Category: Healing

Psychically Clearing Secondhand Jewelry

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m wondering if it’s possible to completely clear secondhand jewelry of the prior owners’ energy. I want to purchase an old gold setting and place some new stones in it, but before I invest a lot of time and money in this project, I want to make sure this is possible. Thanks for your time! – Claudia

Dear Claudia:

You’re wise to consider this issue before beginning your project. I used to buy a lot of jewelry on Ebay, as I love the character of vintage pieces. I’ve learned that even when you’re highly intuitive, however, it’s hard to get a true feel for something until you are actually holding it in your hands. It’s sort of like internet dating: you can like the way a person looks in a photo and love everything they say via email, but still have things feel off when you meet in person. I have a number of pieces of jewelry that I’ve never worn because even after cleansing them, putting them on felt like trying to push the wrong ends of a magnet together!

Let’s back up for anyone who is unfamiliar with this subject matter. Whenever we interact with a physical object, our body’s magnetic field makes an imprint on it. The more time we spend with that object, the more it will pick up our vibration. Further, the stronger our emotions when interacting with the object, the stronger the imprint will be. The more enduring the object, the longer it will tend to hold a charge. So a house can hold a charge for centuries, while a banana peel will quickly lose its charge as it biodegrades.

This is why jewelry like watches and wedding bands are such great subjects for psychometry, which is the process of psychically reading the imprints on physical objects. Watches and wedding bands are not only durable, they are typically worn close to the skin and therefore charged every day. Wedding bands are also infused with abstract meaning, for they’re powerful symbolic representations of immortal love.

As houses are easily charged and hold that charge for a long time, every house has a unique psychic atmosphere. Typically in a residual haunting, something happened in the house that was so emotionally traumatic or intense that the energy of that event can be sensed by anyone who feels for it.

Your question reminds me of the haunted bed at my grandparents’ house. It was physically beautiful: an antique four-poster carved out of dark wood with a matching mirror. It had been shipped over from England many years before, so no one knew how old it was, or the details of its history. It was in the spare bedroom at their house, which was rarely used, so it retained lots of energy from long ago.

Being a very sensitive child, I knew I did NOT like that room. I was only about four years old when I started objecting to going in there for any reason, so I can’t remember all the details, but I do remember telling my mother that it was a bad room. I also remember seeing something in the mirror, but when I turned around, it wasn’t there.

My mother explained that it wasn’t the room that was the problem, but the BED. She told me that the bed was very old and she had never liked the way it felt either. Since we spend so much of our lives in our beds, they tend to have strong energetic imprints. I would psychically assess secondhand beds and mattresses very carefully before putting them in my house!

Now if you think about it, there is no such thing as a new stone. Everything is of the earth, including plastic – it’s just that the elements in plastic are no longer in a natural, organic state. When we say that something is natural, we mean that it’s in the same state it was in when it was taken from the earth.

Even natural objects like crystals have been mined and then cleaned, stored, shipped and placed on display for sale, so they have passed through many hands. Stones and metal hold a psychic charge very well, so they are excellent subjects for psychometry. This is why, magically speaking, it’s bad manners to touch other people’s jewelry. Also, I would never touch someone’s medicine pouch, amulet, talisman, magic wand or any other sacred object without permission.

New objects that have been created are infused with the energy of their creators. The more energy and attention we put into a creation, the more of our vibration it will carry, so works of art always have a strong vibration. This is one reason why some pieces really attract us. While we may be drawn to the way they look, they also have a certain overall feeling or vibration. When we feel drawn to them, it’s often the energy of the artist that we are resonating with. (This is also why some artists can be less skillful but much more popular than other artists – they have great energy!)

All the things we purchase, such as food, clothing, furniture, houses, etc., will have some energy residue from the people who created them and all the people who have handled them. It’s a little different when an object has been previously owned, however, for the longer we spend with objects, the more of our energy they will tend to absorb. That’s why many people believe it’s important to feel for the energy of secondhand objects before we buy them, and cleanse them before we try to make them our own.

Of course, over time, our possessions naturally take on more and more of our energy as they attune to our vibration. This is why a house starts to feel like home after a while, and how that jewelry got its prior owners’ energy in it to begin with. Knowing this, you can speed this process up. For something like a new piece of jewelry, you could wear it all the time. Keep it on when you go to bed, or place it next to the bed or under your pillow. You could also formally bless it or perform a ritual to infuse it with your energy.

You can wipe away psychic residue from objects by physically and energetically cleansing them. There are all sorts of methods for going about this, and I don’t have to room here to go into them. Some traditional methods include washing objects in salt or holy water, burying them in salt crystals or in the earth, passing them through fire, smudging them with the smoke of sage or incense, leaving them out under sunlight or moonlight for a period of time, or using the power of your will/spirit to clear and bless them. There is a ton of information on this available in books and on the internet; let your intuition guide you to the best way for you.

As to whether or not it’s possible to completely clear an object’s psychic record, I guess that would depend on a number of factors. In most cases, you should quickly be able to replace whatever vibrations are there with your new energy by simply setting this as your clear intention.

If, however, a piece was purposefully charged by someone with great spiritual power, the situation is more complicated. For example, if a pendant was charged with a spell for protection or created as an amulet, it may hold that charge much more stubbornly. I imagine it would take someone of equal spiritual skill and power to ground that energy back into the earth.

As such objects are rare and their vibrations are very strong, however, it’s safe to assume that you’ll be able to psychically cleanse most if not all of the items you want to make your own.

– Soul Arcanum

Learning to Trust: the Ultimate Spiritual Challenge

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

In a recent column, you wrote that we have no need to hide or protect ourselves or our secrets from other people out of a desire to be loved and accepted. While I want to believe you, I keep thinking that not everyone is going to respond in a loving way. Don’t you know that people can be petty and indiscreet? It would be wonderful if everyone was loving and spiritual, but that hasn’t been my experience. I think it’s normal for us to put on a facade in order to protect ourselves from people who may not be kind and compassionate. Am I missing something here? Keep up the good work, dear Soul Arcanum! – Liz

Dear Liz:

There are two ways to view the question of whether or not we can trust other people. One is from the perspective of the ego, which is separate and mortal, and the other is from the perspective of the higher self, which is universal and immortal.

What you’re struggling with is something everyone has to work through, for it’s at the heart of the human journey. Life in the physical would not be the powerful, dramatic learning experience it is if it were not for the ego. We seem to have a limited amount of time and resources here, and are unable to remember the spiritual life we knew before incarnating. Since it seems like this life is all we have, we are naturally very fearful about anything that could threaten our well-being or happiness. This is why physical life is the perfect situation in which to learn to rise above fear and grow into beings of greater faith and compassion.

I think learning to trust (have faith) is the ultimate spiritual challenge. This issue comes up for everyone as they shift from unconsciously interacting with life primarily through the lower chakras to consciously processing their experiences through the heart and upper chakras.

