Category: Divine Guidance

Can We Try TOO Hard to Communicate with Spirit Guides?

on communicating with Spirit and/or spirit guides
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

In your experience, do you think that in trying to consciously connect with Spirit or our Spirit Guides, one can try TOO hard and miss the mark totally? I ask this because I make what I feel are real attempts to open myself up to Spirit, and don’t feel that I ever really do. Thank you for your insights!

Dear Desma:

Absolutely! We (including YOU) are actually in communication with Spirit all the time, but few of us are consciously aware of it. When we act on “impulses,” where do those impulses come from? When we have a “bad feeling” or a “hunch” about something or someone, where does that come from? Sometimes it is from our own intuition and inner knowing, but often it is from a source beyond ourselves.

If we “try too hard,” not only do we block ourselves from receiving what we desire, but we lock ourselves into our conscious, logical minds, which deafens us to our intuitive faculties. Psychic perception is about receiving, not about attaining. A radio does not have to try hard to receive a signal; it just needs to be turned on and tuned in.

If you think about it, you’ll realize that every psychic exercise begins with the same step: relaxation. This is because in order to perceive anything psychically, we have to alter our state of consciousness so that we’re in a day-dreamy “alpha state.” While this may not be wise if we’re driving a car or chopping vegetables, it’s ideal if we’re seeking communication with non-physical entities.

Further, when we “try too hard,” it’s like we’re at war with our goal. Instead of trying to conquer this challenge, we are wise to make love to it, play with it, experiment! If you’re hard on yourself, you’ll only lower your vibration, which will effectively prevent you from reaching that higher state wherein spirit communication is possible. Try to embrace a sense of anticipation, joy and gratitude about all the magic in the universe, the amazing things humans are capable of, how wonderful beings like guides and angels are weaving in and out of our experience every day. Try to get out of your head and open your heart and soul to Spirit. You can not logically find your way to what you desire here; you must let your heart lead you. While your head plays a key role in interpreting what you receive and in discerning fact from fantasy, you have to be willing to take an initial leap of faith and BELIEVE in order to receive the kind of proof logic demands.

Connecting with Spirit is a psychic ability, and psychic perception is not a science: it’s an art form. Like any creative process, you have to be willing to “mess up” – to be experimental in your approach.

Be light about it. You might begin by manifesting signs from Spirit that you’re on the right track, or that you’re capable of doing what you desire. Decide what your sign will be, ask with all your heart for Spirit to send you validation, and then begin to look for that sign wherever you go. Let’s say you decide you want your sign to be a “thumbs up.” As you’re flipping through the television channels, your attention may be caught by a basketball player giving a “thumbs up” to someone in the stands, or while driving you may see a “thumbs up” on a billboard, or a coworker may walk by and just give you a “thumbs up” to communicate that you’re doing a good job. These are proof that you are already dialoguing with the Universe. When you determine the form of the sign/communication, it’s much easier to spot. The more you acknowledge such experiences as meaningful, the more Spirit will say, “Hey, we’ve got her attention, send more, send more!”

I believe that many “coincidences” are not necessarily meaningful in and of themselves; they’re simply little wake-up calls to pay attention. For example, the other night when I left karate class with my husband, this total stranger struck up a conversation with us, and ended up massaging my neck and shoulders right there on the sidewalk. (He was showing my husband some great techniques). We walked on and several blocks and turns later, my husband introduced me to an old friend who was standing outside her store. In the five minutes we spoke to her, she mentioned that she used to be a massage therapist, but that now, “there is a guy doing massage on every street corner.” Zing!

The next day I was again at karate, talking with a friend about the power blackout last summer, and I thought to myself, “I’d better stop talking about this, or else the power will go out again.” An hour later my husband stopped by as I was leaving class to let me know that our power was out. The rest of the city was fine, mind you; only our neighborhood was out. Now, I don’t think I “caused” the power to go out. I think that I was nudged to think about the power outage before it happened. I realized then that I had been running my usual hectic pace through life on auto-pilot, and that Spirit had been trying to get me to stop and pay attention.

In addition to seeking signs like this, you might try just “making stuff up.” If you COULD connect with a spirit guide, what might he/she be like? Draw a picture or write a description and conversation with this spirit guide. It’s all based on what he/she MIGHT be like “IF” you could communicate with him/her. Honor whatever comes to you as VALID FOR YOU, even if you think you’re making it all up. (Even if you ARE making it up, it’s coming from SOMEWHERE. Just like dreams, it’s all meaningful and valid for you personally.)

The more you communicate with these deeper/other parts of yourself, the more your awareness will expand.There is a whole lot of clutter in our subconscious, waiting for our conscious awareness. This is why meditation is so powerful. It’s something you begin to do like cleaning your house: when your mind is all cluttered and crammed with stuff, it’s time to clear it out so you can see everything in your inner environment clearly again.

Begin to honor your hunches, impulses and intuitions. If someone pops into your mind, give that person a call or look around for them. I will know I’m going to see someone in an unlikely place because as I’m going along, that person will just pop into my mind. You often hear people say, “Oh my gosh, I was just thinking about you!” Begin to pay attention to your state of mind when things like this happen. I’m sure you’ll notice that you aren’t “trying hard,” but rather, are just going along in your life, probably doing something that allows your mind to “wander.” This is the state of mind you need to recreate to purposefully connect.

When you do try to consciously connect with Spirit, set your intention with your heart, not your mind. You can’t force your mind to do it, but you can wish with all your heart and succeed. Feel the desire to communicate with spirit burning in your heart, and allow the calm certainty of your faith to keep it in balance. You can RELAX while wanting if you believe you’re going to get what you want. That is the perfect state of mind and heart for receiving Divine guidance.

Above all, remember that if you don’t feel good about yourself, you’re going to lower your vibration right out of the psychic range. Frustration will only block you. The more gratitude and love you’re flowing, the higher your vibration, and the easier it will be to connect. Raise your vibration via meditation, prayer, a healthy diet, exercise, positive thinking, affirmations, etc., and it will be much easier for you to connect with Spirit.

– Soul Arcanum

Seeing 11:11 Everywhere: What Does It Mean?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have seen the number sequence 11:11 over and over many times on clocks, and then a couple of years ago, I started seeing it other places, and it really struck me. I searched the internet and found that many other people have had this same experience of seeing 11:11 all the time. That day opened up a new world for me, and I started to question many things. Before this, I lived my life without thinking much about anything beyond the mundane. Then I found a website that explained that seeing 11:11 was a prompt from angels, and a sign they are trying to communicate with us. I’m still struggling to understand this. Then another door opened: a lightworker gave me a healing, and told me I had an aura unlike any she’d seen before, and then a psychic told me that I am an incarnated angel. I’m very analytical, and I’m finding all of this hard to swallow. I have no special gifts, but I’m starting to wonder. I feel this need to do something, but I don’t know what it is, and I’m getting impatient. What do you make of all this?
– Angela

Dear Angela:

It was with a smile that I noted your name is Angela!

