Category: Destiny/Higher Plan

How Do We Plan Future Incarnations?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve always wondered something about reincarnation. How do we choose our next lives? What makes us choose to have some experiences and not others, for example? Do we choose our occupations? How we’ll look? How much planning do we get to do?
– Rachel

Dear Rachel:

Please note that this is only my understanding of reincarnation based upon what I’ve read. You may want to explore the works of Michael Newton, Ph.D.; he has hypnotically regressed many people to the period between lives and extensively explored these very issues.

It is mind boggling to ponder all of the factors that may come into play with planning a future life. Where does one begin? By way of metaphor, we might compare this to adopting a child. First I imagine you have to consider your options. What children (bodies) are available to you? Do you want a boy or a girl? Do you want a child (body) from a particular place or culture? The more particular you are in your needs, the harder it must be to find just the right fit.

Just as some prospective parents will be very careful to make sure that everything is just right before they adopt, others will be a bit more reckless and impatient. We each have our own unique nature, and it’s my understanding that we go about planning future lives much as we go about living this one.

Alternatively, we might compare incarnating in the physical like planning a trip or adventure. We will have certain things we feel drawn to exploring. For some of us, it may be most important that we have the opportunity to further develop and exercise certain skills, or to make a difference in the world. In this case, we may need to make sure we’re born to a family that will give us the opportunities to do this, or that we have a physical body capable of supporting our goals. Usually such a person will know from a fairly young age what their “higher purpose” is; they will feel drawn to this again and again, or display a gift related to it.

For others, these sorts of considerations may not be so important; they may not care so much what they do or where they do it so long as they can be with a certain special someone, or affect karmic healing of a particular personal issue. For these people, the body and life they choose will be largely determined by their ability to meet and create relationships with key individuals, or engage in certain experiences.

On top of all the personal desires and needs we must consider, we also all have “soul families” that we tend to incarnate with again and again. We meet up with them in the “afterlife,” where we plan future adventures with them. We can usually find members of our soul family in the people we are closest to of our own generation. The folks in generations before and after ours may be special to us, but probably are not of our own soul group. Grandparents we have shared a special sense of kinship to, however, are often individuals from our own soul family.

Thus our siblings, best friends, lovers and mates – these people are probably from our soul family, while our parents, children, aunts, uncles, etc., are probably not from our own soul family. While they may be very special to us, they are not necessarily of the same vibration or working on the same lessons and issues we are, and are thus probably not our first priorities when we are planning future lives and relationships.

Further, usually we will choose to have very different experiences from one lifetime to the next. We may be intrigued by the idea of incarnating in a different culture, for example, and living a very different life from the one we’ve just left behind. Again, imagine that you’re planning your next vacation: most people would choose to explore somewhere new, though a few might want to return to the same place they always go because it’s dear to them. If, however, someone very important to us has decided to incarnate into a certain family in China, we may very well say, “Hey, that sounds fine. I’ll do the same so I can be near you.”

Once we choose where we want to be and what will be most important to us in this next life, we may begin to explore our options for bodies. Sometimes we will accept bodies that may not be ideal in order to get other things that are more important. Sometimes we may accept bodies that have special challenges in order to develop other capacities. For example, if we strongly desire to explore physical power and energy, we may choose a very powerful, athletic body. If, however, we need to develop more on the inside – build up our intellects or our spiritual awareness – we may see a physically challenged body as an ideal catalyst for this sort of development. If we are strongly determined to be in a certain place or with a certain person, we may be more flexible about the particular body we get, so long as our main goals are assured.

I don’t want to imply that we are choosing all of this in a very conscious way, like sitting down with a brochure and a checklist. For most people, I imagine that planning a future life is sort of a dreamy process, and more one of emotional desire leading us naturally to fulfillment than mental planning. As we evolve in our spiritual development, however, we gain more conscious control over our lives – both this life and our future lives.

There is only so much control we have over the physical. If we choose a certain set of parents, for example, then we have to work with the DNA they have to offer. By way of gross example, we can’t decide to be born Asian to Caucasian parents. We have to work with the physical foundation available much as we work with the physical body we’ve been given after we’ve incarnated.

This is why spiritual development is so powerful and valuable; the more evolved we are, the more the soul is leading versus the body/ego. So a very advanced soul may have a lot of conscious control over a future life, as well as the ability to mold the physical body to the vibration of its soul energy. In a less evolved soul, the body/ego does more of the leading, and one feels more “at the mercy” of one’s instinctive reactions and physical reality. This only makes sense if you think about it. For example, if one gains the ability to consciously manifest healing in the body by working with natural spiritual law, then one has far more influence over the body than someone who has yet to evolve into this level of wisdom and understanding.

I do believe that whatever we focus upon, we manifest, and that this would be true of manifesting a new life. When we focus upon something with strong emotion, we naturally flow toward it. This is a natural process that leads us into new experiences, including new lives. So if there is something we greatly fear, we will probably manifest it. It’s interesting to ponder how when we experience something, we usually learn from it and eventually lose our fear of it. If there is something we greatly desire, we will probably manifest that too, and by fulfilling that desire, eventually come to a point where we don’t crave it anymore.

Perhaps the one exception to this rule is that of true love: It is the one force that never dwindles away, but instead can inspire us forever. This is the force that keeps us longing for and reuniting with our loved ones or “soul mates” lifetime after lifetime. Perhaps it is the unending nature of this force that leads us to consider true love to be so divine.

In summary, if you want to have more conscious control over your future lives, devote yourself to spiritual growth in this one. If you work through your personal issues, cultivate love and harmony in relationships, and stretch yourself into new potential, your efforts will be rewarded forevermore.

– Soul Arcanum


God’s Will and the Law of Attraction

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been studying the Law of Attraction for a few years now. The more I read about the LOA, however, the more confused I get about how to relate to God and Spirit. Can I talk directly to God to help guide me using prayer? Or is manifesting more about having faith in my own divine creative power? Is it just ego (which is false) that desires things, so manifesting separates us from God, which would explain why we may manifest trials and tribulations? Should I just completely trust in God that I am where I’m supposed to be and not use ego to ask for anything? There are so many conflicting ideas out there! I have gone down strange karmic paths that didn’t prove helpful, but now I’ve come full circle. After losing my last job (which was a blessing and something I asked for and manifested), I applied for and was offered a perfect position in my field with a great salary, etc. Is it just ego that is asking for abundance and security, or did God intervene and offer me what I needed? Do I really know what I want and need anyway?


Dear Sharon:

These are all wonderfully thought-provoking questions. I have to begin with my usual disclaimer, which is that no one can explain such profound matters with any certainty; I can only offer you my current perspective based on my own knowledge and experience.

