Category: Divine Guidance

Discerning Between Spirit Messages and One’s Own Ideas

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I studied to become a medium, became a medium, and went on to become a Reiki Master. I have been doing this for almost three years now. I love to heal for others, and am very comfortable with that work. What I am not quite sure about is how I receive information when doing a reading for someone. While I used to get lots of images, which I could translate easily enough, my reading work has now become more like a “mental conversation” I’m having – with myself. (?) I often wonder if receiving information has just become easier for me, or if I’m “flavoring” what I receive with my own conscious thoughts. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Dear Paul:

Thanks for a great question! I have met a number of mediums who were powerful channels in their early years, but who have so much spiritual counseling experience behind them that they often blur the line between channeling Spirit and offering their own advice without realizing it, so you’re wise to remain conscious of your process. I feel, however, that you’re naturally evolving into a more natural/subtle connection with Spirit.

As tuning in has become easier for you, the process has come to require less conscious effort on your part. It’s akin to learning to drive. When we’re very new drivers, we have to consciously think hard about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. As we become more and more adept at driving, we still go through the same processes, but they become unconscious. We no longer have to think hard about every step in order to successfully navigate where we desire to go. If the quality of your work remains unchanged and you’re able to access all the information you want and need to for your clients, then don’t worry about it.

I’m betting, however, that in addition to becoming less conscious of your process, you’ve begun to pull through deeper guidance. It is relatively easy to tap into dramatic psychic information such as warnings of danger; in fact, most people have such intuitive experiences. As we develop psychically, we learn how to glean information about the past, present and future as relates to worldly concerns about relationships, financial matters, health problems, etc. Further spiritual development will allow us to access even higher guidance regarding matters of personal and spiritual growth. This “higher” information does not come through symbolically like the “lower” information does; it must flow in a stream of consciousness way.

For example, if a client is in line to receive a desired job, we may tune in and be visually shown a green light. Symbols like this can’t capture deeper messages, such as, “You are already receiving many signs from Spirit in answer to your requests, but you are not trusting them. Every time you ask for and receive a sign, you light up, but then begin to feel unworthy of such ‘special treatment’ from Spirit, and disregard the experience as a fluke.” That sort of message must be received in the form of a “mental conversation” of sorts, just as you describe.

While this sort of guidance may be more complex, it’s also subtler. The symbolic information you used to receive had to be deciphered, so it didn’t feel like it was coming from within you. Similarly, loved ones in Spirit come through with distinct personalities and personal messages, and they may also offer verifiable memories and details about their lives on earth to prove their presence, which we certainly can’t fabricate. Profound spiritual guidance, however, comes through in a form very much like our own thoughts, and often without the distinctive mark of a personality, because it comes through our higher selves or spirit guides. As spirit guides have been “talking to us” from inside our heads all our lives, many of us confuse their guidance to our own intuition.

Some people seem to seek and meet distinct guides like a Native American Indian Chief or some other character, but my guides have never personified themselves in this way. Perhaps if I wanted and needed them to, they would. As I believe that the non-physical is a place of direct energetic perception where names and faces are superfluous, I’m quite comfortable with my “anonymous” guides. I identify them by the way they feel, and my sense is that there is a group who is answering me at once.

So how do we know if we are having conversations with ourselves, with our higher selves or with “Spirit?” If the guidance we deliver is wiser and deeper than what we can offer when we’re not tuned in, then we’re obviously bringing through something higher than our own personal opinions. Regardless of where it comes from, however, the important thing is how helpful and useful our guidance proves to be.

To determine the best process for you, everything depends on your aim: Do you want to offer practical guidance on worldly concerns; do you want to bring through evidential messages from loved ones in Spirit; or do you want to help your clients work through the inner issues at the heart of their spiritual growth? If you’re like me, you want to be able to do it all, but if you’re not, that’s fine. Only you can determine the best use of your abilities.

