you will have to work with the law of attraction. While it’s true that we can’t create in another person’s experience, we can lift ourselves into a vibration where we naturally attract a higher level of experience, which will either cause people who are negative to stay away from us or draw those people up to our vibration when they are around us.

This reminds me of one of my first highly sucessful manifesting adventures. I was on a road trip with a friend who was also into the law of attraction. When we went through customs to enter into Canada, my friend was on her cell phone. The customs agent took tremendous offense to this and was shockingly nasty to us. At first we were upset about this, but then we decided to pivot and focus on manifesting friendly, happy people from there on out. What followed was an incredible stream of people so friendly all we could do was laugh in astonishment. One after another, everyone we met from there on out went to extraordinary lengths to help us, and everyone was so cheerful it was like being in the “twilight zone.”

My point is that by consciously working with the law of attraction, you can either attract the sort of people you want to interact with or bring out the best in the people around you. Even really nasty characters smile, laugh and are kind sometimes. You can draw this out of them, but you have to stop focusing on what you don’t want – negativity – and start focusing on what you do want – happy, friendly, helpful coworkers.

I suggest you create some “spiritual Febreze” and use it on yourself as well as your work environment. Get a clean, empty spray bottle, distilled water, rubbing alcohol and an essential oil like lemon. Add a little alcohol to the water, and then add as much of the essential oil as it takes to create a pleasant scent. Next, charge this mixture with positive energy by calling to mind all the positive things you want to manifest. While you hold this mixture in your hands, channel the essence of that positive energy into the mixture. (If you’re unfamiliar with how to do this, you may want to study magickal spellwork in general.)

Every morning after you get out of the shower, spray yourself with this magic perfume and set your conscious intention for the day. It may go a little like this:

Universe, just as I carry this wonderful smell with me on my body, I will carry joy with me wherever I go. I will shine my inner light on any shadows I encounter, and bring out the best in others. I will greet everyone I meet with warmth and good humor, and will receive all sorts of blessings in return. As one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not, I look forward magically creating a wonderful atmosphere wherever I go. Fill my world with friendly, helpful, happy people! (This is just and example. You can set any intention you desire – the point is to set a CONSCIOUS intention for the day instead of taking whatever comes your way.)

If you also spray this “spiritual Febreze” around your work place every morning, you will infuse the atmosphere with its pleasant scent and positive vibration while at the same time encouraging everyone around you to unconsciously entrain to your positive vibration.

– Soul Arcanum

Negative Energy in Classroom

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

I am a college math professor and this semester in one of my classes, I feel a heavy environment around me. I feel drained, my head hurts, and my neck is tense at the end of the class. I know that I am more sensitive to bad energies than the average person and I do not know how to stop it. I am suspicious about one student but I am not 100% sure about it. This is affecting not only my professional life but also my family life. My sign is Pisces. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Dear P.:

What you are experiencing could be the result of high EMF exposure, which can cause headaches, tension, anxiety, weakness, and a general feeling of malaise along with all sorts of other symptoms. You wrote that you only have this problem in one of your classes, and I am wondering if you only teach in that particular classroom for this one class. If that’s the case, I would focus on environmental factors (like high EMFs) before looking for psychic influences. Of course, it’s possible that the problem is both psychic and location specific, as may be the case with a “haunting.” If you teach in that classroom frequently and only have problems with one particular group of students, then it makes sense to look to the people involved as potential sources of your discomfort.

First let’s assume that you only have problems when you teach in that particular location. If this is the case, as I mentioned, it’s likely that you are dealing with a high level of electromagnetic radiation. Some individuals seem to be particularly sensitive to electrical fields. Some are hyper-aware of these fields without being adversely affected by them, while others suffer discomfort from exposure whether they are consciously aware of the energy or not. Many people who are consciously aware of electrical fields are also psychically sensitive. I know many psychics who can feel and/or hear the buzz of flourescent lighting even when it’s on another floor of the building they are in. I can sense if the television is on and muted from all the way across the house. If this sounds like you, then you are definitely sensitive to electrical fields. (If you have ever left the city for the country and been amazed at how much better you felt, you are probably electrically sensitive.)

If your symptoms disappear when you leave the location of the classroom, it makes sense that something there is bothering you. I recommend you visit the classroom when there are no students around to see if you are affected then. If you are, then it must be something related to that particular environment – and not a particular student – that is causing you distress.

The answer could be something very simple and mundane. For example, if the classroom you are teaching in has flourescent lighting, that is definitely a potential cause of your discomfort, for many people report getting headaches and other symptoms when exposed to flourescent lights. If you’re sensitive to electrical fields, you will definitely be sensitive to flourescent lighting. To determine if this is the problem, try sitting quietly in the classroom for 15 minutes with the lights off. If you don’t have a negative reaction, try the same with the lights on and see what happens. If you start to become uncomfortable, the remedy may be as simple as replacing the lighting.