First, I think it’s important to remember that our interpretation of any situation or experience will be colored by our belief system. Since you didn’t have any relevant spiritual beliefs about this 11:11 experience when it began, you didn’t know what to make of it.

The psychic who told you that you are an angel incarnate was putting her own labels and understanding on what this might mean. A different person might have told you something totally different. For example, a “lightworker” might have told you that this is a sign that you are here on a certain spiritual mission. As there are a lot of different ways to interpret and express the same underlying truth, I think we should back up and explore the general meaning of this experience. The specific path you choose to follow in light of that general meaning will be up to you, and it will prove as individual as you are.

I do want to commend you for questioning all of this. I’m sure a lot of people would like to think they’re angels incarnate. (For the record, I’m quite sure I’m NOT, and my husband will back me up on that.) For those readers who are now wondering, “Hmmm…I wonder if I’m an angel incarnate too?” I’d like to offer this perspective: despite the sweetness and goodness we associate with angels, it might not be a good thing to be an angel incarnate, if that is even possible. According to spiritual lore, humans and angels are essentially different in that humans are made in God’s image and have free will, while angels do not. So in this sense, we might say that humans are more “God-like” than angels. In this hierarchy, God is like the parents, humans are like the children, and angels are like the nannies hired to follow the parents’ orders and watch over the kids. If this lore is true, then given a choice, I think I’d rather be human than an angel.

Now is it possible that you could be an angel incarnate? Some people say that angels never incarnate as humans; others say there are angels in disguise around us all the time; still others say that angels can take human form, but only temporarily – like a man who shows up and saves you when you’re in trouble, then disappears on the spot. I personally wouldn’t presume to don’t know which is true. When I meditate on this and ask about it all, all I get back is an enigmatic, All things are possible. Put angels aside: the real question is what this course of experience is trying to tell her.

That matter is far easier to address. As you no doubt know by now, you are definitely not alone in seeing 11:11 everywhere, or for that matter, a number of other repeating number sequences. A simple internet search will yield thousands of websites wherein this phenomenon is discussed. As far out as this all sounds, I experienced it myself years ago, so I know it really happens.

Most people begin by seeing 11:11 or other striking number sequences (such as 22:22, 12:34, etc.) on digital clocks. Every time they look at a clock, it just happens to have such a number on it. If they pay attention, they start to realize that they have an impulse to look at the clock when such a number is displayed, and that this impulse/experience has a certain feeling to it – it feels like someone is trying to tell them something.

If they don’t figure out what this means at this point, they usually experience an acceleration of this phenomenon. They start seeing number sequences everywhere: on receipts, license plates, VCR’s, microwaves, addresses, etc. They may begin to wake up at night and look at the clock at the exact moment it will display this sequence. Some have even had the power go out, and instead of the clocks in the house all blinking 12:00, they all blink 11:11, or whatever sequence has been following them around.

So what is this all about?

Some say that these are signs from our angels that they are with us, that we are on the right track, or that something is about to happen. Still others say that when we have this experience, our DNA is being activated on some level – whatever that means. It all comes down to the same thing: this experience is what it feels like it is – a call to pay attention to what may be happening beneath the surface of reality – on what we might call a “spiritual” level.

Generally speaking, this phenomenon is considered to be a spiritual “wake-up” call. It tends to occur when one is just where you describe yourself to be: not thinking much about spiritual matters, but very ready to embark on a conscious spiritual path. It’s a call to start thinking more deeply about life, and to become more aware of yourself as a spiritual being. (It appears to be quite effective!)

Some say these numbers are sort of a code that was programmed into our subconscious before we were born, and that it was set to “go off” at a certain time. When it does, the nagging feeling we have is our own memory or subconscious trying to tell us that there is a deeper meaning hidden in this experience. It is designed to lead us to question the nature of “reality,” and grow conscious of the higher goals we set for ourselves before we incarnated.

If we do wake up spiritually and begin a conscious spiritual journey, we will usually stop having this experience. This waking up may be a subtle change, but more often, it’s a major shift in one’s whole thinking and life direction. At this point, many people begin actively exploring spiritual matters for the first time, and with a passion. They may change careers, leave a stale marriage, totally overhaul their personal lives, or make other big changes. In the wake of such an awakening, they are transformed on every level. This is what happened to me: when I woke up and embraced a conscious spiritual journey with gusto, the “wake-up” calls stopped. I presume/hope this is because I was awake!

So when you see these number sequences, stop and wonder for a moment at the strangeness of this synchronicity, and what it must mean about the deeper, hidden nature of life. Whether you think angels, loved ones in Spirit or some other force is behind these experiences isn’t the point: the important thing is to note that something is trying to tell you something, and it wants you to stop and get quiet and receptive enough to really hear it, for then it can guide you wherever you personally need to go.

– Soul Arcanum

How to Dialogue with Spirit

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have many times heard the term “dialogue with Spirit.” This notion feels very appealing to me even though I’m not sure exactly what it means. Can you explain a bit about how to dialogue with Spirit and what we can gain from doing so?


Dear Evelyn:

This is a favorite subject of mine, for when we make a habit of dialoguing with Spirit, we receive helpful signs and experience amazing synchronicities. By “dialogue with Spirit,” I mean asking to be guided and then watching for meaningful events, signs and messages as well as listening within for answers.

By way of example, I’ll relate a recent experience in which I asked Spirit a question and got a clear, immediate response. I had been visiting some young people I’m very fond of who are avowed atheists and also incredibly bright. The more time I spent with them, the more I started to question my own views even though they are soundly founded on direct personal experiences.

As I was flying home from this visit, I was reading a book about synchronicity, which reminded me to ask Spirit for a sign or message about whether I was right to be questioning my beliefs. (In my view, our beliefs should always be open to revision, so questioning them is a good thing.) I took a moment and focused on the question in my mind and heart, and asked Spirit to send me a sign either confirming my existing views or validating the need for me to question them.

No sooner had I sent this request out to the Universe than the man sitting beside me on the plane pulled out an e-book and started reading. I noted with some interest that he was reading the Bible; I found this interesting since I was also reading spiritual material but of a much different nature. As I pondered this, I got an intuitive “nudge” to surreptitiously read over his shoulder. When I did so, I discovered the following passage from Galatians:

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel — which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

While I’m certainly not in harmony with the whole “curse” element of this passage, to me the message was crystal clear: don’t question the beliefs you have already built upon a sound foundation of personal experience (direct revelation). When I reflected upon this further, I realized that I was succumbing to my old nemesis: worrying that people I love and respect will think I’m crazy for believing the things I believe. I have for years had to overcome this concern in order to put my relationship with Spirit first regardless of what other people may think of me.