This shift occurs naturally as we gain self-awareness, realize why we do the things we do, and then try to make better choices. In emotional relationships with other people, everyone longs for more love: no matter how wonderful our childhoods were or how blessed we may be now, we’ve all had many experiences in which we hungered for more love and acceptance than we got.

This is because the experience we are really longing for is the perfect feeling of divine love and wholeness. On some level, we remember what it felt like before we separated from Source, and are constantly yearning to feel that sense of completeness again.

Since most of us don’t consciously recognize that our endless dissatisfaction arises from an unconscious memory of the divine, we go through life looking to other people to give us the love, approval and acceptance we think we need. As long as we look to other people to fulfill a longing that can only be truly satiated by the divine, of course, we will remain dissatisfied.

When begin to awaken in self-awareness, we not only realize why we react to experiences as we do, we learn that it’s silly to take the things that others say and do personally. We see that others are caught up in their own issues, and how they view us has very little to do with us and everything to do with their own past experiences, life lessons, and current mental and emotional state.

At this point we stop comparing ourselves and competing with others and begin to feel compassion for everyone, for we see that they are just like us: though they may go about it in some unskillful ways, what they want is to be happy, loved and accepted too. We then shift from seeking love and approval from others to offering them the same, and then our fear of judgment/rejection falls away.

Of course, this is not as easy or simple as I’m making it sound. No matter how spiritually evolved we may become, we’re still physical beings with very powerful survival instincts. When your intuition is trying to warn you about something or someone, you are wise to honor it. On an inner/emotional level, however, nothing and no one can truly harm you.

We all struggle to stay spiritually centered, to love and accept ourselves, to heal our fears and keep our hearts open, to trust that all is and will be well. In fact, a good amount of the time, I’m running the same social programs you describe in your question. Rising above the ego is an exhausting, demanding, endless challenge, but it helps to realize that we don’t really have any other good alternative – not if we want to feel at peace.

You see, I don’t think we can ever trust another person completely, at least not if we define trust as knowing that they would never do anything that we would consider to be hurtful. Fortunately, once we learn to trust in the benevolent nature of life itself and understand that nothing and no one can ultimately harm us, I don’t believe we need to trust other people. The feeling of divine love and contentment we’re really after can’t be found in temporal relationships anyway – it only be accessed through communion with the divine.

To cultivate trust in life’s benevolence, we must also remember the law of attraction, and how what we experience with other people is always a reflection of our own vibration. What we look for, we find; what we fear, we attract; what we desire, we flow toward.

When we’re afraid of being rejected or criticized, we tend to manifest those very experiences until we heal the inner wounds that make us fear we are not good enough somehow. When we accept who we really are, others accept us too. Have you ever met someone who was unapologetically scandalous or outrageous and just loved them for it even though you would never dare act that way yourself? You love them because they love themselves. Similarly, it’s the things we reject about ourselves that we fear others will reject about us too.

It’s thus wise and powerful to ponder how we feel about certain people and what we believe about relationships in general in order to become conscious of what we’re supposed to be learning.

For example, I tend to be a perfectionistic, hyper-responsible workaholic. As a result, I notice whenever people are lazy or irresponsible, and this sets off all sorts of ego-based judgments and fearful feelings for me. Instead of trying to make others become more responsible or trying to get everyone I deem to be irresponsible out of my experience (which would never work), my job is to work through my own fears surrounding issues of responsibility. (If my faith that all is and will be well was perfectly sound, I wouldn’t worry about a thing.) Once I have learned what I need to learn about this issue, I won’t attract or notice it anymore.

Your experiences in relationships truly are designed for your benefit, and if you view them as reflections of your own inner nature, they can be powerful tools for new spiritual growth. So while I encourage you to be gentle with yourself and remember that your struggle with trust is something we all go through, when you feel ready, please know that it is safe for you to greet others with an open heart.

It’s also totally worth it, for when we reach out to people on a soul level, all sorts of wonderful things begin to happen. For one thing, when we come from our souls instead of our egos, we tend to bring out others’ higher natures, which can transform ordinary situations into life-changing spiritual experiences.

– Soul Arcanum

What is Hypnotherapy, and How Does it Work?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve noted that you’re a big fan of hypnotherapy, and I’m thinking about trying it for help with losing weight. Before I do, can you please explain why you believe in it, what you recommend it for, and how it works?
– Sue

Dear Sue:

Hypnotherapy is basically guided creative visualization from a relaxed, high vibration, which is very powerful. Since we create our own realities, I believe that hypnosis can help us achieve any type of goal.

While many people know that hypnotherapy can be used for things like losing weight and quitting smoking, few know its power to heal physical ailments like IBS and TMSoul Arcanum In fact, in many cases, hypnotherapy is either the most effective treatment or the only truly effective treatment for chronic physical and psychological conditions.

This is true for a couple of reasons. First, the body and mind are not separate, but aspects of our whole being. What we think and feel definitely affects our bodies. In some ways, this is obvious. For example, when we feel afraid, our bodies respond by producing adrenaline. Everything we think and feel affects our bodies to some degree, however, so whenever we move into healthier territory in our hearts and minds, our bodies naturally follow.

As I mentioned above, I also believe that hypnotherapy is effective with every sort of goal or problem because it guides us in actively visualizing what we want to create from a high vibration, which is a very powerful way to manifest whatever we desire.

One scientific study after another has demonstrated hypnotherapy’s effectiveness. For example, it has been proven effective in managing pain during and after medical procedures, and in reducing pain and anxiety in dental patients. It is also very effective in managing pain from things like arthritis, migraines and even childbirth.

This is not just a temporary relief of symptoms, either. For example, research involving cancer patients has shown that those treated with hypnotherapy not only experience less pain and nausea during treatment, but they have a much higher long-term survival rate than those who don’t receive hypnotherapy.

Many studies support hypnotherapy as the most effective treatment for stubborn chronic ailments like IBS, TMJ and psoriasis. It’s also highly effective for psychological problems like panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sleep disorders, eating disorders, social anxiety and phobias.

As for how it works, here’s a common metaphor: Imagine that your mind is a computer. Your conscious mind is composed of all the programs that you have purposefully opened so you could work with them, while your subconscious mind is composed of all the programs running in the background that you can’t see and probably don’t even realize exist. Once in a while, of course, something pops up and lets you know that it has just done a scan or an update. Otherwise, these processes remain in the background, silently doing their thing. Most experts estimate that when it comes to our minds, only about 10% of the processes running are conscious in nature, and the other 90% are happening on an unconscious level.

Now let’s say that you decide you want to lose weight – you want to run a weight loss program. In the background, however, is a program that is working counter to this. Perhaps when you were younger, you learned to equate eating certain foods with being happy. Since being happier is your ultimate reason for wanting to lose weight, you now have two programs running at odds with each other.