It’s also natural and perfectly acceptable for your aim as a medium to change over time. As mediums evolve and come to know that death is not an end, and that the details we tend to stress about will not really matter in the ultimate scheme of things, they tend to lose touch with the emotional suffering that leads people to seek their help. They may then start to offer what they personally value, instead of what their clients may be after. While looking for the bigger, deeper picture is always wise, we still live here on this glorious earth, where we sometimes need answers to questions that can’t be ignored or denied. When my client is being hounded by bill collectors, her spouse has run off with her best friend, and her teenage son has started a secret gardening project in his closet ;), she needs more than assurance that there are great spiritual lessons in this experience for her; she needs to know what she can do to get from where she is in her “real life” to where she wants to be. I think it would be insensitive of me to offer nothing more than spiritual platitudes and assurance that somehow, everything will be okay.

Mediums must also appreciate the needs of the grieving. Unfortunately, the more experience we have with spirit communication, the less we tend to need and value verifiable messages from beyond. After the excitement wears off, many experienced mediums move on from evidential spirit communication because they forget that other people are still yearning for proof that their loved ones continue to exist and are doing just fine. This is of course perfectly fine, however, for the medium must also allow himself to evolve and grow and explore whatever is calling him as he moves forward on his path.

In summary, I suggest you evaluate your reading work for its practical value, healing power and accuracy. Ponder the range and limits of your abilities, and if they support your conscious aim. If you’re already delivering all the helpful, accurate information you desire to, then don’t worry about your source. If you’ve lost something over the years, however, and can no longer access the powerful details you were once privy to, then I encourage you to go back, retrieve the processes that worked for you before, and add them back into your repertoire. If that doesn’t feel right to you (and my sense is that it may not), then I encourage you to allow yourself to redefine the nature of your work and to flow in a new direction with it.

May your wonderful self-awareness lead you to greater power and success in all you do!

– Soul Arcanum

How to Get Signs from Spirit

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

You sometimes write about getting signs from Spirit. For example, you wrote a few weeks ago about three crows that showed up outside your window, and how they brought you a meaningful message. How can I get signs from Spirit like this?
– Becky

Dear Becky:

You don’t have to be officially “psychic” or undertake any elaborate training to start receiving signs – you just need to ask for and then look for them. In fact, Spirit is sending every one of us signs all the time. Every time we ask a question in our hearts, Spirit answers. It may seem like an impossible amount of work for Spirit to handle, but I believe it’s a natural or automatic process. If we drop a rubber ball, Spirit does not have to “work” to make it bounce, and I believe that asking for and receiving signs is natural like this. Unfortunately, not many people actually expect personal answers from Spirit, much less know where and how to look for them.

Sometimes we sense that something is a sign, but we’re not sure. We generally label these experiences “coincidences.” At one end of the spectrum, some people believe there is no higher meaning behind “coincidences,” while folks at the other end believe there is no such thing as a true coincidence at all, because every experience we have carries some purpose or meaning. I believe that not everything in life is purposeful, but the more we cultivate a conscious approach to creating what we desire, the more purpose and meaning we’ll weave into our experiences.

To sort random “coincidences” from meaningful synchronicities, we must employ both logic and intuition. Sometimes, a very striking combination of details can be random, and at other times, seemingly mundane experiences can be ripe with deeper meaning. The only way to really “know” is by checking how the experience feels deep within us.

For example, a book we’ll call “The Best Spiritual Book Ever” may come up in conversation. Three days later, I may be browsing in a metaphysical bookstore, carefully scanning the titles on the shelf, and see that same book there. Is this coincidence, or a sign? If I feel pretty indifferent about it, it’s probably just coincidence. If, however, my eyes lock onto that title and something in my gut sort of revs up, then I’m supposed to pay attention, for it’s probably a book I’m meant to read.