To begin, I don’t view God as some patriarchal figure in the clouds who is carefully watching our every move. I view God as more like “the force” – that from which life and love and all that feels good to us flows. Just as everything in the physical Universe is constantly expanding and evolving, we are all on a journey that is carrying us into ever higher levels of wisdom and personal power. It’s like God was a tremendous fruit full of seeds of unfathomable potential that exploded and gave birth to all sorts of new life, thus creating the Universe, our souls – All That Is.

I like to view individual souls as cells in the body of God: we are all connected on this journey, and all part of something much greater than our individual selves. Scientists are beginning to realize that every cell in our bodies is in communication with every other cell, and that cells even hold memories. Like cells in a body, we are all separate and yet connected to each other. Cells have life spans, and they can divide to create new cells; similarly, our physical bodies have life spans and we can create new life. Like cells, we all hold both conscious personal awareness and subconscious wholistic awareness of God and the entire history of existence.

I view each one of us as a microscopic, mini-God. We were created “in God’s image” in that we have free will and the divine creative power to create as God created. We create new life, we create new art, and we create new worlds with the power of our minds. I believe that we do this for the sheer pleasure of it – that creating is to the human soul as imaginative play is to children.

When we take physical form here on Earth, we become enmeshed in physicality. Those of us currently incarnate in the physical are much like astronauts on a very long space exploration mission. In the beginning of the adventure (when we’re infants), we remember <q>home</q> and retain some of the awareness we had before we left. (This is why children often remember their past lives and the nature of the spirit world, and are more naturally psychic than most adults.) The longer we’re in space and the more we explore other planets, the harder it gets to remember what home was like. Many of us forget about home altogether, and are left with nothing more than a vague feeling-memory of a beautiful planet and how right and wonderful it felt on Earth. I view physical life as a big adventure we undertake for the sheer adventure and in the name of progress. Returning “home” is part of the journey, of course. Since God is LOVE, the more we align with divine love, the closer we grow toward reunion with Source.

Given the views I outline above, I don’t believe that “God” wants anything for us in particular, and I certainly don’t believe that God is going to anticipate our every need and desire or lay out a careful path for us to follow. I do, however, believe that our higher selves remain at “home” when we’re exploring, and that we are in constant communication with this source of guidance much like astronauts are in constant communication with mission control.

Our goals in life are to have big adventures, make important discoveries, and, as we learn from those experiences, to eventually find our way home to God. We are guided in all of this by our higher selves and helpful beings like spirit guides, which I collectively call “Spirit.” Spirit speaks to us through our hearts: we are directed to go in a certain direction through feelings of desire, interest, curiosity, longing, passion, etc.

At last we come to the answer to your questions: we are MEANT to follow our hearts! What we long to do is what we “should” do. It is by following our hearts that we end up finding the people we need to meet and experiencing whatever will be most powerful and meaningful for us. Our hearts are our GPS for the great adventure of life.

You brought up ego. Let’s say that what you think you want is to be rich and famous, so you exercise the law of attraction to manifest that, only to discover that it’s not all you expected it to be. This is how we all learn and evolve into greater wisdom: it is by getting what we think we want and not having it be wholly fulfilling that we refine our values and our ideas about what is truly meaningful and important in life. This means that it’s okay to want whatever we want and to use natural spiritual law to get it. If it doesn’t turn out to be as great as we hoped, then we will be the wiser for it and will go on to pursue experiences that are more fulfilling. There are no true mistakes here, for those experiences that are the hardest to bear also bless us with the greatest new wisdom.

As we evolve, it does seem like “ego” plays less of a role in what we manifest. This is because, as we evolve, we move into greater harmony with our higher selves and are better able to communicate with “mission control.” Once we have successfully manifested the things we onced longed for – the money, the house, the job, the relationship – we no longer feel the need explore those worlds of experience. At this point in our journey, we begin to yearn for experiences of Spirit/home, like love, peace, knowledge, wisdom, and the power to help others. We develop the wisdom to reach for these deeper, more fulfilling experiences not by denying ourselves what we think we want, but by getting what we think we want and thus satiating that desire and learning from that experience.

We all have as many lifetimes as we need to fulfill all of our desires and learn all we need to learn and have all the adventures we can imagine, so there is no rush to evolve. We can take our time, follow our hearts, and enjoy a circuitous, delightful, fun-filled journey back home. Since you’re already deep into this mission, you might as well happily explore all the worlds of experience that call to you. Just follow your heart: it knows just where you need to go next, and it will bring you safely back home when the time is right.

– Soul Arcanum

Can We Change our Destiny via the Law of Attraction?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Can you please explain the relationship between the pre-destined life contract we sign (the contract that states the specific things that are going to happen in the upcoming lifetime) and the Law of Attraction, especially when they contradict each other? I don’t have a clear understanding of how definite the contract we sign up for each lifetime is, so this is a tricky topic for me. For example, if part of my contract said that I was going to have an accident that caused me an injury in order to teach me lessons about appreciating the important things in life, could I avoid this accident by utilizing the Law of Attraction and avoiding negative thoughts? I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic! Thank you for creating such a wonderful site and sharing your wisdom.


Dear Jessie:

While no one can answer this with any certainty, I am happy to share my own current understanding of how all of this works.

First, let’s address the idea that we sign some sort of “contract” before incarnating in the physical. While I’m sure you meant this metaphorically, it’s important to be clear that we don’t actually sign anything. I don’t even believe we “promise” anything, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with making a plan and then deciding that we would rather do things differently.

In my view, our “destiny” is like a blueprint for what we want to build and experience in life. This is not where our life lessons and challenges come in, for none of us would consciously choose things like being disabled or abused. Instead, this is where our wishes are fulfilled. For example, let’s say we meet someone in one life with whom we would love to have a romantic relationship, but for one reason or another, that is not possible. When planning a future life, we may set up a way to fulfill that wish, at which point it becomes part of our destiny. Similarly, we may wish to be a musician, to own our own business, to be free to travel the world – the possibilities are endless. These all go into our blueprints of the house/life we want to live in for the next incarnation. In order to fulfill mutual wishes like marrying someone or having a parent/child relationship with a particular soul, we make plans together with other individuals. These are “soul agreements.” While we may be aware of some things that we need to work on and generally intend to tackle those challenges, for the most part, I view destiny as a plan for fulfilling heartfelt wishes.

Fate is something altogether different. This is where karma comes in. If destiny is the blueprint we design for the life we want to live, fate is all the factors we can’t control that will influence how the house actually turns out. Fate is the bad weather that damages or delays the building, the builders who go bankrupt midway through construction, the workers who fail to show up or who do a crappy job, the neighbors who make dwelling in our dream house a living hell – you get the picture. We don’t choose our fate; we reap it as a result of past choices.