When you have conflicting programs running between your conscious and unconscious minds, you will feel like you are of “two minds” – like part of you wants to achieve your new goal, but part of you is resistant to this idea. As a result, you may push yourself very hard and lose weight for a while, but eventually the effort it requires to stay ahead of the other program will exhaust you. Whenever you aren’t consciously working in that weight loss program, the other program will gain ground.

Hypnotherapy can help in that it can identify any programs running in the background that may be counter to your higher goals and help you to rewrite those programs so that they are in harmony with your true aims. If you go into that subconscious program and rewrite it so that being slim and fit = happiness, it will be easy for you to lose weight.

Human beings also tend to repress intense negative feelings in order to avoid the pain of emotional suffering. These feelings never go away, however; instead, they are stored in the subconscious. As the body is governed by the subconscious mind, these stored energies can affect not only our mental and emotional health, but also our physical health.

As nature must return to balance, it is only natural for repression to create tension, which means that whatever has been repressed will come up again and again to be released. If we try to avoid or keep a lid on these energies, they will push out any way they can. This is when we end up with neurotic, self-destructive habits or chronic ailments. In order to truly resolve these energies and issues, our subconscious minds will lead us into circumstances that will evoke those same feelings time and time again.

This brings us to age regression and past life regression. With age regression we can explore all sorts of limiting beliefs and subconscious programs that we may have picked up in early childhood. Young children are like blank slates in terms of programming, and we all have beliefs we absorbed as children that may work against our happiness and fulfillment as adults.

Most of our ideas about what constitutes being a “good” person were determined very early on. In fact, psychologists tell us that our basic personalities are pretty much set by the time we’re six years old. If we were chubby and adorable as preschoolers and got lots of love and attention because of it, we may unconsciously correlate our cute pudginess with our sense of self-worth.

The same holds true for beliefs, phobias, vows and intense or traumatic experiences from past lives. These may be general, such as a desire to hold onto extra weight if we starved to death in a past life, or they may be specific, such as a love of bread if we made a living as a baker in a particularly happy incarnation.

Some may think that re-experiencing traumatic events from the past could make things worse, but there is great power in conscious awareness. Whether the experiences affecting us at a subconscious level stem from our past in this life or another life, if we are unaware of why we are doing what we are doing, then we are not in conscious control of our actions. By contrast, when we become aware of why we tend to feel and act the way we do, we can integrate the unconscious and conscious minds and achieve our goals with relative ease.

– Soul Arcanum

Signs of Chakra Imbalance

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Could you tell me the difference between balancing chakras and unblocking chakras, and aligning and cleansing chakras? Also, is there a simple way to determine if we’re in or out of balance? In Love and Light!
– Pam

Dear Pam:

When I refer to a block in a chakra, I mean that something is getting in the way of the free flow of energy through that vortex. It’s sort of like having an artery that is clogged with plaque, only instead of a physical block, this is a metaphysical block that is composed of stagnant emotional energy.

When I speak of cleansing a chakra, it’s sort of like angioplasty: we clear away whatever debris is preventing free flow through that channel. This can be done through various types of therapy or energy healing, but it’s usually more effective if whatever issues created the block to begin with are brought into one’s conscious awareness so they can be consciously processed, healed and released. This can be achieved via psychic reading work, though hypnotherapy may be more powerful and effective, for in my experience, what we realize ourselves affects us far more deeply than anything anyone else could tell us.

When I talk about balancing the chakras, I’m not talking about a one-time cure. Like cultivating physical health and well-being, this is a lifelong process. Just as the state of our physical health largely depends on our habits, so does the state of our chakra balance. For example, if we tend to be far more physical than spiritual, our root chakra will be much more developed than our crown chakra. For a sense of health and well-being, we want to be a well-balanced, well-developed person on every level.

People tend to develop from the lower chakras up, which makes sense if you think about it. We begin as primarily physical creatures and become more and more sophisticated in our approach to life. However, it’s easy to neglect whatever we’re not really into at the moment. Thus we often see highly “spiritual” people who are in terrible shape physically because they neglect their bodies.

Since an imbalance in the chakras is caused by emotional imbalance, you don’t have to be psychic to evaluate the state of your chakras or anyone else’s. Below is a quick guide to some of the symptoms of chakra problems. Please note that when I refer to the overdevelopment or underdevelopment of a chakra, I mean in relationship to the rest of one’s being.

Root Chakra: (red) governs all matters physical Symptoms of overdevelopment: greed, recklessness, hyperactivity, carelessness, diarrhea, wasting away Symptoms of underdevelopment: poverty, low energy, listlessness, clumsiness, constipation, obesity, chronic fatigue Someone with good balance will be healthy, fit, grounded, prosperous, centered and strong.

Sexual Chakra: (orange) governs creativity and procreation Symptoms of overdevelopment: sexual addiction or promiscuity; romantic, sexual or creative obsessions; fetishism; STD’s Symptoms of underdevelopment: Puritanism, frigidity/impotence, creative blocks, sexual repression, infertility Someone with good balance will be sexually well-adjusted, have a strong libido, know how to set healthy boundaries in relationships, and be able to use their creativity constructively.

Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) governs will Symptoms of overdevelopment: high stress, aggression, willfulness, control issues, inability to relax, arrogance, ulcers Symptoms of underdevelopment: indifference, passivity, complacency, victim mentality, disempowerment, indigestion Someone with good balance will be productive, cooperative, flexible, focused, empowered, successful and well-adjusted.

Heart Chakra (green) governs emotions Symptoms of overdevelopment: too trusting, smothering, effusive, codependent/enabling, too nice, too giving, heart problems Symptoms of underdevelopment: distrusting, cold, aloof, reserved, uncompassionate, heartless, self-centered, selfish, weak immune system Someone with good balance will be loving, warm, affectionate, accepting, tolerant and equally loving of self and others.

Throat Chakra (blue) governs self-expression Symptoms of overdevelopment: talking or saying too much, not listening well, being argumentative, acting like a know-it-all, being critical, sore throats, overactive thyroid Symptoms of underdevelopment: trouble expressing yourself, inability to speak up, lack of confidence in your opinions, shyness, under-active thyroid, asthma Someone with good balance will be expressive, eloquent, a great communicator and a good listener.

Third Eye (indigo) governs intellect Symptoms of overdevelopment: racing thoughts, hung up on logic, too abstract in thinking, living in your head, endlessly planning but not doing, hallucinations, headaches/migraines Symptoms of underdevelopment: unconscious, illogical, unable to think abstractly, acting without thinking, forgetfulness, inability to remember dreams, vision/eye problems Someone with good balance will be intelligent, clear-headed, alert, thoughtful, have a good memory, have good eyesight and be generally insightful.

