Category: Law of Attraction

How to Attract True Love


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

How can I use the law of attraction to manifest true love with the perfect man for me?

Dear Kezzer:

There are a couple of ideas we need to explore before moving on to the subject of manifesting true love.

While reunions with soul mates tend to happen on a destined schedule, in many cases, we may have some control over the speed with which we draw certain people into our lives. Usually such reunions occur when ‘the time is right’ and ‘the stars align.’ Other times, the only thing holding us up is a lack of readiness for such a relationship on our part or the part of the one we’re seeking.

It’s important to realize that the perfect relationship for us at any given time may not be one that is meant to last a lifetime or fulfill all our dreams for love, passion and harmony. We are all in the process of healing old wounds, working through old karma and growing into greater personal potential, and the greatest forum for doing so is our relationships. This means that every relationship is perfect for us at that time, for it is there to fulfill some desire or teach us something we need to learn in order to move on to a higher experience of love.

This doesn’t mean that we have to take whatever comes our way. In fact, there are lots of things we can do to prepare ourselves for true love. Should we have to wait on destiny in order to meet up with a certain individual, we can also create a delightful experience of love in the mean time.

One of the most common misconceptions I run into in my counseling work is the idea that if a relationship doesn’t work out, something must have gone wrong. In fact, all relationships arise for a good reason, and from a higher spiritual perspective, these become clear as underlying patterns of experience. It can therefore be very helpful to seek higher awareness via meditation, hypnotherapy and other spiritual practices, or via spiritual counseling with a gifted intuitive reader, for when we become conscious of the issues we’re working on, we can spark breakthroughs and fast progress.

The first thing I recommend is to work on any subconscious (or conscious) issues that may be holding you back from a fulfilling romantic experience. We all have these issues, for behind and beneath all we do there is profound longing to be loved and to love others on a deep, rich level. Further, we’ve all had painful or less than fulfilling experiences of love in the past, and if these are left unresolved, unhealed or incomplete somehow, they will hold us back from greater fulfillment until they are addressed.

All of this is perfect, for it’s what propels us toward personal growth and spiritual evolution. Our longing for a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment keeps us trying, which is all we need to keep doing in order to naturally discover, heal and release old wounds, karma and issues. In my view, it is love and the longing for love that makes the world go ’round and gets us out of bed each morning.

As each person is a unique and beautiful individual, the issues holding people back from true love are unique and personal to them. This is another reason why it’s important to go beyond the advice and philosophies of self-help gurus and get our hands dirty by embracing spiritual practices and therapies.

There are some general common stumbling blocks, of course. I think we’re all familiar with how a lack of self-esteem can prevent people from pursuing a relationship that is truly healthy and fulfilling. Similarly, fears of rejection and abandonment hold many people back from fulfilling their dreams for love. Limiting beliefs about what is possible in love are also common obstacles. When these issues remain unconscious, they hold us emotionally hostage until they are faced, worked through and transformed to align with a higher level of experience.

Whenever we find ourselves in a pattern that is frustrating or unfulfilling, we are therefore wise to look to our inner world. To make new progress, we must examine old wounds, deep fears and limiting beliefs, and continue to stretch ourselves to heal, empower ourselves and reach for greater personal potential. If you feel blocked, I highly recommend hypnotherapy, through which you can go back and heal and release old wounds and also cultivate new beliefs and a more constructive approach to love.

As I mentioned above, there are things we can do to align with a delightful experience of love even as we’re doing whatever inner work is necessary in order to prepare for the soul mate experience our souls are yearning for.

How we feel about love is ultra-important, for we tend to manifest what we expect, and what we focus upon grows larger in our experience. Just as it is important to let go of worrying about symptoms and focus on well-being in order to cultivate good health, we are wise to look past whatever we lack in terms of love and focus on embodying love itself in order to manifest more of it in our lives.

The more we give our attention to love with a positive feeling, the more we become magnets for it in all sorts of wonderful ways. If you don’t have a partner to shower with love and affection yet, you can love the one you’re with, by which I mean that you infuse all the relationships already in your life with more love. Flow love to your friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances. Upon greeting someone, say to yourself, The love in me greets the love in thee. Visualize your heart chakra openly flowing love and good will to everyone you meet.

One of the most powerful tools for working with the law of attraction is to write the story of what you want to happen in the past tense. The key to infusing this exercise with lots of power lies in the emotional vibration it carries you into.

First just sit for a few moments and think about all you long for in love. Imagine yourself with a partner who has all the traits you find attractive. Take a few moments to get very clear about how you want to feel. Allow images to come to you as you do this. You may imagine yourself receiving flowers, going on dates and kissing someone passionately. You may see yourself attending family functions with your partner on your arm. You may imagine how wonderful it will be to have someone you adore to snuggle up with in bed. Allow this to just flow naturally.

Now sit down and write out the story of how you found this love. This is not going to be published, so don’t censor yourself. Do make sure your phrasing is positive, however, and most importantly, take time as you write this to pause and sink into all the wonderful feelings that imagining this brings up for you. If you really get into this exercise, your heart will soon be soaring. You will feel like your chest is tingling or expanding with light or energy – this is what you want!

Once your story is complete and you’ve basked in all those wonderful feelings for a while, let it go. You can put it away in a drawer or file it away on your computer. It doesn’t matter. You’re not going to go back to it because you’re going to trust that what you desire has been set in motion, and the love you long for is already on its way to you.

If you now just consciously strive to embody and flow love to everyone you meet, and you stay in a high vibration, soon delightful love will be knocking on your door.


– Soul Arcanum

Why Do We Feel So Attracted to Some People?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Why do we fall in love with someone we hardly know? Why does this sort of thing happen? If we don’t really know them, how can we love them? I find myself in this situation and it’s just not right because it breaks all social rules and conventions. I feel a very strong, happy pull towards a particular gentleman. It’s like my heart recognizes him and is so happy to hear his name and see him, but my head is telling me to stop being silly. I think he has a soft spot for me as well. Is this just some fleeting fantasy, or is his energy pulling me toward him? Are there spiritual reasons for why we feel so drawn to some people from the moment we meet them?

Dear K.R.:

The first thing that struck me about your question is your assumption that if something breaks social rules and conventions, it’s just ‘not right.’ I believe the only way to know what is truly right is to listen to our hearts, for there are all sorts of social conventions that are pretty crazy.

There is always a reason why we feel a certain way, but that doesn’t mean we should act on all our feelings. For example, we may feel like punching someone who makes us angry or like eating a huge bag of candy, but that doesn’t mean we’re wise to act on those impulses.

Often we distract ourselves with momentary obsessions in order to avoid facing feelings or issues that are overwhelming. Many people in unhappy marriages try to distract themselves by projecting their unfulfilled desires on a third party. This allows them to focus on something that feels good while avoiding upsetting or disturbing thoughts and feelings.

Repressed desires can also spark inexplicable attractions. Many crushes are simply the result of boredom. We all crave excitement and romance, and if we are repressing our desires by not pursuing our dreams, the passion burning within us will seek release in some other way.

