Category: Psychic Ability

Is It Harder to Communicate with the Spirits of Suicides?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last September my husband took his own life. I am spiritually evolved in many ways, but have questioned my beliefs about death since the day he died. I have been able to communicate with souls that have passed over for family members here, such as my husband’s grandfather, but I’m not sure if I’ve been able to reach my husband because I wonder if I want so badly to have him with me that I’m imagining things. What do you think? Also, how does suicide affect spirit communication? I’m unsure what I believe anymore. Thank you very much for your time. Namaste!
– Chelle

Dear Chelle:

My heart goes out to you. I can only imagine how hard it must be to heal from a loss of this nature. Before I explore general ideas, I want to tell you that I feel that your husband is trying hard to connect with you, and it is only your own pain and doubt that is keeping these experiences from being more real and fulfilling for you.

As I’ve explained a number of times, having a strong desire to connect with a certain spirit is very powerful, but if we pressure ourselves to produce, it may just hinder us. This is why I may bring through great evidence from spirits for strangers, but will have a harder time bringing through loved ones for people I know. When I feel I “must” succeed, I know I tend to stretch for evidential details more, which causes me to question everything I perceive more stringently. I also expect more of myself and my own loved ones in Spirit than I do of strangers, and this bogs the whole spirit communication process down.

It can be very confusing, disappointing, and even disillusioning to receive clear, evidential communication from a casual acquaintance in Spirit, and not be able to connect with your own spouse, parent or child. In such cases, however, we are almost always the source of whatever is preventing successful interaction. Our vibration may be too low due to grief, we may be too invested in making a connection, or we may doubt everything we perceive both because messages from those we were very close to tend to be more subtle, and because we know we are prone to wishful thinking.

While most people who are grieving tend to see even the smallest coincidences as signs from a loved one in Spirit, lots of us go too far the other way, and refuse to accept as valid anything less than a full blown miracle. We must remember that EVERYTHING we experience in life is ultimately a result of “wishful thinking,” and trust the power of our desire as much as we do the discernment of our intellects.

In light of all of this, I encourage you to trust that the experiences you’re having are real and valid. By trusting them, you will be able to cultivate clearer, more validating experiences with your husband, who probably just wants you to understand why he did what he did and forgive him.

As for suicides in general, and how this act may affect spirit communication, it all depends on that person’s motivation for taking their own life, for that will greatly affect where they end up on the other side. If you think about it, there are what we might call “degrees” of suicide.

For example, it seems to me that a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to save his comrades is way ahead of your average American couch potato, who is slowly killing himself with junk food, inactivity and cigarettes. The first man is demonstrating great reverence for the gift of life by sacrificing himself in order that a number of others may go on living, while the second man is demonstrating a profound lack of appreciation for his physical existence. Given all the “suicide” possibilities we might imagine in between, it’s easy to see how each individual’s motivations would greatly affect what happens when they get to the afterlife.

Further, when we cross over, how we have lived will be far more important than how we have died. A person’s general nature will greatly affect their ability to reach through from Spirit, regardless of how they passed. Someone who was highly conscious, intelligent, sane, positive, grateful, kind and spiritual in life will tend to be easy to communicate with on the other side. It’s like we each carry our own torch into the afterlife in the form of our spirits. If we are radiant with light, we can see far and are empowered to do much more than if we are stumbling through darkness.

People who were unconscious, ignorant, insane, negative, ungrateful, selfish, and cynical or disbelieving while alive will be much harder to communicate with when they cross into Spirit, as they will be in dark, murky territory. If their lights are very dim, they can’t see to do much. Some even reincarnate without regaining consciousness in the afterlife.

As we continue on in death much as we were in life, two of the most rewarding and powerful traits we can cultivate are a strong, positive belief in Spirit and knowledge of spiritual principles. The more we focus upon and center our lives on higher spiritual values, the lighter and freer we’ll be in the spirit realm.

Now, when most of us hear the word suicide, we don’t think of military heroes or couch potatoes, of course: we think of someone who was of sound body and mind who became depressed and lost hope of ever turning their lives around. As these people were in mental and emotional hell while living, they tend to continue to be in mental and emotional hell when they cross over. Contrary to some religious teachings, this suffering is not a punishment, but arises from natural spiritual law. It is no more imposed upon them than the hell they created for themselves while alive.

These sorts of spirits tend to be as hard to get through to in the afterlife as they were when they were living, at least until they attain a higher state of mind. Such spirits often become earthbound, and continue to wander in the inner darkness and confusion that led them to take their lives in the first place. The lessons they were supposed to learn while living are still on their metaphorical “to-do” lists, but they have no clear way to complete those tasks, and thus we might say they have “unfinished business.” They do not remain like this forever, of course. When they realize how precious life is, they begin to “see the light.”

It takes a lot of focus and energy for any spirit to communicate inter-dimensionally. While it does happen, someone who couldn’t summon the will to live is unlikely to pull that sort of personal power together. Sometimes, however, suicides are shocked to find they still exist, and realize that killing themselves just made things worse. They may then want nothing more than to tell us they are sorry and urge us not to follow in their footsteps. When they witness how much pain they’ve caused those they love, they may be overwhelmed with remorse, and go to great lengths to seek forgiveness. As we pray for them and send them love, we bathe them in light, which can help them quickly rise in vibration and understanding, and move on to higher planes.

Again, I feel that your husband is not lost on the other side, but is definitely trying to reach you. Keep praying for him and visualize him being flooded by divine light. It will help him to heal, which will empower him to connect with you in a more fulfilling way. I know it’s hard and you have your own healing to work through, but try to have compassion for how much he must have been suffering to take his own life, and offer him your forgiveness if you can.

I’m sending you prayers for love and healing, my friend.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Ability Manifests Differently for Different People

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My mom is a gifted psychic and healer. She’s very devoted to her work and quite successful. I have inherited her psychic gifts, but they seem to manifest differently in me. For example, when we’re in a group of people, I often pick up on individuals who are trouble. They may be men who are lecherous or individuals who are sort of crazy or unbalanced. For example, my mom has a neighbor who is definitely interested in more than her mind and spirit. He’s the kind of guy most women would avoid, but my mom treats him like she does anyone else. In these situations, I feel like she’s very naive; she seems to trust everyone and will talk to just about anyone! Since she can talk to spirits, predict the future, and help people sort through their biggest problems, why can’t she pick up on something as obvious as “bad” people?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

Being “psychic” is like being smart, charming, or kind – it’s as individual as people are. There are lots of factors that may affect how a person will operate psychically.

How they view the world is one key factor: if they see life as a dangerous place of competition for resources, then their psychic instincts will tend to focus on warnings of danger and opportunities to get ahead. If they view life as nothing more than a biological accident, they’ll tend to not have psychic experiences, or to dismiss those they do have as coincidental or meaningless. If they believe life is a school for spiritual evolution, they’ll tend to view their psychic perceptions as designed to guide them to the experiences they most need to learn and grow, whether those experiences will lead them to what they think will make them happy or not.