When we are congruent with receiving a sign from Spirit, by which I mean we believe this is possible and wholly expect it to happen, and are high enough in vibration to manifest fulfillment, the signs we request can come to us this quickly and clearly.

Dialoguing with Spirit is very simple. Basically, you just have to consciously ask for signs, messages, and other forms of guidance, and then pay attention to what happens next. This is an internal process that is more than mental; you have to ask with your whole being. You can ask with your mind and heart, or you can write down your request and place it in a special box or on your meditation altar.

For this to work, you have to be above ego so you can be objective; otherwise you will tend to see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. It’s also important to be open to signs coming to you in unusual or unexpected ways. For example, you will greatly limit your experience if you say something like: “If I am meant to go forward with my plan to adopt a child, then my boss will walk in my office in the next five minutes and somehow work the word adoption into the conversation.” While it’s not impossible for things like this to happen (I’ve had some amazing signs from Spirit over the years), it is far easier for Spirit to deliver the answers we’re looking for if we allow Spirit to work out the details. A better request would be to ask for the subject of adoption to come up frequently for us over the next three days, and to evaluate those specific instances for guidance on whether or not we should move forward.

You can set up your own rules. Many people ask Spirit to deliver signs in threes so they know they aren’t creating self-fulfilling prophecies. Personally, I just listen to and trust my intuition. Signs have a special feeling to them; they get your attention and make you wonder if something meaningful is happening. Seemingly remarkable experiences can be mere coincidences if they don’t carry this special feeling, while ordinary events may be signs if they nudge us to pay attention.

You can also set up personal symbols and omens of a permanent or temporary nature. For example, a friend of mine has asked the Universe to show her gifts or presents when she is going to get what she thinks she wants. When she then receives gifts or notices others giving and receiving gifts, she knows that what she wants is on its way to her. Back when I was dating my firefighter husband and wondering about our future together, I told Spirit to send me firetrucks if my sense that we would one day be married was accurate. For weeks, I saw fire trucks everywhere I went.

The more you ask for guidance from Spirit in this way, the more will come to you. Further, the more open your beliefs and expectations, the more this will tend to happen in amazing, unmistakable ways. Making a habit of dialoguing with Spirit is a powerful way to navigate through the endless challenges and opportunities life sends our way.

Often when we’re lost and confused, we forget to simply ask Spirit for answers. We don’t have to wait until we’re desperate; we can ask at any time. If you begin to dialogue with Spirit in your own way, you’ll receive helpful guidance for improving your life, and your everyday reality will begin to grow more magical and meaningful in delightful, inspiring ways.

Soul Arcanum

Starting on a Spiritual Path

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I feel the need for greater balance in my life. At the moment, what I lack most is spiritual fulfillment. What would be a good way for me to start on this path? Where should I go to begin seeking spiritual guidance? There are so many paths out there; how do I know which is right for me? Since I am a Christian, numerous people have suggested that I go back to church, but the attraction is just not there. When I do go to church, the spiritual void I feel remains unfilled. Others have suggested that I try exploring other paths like Buddhism. Where do you suggest I start?


Dear Michelle:

You are already doing the most important thing: you are listening within and allowing yourself to be led to what you really need. You are also trusting your feelings to determine what does and does not feel right to you.

God/Spirit/the Universe whispers to us in our own hearts. The only way to determine the right path for us is to pay attention to how we feel and trust that what we long to do is what we are meant to do. Unfortunately, this is a far cry from what most of us have been taught. In my view, the “the Church” generally teaches people to distrust themselves. They are urged to follow a prefabricated set of rules instead of allowing their own heart and conscience to guide them to right action. Traditionally, the church has also asserted that one needs a priest to serve as intermediary between oneself and “God.” The Church not only discouraged a personal relationship with the divine, it suggested that for most people, this was an impossibility.

That being said, I believe traditional religion does have its place. People who are more rooted in their base instincts than a quest for spiritual growth are much like sheep who need shepherding. This is a natural stage in our spiritual evolution that we probably all passed through at some point. However, it is also natural to outgrow this stage: to start to question what we’ve been taught, think for ourselves, and hunger for direct personal experience in order to build a solid belief system. It sounds like you have recently reached that point in your own spiritual evolution.

The first step is to trust that your desire is trying to guide you. Allow yourself to go exploring with trust in your own interests, desires, instincts and intuitions. You might begin exploring by going to a local spiritual/metaphysical bookstore to peruse the possibilities. If you are in an open, relaxed frame of mind and trusting of your intuition, you will feel drawn to certain subjects and titles. Many people even have strange experiences where books fall off the shelves at their feet or strangers strike up a conversation during which they recommend titles.

While you’re there, check the bulletin board for a listing of classes, seminars, workshops, practitioners, groups and other offerings. There will probably also be a local spiritual magazine with articles by local teachers, a calendar of classes and events, and lots of ads for local spiritual practitioners of various sorts. You will discover options you’ve never even heard of before. Don’t become overwhelmed; if you listen within and trust your own interests and instincts, your intuition will guide you.

Sometimes we don’t feel called to a certain path simply because we haven’t yet stumbled upon the path that is right for us. If you are only considering whether to go back to church or explore Buddhism and neither of these paths is the one for you, then it’s no wonder you’re not getting a clear sense of direction. By exploring all the options available to you, you are more likely to hit upon something that really speaks to you.

Now that you’ve selected some books, start reading! One book and subject will naturally lead you to another and another. If you keep trusting your own curiosity to guide you, you will never run out of paths to explore. Similarly, if you have hit upon a class, group, or other local offering that seems intriguing, check it out.

A word of caution: no path is “perfect.” Just as you wouldn’t expect to like everything on the menu at your favorite restaurant, you probably won’t love every aspect and tenet of a particular path. Though I have had some wonderful spiritual teachers in my life, I haven’t agreed 100% with any of them.

Next, pick a spiritual practice you feel drawn to. This may be a certain form of meditation, an exercise like yoga or tai chi, chanting, prayer, or even community service. Whatever you choose, give it some time before you decide if it’s really for you or not. This will take some discipline and devotion. Getting spiritually in shape is a bit like getting physically in shape: if you judge a certain form of exercise based on how it feels the first couple of times you do it, you’re likely to give up before you begin to see its benefits.

Next, keep in mind that you are constantly creating your own experience of life. You can use the law of attraction to manifest spiritual abundance just as you would use it to manifest financial abundance. I count my understanding of the law of attraction as the most precious spiritual knowledge I’ve been blessed with this lifetime. No matter what you desire, working with the law of attraction is the way to get it. For this reason, I encourage you to study the law of attraction and start using what you learn to manifest the spiritual guidance and fulfillment you long for.