I’m not suggesting that all strange attractions are somehow misguided or unfounded – far from it – but in order to determine if there are good soulful reasons behind a strange attraction, it’s important to eliminate some of the more mundane possibilities. This is sort of like ghost hunting: before we attribute phenomena to something otherworldly, we’re wise to rule out common explanations.

There are many spiritual reasons we may feel strangely attracted to someone. Usually this strong pull is karmic in nature, and suggests a positive past life relationship. Since there are many reasons we may feel as we do, however, we’re wise to consider other possibilities. For example, we may fall in love with someone we didn’t know in a past life simply because they remind us of someone we once loved deeply. In these cases, we may have that familiar feeling of recognizing someone from a past life, and old feelings of love and passion may be stirred up even though the person before us is not the soul we are <q>remembering.</q>

This can also happen with people we’ve known in the past in this life. Often we are attracted to someone because they remind us of someone else. This doesn’t have to be romantic: if we meet someone who reminds us of a beloved grandfather, we may feel strongly drawn to him, especially if we haven’t fully grieved Grandpa yet. Our subconscious is forever guiding us to finish old business and resolve personal issues, so if we meet someone who stirs up something in us that needs more attention, it’s normal to feel a sense of attraction.

Our souls are also guiding us to what we need to experience in order to learn whatever we need to learn next. I often counsel women who are looking for true love, and as I peek into the future, I may see a man coming in who is not going to be a life long partner, but who will prove to be essential to her journey to fulfillment. Somehow, this relationship will help her to learn whatever she needs to learn or heal whatever she needs to heal in order to move to a higher level of experience.

The forces behind attraction are like the force of gravity: like naturally attracts like, and holes in our beings are naturally the first things to be filled as the river of time and experience washes over us. We all have deep issues that we’re not conscious of as well as desires and questions burning in our hearts, and we naturally draw into our lives the people and experiences that can help us move toward peace and fulfillment.

Further, we often mistake the soulful things we need for the people who represent them. A good example of this is the experience of transference, when someone who is seeking something profound like inner peace, happiness or healing falls in love with his therapist. The therapist represents feeling better, but in essence is just one channel through which what is needed can flow.

Something similar happens when a person symbolizes or embodies some trait or aspect we are being called to develop further ourselves. If we are drawn to someone deeply spiritual, our own inner being may be trying to get us to lean in a more spiritual direction. If we’re out of balance, we may feel strongly drawn to someone who represents the other end of the spectrum – hence the saying that opposites attract.

Attraction is energetic. When someone’s energy harmonizes well with our own, we feel like we “click.” If someone has a higher vibration than we do, it’s natural to feel drawn to them, and if someone has a lower vibration, it’s natural to feel repelled. So if being in this man’s energy field makes you feel uplifted, it’s natural for you to want to be near him.

Often we feel deeply drawn to someone because they are a soul mate � someone we’ve loved deeply in another place and time. In such cases, it’s important to remember that what we do with our loving feelings is up to us. If acting on romantic attractions would compromise our own values somehow, we can still love that person without going in a romantic direction.

Romance is a human experience: there is never a soul reason to have physical sex with someone, except for when we are destined to have a child together in order to bring a particular soul into the world. At the same time, however, there is never a soul reason NOT to have sex with someone. As long as we don’t go against our own truths and values, we are free to follow our hearts. Of course, depending on our circumstances, we are only as free as we are brave enough to break with convention.

Often this sort of situation arises as a spiritual test: Will we find the courage to honor the truth in our own hearts? Sometimes doing the right thing means one course of action, and at other times, it means something totally different. Here social rules and conventions prove to be great spiritual tools, for what we’re really doing is learning to trust our own judgment so much that we don’t need social convention to tell us what’s right anymore.

To figure out what this attraction means for you, you must first trust that there is a good reason for it. Then ask yourself what this person represents or symbolizes to you, and how he makes you feel. If this attraction was not about this individual, what might it be about for you on a deeper soul level?

I believe we’re placed in situations where we feel drawn to people and experiences that are somehow forbidden because we’re supposed to learn how to listen to and trust our own hearts. Choosing love is always the answer, but since what that means is unique to each situation, we must ask within and trust our inner knowing to guide us.

– Soul Arcanum

Breaking Old Patterns to Manifest True Love

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been in a relationship for almost four years with a man that I deeply love and thought I was going to marry. We have just recently parted ways. He lost his wife over five years ago, and it seems the longer we were together, the more his grief grew and his love for me diminished. I have sadly accepted that our relationship was not healthy, and it is better for both of us to move on separately. At times I’m relieved to be free of his depression and lack of love, but I’m devastated by his rejection and the trauma of having to quickly move from our beautiful home to a very small apartment. I have been in three relationships in my life, each time with men that were emotionally unavailable for one reason or another. I now have realized that I attract men who will ultimately reject and abandon me. I’m 46 years old. How can I stop this pattern so I can enjoy a mutually loving, emotionally supportive relationship?
Warm Regards,

Dear Michele:

As I see it, you’re already on your way to something better. You’ve become consciously aware of this pattern in your life, and by seeking deeper understanding of it, you will gain the power to break free and create positive change.

In order to move on, the first thing is to become conscious of why you tend to get involved with men who are emotionally unavailable. You may think you know why, but if you continue to end up in this same situation over and over again, there must be more that you have yet to uncover.

To unearth the buried beliefs or issues behind this pattern of experience, I highly recommend hypnotherapy. Through regression work and dialoging with your higher self, you can manifest amazing transformations in your life practically overnight. I’ve been truly amazed by the breakthroughs I’ve seen people tap into by addressing the subconscious beliefs underlying undesirable patterns of experience.

For example, some months ago I worked with a friend who had all sorts of rules about love that had been drilled into her since childhood. Her mother had married for financial security, and even though her own marriage was miserable, she’d always told her daughter to find a man with money. Despite the fact that my friend is very financially successful herself, she had major hang-ups about how much money a guy had to make in order for her to be interested in him. On a conscious level, she could see that this rule about marrying money was holding her back from finding a truly nice guy because the men she dated tended to be rich, self-centered, demanding, arrogant workaholics. Nevertheless, she believed that she couldn’t be attracted to a man who wasn’t a huge financial success.

After just three sessions in hypnotherapy, everything began to change. In addition to becoming conscious of why she kept doing what she was doing, and working through some of the fears behind this limiting pattern, she also became aware of some of the lessons she is working on this lifetime, which include finding faith in her ability to take good care of herself instead of needing a man to lean on. While she is still looking for the one, instead of feeling miserable about her love life, she is now having a fantastic time dating all sorts of kind, wonderful men.

Like my friend, we all repeat dysfunctional patterns over and over again until we heal the deep wounds and learn the big lessons that keep leading us back into those situations. Thus women who grew up in families without fathers may subconsciously pursue men who will leave them, and in this way, recreate a situation where all the pain from the past can be brought to the surface and finally healed. By consciously working through the issues involved, they empower themselves to move on to a higher level of experience.