People’s past experiences with psychic phenomena will also greatly impact how their abilities manifest. If they’ve been taught that everything psychic is evil, then they won’t trust their own instincts, which will shut those instincts down or distort them. If they’ve had lots of positive input and experiences with certain psychic phenomena, they may focus on and value those particular types of experiences above others. If they pursue psychic information with the help of divination tools, they’ll have a different quality of experience than if they seek guidance more directly. There are an infinite number of factors that can influence how psychic abilities may manifest.

Overall, however, the biggest factor that determines our “level” of psychic ability is our personal vibration. What follows is a gross oversimplification. No two people will actually have the same exact psychic ability, just as no two people will have the same exact intellectual or athletic ability, or the same emotional experience of life. For the sake of clarity, however, let’s break down psychic ability into four different focus levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Someone at the beginning end of the conscious psychic spectrum will tend to be more physically focused in their psychic abilities, and zero in on issues of physical safety, like you do. This is why the most commonly reported psychic experiences involve some sort of danger; everyone has natural survival instincts.

At this level of focus, our psychic instincts tend to be very kinesthetic or physical. Having your hair stand up on the back of your neck is a manifestation of this level of psychic ability, as is sensing someone looking at you. Feeling a strong rush of sexual attraction or chemistry with someone is also a manifestation of this level of ability. (Hopefully, we’re ALL familiar with that feeling!)

At a step above this in terms of refinement, we become more emotionally aware. At this level of experience, we begin to sense when something is “different” about the people we’re close to: when there is tension in the air, when someone seems to be troubled, when someone is lying or hiding something, etc. We also tend to become very emotionally sensitive and empathetic. When hearing some sad or disturbing tale, we may personally become very upset. This level of psychic ability is commonly called “women’s intuition.” It’s conscious awareness of what is going on emotionally with other people.

A step above this focus in terms of refinement, we begin to consciously dialogue with metaphysical sources of information and guidance. We may begin to hear things in our heads about certain people or situations, or get visions of the future. We may sense who is calling before the phone rings, or just know things are going to happen a certain way because we have seen it in our heads. This is the level at which we commonly begin to label people “psychic.” They are able to tune in to the past, future, events at a distance, etc., and have learned to interpret those psychic perceptions for their meaning.

One step above this focus in terms of refinement, we begin to use our intuitive abilities for spiritual aims. Here we have gained a sense of higher purpose and the desire to serve others or use our gifts in a meaningful way. Instead of using our abilities to protect ourselves, improve our relationships, or predict the future for profit or personal gain, now we’re focused on helping others to heal and find peace and happiness. At this level, higher guidance from Spirit on how to manifest true fulfillment is available. This is the level it sounds like your mom is coming from.

Despite your mom’s great psychic abilities, she may not pick up on some of the things you do because she doesn’t need to. Her high vibration is a form of natural spiritual protection. You see, as we rise in vibration, we also rise in what we might call faith. At a lower vibration, we tend to be more fearful, which makes us more guarded and discerning. At a higher vibration, we come more from love, which tends to make us more open to life and other people.

In order to help others heal, we have to love them and see them as already divinely perfect. This is how Jesus healed, and it’s how any great healer operates. Where you see someone who is crazy, a healer like your mom sees a divine spirit who is struggling to cope with life in the physical; where you see someone who is lecherous, a healer sees a lonely, yearning heart; where you see someone who is “bad,” a healer sees a soul who is lost and suffering.

In order for your mom to do her healing work, she has to be open to people. This doesn’t mean she is reckless; it means she looks for the divine beauty in everyone she meets, and in doing so, she brings out the best in them. I bet despite your mom’s apparent naivete, she doesn’t have harmful experiences with any of these “bad” people, because her high vibration naturally protects her from lower vibration experiences.

Probably the worst thing that happens is people who are lost in darkness cling to her light. Since she has devoted her life to serving spiritually needy people, she’s not adverse to this. I’m sure she knows how to align her energy to deal with those situations – so you needn’t worry about her, Sweetie.

As each one of us gets just what we need via our psychic abilities, we must trust that whatever we perceive is perfectly suited for us at that moment.

Soul Arcanum

Mental Voice Predicts Future Relationship

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few years ago I took a seminar, and I raised my hand to ask a question of the teacher. Right after I asked my question, I heard a voice in my head. It was perfectly clear, and it told me that I had just met my future husband. I was so taken aback that I actually looked around the room to see if anyone else had heard or noticed anything, but everything seemed normal. I live in the same town as this man, and I haven’t seen him since, but this experience still pops in my head now and then, especially since I’m still single. Do you think it’s possible that this man is indeed my future husband? Either way, what in the world was this voice? Thank you so much!
– M.

Dear M.:

I know this sounds crazy, but if my own experiences hold your answer, I’d say this man IS your future husband!

One of the most powerful psychic experiences we can have is the recognition of someone we’ve known well in a prior incarnation. Even people who aren’t into psychic matters are open to the idea that there are some people we meet with whom we have a special sense of connection.

Scientists may attribute this to sensory clues such as the way that person looks, smells, or uses body language. However, there is a magical quality to some meetings that transcends biology; it’s a special feeling that arises when we meet someone we already have a very strong psychic bond to – someone we have had important experiences with in another life.

Whether that other person is a potential romantic connection or not, usually these feelings are strongly attractive. For example, we may experience “love at first site” with someone of the opposite sex, but we may also experience a sense of kinship upon first meeting someone who will become a good friend, mentor, teacher, boss, etc.

Such feelings aren’t always positive, however. Sometimes we may feel instantly repelled, scared, uneasy or cautious. This happens when we meet someone who has caused us pain or suffering in the past. In my experience, the attractive feeling is far more common, but that may differ by person. If someone has a hard time with relationships, they may have more painful experiences, and when they meet up with people again in the future, it would be natural for them to have more negative reactions.

I can only think of two times I had strong negative feelings about someone right off the bat, and despite my desire to stay far away from those individuals, I ended up having very trying experiences with them. I believe that premonitions like this are reflective of both the past AND the future: we recognize that person as familiar from the past, and we sense the karma that lies ahead.

In the case of negative reactions, the pain we experienced in another life is brought to the surface, and our soul recognizes that we’re about to face some big lesson or deal with some heavy karma. In the case of positive reactions, the love and happiness we experienced in another life is reawakened, and our soul recognizes that we’ve found someone we’ve been missing for a long time � someone we perhaps didn’t even know existed.

I can’t think of a single important relationship in my life that didn’t “announce” itself with a weighty feeling the first time I met that person. Think through the key relationships in your own life: your best friends, favorite teachers, boyfriends, etc., and review what happened the first time you met them. If you don’t recall anything special, it may just be because the volume on your psychic abilities isn’t turned up far enough for you to hear anything but the “loudest” emanations. Meeting a soul mate/future husband would certainly bang a big psychic gong!