If you begin to have problems the minute you enter the unlit room or building, then you will want to measure the EMF fields of that location, for there are all sorts of things that can cause high EMFs aside from flourescent lighting such as nearby power lines, computers, wireless towers – the list goes on and on. I don’t have room to go into how you can test that location for high EMF fields, but that information is readily available on the internet. If you discover that this classroom is plagued by high EMFs, then you will either have to find a way to remedy that situation or ask to have your classroom moved to a different location.

Please note that discovering high EMFs does not negate the possibility that there is also some form of psychic attack going on. There is a strong correlation between high EMFs and paranormal phenomena; what’s unclear is which comes first. I believe that we create the high EMFs with our electrical appliances and that entities in the lower astral (like earthbound spirits) use that energy to try to affect this dimension.

I have noticed a dramatic increase in paranormal phenomena over the past couple of decades, and I believe that this is why. As we are constantly electrically charging the psychic atmosphere as never before in history, we have no idea how this will affect us all physically OR metaphysically. I think it’s entirely possible that it is causing a thinning of the veil between this world and the dimensions closest to us in vibration, and that this is enabling all sorts of unusual phenomena.

It also makes sense that this electrically charged atmosphere can lead to stronger psychic phenomena, so that even a student daydreaming about bashing you in the head because he’s bored or is having a hard time understanding the lesson could affect you if you’re highly sensitive. (We are constantly interacting on an auric level; the more energy is channeled into those interactions, the stronger the effect they tend to have.)

If all of the above experiments fail to yield clear results, I suggest you call the student in question to meet with you in your office. If you are immediately affected as you are in the classroom, then you have your culprit. It’s important to keep in mind that this student may not wish you ill. For example, it could be that you have shared other lives with this particular student, and that the presence of that student brings uncomfortable energies up for you. The relationship between teacher and student is as likely to involve past life connections as any other, and feeling ill is a very common reaction to encounters with uncomfortable past life material.

For example, when I was in university, I watched a film about a pilgrimage to a sacred temple in India, and while watching the film, I was suddenly overcome with feelings of extreme anxiety to the point of panic. I broke out in a cold sweat and thought I was going to throw up. I fled the auditorium through the closest door, which was an exit door. Much to my surprise, as soon as I was outside, I felt perfectly fine. I later recalled a past life in which I had been trampled to death during a pilgrimage to a similar temple.

Regardless of whether or not this student is consciously sending you negative energy, the remedy is the same: you will want to bless the student and the whole situation, and bathe it with divine love. This will shield you and make you invulnerable to psychic attack, for one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not. If every time you walk into a classroom to teach, you bring the brightest love you can summon in your heart with you, you will be more metaphysically powerful than any energy even the most disgruntled, bored, depressed or frustrated student can dish out.


Why Can’t She Cry?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.  
All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My family and I have had a horrendous 10 years. We’ve moved countries and continents, been cheated in business, had to live with family, gotten thrown out on our ears by family, and found it very hard to get by. Business deals that were sure to go through would just not happen at the last minute; this is still happening. There is constant worry about money even though we’re all working. It’s been really horrible and exhausting. I have also been cheated of my inheritance by my own sister because we lived and worked overseas and she looked after our parents. She feels she is entitled to everything they left behind: jewelry, property, everything. She took care to put everything in her name while I was overseas. My question, Soul Arcanum, is why can’t I cry? I have been hurt so badly by my sister plus all the stuff that we’ve been through, yet I can’t seem to cry. Please help.


Dear K.:

I’m sorry to hear of all your heartache. There are a number of possible reasons why you can’t cry.

The most obvious explanation is that you are depressed. When severely depressed, many people experience the same thing you describe: an inability to cry. With severe depression, emotions become so flattened that one is essentially beyond weeping. I encourage you to see your doctor about this possibility. Of course, if you have already seen a doctor and are on anti-depressants, you have your answer: anti-depressants are known to blunt emotions, so many people who take them feel too numb to laugh, cry, or feel much of anything.

Another possible explanation is that you are too overwhelmed to allow yourself the “luxury” of succumbing to tears at this time. It sounds like your struggles are ongoing, which means you are not yet in a place where you can look back on your experiences and begin to heal and release the trauma involved. This is a bit like being in the midst of battle when you are wounded; since you are still in survival mode, you may not even feel the wound until the danger is behind you. Even if you are in pain, however, you know you have to keep going in order to survive, so you ignore the wound and keep on fighting. If you feel like you simply don’t have time to “fall apart” right now, that may explain why you can’t cry.

It’s also possible that you’ve got so much emotional pain bottled up inside that you’re afraid of what may happen (or what you may do) if you started to let it out. When our emotions feel more powerful than we think we can handle, it can feel like if we even crack the door of our hearts open, a tidal wave of emotion will burst through and sweep us away. We may fear experiencing that much pain all at once, or we may fear that if we allow ourselves to feel those feelings, we will lose control and do something we may regret. In either case, the solution is often to just keep our hearts tightly locked shut and keep plugging forward.