So when we find ourselves repeating the same destructive, unfulfilling patterns over and over again, we can be sure that there is something deep within us that is driving this behavior. Usually, this isn’t something we can clearly point to on a conscious level, which is why things like hypnotherapy and spiritual counseling often prove powerful where all sorts of practical, reasonable efforts fail.

Once you’ve brought any shadows into the light and healed and released them, you just need to get into vibrational harmony with what you want. This can be trickier than it sounds, for in addition to thinking about what we want, we have to FEEL the way we want to feel. To manifest true love, we have to fall in love with love and feel just as buoyant now as we expect to feel when we’ve found the one we’re looking for.

One powerful way to shift ourselves into a higher vibration in order to manifest something that has proven tricky for us is to get soaring in every other area of our lives. So if we want to have a fabulous love relationship, we’re wise to ask ourselves if every other aspect of our lives is fabulous. If we have goals or dreams that we could be pursuing in other areas, then we’re wise to get going on those relatively easy things first.

So if you want a fabulous love relationship, ask yourself these questions: Is my house in fabulous order? Am I wonderfully successful in my career? Do I look and feel fabulous? Are my finances in terrific shape? Is my daily life in order and ready for a big, wonderful new addition?

We all have things that we want and need to do that we put off for various reasons. When there are things that we CAN do to improve our lives, and we don’t get on them, we keep ourselves from the realm of bigger dreams. When we begin to stretch ourselves by doing the things we can do to shift into a higher level of experience, then new potentials move within reach and things begin to change in exciting ways.

It’s also essential to trust that things happen for a higher reason, and to give thanks for all of our experiences. For example, when things don’t work out in one relationship, we are wise to assume that we’re meant for something better.

Once we get ourselves into a state where we feel fabulous about ourselves and all we have to offer a new lover, are totally trusting that everything happens for a good reason, and can think about love and feel buoyed by a rich sense of joy and possibility, that’s when magic happens. When we’re in this very high vibration, heaven and earth move to answer our prayers for true and lasting fulfillment.

Once you’ve prepared yourself by healing old wounds, putting your life in order, and getting into a high vibration, you just need to clearly tell the Universe what you’re looking for and remain open to doing things differently this time. This may mean that you take a different approach than you’ve ever taken before, or that you open up to dating a different type of guy than you would normally be attracted to. The point is to expand your potential, and to do that, you’ll have to open up to a broader range of possibilities.

After you tell the Universe what you want, happily embrace whatever comes your way as either the solution or a stepping stone to where you want to go. The more you can love whatever comes your way with faith that it is leading you to what you really want, the faster you’ll flow toward fulfillment, and the more fun you’ll have along the way.

Finally, we get what we give in life, so wherever you are and whomever you’re with, embody LOVE. If you give the love and affection you are hoping to get to others, big love will flow back to you.

– Soul Arcanum

Dealing with Social Predators in a Spiritual Way

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My nanny of almost three years has just left and I found out that she has been stealing money from me the whole time. Just before she left she emptied my wallet, stole all my travel money and also my staff’s wages. I’m now also hearing stories of how cruel and domineering she was to my child. She came to me when my baby was two months old. I’m a single mum with no family around, and was in such a state that she was a godsend. She instantly became part of my little family. I trusted her so much that I was in complete denial and refused to believe she could be stealing even though my money seemed to be running through my fingers. In front of me she was good with my child and when my daughter didn’t want to be with her I thought it was only because she wanted to be with me. I feel so betrayed by her. I’m on a mission to be the best person I can be, and it seems like people take advantage of me and see my kindness as a weakness. My nature is to trust and I was brought up to be polite. I even gave the woman a letter of reference, and now she can go do the same to someone else! She’s certainly not the first person to pull the wool over my eyes. How do kind, sensitive people guard themselves against social predators like this? What is an appropriate spiritual way to react towards her? I have to prevent myself from visualizing her meeting a grizzly end! Your spiritual guidance is much appreciated.

Dear Suz:

You’re wise to seek a spiritual way to deal with all of this, for how you respond to this experience will greatly affect your life. If you can make peace with it and learn from it, you’ll move on to a higher level of experience; if you let it get the best of you, you’ll repeat this pattern time after time until you’ve transcended it.

In this scenario, you’re like a peaceful, gentle gazelle happily grazing in a sunny meadow. You’re living in a world that is full of all sorts of other creatures, however, like jelly fish, hornets, crocodiles and lions. If you think about all the different creatures in the world and how different even individual creatures of the same species can be from each other, it’s clear that life on Earth is rich with all sorts of colorful potentials.

If you now imagine that there are as many different sorts of people in the world as there are different types of creatures, I think you’ll quickly grasp my point: we’re all different, and we all act according to our own nature.

Where spiritual types like you are like gentle gazelles, the social predators you refer to are more like lions than lambs. They’re not evil – they’re just driven by their own needs and appetites, and doing what they believe they have to do in order to survive. If you expect everyone to behave like gazelles do, you’ll be shocked and disturbed time and time again.

Fortunately, we non-predators have been blessed with special survival instincts. If you visualize a deer grazing in a field, you’ll note that even though it can seem perfectly peaceful, it’s always alert. If it catches the scent of danger or sees something moving in the bushes, it’s ever ready to leap toward safety.

Like deer with sensitive survival instincts, highly spiritual people have very keen intuition. It’s hard to imagine a deer ignoring signs of danger, but many of us ignore our intuition all too often. We get a whiff that something isn’t right, but we talk ourselves out of listening and try to put the thought out of our minds. This effectively silences our intuition, and the more we do it, the harder it becomes to hear our inner voice.

There are lots of reasons we do this. For one, when we ponder big ideas and higher spiritual principles, we focus beyond the world of money and other practical needs. When we go through periods of deep spiritual contemplation, it’s easy to move into a dream world in our heads even though our bodies are still living in the physical.

We’re also at a tricky point where we identify more and more with our higher selves, yet we’re not totally free of the lower vibrations that could make us vulnerable to undesirable experiences. For example, we may be full of faith and trust, but if there is karma to be resolved with someone or some buried wound, fear or issue at work in our subconscious mind, we can still attract the sort of experience you describe. You say this woman was not the first person to pull the wool over your eyes. No doubt when this happened in the past, you didn’t fully resolve the feelings involved. This pattern will keep coming up for you until you do, for if you have fear or resistance to something, it will come to you if you’re not consciously manifesting something else.

We also argue with our intuition because we have been socialized to be nice to such a degree that we can’t allow ourselves to have suspicious thoughts about others even if they’re obviously true.

I’m not saying that this experience was your fault. In fact, I think it’s important that you allow yourself to feel angry. You have every reason to be enraged, and telling yourself that you should feel more spiritual about the whole thing will just keep that anger buried. Once you’ve grown tired of feeling angry, however, you can begin to make peace with all of this by accepting the following three truths:

First: Nothing can truly harm you, for you are so much more than this experience and even this lifetime, and you get infinite chances to fulfill your dreams. When you experience a major drama like this, you can be sure you’re learning something, so despite surface appearances, all is well.