I believe that “true love” reunions carry the most intense psychic impact, because the strongest experiences I’ve had with that voice you describe occurred when I met my husbands. (It happened with both my first and my second/current husband).

At the time I met my first husband, I was in college and very independent and ambitious. As my mom had been married and divorced a number of times, I was not a big fan of marriage in general, and planned on never marrying myself. Then one night I went to visit a friend at his fraternity, and on my way in the door, I saw my ex for the first time as he was on his way out. A jolt went through me when I saw him, but at this point, my psychic abilities were dormant, so I didn’t know what this meant.

Later that night I attended a party at that fraternity, and he was there. There was a strange buzz in the air, though again, I wasn’t processing any of this consciously. It felt like I had been placed there and was going through motions I was supposed to go through – like this had all been planned in advance. While I felt attracted to him, it was far more intense than any attraction I’d ever felt before.

When I got back to my room that night, my roommate and some other girls who were hanging out asked how my night had gone, and without thinking, I blurted, “I just met the man I’m going to marry!” It was only as I said those words that I consciously realized that this was indeed what I’d been sensing. My roommate said, “I thought you were never going to get married,” and I replied, “So did I!”

Perhaps some readers are questioning the quality of this experience, since that marriage didn’t last until death did us part. I sincerely believe that we were meant to come together to bring our children into the world, but that we were not meant to stay together forever. I don’t have space to explain it all here, but a number of other spiritual experiences support this view.

As for my current husband, the first time I saw him, he was sitting with someone else in a restaurant, and the same thing happened: time seemed to stop and I was riveted. By this point, however, I had developed my psychic abilities, and I knew that he was going to prove to be a very important person in my life. “Coincidentally,” two weeks later I joined a new gym, and the first day I walked in, he was there. It wasn’t long before I knew we were destined to be together romantically. (He, however, didn’t wake up to this fact until a year later. Needless to say, that was a very long year for me!)

If one individual of a destined couple is highly psychic like you and the other is not, often the psychic person knows they are destined to be together, while the other one doesn’t realize it until the time is at hand. This can be really nerve wracking for the one who senses the truth, unless that person remembers that if something is indeed destined, it will happen. If it’s not destined, then there’s no point worrying about it. Knowing the future before it is due to happen can be really challenging unless we have the faith to relax and trust in a higher plan.

I believe the voice or feeling you describe is a psychic alarm that goes off when we meet really important people we’re destined to develop relationships with. I’ve heard many stories about first meetings with future spouses that are similar to those described here, and time and time again, despite all sorts of obstacles (like living on separate continents!), those prophetic feelings proved true.

If I were you, I’d ask Spirit for confirmational signs about this man. If you then you start hearing his name, bumping into him around town, or something similar, for heaven’s sake, smile and make eye contact! While destiny is powerful stuff, it never hurts to help things along. Perhaps instead of just predicting the future, that voice is trying to nudge you to step back into your lover’s arms.

– Soul Arcanum

Can We Psychically Dialogue with Living People?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have a question about ESP. Sometimes when I’m meditating, I have conversations with people who are living whom I haven’t seen or heard from in years. For instance, I’ve had several conversations with a man I always considered my first spiritual teacher, and I haven’t heard from him in nine years.

When I let my mind go quiet and meditate, soon I find myself talking with this man or another long-lost friend. When the conversation ends, we either “hug” and say goodbye or I fall asleep. When I come out of my meditation or wake up, I have a vague memory of the conservation and feel at peace, but can’t recall what was said. Are these exchanges really happening? Thank you for your time.
– L.

Dear L.:

The common term for what you’re experiencing is telepathy. Telepathy is communication between one entity and another without the use of any physical means. Though most people don’t know it, we are constantly communicating with other beings in telepathic ways. Some are people and animals that are physically incarnate, like us, and some are beings that are not currently in physical form, like spirits.

Many researchers believe that humans used to communicate telepathically far more in the past, when physical survival was much more challenging. Further, as inventions like the telephone and internet have made communication around the globe quick and easy, it’s possible that technology is causing us to exercise both our physical AND psychic senses less. Many researchers believe that animals communicate telepathically all the time, so it’s natural to assume that primitive humans would have been able to do the same.

Telepathy is very much like spirit communication, for there is a level of consciousness/reality where there is no difference between those who are incarnate in the physical and those who are not, and it’s from this level that telepathy arises. When we cross over into the afterlife, our subconscious minds take the helm, and this also what happens when we dream at night.

Further, at the level of the subconscious, we are all connected and in constant communication with other people both living and dead. We naturally tend to communicate most with the people we’re closest to, like our spouses, parents and children.

For example, my son and I have the strongest psychic bond I’ve ever known. He began communicating with me telepathically when he was in the womb by showing me images of what he would look like years in the future. When he was a toddler, we often awoke at night at the same time, and when I went in to check on him, he said things that made it clear that he had either been having the exact same dream I had awakened from, or he was aware of what I’d been dreaming. He’s now a teenager, and we often answer each other’s questions before the questions are even verbalized. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re doing it.

We can maintain a strong psychic link with people we knew in the past but don’t see anymore, and when we do, we continue to have a profound relationship with them on a subconscious level. To determine who you have a strong psychic bond to, ask yourself who you dream about most often. These people will also frequently pop into your mind for no apparent reason.

I frequently dream about my departed grandmother, with whom I was very close, and though I have virtually no relationship with him and haven’t for years, I also dream about my older brother all the time. By contrast, there are other people I interact with in important ways daily that I never dream about. There are also people from my past that I haven’t seen for decades who frequently come to mind. These are people I have an ongoing relationship with, but not on a conscious, physical level. In the astral, they are still a big part of my world.

A meditative state of mind is powerful because it helps us to synthesize our conscious and subconscious awareness. When we learn how to quiet the mind while awake, we can become aware of experiences that normally remain subconscious, like telepathy. Since everyone receives “messages from Spirit” and communicates telepathically with others at an unconscious level, a psychic is not someone who learns how to do this, but rather someone who learns how to do this consciously and purposefully. The more you meditate and work with this, the more of these conversations you should be able to remember.

On the rare occasion that both people are highly conscious, interesting experiences tend to unfold. One of the powers of a true guru is the sort of telepathy you describe. For a classic book on this phenomenon, check outThe Boy Who Saw True, in which the author believed he was communicating with a spirit guide, only to learn that he was in fact psychically connecting with a spiritual teacher who was sleeping on the other side of the globe.

While meditating, gurus can “visit” and even “teach” their students, just like spirit guides come to us when we meditate for answers and insights. So it’s not surprising that you have had a number of conversations with your former spiritual teacher, who may even be conscious of these visits himself. As time is not linear, he could even experience what you did at a different time – or perhaps you are the one who is tuning in to significant subconscious exchanges when you meditate.

It’s rare for others to be this consciously aware, however, and the less conscious someone is, the more control their subconscious will wield over them. Gaining conscious “access” to someone’s subconscious mind is thus very powerful. This is why hypnotism and affirmations and such seem to work magic; the subconscious’ programming largely determines one’s thoughts, behavior, and personal reality.