Crown Chakra (violet) governs spiritual life Symptoms of overdevelopment: out of touch with reality, ungrounded, unable to manifest material needs, feeling like you don’t belong here on Earth, Messiah complex, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Symptoms of underdevelopment: lack of spiritual awareness, lack of a sense of higher values or higher purpose, lack of spiritual beliefs, depression, fear and cynicism Someone with good balance will know how to live in the world but not of it, have a fulfilling spiritual life, be able to enjoy physical pleasures without getting addicted, love life but not dread death, have a deep sense of connection to the Divine, and regularly tune in to determine the right course of action.

If you discover you have too much energy flowing through some chakras as opposed to others, it’s best to simply focus on developing the higher qualities of the underdeveloped chakras, for this will both counteract that imbalance and lead you to channel your energy in the overdeveloped areas in wiser ways.

For example, if Bill is far more spiritual than he is physical, he probably often feels spacey and out of touch with reality. Thought he may like it that way, he probably also has health problems, is out of shape, and has trouble manifesting money and other practical needs. To create better balance, he doesn’t have to become “less spiritual, ” he just needs to spend more time taking care of his body and putting his house and his finances in order. If he dives into this, soon he may begin to feel like all he does is take care of physical concerns, which would be a sign that he’s swung too far in this new direction and needs to reevaluate his personal balance.

We must remember that we are part of nature, so as we flow from one season of life to the next, we must ever adjust our sense of balance in order to maintain our well-being.

– Soul Arcanum

If you’d like to balance all your chakras, you might like the Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation at Soul Arcanum.

TMJ: A Common Problem for Spiritual Seekers

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Recently I suddenly developed a problem with TMSoul Arcanum Sometimes I wake up in the morning and my jaw hurts so badly that I can hardly open my mouth, much less chew. While I’m planning on seeing my dentist about this, I have a feeling that it’s not so much a physical problem as an emotional one. Do you think this could be something emotional in nature, and if so, what should I do?
– Stacy

Dear Stacy:

There are of course physical reasons you could suddenly have developed TMJ, so I’m glad you’re going to have this checked out by a medical professional. However, based on personal experience, I believe that TMJ is one of those conditions that almost always has connections to deeper psychological issues.

As with all discomfort and disease, TMJ is a sign that something is out of balance. That may be your physical jaw, especially if you’ve had orthodontic work done recently, or chronic problems with your bite. Usually, however, a sudden problem with TMJ reflects an imbalance in your inner world, which is probably a reaction to some imbalance in your outer experience.

For those who aren’t familiar, let’s review some TMJ basics. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, and is characterized by pain in the jaw, ear and head (including migraines), popping or clicking of the jaw, and pain on chewing or opening the mouth. Most TMJ sufferers grind their teeth at night, and many believe that this grinding is what causes the pain. It is estimated that about 10 percent of the population suffers from TMJ, so this is a very common problem. It’s also far more common in women than men, which makes sense when we examine its emotional roots.

When we repress our feelings, the energy of those feelings gets stuck in the body, which creates tension. In particular, TMJ tends to crop up when we hold back on acknowledging or expressing anger and frustration. It’s thus no accident that TMJ affects women more than men, for women have been socialized to believe it is bad to get angry and much worse to express it.

TMJ sufferers also tend to have other personality traits that would lead them to deny their anger or avoid expressing their displeasure. For example, they tend to be highly conscientious folks who try very hard to be “good people.” As this is also a characteristic of “spiritual” folks, many people who are actively pursuing personal growth suffer from TMJ or related syndromes at some point.

This arises because we believe that we “should” be above getting angry � that we should be perpetually serene, forgiving and compassionate. Thus when we are taken for granted or mistreated in relationships, we may tell ourselves that we should be fine with doing most of the giving. Whether it’s legitimate or not, whenever something begins to make us angry, we may deny we’re angry or bite our tongues (and thus hurt ourselves) to avoid hurting others.

All of this is happening on a subconscious level, of course, which is why people with TMJ grind their teeth at night instead of during the day. When we’re really struggling with a problem, we may say that we’re “chewing on it.” Well, TMJ is like emotional chewing. When we grind our teeth at night or unconsciously clench our jaws, it’s because we’re subconsciously chewing on something that we don’t want to face on a conscious level.

This is exactly what was going on in my life when TMJ struck for me. I was indeed angry, but whenever something upset me, I would try to ignore it and just focus on the positive. (I truly thought this was going to prove wise, for I know that what we focus upon expands in our lives.) I then developed IBS, and several months later, after I had managed to get that healed, TMJ struck.

The night before my first TMJ episode, I’d had something of a breakdown in which I exploded with anger over the way I felt someone was mistreating my stepdaughter. I was really surprised at myself, but quickly realized why I was so enraged: I had been in my stepdaughter’s shoes myself many times when I was young. In fact, our situations were uncannily similar, so watching my stepdaughter suffer reawakened my own buried anger from the past. I truly believed that I had dealt with all those feelings, healed and moved on, but apparently, I was wrong!

At this time, I had also gotten in the habit of avoiding conflict in general in the name of keeping the peace and being what I thought was a “nice” person. I was thus biting my tongue and holding back my truth several times a day. This is exactly the sort of thing that leads to TMSoul Arcanum

Given all of the above, here are some good questions to ask yourself when TMJ strikes out of the blue:

If I WERE angry about something, what might it be?
What is my relationship to anger in general?
What do I do with my anger?
If I were going to really let someone have it and tell them exactly what I really think, who would it be, and what would I say? 

Anger itself is not a problem: the problem is what we do with our anger. People repress anger for all sorts of reasons. They may consider themselves too nice, evolved or logical to get angry. Some people actually feel they have no right to get angry (or be truly happy for that matter.)

Others are deeply afraid of anger both in others and in themselves. My mother was bi-polar, and when I was a child, she didn’t get angry – she would be calm one moment and violently enraged the next. As a result of many traumatic early experiences, I learned to squelch the embers of conflict and anger as soon as I felt a trace of heat.

Dr. John E. Sarno, author of The Mind-Body Prescription, considers many psychosomatic pain disorders like IBS, TMJ, and chronic neck/shoulder pain to be part of something called Tension Myositis Syndrome. This is basically tension in the body’s muscles, which leads to restricted blood flow and chronic pain. According to Dr. Sarno, simply becoming conscious of the repressed emotions that may be behind your physical pain is the most powerful thing you can do to affect healing. With this in mind, you might seek help from a hypnotherapist or conventional talk therapist.

In addition to becoming conscious of repressed energies and emotions, anything that helps you to release stress and tension can ease your discomfort. Many bodyworkers are familiar with the causes of TMJ and related syndromes, so you might try massage, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture or myofascial therapy. Anything that relaxes you would help, and many people report that they can keep pain and tension at bay through regular meditation and yoga practice.

Finally, you have to love and trust yourself enough to own your true feelings, and find a way to honor them without hurting others OR yourself.