It is also possible that your inability to cry goes way back to early childhood or even a past life. Our experience of crying is naturally rooted in our early childhood and our relationships with our caregivers. After all, crying is the only way infants have to communicate that they need something. Those of us whose parents responded to our crying in positive ways tend to find comfort in crying as adults; those of us whose parents ignored us or became angry or upset by our crying tend to have crying issues.

If, when you were a little girl, your parents somehow punished you for crying, you may have difficulty allowing yourself to cry in any situation. Parents who don’t want to be bothered with their children’s complaints tend to say things like, “Stop crying! That’s not worth crying about,” or the ever popular, “If you want something to cry about, I will give you something to cry about!” Some parents even send their children to their rooms and refuse to let them come out until they have stopped crying. Of course, there are other ways parents reject or censor their children when they are upset. Some parents are so uncomfortable seeing their children in distress that they say things like, “Please don’t cry. It breaks my heart to see you so sad,” which tends to make the child feel guilty for crying. Even when they don’t verbally discourage their children from crying, if the parents are uncomfortable, the children may sense it and decide to stifle their tears.

Yours is a perfect problem for hypnotherapy. Since there are many potential causes, hypnotherapy could help you to quickly pinpoint and heal whatever is really going on. If you came to see me for therapy, I would spend our first couple of sessions helping you get comfortable with the therapeutic process and giving you subconscious suggestions to begin to heal and release whatever is troubling you. (This gentle, gradual approach tends to work best with people who may be afraid to feel whatever emotions may come up.) Eventually, I would dialogue with your higher self and ask about the root cause of your inability to cry. If this took us back to a traumatic event in childhood or a past life, I would guide you in re-membering that event and feeling all the feelings involved. Since your presenting problem is an inability to cry, my goal would be get those tears flowing. Once you were sobbing on my couch, I would know we had achieved a breakthrough.

Some therapists believe that reliving the emotions of past events is unnecessarily unpleasant; some believe that it is essential to the healing process; I believe it depends on the client and the situation. I do believe there is great healing power in catharsis, and that it is never wise to deny, repress, block or avoid emotions. Interestingly, recent scientific research has discovered that when we cry in sorrow, our bodies release endorphins and our tears contain toxins; when our eyes are simply watering due to irritation, neither of these is true. This means that crying is in and of itself therapeutic and healing. I think we all know this based on personal experience: who hasn’t succumbed to a good cry after a period of great stress or upset, felt completely spent, and then wiped their tears and decided to get on with things?

In my experience, cathartic sessions tend to produce healing miracles. Let’s take for example the case of a woman who had an inexplicable fear of driving a car. In therapy, a past life in which she had died in a car crash was discovered. Though this awareness alone didn’t produce results, in the last session, she was regressed to relive the accident, during which there was a great outpouring of emotion. That is when a breakthrough was achieved: following that session, her fear of driving completely disappeared.

Of course, it is always helpful to simply have someone loving and understanding to talk to. If you don’t have a friend or relative you feel you can pour your heart out to, you may find traditional counseling helpful. It may take a while to develop the trust and rapport necessary, but if you open up about your troubles to a caring person, eventually those tears should begin to flow. From deep tissue massage to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), there are many different healing modalities besides talk therapy and hypnotherapy that can release stored emotions, so explore your options. If you pray to Spirit for the answer, I’m sure you will be guided to the perfect healing path for you.

– Soul Arcanum

Telepathic Pain Connection

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was with my fiance, Scott, for ten years before he died. Scott’s mother is 84 years old, and we were his caregivers for the last year of his life. We bonded on a very deep level as we shared the pain of losing him. For the past three weeks or so, I have had extreme soreness in my neck and shoulders. I am a runner and attributed this to needing a new pair of running shoes, though this pain seemed strange and different from aches and pains I’ve experienced in the past. When I called Scott’s mom tonight and asked her how she was doing, she told me that HER neck and shoulders have been aching and that she had just found out that she has a pinched nerve. I didn’t even tell her about MY neck and shoulder pain. I am now wondering if it is possible that I was picking up on her pain, and if so, what you would call this. This is not the only time we have had a strange connection like this. While I don’t believe in coincidences, I haven’t always had these experiences; there seems to be something special going on with Scott’s mom. Have you heard of anything like this before?


Dear K.:

Your question reminded me of all sorts of amazing personal experiences and stories I have heard from others over the years. For example, a few months ago, I awoke early in the morning feeling strangely dizzy and queasy. As I was very groggy, I wondered if I was getting sick but then quickly drifted back to sleep. I then dreamed that my teenage daughter came into my bedroom and told me that she was feeling queasy and didn’t want to go to school. I woke up from that dream and drifted off again. About fifteen minutes later, my daughter actually came into my room and woke me up and told me that she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to go to school. I then realized that my own physical discomfort had disappeared, and that I had been picking up on what was happening with her.

This sort of telepathic connection is known to be especially strong in twins. I recently became acquainted with an amazing story of identical twins who not only regularly experience each other’s pain, but also have physical manifestations of what happens to the other twin. For example, one twin got accidentally socked in the eye while playing at a playground one day, which led to her developing a black eye. At the exact moment that the twin was injured, the other twin experienced pain in her eye and later developed a black eye even though her own eye hadn’t experienced any physical trauma.