To understand where the law of attraction comes into play, we need to understand the difference between consciously building the life of our dreams versus manifesting from a subconscious level. It’s my understanding that, the more we evolve spiritually, the more conscious influence we gain over the course of our experience and HOW we learn the things we need to learn. This is similar to how things work in our educational system. For example, elementary school students have almost no say over what or how they learn; they are all taught the same subjects. In high school, students must take many of the same subjects, but they also get some “electives.” In college, students are free to choose their own “major,” which involves some requirements but also a lot of freedom regarding what they take, their personal schedule, their professors, etc. Finally, advanced (Ph.D.) students often design their own course of study based on their personal interests.

It’s my understanding that, as we progress through the spiritual education system commonly known as life, something similar happens. Beginning students have little conscious control over the details of their education, and they have a lot of limitations and supervision. Advanced students have more conscious control over the course of their experience and a great deal of freedom. This applies both to souls who are embodied and those who are planning their next incarnation. Beginning students are unconsciously pulled through the incarnation process much like objects are pulled to earth via gravity. Being more conscious, advanced souls have more input into how they will experience the things they need to experience, so for them, destiny plays a stronger role.

This is where the law of attraction comes into play. As we evolve spiritually, we are naturally led to conscious awareness and understanding of natural spiritual law. We also become conscious of the guidance of our higher selves, which is the part of us that planned our “destiny” for this lifetime. Once we are able to consciously channel our higher selves, we gain the power to change our blueprint/destiny as we go along!

As we all have free will, we can choose to fulfill our blueprints/destinies or not. The more spiritually conscious and aware we are, the more we can make such decisions wisely. If we are conscious of our destiny/blueprint, we are more likely to end up with a house that matches our original plan for this lifetime. If we exercise our free will without the wisdom of conscious awareness, we may end up with a house that falls down. If we exercise our free will and change our blueprint with the wisdom of conscious awareness, we may end up with a house that is even better than our original plan. This is why it is so powerful to meditate and learn how to “hear” the wisdom of our higher selves.

The more conscious and aware we are, the more able we are to learn in easy, pleasant ways, and the less we have to go through dramatic, difficult experiences like the accident you describe. This doesn’t mean we can always escape fate/karma any more than someone building a house can ensure a perfectly smooth experience, for there are just too many factors involved. Karma is like a crazy boomerang; we are constantly whipping boomerangs out there with every choice we make. If we are paying attention, we may be able to duck a nasty boomerang when it returns, but sometimes those boomerangs seem to come out of nowhere. Destiny is far easier to sense or pick up on than karma, because our destinies were consciously chosen by use before we incarnated, whereas karma is beyond our conscious control; it is simply a natural law that is constantly in motion.

The higher our state of conscious awareness, the more adept we become at working with the law of attraction. This doesn’t mean we can control and influence EVERYTHING; it just means we have more influence than we did before. Our job is to find that tricky balance between exercising our divine creative power and making peace with fate/whatever happens. Of course, we can always strive to create good karma for the future through kindness, service to others, etc., for what we send out is sure to eventually come back to us.

– Soul Arcanum

Premonitions of Death


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m writing to you about a recent experience that has shaken me to the core. It began when I dreamed that my best friend died in an earthquake. In the dream, we had talked about going to South America together, but I couldn’t get off of work to go so she went by herself. I then saw on the news that there had been an earthquake where she was. I saw film of buildings falling and the earth rising up and turning things upside down. People were running in the streets, panicked and crying. Then I saw her picture on the news as one of those who had been killed. I woke up from this dream badly shaken. When I saw her the next day, I told her about it, and we had this intense moment when she looked in my eyes and said, “You know I love you too much to ever really leave you!” The strange thing is that we both teared up at the thought, and spent quite a while talking about our friendship and how much it has meant to us both over the years. Eventually, we started to laugh at how somber and silly we were being, dried our tears, and changed the subject. That was the last time I saw her. Five days later, she was killed in a car accident. She was 44 years old. In addition to the devastation of losing her, I am reeling because I am wondering why I had that dream and if I was supposed to somehow warn her or prevent her death. Why do you think I had this dream? Thank you so much.


Dear Diane

My heart goes out to you. I have heard many similar stories over the years and had a very moving experience like this of my own. In my experience, dreams and premonitions of loved ones dying are not usually preventive warnings but rather profound gifts meant to comfort and reassure us that there is a higher plan at work.

I’m going to share the most precious spiritual experience I’ve ever had with you here. I almost never talk or write about this simply because it is so sacred to me. This is also the experience that first made me wake up to the truth that there is more to “reality” than can be perceived with our physical senses.

At the time this happened, I had been dating my first love, Todd, for several years. The first time we met, we had both had that karmic feeling of encountering someone already deeply familiar to us, of time stopping and something profoundly important taking place. Though we were young, we just knew we were meant to be together. Thus began a long and beautiful romance.

Fast forward a couple of years to the last night I saw him. He had moved several hours away with his family, so I only got to see him about once a month when he came to visit me. The last night I saw him, the whole world seemed strange. We spent hours talking about our relationship. We were both overcome with feelings of grief though there was no apparent reason for us to feel that way. It felt like we were breaking up, but we weren’t. We were both deeply confused by this since we were not arguing or upset with each other or anything like that. He felt the same way, and we both spent a lot of time crying for no apparent reason.

I will never forget the last moments I spent with him. Since he had come in on the train, I was driving that night. When I dropped him off at his sister’s house where he was staying, he opened the passenger seat and slid out, all the while holding my hand. Though he was out of the car, he wouldn’t or couldn’t let go of me. Ever so slowly our hands began to slip apart. When our fingers at last separated, it felt like something had been severed; if that feeling had a sound, it would have been that of a door slamming shut.

I was overcome with confusion and feelings of grief and exhausted from feeling that way. I told myself we were being crazy, and I forced myself to put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway. I can still see him standing there, looking at me pull away. His eyes were telling me not to go; my eyes were telling him I didn’t know what else to do.

That was the last time I saw him, for two days later he died suddenly. While there were many other amazing things that happened after he died that totally rocked my concept of reality, the first thing that hit me was how that last night we had somehow known that we would not be seeing each other again. We weren’t breaking up; we were separating for who knows how long. There was absolutely no rational way for us to have known that, however.

Words can’t convey how much this experience means to me and how much it changed me. Suddenly I knew without a doubt that there must be a higher plan. Though he was only 18 years old, for some reason, he was destined to die when he did. I still tear up when I think about this, not so much because I miss him still, but because I feel so blessed to have had this experience and to know that death isn’t random and meaningless. I see so much beauty in this experience. I don’t know who blessed me with it – if it was him or God or a spirit guide or what. I don’t even know why I was blessed with it, though it certainly launched me on a spiritual quest, and is at the foundation of what has become an amazing career. I just know that it makes me feel profoundly loved and cared for on a deep soul level; it makes me feel part of something greater than anything I’ve known in the physical world.