Second: None of this is personal. People act according to their own natures and desires. If you don’t pay attention and consciously create what you want in your life, you may become the vulnerable, daydreaming gazelle at the back of the herd.

Third: You have divine gifts and powers that can help you. Spiritual people generally have keener intuition and a clearer connection with spiritual guidance than most. If you pay attention to your intuition, it will keep you on track with what you desire.

In addition to your intuition, your spirituality will empower you to consciously manifest what you want in your life. The good news here is that it will be relatively easy for you to financially recover and move on from this experience to something much better. To do this, however, you have to consciously work with the law of attraction.

Sometimes we are taken unawares, and then we look back and realize there were signs that we ignored. As we rush through life making countless decisions each day, we all manifest many things unconsciously. This is because in addition to all our conscious thoughts, feelings and desires, we have all sorts of subconscious influences contributing to the mix, such as buried beliefs, emotional wounds, old karma, etc.

The more we remain conscious of our own energy/vibration and what’s happening beneath the surface of our awareness, the more power we’ll have to manifest what we want. In addition, when we pay attention to our intuition and purposefully work with it to attract the sorts of people and experiences we desire, life just gets better and better.

To make peace with this experience, you must accept that not everyone in the world is like you, and that this is ultimately a good thing. If you view it from the right angle, this situation can become a springboard to a higher level of experience. I recommend you let it to motivate you to make better use of your spiritual gifts, and then focus your divine creative energy on manifesting new blessings.

– Soul Arcanum

Cultivating Romantic Chemistry

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:
I have been trying to attract new love into my life using the law of attraction. Two years ago, I had a few dates with a great guy who has all the qualities I’m looking for. We could talk and laugh for hours. We went on four dates, and then I backed out because I was unable to feel sexually attracted to him and figured it would be better to stop sooner rather than later. I kept his number in my cell phone, and a couple of months ago when I seriously started praying for new love and trying to attract it into my life, I started noticing his name in my cell phone book. Every time I tried to visualize this new love, he would pop into my mind. I thought perhaps I should give it another try. We’ve now reconnected, and it’s just as easy and natural as it was before. We’re even on the same page spiritually in terms of what we’ve been up to recently. We’ve seen each other again, and it was wonderful, but I was still not physically attracted. I’m wondering what’s happening with me. Am I resisting attraction at an unconscious level because part of me is still afraid of men? (I’ve always been more attracted to men who weren’t good for me.) Am I trying to force myself into a relationship with this guy because I know he would be a wonderful partner? If I get to know him better, might I become sexually attracted to him?

Dear S.:

First it’s important to note that whenever we have trouble manifesting something we think we really desire, there are usually lessons we need to learn or wounds we need to heal that are tripping us up. When it comes to finding a soul mate, there are lots of issues that can cause people to search endlessly in vain. Many people do block chemistry due to various fears; I see this all the time in my own friends and the clients I counsel. For example, I know a number of women who only want what they can’t have: they find everyone who is attracted to them to be inadequate for some reason, and always get hung up on guys who are out of their league, married, or somehow unavailable, which effectively prevents them from getting seriously involved with anyone.

Many people have deep psychic wounds that need to be healed. If women were abused, raped, shamed for being sexual or rejected in this life or another lifetime, those wounds must be healed in order for them to have a healthy, fulfilling sex life. (Women who died in childbirth in past lives often have sexual problems in future lives as well.) Similarly, men who were abused, raped, shouldered with the heavy burdens of providing for an unexpected family, unable to sexually perform, infected with an STD, or romantically rejected must also heal those wounds to find sexual fulfillment.

Deep issues aside, there are all sorts of energetic interactions constantly happening between people. These largely determine whether we feel drawn to them as well as the quality of relationship we form with them. For example, you can meet someone who seems really nice on the surface and yet feel uneasy around them because on an unconscious level, you sense that who they are pretending to be is not who they really are.

There are two issues at work here: how we are vibrating, and how we are vibrating in relationship to another individual. We have tremendous control over our own vibration, and some control over how we vibrationally relate to others.

We can cultivate passion and sensuality just like we manifest anything else in life. For example, I had a lover long ago who awakened me to a new level of sensuality. Until my experiences with him, I had been rather repressed but didn’t know it. We were amazing together, for he brought me sensually to life.

This taught me that it’s possible to bring out in lovers whatever turns us on. To awaken another, however, we must first embody the sensuality we’re hoping to find instead of looking for someone else to make it happen for us. So instead of looking for someone with whom you have good chemistry, you might try becoming more passionate and sensual yourself, focusing energetically on what you want to manifest, and setting that tone for whatever relationship you want to evoke good chemistry in. In this particular relationship, you can focus on cultivating all kinds of sensual pleasure, evoking the wonderful lover in him, and enjoying yourself no matter what.

This approach will only take us so far in particular relationships, however, just like being kind will only take us so far with certain people. If their idea of being a good friend is way off from our own, then we’re just not going to click. Similarly, if we don’t even really like someone, we won’t find them sexually attractive, or if they have sexual issues that need to be healed, they may not be ready to engage at the higher level of experience we’re longing for.

Of course, just as every combination of elements produces a different chemical reaction, there are all sorts of different chemistries between people. It’s particularly interesting to observe how new babies in a family will immediately demonstrate great rapport with some family members and show an aversion to others. No doubt this is in part due to past life experiences/karma.

Regardless how it comes to be, the chemistry between any two people is determined by the quality of the vibration of the relationship. Just as the individuals in the relationship have personal vibrations, the relationship itself has a certain feeling or tone.

Music offers us a great metaphor for understanding this better. Let’s say that everyone has an overall vibration that matches a certain note of the scale, and whenever we get together with one or more other people, we strike a chord. Clearly, there will be some combinations that sound really good and others that are discordant.

When we meet someone who shares our personal note, we feel like they are very much like us. We are kindred spirits, so we communicate and get along very well. It sounds like you and this wonderful man are very similar in nature, which is why you feel so at ease around him.

When we meet someone who has a different vibration but one that sounds really good with our own, we complement each other. The more complex but complementary a chord is, the more interesting it sounds. This is when you get a very passionate sort of bond, for you are different enough to be fascinated by each other, but at the same time, you complement each other or sound good together. Even when we are very similar to someone else, however, we can create a melody with them that is simple but moving and beautiful.

All of this is a gross oversimplification, of course, for we are all so much more than one note, and we are forever changing. This is where we have a lot of room to play at creating something beautiful. I believe that we can cultivate good chemistry with anyone we basically like, respect, and feel good around. If we are too similar, it may become sort of routine after a while, but every relationship feels like that after we’ve ironed out all the kinks – it just happens sooner rather than later when we’re highly compatible with someone. On the other hand, with someone who is too different from us, we may feel intense passion but so much conflict that it’s just not worth it.