Do keep in mind that if you keep telling the Universe, “I don’t know what to do. I feel lost and empty,” then you will get more of that same sort of experience. If you tell the Universe, “I want magic! I want a clear sense of spiritual direction and deep sense of spiritual fulfillment” and you imagine how it will feel when you get that, then you will naturally begin to attract what you desire.

Finally, start a dialog with Spirit. Instead of just asking questions in your mind and heart, listen for insights and answers. Ask for signs to come to you and honor the ones you receive by acting on them. It’s wise to ask for signs to come in threes so you’re sure that they are what they seem to be.

Many years ago, I was in a similar place. I was having all sorts of spontaneous spirit communication experiences but I was far from being able to control or initiate them. I felt called to try to help people with this gift but since I couldn’t control it, that path seemed closed to me. Then I prayed to Spirit. I basically said, “If this is what I’m meant to do, then show me how I can learn to use this gift in a purposeful way.” Within two weeks, three different people had mentioned Lily Dale, New York, to me. This got my attention and I just “knew” I should go there. When I visited, I saw the school I ended up attending advertised on a flier, and I just knew I was going to go to the school. It wasn’t even so much that I knew I wanted to go to the school – I knew I was going to do it. This school proved to be the answer to my prayers.

You ask where you should begin to seek spiritual guidance. I recommend you stop asking other people (including me), and start asking God/the Universe/Spirit – whatever label you personally put on the source of intuition and inspiration. This is a very exciting time for you, my friend. May this new journey bless you with faith, wonder, and the spiritual fulfillment you desire.

Soul Arcanum

Signs from Spirit During Bleak Times

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was born on December 7, 1963. For the past couple of months, every time I look at the time, it is always on the same digits: 8:08 or 23:23. Is this a message? I seem to have lost all my luck. I am now struggling financially and can’t even find a decent job. My family life is not at its best and my friends are few. I used to very vibrant and positive, a high achiever. I’m not sure what is happening and why everything is falling apart. It’s like there is a negative energy or environment where I am working. I’m deeply unhappy and have lost faith. I used to be charming and lovable with many friends. I did have a severe blow in 2006 when I lost a very good job. I currently manage properties like an estate agent for a company. I still do not own any property myself and I am worried about my family, for if anything were to happen to me, their future would be very insecure. I’m wondering why things are going so wrong and why I keep seeing these numbers. Thank you.


Dear Ronnie:

I can’t begin to tell you how many people write to me with similar experiences. I’ve had the same sort of experiences myself. Yes, this is a message for you: The Universe is trying to tell you to keep the faith, that everything is going to be okay.

First let’s address the difficult times you’ve been going through and why things are going so wrong. To me, it’s clear that when you suffered that severe blow in 2006, it sent you on a downward spiral from which you’ve yet to recover. This is the trickiest part about the law of attraction and creating what we want in our lives: To get from where we are to where we want to be, we have to plant the seeds of what we want on the inside instead of picking whatever we happen to find growing in our outer experience on that particular day. This means when something upsetting happens, we have to either find a way to view it in a positive light or focus on cultivating something else altogether.

In a book by Robert Moss, I recently read a description of how we create our own realities that struck me as particularly apt. He wrote that our imaginations are constantly projecting pictures out in front of us, and because we are forever moving forward through life, we are constantly walking into those pictures we have created.

For this reason, when times are good, they tend to stay good or get even better, for we are seeing what we want around us, feeling good, and projecting positive pictures. When things are bad, they tend stay bad or get worse because we are focused on things we don’t like, feeling bad, and worried about even more problems, so we are projecting negative pictures. This is why you enjoyed a long time as a positive, charming, happy person with lots of friends. Things were going well, so you were feeling good and focused on all the blessings in your life, which kept you in a high vibration and high level of experience.

When you suffered that so-called devastating blow, it pulled the vibrational rug right out from under you and sent you on a downward spiral. You might ask why, if you were in a positive state of mind to begin with, you managed to manifest that devastating blow. Sometimes when we’re sailing happily along through life, karmic storms sneak up seemingly out of nowhere. (These are rooted in karma from past lives.) Sometimes we’re destined to experience something regardless of how we’re vibrating in the moment. Sometimes we are gifted with difficult experiences so that we can learn something important or in order to test our ability to apply what we’ve already learned.

The important thing is what we do when these things happen. This is where spiritual growth comes in. If we trust that everything happens for a good reason and begin to look for the gifts in the experience, we can maintain a high vibration and a positive outlook and thus quickly recover from “devastating blows” to remain aligned with a happy, smooth, positive level of experience.

Which brings me to these signs you keep getting. Someone, somewhere, is trying to tell you that there is more to your situation than meets the eye. These messages are telling you that there is help available to you, that instead of getting mired down in the circumstances you find yourself in, you must look beyond your circumstances and reach for a higher perspective.

When people first begin to receive signs from Spirit, they often take the form you describe: they begin to notice repeating numbers on clocks or in other places. There is a special feeling that goes along with these signs. It is subtle, but if you pay attention or vividly recall these experiences in the past, you will notice that it actually FEELS like something or someone is trying to get your attention. Small as they may be, these events feel meaningful somehow. You might contrast them with how it feels when you notice a custom license plate while driving down the road. Whether it’s immediately clear to you or not, you realize that this custom plate has a meaning, but it doesn’t have a meaning that is personal to you. When you are actually receiving a sign, you recognize that it not only has meaning, it has meaning for you personally. You may not know what that meaning is, but you do sense that something is tugging at you to pay attention.

At this point, the most powerful thing you can do is study the law of attraction to learn how to turn that downward spiral around and begin to consciously create what you want in your life. Since you’ve been in a negative pattern for a number of years now, it will take a lot of conscious effort to change your inner habits, but it will definitely be worth it.

As you begin to focus on what you want to create in your life, you might start with manifesting more signs from Spirit. You can make these more meaningful and specific to you. For example, let’s say you decide to manifest a new and better job. Vividly visualize what you are desiring, and as you do this, imagine how it will feel to have what you want. At the same time, ask Spirit for signs regarding how to go about finding or creating the perfect job for you. You can even specify the form these signs may take. The more personal it is to you, the more undeniable it will be when those signs do come your way.

For example, let’s say that red bows are meaningful to you for some reason. If you ask for Spirit to wrap up what you’re looking for in a red bow, and then you vividly imagine what you want coming to you wrapped in a red bow, signs will begin to come to you in this way. You may see a sign with a red bow on it when thinking about applying for a particular job, or you may meet a woman wearing a red bow pin and have the impulse to talk to her about your job search. You may see a job advertisement with a red bow on it or notice a package through a window that is tied with a red bow and then notice a help wanted sign on the window. The important thing is to watch for the signs you’ve asked for and recognize them as meaningful. When you get a sign, stop and listen within for intuitive direction, and act on any ideas or impulses that come to you.