A person’s subconscious mind is far more malleable than their conscious mind. So long as they would not perceive what we want to be harmful or immoral, they’ll be receptive to our suggestions at this level. (This is why you can hypnotize someone to perhaps cluck like a chicken, but not to kill someone). If we become conscious of telepathic exchanges via meditation, we can work with others at a subconscious level to create positive change.

I have had amazing results with simply meditating and then mentally talking with someone’s higher self. In these conversations, I simply send them love and blessings and hold a vision of what I’m hoping they will help me create. Usually, what I want is simple peace and harmony in our relationship. Invariably when I do this, that person will approach me soon after and be remarkably more friendly and cooperative than they were before.

As most people are not aware of why they feel the way they do and why they do the self-defeating and unreasonable things they do, I figure if they’re causing problems, they’re due for a little “positive influence!” Of course we can’t override another’s free will; using this technique is like talking to them when they’re in a great mood and feeling highly open and receptive to us. So the next time you find yourself in conflict with someone, use your telepathic powers and try talking things over with their subconscious/higher self. It works!

In summary, what you’re experiencing is a real and wonderful reflection of how neither time nor distance can diminish our spiritual connection to the most important people in our lives.

– Soul Arcanum

Unsolicited Psychic Information – To Tell Others or Not?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have kitties, and some are not doing too well. One has been diagnosed with oral cancer, the other has no definite diagnosis, and almost all of them developed upper respiratory infections. I recently learned about Quantum Touch, and had been using it on them when I got the feeling I should meditate. To shorten the story, a person in my meditation told me a certain thing about the infections they were all experiencing. I accepted what he said to be true, even though it’s a bit “out there,” and the next day, they were all basically “cured.” What do I do with this information? It sounds pretty wacky, but it seems to work. There are many ramifications to letting people know about it, however. I am really confused. I am thankful I was told this, and amazed at how well it’s worked, but what do I do with this spiritual information now? Thanks and many blessings!
– Joanna

Dear Joanna:

Welcome to my psychic world!

Your question reminds me of the television show Medium, which I started watching recently, even though I don’t generally watch TV, and certainly steer clear of shows that are dark with violence such as those about crimes. Everyone kept telling me about this show, however, so I checked it out. As soon as I saw it, I told my family, “They definitely have a real medium consulting on this show!” (I didn’t know yet that the character of Allison Dubois is based on a real medium of the same name.)

So many elements in the show’s storylines ring true to me. For example, no one knows what Allison does for a living, or that she is even a medium, except for her husband and the people she works with. Even her kids are basically in the dark about what she is really doing. Due to society’s general view of “psychics” as either nuts or frauds, many remain “in the closet” about their ability for a long time � some never come out.

Allison also often doesn’t know what to make of the dreams she has or the information she receives herself. Instead of being all-knowing, she is usually just as baffled by her experiences as everyone else. When we first open psychically, this is just how it is. We don’t know how to explain what is happening or how to figure out what our experiences “mean” – we just know that we had them and that when we pursue their meaning, it usually takes shape in amazing ways.

I’m mentioning all of this because one of Allison’s many struggles with her psychic perceptions is figuring out what she should do with them. She often doesn’t know if she should share the information she receives via visions and dreams. When she does share them, the people who receive her insights usually don’t know what to do with them either. She faces a lot of judgment and rejection by skeptics, yet she always finds a way to trust her own truth above all else, and when she does, things work out.

If you haven’t seen the show yet, I encourage you to check it out, for it will help you to make sense of what you pick up and the best way to deal with it. I must warn you, however, that it’s not for super sensitive folks who lack faith that all is well, for it centers on solving violent crimes.

Like Allison, if we trust that we receive information for a reason and we trust our own intuition when deciding what to do with that information, everything will work out just fine. This doesn’t mean that everyone will be open to hearing what we have to say, or that our lives will be simple and carefree. If that’s what you’re hoping for, you might as well ask Spirit to turn your psychic abilities off right now – and move to fantasyland while you’re at it.

When we first begin to have amazing spiritual experiences such as the insights you were given and the healing that followed, it’s natural and kind to want to tell the whole world about it. After all, when we figure out that we are the creators of our own experiences, and thus there is no need for anyone to suffer ill health or lack of any kind, we want to tell everyone who is still walking around in a dark cloud of disempowerment how they can use our truth to create something better in their lives.

It can be especially hard to watch loved ones struggle with problems that we know how to solve, such as the health issues you describe. Similarly, it can be very hard to watch loved ones heading for a huge mistake and not try to warn them, even if we know they won’t listen. If we do try to warn them, it can be even harder to sit back when they refuse to listen to us.

On top of all this, we have to figure out what to do with the information we pick up for perfect strangers. We have less at stake personally there, but how in the world does one begin to approach such a subject? Perhaps hardest of all is determining what we should do with messages for people we don’t like very much, or who don’t like us for some reason. For a couple of months now, I’ve been sitting on a message about impending health problems for woman who really resents me. We never speak, so I’m not about to ring her up with the “bad news.”

To make matters even more complicated, because we create our own realities, we are juggling a lot of responsibility for how our words will affect others’ outcomes, for if we tell them they’re heading for disaster, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We don’t want to be proven right just because they believe our dire prediction and go on to manifest it.

To figure out what we should do with certain information, we have to develop a clear conscious connection to Spirit. This is where a spontaneous medium like Allison Dubois’ character is at a disadvantage. Her impressions come to her randomly, spontaneously – it’s like she is at their mercy. By contrast, a developed medium will have cultivated strong relationships with guides in Spirit, and know how to receive answers and guidance at will. A medium who has mastered her abilities like this will then just ask Spirit what she should do with certain information, and receive a clear answer. For example, when I ask Spirit what I should do with that health information for the woman who doesn’t like me, I hear, “wait, watch and see.”

Anyone who has spontaneous psychic experiences or receives insights and information from Spirit like you did should further develop their abilities like this, so they can ask Spirit for guidance on what to do with their perceptions. There are no hard and fast rules we can learn, for each individual and situation is unique. We have to be able to ask our intuition in the moment, and trust it enough to act on it.

Ponder this possibility: sometimes we are actually meant to deliver information to someone who will reject it, because this will prove more powerful than preventing a “mistake.” When they realize we were right and wish they had listened to us, their spiritual belief system could be blown open. So even if our impressions are rejected up front, it doesn’t mean it was all for nothing. Some people have to walk through a lot of pain before they’ll change their ways and views.

As for what you might do with general spiritual epiphanies, such as knowing that we can heal with the energy of our minds, again – ask your intuition. Perhaps this experience/knowing was a gift just for you. Perhaps you will feel compelled to share it with certain individuals you meet along your journey. Maybe you’ll end up writing a book about the knowledge you’ve been given, and enlighten the world at large.