I’ve shared this story with you because I feel this is what you’ve experienced yourself. Your earthquake dream was designed to bring you peace after your friend died. It was something you could look back to as a sign or message that her death was destined to happen. In the dream, she was going to a faraway place. You couldn’t go with her because you still have work to do here on Earth. The earthquake was symbolic of your world being turned upside down. I feel this represents both the loss of your friend and your whole spiritual belief system and understanding of the nature of life and death.

That last tearful conversation you had with your friend was your opportunity to say goodbye and express how much you loved each other. It was the conversation so many people long to have with someone they have lost; you got to have it before your friend died. It even included her telling you that she loves you too much to ever really leave you, by which she perhaps meant that she will always be with you on some level. This was a tremendous gift; I hope it brings you comfort and reassurance that your friend’s passing was no accident but rather part of a divine plan.

Soul Arcanum


Relationship Still Haunts her Many Years Later

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am wondering about a relationship that started when I was 20 and ended three years later. It was very rocky and passionate; it still haunts me to this day. I am married to a wonderful man who is in many ways the opposite of the man who left me to pursue his dream career. Despite my best efforts to get over it, this haunts me daily. Is this unfinished business, some sort of karmic destiny, or am I obsessed by what I can’t have ever again in this life? When I found out that he got married five years after we had broken up, I felt like someone had winded me. It was one of the worst and most embarrassing moments of my life, since our mutual aquaintance assumed I was past all of this. I’m hoping you have some insights for me. Will we ever meet again to put this to rest? Will we be together in the next life?


Dear Anna:

You are not alone; I receive many questions like yours at Soul Arcanum, and also do many readings for people who have similar issues. You’ve asked if this is unfinished business, karma or obsession, and I think all three are going on. You have a strong karmic connection to this individual, which means your relationship never really ended – it just went dormant on a physical level for a while. There is a lot of unfinished emotional business here, which is causing you to obsess about him. Though we tend to view obsession as something that is unhealthy, obsession is really a call from our subconscious that we are missing something important. In this case, it’s a sign that you have a deep wound that needs more healing.

Many people continue to have dreams about important people from their past for the rest of their lives. I often dream about my ex-husband; in fact, I probably dream about him more than I dream about my current husband, which feels strange and unsettling. In these dreams, I am usually hoping my ex will be “nice” to me. At first, I never had dreams in which he was kind to me, but over the years, the dreams have gotten more and more positive. I always wake up from those dreams feeling ridiculously happy that he bothered to give me the time of day.

These dreams have led me to realize that I still feel guilty about our marriage ending and some of the choices I made when we were together. I feel bad that I was unable to fulfill my vow to remain married to him until death. While I am very happily remarried, my ex doesn’t seem happy in his own life, so I still have a strong desire to make sure he is okay. Every time I interact with him in some way, I am reminded that he may still be hurting because of choices I made in the past. Though I may have moved on in my physical life, on a metaphysical level, I am still a few decades back, trying to find a way to make everything all better.

I also often think about a boyfriend I had in college who hurt me very deeply. As he was an angel when he was sober but a devil when he was drunk, I just can’t believe some of the things he did when he was drinking. There is a part of me that still seeks to understand and make peace with it all. Whether we are dreaming about someone from the past or they keep popping into our minds when we’re awake, it’s a sign that we have some unfinished business with that person or a wound that needs more healing.

The feelings you describe are both normal and very common. Just as the body is constantly seeking to return to balance, the soul is constantly seeking to work out any kinks or issues in order to find new peace and understanding. On a conscious or physical level, we may have moved on, but if there is debris from the past that has been swept under the proverbial rug, our subconscious mind will keep trying to drag it out so we can deal with it more appropriately.

This is what is happening when someone from the past pops into our minds. Usually, the feelings we last experienced in relationship to that person come with the thought of them; at the first hint of emotional pain, most of us stuff our thoughts of that person back under the rug. Thus we may go through years of having someone pop into our minds, for if we keep pushing them back under the rug, they remain where we may trip over them every time we pass through that inner room.

As we move through life, we are constantly growing in strength and wisdom. When we become more capable of dealing with something that happened in the past, we tend to notice thoughts about it more because we aren’t so quick to shove it back under the rug. When we finally become capable of truly dealing with something, instead of pushing those thoughts away, we begin to turn toward them with curiosity, as you are doing now. We begin to ask why this person keeps coming to mind and perhaps drawing correlations between what we’re experiencing, the patterns we’ve experienced over the years, and this old wound or issue from long ago. Instead of shoving thoughts of that person under the rug, we hold them up to the light and ponder the best way to deal with them.

It is highly likely that you will be drawn back into relationship with each other in future lives so that you can work through the karma between you. Further, whether positive or negative in nature, strong emotions create a gravitational force that draws us toward the object of those feelings. However, it is important to keep in mind that these relationships are ultimately not about the other person; they are about our own personal lessons and issues. While we may have karma with someone, we don’t actually need to interact with that person to learn whatever that relationship may have to teach us or to make peace with that individual. All of that can happen on a metaphysical level.

That being said, if you keep thinking about someone from the past and longing for closure, I think you’re wise to honor those thoughts and feelings as signs from your inner being regarding something important that you need in order to feel the way you want to feel and create what you want to create in your life. In many readings on such matters, Spirit has encouraged people to act on such feelings by seeking the person involved out and meeting with them. This can be very powerful, for it almost always leads to a far different experience than the person expects. For example, when the person who has felt “in love” with a certain individual for many years meets them in person again, they may realize that the person they have been in love with no longer exists and perhaps never did. In other words, they’ve been in love with an idea of a person, not a real individual. If someone has <q>hated</q> someone for years, they may realize upon meeting them again that they are not the monster of their memory and imagination. Such meetings can spark sudden and lasting change as they lead the sufferer to let go of fantasies rooted in the past and move on to more fully enjoy present realities.

When the individual can’t be met in person for some reason, meeting on a metaphysical level can be just as healing. This is especially helpful when the individual who is “haunting” you has died. While these encounters can be affected via meditation, a hypnotherapist would be able to guide you into a deeper level of experience and help you work through any strong feelings that come up so that you can achieve lasting peace and freedom from obsession.