Life is full of beautiful people and endless opportunities for passion and pleasure. To find deep fulfillment, we must become within what we seek in our outer experience, and make the most of love wherever and however we may find it.

– Soul Arcanum

When Sudden Psychic Development Feels Scary or Overwhelming

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

Recently I’ve been seeing things that aren’t normal. I don’t think I’m seeing ghosts, but I do think I see spirits everywhere. These appear to me in many forms, such as mists, sparkles, hazy spots, orbs, etc. I even see them at work and outside. I am also hyper aware of the energies around me. This seems to be increasing, and now I’m starting to hear things – maybe a spirit guide? I’m getting used to this during the day, but I’m terrified at night. In fact, I’ve been sleeping with the lights on. I don’t think I have prayed this much in my entire life! I just want somebody who understands all of this to give me some guidance. Am I psychic whether I like it or not, or am I supposed to decide if I want to keep going in this direction? Is this for the rest of my life? Can I turn it off if I want? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, and I’m very scared and confused at times. Thank you for your time. – Alicia

Dear Alicia:

Please don’t worry! I have been down this very same road and counseled many fellow travelers, and I can reassure you that what you’re experiencing is indeed normal, and everything will be fine. Though you may not feel like it right now, the fact that you are questioning all of this as you are suggests that you are relatively grounded and psychologically stable.

The way you are perceiving spirits is also verifying, for this is how I generally perceive spirits as well. Most people assume that mediums see spirits much as they are portrayed on television – as opaque or misty people – but in my experience, this is rarely the case. Instead, when we perceive them with our physical eyes, they often appear as mists or balls of energy, and it is within our minds that they telepathically tell us who they are or show us what they looked like when they were alive.

My own psychic awakening happened quite suddenly too, and in the beginning, I saw all sorts of strange beings, such as a demon and a creepy, naked little man or djinn. I was also seeing stuff everywhere and questioning my sanity! When I learned that the only thing to fear is fear itself, and that the key to having higher spiritual experiences was to raise my vibration, then I began to spontaneously receive visits from regular people in spirit.

The first was my grandmother, who appeared as a big misty haze of purple energy hovering about three feet above the floor. It didn’t seem strange or scary while it was happening, but I was overcome with a wave of love. My grandmother visited me a number of times after this, and then I began to have spirits show up for other people.

This usually occurred when someone was either talking wistfully about the spirit in question or their family in general. One man was telling me about his family’s history, and though he hadn’t mentioned his aunt, she came right through. Another time a friend was talking about her brother who had died, and he showed up as a ball of energy next to her. As these spirits appeared, they would talk to me telepathically or send images into my mind.

I don’t see spirits everywhere, nor do I see them all the time; I usually have to be in an altered state of consciousness for this to happen. Based on my own experiences, I don’t think all of what you’re seeing are spirits – as in a person who was once alive in the physical but has crossed over to the afterlife. I think you’re also seeing other subtle energies, which may include conscious beings such as nature spirits, angels and other inhuman astral entities, as well as simpler energies such as auric interactions, thought forms, emotional currents, structures in the astral, etc.

There are ways to turn your psychic senses off, but since they can offer you so many blessings, why not just learn to control them? I consciously created some compartmentalization in my life many years ago so that I wouldn’t be open to spirits all the time. This involved years of intense training in the Spiritualist tradition, lots of independent spiritual study and practice, and the development of a strong relationship with Spirit and my guides.

While the same combination may work for you, it’s important to note that this was not something I thought up; instead, I asked Spirit to guide me, and I followed my intuitions and the signs and synchronicities that flowed in. The most important thing is for you to develop your own clear, trusting relationship with Spirit, God, Divine Intelligence – whatever term you prefer. That way you can ask for whatever you need in any moment, and relax with faith that you will be guided every step of the way.

You don’t have to become a professional psychic or medium or do anything you don’t want to do – the important thing is that you follow your own heart and do what calls to you personally. Just because your psychic senses are roaring now, that doesn’t mean you must build your life around them. Often psychic abilities burst through as a side effect of sudden spiritual development, and if they’re not cultivated, they fade into the background as you settle into a new vibration. In time, all that you’re experiencing will naturally grow more subtle and internal, so instead of seeing these spirits and energies with your physical eyes, they’ll become more like daydreams that play through your mind.

Everyone I know who has been psychically open for some time has learned to gain control of their experiences. Many of those people were also scared and overwhelmed in the beginning like you are, but as they gained spiritual knowledge and experience, they learned to believe in their own perceptions and trust that they were being guided.

Sometimes far out spiritual experiences have no deeper meaning or higher purpose because they’re not coming to us – instead, we are stumbling into strange new territory where all sorts of unusual creatures and possibilities exist in abundance. It’s sort of like wandering into a zoo and seeing elephants and lions and then wondering what it all means and why it’s happening to you. (It’s happening because you’re in a zoo!)

Certainly this sort of thing will make you question what you believe to be real and true about the nature of so-called reality. If you have never seen a lion before and didn’t believe that they really existed, then visiting a zoo will blow your belief system wide open. Let the questions that come up as a result of your experiences guide you with trust that you will find what is natural and right for you.

For example, you may wonder how in the world seeing that demon was right for me. Well, that whole experience led me to one of the most powerful spiritual lessons I’ve ever learned: that what I experience on an inner, spiritual level is entirely within my own control, for succumbing to fear leads to fearful experiences, while setting a high intention and living with faith leads to wonderful experiences.

In summary, I recommend you pray over the whole situation and ask Spirit to show you what you’re to do with all of this. If it feels right to you, you might look for a local Spiritualist church, for there you will find a medium who can mentor you and also a development circle full of kindred spirits who can help you to make the most of your divine gifts. Remember that many, many people have walked this same path before you, that what you’re experiencing is entirely normal, and if you pray for help from Spirit, you will be guided every step of the way.

– Soul Arcanum

Shifting into a Higher Level of Fulfillment in Love

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

My name is Anne. Glenn is a man that I have been involved with on and off for the last two and a half years. Our relationship has been very stormy and painful for me. When I learned that I had breast cancer in March of 2006, he suddenly moved away. Basically he was running away from my pain. I went through treatment and am now fine. In February he called me and we talked for the first time in almost a year. In March, he came out for business and we saw each other. We ended up being intimate, which kicked up my attachment again. Our relationship revolved around sex. I wanted a lot more and I felt emotionally starved, yet I couldn’t walk away. I was in denial of the truth – that he wanted me on his own terms, and he couldn’t get too close. I always feel that I somehow want to make it right between us, but I don’t even know what that means. I don’t know how to let go. He has such a strong hold on my heart. He is a great artist and has a powerful shamanic side. I am so attracted to that part of him and the sexual connection is so powerful that I find it wrenching to end all contact, yet I feel that’s the only way to move on and hopefully find a true soul mate. Do you have any advice for me on this painful situation? Many blessings to you! – Anne

Dear Anne:

I chose your question because your struggle is such a common one. I frequently hear from women who are suffering from unrequited love, who can’t seem to get over a certain relationship, or who feel miserably, karmically bound to someone and can’t break free no matter what they do. It can happen to a man, but it’s not nearly as common.