There are all sorts of amazing stories of people who experience a telepathic connection to another person that leads to physical symptoms like those you describe. This tends to happen most often with people who are emotionally very close, such as mothers and their children. Since it sounds like you are closer to Scott’s mother than many daughters are to their own biological mothers, I don’t find it at all strange that you would share a strong psychic connection. It’s also possible that the two of you have shared other lifetimes in which you were biologically related, which would further strengthen your psychic connection this lifetime.

My sense is that you are a very physical person, and thus your strongest psychic sense may be clairsentience. This would tend to cause you to pick up telepathic information kinesthetically, by feeling it in your own body. I imagine that your intuition tends to speak to you through gut feelings, and that you tend to experience strong emotions in your body such as having butterflies in your stomach when you are nervous or getting a headache when you are stressed. Psychic mediums who are strongly clairsentient are those who tend to physically feel how a particular spirit passed, or feel other physical sensations as a form of metaphysical communication. To describe a spirit, they physically feel what it was like to BE that person. Thus they may say something like, “I feel like I am very tall but like I am bent over with roundedness in my upper back, and I feel like I have facial hair; it is tickling my lip.” By contrast, someone more clairvoyant might say, “I see a tall man who walks a bit hunched over who has a beard and mustache.” As you might imagine, being strongly clairsentient would encourage the sort of physical experience you describe.

While what you experienced was tangible in that you physically experienced her physical pain, you are also receiving other types of telepathic information without being conscious of it. Just as we all receive visual, auditory, kinesthetic and other information on a physical level, we all do the same on a metaphysical level, but when we are strongly skewed to one modality, we may not pay as much attention to the other information. I would bet that you are picking up on Scott’s mom’s thoughts and feelings without realizing that those thoughts and feelings are perhaps not your own, for this sort of exchange tends to be more subtle than physical sensations.

The closer we are to someone, the more likely we are to absorb their thoughts and feelings. Of course, the more sensitive we are, the more likely we are to be affected on this telepathic level as well. When you put two people who are very sensitive and very emotionally close together, all sorts of telepathic experiences tend to result.

If we have empathy for the person involved, it can be very difficult to separate our feelings from theirs even if we know that what we are feeling is not our own. For example, when my son was an adolescent, he went through a period during which he was angry, sullen and irritable. I would be perfectly happy but as soon as he got in the car, I would find my mood radically shifting. He didn’t even have to say a word for this to happen; it was like this dark, heavy cloud had invaded my aura. Even though I knew that he was the source of my suddenly dark thoughts and feelings, trying to avoid being affected by his bad mood was like having a passenger smoking a cigar in my car and trying to not inhale any of their smoke. It is fascinating to me that being in an enclosed space seems to be as powerful on a metaphysical level as it is on a physical level; if I were near my son in another setting besides the car, it was easier to separate my energy from his. While removing myself from his presence was most effective of all, in situations where someone we love is in great distress, we may pick up on how they feel even if they are thousands of miles away.

When we care about how other people feel, our auras are open to them. Instead of saying to ourselves, I don’t care how this person is feeling, I just want to feel good, we are constantly energetically checking on them much as we might do by phoning them to see how they are doing. It is this caring that bridges our energy fields. When we empathize with someone, we start to entrain to their energy and may be affected by their mood. To be invulnerable to the emotional or physical pain of someone we care about, we must become adept at setting our own tone and cultivate faith that everything happens for a good reason, so even if someone is struggling, we know that they are experiencing exactly what they need to experience in order to learn whatever they need to learn.

Soul Arcanum

Can a Relationship Make You Physically Ill?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I married a man I had dated for eight years. He swept me off my feet and I loved him with all my heart. After almost two years of marriage and the birth of our daughter, I was diagnosed with a blood disease that causes low blood platelets. It was an awful ordeal that involved a lot of drugs and surgery, none of which helped. This disease was active for over eight years but has been in remission for the past year. During the time I was ill, I gave birth to my son and divorced my husband, who was going to school in another town. I was supporting two households while I was sick and running the family business with no support. I was in survival mode. In the past few years, I have developed a wonderful support group. The problem is that we have two kids together, so we have to be in some kind of contact. Lately, on his visits to town, my ex has become more intimidating. Last time he came into my house and started looking through the kitchen cabinets and touching everything. While this was happening, I became physically ill and felt like I was going to throw up. After he left, I developed severe lower back pain. This subsided but now my TMJ has flared up. I know that TMJ is associated with repressed anger, which makes sense since whenever I expressed anger in the relationship, the sword was turned against me so I learned to just be quiet. I don’t know if this is some kind of karmic debt or psychic attack, but I do know that I am happier and healthier when my ex is absent from my life and my mind. Do you think that a relationship can make you physically ill? If so, what do I do to protect myself?