Learning how to accurately determine signs and their meanings takes some practice. Fortunately, the more we work with this, the clearer and easier it gets. This is not only because we become more adept at reading our intuition, but also because the more we ask for signs and then honor the signs we receive, the more signs come to us! It’s like exercising a muscle; as we practice, our skill and our conscious connection to Spirit grows stronger.

Looking for signs in nature is a practice as old as humankind. Native peoples around the world have long believed that animals, for example, often bear spiritual messages. You mentioned the “crow story,” and this is a classic example. For those of you who missed it, this is what happened: I was working at my desk when I heard some loud cawing, which drew my attention to the window. There, I saw three crows squabbling in the street. I then felt something grip me, so I got up and went to the window. The three crows then promptly flew into my own yard and landed right in front of me. There, they proceeded to act out a conflict: one crow was cawing very loudly as it chased another around, trying to get whatever was in this other one’s mouth. The third crow just followed the other two rather nervously, as though it was fretting about an escalation of the conflict. I was mesmerized. Finally, the first crow gave up whatever was in its mouth to the one harassing it, and then the three birds promptly flew off.

A few hours later, I was involved in a conflict where someone wanted something that my husband had, and he was not about to just give it up. I remained in the background, fretting about the situation and trying to “tune in” and determine what to do. Remembering the crows, I asked my husband if it was really worth the hassle, and he decided it wasn’t and gave in, which promptly ended the squabble.

Sometimes, signs just come to us like this out of the blue. At other times, however, they are a response to our conscious request for them. If something is weighing heavily on your mind, you might ask Spirit for clarity and insight, and then just go for a walk. One of my favorite spiritual teachers (Sig Lonegren) taught me this method of looking for “day signs.” It involves just walking through nature and noticing whatever grabs your attention. If a hawk lands on a branch ahead of you, for example, you can either interpret this in light of your personal associations with hawks, or you can look up possible meanings on the internet or in a book. One such internet resource can be found at, but there are many more out there. Ted Andrews has written a couple of very useful books: Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small and Animal-Wise: The Spirit Language and Signs of Nature, both of which are available at

Please note that day signs do not have to come through animals or nature. If you’re trying to decide if you should end a relationship, and you find yourself at a “dead end” on your trail, this could be your answer. Or you might be driving and thinking about the situation when a song comes on the radio about moving on with your life.

If you’re looking for confirmation or validation, you can also determine what you want the sign to be, and then watch for that. Many people, for example, ask for a loved one who has passed into Spirit to give them a sign that they are okay via a butterfly or a certain bird. You can ask for your sign to take any form you desire: rainbows, butterflies, cupcakes, tennis balls, guys named George: the possibilities are endless. It’s an amazing experience to select a very unusual sign and then have it show up like crazy in your life!

Here are some of the many forms signs from Spirit can take:

  • Real “signs” such as billboards, road signs, advertisements, etc.
  • Songs that come on the radio at meaningful moments, or songs that you can’t get out of your mind
  • The words of others, both in conversations overheard, and words spoken directly to you
  • Written words, either those that seem to leap out at you in books, magazines, etc., or those you find by opening books like the Bible at random (A great book for this is The Book of Secrets by Osho, but any spiritual teaching should work)
  •  Information, words or ideas that leap out at you from television shows or movies
  •  Unexplainable or unlikely developments, such as your car not starting or losing your keys when you’re about to take some unwise action, or your internet connection going down when you’re about to send a potentially regrettable email
  • Unlikely patterns that catch your attention, such as hearing of five different people in one week who are trying a certain diet, or who have decided to go into business for themselves, etc., especially if this pattern relates to a decision you’re weighing yourself.

There are actually endless ways we can request and receive signs from Spirit. So often when we’re lost and confused, we forget to simply ask Spirit for answers. We don’t have to wait until we’re desperate; we can ask at any time. Begin today to “dialogue” with Spirit in this way, and not only will you receive helpful guidance for improving your life, but your everyday reality will begin to grow more magical and more meaningful in delightful and inspiring ways.

– Soul Arcanum