There is a very powerful biological reason that women and men generally approach sex and romantic commitment very differently. It’s not just because they were raised in cultures that taught them to be different – those cultural norms arose from biological realities. The fact is that women have far more at stake in sexual relations than men do: if they get pregnant, they take on the greatest challenge and responsibility I can imagine – that of caring for a new life.

This may also be why women’s bodies respond differently to the sex act than men’s do. Whether a woman is in love with her partner or has just met him at a bar, during orgasm, hormones will flood her body that make her feel like she is falling in love. This doesn’t happen with men, so when it comes to having sex, women have far more at stake on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is thus wise for women to wait until they know a man well and have established that they want the same things in a relationship before getting physically intimate.

On a metaphysical level, our auras reflect what is happening in our bodies. Just as having sex with someone will cause a flood of physical changes, we create energetic ties to that person in our auras. The more we feed those cords of connection through further contact and thinking of that person with love, longing, or other strong emotions, the stronger those cords get.

When women experience a surge of hormones that makes them feel like they’re falling in love after sex, they begin to feed those cords mental and emotional energy, which in turn causes another flood of those hormones, for what we experience in our minds affects our bodies. This creates a cyclic loop that can lead to a state of obsession. Because the hormones involved are so pleasurable, it’s like being addicted to something like cocaine. Since men generally aren’t experiencing anything like this, it’s easier for them to break things off or move on.

On a spiritual level, many people find lovers who are somewhat hard to get extra appealing, and most of the time, it’s because they have some self-esteem issues they are in the process of working out. Part of developing self-love and wisdom involves recognizing that just because someone doesn’t seem to want us as much as we want them, that doesn’t mean that they are better than we are. These sorts of relationship experiences generally lead us through some deep pain, but on the other side, we end up affirming our worthiness of something better.

Whenever someone continues to go back for more from a relationship where their partner repeatedly fails to consider their needs, betrays them, abandons them in a time of need, or makes them feel they’re not important to them, you can be sure there are self-esteem issues involved.

Often when we are in relationship to someone who has better self-esteem than we do – someone who allows himself to want what he wants and live as he chooses – we are attracted not so much to who he is as a person, but to his self-esteem. We want to feel good enough about ourselves to honor our true needs and desires as he does.

We’re also strongly attracted to people who are living dreams we want to live ourselves. It sounds to me like you would like to be an artist and a shaman, and would like to feel less needy in relationships, just like Glenn. THOSE are the things you’re really in lust with, my friend!

These sorts of relationships don’t come into our lives to fulfill our desire for a perfect partner, but to help us realize our own potential. This happens in an organic way because we are naturally attracted to people who embody what we are longing to become or are in the process of working on.

My advice is to let go of needing this to be more than it wants to be, and take the best of what it has to offer you. In this case, I feel that means allowing this relationship to illuminate your own needs and desires, and how you might begin to honor those better. It will really help if you replace all the exciting feelings you have about Glenn with other things that turn you on, so get involved in your own art, in exploring shamanism, or some other personal passion.

If you want a partner who is passionately into you, let yourself have that instead of trying to be happy with a man who doesn’t want what you want and isn’t willing to compromise on his desires. Once you’ve learned whatever this relationship has to teach you, you will have awakened new potential in this area of your life, and will naturally attract a relationship experience that is better suited to you. You may then begin to work on some other life lesson, and be able to enjoy a healthy, loving relationship with a man while you do so.

Basically, once you love YOURSELF the way you want to be loved, you will attract a partner who loves and honors your true desires and feelings similarly. Just focus on how you want to feel about yourself and your love life, and allow whoever is the best match to your desires to flow into your life and your heart.

I do understand your desire to make things right. I always want everyone to be happy and at peace with me too, but we can’t control how other people feel. All we can do is be lovingly honest about how we feel and what we need to do to take good care of ourselves, while at the same time making it clear that we honor the other person’s need to do the same. Even if others don’t share our feelings or our preferences for the way things turn out, we’ll be at peace, for we’ll know we’ve done all we could do given the divine truth we found in our own hearts.

– Soul Arcanum

Others Get What She’s Trying to Manifest

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

It seems like as soon as I decide to manifest something, someone else I know gets it! For example, I’ve been divorced for eight years now, and I really want to fall in love again. People are falling in love all around me (including my ex, who just got engaged!), but not me. Also, I’m forever worried about just paying my rent, while other people are spending money on all sorts of luxuries. It’s making me really frustrated and jealous! Are these people getting what I am trying to manifest because they are near me? Are some people just better at manifesting than others? I seem to have some kind of block, for it seems like I never get what I want, but everyone else gets what I want and then some. What’s going on? – Amy

Dear Amy:

One logical reason you might see other people enjoying the things you’ve been trying to manifest is simply because you are focused on those things, so you notice them whenever they come up. At the same time, however, your jealousy speaks volumes about the probable roots of your manifesting frustration, for if you begrudge someone else something, you will indeed keep yourself from similar blessings.

People basically react in one of two ways when they hear about others’ good fortune: they either feel jealous, like it’s not fair that someone else has what they want and they don’t, or they feel encouraged, because if other people can manifest those things, that means they probably can too.

Our habitual reaction to others’ happiness greatly impacts our ability to manifest what we want in our lives. If we smile upon others’ blessings, we will tend to be great at manifesting for a couple of reasons: First, what we send out to the Universe (including what we wish for other people) is what we get back. Second, how we FEEL when we focus on what we desire determines our power to attract it.

You see, what we think and feel on a regular basis is what we are practicing to experience in the future. If we focus on money with a happy feeling, we metaphysically align with happy prosperity. If we focus on money with a feeling of jealousy or frustration, it will be hard to manifest what we want, and even if we do, we’ll still feel dissatisfied.

Many of us learn our habitual response from the family we grew up in, but what’s more important is who we are on a soul level. We’re all born with various strengths and weaknesses based on our past life experiences. As a result, some people seem to have an innate understanding of the law of attraction, for they’ve mastered this in other lives. These spiritually evolved folks also tend to have a high vibration, so it’s easy for them to create what they want.

Since what we wish for others is what we get ourselves, one of the most powerful things we can do to initiate a manifesting breakthrough is to wish everyone else the fulfillment we desire. For folks who already feel like life is unfair to them, this can be really challenging, but that also means that overcoming that challenge will make a really big difference.

For example, if you can’t seem to find true love no matter what you do, ask yourself how you feel around people who are in love. Do you feel annoyed or jealous because they have what you want? If so, try to shift your perspective, and instead of feeling jealous, look at that love around you as a sign that you are in the process of manifesting love yourself.