If you feel compelled to share your insights and experiences in some way, then there is nothing more important for you to do. So long as what you are sharing is of love and light, and your overall intention is to be helpful, you can’t go wrong.

Whenever you don’t know what to do, remember: you can always ask Spirit!

– Soul Arcanum

Empathy and the Highly Sensitive Person

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been having these weird experiences that my friend calls “Sonya’s feelings.” The first time was while crossing a busy street in my hometown. As I stepped out onto the crosswalk, a feeling of dread came over me, and I saw a “vision” of something that seemed inconsequential. As the “vision” passed, I grew cold, fearful, faint and nauseous. Since then, this has happened numerous times at that same crosswalk – in fact, I can’t go that way anymore. I also have had them at home, work and in other public places. They hit me with no warning, and can sometimes leave me physically drained, faint and sick for a short period.

It’s hard to recall the details of the “vision” aside from the general feeling I have. I feel fine mentally and physically aside from these episodes, so I’d rather not see a doctor about this yet, for I’m afraid they’d put me on anti-psychotic meds or something! Have you ever encountered anything like this? I’d really appreciate any light you could shed on what’s happening to me. Thank you!
– Sonya

Dear Sonya:

What you’re experiencing is a normal symptom of high sensitivity. You’re like a lovely little insect with long antennae; whenever a breeze stirs, your antennae go up. As they’re new and a bit rough around the edges, your impressions get lumped together in a general feeling of unease. It’s how your body tells you that “something is happening.”

I recommend you read The Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide, by Kyra Mesich, Psy.D. In it, she describes how one night, she suddenly had an intense wave of depression wash over her, and the same negative thoughts about herself run through her mind over and over again. She put on a certain CD, but found it so depressing that after a while, she had to turn it off. The next day, she saw a client who told her that he had been up all night the night before, feeling suicidal and repeatedly playing that same CD on his stereo!

I share this because it illuminates how empaths may be affected by outside energies and never realize where those feelings are coming from. Had Mesich not seen that client the next day, she may never have known why she felt as she did. When she began to pay attention to her feelings and what was happening with other people in her life, she realized that she was “picking up” others’ emotions.

Psychic empathy can happen whether you are physically close to the other person or not. It can even happen with someone you haven’t seen for years if you still have a strong psychic bond to them. This can make it hard to figure out that what you’re feeling is coming from someone else.

You can also pick up the energy of thought forms and the emotions of discarnate spirits. For example, at that particular corner in your hometown, I feel you’re walking through a cloud of energy from a traumatic experience that occurred there in the past.

As for how you can deal with all of this, you basically have two options. First, you can “close down” your sensitivity in some way. This is not what I would recommend, however, because it’s like chopping your psychic antennae off: it’s a step backward in terms of spiritual evolution. You’re sensitive for a reason, and there are lots of blessings in being just the way you are, so it’s best to learn how to work WITH your true nature. I thus recommend your other option, which is conscious psychic development. That way you can determine what these feelings mean.

When psychics get hit with a wave of feeling, we stop and ask what it is about. In response to that asking, we may have a person come to mind and then get a feeling about that person. For example, the other morning a wave of emotion came over me. (Note that term “came over me”: it reflects our instinctive understanding that this energy is moving in from somewhere outside of us.) I stopped and asked where it was coming from, and then I just knew that I was picking it up from my husband. He was at his last day of work, for he was retiring that afternoon after 26 years in the fire service. When I met up with him later, he told me that the reality of retiring had hit him that morning, and he’d gotten very emotional.

Once I knew where this feeling was coming from, I could consciously detach from it if I wanted to. Sometimes, however, I actually like being empathetic with my loved ones. I like knowing how my husband or my child really feels by experiencing what they are feeling WITH them. It creates a great sense of intimacy and understanding.

Of course, I don’t want to be at the mercy of everyone’s feelings all the time. Years ago, I often got swept up in others’ emotions and felt overwhelmed like you do. Then I learned how to consciously control my own psychic barriers.

To do this, first you have to stop and separate your awareness from what you’re feeling, then ask your inner knowing and/or Spirit where this is coming from. Sometimes, it may be from within you. For example, grieving is a long process, and we may think we’re just fine when something unconsciously triggers a memory of the loved one we have “lost,” and another wave of grief rises up to be healed and released.

Once we have determined that some feeling is NOT our own, it’s much easier to detach from it so we can study it objectively. Some psychics never learn how to do this; perhaps that is the only way they can work. These are the sort of psychics who actually feel in their own bodies what the spirits or people they are connecting with felt. They say things like, “I have a man coming through from Spirit, and I’m feeling a lot of pain in my chest…”

This is not the most comfortable way to move through the world! I much prefer to observe such things mentally as opposed to emotionally or physically. I think it also allows us to access higher guidance and more useful information, because it’s hard to maintain a very high, clear vibration if we’re caught up in emotions like fear, pain or sorrow.

Once you’ve separated from the feeling, ask Spirit what it’s about. Getting clear answers will require general psychic development, so you might take a psychic development course, read books on the subject, begin to meditate regularly, etc. I’m limited in space here, so you’ll have to explore your options for psychic development elsewhere.

You seem to be highly kinesthetic with a primary psychic modality of clairsentience. This means that you FEEL things with your body and all of your being. Your secondary modality seems to be clairvoyance. This is apparent from your question, where you talk about first having feelings, then visions. You also use the word “feel” throughout your description of your experiences.

Clairsentience is generally the hardest modality to master, because it can be so hard to put words to feelings. You can work with your gift for clairvoyance and translate those feelings into images, which can then be interpreted. I also recommend you work on developing clairaudience, because it will really help you put words and thus meaning to your impressions.

Your psychic training should also include the ability to turn your antennae off if you want to. I have an agreement with Spirit that unless I need to know something for some reason, I won’t go on alert with every little ripple in the psychic atmosphere.

For example, I never dream about airplane crashes or global catastrophes. I also don’t pick up on problems with people I’m close to unless I need to know for some reason. While I can always ask and receive answers, it would be hard to function if I was psychically “on” all the time.

May you refine your natural abilities into a great psychic gift!

– Soul Arcanum

Could She be Getting Messages Through Soul Arcanum?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum::

I always enjoy reading your column. Do you think it’s possible that I’m getting spiritual messages through your website? I’ve noticed that when an issue arises in my life or I’m thinking about different spiritual matters or questions, the next issue of Soul Arcanum will have an article with the answers I need. For example, I signed a contract for my house at 11:11 p.m., and said to my girlfriend that there are so many experiences of 11:11 in my life, then the next Monday there was an article in Soul Arcanum about the spiritual meaning of 11:11. Another time my dog got sick and the next thing I saw in your magazine was an article on how to meditate with your dog. I could give you a lot more examples. Soul Arcanum definitely plays an important role in my life! What do you think – am I really getting messages this way? Thank you!

– Ellen

Dear Ellen:

You are not imagining things; everything in the Universe is interrelated, and the more conscious we become of that truth, the more we notice connections like those you describe.