– Soul Arcanum

Dear J:

Since stress can make you physically ill, anyone who upsets you can affect your sense of well-being. It sounds like back when you developed this rare blood disease, you were under a great deal of stress. It’s interesting that since you made some big changes in your life and developed a strong support group, the disease has gone into remission. I believe this is not so much about your relationship with your ex as it is about how you take care of yourself.

I’m glad that you shared that you learned to repress your anger. In doing this, you were not honoring your true feelings. Stifling our true feelings leads to churning energy, which can cause all sorts of physical problems from TMJ to the dis-ease you describe. If instead of “fighting” for what you believe in, you repress your feelings, that energy will fight within you. This can cause a war in your immune system that destroys your platelets and sense of well-being instead of the “outer war” that should be taking place in the troubled relationship. (I am not advocating war or fighting but rather dealing with what is really bothering you instead of repressing your feelings.)

Any emotional disharmony or discomfort will eventually filter down to a physical level if you allow it to grow severe or go on long enough. I learned this the hard way in my own first marriage. I was deeply unhappy but since I had two small children, I was very reluctant to end the marriage. The more I tried to ignore my feelings and do what I thought I “should” do, the sicker I got. For the last year of my marriage, I could literally not breathe because I had chronic sinus infections. I’m not just talking about headaches and stuffiness; I’m talking about filling Kleenex with gobs of green gunk every hour of every day and feeling like I was drowning in mucus. Nighttime was especially miserable because I could never breathe through my nose. As soon as I left the marriage, my sinuses cleared up and I’ve not had another problem since. Was I allergic to my ex? Was my constant inner turmoil causing psychic congestion? All I know for sure is that not honoring my true feelings made me very ill indeed.

I feel your journey was similar; when you began to honor your true feelings and fulfill your true needs, you healed yourself. I encourage you to view yourself not as being in remission but rather as cured. Remember: every cell in our bodies is replaced on a regular basis, so the body you have today is NOT the same body you had years ago when you experienced problems. You have recreated yourself and have every reason to expect your health and well-being to continue because you now know how to take good care of yourself.

I also feel that the extreme discomfort you experienced when your ex was in your house was largely a result of your own fear; you had already learned to associate him with not being good for you, so when he came in and started touching all of your things, you became anxious. This was also an instinctive reaction, of course: your body knows he is not good for you, but since you were trying to be nice and polite, your instincts had to shout to be heard. Imagine that you have a loyal Golden Retriever. What would she have done in that situation? No doubt she would have started barking like crazy and refused to let your ex in. This is an uninhibited instinctive reaction; instead, you stifled your bark, put on a smile, and wound up feeling ill.

You could go one of two ways with this: you could nicely refuse to allow your ex anywhere near you or your things, or you could stop giving him so much power over you. (Personally, I would opt for the latter!)

In the situation you describe, your ex had more power than you; his chi was stronger because fear/negative emotions made you weak and vulnerable. Whenever we succumb to negative emotions, we become vulnerable to negative experiences. No one can create in your experience unless you let them; people can only negatively affect you when you are not consciously creating what you want and your own vibration is not soaring. If you are aligned with peace, love, joy and well-being, people can knock themselves out trying to upset you or control you but they will have no emotional power over you whatsoever.

There are many things you can do to reclaim your power. First, cultivate a high, fearless vibration. Assume that all is and will be well. Send positive thoughts and feelings out. Develop greater chi through practices like meditation, martial arts, yoga and prayer. Consciously channel your energy toward what you desire through various rituals like surrounding yourself with protection and cleansing your environment.

For example, you could erect a force field around your space to keep your ex from wanting to come in or touch your stuff. Have fun with this; play at it. Wouldn’t it be amusing if, after you erected this psychic force field, he stopped at the threshold and kept his hands in his pockets? If you lighten up and exercise your own power, you’ll feel better whether you work obvious magic or not.

Finally, try to send your ex love. Whether he chooses to bless you back or not, you will brighten your own world. Begin by silently saying the divine in me greets the divine in thee whenever you see him or think about him. Remember that you are both more than your personalities this lifetime, and that your souls are part of a very old story. By reaching for this higher, more loving attitude, it won’t matter what he does; you will set yourself free from any icky old karmic patterns and align with the peace and well-being you desire.

Bodywork and Emotional Healing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have had a number of massages in my life, but yesterday I had a very unusual experience. I was getting a deep tissue massage from a new therapist when suddenly I was overcome with feelings of profound grief and sorrow. I also experienced tremendous physical pain where she was touching my back beneath my left shoulder blade. Much to my embarrassment, I started to writhe in pain and sob. It was so intense I had to stop her and end the session. I could not wait to get out of that office. I felt very bad about this for many reasons. I’m now wondering if maybe I picked up on the feelings of the therapist or if she somehow touched off a “nerve” in me. I have never had anything like this happen before. What do you think?