It may be in someone else’s experience now, but if it’s close enough for you to notice it, it must be moving into your world! Further, instead of feeling resentful because your ex has manifested happiness in love again, take it as evidence that you can do the same thing. You can apply this line of reasoning to every sort of situation in which someone else is manifesting something you want.

In addition to viewing these developments as positive signs, you’ll want to evaluate what you are sending out to the Universe in the form of what you wish for other people. In particular, look for any relationships or situations where you begrudge someone else some blessing.

For example, if thinking about how your ex-husband is engaged leaves you feeling jealous, you are begrudging him new love. This won’t dent his happiness, but it will keep you from creating the same. (It may help to know that he wouldn’t object to you falling in love again – otherwise, he could never have manifested that blessing himself.)

To evaluate your power as a conscious creator of prosperity, you might ask yourself a couple of key questions: When you want more money, do you focus first on how you might earn more, or on how you wish someone (like your ex-husband) would give you more of theirs? Do you give to others in kind, or are you something of a taker? Are you conscientious about paying your bills on time?

Visualizing lots of money won’t do you much good if at the same time you aren’t giving to others what you want to receive yourself. So if you don’t pay your debts in full and on time, you are depriving others (whether it’s a person or a business doesn’t matter) of their due.

I once knew a woman who was always struggling financially, and because she had so much fear about money, she did all sorts of things that kept her in lack. For example, she’s the sort of person who would buy a fancy dress, tuck the tags inside, wear it to a party and then try to return the dress to the store.

In fact, she often experienced buyer’s remorse, and would get in arguments with store clerks when she tried to return merchandise that the store couldn’t resell because she’d used it. She seemed to believe that the store owed her something simply for being more successful than she was. She doesn’t understand that whenever we try to get back more than we put in, we eventually end up with the short end of the deal.

To break through this sort of block, all we have to do is practice the golden rule. In her case, she’d have to treat the store as she’d want to be treated if she were the owner.

Also, when we do the wrong thing to someone else to fulfill our own desires, we just end up hurting ourselves. This is more than karma, for we start to feel bad about ourselves, and on a deep (perhaps unconscious) level, we may believe we don’t deserve the happiness we long for or expect to be punished in some way.

By contrast, when we stretch ourselves to do the right thing by others even though we’re afraid for ourselves, we set ourselves up for success, and end up believing that we deserve the best from life. If instead of hoping others will give us more than we give them, we are generous and try to give more than we receive, do more than we are paid to do, show others more courtesy and respect than they show us, and love even more than we are loved, we’ll naturally manifest an abundance of blessings.

So to turn things around, I recommend you just start giving to others what you desire for yourself. As the world’s happiest, most successful people have discovered, the key to success is not getting others to give us what we want, but rather, helping other people get what they want. If you shift your approach, I’m sure you’ll turn your manifesting results around too.

– Soul Arcanum

Anger, Betrayal and Spirituality

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I thought I had attained a certain degree of spiritual awareness, but lately I find myself feeling very unevolved. Instead of feeling kind, patient and compassionate, I feel like everything upsets me these days. In particular, people are so disappointing! Every time I turn around I feel like someone I love and trust is betraying me or disappointing me by acting selfish or dishonest, and it makes me really angry because I would never behave like that. How in the world do I keep manifesting this? One upset after another has left me really dispirited. I used to be spiritual and loving all the time – do you think I’m regressing?
– A.

Dear A.: You are definitely not alone in feeling this way. One of the hardest things for me to make peace with is being disappointed by people I love and want to believe in. When someone I really care about does something selfish or hurtful, or keeps lying even though I’m begging them to be honest with me, I can go into a major tailspin myself.

Here’s why so-called spiritual folks struggle with this issue so much: The more we try to embody our spiritual natures, the less we act from our egos. This means at some point, we do become quite different from most people. Where most live from their egos with occasional flashes of divine wisdom and compassion, someone who has long been devoted to spiritual growth tends be centered in their higher self with occasional fits of ego.

If we strive to be extraordinary people but assume the rest of the world will be just like us, we will naturally get discouraged. Life is a journey of spiritual growth, and none of us are enlightened yet. If we expect people to act like wise, compassionate sages, we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment.

It helps me to remember that even the most spiritual beings to ever walk the planet had to deal with the same sort of disappointment. The story of Jesus offers us a great example, for He was betrayed by one of his closest friends (Judas), who sold Him out for cash! Then at the hour of His greatest need, the other apostles all abandoned Him. I figure if Jesus can be betrayed like this, none of us are immune.

It’s also quite normal for life to begin throwing us curve balls if we’ve been batting a thousand for a while. This means if we’ve got a nice, smooth vibe going, inevitably something will happen that stretches our capacity for patience and tolerance. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t learn and grow anymore.

It’s like mastering algebra and then moving on to geometry and feeling lost again. If we stayed in algebra forever, life would seem pretty easy, but it would also get boring and we’d never learn anything new. Whether we like it or not, we can’t keep repeating the same lessons over and over again – we have to move on.

One of the first things you need to realize is that it is not “unspiritual” to get angry. I think being spiritual is simply the habit of self-examination combined with the sincere desire to be a good person. The harder you are on yourself about feeling angry, the more likely you will be to deny or repress your feelings, which is the source of all sorts of problems. What you’re working on at this point in your spiritual journey is making peace with your shadow nature.

If you try to never get angry in the first place, you’ll run up against some powerful biology. Whenever we feel threatened emotionally, our bodies respond as they do when we feel threatened physically. We are WIRED to get angry when something threatens our happiness, and it can take days for the adrenaline that was released when we got angry to go back to normal levels. I find this interesting because it’s hard to stay angry for more than a few days – eventually, we let it go.

Most people are denying, avoiding or repressing all sorts of negative emotions. This is why millions of people are taking anti-depressants, and why so many are addicted to things like drugs, alcohol, food, etc. They’re all trying to avoid emotional pain.

When we work to become more conscious of what’s happening within us, it can seem like we’re suddenly flooded with intense negative feelings. (After all, we generally don’t repress positive emotions). It’s therefore common for negative emotions to bubble over when we’re moving into a new level of conscious awareness or a new level of personal healing, and it may indeed seem like we’re regressing at that point.

One of the greatest pay-offs of spiritual growth is the freedom to choose how we will respond to our experience. When we allow others to upset or anger us, we give our power away. When we center ourselves i n our own divine power within, we can choose how we feel regardless of what is happening in our outer experience. So as spiritual seekers, our goal is not to be rid of anger but to consciously choose what we do with that energy. We must learn how to transmute it into something higher like positive change, new wisdom and understanding, or a greater capacity for forgiveness and unconditional love.

While it’s healthy to acknowledge and process our feelings, I’m not a big fan of primal scream therapy or similar ideas, because when we practice anger, we just get better at it. When we send rage out to the Universe, we get rage back. While it’s healthier to let our anger out than to stuff it down, it’s even better to work with that energy consciously and let it fuel positive change. Properly channeled, anger can be transmuted into powerful motivation and creativity.