Spirit is talking to you, my friend. Answer by asking for what you need, praying for help with turning your life around, and making good use of your power to manifest signs, messages, and divine help with creating all you want and need.

Soul Arcanum

Summoning Angels to Help Spirits Cross Over

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been working with Angels to perform spirit clearances. I have done this three or four times so far with their help, and I am comforted by their presence. My automatic writing suggests that in some instances, I can simply talk the spirits over as I naturally know where the gates of light are. What are your thoughts? Should I always call the Angels to assist or is there another way? Since I’m new to this topic, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.


Dear E.:

First, I encourage everyone interested in spirit rescue work to watch out for assumptions. For example, just because we are able to perceive a spirit doesn’t mean that spirit is earthbound. Every living person is unique and in a unique situation, and the same is true of spirits. It is never wise to push our help upon others whether they are living here or in another dimension. I mention this because I’ve met people who get so excited about finding “ghosts” and helping them cross over that they assume every disembodied presence is in dire need of assistance. There are both human and non-human beings living happily in other dimensions, so just because we can perceive a metaphysical being doesn’t mean it is lost or in need of guidance. A beginner’s mind is perhaps the most important thing we can carry with us into such situations, for this will keep us asking questions instead of leaping to conclusions, which will enable us to feel our way to the best approach.

Many readers are no doubt wondering why angels and other spiritual helpers can’t handle such matters on their own. Apparently, the problem is that spirits lingering close to the earth plane can no more perceive these higher beings than most living people can. Their consciousness remains as it was when they were living, so earthbound spirits continue to perceive the living but are oblivious to spiritual beings. The goal is to help these spirits shift into a higher state of vibration and consciousness. To answer your question, I think calling upon angels for help is a very wise thing to do; it certainly can’t hurt, and in many cases will prove powerful and helpful for all involved.

There are all sorts of reasons a spirit may not cross over into the afterlife when leaving this world, so the first thing to do is try to determine what the hang-up may be. Since you are able to talk to these spirits, this should be relatively easy for you. Being capable of two-way communication is helpful both in terms of figuring out what to do and knowing if your efforts have been successful. It’s a bit like trying to help a foreign immigrant get settled in a new land; it helps if both parties are able to hear and understand each other.

Some souls get stuck close to earth simply because they don’t realize they are dead. This tends to happen when people die suddenly and without warning. I imagine this state is much like what we experience when we dream at night; most of us “wake up” in a dream without any thought about the fact that our dream body is not the same body that is lying in our bed, sleeping. Here, helping a lost spirit is like approaching them in a dream and saying, “I realize you probably don’t know this, but you are actually dreaming right now and it’s time to wake up! Go that way to get to where you’re supposed to be.” If we bring angels in, the living helper can simply say, “If you look behind you, you will find an angel who is here to help you.” Once the spirit turns and sees the angel, the angel can take it from there.

Of course, not all spirit rescues are this easy or straightforward. If the spirit is mired in anger, fear, grief or other heavy emotions, its vibration will be too low to perceive the higher beings there to help. Here the job of the living is to help the spirit gain a higher perspective on their situation so that their vibration will rise to where they can let go of the past and open up to whatever comes next.

In this category we have the growing number of spirits who have no idea what to expect when they die. (Of course, this is preferable to when many people died in fear that they were going straight to an eternal punishment in hell.) When people expect there to be “nothing” when they die, that is what they tend to experience. This can lead to a period of limbo and confusion. I imagine this is like waking up in a hospital bed, feeling woozy and out of it, not knowing where you are, how you got there, or what you’re supposed to do next. Many spirits who find themselves in this position will wait for someone to come along whom they can ask for guidance. Since they can perceive the living but not higher beings, but most of the living can’t perceive them, this can prove to be a long wait. They may ask the living for help and become more confused when the living don’t seem to be able to perceive them. Some of these spirits may know or begin to suspect they have died but still not know what to do or where to go. If they had little religious experience when alive, the idea of “praying” for help may not even occur to them.

These spirits tend to linger in familiar places or near familiar people, and become excited when they encounter someone who can perceive them. Here the best thing is to explain to them that there is an afterlife, that there is nothing to fear, and that they have only to start to look for a light or tunnel and go through it to escape from the limbo they’re in. You can also suggest that they pray for help from whatever higher power they are most open to, or that they call to mind a loved one who preceded them in death and look around for that individual. If they are mired in strong negative emotions, you may have to counsel them just as you would the living. By helping them find more positive thoughts and feelings, they will become more able to perceive higher beings, let go of the past, and move on.

Some earthbound spirits have unfinished business and are looking for someone who can help them complete it. Many are simply waiting to get an important message through to the living. Others refuse to leave a particular loved one, preferring to wait until that person dies so they can cross over with them. You may be able to convince some that they can move on and come back when it’s time for the one they’re waiting for to pass, but some will refuse to go. We have to respect the free will of these spirits like we do the free will of living people.

Many earthbound spirits are stuck due to physical addictions. Just as this is one of the hardest things to “treat” in the living, it’s one of the hardest things to work through with a spirit. Since each individual has to find the strength to overcome addictions on their own, usually the best you can do is help a living individual free themselves from such a spirit, knowing all the while that the spirit will probably just find someone else to try to feed its addiction through.

Finally, there are those spirits who are so dark and “evil” that they are blind to the light and too heavy in vibration to rise to higher realms. These dark souls have no more interest in going “into the light” than they had in doing good deeds when they were alive. We can pray for and protect ourselves from these spirits, but like the worst criminals amongst the living, most of them don’t share our desire for love, peace and harmony.

Soul Arcanum

Can You Fire Your Spirit Guides for Poor Performance?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Can you ask for new and better spirit guides? I feel like my guides aren’t doing a very good job. I’m not getting anything I want in life and am going through all sorts of bad luck.


Dear Kevin:

I believe what you need is not new spirit guides but rather greater understanding of their role along with working knowledge of the law of attraction and how to step into your own divine power to create what you want in your life.

The first thing to understand is that your spirit guides are not responsible for what happens in your life. Let’s say that your life is a corporation. It sounds like you are viewing your guides as employees who are falling down on the job, when they are really more like consultants you can call upon to help you figure out how to build greater success and make things run more smoothly.

Though our spirit guides and angels are always available to us, they can’t and won’t step in without being asked to do so, for we always have free will. Further, whether we like it or not, we are all creating our own realities. Our guides’ role is not to take over or even make things happen for us, but to give us ideas on how we can do whatever must be done to fulfill our desires.

It’s my understanding that for the most part, we all have a guide that is with us from birth until death plus guides who come and go depending on what we are working on at any particular time. The bigger we live, the more guides we tend to have working with us. For example, someone who is settling for the same old job and relationship they entered into decades ago because they lack the faith and motivation to reach for something higher may not have any specialized guides working with them at all, while someone who is working as a healer of some kind could have a whole team of specialists guiding them through each day and working intensively with them at night in other dimensions of experience.