– Soul Arcanum

Energy Work Makes him Dizzy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I attended some energy healing lessons, during which I opened my crown chakra. A couple of months after these lessons, I began to feel dizzy all the time. My teacher had warned me that I might experience some changes in my body, but it was a terrible feeling, and I couldn’t wait to get back to normal. I still feel like something is spinning on top of my head, and sometimes my “head spins” as well. What is happening? What should I do?
– A.

Dear A.:

While I see a connection between your spiritual practices and these sensations, it would of course be wise for you to see a doctor and rule out potential physical problems.

That aside, it sounds to me like you need to get “grounded.” When we engage in spiritual practices like meditation, ritual work, spirit communication, energy healing, etc., we focus our energy and attention beyond the physical plane. This can cause us to sort of disconnect from the physical and our physical bodies. We then might say we are “out of it” or not totally “with it,” because on some level, we understand that we are not completely in our bodies.

Our minds are not located in our brains; they are non-physical, so they transcend space and time. Our minds go where we send them via our attention. If we develop a habit of focusing beyond this plane, our minds can begin to disconnect from the physical. You didn’t mention if you continued to work with this teaching or were engaged in other spiritual practices in the period following these lessons, but in any case, it sounds like this experience sparked a new surge of spiritual awakening.

I recommend you research the term kundalini and the various symptoms that can arise with kundalini awakening. Kundalini is just life force energy, of course, so despite the dire warnings you may read, it is in no way dangerous. It is powerful, however, so it demands a careful, respectful approach.

Kundalini is the force carrying us through the evolutionary journey we call life, and things like meditation and energy healing can clear the way for this evolution. Sometimes, this can be an uncomfortable or awkward process, and we may experience “growing pains” as we struggle for a foothold at a new vibration. It’s like our spirits are leading, but our hearts, minds, and/or bodies are lagging a bit behind.

For example, if someone who is engaged in spiritual practice to raise kundalini has a block in their crown chakra, they might experience something like a headache as a result of working with this energy. By contrast, someone with a very open crown chakra who is trying hard to grow spiritually may channel more energy than he is drawing in. He may feel very dizzy during and after spiritual practice because too much energy is flowing out through the crown chakra. I used to get very dizzy when I would try to meditate after a strenuous workout. While this could have been a blood pressure issue, it felt like I was just too revved up (flowing too much energy) to meditate at that time.

During a period of big spiritual awakening, I would also begin to spontaneously leave my body every time I tried to meditate. When my teacher told me this meant I needed to get more grounded, and that I was “top heavy” in terms of chakra development, I gave up my traditional meditation practice and began to focus on getting physically strong, fit and healthy. In terms of spiritual practice, I began to study and work with earthy paths like Wicca and shamanism. This led to new spiritual growth, better balance, and greater well-being. I was more “grounded” in the physical.

It only makes sense that balance would be a key issue here, since when you are dizzy, you naturally lose your balance. It may prove helpful to ask yourself in what ways you are out of balance in various aspects of your life: your physical health, emotional world, relationships, career, spiritual journey, etc.

Also, when you’re engaged in raising kundalini or awakening spiritually, low blood sugar is a common problem. In fact, people who are going through a kundalini experience often crave things like sugar, dairy and refined carbs because their energy is erratic. When they experience a surge in kundalini, they burn through energy quickly, and their blood sugar drops.

So if you’ve been fasting or eating very lightly and you’re getting dizzy, it would be prudent to make sure you’re eating frequently and eating enough. If you are uncomfortable with the dizziness, you could counter the blood sugar issues with protein in the form of nuts, soy or animal products. If, however, you want to work with this shift, you might honor your cravings. In fact, despite our Western prejudice against these foods, dairy products and sweet carbs are said to promote a high spiritual vibration.

Similarly, if you want to work with this surge in energy, you could try moving with it. By practicing something like yoga, tai chi, or chi gong, you can channel and release the energy. If, however, you just want “your old self back,” you could focus on getting lots of sleep and physical rest.

To get back to “normal,” you might also try just doing normal things and hanging out with normal people. This will bring your vibration back down to a level you’re comfortable with. Spend time with people who are grounded in “ordinary reality,” who have good common sense, and are trustworthy and reliable. Do mundane things like cleaning, exercising, spending time outdoors, etc. Simply get physical: feel your body on your chair, focus on the physical world around you, and stay present to the here and now of your outer experience.

You mentioned a teacher who had told you that you might experience some physical changes. One of the greatest reasons to have a spiritual teacher is so you have someone you can consult when you don’t know what to do. Hopefully, if you contact your teacher about these sensations, he will be able to help you find your way to better balance.

There is a note of worry in your question, and I want to reassure you that your dizzy sensations do not mean that there is something “wrong.” It’s more like when you feel tired, and how that just means that you need to rest: feeling dizzy just means you need to get grounded and balanced. Fortunately, balance is natural: everything in nature eventually returns to balance, including our bodies and the rest of our beings.

– Soul Arcanum

What Blocks a Chakra?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m always reading about how to clear “blocks” in the chakras, but what causes blocks to begin with?
– Andrew:

Dear Andrew:

Thanks for this excellent question!

Basically, blocks in our chakras/auras stem from fear. When we feel afraid, we are resistant to what is happening or what we think might happen in the future. This causes us to try to prevent it from happening, and to do that, we constrict our energy, which prevents it from flowing freely. When we make a habit of this, over time blocks develop.

As for where all this fear comes from in the first place, we must remember that life in the physical is an experience in contrast. In fact, just the drive for physical survival generates all kinds of fear. From the time we are newborn babies, we are constantly struggling to get our needs met, whether those needs are for food, physical comfort, love, etc. When our needs aren’t met, we experience fear and pain, and begin to develop all sorts of beliefs and habits designed to avoid further suffering.

Let’s say that when Alice was very small, her mother left her for some reason. Maybe her mother died, maybe she got sick and had to be hospitalized for a long time, or maybe she just ran off with the mail man. Assuming this was a really traumatic experience for Alice, and she didn’t get the help or support she needed to process this experience and heal from it, she may forevermore carry “abandonment” issues. Where is she “carrying” these issues? Most likely, they can be found right in her aura. In this case, I’d expect to find a “sore spot” or a hole in her rear heart chakra, which indicates pain or trauma in a past relationship.

Someone who carried a block or energy issue from a childhood experience like this might cope by deciding that they don’t really need anyone else anyway, and choose never to become dependent on another person. They may believe that people can’t be trusted, or if they internalized their wound and blamed themselves, keep others at a distance because they believe they are intrinsically unlovable or unworthy of having someone they can really lean on.

Entire books have been written about chakra/energy healing, but with a bit of thought and imagination, you can work out for yourself the infinite number of experiences that could cause someone to constrict their energy flow and develop a habit that leads to blocks or stuck energy in their aura. Further, it’s easy to imagine what may be happening in our auras based on what we’re experiencing. For example, if we feel like we just “can’t think straight,” odds are good that the state of our sixth chakra will reflect our confusion. If we are having trouble swallowing, there may be something in our life experience that we are having a hard time accepting. If we feel powerless or unmotivated, our solar plexus chakra will probably look dull, dim, blocked or unbalanced.