The common term for what you’re experiencing is “synchronicity.” It was a favorite topic of Carl Jung’s, who noticed that many so-called coincidences are statistically inexplicable. For example, one of his most famous experiences of synchronicity occurred as he was listening to a patient describe a dream she’d had about a golden scarab beetle. As he listened to her, he heard a tapping noise at the window behind him, and when he turned around to investigate, he saw a beetle at the window. When he opened the window, the beetle flew in, and it looked just like the beetle his patient was describing in her dream. We might say that this experience “blew his mind,” and launched him on a journey of exploration into the nature of synchronicity.

We’ve all had experiences like this that strike us as highly improbable. They’re usually laced with a sense of meaning; something deep inside of us makes us sit up, take notice and wonder at what is happening. Since there is no obvious rational explanation, many people’s minds just shut down and they brush the experience off as a coincidence. Those who are more mystically inclined, however, are able to use their intuition to bridge the gap between common reality and the subtler realities beneath the surface. In this way, we find meaning in synchronistic experiences where others do not.

So how does synchronicity work? Sometimes there are intelligent forces like spirits using such means to communicate with us, but more often, we are simply answering our own desires and questions via the unified field beyond the dimension of time and space. Our conscious minds are tuned into three-dimensional, physical reality, but there are other aspects of our minds that abide in what we might call more expansive dimensions. When we become more spiritually aware, we begin to link our conscious mind with these other aspects of ourselves, and they begin to work together more adeptly because they are more “in synch.”

At a quantum level, the universe appears to be a “magical” place. Things can move from one place to another without traveling the distance in between. Time collapses at this level of experience. This is basically what is behind the experience of synchronicity – when we are vibrationally in harmony with something (such as an answer or an idea) it will come to us or we will be led to it. For example, perhaps you needed the information in that article about 11:11 BEFORE you began noticing those numbers popping up in your experience, and that is WHY you began noticing them.

When we begin to look for signs, we open up a vast new realm of potential ways that we can receive them. If we set an intention of having certain dream experiences or accessing certain information in our dreams, our dream life will blossom. If we look for signs in the spoken conversations of others, or in random books, or any other way, those avenues begin to expand for us.

This leads me to why I am so in love with the internet. The internet is as close as we come in the physical dimension to that vast unified field wherein everything is connected. Nothing tangible actually “exists” on the internet, and it is not an actual “place,” yet we can all visit it and have very real experiences there. We can quickly access whatever we need to know or connect with whomever we desire, even if they are on the other side of the planet! Just as we can access information and understanding by mentally “dipping into” other realms, the same is true of the ‘net. As it is a half step above the level of space/time, the internet is a very powerful channel for synchronicity.

I’m suggesting that you had a certain need or desire that led you to Soul Arcanum in the first place, and that you subsequently defined Soul Arcanum as a great avenue for finding the answers you’re looking for. In this way, Soul Arcanum became a key channel through which you receive synchronous “answers” to your questions.

Now you’re probably wondering how your questions could be answered as opposed to the questions of all the other seekers out there. Here’s where things get very complex but also very interesting. Practically speaking, you probably read a lot at Soul Arcanum that doesn’t “grab you,” and you naturally latch on to those articles that have special meaning for you. Your eyes may glide ride past anything you don’t need and go right to what you’re most interested in.

At the same time, however, it’s natural for you to resonate with most of what you find here. From a higher perspective, those of us who read and appreciate Soul Arcanum are a virtual spiritual community based on our shared interests and experiences. Along what we might call “the spiritual path,” everyone passes through the same territory. It’s like driving from L.A. to Las Vegas: While a few people will get lost or wander off the beaten trail, most people will follow the same basic route, and along the way, there will be various landmarks that EVERYONE passes. (Some will notice some things more than others, of course.) Now imagine that Soul Arcanum is like a travel guide devoted to this journey from L.A. to Vegas, and you’ll see why when you’re reading it, you often think, “Hey! I just noticed that myself!”

Further, since we are in the same virtual “community,” we are in communication at a subconscious, energetic level. The articles I choose to run are thus being influenced by your needs and desires. In fact, long ago I set the intention of choosing articles and topics intuitively; I just go with whatever feels right. So if you’re sending a strong signal, I may just receive it. At the same time, YOU may be picking up on what I’m doing. I work about a week ahead, so it makes sense that articles would either appear shortly after you sent that signal, or you might develop a sudden interest in the topics I’m working on at that time.

It’s exciting to know that the more we look for synchronicities, the more we’ll find. When we clearly define what we want to know or experience and then watch for signs and synchronicities, we weave magic into our lives.

If you’d like to experience even more of this magic (and who wouldn’t?), begin to focus on it and ask for it. Try manifesting answers through other specific sources and see what happens, or try writing down some theme, question or subject you’d like to explore further. Tape it to the wall behind your desk or carry it in your wallet or pocket. Then just watch for something related to this subject to grab your attention, and instead of brushing this experience off as a coincidence, celebrate it as validation that through synchronicity, the Universe can work for us in wonderful, mysterious ways.

– Soul Arcanum

Yoga and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have always associated yoga with spirituality, and I am keenly interested in developing my psychic abilities, so recently I took my first yoga class. While I really liked it, I was surprised to find it basically just a gentle form of exercise. Do you think yoga can enhance our spiritual paths and help us develop psychically?
– Kelly

Dear Kelly:

When I speak here of yoga, I am not referring to the physical practices designed to increase strength and flexibility that most Westerners associate with the term. Yoga is far more than this. Traditionally, yoga (which means “yoke”) is a spiritual discipline designed to lead aspirants to unite their individual soul with God or the Universal soul.

This is achieved through the study and practice of moral and ethical principles, spiritual teachings, meditation, and special bodily and breathing exercises. Where its focus is physical, it aims to purify and transform the body into a vehicle ripe for enlightenment. It also aims to improve our physical health and well-being; after all, it’s hard to focus on spiritual growth when our bodies are causing us pain or discomfort.

Many of the yoga classes available in the United States have been stripped of their more spiritual elements. Yoga has many branches, however, and some are far more spiritually focused than others.

In the yogic tradition, psychic powers are known as “siddhis,” which literally means “perfections.” Accomplished yogis have been known to not only develop telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and mediumship abilities, but also amazing gifts such as the ability to levitate, bilocate, instantly heal others and materialize physical objects.

As a rule, however, one does not practice yoga in order to develop siddhis; instead, they are viewed as natural “by-products” of general spiritual development. I agree that focusing primarily on spiritual development is wise, for a strong spiritual foundation ensures a safe, sane, positive experience with psychic phenomena.

Further, yoga is a discipline, and discipline is essential to a strong spiritual foundation. If someone has the desire and discipline to practice yoga on a regular basis, then they must be sincere in their desire for spiritual development. People who explore psychic matters who are mentally or emotionally unstable, morally weak, or lacking in character and discipline may have “paranormal” experiences of an unattractive nature, or even experience mental breakdown. Practices like yoga thus ensure a natural and healthy psychic progression, and also offer the immeasurable benefit of a wise teacher.