Dear R.:

What you describe is very common; in fact, I’ve experienced something like it myself. I too was seeing a new massage therapist when this occurred. He employed an electric blanket to prevent me from getting chilled, and everything was going fine until he covered my upper torso with the blanket so he could work on my legs. Suddenly I was overcome with feelings of panic. I felt like I was suffocating and being crushed; like the blanket weighed hundreds of pounds. Instead of succumbing to panic, I decided to try to relax into those feelings and see what may be behind them.

Immediately I began to remember a past life in India, and I knew that I was at the moment of my death. I was at a sacred temple where thousands of people had traveled on pilgrimage on a holy day. The crowd was pushing forward, trying to get to where they could touch a sacred statue and leave an offering. We were on top of each other when the crowd pushed forward in a fervor and I felt myself being crushed. I felt as panic-stricken as if I were actually there and being crushed to death. This was so physically and emotionally intense that I too nearly had to end the session.

It is very common to have strong emotions come up during body work. Most seasoned massage therapists have seen this so many times that nothing surprises them anymore, while other body workers purposefully seek to help clients achieve emotional healing and release. Of course, not all massage therapists are created equal; those who are especially spiritual may spark this sort of healing, while those who are more physically oriented may focus wholly on the muscles beneath their hands. Further, strong reactions tend to be sparked when an area of the body that is holding pain or tension is touched.

As for why psychic insights, past life memories, and repressed emotions tend to surface during body, for work most people, receiving a massage is the deepest trance state they ever experience. As soon as they slip into this altered state of consciousness, whatever has been just beneath the surface of their awareness tends to come up. Big vibrational shifts toward an unsual state of peace and relaxation also tend to produce energetic tension. It’s a bit like being in a hot air balloon: we may be hovering a few feet above the ground when suddenly someone stokes up the fire. If we have sand bags on board to keep us grounded, this creates tension: we are being pulled skyward but we have all of this baggage weighing us down. In order to soar, we may have to drop some of that weight. This is a natural process; our subconscious minds seize the opportunity to bring up whatever is heaviest or most needs to be released when an opportunity to go higher arises.

There are all sorts of theories about how we hold old energy in our bodies and auras. As I don’t have room to go into detail here, you may want to explore the work of pioneers in this field like Wilhelm Reich, Fritz Perls and Stanislav Grof. The main thing to understand is that we tend to hold wounds from childhood and even past lives in our bodies. For example, someone who was raped in a past life may experience pain on intercourse; someone whose head was bashed in may experience migraines; someone who was suffocated may experience asthma or panic attacks during which they feel they can’t breathe. It’s interesting that you experienced the reaction you did when your therapist touched a certain spot underneath your left shoulder blade, which of course is directly in line with your heart. The important thing to keep in mind is that these are not problems to be feared and rejected; they are helpful symptoms that tell us that healing is needed.

As for how and why we store trauma in the body, basically we have a natural tendency to try to distance ourselves from painful experiences. If we have repressed trauma on an emotional or mental level, then when we shed our physical bodies, we will carry that trauma with us in our subtle bodies. When we then incarnate in a new body, the subtle bodies <q>inform</q> the new physical body, which naturally integrates that energy and information. Mind/body medicine has clearly established that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical well-being. It is also true that the body can affect our feelings and thoughts; for example, to calm yourself emotionally, you have only to breathe in a slow, calm way. A change on any level affects the whole being, so for lasting change to occur, healing must take place on all levels. If we view our mental, emotional and physical bodies as a team in a six-legged race, it’s easy to see how a problem in one body will affect the whole.

We might compare these different levels of energy to water. If energy becomes frozen in the energy field (locked in the body), it is something we can run into or trip over and it is very hard to manipulate. If we raise its vibration to water (the level of emotion), we can still slip on it but it is easier to work with. If we raise it again to the level of steam by bringing the buried thoughts behind it into our conscious awareness, then it will naturally begin to evaporate and dissipate. It sounds like in your case, some old trauma was brought up to the level of emotion, and that energy began to be released. The awakening of that intense energy caused the same reaction of panic and avoidance that caused it to get stuck in the first place. Until you face it and work with it, it will remain with you. If instead, you allow that energy to lead you to new awareness, it will begin to evaporate and be released. This is the power of catharsis; anything that evokes a strong reaction is a signal that there is tension that needs healing.

One reason hypnotherapy is so effective is because it works at the causative level of the mind; it quickly brings frozen issues up into our conscious awareness so that they can be processed, healed and released. Since it is important to address all levels of one’s being, however, several different modalities may prove helpful. It is important to honor what works best for you. For example, someone who is highly kinesthetic may respond best to body work, whereas someone highly visual may respond best to hypnotherapy. There are many different modalities for spiritual and emotional healing; the important thing is to honor your own nature and trust that emotional catharsis will prove helpful and healing in the long run.