We must also remember that the appearance of the chakras is just one more symptom, not the ultimate problem. If a healer notes a block in a chakra, it doesn’t mean that the chakra is the cause of whatever may ail us, but rather that there is a problem of some nature (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) that needs to be healed and cleared.

Because we naturally repress conscious awareness of our own personal issues, I think it’s helpful to compare the aura of the human body to the energetic life of a relationship. Bring to mind a very close, intense, personal relationship you have with someone like a lover or a best friend. (Using a lover or spouse is ideal, because romantic relationships tend to stir up all sorts of fears, and thus challenge many deep-seated emotional habits and issues.)

If you are at all a reflective person (and if you are reading this, you are!), you can see how when you are open and loving and honest in that relationship, the energy flows freely between you, but whenever you close yourself off, lash out in anger or fear, or lie in order to avoid something, the energy constricts or stops flowing. Then there are walls between you and a sense of emotional distance that is hard to bridge.

The more you make a habit of finding the courage to be open and honest, the closer you two will be. The more you react from fear based on old emotional habits, the more tension and emotional distance there will be in the relationship, and the less healthy and fulfilling it will feel.

In order to clear the blocks to balance and intimacy in the relationship, those issues you are stuck on must be healed, and a new and better approach to them must be adopted. This is done by opening up about how you really feel. This first step toward new awareness and understanding is what you need in order to consciously create positive change.

The healing process is the same with our bodies. Where we have repressed, denied, avoided or resisted anything, we will remain pinched off or in unhealthy relationship to that issue until we bring it up, consciously face it, and choose to adopt a new belief, attitude or approach.

Since it is wise to work with the law of attraction, let’s shift from focusing on what blocks chakras to what creates health, balance, and flow.

As what we don’t want is to be blocked, it’s easy to figure out that what we do want is to be “open.” When we don’t view anything or anyone as being apart from us or against, but rather as a part of us, then we are open. When we really think about the word “open,” for that matter, it’s easy to see that when we are open to something, someone, or some experience, we are not resistant to it. Being figuratively open means our auras are literally open and receptive.

The ultimate in being open is to be at one with everything we encounter. One who is fully open identifies with ALL. She recognizes that she creates her own reality, and the world she observes around her is thus “her” world. This leads to natural acceptance, openness and trust. To keep our chakras (and thus all of our beings) flowing smoothly, we must keep our minds open, our hearts open, our spirits open, and our arms open to life and every being we encounter.

This does not mean we lack discernment or discrimination, try to hug Grizzly bears, or literally say yes to everything or everyone who crosses our path. On a higher spiritual level, however, we are neither saying “yes” or “no” but rather something more like, “This is interesting.”

Being open means that we trust that everything happens for a good reason; we know that every experience comes to bless us in some way, even if it is just to teach us; and we remember that nothing can victimize us or oppress us, because we are constantly creating our personal realities based on what we give our attention to and how we decide to interpret our experiences.

We could also say that one who is fully open lives in the world but not of it. By this, I mean he is aware that there is a greater reality, and he derives his sense of ultimate identity and security from that greater reality. He still engages in life and plays at manifesting his dreams here, but he does so lightly, for he knows that he doesn’t truly need anything beyond that which can never be taken away from him – his own innate divinity.

A simple way to determine how open you are is to examine how you feel. If you’re feeling anything negative like tired, ill, depressed, anxious, stressed, pessimistic, angry, jealous, etc., then you are closing off from something because you fear it and want to resist or avoid it. If you’re feeling energized and healthy, happy, cheerful, alert, hopeful, etc., you’re open, my friend.

– Soul Arcanum

Can Sending Energy Healing Make Things Worse?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was recently in a very good place energetically: I was centered in love and light, and I sent this energy out to a dear ex-girlfriend and my sister. They came into my consciousness at the time, and I wanted to share this light with them. I envisioned them safe within a protective sheath of white light. It felt like the right thing to do. Shortly afterwards, my ex pulled a muscle in her back and had to take two painful weeks off from work, and my sister fell off her horse and broke her collarbone and eight ribs, forcing her to take an extended leave from work. It should be noted that both are workaholics and spend a lot of time giving to others. Were these blessings in disguise, since they both needed the rest that they were not giving themselves, or was it “wrong” of me to send them light and well wishes? Is it possible for energy healing to make things worse?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

When approached with the right spirit, energy healing should never make things worse for anyone involved, and I feel that your approach here was perfect. We might call what you did simply “praying” for these women, or sending them love. Since you were centered in a very high vibration and were wise enough to simply visualize them in a state of well-being, I don’t see how you could have gone wrong.

You did not spend a lot of time worrying about them and whatever problems you believe they have, and you did not take on the role of fixer and try to mentally push them into taking actions you believe they should take, or becoming more as you believe they should be. These approaches tend to cause problems, where your approach should only have beneficial effects.

Here’s what I think happened in this situation:

You were in a very high vibration when you had the impulse to send these women loving energy. Your high vibration created heightened awareness, which allowed you to sense what was happening with them at a metaphysical level. As our experiences begin at a spiritual level and filter down into the physical dimension, the crises these women experienced shortly after you sent them energy were already brewing. Thus you didn’t cause these events to happen – you anticipated them.

This is a very common thing to experience when your vibration is soaring. It’s why psychics alter their state of consciousness in order to predict the future: from that “high” perspective, we become aware of so much that can’t be seen from the “ground level” of ordinary consciousness.

As with so many spiritual matters, we must be open to paradox, so instead of an either/or answer, more than one possibility may be true. Most likely, you both anticipated these problems, AND influenced the circumstances surrounding them via your energetic attention.

Being in a high vibration will empower us to achieve all sorts of spiritual aims, from predicting the future to helping others heal. So it’s possible that in addition to anticipating what was going to happen, you affected these women with your healing energy. Though on the surface these calamities may seem negative, it’s easy to see (especially in this particular situation) how these injuries may affect greater healing in the long run.

This is how the healing process works. When we get stuck in a pattern that isn’t really working for us and we fail to recognize that and change that pattern, we’ll eventually manifest experiences that shake up those unhealthy habits and routines. The more conscious we are of what is happening on all levels of our being, the gentler our healing journey tends to be. When we resist facing our issues and changing, however, it often takes some sort of crisis to wake us up.

Energy healing is one way to be proactive about this process, in that it gets blocks and stagnant energies moving. By sending these women healing energy, you could have awakened some dormant issues that were ripe for release. The important thing to note is that these issues would need to be balanced eventually, and in the mean time, without attention they would tend to get worse.