Many yogis are warned not to get caught up in siddhis because they may just distract them from their higher spiritual aims or ensnare their egos. Others believe that siddhis are blessings that allow us to better know and understand the nature of the divine. Certainly the development of psychic powers generally indicates a higher spiritual vibration, which is at least a sign that one is making spiritual progress.

Though initially I was as enthralled with psychic phenomena as anyone, over time I have come to see that the development of psychic abilities is not an ultimate spiritual goal. While such phenomena may enchant us for a while, in time we will evolve beyond this fascination; we’ll eventually lose interest in such matters and the desire to use the psychic abilities we’ve attained.

The ultimate goal of a yogi is liberation from the cycle of rebirth via enlightenment. Essential to this process is the integration of body, mind and spirit. This is where yoga can be a very special tool for spiritual growth. Unlike practices that focus entirely on our so-called “inner worlds,” yoga incorporates the body as an important aspect of our beings. By opening our chakras, balancing our prana, and raising kundalini, we can both support the spiritual progress we attain through other methods and initiate greater awakening.

A key element of yoga is the practice of focus or concentration. In this way, it is a form of active meditation. Further, as a physical discipline it is so much more than most other forms of sport and exercise, for in addition to what we might call “striving,” it emphasizes to an equal degree surrender or letting go. In this way it mirrors the experience of life itself, which is a practice in learning how to simultaneously create what we desire and accept all as it is.

As I mentioned above, there are many different types of yoga and I don’t have space to go into them here, but if your aim is the development of psychic abilities, then kundalini yoga would be of particular interest to you. Kundalini yoga’s main focus is the raising of kundalini and the opening of the higher chakra centers. Kundalini is a powerful reserve of life force energy that sleeps at the base of our spines, in our root chakras. By awakening kundalini, we expand our awareness and begin to tap more of our spiritual potential.

We each have a habit of viewing life through one of our chakras more than the others; this is the chakra that is dominant for us at that time. Ordinary consciousness is generally perception of reality from one of the lower chakra centers. As we open and move our awareness into the higher chakras, we view life through a more spiritual lens. We also tend to have mystical experiences and gain new spiritual abilities.

Our chakras correspond to our glandular system, and by working on the body (glands) and the spirit (chakras) at the same time, we can harmonize and integrate the two. This leads to higher awareness and the wisdom and freedom to choose from that enhanced perspective. It also generally leads to the blossoming of psychic abilities.

Kundalini is a very powerful force and it must be respected. Many people have awakened kundalini unintentionally through drug use, physical accidents, and casual dabbling in esoteric practices, and had very negative experiences. In order for kundalini to rise through us with ease, our inner energetic channels must be open and clear. If we awaken kundalini before the body is prepared for this level of intense energy, we may have a very uncomfortable experience physically, emotionally, and/or mentally.

Rest assured, however, that we are all flowing a degree of kundalini all the time. This is the force that keeps us “alive.” We are all also evolving spiritually, and the more we evolve, the more kundalini we tap into. Our aim should be a gradual, gentle awakening, one that we are prepared to handle. Yoga is a valuable tool in this regard.

There are some great kundalini yoga DVDs you can start with at home. I recommend DVDs by Ravi Singh/Ana Brett and Gurmukh. There are a number of them available at If you find this practice as enriching as I did, however, then I highly recommend you find a local class that feels right to you, because having a teacher is a great blessing, and you will meet some of the most amazing people on this path.

– Soul Arcanum

Copper Pyramids and Spirit Communication

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Your response to Elaine’s question about contacting spirits was lovely. I have done that, but it didn’t happen until years after my sister’s death. She and other teachers wanted to contact me even more than I wanted to contact her, for they had things to teach me. They instructed me to build a copper pyramid and to sit in it. They gave the same message to my sister within the same timeframe. What I heard from these spirit beings changed dramatically after I sat in this pyramid. What is it about the pyramid and the energy change it created that did this? I went from hearing loving, comforting spiritual messages to receiving profound information about who and what I am in relation to God/Existence. What did the pyramid do that allowed me to hear teachings unknown to me and very likely to many others? My sign is Aquarius; I was born 2-1-61.
– Rebecca

Dear Rebecca:

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Egypt’s pyramids, and a strong association between the pyramid shape and mysticism in general. Before I address your experience with this copper pyramid, I want to explore a little bit of the esoteric history of pyramids.

While many pyramids in Egypt were perhaps primarily royal tombs, the Great Pyramid seems to have been designed for a deeper purpose. We don’t know who built it, for it appears to be physically impossible for the ancient Egyptians to have constructed it given the technology available at the time. Further, it is perfectly aligned with the stars; its sacred geometry is so sophisticated that scholars doubt ancient Egyptians could ever have made the astronomical calculations required to plan it, much less construct it in perfect accordance with those specifications.

Some say that the technologically gifted people of ancient Atlantis are responsible, while others suggest that only aliens from a civilization far more advanced than our own could have pulled its construction off. The original purpose behind the Great Pyramid is also unknown. It is generally agreed that it is far more than an enormous tomb, and was perhaps never designed or used as such anyway; it appears to have been built for a far more scientific or esoteric purpose. Given the messages deciphered in hieroglyphics, many believe that pyramids were enormous tools designed to enable prophecy and other spiritual aims.

Regardless of the purpose for the Great Pyramid (which we will probably never determine for sure), pyramids in general have proven to be great tools for meditation and channeling life force energy, for the shape of the pyramid naturally focuses energy flow on whatever is directly beneath its apex.

Indeed, countless scientific experiments have shown that placing an object inside a pyramid can produce remarkable effects. (Please note that these “pyramids” are not solid, but are the structural outline of a pyramid without walls.)

For example, plants that are grown inside a pyramid thrive and generally grow at a highly accelerated rate. Pyramids can also slow the deterioration of biological matter; food placed under a pyramid will stay fresh two to three times longer than normal. The molecular structure of biological matter like food and water will also be inexplicably altered, and placing drinking water under a pyramid can improve its taste and other properties. Pyramids may also dehydrate (or mummify) items, but without decaying them.

Some people actually sleep under a pyramid because they believe it encourages restful sleep and wonderful spiritual dreams. Experiments have also shown that being inside a pyramid can ease pain, boost our energy, and accelerate physical healing. Kirlian photos of people’s auras show that sitting inside a pyramid tends to make one’s aura grow much larger and brighter. People who sit or meditate under pyramids report that their thinking grows crystal clear and their meditations are much deeper than normal.

In experiment after experiment, meditators reported the same effects of sitting under a pyramid. Many felt strangely weightless, experienced a distortion in their sense of time, and felt electrical tingles on their skin. Those who were hooked up to EEG machines were shown to have more alpha and theta brain waves, and those signals were twice their normal amplitude. Those who sit under pyramids also frequently report spiritual visions, out of body experiences and profound meditations.