Healing Guilt After Friend’s Suicide

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

A very dear friend just killed himself on 3/11/11. He had come to see me a week before and we talked about how he was feeling. I tried to help by giving him ideas on how to handle his problem, and at the end of our conversation, I thought all was well with him as we were laughing at the situation he had been so concerned about. I was devastated when I heard what he had done. I can see that when he left his body, he was in a dark, cloudy, dense fog with no light. I am feeling so sad for the waste, and keep wondering if there was something more I could have done to stop him. Perhaps instead of joking about the problem, I should have been more serious. He has always said that 10 years ago, I was responsible for saving his life when he was in another very dark place – that I had pulled him back from the brink. If that’s true, why couldn’t I save him this time? What is happening to him on the other side? Will I ever hear from him again? He was not spiritual; he believed that when we die, that’s it. Anything you can say to help me deal with all of this would be so appreciated.

Dear Marla:

Though it’s normal for you to be feeling as you are feeling, I can assure you that your guilt is wholly unfounded. Your friend didn’t kill himself because of you: He killed himself because he was in more pain than he could bear. You are no more responsible for his death than if he had died of cancer or been hit by a bus.

Your question reminded me of a startling exchange I had with one of the wisest men I have ever known – my father. I was 12 years old at the time, and was mired in adolescenet angst and depressed about all I deemed to be wrong with the world. As I tried to communicate how horrible I was feeling to my father, I confessed that I had thought about killing myself. To my great surprise, he didn’t try to change my mind or save me from myself. He simply said, “It would break my heart if you ended your life, but if you are determined to do it, there is nothing I or anyone else can do to stop you.” Since my father loved me wholeheartedly, this response totally shocked me. However, it also instantly struck me as wise and true. Over the years, I have many times fallen back on this lesson when dealing with loved ones who were depressed: though we can love and support people, it is impossible to save them from themselves, for what they choose to do with their lives is ultimately up to them.

There is a wonderful book that powerfully illustrates our ultimate freedom to succumb to despair or rise above it. I’m referring to Man’s Search for Meaning in which Viktor Frankl describes his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp and how he refused to allow his persecutors to break his spirit. He wrote, Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. Your friend exercised this ultimate freedom when he chose to end his life. If someone is in despair, we can love them with all our hearts, but can’t give them the will to live.

As for what your friend is now experiencing, it’s important to keep in mind that death is a personal experience, so not all suicides are equal. What we experience when we leave this world is entirely a matter of who and how we are on the inside, for when we die, we shed our physical bodies and begin to inhabit our astral bodies. If our astral bodies are light, peaceful and happy, we end up in a happy, peaceful place. If they are heavy and dark with despair, we end up in a dark, heavy feeling place. This is why suicide is associated with negative afterlife consequences: since our astral bodies are our emotional bodies, if we are in tremendous emotional pain when we die, we end up in an emotionally dark and painful place.

That being said, I don’t believe it is any worse to be in a state of despair in the astral than it is to be in the same state here in the physical. People tend to freak out when they think about someone who has committed suicide ending up in a hellish realm, but in truth, they were already in hell when they were living. Their mistake was in thinking that by killing themselves, they could put an end to their emotional pain.

Killing oneself is an effective way to end physical pain. If a person commits suicide in order to spare himself and his family more suffering because he is terminally ill, and he does so from a feeling of love, then he may end up in a fine place in the astral; it is all dependent on his inner energy. Since the astral body lives on, suicide does not end emotional suffering. There is no quick escape from emotional despair; instead, we must grow through it and find a way to transform and heal it. This can and will eventually happen whether we are here in the physical or in the astral.

Since your friend was in emotional despair when he took his life, your perception that he is in a dark place is probably accurate. This does not mean he will remain there for all eternity any more than he would remain in emotional torment forever were he still alive here on Earth. Eventually, he will realize that running away is not the answer, which will lead him to seek a new and more effective way to feel better.

You can help him by praying for him and visualizing him in a state of well-being. You could also learn to astral travel and try to find him so you can help him directly. For more information on this, research soul rescue as practiced by shamans. I also recommend you explore the work of  Bruce Moen; he’s an expert using astral travel to find and help lost souls.

Sinking into grief and sorrow yourself won’t help your friend; it will just make him feel worse about himself for bringing you down. Blaming yourself serves no one; instead, I urge you to try to transform this experience into something positive. When you start to feel bad for any reason, remember to celebrate your blessings and live each day fully. Cultivate love in your life and strive to spread joy wherever you go. Know that your new strength, wisdom and happiness are blessings that came from your friend’s decision.

I lost my first love when he was just 18 years old. While this was certainly tragic, there are many good things that came of his death. For one thing, it launched me on a conscious spiritual journey; I would not be who I am or doing the work I am doing had this not happened. If you work with it, this can be a profound spiritual growth experience for you. You are now exploring the nature of life and death and suffering; you are searching your soul and opening up to new spiritual experiences. If you honor your desire to find a way to help your friend, you may develop all sorts of new skills and knowledge that you can use to do a lot of good in the future. By creating something positive from his tragic end, you will truly honor your friend and bless yourself with the healing you need to feel at peace again.

A Spiritual Response to Global Crises

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I feel so unsettled these days because of the crisis in Japan. How do you feel about this? Are we going to get through this? 