Our guides are always perfectly suited for us at any given time. While it’s true that we may sometimes get new guides, usually this is because we have changed or are about to embark on some special task, dream or goal. To use the business metaphor again, this is like having a traditional medical practice and deciding to switch to a holistic approach that emphasizes preventive medicine. When we open up to new experiences and endeavors, our needs may change, which can summon new help from Spirit. This means the more actively we pursue our own spiritual growth and go for our dreams, the more often we tend to experience a spiritual changing of the guards.

We can’t make this happen whenever we feel like it because we all come into life with certain goals and lessons we need to learn. In a way, we “earn” new guides and higher levels of experience by mastering whatever we’ve been working on. Once we grow and develop beyond what our current guides can do for us, we’ll be ready for new ones.

I have heard many stories from different spiritual seekers about new guides coming into their lives. I remember one woman who took up a disciplined practice of yoga and spiritual growth when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. One day not long after this, while meditating after an hour or so of yoga, she became mentally aware of an old Hindu wise man who was patiently waiting for her to notice him. When she acknowledged his presence, she was able to mentally dialogue with him, which is when she learned that he was a new guide sent to help her through a time of spiritual healing and exploration.

Sometimes, new guides move in just before transitions get into full swing. The more we are conscious of our guides in general, the more we’ll tend to be aware of such developments. Since I began working as a spiritual counselor decades ago, there have been a few times when I suddenly became aware of a new guide or group of guides during meditation, and each time, I got the sense that they had been there for a while, waiting for me to become ready to work with them in a more conscious way. Spirit is always aware of what we need before we become aware of it ourselves. Since our guides are always leading us forward, new guides tend to show up before we become aware of why they may be needed. Whether we are aware of them before moving into new spiritual territory or not largely depends on how psychically aware we are of what is happening on this level of experience.

If you’re not happy with the way your life is going, it could actually be because you are blaming your guides! You didn’t describe your relationship with your guides and whether you are consciously working with them at all, but if you are aware of guides and they seem to be leading you astray, you’re probably being influenced by metaphysical beings who are not guides at all. It is important to always test any spirits we interact with; we do this in part by evaluating how they make us feel and how sound and helpful their guidance proves to be. If you are listening to and acting on the suggestions of spirits and it is not going well for you, you can be sure you’re dealing with lower level entities and not divine helpers.

Further, whenever we blame anything outside of ourselves for how we feel and how things are going, we give away our power to create what we want in our lives. In blaming your guides for your bad luck, you are disempowering yourself and keeping yourself down. To turn things around, you’ll have to take responsibility for how you feel and begin to consciously work with the law of attraction. You’ll also have to pull yourself out of this emotional slump and cultivate a higher vibration so you can hear your true guides and work with them to create a higher level of experience. I’ve written a great deal on how to cultivate a high vibration. For starters, check out Raising Your Vibration for Spirit Communication.

If you want things to go smoothly and your dreams to come true, you’ll have to shift out of this passive approach in which you expect your guides to take care of things for you, and become willing to do “the work.” Engaging in regular spiritual practice like yoga and meditation will help you gain control of your vibration and become more open and receptive to Spirit’s guidance. You’ll also want to consciously ask for Spirit’s help: pray to your guides to send you signs and pay attention to your intuition. The more you meditate and ask questions within, the more guidance you’ll receive and the better things will tend to go. If there are any issues or wounds from the past that need healing, you will be led back to them again and again in the form of problems until you fully resolve them, so make sure you are doing all you can to cultivate peace, wisdom, and inner purity.

Finally, I recommend you reach for a more grateful, friendly attitude toward your guides. Instead of fantasizing about firing them for poor performance, recognize that they have been available to help you all along, and have done many wonderful things for you that you didn’t know were attributable to them. Though spirit guides are beyond getting angry or upset, it is nevertheless wise to remain thankful for all the help, guidance and support that is always available to us.

Soul Arcanum

Finding Your Life Purpose

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Many people talk about the higher purpose of life and our reason for incarnating. This has always been so confusing to me, for most of us seem to busily pursuing material possessions and the accumulation of wealth. Is there any higher purpose to life? If so, how can an individual discover his or her life purpose in order to pursue it? I’m sure no one wants to leave this world not having fulfilled their highest purpose. I would be grateful if you shared your thoughts on this matter.


Dear Muralidhar:

There are indeed all sorts of ideas about the higher purpose of life on Earth. Most people look to religion for such explanations. I’m in harmony with some of the teachings of all the major religions, such as the Christian focus on love and faith and the Buddhist belief in karma and reincarnation. I’m in greatest harmony with the oldest religion, Hinduism, and its core teachings that we are all part of God, and through learning and growing via the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, we can progress toward enlightenment and eventually remerge with our Divine Source.

My personal views are based on the information I’ve received from Spirit throughout twenty years of spiritual reading work in combination with research into the near death experience and life between life therapy. (In life between life therapy, people are regressed to the period between lifetimes to review their plans for their next lives as well as all sorts of other very deep spiritual issues.) The main tenets of all of these sources mesh well, which suggests that even though I may not be able to firmly grasp the entire picture, I am honing in on some big truths.

The two main life purpose themes that emerge time after time in my own experience as a channeler of Spirit and in the NDE and LBL research are the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom and the development of an ever greater capacity for selfless love. While we all share this general life purpose, how that translates for each individual is of course unique. I believe we make our own plans for each life before incarnating, and that these plans are based on the karmic lessons and issues of previous lives combined with the desire to move to higher levels of learning and development.

The higher purpose for our life does not equate to a set plan, however, for we always have free will. In fact, once we get here in the physical, it can be very challenging to stay on track. This is why life on Earth is such a powerful learning experience: when we are plunged into this dramatic situation where we have to find a way to survive and get all our physical and emotional needs met, we tend to forget about the higher truths and lessons our soul is hoping to master.

The analogy of Earth as a school is popular because it is so apt. When we first begin the incarnation cycle, our lessons are simpler and more mundane in nature. There are people whose goal is to simply learn how to work with their divine creative power in order to create the material things they need to physically survive and enjoy life. Often when people graduate from learning how to physically survive, they spend a lifetime or two “playing” with their newfound power to manifest <q>the good life.</q> Eventually, this naturally gets boring and they start to ponder deeper questions and issues, at which point they begin a conscious spiritual journey. (They’ve been on a spiritual journey the whole time, of course, but they may not have been so conscious about it.)

To denigrate others’ goals and values is a bit like a college student sneering at kids who are just learning arithmetic; we’ve all had to go through the same basic lessons, so just because those classes no longer challenge or interest us is no reason to put them down. In fact, I’ve often seen that people who have been through a very difficult journey in life are being prepared to fulfill a very high life purpose. Their highest destiny is to move through the experience to the other side of it so they can become a source of help and healing to other people who are going through the same thing. In order to help people, we have to understand what they’re going through, so people destined to become great healers may go through years of darkness and misery.