Soul Arcanum

The Reincarnation of Plants and Animals

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve read articles that suggest that where we end up in the afterlife is based on our thoughts and feelings. This led me to wonder if plants and animals in heaven are simply self-created thought forms or if they have independent existences. Is there a separate afterlife for plants and animals? I’m also aware of the idea that through reincarnation, plants can evolve into animals, and animals into humans, and that this is a natural process of spiritual development. Do other life forms like plants and animals immediately reincarnate after death, or is there another realm they stay in before they incarnate again? How does all of this work?


Dear S.:

No one can answer these sorts of questions with any certainty. The best we can do is study what mystics have taught for ages and compare it to the information gathered by channelers and researchers who work with near-death experiencers and converse with souls via life between life regression. Of course, it also makes sense to study nature and ponder what resonates with us as true on a deep, soulful level.

First let’s address your question about the possibility that all the plants and animals perceived in other realms could be “self-created.” By this, I assume you are asking if it is possible that they only exist in our minds or if we create them in these realms via our imaginations. This is a strangely selective solipsism, for why would one believe that other people are real but all other creatures mere fantasies?

Since it’s impossible to prove that anyone or anything exists outside of ourselves, we have to rely on our gut feelings and intuition when deciding whether to believe that we are the creator of everything we experience or are part of an existence inhabited by other beings like ourselves. I have had some subjective experiences of being someone else that have led me to assume that other people exist, think and feel just like I do. For example, now and then I have dreams that I am someone else – someone who looks, lives, thinks and feels very differently than I do. I have also had very vivid dreams of an entirely different existence as a dolphin, which strengthen my view that we are living subjective lives in an objective world. Of course, according to quantum physicists, at some point it is impossible to distinguish between subjective and objective because the act of observation affects what is observed.

Besides these admittedly shaky reasons, it seems foolishly arrogant to assume that everything that exists was created by me and for me, and that none of the other individuals who appear to be doing the exact same thing are “real.” Nearly all esoteric teachings suggest that we are all part of something greater than ourselves and thus connected to All That Is – not that we are all there is. I would thus assume that the people, plants and animals encountered in the afterlife are not figments of one’s imagination.

Regarding what happens to plants and animals when they die, and if what happens is different from what happens to humans, I suppose the real question is if plants and animals have “souls” – some part of them that transcends their physical existence – and if they do, if those souls are fundamentally different somehow from human souls.

I believe both plants and animals have some aspect that transcends physical existence based on what I (and many others) have observed of their auras. Living plants and animals have auras like human beings do. When a plant is dying, its aura begins to fade, and when all the life force has drained from the plant, its aura disappears. The same is true of animals and human beings. While I don’t know of any research into the spirits of plants, it makes sense to me to assume that all living beings share the same cycles of life, death, and reincarnation.

There is a lot of evidence that animals have souls. If this wasn’t true, the spirits of animals would not be able to become earthbound like human spirits can. There have been stories about animal spirits and ghosts throughout the centuries and around the world. Most of these ghosts involve species that human beings tend to form personal relationships with such as cats, dogs, horses and birds. Just as a violent or sudden death can cause humans to become confused as to whether or not they are still incarnate in a particular body, the same can happen with animals. There is also a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that animals that form strong emotional bonds to human beings may remain close to people who are grieving for them for some time after they have died, just as the spirits of human beings sometimes do.

I’ve also heard many stories of pet owners who believe their departed pets returned to them reincarnated as a new pet. Some of these stories are very striking in terms of how these animals are similar to the former pet and how the owners were led to find them in their new forms.

There seems to be a continuum of consciousness with perhaps rocks and minerals at the bottom, followed by plants, then animals, then humans. Further, within the animal kingdom, one sees a great range of development, with dogs, cats, horses, primates and dolphins being some of the animals at the higher end of the spectrum. (My feeling is that dolphins may be even more evolved than humans, but more on dolphins below.)  It seems the more evolved an animal species is, the more natural it is for that species to develop an emotional relationship with human beings. This could easily be explained by vibration, for as a species moves closer to the human spectrum, it would naturally be drawn toward other creatures of a similar vibration.

Much past life, life between life, and near-death research suggests that as we evolve spiritually, we gain more and more free will. With more freedom comes a greater chance of getting lost, going astray, or refusing the guidance sent to us, which could affect how, when and where we reincarnate. This would explain why human beings and the more evolved animals can become ghosts, while other less evolved creatures may unconsciously flow with natural spiritual law.

There are some people who say that human beings are special and could never incarnate as a plant or animal, but I had a personal experience that leads me to believe otherwise. It began with a trip to Sea World in which I had some amazing telepathic experiences with dolphins, after which I began to have the most amazing, vivid “dreams” of being a dolphin myself. These were not normal dreams, for they felt entirely real: I had a dolphin body that I felt totally at home in, and personal relationships with other dolphins. It felt more joyful and free to be a dolphin than I’ve ever felt as a human being.

Given all of the above, my general concept of “how it all works” is thus: all life is constantly coming into being, dying, and being reborn again. Through these experiences, souls naturally evolve into higher states of consciousness and vibration. This occurs in an unconscious manner until a soul starts to develop self-awareness and free will, at which point it may begin to choose to veer in a consciously chosen direction or refuse to move forward for a time (as with earthbound spirits). Since all life begins in the spirit world and returns to the spirit world, all varieties of life found in the physical can be found on higher planes.

Soul Arcanum

Can Departed Toddler Come Back as New Baby?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Three months ago, we lost our beautiful, healthy, 23 month-old little girl, Jasmine. It was a very sudden and unexpected death from a rare respiratory disease. On the morning of January 13, we found her dead in her crib. She went from having a low grade fever and strep throat infection to dead within 12 hours. I have two questions: During the night of her death, I had a dream about my husband and me. We were standing in the doorway of an emergency room, looking over a team of doctors and nurses working on a patient. All I could see were little feet. I didn’t feel panicked or afraid. The next morning when we found Jazzie unresponsive, I called 911 while my husband performed CPR to no avail. At the hospital while my husband and I were standing in the doorframe, watching over the crew trying to reanimate our baby, I remembered my dream. It was exactly the same – even my outfit was identical. Also, my husband told me he had a dream of hearing Jazzie breathing like a dying animal. Our bedroom is far from Jasmine’s and both doors were shut. Do you have an explanation? Finally, I am wondering about reincarnation. If we pray, ask and plea, can she come back to us as another child? Her four-year-old sister, Sofia, is missing her so much; they are best friends. She says she sees Jasmine at night before falling asleep and she also sees her in the car, sitting next to her. Jasmine was such a wonderful child and so full of life. We are hoping that she will come back to us in our next baby. Thank you in advance for your response.


Dear Nathalie:

My heart goes out to you; I can’t imagine the grief you are going through. Hopefully my response will bring you comfort and ease your suffering, for I believe that what you desire is not only possible but happens all the time.