Dear Ka:

Please note that I do not intend to make light of the situation in Japan or human suffering in general. My heart goes out to those who have lost their loved ones, homes and businesses in this tragedy, and to all who face an uncertain future – which includes you and me, my friend. However, in asking for my opinion, I assume that you are seeking a higher spiritual perspective on all of this. From this higher spiritual perspective, I can see that all is well and that there are valuable lessons and opportunities in this situation.

The reason you are feeling uneasy is because the whole world is feeling uneasy. Your unsettled feelings belie the fact that we are all connected; what happens to one happens to all on some level. This is perhaps the greatest lesson humanity is in the process of learning right now.

We live in exciting times. It wasn’t that long ago that an earthquake could have devastated Japan and only those present would have known about it. Now we are all connected on more than a spiritual level; we instantly receive news of what is happening across the globe in vivid, full-color images. Further, given nuclear technology, what happens in other parts of the world could have a devastating effect on us here.

I believe that what we see happening on a physical level mirrors what is happening on a spiritual level, and that the political and ecological problems we are facing arise from an inner spiritual crisis. When we began to question and reject organized religion, we lost more than just false beliefs and illusions: most of us also lost all sense of the sacred. This created a hole in the soul of the world and left many people spiritually adrift. It also encouraged the abuse of the planet and other people, for if nothing has meaning, then life becomes entirely materialistic. It’s then every person/country for itself in a race to gobble up as many resources as possible before someone else gets there.

To me it just makes sense that in order to address the crises we see in our outer experience, we must look to what is happening on an inner level. For one thing, it is from the inside that we make decisions: it is our values that determine how we treat the planet and each other.  Further, the seeds of physical existence are planted metaphysically; the state of the physical world reflects what is happening on a spiritual level, so to change what is happening in the outer world, we must change what is happening within.

Just as we can now fly around the world and connect with people on other continents via phone and internet, we are all growing more and more overtly connected. This is moving us toward the realization that we are not separate individuals, separate races and separate nations, but all part of one big family sharing the same planet and resources. Whether it is by divine design or not, tragedies like the one in Japan are awakening us all to the realization of Oneness.

I am sure that we are all going to get through this, but it may not happen here on Earth unless we wake up and develop a respectful attitude toward all life as sacred. Our ancestors had a healthy respect for nature; events like the earthquake and tsunami are reminders that we are completely dependent on the same nature we are so determined to conquer and exploit. The reason I believe we will all get through this is because I know we are more than our physical bodies. Since we are all multidimensional beings, when we die, we will all continue to exist in other dimensions. The earth plane is a place of limited physical resources and extreme contrast. We incarnated here to have an intense experience in hopes of achieving tremendous spiritual growth. We shouldn’t be surprised that Earth isn’t one big amusement park, for that’s not what we signed up for: We came to develop the wisdom to choose love over fear, and to do that, we have to have unsettling experiences.

You are understandably afraid. The news is full of frightening information about war, ecological destruction and every sort of tragedy imaginable. While it’s understandable to feel afraid, I’d like to submit that your fear is a call from your soul to find new faith and reach for light instead of succumbing to darkness.

You begin to do this by holding a vision that is beautiful and peaceful. You can send prayers to those in need and imagine everyone coming together to help each other. If there is something overt you can do to help those who move you with compassion, do it. Otherwise, vow not to be sucked into fear and despair but instead to keep your inner light burning bright so it can shine out to others and illuminate their way.

To manifest global positive change, we must join together to promote what we value. Scientific research has shown that group meditation can create a powerful positive influence on the collective consciousness of society. While there have always been natural events like earthquakes, if we unite in appreciation of the sacred nature of the planet, we may not have to deal with nuclear fallout on top of whatever Mother nature dishes out. Perhaps if humanity grows more peaceful, the planet will as well. For more information on transcendental meditation, visit and

By affecting collective consciousness, we begin to change what is happening on the spiritual level from which physical existence arises. The same unified field of consciousness that has made you feel uneasy can be used to generate new peace, love, harmony and well-being. You’ve been receiving impressions from the unified field of human consciousness; it’s time for us all to start purposefully sending positive vibes out.

To find your own way to new peace, regular meditation should prove powerful, for it will lead to the development of equanimity. You will then be at peace regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. In addition to meditation, I recommend learning how to have out-of-body experiences, for aside from having a near-death experience, this is the most profound way I know to conquer fear of death and awaken to the truth that we are all multidimensional beings. For a comforting peek at what astral travel can do for you, check out this fascinating talk by Jurgen Ziewe.

When you realize that the Earth is just one dimension of many and that we will all leave it one day for other worlds, it’s easier to relax about what is happening around the globe. This doesn’t mean we stop caring. Rather, instead of running around telepathically yelling The sky is falling!, we are able to respond to whatever and whomever comes our way from a place of higher spiritual values.

I believe we are heading toward the realization of a global community and hopefully a period of greater peace and cooperation, for it is becoming ever more clear that what happens to one affects us all.

Soul Arcanum