What works best for me is to simply cultivate what I want instead of anger. So when I’m feeling angry, I might read a spiritual book, take a walk in nature or do some yoga. Other great tools for transmuting anger into new power and healing include vigorous exercise, art therapy, hypnotherapy, meditation, energy healing, spiritual counseling, and the use of divination tools like runes and tarot to sort out the deeper spiritual truths in upsetting situations.

In terms of the law of attraction, the only way to break free of a cycle of upset and disappointment is to choose to stop getting upset over things that would normally upset you. If you truly believe yourself to be a good person who deserves to be treated better than you’re being treated, you have to begin to treat yourself better first. By allowing people who don’t share your values to disrupt your happiness, you aren’t treating yourself well, and when you don’t treat yourself very well, your vibration drops and other people begin to treat you badly too.

To manifest more uplifting relationships, you have to stop allowing anyone to bring you down. You have to be your own best friend – not the friend who is always late, forgets your birthday, and never really listens to you – the best friend you would LIKE to have.

As you do this, you will begin to meet new people. This is no accident. When you become happier, you attract people of a higher vibration. If you begin to love yourself well by choosing to be happy, one of two things will happen: everyone who doesn’t or can’t love you similarly will fade out of your experience, or you’ll bring out something better in the folks who remain.

– Soul Arcanum

Are Some People Incapable of Having Paranormal Experiences?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have always been interested in the paranormal, but in my own life I have never encountered anything abnormal. (I’m now 66 years old.) Am I just dense or not sensitive enough? Sometimes I even doubt the existence of an afterlife. As Omar Khayyum once wrote, “Strange is it not, that of all those that before us have gone, not one returns to tell us of what lies beyond?”
– Dr. A.

Dear Dr. A:

Your interest in the paranormal is a good starting point, but it’s not enough to evoke a paranormal experience. For that, you need sincere yearning of the heart and soul and the ability to suspend disbelief. Are you willing to potentially believe something false – at least temporarily – if it means you make a new discovery?

The most important issue to ponder here is how the law of attraction comes into play. I believe we are all creating our own realities based on the thoughts we think, the things we give our attention to, what we believe and what we expect to happen. This means that people who “believe in” the paranormal will tend to create experiences that match their beliefs and expectations. Further, their own unique spin on such beliefs will influence how they experience the paranormal.

For example, two people may believe in the paranormal, with one tending toward fear of it and the other toward wonder and fascination. The first would probably manifest frightening experiences with earthbound spirits and demons, while the second may only encounter fairies and angels.

Similarly, people who don’t believe in such matters or who never think about them would probably never have any experience with them. In fact, if they approached the paranormal with disbelief or the desire to disprove something, they would tend to manifest experiences that fulfilled their negative expectations.

I vividly remember reading about psychic experiments in which this was actually proven. In these experiments, psychic tests were administered to people who had filled out questionnaires about their views on such matters. Those who believed in psychic ability performed statistically much better than chance on the tests, while those who disbelieved in psychic matters did statistically much worse than chance on the tests – which means they were actually USING their psychic ability to perform poorly!

Regarding the quote you offered about no one returning from the afterlife to tell us what it’s like on the other side, first, we all know that is just not how life is designed. It’s a bit like asking why, if love exists, it never stands up and announces its presence in some tangible way. (If you say that you are also skeptical about the existence of love, then it’s no wonder you’ve never had a spiritual experience, my friend!)

Second, people DO return from the other side and tell us what it’s like – in fact, they do it all the time! If you study the stories of near death experiencers, you’ll discover a very convincing body of evidence, for regardless of cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, etc., there are definite patterns in these accounts of what happens when we die. Many NDE’ers were skeptics or atheists who woke up on the other side and realized that there really is a whole world beyond what we can perceive in the physical.

Of course, I don’t blame you for not believing if you haven’t had any reason to – heck, I was the same way. It’s a classic catch-22: until we have an amazing encounter with the supernatural, most of us remain closed to paranormal experiences.

Often the experience that first opens people up to such matters is a sign or visit from a departed loved one. This was the case with me: so many inexplicable things happened surrounding the death of my first love that I suddenly realized there was far more to life (and death) than I had ever considered. Even after that, however, it was not until I was pregnant with my first child that I awakened psychically. (Not much of paranormal interest happened in between).

As it would be foolish to summon an NDE or the death of a loved one in order to invite amazing experiences into our lives, spiritual practice/development is our best bet. You mentioned sensitivity, and you’re right: people who are highly sensitive tend to have lots of spiritual experiences because they are able to perceive more than the average person can. Some people seem to be born sensitive, but sensitivity can be cultivated. Getting internally quiet is one way to listen for subtle stimuli, which is why meditation is so central to spiritual development.

To begin to perceive more, we can also look at everything in a fresh way. Instead of focusing on objects, we might begin to focus on the so-called empty space around objects. Instead of listening to what someone is saying, we can begin to listen for what they are NOT saying. Instead of constantly chattering to ourselves in our own minds, we can begin to listen for our inner being (or another being) to speak to us within.

There is also a lot to be said for adopting an offbeat, creative approach to life. Not long ago, I met two very psychic friends for breakfast, and was struck by the fact that all three of us were eating with our left hands – we’re all left-handed! It’s no accident that many psychics and mystics are left-handed, for spiritual experience arises from the right brain. By thinking like a creative, offbeat leftie, you too may begin to see the world in a new way.

Besides, when we’re too scientific in our approach to the paranormal, it’s like trying to capture a rainbow in a jar. The “magic” in spiritual experiences arises from being in the right place at the right time and feeling intuitively inspired to pay attention at just the right moment. (Further, doubting the existence of the afterlife is like assuming that rainbows don’t exist because our jar is empty.)

A sense of open, childlike wonder can also be invaluable. All sorts of psychic experiments have proven that children are far better at learning psychic skills than adults, most likely because they don’t doubt they can succeed. If we can find the courage to live in a “fantasy world” where every idea that comes to us is as possible as any other, we stand a much better chance of manifesting extraordinary experiences.

Of course, going back to the law of attraction, the more we look for Spirit, the more we’ll find it. Like anyone else, I sometimes get caught up in mundane concerns, and during those times, I generally stop seeing auras and encountering spirits. Spiritual experiences come and go depending on my own focus and vibration.

Finally, try living on the edge: explore new places, new ideas, and new people. Set some big goals and take some risks. Living like this engages our survival instincts, which are intuitively-based.

Also, please note that I’m not trying to convince you or anyone else of anything, for I believe that people adopt whatever truth is best for them at that point in their lives. I just try to help folks following in my psychic footsteps to make sense of the strange things they are experiencing so they know they are neither crazy nor alone.

can tell you this: I have had so many mind-blowing experiences that I have absolutely no doubt that we continue on after death, and that there is a whole lot of magic beyond what we can see of the Universe. Like you, I once wondered and questioned, but now I know. I truly believe if you pray for amazing spiritual experiences with a sincere heart and begin to watch for signs, you too will be guided to profound new faith and understanding.

– Soul Arcanum