In some ways, we are all always living our higher purpose, for whatever we’re going through is what we need to experience in order to grow into a higher level of experience. Thus we see people who have been touched by cancer creating cancer charities and support groups, and people who have lived some very dark years battling addiction becoming mentors and healers for other addicts.

To determine your own higher purpose, it’s wise to listen to your own life story and trust that it is leading you to the knowledge, experience and wisdom you need. It’s also important to honor and trust your passions and interests, for these are also trying to guide you to fulfill your destiny. This is how my own life’s work came about: I experienced the death of my first love at a very tender age, which made me all too familiar with grief and encouraged me to develop great compassion for the grieving. I also had amazing spiritual experiences that produced unwavering faith in an afterlife. As my own journey ultimately led me to profound healing, I developed a strong desire to help others discover the peace I had found.

Perhaps our highest destiny is to find or create something good out of our suffering. It doesn’t matter exactly what form it takes, the point is to transmute the darkness we encounter into something light. With this in mind, some key questions to help you determine your own life purpose include:

What unusual or extraordinary experiences have I suffered through? How can I turn my own struggles into something positive? What am I most passionate about or interested in?

Please note that your higher purpose in life does not necessarily relate to what you do to earn a living. Since someone has to build the houses and grow the food, what people do for a living should never be taken as a sign of how evolved they are spiritually. By way of a very famous example, someone can be the very embodiment of wisdom and unconditional love but work as a humble carpenter. In fact, having simple, straight forward sort of job can bless us with the time and mental energy to pursue higher aims.

Also, having psychic experiences does not necessarily mean you are meant to become a psychic professional. I often hear from people who have been having psychic experiences and want to know what they’re “supposed” to do with them. Since we are all psychic to some degree, that’s a bit like saying that lately we’ve been hearing noises and we want to know what we’re supposed to do with our ability to hear. What we do with our gifts and talents all depends on what we want and/or feel called to do.

To determine your higher purpose and find a way to fulfill it, you must listen to your intuitions, insights and conscience, for it is through these channels that you receive guidance and direction from your soul. The more you work with processes like meditation in order to clearly hear your higher self, the more you will tend to fulfill your higher plan for this lifetime. With this in mind, perhaps the most direct and powerful way to determine your life purpose is to engage in life between life therapy. For more information on this amazing process, I recommend books by Michael Newton, Ph.D., who wrote Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls and Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression.

– Soul Arcanum

Do I Have to be Psychic to Communicate with My Spirit Guides?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am wondering if it is possible for me to learn how to communicate with my spirit guide given the fact that I’m not psychic. Is it possible to do this if you don’t have any special psychic ability? I would love to see my guide and know his/her name, and perhaps even communicate with my guide regarding various questions I may have about my life. Thank you!


Dear Archie:

Communicating with a spirit guide is definitely a psychic activity, but just because you haven’t yet noticed any psychic gifts doesn’t mean you can’t develop this ability. In fact, I think you would be wise to begin your foray into psychic territory by working on building a strong, clear connection to your guides. It may also encourage you to know that your interest in meeting your guides suggests that you are being called in this direction.

Many people move into psychic exploration through neighborhoods that can be a bit tricky to navigate. They may be drawn down certain paths by their curiosity as well as the exciting neon lights advertising palm readers, crystals, ghostly encounters and the like. This can be lots of fun until they wander off the main drag and get roughed up by some astral bullies or ripped off by a so-called guru. By contrast, if you build a strong relationship with a guide before you go exploring, your guide will naturally tell you where you need to go in order to achieve your aims, and will direct you and protect you from undesirable experiences every step of the way.

Spirit guides are one of the greatest resources you can have both in terms of psychic work and life in general. When you have a strong, clear connection to a wise guide, you can simply ask whatever you need to ask and get an answer. In terms of general psychic development, this is invaluable because so much psychic input is vague or cryptic. When I am doing a reading for someone, I constantly check my interpretation of what I’m shown by asking my guides for validation and clarification.

Since having a good relationship with your spirit guides is so helpful, you may be wondering why everyone doesn’t seek a guide before delving into psychic practices. I think most people don’t realize how important and helpful having a guide can be. Beyond this, developing clear, strong communication with a high level guide requires an extraordinarily high vibration. Anyone can pick up a Ouiji board and call in a random spirit to get the planchette moving or learn how to read tarot cards or runes. Spirit communication requires far more finesse and development. As spirit guides are from a dimension far more rarefied than the physical or the astral, communication with a high level spirit guide requires the ability to get into a very high spiritual vibration, which can take a lot of personal growth and development.

Since like attracts like in the Universe, to connect with a wise spirit guide, we have to be in harmony with the guide’s energy. If we don’t master our vibration before we pursue this sort of experience, we’ll either end up frustrated by failure or attract lower spirits who may pretend to be someone they are not. As I have written a great deal on how to achieve and maintain a high vibration in other columns, I won’t go into that here. You might see Raise Your Vibration for Spirit CommunicationAsking Spirit to Guide you in Psychic and Spiritual Development and Aligning with a High Level Spirit during Spirit Communication for starters.

Once you have achieved the ability to shift into a very high vibration at will, to telepathically communicate with your guide, shift into a high vibration and meditate for a few moments to quiet your mind. Affirm your intention of connecting with a wise, benevolent spirit guide. Then begin to ask questions telepathically. You can ask whatever you want to know. You might begin by asking Are you there? and listening for a response. You may mentally hear a voice answer you and assume you are imagining it or making it up. Don’t immediately dismiss it as an illusion; instead, suspend your disbelief during this “experiment” and see what happens.

Remember that you can always meet your guides in your dreams. You can probably even remember dreams in which this took place – you just didn’t realize that the invisible person you could sense beside you was your spirit guide, or the so-called stranger who gave you a cryptic message was your guide in disguise.

Begin to look for your spirit guides in your dreams, paying special attention to teachers, people who give you directions or answer questions, protectors, trusted companions and familiar “friends” you don’t know from waking life. Books, maps and written messages can hold messages from your guides. You can even program yourself to dream about your guides before you fall asleep. The beauty of this method is that you don’t have to figure out how to consciously achieve a high vibration, for we all meet with our guides in dreams; our vibration naturally skyrockets when we fall asleep, which is how we are able to travel through the dream world.

If you don’t get clear answers in your dreams or meditations, don’t give up. In my experience, the answers always come, but if we’re not in a high enough vibration to get them directly, they may come through the usual channels spirit guides use such as signs and synchronicities. If you’re paying attention, you will see the answer come to you via a random conversation, billboard, song on the radio, etc. You will know it by the way it grabs your attention and by the strange, special feeling that something is happening. The more you pay attention and notice such signs, the easier it will be for you to develop the ability to get them telepathically.