First let’s address your dreams. I see two possible explanations, either of which could apply to either dream. One possibility is that these were warning dreams that something was wrong. This interpretation best suits your husband’s dream, which may have been trying to tell him what was happening with Jazzie at that moment.

Your dream was more premonitory. Usually dreams about upcoming tragedies are designed to help us through subsequent events. They prepare us by allowing us to emotionally experience a devastating situation in a state of mind that is detached from the experience, and they bring us comfort afterwards by providing evidence that there is a higher plan at work. (If we experience something before it actually happens, we must suppose that it was meant to happen.)

Now let’s turn to your desire for your daughter to be reborn to you as a new baby. First, it helps to know that there is ample evidence in support of reincarnation. Perhaps the most famous is the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson, whose books describe his in depth research with children who remember all sorts of verifiable details from former lives. Even more convincing are the physical similarities between these children and the people they claim to have been in a prior life. For example, in 35 percent of his cases, Dr. Stevenson found the children had birth marks or birth defects that matched wounds from prior lives.

As the evidence for reincarnation is there for whoever wishes to explore it, let’s move forward. First I’d like to counter your question with one of my own: If we all live many lives, why wouldn’t we be able to return to the same parents in the scenario you describe? As for why a soul would choose to die young only to return to the same family, this may be done to achieve two goals: so the family will be blessed with the spiritual growth experience of such a loss, and so the soul can then come back and live out the life that was cut short.

This brings me to some books by Carol Bowman I think you’ll find most interesting: Children’s Past Lives and Return from Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated Within Your Family offer some case studies of just what you’re hoping for. Of course, it can be tricky to determine if a child is the reincarnation of someone formerly known. As mentioned above, one way is to look for distinguishing marks and features beyond what one would expect from genetics. Another is to ponder the child’s quirks, passions and phobias. Perhaps the only way to be sure is to have the child relay memories that are evidential of their former identity.

These usually come to light when children are just old enough to form complete sentences. At that time, they may say things like, “When I was here before…” or “When I was a man (woman, soldier, etc.)…” They may ask about someone you’ve never heard of or possessions they’ve never had by saying things like, “Where’s my rifle?” or “Where’s my other mother?” This information is usually communicated in a very matter of fact way, and the details remain consistent over time. These children often use words that are beyond their years or talk about things they’ve had no exposure to yet.

Your first step is to consciously communicate with your daughter’s spirit and ask her if she would like to return to you as a new baby. There are many ways to go about this; you might do it via meditation or by inviting her into your dreams. Since every situation is as unique as the individuals involved, it’s best to pray for Spirit to guide you in achieving this aim. It may help to research pre-birth communication, in which the spirit of an as yet unborn child communicates with his or her mother. This can occur before conception; in fact, my daughter came to me as a spirit before I’d ever thought about having another child and told me that it was time for her to be conceived.

Life between life research indicates that most of the time, we are free to choose when and where we reincarnate. Since we all carry karma that must be resolved and desires yet to be fulfilled from previous lives, we tend to return to the same families. As most people live many decadies, this is usually as a member of a future generation, but there are many cases where children died young and returned to the same mother. Since I know you need all the reassurance you can get, I’ve dug up a couple of quotes from experts:

A soul who agrees to take the body of a baby who dies at a very young age can reincarnate again very quickly, and it would have been agreed beforehand…so if the first life is to teach other souls a life lesson, then the second life may be agreed at the same time…When babies die very young, the soul can reincarnate in the same family or nearby. – Ian Lawton, from The Wisdom of the Soul: Profound Insights from the Life Between Lives

When a mother loses her child for whatever reason, I have found the odds are quite high that the soul of this baby will return again to the same mother with her next child. – Michael Newton, Ph.D., from Destiny of Souls

I do want to point out that any child born to you would have a deep soul connection to you and therefore be just as precious to your heart as Jasmine was. Whether Jasmine returns as your child or your relationship with her takes some other form, you can count on the fact that you will find each other again. If your daughter does come back to you as a new baby or in some other relationship, please let us know; I’m sure many people would find hope and comfort in your story.

Soul Arcanum

The Purpose Behind Premonitions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m highly intuitive. Sometimes I experience dreams and premonitions that end up coming true. Sometimes these events are seemingly insignificant, while at other times they prove to be very important. My question is why do I get these images? What am I supposed to do with them between the time they come to me and when they occur? Usually they involve other people contacting me and other events over which I have little control.


Dear Sonia:

When we first start having psychic experiences, it’s normal to be amazed to see evidence of a higher plan at work and all sorts of things happening around us that we were previously unaware of. If we have a premonition of something happening and it actually occurs, we assume that the event was destined and therefore important. This revelation can be so mind-blowing that we begin to question the whole nature of reality and if everything we experience is meaningful.

People are often surprised when I say that our psychic senses are no more “important” than our physical senses – they are simply rooted in metaphysical dimensions of experience instead of the physical plane. If you look out your window and you see the mailman coming up your street, do you ask yourself why you’re seeing the mailman and what you’re supposed to do about it? If you push your cart toward the cash registers at the grocery store and you notice that all the lines are really long, do you wonder about the deeper meaning of that experience? I’m not trying to make fun of your question by any means; I’m just trying to illustrate that being able to perceive something doesn’t mean there is a deep message in it for us.

Many people assume that premonitions are meaningful because most people ONLY have psychic experiences when something important is happening. In fact, many people only have a few extraordinary experiences in their whole lives. Those experiences tend to involve warnings of danger, encounters with departed loved ones, or instant recognition of a soul mate/future spouse. As these are all highly charged, potentially life-changing events, many people assume that psychic experiences are designed to warn us of some potential harm or lead us toward some important choice or turning point.

Though people may assume that all psychic experiences are important or meaningful, the truth is that most people only have conscious psychic experiences when that input is so charged or intense that it breaks through their normal state of consciousness to get their attention.

In our everyday lives, it’s like we are totally engrossed in a television show about life on Earth. In fact, we are so absorbed that it’s hard for anything in the universe beyond this show to get our attention. A person’s mother (in Spirit) could be calling their name over and over, and they wouldn’t even blink. It would take a sudden loud noise like an alarm or someone jumping in front of the television to get their attention, and only then would they have the extraordinary experience of perceiving something from beyond the physical story of their lives – something “paranormal” or “supernatural.”

Psychics are different in that they aren’t so locked into that physical story on TV. Since they are very sensitive, they tend to keep the volume turned down on the set, which means they’re able to hear and see things around them that most people can’t. As a result of this, it’s much easier for metaphysical influences to get their attention. The more this sort of thing happens, the more psychics tend to look beyond the physical show instead of gazing right at the TV, and the more they look into the so-called unseen, the more they tend to see. When they learn how to “shift into an altered state of consciousness,” they turn away from the TV set and open up to whatever may be happening on a metaphysical level.