Sitting under a pyramid also tends to make people feel wonderfully balanced. If they feel lethargic before sitting, they feel energized after; if they feel anxious or upset before sitting, they feel calm after.

This brings us to why copper may have been recommended as your pyramid building material: copper is first of all a very good conductor of energy. It also is known to balance the body’s polarity. (This is why people wear copper bracelets for various physical problems.) As copper encourages harmony and amplifies energy, it is wonderful for balancing the flow of give and take, which we might label energetic COMMUNICATION.

Meditating under a copper pyramid could facilitate spirit communication by helping us achieve a very deep state of harmony and relaxation while at the same time raising our vibration. It would make us enhanced receivers and transmitters of the energy of telepathic messages.

You may also be interested to know that many believe that pyramids were like temples wherein one might be initiated into secret esoteric knowledge and practices. When we view your own pyramid experiences in this light, we might say that you were “initiated” into a new level of spirit communication.

While the effects of pyramids can be shown in experiment after experiment, much of their power is shrouded in mystery, or at least is beyond my own current understanding of physics. So while I can offer you lots of support for the validity of what you experienced, I can’t explain how or why your own experiment with a copper pyramid produced the effects it did.

I do know, however, that your decision to act on the message you received from Spirit would be very powerful in and of itself. As Jesus taught, “Knock and the door will be opened, seek and you shall find.” You listened to Spirit and you honored what you received by acting on it, and in this way, you really knocked on that proverbial door. Even if sitting under the copper pyramid didn’t do a thing but make you look really strange, I believe your faith and trust alone could have lifted you into this new level of spiritual experience.

Soul Arcanum


Weak Knees, Energy Rushes and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My name is Daniel, and I am a 19-year-old college student from Tennessee. I am an adventurous person, and enjoy exploring old homes, forests, etc. Sometimes when I’m in an old setting, I have a very strange sensation: my knees get weak and I almost feel as if I am blacking out. At the same time, I feel a rush of emotions that seem so concentrated, I can’t separate them. Although at first I assumed that this experience was connected to the “paranormal” in a “haunted house” sense, I have recently come to believe that it’s some form of psychic ability. Are the experiences I described legitimate psychic ability? I know that everyone is psychic to an extent, but my experiences don’t seem to be very common. Any information on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
– Daniel

Dear Daniel:

I think it would be most helpful to ponder your experiences in light of “kundalini” or life force energy. This will lead us to the most basic foundation for such experiences, because ultimately, everything in the Universe is a matter of energy.

While we could label these “psychic experiences,” I believe what you’re experiencing at such moments are actually surges in kundalini. As we awaken spiritually, we naturally develop psychic abilities, so the relationship between what you’re experiencing and psychic phenomena is sort of like the relationship between exercise and fitness: as you awaken spiritually, you naturally develop psychically, just as when you exercise regularly, you naturally develop greater fitness. All growth spurts involve a surge in kundalini, so whether we are growing physically or spiritually, the basic energy that animates us and gives us consciousness will surge to fuel that growth spurt.

Some symptoms of spiritual awakening/ kundalini rising include: emotional outbursts and strong waves of emotion, which may be positive (bliss and ecstasy, for example) or negative (fear, anger or depression). In the extreme, manic depression often arises from the highs and lows of erratic kundalini flow. This would explain those intense waves of emotions you feel.

Kundalini rising can also cause physical symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, exhaustion, numbness or tingling in the body (especially in the lower extremities), mental confusion, disorientation, visual distortion and psychic experiences. I’ve only named a few of the symptoms one might experience with kundalini awakening to demonstrate that all of what you describe falls within this range.

As kundalini rises into the area of the third eye and crown chakra, tiredness or drowsiness may develop. Physical weakness and fatigue are also natural because a big shift in vibration can be taxing on a body that is not adequately prepared for it. Some even say that a surge in kundalini uses up so much blood sugar that our blood sugar level may plummet, and most of us know how that feels! If we don’t understand what is going on, it’s natural to become worried or anxious about such sensations, which would only hinder the process of kundalini rising further and cause more discomfort.

Dizziness and disorientation in particular often precede some sort of spiritual breakthrough, for these are crown chakra experiences. As kundalini rises from the root chakra up the spine, it eventually makes its way out the crown of the head, so once it’s made it to the crown chakra, we’re on the verge of a breakthrough. If we “black out” at this point, it may be because we simply aren’t yet consciously up to speed with this level of experience.

Since you have these experiences when you’re in what we might term a “spiritual” setting or situation of one sort or another, I’m even more inclined to presume that they stem from a sudden surge in kundalini. If your body was a clear and open channel for this energy, you would probably have either an ecstatic spiritual experience or conscious psychic awareness of what is happening energetically in that situation. With the old forests, for example, you may have some sort of blissful spiritual experience, while in an old house, you may perceive the presence of a non-physical entity or awareness of residual energy that is somehow uncomfortable for you.

Suddenly feeling weak, sick, dizzy, etc., is not always a sign of kundalini surging, so you must view your experiences within the context of the setting and your own feelings at that moment to determine what is really happening. If you’re in an uplifting spiritual situation and you feel blissful or ecstatic, I’d presume you’re experiencing a surge in kundalini. If, however, you’re in a house you think could be haunted and you suddenly feel dizzy or weak, it’s probably a sign that this is not a good place for you to be.

You see, as kundalini rises, it makes us more and more sensitive on the whole. (This is why psychics are also known as sensitives.) If kundalini rising has made someone super sensitive but they don’t pay conscious attention to issues of energy, they may suddenly feel dizzy, weak or nauseous when they walk into a heavy, negative environment like a bar, or interact with someone of a nature that is not good for them. Because they’re not conscious, they wouldn’t know that this is their inner guidance system trying to tell them to get away from there.

Please note that kundalini awakening does not have to be a difficult or uncomfortable process, though we may not have full conscious control over how things will unfold for us personally. The more we work WITH and trust in this process, however, the smoother things should go.

It’s a bit like the growth process of the physical body: if we suddenly notice we’re growing because our clothes and shoes have gotten uncomfortably tight, and this freaks us out, we may resist growing more by doing something akin to foot binding. This will of course cause us far more discomfort. If, however, we trust in this as a natural process and we shed everything that has grown too small or tight for us (including limiting beliefs and perspectives), we can naturally flow into a bigger state of being.

Thus I believe the best thing you can do is to become a clearer, more conscious channel via spiritual practice. This is essentially why yoga developed in the first place; it opens up energy flow throughout the body and integrates us on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Meditation, spiritual study or other spiritual practices will also make you more conscious of what is happening to you on all levels. This will empower you to remain in a high vibration as you walk through such experiences and lend you more control over them.

I suggest you view these experiences as signs that you are ready to embrace a more conscious spiritual path in order to clear inner channels for new growth and development. The more conscious you get spiritually, the more you will both understand the true nature of such experiences and be able to facilitate a smooth spiritual journey.

– Soul Arcanum