Further, it can come as quite a shock to people that the healing process itself can be painful, and that issues often seem to worsen before they get better. It’s sort of like cleaning out a very messy closet, and just as we tend to put off overwhelming chores, most of us will avoid facing and healing our messy inner issues until the situation is desperate.

Things can look okay on the surface, but every time we open that closet door, we may get hit with something falling off the shelf. Eventually, we have to drag everything out of that closet, which will make it look like an even bigger disaster than we had before. As we sort things out, get rid of what we don’t want, and put everything we do want in better order, things will begin to improve. Eventually, we’ll have a closet situation that feels good and works for us.

We can see this on a physical level with the symptoms people feel when they’re “detoxing.” As the body releases the toxins that have been quietly lurking in the background and perhaps creating a mild sense of malaise, suddenly all sorts of uncomfortable and even painful symptoms can arise. Once these have been processed and released, however, they feel better than before.

The most important thing to consider when sending energy healing is the quality of your own intentions and energy. So long as you are coming from love and faith (which means you are free of fear that something bad might happen, and fully expect positive results), then all should be fine. Your loving energy may or may not seem to have an effect on the recipient, but I can assure you that at least at some level, it will bless them and help them in some way. Further, by sending others love, you will bless yourself in more ways than you could ever know.

We do need to respect where other people are with their issues, of course, and trust that everyone is manifesting just what they need in order to learn whatever they need to learn. We should never presume that we know what is best for them or try to change their circumstances based on our own beliefs. Sending them love, however, is completely innocuous; it’s the safest, wisest, kindest thing you could do, and as spiritual practices go, nothing could be simpler.

There are all sorts of complicated methods and teachings about energy healing out there, and for the most part, they are making this endeavor far more complicated than it has to be. This is a simple, innate, intuitive act; there are no hard and fast rules about the “right way” to go about it. Just get into that groovy vibration, visualize perfection flowing throughout every corner of the universe, and hold the people you care about in your heart with loving kindness. Smile upon them with your spirit and wish them well. It’s that simple.

As for your own role here, I would add this experience to my mental file of evidence that all this far out spiritual stuff is actually REAL. Synchronicity is the calling card of Spirit. These women may not have known you were sending them energy or even been conscious of their issues and their need for healing. You, however, have been touched by what happened. The fact that you became aware of these “accidents” and recognized the synchronicity at play suggests that Spirit is trying to reassure you that your energy healing experiences are real.

Since both these women were workaholics, and they both wound up having to take time off work, I think your story is a wonderful example of how we can all trust the natural healing process to lead us back into balance one way or another.

– Soul Arcanum

The Opposite of Grief: Reuniting with Someone from a Past Life


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My husband of six years passed away two years ago after a long battle with cancer. I have been blessed with sensing his presence at times, and with truly believing he is free from suffering and I will see him again someday. Nevertheless, I can’t seem to move on. Maybe I’m just not sure where to go from here. I’m in my mid-thirties, we had no children together, and I have a satisfying career. Despite all the good things in my life, it feels like I’ve already had the best love had to offer me. I would appreciate any advice you could give me.
– Brenda

Dear Brenda:

I’d like to share a personal experience with you.

When I was a young woman, my first love died very suddenly. There are many amazing spiritual stories surrounding that event, but there is one in particular that is relevant here.

A few days after Todd died, I awoke in the middle of the night in a panic. I was burning up with heat and gasping for breath, and as I opened my eyes, I could see the room was filled with smoke. Assuming the house was on fire, and I catapulted out of bed and flew across the hall, where I pounded on my parents’ door yelling, “Fire! Fire!”

My father was at the door in a flash with a fire extinguisher in his hand, shouting, “Where? Where?” As I turned and looked back into my room, the smoke was gone. There was nothing there. Speechless, I mumbled something like, “It was there, I swear…”

For three nights in a row I was awakened the same way. The second night I actually repeated my frantic scramble for help. (My father did NOT make it to the door nearly as quickly that time). The third night I forced myself to sit still in bed, and as I did so, the smoke dissipated before my eyes.

Many years later, I am now married to the love of my life. I don’t have room here to go into all the incredible details of how we found each other, but it was definitely preordained. The important thing to note is that I have found even greater love than I lost long ago – and with a firefighter. It took me nearly 20 years to figure out those “fire” experiences in the night, but I now believe that Todd was trying to give me a sign that I would find true love again, and how it would come to me.

When our grief over someone’s passing has subsided but we still feel empty, I believe we are wise to focus on just what Todd was trying to shift my attention to: all the people we have yet to meet whom we already love so well. We must remember that just as death is inevitable, life is ever leading us back to people we have loved in other lives. The cure for your emptiness is deciding to reconnect with these kindred spirits.

Also, while I believe that grief is totally natural, I think we have developed some unhealthy ways of dealing with it. Some people, for example, assume that the devastation they feel when someone dies must indicate that death is indeed a horrible and final end.

As I see it, grief is a natural response to the end of anything we have loved well. It’s normal to be sad when we are leaving some person, place or era that has held a lot of happiness for us. Ironically, it’s my understanding that many souls feel some grief about leaving the spirit world to incarnate here on Earth, which makes our grief over doing the reverse seem a bit overblown. It’s focusing on the past that causes us pain; at some point, it only makes sense to shift our attention to all the possibilities on the horizon.

Every time someone we love departs our experience, it creates room in our lives for someone else who is just as special. Too often people feel that they are somehow betraying a departed loved one by loving someone else. I say that by holding themselves back from new love, they may betray someone they have loved just as deeply in another life, whom they have yet to meet again in this one. Just think: what if you had met someone else prior to meeting your husband, and when that person died, you closed yourself off from new love?

Romance aside, there are many people you have loved in other lives who are waiting to love you again, and I think you owe it to all of those loved ones to stay open to creating new happiness with them. For example, I have done readings for parents who had lost a child, and to whom that same soul had already returned in the form a new baby. It often takes such parents years to recognize the departed child in the younger sibling. Eventually when the child begins to talk, however, they will do things or say things evidential of their true identity. Some children will even refer to the “last time” they were here, before they died in some manner, when they were so and so, etc. Then those parents realize that they have spent years grieving for a child who was sitting right beside them!

I have similarly read for number of widows and widowers who say that they will never fall in love again, and been shown an even greater love for them in the future. This is always a love that already exists, and usually it is with someone they have loved even more deeply and truly than the person they say they will never get over. I think it’s exciting to know that for each one of us, there are many people out there whom we have been missing on an unconscious level and have yet to meet up with again in this lifetime.

While big reunions between souls are often destined to happen at certain junctures, there are some things you can do to reconnect with as many people you’ve loved in other lives as possible. Here are a few:

  • Act on your impulses to go certain places and speak to certain people.
  • Stay open to meeting new people and letting them get close to you.
  • Call or contact people who frequently come to mind, for often these are relationships you are being guided to pursue.
  • Accept invitations from strangers you feel drawn to.
  • Honor your hunches and feelings about seemingly unrelated matters, such as which job you will take and where you will live. Often we are led to meet important people through such decisions.