You’re like someone who is highly sensitive but is mainly focused on the TV. Though you’re not purposefully exploring the unseen world around you, you are picking up input from it. Like many people, you’ve assumed that you are receiving these impressions because someone or something must be trying to get your attention for a good reason.

However, just as is true when we are caught up in watching a television show, most of the things we might see and hear around us are just part of the metaphysical backdrop to this world. For example, when watching television, you may hear other people in the vicinity getting a snack from the kitchen and a lawn mower in the distance. In your peripheral vision, you may see birds flying by the window and neighbor kids running through your yard. Most people do perceive these things but they don’t do so on a conscious level because their conscious minds are so absorbed in what’s happening on TV. That you are aware of these things while the other people watching television with you are not just means that you’re more aware of subtle energies and influences.

Of course, there are times when something or someone is trying to get your attention, just as is true when you’re watching television and the phone rings or someone comes in the room to tell you something or ask you a question. These are the psychic experiences you have that seem to be important or meaningful.

So how can you tell the difference between a psychic event that is just background and a meaningful experience? The main thing is to pay attention to how you feel. The more important a psychic impression is, the more of an energetic charge it will carry. At one end of the spectrum, we have warnings of danger, which throw our entire being into hyper-alert mode and usually feel so compelling that we act on them without hesitation. At the other end of the spectrum, we have niggly little thoughts and feelings that simply let us know what’s happening beneath surface reality.

To determine what we’re “supposed to do” about the premonitions we may experience, it’s helpful to develop our abilities to the point where we can ask for more information and get clear answers. By intuitively asking why we’re receiving this information and if we’re supposed to do something in particular with it, we can make the most of our psychic senses.

Of course, at some point, this simply becomes impractical, for the deeper we move into psychic territory, the more psychic impressions we tend to receive. If every day is chock full of little visions and psychic impressions, it’s too hard to both fully engage in our physical life story and at the same time take in everything around it and dialogue with sources of intuitive guidance to determine if there is something important we may need to know.

This is why I recommend relying on how we feel and trusting that if there is something we need to pay attention to, we’ll be alerted by a strong feeling that something important is happening or soon to occur. Of course, when we do have a sense that something important is happening, it’s immeasurably helpful to have developed our abilities to the point where we can then ask what we’re supposed to do with that information. I therefore recommend that you dig into expanding your psychic senses so you can purposefully use them to interpret and work with the visions that come to you spontaneously.

Soul Arcanum

Why Isn’t the Past as Malleable as the Future?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been struggling with the idea that all time exists simultaneously. If this is the case, why doesn’t it feel like that? It feels to me like the past is known while the future is unknown. If all time exists right now, then shouldn’t the past be as malleable as the future?


Dear Rob:

I like that you’re questioning abstract theories in light of your own personal experience. We can hypothesize all day long, but until we have direct personal experience of something, we can’t know whether it is “true” or not. The whole notion of time boggles my mind, too. Since I’m no physicist, all I can do is pass on metaphors from Spirit and relay my own experiences with transcending space/time in order to access psychic information.

Given some reflection, I think everyone will agree that our own personal experience of time isn’t constant. Our state of consciousness has a dramatic effect on our perception of time. When an artist is in the flow, the hours fly by, but when that same person is being paid by the hour to do something boring, time seems to move at a snail’s pace. During meditation, if we’re trying unsuccessfully to let go of conscious awareness, time will seem to drag, but if we’re able to get beyond normal waking consciousness, we can be “gone” for long stretches without any conscious awareness of time passing. Of course, the most striking passage of time without awareness happens when we are asleep. One minute we’re dozing off, and the next, we’re waking up a day later with either no recollection of the hours that passed in between or vague, fleeting memories of the dream adventures we had throughout the night.

My point is that our experience of time is variable and depends on our own state of consciousness. Our conscious minds are rooted in the physical dimension, so they perceive time in physical terms. The more we are consciously focused on the physical world, the more our experience of time tends to match what can be seen on a clock. Our subconscious minds and higher selves aren’t rooted in this realm, so the more we’re focused beyond the physical, the more flexible and fluid our experience of time will be.

In my own psychic experiences, beyond the physical realm, time seems more like a where than a when, for I can focus on a time and mentally go “visit” it. Psychics do this when they “tune in” to see what’s going to happen in the future. Psychically, time and place feel very similar, for when I transcend space to connect with someone’s energy, it feels much the same as when I transcend time to see what the future holds.

This is one reason why psychically pinpointing the exact timing of events can be tricky, for the source of that information exists outside of physical time. While spirit guides can offer lots of helpful general advice and information about specific events, dates and times seem to be beyond them. For example, I may be able to see a client in a wedding dress and deduce that she will get married, but to try to determine WHEN this will happen, I have to employ tricks like peeking outside for weather-related clues or going in search of a nearby calendar in hopes of seeing a date.

You’ve asked why, if all time exists simultaneously, it seems like what has happened in the past is already done and settled while what will happen in the future is far more open to being influenced. It’s my understanding that both are true: all time is happening now, AND the future is more malleable than the past.

When I ask Spirit about this, I’m given a metaphor. Imagine that everything – past, present and future – is made of cement. In the present moment, cement is constantly flowing from a huge cement mixer. The past is the cement that has already hardened into all sorts of shapes, the present is the cement as it is flowing, and the future is the space into which the cement will flow and take form. As it all exists right now BEYOND the physical plane, we can mentally (metaphysically) tune in and focus on any aspect of it. On a physical level, however, we can’t leave the cement mixer unattended, so we only experience what is happening right “now.”

Destiny might be thought of as the molds the cement is flowing toward – existing shapes in the path of the cement that it will conform to. By studying that landscape and the flow of this cement, we can sometimes predict the shapes it will take. The closer we are to where the cement will harden, the more we can predict what the future will look like.

If we take action to influence the flow, we can affect which way it goes. To manifest what we want in the future, we can mentally create the molds the cement will flow into. As we focus on various desires and ideas with emotion, they start to take shape on this landscape ahead of us. When these metaphysical molds are strong and clear, the cement conforms to them. When they are weak or unclear because we’ve not given them enough focused energy or because they’ve been countered by conflicting metaphysical influences, the cement will flow right over them or take a shape that isn’t exactly what we were hoping for.

There are lots of forces that influence the flow of this cement. Two big ones are destiny (the molds we established before we were born) and the desires/wills of other people. Everyone incarnate on planet Earth is sharing the same cement landscape. We each have our own little patch of it in the form of our own lives, but just as we frequently leave our homes to go various places, we often cross over into each others’ metaphysical territory and leave our footprints in their setting cement. We are constantly influencing others and being influenced by them.