You might begin by asking for the best way for you personally to contact your guides. Meditate and listen for answers, and if you don’t get anything clear, start watching for signs and synchronicities. Someone may mention a class or you may feel drawn to reading a certain book. It’s important to trust your own inner knowing as well as your guides to lead you to the best way for you, especially in this primary matter of learning how to connect with them. Speaking of books, you’d be wise to read all you can about spiritual matters and especially books by and about spirit guides, such as those by Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Neale Donald Walsch and Sonya Choquette. Of course, reading about the law of attraction and consciously working with it can help you manifest a great relationship with your spirit guides along with anything else you may desire.

Finally, know that your guides want to connect with you. They have been with you throughout your life, guiding you via your impulses and intuitions. Their job is much easier if you pay attention and cooperate, so of course they want to help you get to know them. For most of us, a sincere, conscious desire to know our spirit guides naturally results in success because our guides will find a way to lead us to whatever we need in order to move toward this goal, as is true of all the other heartfelt goals we set for ourselves.

– Soul Arcanum

Determining the Meaning of Psychic Symbols


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been searching for a site that offers interpretations for visions. Sometimes a slide show will dominate my field of vision. Usually my eyes are momentarily closed when this happens, like when I’m brushing my teeth or showering. This has happened a handful of times in my life, and my most recent experience is puzzling. It was a cup and saucer, and a pot poured the cup full of black coffee. It looked like a commercial. In trying to figure out what coffee means, I’ve guessed that it’s a stimulant. Coffee isn’t my cup of tea, but I do drink it away from home. My late father was an avid coffee drinker. I’m stumped as to what this vision might be showing to me, and searched for a site that lists the meanings of certain symbols. I’ve visited a local psychic and her interpretations are often strange to me. Are psychic symbols personal or universal? Can this be taught? I read your article on developing your ability to have visions and found it very helpful. Thank you.


Dear Eileen:

The intellectual interpretation of psychic visions is more complex than one might assume because we are in constant interaction with all sorts of subtle influences on an unconscious level. It’s therefore wise to finely develop our intuitive faculties, but more on that in a moment.

The meanings of symbols in dreams and psychic visions are indeed ultimately personal. This is confusing because there are some symbols that are nearly universal and many that are natural given our cultural conditioning. For example, nearly everyone would interpret a smiling face to represent happiness and a frowning face to represent displeasure. In the U.S., most people would interpret a green traffic light to mean ‘go.’

In this article, I’ll refer to the model of the psyche developed by Carl Jung because his terms are so well known. Imagine that our minds are composed of three different aspects: the conscious (that which we are aware of), the personal unconscious (that which we have personally experienced but are not currently conscious of), and the collective unconscious, which is like the personal unconscious expanded to include all of humanity throughout time. I would expand this further to include all that is, has been and ever could be. Having a psychic vision is like the conscious mind receiving a message from the personal or collective unconscious.

To determine the meaning of a dream or psychic vision, I believe in beginning with the personal, for this usually eliminates a lot of fishing around. Thus the first things I would ask someone having your vision is what associations they have with coffee, and what feelings this vision evokes for them.

You have already done this and come up with your father, which explains why he may use this particular image to try to get your attention. Someone else may associate coffee with waking up, in which case such a vision could be a prompt from Spirit to ‘wake up and pay attention.’ Yet another person could be hunting for a job and see this image because they’re being guided to apply at a company related to the coffee industry, or perhaps they’ve been praying to find a soul mate, and this is a sign that they’ll meet the one they’re looking for in a coffee shop.

Once you’ve identified your own personal associations with a vision, ask yourself how it makes you feel. There is always some emotional charge to a psychic vision, so if it feels utterly flat, it may not be a meaningful psychic vision at all. Even when such visions have a strong emotional kick to them, there may not be a meaningful purpose behind them for you. This is where we get into the subtle influences that can complicate the whole matter.

One of the first things to rule out when you’re spontaneously hit with a psychic impression is the possibility that you’ve simply wandered into a thought form. Two of the most common places I always encounter thought forms is on bridges and airplanes. I will be about to cross a bridge when suddenly I have visions of the car going over the side accompanied by a wave of fear. Similarly, I’ll be taking off in an airplane when I’m suddenly hit by thoughts of crashing.

These are not my own phobias. For one thing, I never give these matters a second thought when I’m not in those situations, and for another, once I remind myself that these aren’t my own thoughts and feelings and I disengage from them, they completely disappear.

Just as houses have a certain feeling to them, so do places and things like air planes. When we approach a bridge, we have to travel through a space that is full of the fearful thoughts and energies of all the people who have traveled there before us who are afraid of going over the side. Similarly, air planes carry lots of fearful thought forms and energies. People who are sensitive naturally pick up on these, where others remain unaffected.

It’s also possible that you’re picking up on another person’s desire for coffee. You mentioned that you usually have this vision while you’re showering or brushing your teeth. If your spouse or another person you’re close to is craving his first cup of coffee or even drinking it downstairs in the kitchen, you could pick up on it, especially if they really love their coffee, for this would give the idea lots of energy.

I believe we can even pick up TV and radio transmissions, so the fact that this vision looks like a commercial is interesting. It’s possible that you’re tuning in to a certain commercial showing on TV even when your TV is off or tuned to a different station. Many people have had the experience of hearing a certain song in their heads only to turn the radio on and discover that song is playing.

So given all of these possibilities, how do you determine what this vision means for you? Since you associate the coffee with your father and he is in the Spirit world, I would assume that this is a nudge to try to get your attention. It’s probably not a message in and of itself, but more like a spirit calling card. To determine what he’s trying to tell you, you’ll have to wake up and start paying attention on a subtle psychic level when you receive this prompt.

To confirm that this is him, you can also ask for him to nudge you in a different but particular way. For example, I always know that my grandmother is trying to get my attention when I notice images of her house and yard running through the back of my mind. You can pick something that you strongly associate with your father and mentally ask that he use that image to get your attention.

Once you’ve been nudged, you’ll have to step things up in terms of using your psychic faculties to determine the message coming your way. It’s also important to realize that there may not be any grand message, for often spirits just want us to know that they are sending us love from beyond. To open up to deeper messages, you might meditate and open your heart to hear whatever spirit is trying to tell you, or journal on the vision and see where that leads you.

To move beyond the level of brief, cryptic, spontaneous visions, further psychic development is essential. By developing a strong relationship with your spirit guides and controlled use of all your psychic senses, you can cultivate the power to shift into a state of consciousness where all you have to do is ask for more information and it will come to you. To begin this journey, I recommend you find a local Spiritualist Church where you can join a development circle or ask the minister for other local resources.

Soul Arcanum