Here are a few signs that you’re in the presence of someone you have loved before:

  • You have a very strange feeling, or it seems like time stands still when you first meet them.
  • They seem vaguely familiar or you feel unusually drawn to them.
  • The way you meet is surrounded by lots of synchronicity, like you were guided or destined to find each other.
  • You can see certain turning points or incidents in the past that are strongly connected to this meeting or to this person. For example, my ex-husband said that for his entire life, he’d had a picture in his mind of his “ideal girl.” He thought this was just a fantasy until he met me and discovered that the girl with that face actually existed.
  • Other people in your life are strongly connected to someone you feel an instant sense of kinship with. For example, if you have a strong feeling of familiarity upon meeting your brother’s fiance, it could mean that you’re GOING to know her in the future, but it could also mean you’ve known and loved her in another life. Since we reincarnate in soul groups, it’s common for there to be strong connections between your loved ones.
  • This relationship seems to have a life of its own – it just happens.

As I see it, my friend, the future is rich with exciting opportunities to love again. Please do remember that the karmic bond you feel to people from past lives is no more special just because it began in another time and place. As a very wise song goes, if you can’t be with the one you love, then love the one you’re with. You could create the most magnificent relationship EVER with someone you meet for the first time today.

– Soul Arcanum

Making Peace with Abortion

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I had an abortion when I was about eight weeks pregnant. (I felt very drawn to the father, but we were only together for a short time.) Now I feel like I sent the most miraculous thing out of my life. I have had moments of despondency and depression over this. I still seem to have some kind of emotional disconnect about the whole thing, as if I was never really pregnant at all. I’m not against abortion totally, but I can’t help feeling I made the Biggest Mistake of my Life. I’m so disappointed in myself. This would have been my first child. Does this fact alone give me horrible karma for my future? I feel like God gave me a great responsibility and a wonderful chance by allowing this to happen, but I totally dropped the ball. How do I begin to deal with this?
– Elena

Dear Elena:

Instinctively we all know that life is a sacred gift, and that perhaps the worst thing we can do is take another’s life. I want to assure you, however, that from the perspective of Spirit, your decision is not unforgivable. As I see it, there are two key issues that are often overlooked or misunderstood when it comes to the subject of abortion, and exploring them will hopefully lead you to peace and healing.

The first issue is the obvious fact that it is reprehensible to bring a child into this world when you know you are unwilling or unable to care for that child in a responsible, loving way, or to ensure that someone else does. I once dated a man whose job was to investigate child abuse cases and remove children from abusive or neglectful homes. Though I truly believe that each one of us incarnates with certain spiritual lessons to learn, it still broke my heart to be so frequently reminded that there are many vulnerable little people in the world who are suffering from the resentment or neglect of parents who are incapable of meeting their children’s physical and emotional needs.

Second, if we accept the reality of reincarnation, we naturally view matters of “life and death” in a whole new light. This perspective is foreign to most Christians and Westerners, however, so even if one is open to the idea, our culturally driven assumptions about life and death tend to color our feelings about subjects like abortion.

If we remember that we get many opportunities to incarnate, and that any soul who “loses” such an opportunity at one point can always inhabit a different body at a later date, all sorts of controversial subjects such as abortion and euthanasia take on new dimensions.

Via my own personal experiences, my spirit communication work and my extensive spiritual studies, I have learned that whether we miscarry or choose to abort a child, it is pretty much the same to the spirit incarnating: it will simply move on and incarnate in some other form later.

As for the controversy over when life “officially” begins, we can learn a great deal from spiritual sources. For example, during my second pregnancy I was psychically awake and aware that my daughter was not in my womb – she was “outside” of me (and communicating with me telepathically), and didn’t enter her body until quickening. In fact, she began to communicate with me in the form of a disembodied spirit before she was even conceived – she was the one who informed me that it was high time I had another baby.

All the spiritual research I’ve read echoes my own experiences. For example, people who have had near death experiences generally report that the soul may enter the fetus at any time between the second trimester and the hours just following birth. Sometimes near death experiences are brought on by abortion, and in these accounts, the women report no sense of condemnation for their decision to abort; instead, they find compassion and understanding for them in Spirit.

The great mystic Edgar Cayce also believed that the soul does not enter the fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy, but may “move in” any time between the end of that period and the hours following birth. Souls may “hang around” a potential mother for some time, trying to decide if they will go through with this particular incarnation, or “getting used to the idea” while bonding with the family. This was also similar to my experience, for even after quickening when I sometimes felt my daughter was in her body in my womb, I often experienced her outside of it again, as though she could come and go as desired.

In Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, hypnotherapist Michael Newton, Ph.D., explores what he learned about the nature of life and death when he regressed dozens of patients to the period between their incarnations in the physical. As he explains in Destiny of Souls, he has never seen a single case in which the soul joined the fetus in the first trimester. Here’s what his research revealed about unborn babies:

“There is a universal consciousness of love surrounding all unborn babies. The creative force of existence is never separated from any form of living energy. A fetus can be alive as an individual entity without yet having an immortal soul identity. If a mother aborts her child in the first trimester, there are loving spiritual forces hovering nearby to comfort this mother and watch over the child…Souls know in advance the probabilities of the baby going to term…When a mother loses her child for whatever reason, I have found the odds are quite high that the soul of this baby will return again to the same mother with her next child. If this mother does not bear another child, the soul may return to another close member of the family because that was the original intent…”

This idea is echoed in the work of Carol Bowman, author of Children’s Past Lives and Return from Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated within your Family. For more information on Carol’s fascinating work, please visit her website,

So my friend, odds are good that if a soul had already chosen you to be its mother when you aborted, that same soul will return to you when you are truly ready to become a parent. I have personally performed a number of readings in which this was the case.

None of this is meant to suggest that we should be casual about abortion. Certainly it ridiculous to use abortion as a form of birth control. In my view, however, the true problem is our culture’s casual attitude toward sex. As I often tell my children, it is foolish to have sex with someone you would never want to have a child with. The spiritual lesson in the abortion experience is often one related to adopting a more conscious, sacred approach to sex.

As with all big spiritual decisions, our intentions are paramount. When I ask Spirit how to determine the “right” way to deal with an unwanted pregnancy, I hear that each woman must balance love for herself, respect for life and her Creator, and care for the unborn child. This is not the sort of decision that can be made for her by strangers; it is as personal a decision as the spiritual path she chooses to follow and her relationship with the Divine. She must therefore defer to the ultimate authority on such matters: the voice of God that whispers to her in her own heart.

I pray that you will see that in beating yourself up so, you are doing more harm to your own spirit than you did to any other spirit involved in this experience. You too are a child of God, my friend. The only being in the Universe who hasn’t already forgiven you is YOU.

– Soul Arcanum