Since we all share a lot of beliefs, expectations and experiences, we collectively tend to focus on the same things. For example, if there is much on the news about war, many people will visualize various aspects of war and thus reinforce those molds for the future. Similarly, many people praying for and visualizing peace can have an impact on how things unfold.

It helps me to conceptualize time as space like this. In my mind, what has already happened is to the left. This landscape is already “set” in that it has already hardened into certain shapes. As I move through life, the present is constantly flowing with me and determining moment by moment the shape of my personal experience. To the right, the future is a vast space that is empty of physical objects but full of metaphysical forms or potentials. By mentally walking back to the left, I can mentally relive what happened through memories and explore visions of past lives and such. By mentally looking toward the future, I can glimpse the molds that will influence how things will take shape. If I don’t like what I see there, I can take physical actions to influence the flow and mentally create new molds by visualizing what I desire instead.

Soul Arcanum

Healer is Stuck in a Spiritual Slump

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My spiritual journey started with dreams of a past life in a Nazi concentration camp when I was seven years old. When I was 11, I had a near death experience from drowning. In my mid 20s, I discovered metaphysics and spent years learning as much as I could. I’m now 39, and I’ve lost touch with most of my spirituality. I can answer spiritual questions but there is no heart in it anymore. I used to be a spiritual healer employing various techniques, but that too has ended. People call me “psychic” because I can read people pretty well. How do I re-connect on a soul/heart level? How do I find meaning in my spirituality again? I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 12 months who was an old soul mate and I’m still working through this. We loved each other very much but we had very different life paths. My feelings of grief here have at times been overwhelming.


Dear Paul:

When we go through very difficult times in our lives, our vibration plummets. In order to enjoy the clear, strong sense of connection to Spirit you desire, you have to have a high vibration.

You write that you want to reconnect with Spirit on a heart/soul level. It’s highly likely that you were so emotionally devastated by this break-up that you closed your heart in order to avoid fully feeling this pain and to prevent further potential heartache in the future. If your heart is closed, you’ll feel emotionally dead and disconnected not only from Spirit but from all the joy and beauty in life.

One doesn’t have to go through emotional trauma to end up in a spiritual slump, however; all spiritual seekers go through periods like this, just as every area of our lives goes through cycles. It’s natural for our passions to wax and wane as we move from one interest and level of experience to another.

I too have gone through periods of relative spiritual indifference like you describe. I think most people who awaken spiritually and begin to experience amazing psychic phenomena eventually end up in a place where they miss all the excitement they enjoyed in the beginning.

It’s a bit like riding the same big roller coaster every day: The first time you ride it, it’s so exciting you can hardly breathe. You love how alive this ride makes you feel, so you’re eager to experience it over and over again. As you get more comfortable with it, you begin to relax and fully enjoy what you’re doing. Then one day, you notice that something has changed: The ride you used to be so excited about has actually become a bit boring! In fact, there are days when you dread strapping yourself into that seat. As you climb that first hill, you find yourself looking out over the landscape, searching for something new to try, somewhere new to go.

This is how it is with all endeavors. Everyone who starts a new job or path will eventually grow a bit tired of it. Usually when we are no longer thrilled by a path we used to adore, it means we’ve outgrown what we used to do and are being called to move on in some way. If we ignore our feelings, we feel deader and deader until we’re forced to change.

As for why we’d ignore those feelings, most of us have assumptions that we are destined to be a certain something or other – a banker, a doctor, a dancer, a spiritual healer – and we have all sorts of ideas about what fulfilling that role may entail. Getting locked into those labels and what we’ve done in the past prevents us from being truly authentic in the now.

To stay vibrantly alive, passionate and successful, we have to keep expanding and growing, and we do this by listening to our hearts. The fact that you don’t like how dead and disconnected you feel right now is your inner being calling you to wake up and listen so you can move back toward feeling the way you want to feel. Of course, to hear the guidance of your heart, you’ll have to first be willing and able to face the pain you’ve been trying to avoid since you and your girlfriend broke up.

After you’ve found healing and managed to re-open you’re heart, you’ll have to be open to doing something different than what you did in the past. Perhaps you’re being pushed to develop some new skills, start teaching what you know, or invent new spiritual healing or psychic connection methods of your own. The only way to find out is to listen to your true feelings and allow your own sense of passion and curiosity to lead the way.

Most of the time, skilled healers abide in faith that everything happens for a good reason, which makes it easy to deal with life’s ups and downs with equanimity. This is one reason why unwavering faith is a key trait for spiritual healers and other psychic workers. If you had this faith at one time, you must have lost it at some point or you’d be at peace with this break-up.

It sounds like you have a lot of ability that came to you naturally or as a result of spontaneous events. To supplement this natural ability, it’s wise to get some training in how to further develop and maintain both your psychic abilities and a clear, strong connection to Spirit. Having spiritual knowledge without actually developing psychic skills is a bit like hoping to become a surgeon by reading about how others have performed various surgeries without going to medical school and getting hands-on training yourself.

For example, some of the skills I gained in my training as a medium include learning how to put aside any personal issues in order to give all of myself to the psychic connection process. I was also taught how to shift my state of consciousness and raise my vibration in order to facilitate a strong, clear connection to Spirit. These skills have enabled me to tune in and get the information I need regardless of what is happening in my personal life.

It’s also helpful to remember that you have the power to manifest whatever you want in your life, including that feeling of heart/soul connection to Spirit. In fact, you are either consciously or unconsciously manifesting your experiences all the time.

We manifest a fascinating, fulfilling level of spiritual experience when we pour our hearts and souls into this area of our lives. If you think about it, you’ll realize that back when you felt deeply spiritually connected, you were actively engaging Spirit in an intense, passionate way. You were looking behind and beneath surface reality, and you were full of feelings of wonder, curiosity and appreciation for your spiritual journey.

When I start missing the magic and wonder I experienced early on, I ask Spirit to send me experiences that will move or fascinate me; after that, wondrous things begin to happen again. It’s powerful to vividly remember the feelings you hope to recapture so you can energetically shift into that vibration. If you felt it before, you can manifest it again by approaching it with the same energy and devotion.

Living a magical life begins within: when we look around us with fresh eyes, we begin to see things that others miss. When we look behind and beneath surface reality, all sorts of wonders begin to emerge. After we’ve been on a conscious spiritual path for years, it can seem like we’ve discovered all there is to discover, but there are ALWAYS amazing new discoveries waiting to be made.

Start looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary again: It was this sort of feeling and approach that led you to all the magic you lived in the past, and it’s this sort of vibration that will bring the magic of Spirit back to life for you.

– Soul Arcanum